SS zsmr .fTt imem iriWtV wr &$Mg LV.WMVl :,kTfcw..tTr 1 JT llfflWlKTj V'.-.TJ If WTO .y.SlMr " i Y. v rt V ' 'A . i "1 re r-rWctf.Tl.i "..-.TA".. CW& &ffi iltf , -" ft JL 81 s terdnr. M as. frV r :g. h- i'-Vkt bW ft Kc? Ff"4 Evt .-. ,u h "- . ., ft! HCmtEOFKiSS i BACKS WIFE'S SUIT Ottmann Has Alleged Phe tegraph of Husband Greet ing Mrs. Pulido :UTTER ONCE OF THIS CITY lJA photograph of Mrs. Tteaalcan B. WTP'-mF: IlHlcIptln brewer. Mllrccl te Wn IKIii ldnkLi a iL. l.a T.I.!. IT , nrwyT ar-i-ii niinipiTffi n imp KirPll M lllinui 't'5&3rPnnt win havft fin imnorlent bear- 'WM thr divorce Btiit breufflit by Mr. PSmV1 ! PPrwl before .TuMice Dflehanty ilir photeirraph nf the kls Is it. -? i te nave K'Pn taken when Mrs. Jiilae met Ottmnnn lit Qucensbore l'laia, Ixnjc Island City, just before he utepped into bis automobile. .Mrs. Pulido Mid today ever the tele phene thnt she knew nothing nt nil bout the alleged photograph of the kiwi. Hbe declined te comment en the ether ItniiltcatinriH which Involve her nn 4aa ether woman" In the case. "Mr. Ottmann Ik president of tnt United State Printing and Lithograph ing Company and" also the feurler Company, of Buffalo. Mrs. I'utlde was he wife of Auguste F. INilide, formerly yexuelan Charge d' Affaires at Wash ington and later Venezuelan Minister In Berlin. Slip nhfalnerl n .llvnrp. Aim. TlltMrt WAa fnrmji.1v ffut. tfnEB. ' lean Rybllla Betz. She wns one of the i .,- Tn. i. nwi. iinn c..i wealthiest jeung women In this city and! 0ften Tei, '" 0ffice Unt" ""V was married here in June, lilt 1. Her! Houra of Morning country home whs at Hetavvoed. near, WaMiingten. March :'.. (Bv A. 1) Rorrlstewn. Her husband was widely Telephone companies, their officials twi- . y" . . !-- l""c two H'"-'1"' kinds of canities i? ."- '.if . nrum(,,,t .TMterday. ' ,0 ,eai witll nme,1(J suby.ribers. One Jf'Ar-rl.".!;!:1- Ll 'ZP?. P?f theac who desire. peclat lde. Justice Delehanty asked about one of the affidavit submitted by coun sel for Mrs. Ottmann made by en e'e e'e jater operator at 320 Paris nvenue, New Yerk, where the Ottmannt lived. In that he told of seeing n woman enter the Ottman apartment while Mrs. Ott Biann was away, blames J. Cenlln. the elevator operator, said that he hnd seen the woman as she wade visits te the Spartment. , Ceunl for Mr. Ottmnnn told the eurt that Mrs. Pulido had appeared t a reference hearing with n Philadel phia lawyer and submitted nn affidavit in which she denies thnt she Ugltcd the .. " .""" """: mw t ur bu . Uttmann apartment nt the time men tiened and that hfriin1v vllr tn cw 1 Arlf U'A.A Tnm .hnnii n. h..b.iuam . The tpstlm.inr ,1,1,i7. l ..V i' r-.f.p. once hnd te de with alleged meetings of. thc telephone today thnn I de Mrs. Pulido and Mr. Ottemunn In u I house en Christopher Mreet. New Yerk. DIUCD AJ) HARBOR BILL It was charged that they met In an "';,?" ,?,?., partment engaged by un empleye of! APPROPRIATES $31,000,000 1 Mr. Ottmann. i thecllaJgVJ!"""1 and MrS' ru,W dcn5:!Meaure aa Reported te Heuse In In Anether nhoteirranh nllered te Khew eludes $630,000 for Wilmington the couple in Greenwich Village figures j jee reupie in ureenwicn uingc ngures Vtastllngten, March .!. (y A. I'.), In the rase. As te the one said te' New river and harbor Improvements have been taken at. Leng Island City, teal lug for an estimated expenditure of t It was charged that Mrs. Pulido drove were in a tnxlcan and .Mr. Uttmann ju nm unn i-ur. jhcj raci, Risspu, u ia alleged, and then Mr. Ottmanu took Mrs. Pulido Inte bis car. , 'Counsel for Mrs. Ottmann asked that the case be. sent te another referee, aa the evidence was regarded as suffi cient and that there were several new wltneitsea new available. Justice Dele hanty reserved decision. THREE HELD IN SLAYINGS 'Corener Sends Cases of Fatal Sheet Ings te Qrand Jury I Jehn Cusate. 102." Seuth Isnminger street was held without bail for the' (rand Jury by Corener Knight today, i el?"r?. "i,h rau'" the death of Mi-1 chaef Sansalene, of Washington, Jan-' usrr i: v.uaiQ testified Sansalene liel.l nn and shot Pasqua'.e Libia, ll)2." Seuth Isnminger street. V.I1SHIO SU1U TIC 0.1- I ... ... i. . ... tacked Sansalene. shoetlne lilm live times, and was himself wounded. loe ijorener also lielil (iluscppe Tre- Tanni, j.i jseutii tiarien street in the death of Jehn Montevusie. l.'ll."; Seuth Seventh street, an alleged ac cempllce. Witnesses mid Trevallnl. formerly a friend of the dead man, quarreled with him Janunrj le. After sheeting him. Trevallnl is raid te have handed the jrun te Damlce, who Js said te have tired several shots, although Monte Mente Monte TUsle, In nn ante-mortem statement. laid thc b'aiuc en Trevallnl. ...,- ... .