'JC m m ttr ONDS Ar Investment ?J?i vXach month we t send te MMnki, corporations and saratviauai clients a care- tallv rnntlArrrA lief of 'ikC.m.la T-J. .Vt.U i own and recommend for Investment Wh March tiat wilt b mailed te veu upon request. TaaaNatAaal 4if ramnu -T" ' " ' si aMpasnia -ii7 bnastaut si. tAttaatU Cltr Chalfanta Black r 122S Boardwalk ft City of : Les Angeles, Cal. ; 5 Bends ' Due 1926 te 1961 Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes Prices te yield 4.75 te 4.55 ' (according te maturity) ' Complete circular . en request for F-4 Harris, Ferbes & Ce. Pine St., Cor. William I NEW YORK ' Philadelphia Office T Wldener Bldg. I Telephone Spruce 7040 Five Year Secured ?cjGenvertible Geld Notes The 5 year 7 Notes of the Havana Electric Rail way Light and Power Company are convertible at 8214 into long term 5 Bends, listed en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. At present prices for the Notes, the General Mort gage Bends due 1954 into which the Notes are con vertible, are en a 6.10 basis, which seems te be out of line with ether high-grade public utility bends. Latest earnings statement shows total interest charges earned about 5 times. Since the Com pany's incorporation in . New Jersey in 1912 earn ings have never been less than 2.65 times annual interest requirements. Wrtta for Circular, living price ami particular. Kvs,k ,&tiC ffejjlemphffl, Noyes Cfe Ce. v fww xerjc sroejc ezcnanfa PliNSldin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia W;w Boateo Scrantea ? yMtta Albas Synaeuaa BaltUaera : iwi -i n fi'i;;H Public Service Cerp. bpll of N. J. lit! Perpetual 6. Ml D. B. Martin & Ce. M-fM Pathe Inc. m f n wiDiaia Biao. PHtuetLawA Vfi ,1 MwYMtSeckixdUw I Vi ' 'IffUaBaaWSTTaanrTITaHBIirir f&r Ay " ' I 57 t'M,W'", ' ' 'M " Mf "n -"."iimimag Jm NON -CALLABLE Ten-Year 7 Collateral Trust Notes, due December, 1931, of a rjrosnereus and lenc-cstab- I' Hshed Public Utility Company. i. 1IIC9U no its art: ishucii hi uc- nominations of $100 nnd $1,000. V e: ..:u or iittc iu yiciu o,e Circular .V. h. an. rciuesc Jib e n rurmaui company :Drsl Building, Philadelphia r.Uhllhnl 10l3 Corrtipendentt A. H. Bickmore & Ce. Ill Broadway, New Yerk iiisvi fat fa1 $f M There U a Market etwi wan rina it BWMt and bends every Wednea- riav. rViiircinc $1 RO en. yM' trance Ice for each item. Our wvemy vuuuuifuea B,lu fuavai card service reach every mar , ket. We take pleasure in M furnishing Quotations. Vtrnes & Lefland 'SlaaMk II pa War a xnrl AnttjMaa. - . T 1 . --' www. as . 147 B. 4th St. Accountants Wantea e)r. aoreuntanm ler "" ""' " "r y aparlenred in liimrna Tax pre. Ittra, rialary cemmtmuraie wun ami iy asperiancf. rrinii,n in mi enanca ier bwv.ih;b"ciii. .umiv amy an xri'nce. i,i abasia Traate Journal, lee.. m y ' juHaia. tfStt. I', i . IRfj!.' it,n;54?vJ?? a "i i -, -' ' '.'! jinii' . - , , POOL ACTIVITIES Satea 200 100 se J tee 10 140 JM 00 JM 400 IM 3100 100 300 ?tM tee tee 1M0 tee IM 100 500 1000 100 3.100 3100 1200 300 4S00 3700 500 0O 300 ttoe 7390 100 te 100 300 100 300 100 400 100 soe 100 1800 ;oe 00 100 100 600 I 10ft 100 ler 3 HO 4 tOO 400 500 1100 7100 1K00 100 3300 100 100 100 1100 300 300 ?00 300 3301 100 100 200 1200 109 2300 1600 1011 Despite the Twisting and Turn ings of Professionals Trend Was Upward New terU, March 8. While there were the same twisting and turning of the nrofcselenal trailers, the trend of today s stock market wax again dis tinctly upward. I'oel activities were in evidence In many parts of the list, which accounted for the constant shift ing of leadership. It was largely an industrial affair, as the operations in the railroads were virtually limited te the low-priced Issues. Overnight developments were some what mixed in their Influences. Jokers concealed in the bonus bill, while ap pearing disturbing en the surface', did net cause much commotion because of the sensible recognition of the fact that the bill, In no matter what form It Is adopted, has still a long and tedious journey te make before it actually be comes a law. Little attention was like wise given te the private advices of nnether of the occasionally speculative panics in the Flowery Kingdom, in volving this time the collapse of the comer in rice. The sharp drop in the Federal Reserve ratios of reserve and a fairly large increase in note circulation were enen te different Interpretations. Frem a constructive viewpoint It would seemingly indicate a sharp imprevc- I ruent In commercial lines. I The substantial rebound of the