-,... ,1 ,, .GAVE G. W. AQUILINE NOSE Washington's Birthday Party Pest pentd te Recast Statue'a Face . A nose spoiled Washington's Birth. Hay for the jeungsters of the Frlcndx' Neighborhood Guild, at Fourth and Green streets. The children, whose avern;e ne ;, ten or eleven, made a statue of ihe Tather of Ills Countr, which wns te have been unveiled en hi birthday. Just one thing steed In the way the tn( lie's nose. Iin .Ann. u.iilnlnru t.n.T IaaI.a.I ..I ... them for models, and ln the neighbor- Meed of Fourth and Grtcn streets notes are apt te be aquiline. That a what (ieergc- nee was like. Se this impertnnt pnrt nf his phvslec- ney has been remodeled, and new everything is lovely. Thc Friends' Neighborhood Guild is A member of the Welfare Federation of Philadelphia. SHOOTS AJSTAMP THIEF Watchman Surprises Bandit in &, ,.Trnbatene Office In Frankford Ave. J I Twe shots were fired early today nt 0S M man who was discovered In the office c unnries it. uisney, lomusienc cutter, 0121 Frankford avenue. Tne robber R.-afij, aacapea witu i in stamps. &J. ? i' As Frank Fries, a watchman, wns m' about te enter the effli'e a tall man 'rushed passed him and lied down Frankford avenue. 1 rles shot nfter 'Ihe man. ' 'The combination had been knocked eeT Disney's safe, but the safe deer hail ,vgi aet been opened. HesK drawers were T!i,r "hulled enen and miners were strewn f$ii A'afceut. A cheek-up later showed fifty -',KiHiit1'0-cent stamps missing. g&iiiitE 0 BANK TO PAY IN FULL it. j ei rs ,. uth Bread St. Trust Deoealton ' W JU V, O. UlVIOOna cavmenl m. MIL s ..!., a m hn 8. Fisher. State Bat.klns Cem- loner, today SISnCIl l-lil Checks, te- MI102 OOO which renreaenf n .10 lVr'". "null npreseiu n -1W cent dividend payment tn detiosltei'M the Seuth Bread Street Trust Cem. , -.l,, uSTairai ! nl.n ,.,.. i. my, wncwe unairs were taiirn ever by rfiaatt cemminsinn lasi .nine. E;-7; Depositors will be paid en n 10(1 per Kwient basis, covering the entire $.'.i".,000 tWtliai aepesits or tne imnK nt time of ; VJ'lW'S ' lTAiy pee"' , ajivT.'an,,i; iu aaii. - inner. W,MfMa TMQION TO WORRY ABOUT! at asJOd lxMf t v luha "llalen In' , ins K aajuaa anuw . asm JflVlrla Tele-phenay." by . auwuinc . oaciien ui Denies Kissing 4 MRS. R. B. PULIDO Daughter of the late Jehn V. Bet, of Philadelphia, who In alleged te have been photographed as she biased William Ottman, or Mew Yerk. Hie photograph la said te hate Important bearing en Mrs. Ottman'a divorce suit A. G. BELL, PHONE INVENTOR, 75 TODAY: STILL WORKING .livtinotlve niimbprs nnil flip nthrr hr tliec who wlfrh their name te annenr just io-and-se in the directory. The National Geographic Sefciety, which hns been digressing a bit from Its accustomed paths te study the sub ject, has found, however, that Alex ander (iraham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, who tedny celebrated hl seventy-fifth birthday, possesses nelthct of theie vanltlei. The Geographic Society in connection with Dr. Bell's birthday also is author ity for the statement that the aged in ventor, who still works In his labora tory daily, often until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, asserted modestly the ether day te a group of officials et the United I States Patent Office: "I rather think ou knew mere about Washington. March ."..(By A. P.) approximately $tl ,000,000 would In authorized under a bill ordered reported tuuay ey tne Heuse nivcra anu Jiar- born Committee. Majer items in the measure, which, as approved by thc committee, will be introduced by Chairman Dempsej. in- elude nn expenditure of 510.400.000 en i the New Yerk and New Jersey channel, Other Improvements which would be ' authorized by the bill and the amounts I nrmy engineers hne reported would be reunlreil for tliem. Include: , Mamnreneck Harber, N. Y.. S10.'!.- i day. Chairman Ferdncy snid that thc 000: New Rechel'e and Eche Bav laeasure probably would net be re HiirlMir, N. Y $.T."i.OOO ; Wilmington , lierted te the Heuse for ten days or two 1 harbor, Delaware, ?OVU).0O0. FIGHT LOWER COAL RATES - - - Railroads Oppose Demand of Ship- fA p.rfll,M Washington. March 3. (By A. P.) Kndrends meed today before the In-i iH..n.n n.n .... ... .ili.... ii...iiiw ' I rH'M'- Miiiiimiiu vii.iii.r...., iitaiiiii Inte rate structures te contest the de- innnil from shippers for lower rates en ' coal. 11. A. ( echrnn. nssMnnt coal trnflic manner of the Baltimore and Ohie. brought In nn exhaustive analysis of the wnl Mtuntten. with comparisons taken from the testimony eT witnesses who asked the decrease. He denied their gmernl rmirliisiuri thnt rediieeij ra;es would result In markedly de creased operating costs for rallreiids or Increased traffic. Mr. Cechiuiip declared that nteruge freights en coal today considered in comparison villi prices, nre proportion ulcly lower than they were In till 1. .The average freight into en coal in Mill betwien the mines and the consuming centers was 51.1 ill per ten, lie snid. while the average mine price for was $1.!7; nnd according te previous testimony, the present average freight ou cenl was $2.27 per ten and the nveiage at tlie mines about $2.u!l3. WARRANT FOR REINHARDT Merse's U. S Will Seek One for Missing Associate Washington, Mnieh 3.- illy A P !tA l,L'm'h NU,1rr""t, "'".. '"' .",!s," f,"r ''"' PPreh"nleii of Philln lleinhnrdt, former nudlier of the I mted St.ites "i'i''i. '." -.. '" .".". vyri' .'"" nt Alexandria, v a.. I ulted .States At terney Gorden announced tixhij. Ueiuhnrdt iw the enlv one of the eleven men indicted lust Monday with i Charles Merse for alleged conspiracy ' te defraud the Government who fulled, Ie put in nepear.inee te give ball. la DRY," BUT MOIST IN SPOTS Daughter of Man "Up" for Drunk enness Doubts Law Is Effective CharliM Barker, (eiumltted for sIt mouths In tlie Heuse of Corieei'en en n chnrge of belns u habitual drunkard, was discharged en n writ of habeas nr- pus bv Jinl'e McCann today and or - dered te tnke the pledge. Barker was committed en complaint of Ids' daughter, Mrs. Mnry Hincs. "1 thought there was a prohibition law." said Judjc McCann. "Tlicre In In .some parts of the Slate," responded (eutuel for the defense. "There Is n law, hut till jeii have te de Is. te pay n little mere than usual and you can get nil .von want," said Barker's dutijlitcr. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Hdney I.. Btnlth. Peitstuwn Pa w jnhn iheenixviue. ia. hihI IMIIh ...-- l tl tlnl.1 n lllQI. U r.t. k. I llCnjailllll ttt iunili-uii. '"ia a i.ll n' and Pearl I.uunrr. M4S n. MaT.Ini I M. ' "TO.fEa.' W t.mnb.rdr .V ' "" """ l.Merrla Amte, Illl Uennunlen ave., und l! ivainie-. ,.-.x i.iinciir ". ,,... riorden. 2110 Siowment at. and I lulr,, i.-rrauen. 12.11 iiHiiiiitnn i. flenjamln Alien. 3d, ..slat .ml lulllnmre ae 'rieiilamln Alien, ad. 4lat .lid and Elaanor r, . hrutin., nnei Cedar ive, uurv it. xmiih. "7tx h. itu i.. ..n,i Ann. nitain. his r. mn at MorrU.rikareff.IM3B. 4th at., and Sarah HDfcntar, line iiartrum ave. Themas J Myer. 7011 Urrena al and Aan' It. Levis, . i . t; .vicuuiium at Fteivea Tailor. Wl anint ten. u. C'.i and Klor Kler and Clemen . and Amlna ence rerten, m rt. Jehn Tlraldl 11.11 .V it. .'Id at.. Una LIhiiI. 2111Ss;al it. Nlehela Ollvjerl. 71T l.e c-Hiiue nt M Haul. 1210 8. AlrJfr at. Jrey BrUly. 1S12 Ludlow t,, nd J'carl Afth Ml 17S1 l.uAlaw at. HantF. Delaware City, Del., and III, Wolfe, Uelaware.Clty, Del.' II NEW TRAFFIC BILL Reper Scores Limeburner for Attempt te Regulate Autes in His Section ASKED BY C0RTELY0U Germantown "Is up In arms," n Councilman Heper expressed It, ever the Introduction In Council of n bill regulating motorcar parking In the neighborhood of Germantown andChel tenaventies. The rdlnnnce was Introduced by Ceunellinan I.tmebtirner, who does net represent the district. He said the measure was sent te Mm by Director Cortelyou and thnt he Introduced it "by remiest." 'I nm gelns te tell Director Cortel you what I think about that ordi nance," said Mr. Itener angrily. 