pre ceding sessions from the setback earlier In the week logically Invited quite n considerable line of prefit-taklnc. The murkct's absorption capacity evidently was nsaln found te be plastic. Then came the news of the suspension of a prominent banking concern whlrh ninde Its headquarters In Philadelphia. The only direct reflection was the weakness jef Transcontinental Oil, In which the heti'c and its following were supposedly i larcclv Interested. , Gains of 1 te points were made by i various Issues at the active and bread opening, even the steels coin;; forward, despite yesterday's suspension of the Sloss-Sheffield preferred dividend. Leaders of the early ndvanec included Crucible. Gulf States. Lima Locomo tive Computing Tabulating, Hous Heus Hous eon Oil, American Oil, American Su gar. Seuth Perte Rice and Continental Can. Investment rails rose only frac tionally, but secondary .harcf, notably Ann Arber prcferred and New Orleans. Texas and Mexico gained vl and 2 points respectively. Sellinc for nrefits was In evidence dur ing the morning, but the market strengthened and became mere e.pnn "ive. Many equipment and utilities were added te the Inns lNt of. higher I nrires. New Yerk Air lSrnkc. Cen elidatcd Gas. Laclede Gas. Western Union and American Telephone rose 1 te .IV. neints. Steels, sugars nnd spe cialties, the latter including National ! Cleak and Suit. Remington Typewriter. Otis Elevator. Famous Players and Kn- dicett Jehnsen, gained 1 te !!,& points. Oils also were higher by 1 te IS point, Transcontinental excepted. That f-teck was liquidated In block of 1000 te 10, 000 bharcs nt a decline of ' points. Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET ri.lr-.rn March SI. Wheat started 1 te 2 cents up for May nnd 14 te 2Vc higher for July. There was n gcnernl ruBh te buy at the outset, while longs sold out part of their holdings en the UPCern started V?? te l&c higher for May and Tfcc te l'jc up for July, with general commission house nnd local buy ing at the opening, followed by selling of longs. ,.i. e Oats opened Vc te IhC higher for May and c te Vic up for July. Trade was moderate, with locals buying nnd commission houses selling. tcv 7 May Julv ,;....'!.!!'!i!"im!',iin,4 September Cem Mny . . . July September Oalu May . . Julv Bid. T1U 41". 4.1". COTTON MARKET New Yerk, March a. The. cotton opening was somewhat irregular thi" morning, with the near months partly :i points lower nnd late 4 te. . point higher. Trade wus net acme. Liver pool and wire heutes were en the sell ing side and New Orleans nnd the trade were buyers. Strength in the stecn market and sterling exchange, with tome improvement in Lnglish political conditions, established s,emc confidence among traders here, but the volume of eutslda business wab tee light te pro mote much strength. Four notices were issued Receipts at the ports for the day are estimated at 14,000 bales against JO, -008 bale a week age, 14.a..0 bales n year age. age. nnd .k,.iOi eu'3 l"u e -"' Yt. . 1 R 35 is (i7 .. 1T.3 . in no . 10 50 1'eda s JK ,S". 1 na 17 :i" HI '17 1 51 r v is :ie is et 17 ni in 73 March . .Vay . July IcteNr Decernlj Liverpool Cotten I.lvarpenl. March S A ceej hulnes nni lone In ipet cotton te.lay -nllh rri'n l'e en lha baala of in tidMmre of 11 relnla for miaflllna. it .08d. The k'I-i tp snne hale" Th rc-einn wr innO l.al-. Inctui In "fiO 1'iil-T Amrlrn. Futures were nulel h III" 'arlv neKllnr Mt nrlcej were' rn-rlcn, mludllnT fair 1 1.3S-, koe.1 mil. dliric. ien.1'1. fully mtddlln. in i!H,l niM- .ulnir. e BSrt low mumiini:. u i;i boeh r dlnary. &.331 nml eidlnari s.i.f. I NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Man-h 'i --In ipsponse te the rather firmer showing of I'.rn.il, the 'leeal coffee, futures market opened 'J te 4 points higher this morning. The cest-anil-freight market was decidedly I stronger. Santes Is selling at 12.80e and 12.00c and 3s at 111. 10c, this showing a sharp advance ever last prices paid for the same grades. The local ttaile became enthusiast tr tr over the sltiintleu this morning for the J fimi time in months. Lecal jehb ng 'Imik.. ..nn.lml n vnrr nrtlve fliMiinml llitiini.n i'. '' .. .v.j .. from the interior for spot coffee ami im porters were fairly geed buyers In the ecit nnd frelsht market, finding It neh- i oenry te meet Brazilian shippers' Ideas and paying 12.80e for Sanles Is and il.'l.lOe for .1. Offers are coming in unii' nn n lil"linr level. The local mar- AGAIN PROMINENT We held sales of Stocka i Let late in the forenoon advanced 11 te l'J neints net en covering and fresh de iiiund. Prev C'lne Open Mirch H.WtlZl S.BOW.'iT Mav . .. 