'I linve received dozens of complaints by telephone nlrendy. "Councilman I.lmeburner had no business intrediiclus measures that af fect Germantown. He doen't live In the district. The people of German town don't want I.lmeburner te inter fere In their affairs." Severnl theatres mid motion picture Iieuch arc in the nren affected, by thc no-parking ordinance. Walter Stomnp Stemnp fig, manager of the Germantown Thea tre, iiSOS Germantown ucnuc, said lie was opposed te thc mcasmc and would pretest egalnst It. The bill, referred te the Public. Saf ety Committee, of which Mtneburner is cnairmnn, follews: "Ve parking shall be permitted for n longer period thnn Is necessary te expeditiously discharge or take en pas sengers or fi eight en thc following streets : "Germnntewn avenue between Scheel Heuse lnnc and Woed'awn street; East Scheel Heuse lane between German town avenue and the cast end of Scheel Heuse lane; ChcHcii nvenue, two hun dred feet East of Germantown avenue, and Maplewood avenue, between Gcr Gcr muutewn avenue te u point three hun died feet West of Germantown avenue. "Ne parking sliull be permitted for a longer period than It necctsnry te expeditiously discharee or take en Tia.- tcngers, or freight en the east side efj we rmnmewn avenue uciwcen oeu lawn avenue nn iid Price street; north I lane between German- ! rt Lena street; fceuth side I side of Chirrch tnu n nvftmiA ntn of Armat street between Germantown avenue and Lena street : south Mdu of j Scheel Hniife lntic between Germnntewn nvenue and Grctne street; south "ide et Mnplewoed nvenue between Greene street te a point .'100 feet west of Ger Ger mnneown avenue; south side of Chrltcn avenue between Greene street and Ger mantown ncnuc." COMPROMISE BONUS GERMAN OWN RAPS Dlt I IO PltMDI ETCH "'H "" 1T" "r "r" ln 'C weniy DILL lb UUlYlrLt I tU i second Regiment of Infantr' and later Details of Plan for Aiding Soldier . . 0m..mtmM , r,i.. te Be Reported te Committee Waalilngtcn, Mnrelr .J. Hi A. V. ! nic weruuig ni ei uriaus m ine compromise Soldiers Benus Bill was I f.ritiii.lft.w1 .rtjffl, t. tl.m wliniIll1 ullti ! . 'i... . i. v'.j .....; c'" "'i .".m cemmltti'c or tlie Heuse as ami Means Committee Republican, and It wns announced thnt the redrafted men sure would be presented te the entire committee membership, Republican." and Democrats, next Tuesday. The perfected plan will be submit- ted te tlie Minierlt.V membership Meil- weeks. One Impertnnt change In tlie original adjusted' service certificate title I was mnde today, and members cstl- I mated that tills would reduce the total j ultimate cost ef'the bonus by perhaps is much as hnlf a billion dollars. I'uder this change the face aluc of the certili- i cnte would be the sum of thc adjusted service pay plus 2. per cent, Instead of 40 per rent, ns originally proposed . ... . .. . . ... . . . a,.' Interest nt tlie rntc nf 4U. ner J a.t a jenr, cempiuinded ininmifly' lit US The maximum interest rates which bunks could charge in muklng leans . te the holders of the certificates wns ' iied at the amount of the rediscount rate charged by thc regiennl Federal He-erve banks, plus 2 per tent. TWO SLAYERS MUST DIE Third Man Tried In Cat Swamp Crime Gets Life Term New ten. N. J.. March 3. -(Bv A. P.I Otturie Spin in ie, the third, man 1 tried for the murder of Albert Kester, at Cut Swamp. June II Inst, was Inst night found guilty in the first degnv The jury recommended mercy and .Inn lice Mlnturn .sentenced him te life im prisonment. Angcle Cnrlinn, convicted earlier in the week, was last night sentenced te die in the electric chair April 21. Teny . Turke, nllcged leader of the gins, is te j die during the jveek of April 1. Seven ether men, also charged with murder, 1 remain te be tried. - - , RUM PRESCRIPTIONS STOLEN 1 i Discerning thieves today stele n leather brief case containing fifty blank whisky prescriptions from the nuto nute nuto mehile of Dr. Themas II. Kelle.v, 1217 North Sixtieth stieet. Tlie car whs standing in front of the house at the time HOSEMAN MADE LIEUTENANT Jehn Detighert) , a heseman of En gine Company Ne. -10. Sixty-fifth street and Woodland nvenue. yesterday wns appointed lieutenant of Engine Company Ne. I.". Twentj "sixth and Yerk streets. Keuglieity has been a member of the fire department for seventeen jeurs. . . .., j ,, . . Automobile and Films Stelen An automobile, valued nt .W-JOO. mid I moving picture films, valued al JjilfMO, vvcie stolen last night from Lewis Kei I seu, ii'JOl Turner street, us he walled , te tnkn his daughter home from n paHi , The reels, which were used In u motion picture house of which Korsen is tin prepm ler, incni(ici n uvc-ieei pu lure tntitled "Leve el hervire. i eel him, "Sen of Tiiraun,' cumedy. n luai nnil ii Bey Dies of Aute Injuries Ceiigcrzln Dlg.inn. alOLTi Master , stteel, who wns struck Tuesdaj night1 nt I Iftietli street unn Lancaster live. .,,... i .. irmtnrtriicl.