8.0 HIUMM Juiv ...!!.! s.runni s.fl7iee Heptembfr .j.70 g.T3JT4 Uenrnber T.'l 8.7077 RAILROAD EARNINGS I'lINNSyi.VAMA 8V8TIJM 1022 IncreBB" IJan. ener. rv. .lH.r.'-'H.enn Jin.r,i2 fll4 Net ravenue 7.23S.B37 .-,,r.0!i.nrt7 I Net eper Income . B.0O,70l) .-..HU'.'.Bill ll.l.tVlllH cr.NTIIAl. HVHTKM I 'January rea lia.OOH.fU'a 2.I30 70 .N 't ertr. Income 1 .".8 1.581 M7.-. 00 i:mu HV8TKM January uru-ii . ,. $3,027. "I2J Ml 2IR.0L' N.'t or. Income . nua,:MJj 1 Hi (1TI Decreaae, A CANAL UP IN TUB AIR! Maraslna Section of next ri'iwlajr'a 1'rnue I.rpexu anrt read "Science Telia 'Science TeTla U." by Rene Uaxjher-rfi', TTTTYxJ LEDO NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Dlv. in 1:30 Nl I. M. Chsa. 1ft H Hlah Lnw 3j; 3 4 Jft ft Tt H 4ft ft It H 17ft Sft 0 ft 41ft IBl'H lit lft 24 ft 1ft 13ft 15ft 70 "ft 44 H ! H 57 lt ft "ft 47 ft tfVz 33ft 71 8 ft 8ft 60 lltH l2ft 134 8a 33 ft 7W 857i ISJi 48 ft 12ft 34 53 ft 7hft 7 8(1 1ft 88 H 3'i 25?4 18 154 33ft 100 H 37 30 ft 4 7 SB 101 S'i 8ft 74 2ft 124 ft 38 1 Hi 31ft 10 73ft 1? 133 H .. Adams Express .... 14 S Advance Rumely pf . . 4 Air Reduction .. AJax Rubber 1W . . Alaska Geld Mines. . . H . . Alaska Juneau O M. . H 4 Allied Chem ft Dye .. H 4 Allls-CTiaJmers 4H 3 Allls-CTialmers pf.... M14 . . Am Agrle Chem H .. Am Agrlc Chem pf. .-MH .. Am Beet Sugar .. Am Besch Magneto.. SS!i 4 Am B Shoe Fdy new. OJ4 .. Am Cart 42'i 7 Am Can pf ttH 13 Am Car ft Fdy 11 .. Am Chicle 1 .. Am Cotten Oil K . . Am Cotten Oil pf .... 3ft Am Kxprcsa 13514 .. Am Hlde A Leather.. H .. Am Hlde ft Leather pf 7ft Am lee pf 1Vt .. Am Internat Cerp.... 44 H Am Locomotive H!4 .. Am Ltnscbd 914 . . Am Linseed pf ' 1 Am-La France Eng... 11 H .. Am Safety Razor .... H .. Am Ship ft Cem.... 13ft Am Smelt . 47! 12 Am Snuff lyi 5 Am Steel Foundries.. 34 .. Am Sugar Ref ?4 1 Am Sugar Ref pf .... MV4 . . Am Sumatra 28Ji . . Am Sumatra Teb pf B Am Tel tt Tel 11BJ4 0 Am Tobacco pf new.. 103 J4 12 Am Tobacco B 134H .. Am Waterworks .... li . . Am "Waterwks 6 pt. '' 7 Am Waterwks 7 pf. 78 7 Am Woolen 88 . . Am Zinc Lead ft Smlt 13'j .. Anaconda copper .... 48Ji .. Ann Arber ItH .. Ann Arber pf 37J4 4 Aese Dry Goods .... 53ft 7 Asse Dry Goods 2d pf 98U 5 Atch Tep & Santa Fc. 7 ft 5 Atch Tep & S F pf . . 8 .. Atlanta Blr & Atlantle 1ft 7 Atlantle Coast Line . . 88H .. Atlantic Fruit 3ft .. Atl Gulf ft W I S S, . 27ft . . Atl Gulf ft W I S S pf 1H .. Atlas Tack Cerp .... 10 .. Austin Nicholas .... 34ft 7 Baldwin Locomotive .107H . . Baltimore & Ohie .... 37ft .. Barnsdale Class A.. 30ft fi Bethlehem Steel B'. .. 4ft . . Beeth Fisheries 7 SB 4 - UK, ft-f Ti 1H " "w H 1 V H 35-7H- 88 ft 14 41 ll4 151 12 4-24H4- IJi "u H ft ft 1ft .. 185 ft .. I5H4- H 79 -f 7ft 44ft Jlft 33ft 4 57 - 1M- 5ft4- 13ft- 47ft4- 130ft- H ft "h 4 .w 'a H 3ft H ' "ft ft ft V "ft ft 31ft 71ft 98 ft 28ft- 0 4- 1IBH- l2ft4- 134 8ft- 23ft 4- 74- 87ft'4- 18 ft- t H 48H .. 1H4- 4 87 4- ft 33 ft 4- 1 78ft ft 7 - ft 86 88H 3ft 2ftft 19 4 17 4 21 4-!Mft4- H "i 2 1ft ft 37 , 20 ft 4 4 ft 7 89 4- 101 4- Bft- 8ft- 4- . 2ft- 134ft- 88 1 - 94- 81ft- Brit Km Steel 1st pf. 5 S Brooklyn IMIsen ....101. .. Brklyn Rapid Transit 1W . . Brklyn R T ctfs of dep 8ft .. Brklyn Union Gas.... 74 .. Bruna Term 3ft .. Burns Bres A 134ft .. Burns Bres B 3Sft 7 BubIi Term pf 1 . . Butte Copper & 551nc. 5H .. Buttcrlck 31ft .. Cadde Central O ft R 11 6 California Packing- . . 78ft .. California Petroleum. 53)j 10H- 78ft 4- 81- 130 - 10 Canadian Pacific 117 . . Case (J 1) Plew . T Case J I pf . . Central Leather . . . Central Leather pf . . . Cerre-de-Pasco . . . . . Certaln-teed Pred ft "V M 3ft- 68 - rsft 4- 04 .14 39 4- 100 12500 1300 200 tee 1H0O soe 009 1104 1100 100 500 300 400 2000 300 5000 1700 100 300 100 1300 300 100 3300 4400 300 5300 300 3500 3000 1400 3600 1500 2 03)0 300 53illl 100 5300 .1000 1200 200 5'JO HUO 68 341, B 34 3B ?? 50 ft 4ft Hft SB 7 18 23 30 8 65 40H 1 2( 51 1ft 44 24ft 45ft 7H 3ft 10ft 60 33H 7 ft 18ft 67ft. 103 ft 35 ft 7 ft 83 ft 21ft 85 10 30ft 5B 110ft 24 142 81 107 10 17 ft lift 83 B4 13 18 5B 3 (8 3ft B 153ft 8ft 8 ft 37 ft et 75ft 35 ft 8 77 ft 73 1 100 15ft 60 ft 70 ft 14 7 JSft 2", 374 31', 23 ft 15ft 70 27 ft 12ft 03 47 ft . 00ft 16ft 30 1ft 18 Cll-, ..si; 35ft ' 41 se 05 27 35 ft Bi 34 3U 74 i 60 4ft 17 ? 