-. illml his, in the West Philadelphia Hemennnthlc ... ... -. . - , . ,..-.... Hospital. alescpn I.JIII'll, Ilft-tlftll Lsneh street and Lancaster avenue, driver of the truck, was held without hull for tlie Cei ener today by MHsiMiate .Ste venson. Acker te Quit March 15 A. Lincoln Acker, City Purchasing Vi.niit t.lin hna heen uniirilnteit 1'iillm.. I ,," ,lf lhrf irt. .enferred this iurii-nliif .'.'".: i, . 1. V V, with Mii.ver Moere collect nlng his re tlrement from tic Majer ,s cabinet. Mr. Acker probably will resign .Match Tt te enter upon bin duties, us Collector of the Peit next duy. APARTMKNTS TO SUIT KVKRV I'UBflK and rti every requirement may tat (nri niairkiv l.v cetisull nc tlta Aparlincnt rlaul. i.-" ..'- r Z; nm . a. " . V.. '- Boomed for U, S. Pest WILUAM ,11. SIltJSTER Brether5 of Mayer Moere's aeew- tary, we Is being suggeated te Senater Pepper as Postmaster at Wayne Deaths of a Day MRS. ROBERT A. LAM1ERTON Mrs. Annie Buehler Lamberton, widow, of Dr. Rebert A. I.amberten, widely known among the elder resi dents of Ilnrrlsburg, and formerly president of Lehigh University, died Wednesday night nt her home. Ill North Krent tdrect, In that city. Surviving Mrs. Lamberton ere a daughter. Mrs. Rellln II. Wilbur, of St. Davids; one granddaughter, Mrs. Hlchiird Macsherry. of Bethlehem, and a great-grandson, Richard H. Macsherry, and a sister, Mrs. Geerge B. Itamxnyt of Ilnrrlsburg. Mr. Lambert en was n member of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, of the Dauphin County Committee of the Colonial Da in en, n former regent of Ilnrrlsburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, u member of the United States Daughters of 1812. of tlie rivic nub. the Wednesday Cub nmJ.,thc, ne1 Crewj of llarrlsburg. ,, J',c f"neral will be tomorrow, at 2 M.; rren St. Stephens Church, llnrriseurg. . Captain Jehn 5 Redaers f nptnln Jehn 'S. Redgers, eighty two years old, n Civil War veteran, died Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Barten Scnscnlg. 1 i.01 West Mt. Pleasant nvenue, Chest nut IIIII, from a complication of dis eases. Captain Redgers served through- tin the lll.ith. from which he received his commission. Later he returned te M Il0IIlc In Brldgcvllle. Lancaster County, where be became school teacher, which pest he retained until lic scars nge. when falling health forced him te retire. Since then, he and bis wife, Mrs. Snrnli Redgers, lime lived in Philadelphia with their daughter. Funeral ten Ices will be held Sunday night. Henri Batallle Taris. March 3. The diath is an nounced of Henri Bntaillc, thc drama tist. ' Henri Butnille, who became one of the me-t popular dramntists In Paris, wns born In 1872. He studied painting at the Beaux Arts nud wns director, 1804. of the "Journal of Artists." Ills first piece, "The Sleeping Beauty." a fairy tale, with music, wns presented in mat jcar. anu two jeurs later lie pub lished "The Leper Wemun," a leg endary tragedy. Since thnt time he has given te tlie theatre, nmnng ether works. "Thy Bleed, n modern tragedy in four nets: j "Enchantment, a cemedy: "Ihe Mak," also a comedy; "Resurrection," a drama adapted from the novel of Tolstoi, and "Mether Cellbri." Ills biggest success wns said te be "The Thief." later named "The Scoun drel." His Inst play, given only n fort night age in Paris," bears the title of "Human Flesh. " William H. Rlnear Ineaster, Ph., March .'!. Llrutiyt nnt William II. Rlnear, eighty-two years old. died suddenly nt his home In East Drumnrp Townshle. De was a personal friends of Abraham Lin coln, and enl.v half an hour before his death he related an interesting reminis cence of Lincoln during the Civil War. Lieutenant Rlnear served In the war between the North nnd the Seuth as a lieutenant in Cnmpap . h Penn sylvania Infantry, nnd wns at one time commander of the guard lit the Old f'nnltel Prison in Washington, where' political prisoners were interne 1. Elwood Bernd JefTcrsnuvllle, March .'I. Ehvoeil i Rernd. read supervisor of West Ner- I ritlen township, died .vesterduy' nt his, home near here, from pneumonia, lie i was secretary nf the Pennsylvania Gun Club ,ind was tifty-ene jears old. The Rev. Kryder Evans Pnttstewn. Pa., March .'!. The Rev. L. Kryder Evans, cightv-twe jears old, one of the best known ministers of (lie Reformed denomination died here yes- .!.... lf a.nLtn est rr.l..lH ,. II'IUII. II'- w- .xaniwi ii. aiaiui hi-. formed Church, this borough, mere than r..t.. ,... .1,1,1 t Liu ,l,.nii, till 1,1 'laii. nil-. "- '. uvmu .U11VI emeritus. Mrs. Sarah H. Mehl i l-inraster. Pa., March .'. While (leaning the steps nt her home. Mrs i Sarah II. Mehl. flflj eight years old. I of -IL,", Nevin street, fell dead of heatl (disease. She leaves her husband und . three children. Themas S. Berry Norrlstewn, March .", Thnmus S. 1I...II nli.l. , v t li ,-n.i .Id .. ln-Ai ,,M-'1.". ' i.". ' ' , . mi .. "ii., m nn iin-i councilman, died suddenly .vestrrdny while placing cnnN with members of his i family en West Lafujetle stieet. Heart disease is given as tne cause et ueain. Funeral of Franklin Hewitt Funeral services will be held tomer I row for Franklin Hewitt, n seventy I "vee enr-eld veteriiu of the .Civil War , . ,i. , i.i. !,,., .-1.1. who died nt his home. Third and Water streets. Gloucester, last night. Tlie Wil liam II. Hatch Pest of tlfe G. A. It. nnd the Admiral Farrflgut Pest of the Sens of Veterans will attend, MAN KILLED BY TRAIN An unidentified man wns killed by an electric train en the Pennsylvania Main Line, near Berwyn, Just before midnight a The man Jumped off a freight train and stepped quickly In the path of tlie e.eetile. The body was tossed through the air for several vnrds. and wns se badly mantled that identification will be dlrTcult. The body is in Hickman's mergue at Berwyn. Thn mnn was about forty .five years old, .W4 were dotbiajref falr quality, iLM fiH vSt BISHOP ASKS STUDY OF BIBLE OF NATURE Speaks at Noonday Lenten Services in the Carrick Theatre TELLS OF WAR, SUFFERING "We must leek both into the 'Bible of Nature' and' thc Hely Bible te sec that Ged enres for us both Individually and as a whole," said Bishop Ethclbert Talbot, of Bethlehem, at the noonday tauten meeting In the Onrrlck Theatre today. This was one of a number of Lcnten services held In downtown churches and theatres, "The question, 'Dees Ged Care?' comes te every man and woman," said Bishop Talbot, "and In every one's life there occurs a dark cloud of discontent and unhap-nlness. When this comes we always leek up te Him for some com fort, yet wc hear no voice mid some times w'c get no immediate comfort from our prayers. But there are times when some 'people de net knew what they want. "Tlie thought comes te us nt such times, Dew Ged renlly care for us as an individual? Wealth and poorness. sickness and health are s" allotted te us that at times our faith is sorely tried. "Then wc should leek nt the two great Bibles of thc world. One is Nature; the ether Is the Hely Bible thnt tells the atery. When wc leek into the nature Bible wc see that Ged cares for humanity and mankind by the crops In thc fields and thc way thnt He provides for us. But that docs net answer thc ever-ready question, Docs he care for wc?, "Loeklmr at the great World NWar. at thc widows-and mothers that were left and the thousands upon thousands of brave boys that new lie in France, we wonder does Ged care for them In dividually. Turn from thc Bible of nature for a moment and open the Hely Werd ns written and we'll find that the word In thnt book is trium phant ln the fact that he docs care for us Individually. Instead of rending one book, read both, and we will sec that he cares for us individually as well ns universally." The bihlirnl story of thc blind beg gar mny well be applied te people In the present dny, snid the Rev. Charles Calvert Carter, of Bryn Mawr. In St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. He spoke in place of Dr. O. E. Grnmmer, rector of the church) who Is ill. "The blind beggnr sitting by the roadside wished thnt he could see, and bemoaned thc fact that he was depend ent upon ethers," said Mr. Carter. "When Christ came te him and cured his blindness, then ethers saw that he had been mndc whole and they glorified Ged ln the hope that they mjght be ionic complete themselves. "If people today will pray they will receive aid, and