38 a 7 18 ft 23ft 37 8H 5 ft 41ft 17 2t 53 ft I ft 45ft , 36 fl Chandler Meters 74 58 ft- 4ft 17 r 39 7 18 22ft 36 8 5 - Chesapeake & Ohie.., . . Chicago ft Alten .. Chi & n III (new) . . . f'hl & K III (new) pf .. Chicago & Gt West.. .. Chi & Gr West pf... .. Chi Mil & St P . . Chi Mil & St P pf . . . 5 Chi & Northwestern 4 Chicago Pneu Teel.. . . Chicago Rift Pac. . .. Chile Copper . . Chlne Copper 17 3 -51 -91ft 44 - .. Cluett-Peabody 7 Cluett-Peabody pf . . . 4 Coca-Cela .. Colerado Fuel & Iren. 3 Colerado & Southern. 6 Celum Gas ft Elee . . .. Celum Graphophene. . . Columbia Graph pf . . . . 4 Cemput Tab Recerd . . . .. Consolidated Cigar. . .. 7 Consolidated Gas .. Consolidated Textiles.. 45ft 77 ft 3? ieh 71 33 13ft 60 41ft- 77ft 3ft 10 70 33 98 103 ft 83 31ft 85 4 10 31 . . Continental Can 4 Cem Products Ref.. 104 BO Cosden ft Ce 4 Crucible Steel 7 Cruclble Steel pf. . . . Cuban Am Sugar . . . . Cub-Amer Sugar pf . . Cuhan Cnne Sugar 36 ft 58 82 U 31 M 85 10 .. Cuban Cnne Sugar pf 31ft . . Davisen Chemical . . . 0 Delaware & Hudsen. Ill ft 1 Deme Mines 249i 50 - 1 lllft 34 142ft 82ft 107 J 10ft 17 ft II ij 83 94 13ft f 18ft 9ft 3 8 -5ft-99 153 ft 8ft- 68- 12 Klectrlc storage Bai..n S30 100 Atn 30 1 7 '10 16300 100 2200 7000- 400 33)0 200 700 100 100 13600 20 lOOO 300 . 300 200 3100 M . 8400 300 800 100 100 130 300 10) 700 300 100 300 : 1500 300 line 200 12090 200 2000 230 100t) 0) AS 01 400 800 300 300 9J0 4600 300 200 20U0 5 Kndlcott-Jehnson .... 7 llndlcott-Jehnson pf.. .. Frie . Eric 1st pf . , Krle 2d pf S Famous Players L.... 8 Famous Players L pf. . . Kisk Rubber . . Freeport Texas 0 Gen Am Tank Car .. .. General Asphalt .... 5 General Asphalt pf .. 83 H 107 10ft 17 ft 11 H 83 ft 4 13 .. "ft .. fiOft .. 4Ji .. 8 .. Mft pf SO ..153ft General eigar . . . ; General Cigar deb g General j'Jiecirie General Meters 8ft 0 Gen Meters deb G.. 68H .. Goedrich B F 38Ji . . Gllllland Oil pf l 1 Great Northern pf.. 75Ji 4 Great North Ore ctfs. 35ft .. Guantanamo Sugar .. 10ft . . Guan Sugar pf rets...' 80ft .. Gulf State Steel 0 ,. Ilubershaw El Cable.. 1ft 7 Hurttnan Cerp 101ft . . Henilee IMS Ce .... 15ft 38 h 61 -14 75 -;- 3. 36ft-l. 10 i 80 76 4- ft ; 101 li'i 60"'z-f 77 14ft 7 38IJ4 3"'2 F 31 317, I 23 ft i "Mi 71 37 ft 13 05 47 ft- 3 Hemestakfl Mining .. COft HnUHlOIl OH 77 .. Hupp Motorcar 14 ft .. Indian RctlnlnB .... 7 .. Inspiration Cen Cep.. 3S'i .. Intern Cen Cerp .... 2ft .. Int Agrlcul Cerp pf.. 37H be Int Cement 31ft ,. IntorCemb Eng S3ft .. Int Mer Marine Hft 6 lnl Mer Marine pf. .. . 71 Internat MotertrucK.. - International Nickel .. 13ft a Intermit Nickel pf . . . International Paper.. 4sft Inter Paper pf stpd .. 604 Invincible Oil Cerp.. 17 Iren Products 204 Island Oil 3 Jewel Tea IB Jewel Tea pf 66 ft Jenes Bres Tea . ... ''H'z Kansas City Southern 33" 2 Kansas & Gulf ""a Kelly-Springfield 'lire 43'; Kelscy Wheel 86 ft Kclsey Wheel pf .... 5 Kcnnlcett Copper ... 20ft 60ft in;,- 30 - 19. h 06ft 33 ft 25 ft 5 43 86 -95 IX DIVIDENDS DECLARED FOREIGN Jlanutacturera Light and Heat Company New Yerk, cent payable April la t' iln n..nii..l ?.""'.:. .r-,.v;r M,.h a ,,..... u t)ir (.ei.i. Packard Moter 'Jar Company, quarterly II 7", im pfiferredr payabla March IB te iterk of recent February 2S. American ilxpivaa Company, auarterlv $2, paaMaAprll 1 te atock.et record March 10 MONEY-LENDING RATES VKW YORK Meney en call, belh claniea of collateral, epenel teilay at 4"i per cent ter leuillng and renewing. ttiiir.Artr.T.pllIA Call. C per1 ent: time, tien of marks which weie quoted at 1,0' 'i iih fiL'iilnst 43i. the liiih of 111"' week. and .42 at the r,,.nlli il.lnli The murket In the M-cenil hour wni. dull nnd showed decided irregularity. Htdrling cables were 4.12. demand 4.4l; frnni' cables 0.13, checks 0.12 J Urn rubles 5.33, checks 5.32 I marks, .30. The premium en New Yerk funds was quoted in Montreal today at 2,3-10 per cent. The discount en Canadian funds in New Yerk wns unchanged et 's pr cent; commercial paper, three te alx , months, 6 per cent, BANK CLEARINGS I Hank rlnirlngs tejuy compared with cor cer cor reapendliK d-fj"' trt,,,1rs: ,(,. I'hlla .l7l,m"6",nn( nn,232,22l l7,2l2,aR7 it iten Snoen.oon i2.snr,.ae7 :.;,nM.-!M N : Tork 73d;100000 73l,70.'.006 Consolidated Suspends Member w VerW. Marcli S.Jh" aujpenlen of fliarUa A. nertrand. of Charle a A Hertrand At Ce.. vti anneunctd en the Contelldatad Hleck nxchanc thlf morning.. The effleaa 2 per cent. VIISTCIIDAV R rrJSTNO QUOTATIONS Hterlln li'rnnci Lire GulMera Demand 4.41W ll,10 r, 30 ss.-jj Cahlea -1 4'.' U.IU',4 5.30",!, SS.'