ethers seeing thnt they are "given comfort will also pray and glorify Ged's name." "There arc many lnc people in China who arc worthy of our emulation and we should think of these during Lent," said Ihe Rev. A. A. Oilman, president of lineiic University, Wuchang, China, speaking nt a lenten service at neon in Christ Church, Second street near Market. Dr. Oilman snid that the Chinese custom of binding slrls' feet te make them smaller wuh disappearing. The speaker nlse mentioned that over population was one nf China' greatest problems. lie added that nearly nil the college men In China were married nnil had children at the use of twenty, even before they arc eiit of college. FIREMEN RESCUE MAN Was Asleep en Fourth .Fleer of Building at 20th and Market Charles Eggard, asleep en the fourth fleer of a burning building, at Twen tieth and Market streets, was rescued bv firemen ut 2 o'clock this morning after .smoke bad cut off cscifpe by thc stnlrwav. Thc blnze started en the ground fleer in the tobacco store of hllvcr Brethers. Thc damage is estimated at ?.ri000. 77ie, Engagement Diamond Its quality is significant of its sentiment J E.CALDWELL & CO. Jewelry - Silver - STATieNarv Chestnut and Juniper Streets Qatitfnw J A M Cj A New Julia,. ; for Miss Settf en thcSeUs eC nniraneaWU I Yeung Women of W..V....TTT IT... JAiS! nfarpjwgm 3j Fashion will nnd in this new model all they desire peaceful style excellent quality moderate price! "La Behtsme Blnek Calf Covered Cuban Heel 1'atent Celt Covered Cuban Hctjl New Tan Calf Covered Cuban Heel Gray Buckkn Patent Celt Cembltied with tlclga or Oray Ruck Rlaek Calf With Oray Buckskin Tan Calf With Sand Buckskin Lew ur II lull Spanlah Heela THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Floers With Seating Capacity for 900 Men, IVemen, Misses, Beys and Children 1204-06-08 Market Street Specials in New Sprint; Hosiery M WANT POINT BREEZE AVENUE TROLLEY SERVICE RESTORED Seuthvmtarn Improvement edy ' Catla en Mayer A delegation representing the Seuth western Business Men's Improvement r Association, headed by .Tehn A. Moere, its -president, called en Mayer Moere today te ask him te get trolley service restored en Point Brceve avenue. Last November the transit company was ordered te ralse thc tracks te grade, after thc street had, been rcpaved, and when they failed te comply the Bureau of Highway sent a gang of workmen at night and ripped the tracks up. Ihe business men arc anxious te see jnem restored, aa the line carried empleyes te thc U. G. I. and Pemt Breeze works. The .Mayer gave out the following statement : ' ' . "It wns explained that the Mayer was trying te get service, but that .re cent efterta te agree with Sir. Mitten ea mnltcrs of this kind had net bean successful. He suggested that the dele gation ascertain from Mr. Mitten whether be would run cars and give service it thc franchise should be re sumed. . T, ,P "Thc Muyer stated that the P. R. Company wns using far less trackage today than It did .ten ycara age and that there should be some assurance that service would be rendered if the streets were tern up for the purpose or laying tracka." RELEASED IN SLAYING Corener Frees L. R. Elfman Against Wlahee of Father of Dead Man Corener Knight today released I-euls R. Elfman, 5722 De Lancey street, he was held for the killing, February 10, of Jacob Spicgclmar.. 2503 North Thirty-third street. , , Thc sheeting occurred in the real estntc office of Abe Kclsky. 001 Walnut street. Elfman said he hnd purchnsed n revolver and while examining It It was accidentally discharged. Splcgelman's father opposed the re re lense of Elfman. He declared Llfmnn had n grudge against Ida son. Snelltnburg Association Elects Geerge H. Stark was elected presi dent of thc Snellcnburg Clothing Com pany's Beneficial Association at the annual meeting ycBterday In the I.or ininc Hetel. Reports of officers showed the association te be in a sound con dition'. Other officers elected are Sam uel Nelsen, vice president; Leen G. Kleir, secretary; Geerge F. Warner, treasurer. Members of the Beard of Directors are Mrs. II. Ormsby, Frances Berliner, J. J. Kramer, Jeseph Mara, Fred Lee Hess, Bessie Cernell, Michael LlebewiU, Jehn Morgan, Harry Mat thews, Arthut Llchten, Miss Elsie Boockoff, Frank J. Cepes. Jeseph Har ness, Charles II. Rescnfeld, Miss Eva Silberstcln, Agnes Kilgerc and Pearl Zlcglcr. DKATIIS ItOdEnS. At MoerMtown, N. J., Jtsrrh 2. KI.IZABETJ! t widow nf Ejwln Heg. i rs. In her Mlh year. l'uneral services Mon Men iy. !i P. M.. nt resiri'i re of Frank locale. 