.'O TODAY'S OI'UNINO QUOTATIONS Demand Cables . of tlw arm ar si airi. tf ' ll30 Palea In t lllh Keystone T ft R ! Lew 74 IM 4 a 9 9ft l"ft 98ft 191 11H "ft Ml ft 113 1H 83 49ft 79 Nft ( ? 17 "ft 111ft 118ft 17 18M 39 8 ft H 13 34 15ft 22 34 104 P. IM IN liat IN 9N Kreege S S 134 i. Lackawanna Steel... . Laclede Gas of st L.. 54 ft . Lake Erie .ft West vt. 1 t Lee Rubber Tire 30ft 13N s B0 Lehigh Valtey 5 IN 7 Liggett ft Myers pf...H4ft ltN 1H SN M SM IN IN IN ION IN 1SN M N UN Nt U IN 111N i uma iiocemotivu .... n 7 Lima Locomotive pr.103 . . Ixewe Ce .......... 18 1 Left Candy 11)4 It Lerlltard Tobacco ...111 7 Louisville ft Nashville M8K ... Maelntyre P Mines.. 14 Mackay Ce 81 . . Manatl 'Sugar . . . Manatl Sugar pf 79 7 Manhattan Elcv guar. 89 . . Market St Rwy pf . . . . 38 . . Market St Rwy pr pf . .. Marlln Oil 2ft .. Martin Parry 8ft .. Maxwell Class B.... lft 14, 82 59 t 79 3ft- 8ft 2ft- 37- lft 118 13ft 17 - 13 ft 39ft 8 ft H lift 34 15ft -14 "V4 28 ft 12H 44 1 34ft 14 03ft l- ' 67 70ft 8 May Dent Stores.... 113 It Mexican Petroleum.. t Miami PnnnAF 126 ft 20 17 13 95N 1 in Mlddl RlnlB Cnrn.. aw IN Mldvale Steel 30. Minn ft St Iyeuls... .. n Me Kan ft Tex ... K Me Kansas & Texas pf N IN 42t 17N IN UN 14N 19 25l 3N IN 109 800 600 200 509 N 22M 19 Me Kan ft Tex (wl).. 12 Me Kan ft T (wl) pf 34ft MK&Tlstns .... lft Missouri Paclfle 13ft Me Paclfle pr 85ft Mentana. Tower pf . . W4 Montgomery Ward 15W 281 12 44 1?4 34 ft 14 4 7 ft 7ft 64 2ft 17 S3 23 ft 13 9 57 ft 15 28 ft 12 44 lft 34 14 3U . 7 78Ji 64 29 17 ft 23 33 ft 13 99 7 7ft 71 V9ft 22 ft 9ft 13 2 15 ft 138 19 29 ft 49 56 ft 51 35 ft 7ft 74 "ft 27 9 35 ft 33 "ft !4 7 2 15 ft 05 ft 2ft 82 115ft 39H 34 100ft 13ft 73ft 33 ft C 30 40 78 33 62 ft 13ft 28 ft 50 28 ft 40 3ft 2 7 C8 13 ft 40 22 tO ft 67 01 84 30 ft 53ft 90 ft 114 ft S4ft 44" 2 0ft 5ft 6ft 3ft 10 46 :7 44 "ft 6i!. 80 ft 7ft 42 ft 13 17ft 132 28 COft 141 10 Aiuuins Bedy National Acme Nat Cleak- ft Suit .... National Cen & Cauie Nat Enam & St Hev Cen Copper.... N O Tex $ Mex N Y Air Brake New Yerk Central.. New Xerk C ft St L. . 3N 3 50 New Yerk Deck. 1709 New Yerk N I! & II 290 199 200 109 1799 2N 100 UN IN 10 100 SN 300 509 IM 100 4099 5100 2390 1599 790 800 2N UN 809 300 2109 1000 301 3103 300 200 IN 2 New Yerk Ont & W., 4 N Y Shipbuilding..., .. Norfolk & Southern. 7 Norfolk ft Western. 3 North American ctfs ,. . . North Amer A Rts. . . .... Northern Central . . , 7 Northern Pacific. . . . .. Neva Scotia S ft C. 2 Nunally Ce , . . Ohie Bedy & Blewer. .. Okla Pred ft Het... . 7ft . 71 , 80 . 22 ft . 9ft . 12 . 2 . "ft .139ft . 10 H ft . . Orpheum Circuit 8 Otis Elevator . . . ft ft M l ft l IK l ft. 1 .. Otis Steel 3 Owens Bottling Mach, 3 Pacific Oil 0 Pan-Amer Petrel.... 6 Pan-Amer B 3 Pennsylvania R R. . . .. Penn Seaboard Steel. C Peeples Gas Chicago. .. Peoria & Eastern.... . . Pcre Marquette 5 Pere Marquette pf . . . . 3 Philadelphia Ce 00 Phillips Pet . . Plercc-Arrew Moter., . . Plercc-Arrejv Met pf , 29. ft 49 57 ft 52 35 ft 7ft 74 ft 12ft 27 50 24ft 34 17 ft 35 ft ft ft ft 2 1 ft IK ft ft ft ft . . Pierce OH :i .. Pitts ft West Va.... 35ft 1 SO Pend Creek Ceal .... "ft .. Pressed Steel Car.... 05 ft .. Producers Refiners .. 26 ft 4 Pub Service of N J.. 84ft 8 Pullman 116 . . Punta Alegre Sugar . . 39ft 2 Pure Oil 34 .. Pure Oil 8Tc "5ft .. Ray Cen Copper ... 13ft 4 Reading 74 . . Remington Typewriter 7'?i . . Rem Typewriter 2d pf 53 .. Rcplogle Steel 30" i . . Republic Iren & Steel 40 7 Repub Iren & Steel pi 78ft 7 Reb Rels Ce let pf . . . " IN d200 390 1599 1199 100 100 2590 39B0 199 499 200 309 100 3209 fi 1000 1300 400 380 300 200 700 100 2000 7500 200 6200 . 900 400 100 4700 1400 100 100 708 703 500 10100 303 1003 1800 200 2700 1200 1800 240U 100 2903 300 77890 299 399 1909 409 2N UN 790 5N 400 1400 3309 200 1300 700 3600 100 103 17500 468 1(0 203 2500 2100 5)0 100 700 11 Oil 1200 100 400 400 3700 800 700 tnoe no 100 400 400 300 10)0 300 100 203 ft 2ft ft ft 2ft 20 Royal Dutch N Y 53 1 St. Jeseph Lead .... 13ft .. St Leuis San Fran.... 28 .. St 1juIh San Fran pf 30ft .. St LeuIh S W 28 . . St Leuis Southwest pf 40 .. Santa Cecilia Sugar. 3ft .. Saxen Moter 2ft .. Seaboard Air Line pf 7 . . Sears-Roebuck . . Seneca Cep Cerp .... 14 74 Shell Transport...... 40 .. Sinclair Oil "Kb . . Sleas-Sheffleld 37 .. Se Perte Rice Sugar.. 57ft 3 Se Perte Rice Sugur pi 81 6 Seutherln Paclfle .... 83 .. Southern Rail 31 .. Southern Rail pf.... 63ft 4 Standard Oil of Cal.. 06ft 7 Stand Oil of N J pf..U4 8 StewartWamer Speed 31 ft .. Stromberg Caib 44 ft 7 Studebaker "0 . . Submarine Beat Cerp ift .. Superior Oil Cerp .... Ma .. SwcctCe 3ft .. Telin Cep & Cheui.... 