44 i:. Ontrnl ave , Muureslewn. Interment Trlnltj Churchyard. HIIAFKBR. On March 2, JOSEPH Jt., huvband of Hnrnli M. am aen of Ihe Inte henry anJ Catherine PulTer. Relatives and rrtend and empleyes of nlvetlne Oil Com pany. Invited te funeral servlrei en Monday, at 1! P. M.a residence, 27 Park ne Klklne rark. Interment private. Vlewlns Sunday oenlnr. 7 te ! t. M. IIA1IN. suddenly, March 2. nt 4W N. mill st... ni.I.AIlKTIf M. (nee McCannl. widow of i:imer K. Jlahn. Scrvlcea and Inter, ment private, Saturdav .SALMON". JUreh I. 1022. Ononen J.. heii of Marlu, and late M i:. Salmen ivtid Krnndamn nf late Jame Mctiulsan. Kelatlve and friends are InvlteJ ie attend funeral from his late realden:e. 2At Reehelle ave., VVIsuHhtrken. Monday, S M A. M. Solemn requiem tnasa HI. Jein the Hapllst Church. 10 A M. Interment private, Westminster t'em. elrry. vvaaniiiKlen ana New Yerk paper please copy. WOlal'. March 2. I.r.Wlfl WOI.r. In his sun jear. ninerai eervieta win u neia at if Heme for Aced Ceunlea. 17U3 Franela at.. LlSaturdav, 2 I. M. precisely. f MHIi:K. hudntil. Murch I, Rt.IZA- HKTii, uaunner et late Kdward and Marv Mttlee Itelatlven and f;lnd ere Invited In funral. Monday, Ri.ll A. M Tenldenee. .'2H I!. Wltdey st. Helemn reiut"m niasH I'hurfh of the Iminaculat Conception. 10 A. .VI Interment New Cathedral ("empters. KAHTIlunx. Mnrrh I. MATTIF. A., wife et iiiiwaru i.aMuurn. i unerai servuen Sun. i1h, 7 I. M.. at residence of her con In-law. Rebert I'erausnn. 2H20 N. Hnncreft hi., I IiIIb. Services ulse Hemertnn M. H. Church Monday. 2 1". M. Interment William 1'enn Cemetery. VAHllllI.INa. March t. AUOt'PT. hus. band of lain IaiuIhi Yaehrlln? (ne Haver- kainp). age.) 7-1. Relatives and trlendi, also innniri m r. .ii.-uuvi j.uinerun I hurrh. empleyes of P. U. T. 1 Hh and I.U7erne ate. barn and all of hln xerLatlea. lnvltml ,e at tmd funeral eervlces. Monday, 2 . m . ,, his late residence. 200K E. Yerk n. Inter. nent private s,rtnwoed Cemetery, vtewlnc Style-Value Springtime $ 10 A Pump origination in a serlel' of leathers with iinusuul rich aikaaaaaaVa' l-t-Year-Old Schaelbey Indt Life Detroit, March .l.-(BA. r.l-K' sentlhg nnd breeding ever hht wl'"" peremptory order that he .mint continue te attend school, Arthur plemBn:feuf. teen years' old, shot nnd killed himself this morning. BaJMMlfimilH W i Sousa Metropolitan Opera Heuse March 6 Attend the concert by Sousa and His Band. Then go te any dealer in Victer products and hear the Victer Records by Sousa's Band. Yeu will instantly appre ciate hew truly the Victrela brings te you the music of this famous band. Victer Talking Machine Ce. Camden, New Jersey III " 7- -1 Tht Philadelphia Entrance te Paris MMM BROAD AND WALNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA OFFER VERY Unusual Values In Their FINAL SALES Evening Gowns and Afternoon Dresses Net Crepe Velvet $35 te $95 - were $85 te $195 Gidding Coats and Fur Trimmed Wraps $75 te $275 were $125 te $450 Man) sm&rt models of rvanlcd things still remain ing which are very useful for the present time, very geed for wear during thc cool days, and arc being closed out regardless of their, cost. Seme coals of the finest materials, tvith beautiful cellar and cuffs of fur, cellar and cuffs costing mere than they arc being sold for nev. Harpers Wakver 103 CHMTNUT SHOM kwtfksy Women 'tWhie ttf'ee.r'- U.'i T- Kra WllllaStwenty.flT fa3 colored, Iembflrd street near ft yesterday ataewu Charles MaW M Seuth Thirteenth street after m'M puts ever ft purchase, In Masen's J9 eery atere. She was held without 3 HIS MASTER'S VOICE tsr-'ss ure 1 ii Wwiti$z$L 7147lO FIFTH (VENUS .Tf 61 !. . V. tt?-Carlten letcl Out early this year THE newest in men's oxfords saddles with perforated tee tips, geed and full. Tan Russia Calfskin $850 U2 MARKCT . . .- T . . , .-' fM .'.' ' ncm.en, ea f -. av, r.&n1. . " ' .. ... ? . ,fc t, "ftSiv i -W 3 c' I ' u- ?m? .-it r.iiiOtj'VtJii. sMiSM,, 7 .jl. . r . -'',(. ... s ft A-.tA u aV"' h .. h 'A'X&k .. Li I 1.1. ..'Sa;Lt l-.TWJ5 wi..? L'rf.ft &.J1.W ..CliVj !.-',,! ?.Vi fci"tV k&LY,WtZii, 'jL.t' aiaUJOU Sjftfi c-j.