10 5 Texas Ce 45 .. Texas & Pacific 33ft 1 Texan & Pac C & O SJft lft ft ft 14 ft ft 2ft 3ft 1 3ft lft a V 5 "2 1 4 2Vi 'jcxlluir Sulphur 45 Third Ae "ft I 94 ft 1 1 ft Vm a 7 3 8 Tobacco Products .... 58 "2 Tobacco Pioduclaei. . ""''i Transcen Oil 8 Twin City R T 42ft Union Bag & Paper.. 2 ITulnn Oil 177, 10 Union Pacific 133ft . . United Alley Steel ... 28 . . United Drug 02 8 United Fruit 141ft United Itwy inesl... iuft 1ft .. United Rwy linest pf 28ft "w I i 0 United ltctall Stores.. . . U S C 1 P & Fdy.... ..US Feed Products . . ..US Ind Alcohol .... ..US Rualty & liny.... ..US Rubber 8 U S Rubber Ut pr . . . U S Smelt & P.uf 5 U S Steel 7 U S Steel pf 3 Utah Copper .. Utah See . . Vanadium Cerp . Va-Cur Chemical . . . . . . Va-C.ir Cliemlc.il pf. . . . Vlsaileu Ine . , Wabush , . Wabash pf A I Weber & Ik lib" ener . 00 Wellse Farge Kxprcss .. Western .M.irjl.nid. . . .. West Maelntid d pf. ,. Western Pacific a Wcttetn I'.itllle pf. . 7 Western Union Tel . . 4 Westlnghonse V. & M. . Wheeling S. L E " '. . Wheeling d L E pi. . . 4 Whlle .Moter .. Willi.) U.l Ceip .... Wick Spenu htcel Cerp '. '. Wllljs-everlanU .... . . Wllbss Overland pr. . . K Woolworth F W . ... 4 Worthlngten Pump . . . Ux-dhldetid. 45 44 ft 29 28ft 4 aft 44 41ft 59ft 60ft 60 AN; 101 101 33 3.1 05ft !i4Ja 116 11.H- 63 h2 14 lift 37 ft Itift S4 !!,' 72 70 Vl ' 2 5 1U 24(4 21ft 13ft I J i s I 7U ls 0 1, . 0 " i 17 ft 17 , 211-0 l , 64 5.''s , 03ft 0-ft , 63 55 , 7 J , IZX 15 , :iu in . vft ) ll'a 14ft , 8-J4 6 . 29" 2 2 .148 14H . 40 4bft 2ft ft ft ft w 'ft ft ft ft ft ft 14 ft ft I 1 I -"'ft! EXCHANGE Underlying Strength in Weel lleiMOn, Mhi.1i 3 'Uie Cuinincri'liil llul Iciln will ' tomurrew . "The lhi.il uenl auction licM c tha Oeiirnment here Tliuia dny wus the frwiiH uf nil ultcntlen 'ihe wool auction with price ptir.tu .1 p.r cnt nil, hh i'empnr.'d with the r.bruiliv hhc, nneueil, h'juevcr, that llujrn In undcrblnu Htrcngth In tlm wool eltuutleu etlll, The eoeiln market ami the ilethhiK market arc mill In Khiim centraat with thn alreiiRlh In (he raw material. In the Went hujlng lentlnuee te ilraB. grewera liclnir cry Krene 111 their lcwa while Iho dealers nre Icra euxcr le piy tliu high prUt-d te wlikh the market hat, risen. Jlui'cll 3. Verclgn ex- str.mtr with thn exren. clete en Wednenlay, nnd I il.nnn.1 lnuw tt fi n.lntu. I Effert te Cerner ToKle 'Change Falls New Yerk. March 3. Thn Japanean stock and rice exchange at ToMe were closed en March 1 nfler iiih rollapse of nn attempted euu toil.'.. """I'ni'i u iir,n rauia aq. ice receded here, tmlay by Mitsui Ce., Importers. Tha dlapatch added that both exchangee had mutinied operation. Reynolds Teb. Increases lilnaliinalem. N. C. fArrh aternng rranca i.ne uulider 4,42'. (1.14H r..34',i SH.2.1 4.1.1 n.ir.'.i s,3e 38,30 , neynelda Tobacco Company ban declared .llvl.lend Of eentv.ne r.nl. u l.aVA A BAR SILVER class A and class H common, payable April 1 te aleek of record March is. Previous dividend waa fifty cms quarterly en both Itar sliver was id higher In Tendon to day, at 2d, " 11" V WmmfPSmipWB 1 BMKEIfS FAILURE il Net , WITHOUTEFFECT Trading in General List Very Light, With Unimportant Price Changes St. CtlE. 1H M IM 4- 4 ft 4H 8ft 17 19 V 9ft- 114ft ft NH Vi 191 1 18M- lift Ml ft 118- H Announcement of the auspcnelen of another prominent Philadelphia broker age concern having nicmberphlp of both the Philadelphia and New Yerk Sleck Exchanges was received with the same striking complacency that has marked the multiplying list of collapsing brok erage houses. In the first place, the local financial community was pre pared, the unhappy event having been expected for some time. It is un derstood also whlle the liquidation of the assets may be slew the creditors will lese virtually nothing. About the only direct reflection of the failure was the offering of the stock of the Philadelphia Insulated Company nt 45 without finding a taker. The last previous sale en the exchange was mode at 50. The suspended firm floated this company and has been the market W ft 3 J4 lft ft ' ft l l ft y "m "k 1 K Vs 'ift a . 1 ft ft K ft ft H M ft M sponsor for the stock, which was never successfully distributed, xney were compelled te taka quite a geed deal of It within the last year in order te sta bilise thn mnrkef. Theviwere also re- nnrted fe he tone of a big block of (Transcontinental Oil, which was liqui dated en the big beard tms morning at e dccllne of IVj penlts under last night s nlnnlnv. Thn firm WflR also nremlncntlv associated with the flotation of this company. Trading In the general list was rela tively quiet and was of about the smallest volume registered for some time pnst. Price movement was mixed, but with few exceptions limited te small fractions. Dribbling liquidation of American Stores common continued, forcing the price te 03. On the ether hand, there was excellent absorption of P. It. T. between 25'8 and 25V4. Pennsylvania Railroad remained flrra nt the top price of the car. Deal ings were again light In the Philadel phia Electric issues, which, however, continued well sustained. Few sharea of Electric Storace Bat 64 -39 -17 32 23 ft 1354 99 67 - 7ft 71 79ft . 22ft 9ft-12- 2 "ft 139ft ft I ft ft 3ft "k 1 tery were taken at an advance of n half 10 20 ft 40ft 67 ft H 52 35 ft , 7 74ft 12ft 27 69 33ft i 34 16 ft-34-7ft 2514 16ft 6 ft I-36ft-83 ft 115ft 38 34 100ft 13ft 74 -38 -!-55 30 48 I 78ft !- point en the declaration of the regular quarterly dividend. The market here for the stock has become secondary. The' prlnclpnl dealings new arc executed en the "Rig Heard." The U. O. I. Issues shaded en light offerings and Rank of North America warrants fell back -reints te GO en nominal dealings. Philadelphia Stocks 1:13 Nt Hlah Irfw P. St. chrf. 200 Am Stores 114 03 13 lOOrAm Loee.lOflT, 100.100.. lOOfAm Weel 87 87 872 RS Rank N A war w L. 00 lOOtReth Stt B 01 lOfChen Mtrs 7414 lOOtChlleCep. 10 78 Flee Ster.142 oe 04 Vi 74 A 10?! 00 2 04 - 74'... 10JI ' 142 S31 10 55 . . 35 . . '17 142 lOt Fa m Play 83 ft I'Otlnvlne Oil 10 20 Penn Ont Light pf. ?i TlSIVniiallll "i 12.-. PhllCecpf .'177,8 llSPhl'a L!ec 21ft 103 de pref.. 28 02 de war fp27 400 Phlla It T 2.V4 ."Ten0 Rcl. 1 200fTrans Oil. 8 lOOfUnien Oil. 17 3(H) UnlenTrnc SieMi 10 U I.... 41 20 de pref. . 51 KM 10?i 3 3 35 37 24 27 27 25 1 7 17 35$ 41 51 27.. 25 17 53 .- 4 rV 53ft 13ft , 38 ft 50ft I 28ft 40 3ft 2 - iK iK ae 4- 13 40 23ft 36 67ft 91 84 20ft- 53 ft Bilft- 114 34 ft 44 ft r UBft- 5ft p 5".- 37, r 10 r 463 ,- 32 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ift 4ft ift ft ft ft 4 35 41 Vs 'A Vi '' rs 102 1 05 .. s-i 7 -1 IM U t OS .,I.IIC 10fU S Steel 05 102 05 tNct clianee ma.ln by romparlsen with last eale en New Yerk Htwlc Uxchnngc. ,. riiuanr.i.piiiA bonus 750Llhcrtj- 3d 4s '28 OS. 01 750 Liberty 4th 4fts '38 07.31 1000 Liberty 4th 4s '38 07.4: .00 .30 IU0O Liberty 4th dVis '38 07.4 1000 Liberty 4th 44s '38 07.44 35000 Liberty 4th 4s '38.. lets 07.50 1000 Victory 4s '23. .. .lets.100.24 30IHI Victory 4)is 'L'3 100.20 200 Victory 4',s '23 100.10 000 Victory -1h 'L'3 100.20 1000 Amer Oiih Ac Klcetrlc 5s. S."!1 1000 Chi Uur & Qulncv 1st 5s. 07 " 4000 Cens True N J 5s... lets 7.10'. 2000 Lehigh Valley 0s 1028... 101 3000 Phlla Llectric 1st 0s 01 3000Philn Flcctric 0s lets 30H1 1000 Phlla Electric 0s lets 102 2000 United Ualfwajs 5s S2 ft 45 - inft . 8 89 ft r 8ft- 42ft i 02 Hft 133 28 - 1 -141 ft lft . 38ft 44ft-l- 28ft- aft -r 44ft 59ft- 60 : 101 -i 33 , 03 115ft- li.l 14 26 ft 33 73 Financial Briefs 1ft ft ft 'ft ft ft ft ft 'ft ft ft ft ft C. Truitt Dsrrew has been appointed nilcs manager for Matkie-Grouse Com Cem puny. Frank C Bcnben has become asso ciated with Itiddlc & Henry iu their s-uk's organization. Total Victory Liberty lean notes out standing March 1, $3,260,780,550: viz, 4:i per cent, .$2,030,888,200; 3i per cent, $332,808,350 The average price of the twenty ac tive industrials adwinccd 0.70 per cent jeatcrday te 80.03, while the twenty tails advanced 0.32 per cent te 78.31. riabt Asiatic Company report grebs Hiirplus en 1021 operation of 20,020, (KK) Hwedlhh krener, and after 20 ner cent dividend carries forward 4,174,. 000. ft in 2 The Swiss National Iiank discount late will be cut from 4 per cent In 3ii. per cent and interest rate- from 5 per rent te -1 Va pt'' cnt, effective March .". aecnriling te announcement made in Zurich. New Yerk advices Fiiy Sinclair Con Cen Con pelldatcd Oil rnrpnr.itinn U discuing with Its hankers nn issue of $30,000,. 000 or mere of long. term bends, pro ceeds te he used for retirement of ap 7 ft . S 24 r 13 . ft 17. 19ft 1- lft ft ft 64 8 - 55 j-7- proximately .T-ii,iJuu,tiuti convertible 7'.. ..34- per cent notes due en May 10, 1025. Annual financial statement of I", Lerillnrd Company was about ns e.' pected. Net nfter tnxes wus S7,010 . 545, ngalnst $7,7flfl,25S in tlm'preced. Ing ear, nnd a balance equivalent te $18.15 a share en the 303.O4S common Hhnres, compared with $18.08, was net nt all surprising in view of the condi tions Hint prevailed in the cigar Indus, try during the early part of 1021. Fer the calendar pr 1021. imports of silver Inte the Fnlted Stales were valued nt $03,242,071 and experts $51 . 575,300, an excess of imports of Sll'. 007.272. Tills Is first time Hnce wir that country has shown excess of im. ports, and compares with excess in recent years as fellows, 1020 $25,5,10 . 1R3: 1010. $140,011,033 and 1018 $181,470,705. " JUi0' Directors of American Shipbuilding Company declared operative the plan for exchenglng its preferred uteck for common stock. Three-fourths of the preferred stockholders huve signified their assent te the plan by depositing their stock, J or the accommodation of stockholders who have net as yet been ttble te deposit their preferred shore the time for deposit has been eitended te April 1. 30 0ft 14ft- 6j 20 - 148 -4 Dividend fi n-hA ti WHAT WOUMl VOU DO? Would you send a person te lait? n.. "A Faa Out of a Weman"a BM?lanra h Florence I,. Banvllle. In tha affilSSS.' .bPy tlen et next Sunday, rcsuS uSSnJfy. .t 5 "v w ,-mi r BHulIlUBma The Obvious Need The obvious need In bankirig i rviea where and when you want it. Ihfct means convenient locattens nd day-and-night service. 'At the Delaware Ave. at Market Street office the Franklin Trust Com pany serves its customers frem 8:80 A. M. until 6sW P. M. All ethr. offices are open from 8:30 A. M. until midnight. Rttemf ' $14,000000 jSjfev Fraiiklin Trust Ce. Main Office: Fifteenth Street below Market Delaware Ave. A Market St. Fiftr-sece" Market SU. Germantown Ava. sdet wwim " "Tht liutiMien That Gut FnifsWafcia Day aai ik Straite" rjT ' Itl D1RECTOM Oae.BuajaAM,)i. WttUAUWee CaABtsaWam is OUS.E.1KOBMU. A.A.)acuN SAMvnM.CvswrJt CiAUciM.lrwM JttvtulHicweea Mr. Charles- F. Miller, President of the Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Penn-' sylvania, said te us: "The past few years have tried every busi ness man's nerves and soul; only -these who-had; . connections with a bank that seeks te give eaeh natren the most liberal, courteous treatment could hope te succeed. The bank's success de pends upon its ability and willingness te co operate with its customers, by interesting: itself in their problems, by geed service and fair dealing." Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifih H Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and UnAividti Profits Wamti ?, vcee ATAcr- frH-Tf, Equipment Trust 6 GOLD NOTES W $200,000 BALTIMORE & OHIO R.R. CO. Due January 15, 1927 te 1934 Prices te yield 5.75 These notes, dated January 15, 1920, represent a First Lien en standard railroad equipment te the extent of approximately 3l of the original cost thereof. Harrison. Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5TH STREET PHILADELPHIA LOMBARD 6100 BROWN BROTHERS, & CO. .'sleMls.cct 1811 VOLUTH & CHESTNUT STHUKTS ew Yerk l'HII.ADUI.l'HI.V HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES "PRESCRIPTIVE circulars furnished any time upon application. , A Century of Service BROWN, SHIPLEY Founder Court, I.ONHON, K. C. ellihu rj Bank of North America Rights te Subscribe If purchased at present prices will yield OVER 6 We Solicit Inquiries BARNES & LOFLAND 147 Seuth 4th Street Philadelphia Telephone, Lambard ills Investors and Traders Accountant, Bpeclallzlngr In stock brokerage accounting, will exam Inc. analyze and explain your broker's statements, confirmations nnd ether notices and communica tions, Including marKlti cal In! Dividends, Interest, Warrants and "nights'' checked up for you and your equity exactly deter mined. Under present conditions this work should be done new It may profit you or perhaps minimize your losses, Chart.a moderate. Single Jeba or monthly baala, B ISO, liBOUBR OKriVK ENQINHRS Wf.w.mnmxra r AVaMD.AMSfaTt JiiOiiMTasrMM C.M1C.SfUt BatjaMMlUna WruuHT asBONT9,Nfwtau tuaiMsViUnsia HAtatF.l If $200,000 MISSOURI PACIFIC It. R. CO. Due January IS, UM te UI3 Prices te yield 5.tt n.it.s & COMPANY OBlea far Traelri 133 Pull Mall, LONDON, 8, W, Hathaway, Stene, Wallsw & WWiaps, ( MANAOiM muqi rw Operating; Matuuj4inent ' mqustriai cnterpri"' Industrial and Teehnsal Ipval Ipval tlMtlens and ntpft!bettJ' ing EnginVteMnuf.cU)rrf A 3u. ' ?!,&&&. OVwi-5 t S tttr. K TI 7 1'il f-j-V .." rr. i'.i ' , .si j. .. m iLma ita tim; ' M&JS iA kJMMfekKr ri. M vxii r- ., mm mftv &2teU-.4.:l.: 1. VaTTC-iiri V, J iW T. JM.' rVf, A 1 mz&smawtsww&fSftirfa kimmtj- iZ'WMW.J! ' t. 'SK i A iSti .vlr jh' M ' ,. v.-r .2.4 rS.A S" '" fjf 3i t - .')! T.Ah