wmm tEWTE&l rfffPt'fl fHvTwIl ,' wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw? wp BENNY'S NOTEBOOK By Lee Pape .iajIImm Airnaa I Ui! en SySffi nnd T w tat E? tht SfTmMt Ixcltin part ware the "L&Vp "iitfKnn in back of the f i ?n tlie dlnnlr bell rang for & SSSw thlnWnic. Aw neck, I.n gelm h tfEw thl chapter. iATl started te reed fast as cny 4 iA.i,l after a wile ma railed up, ItWld'eWer: that bell? J? wt bell, e mnm,.Im cemlnj. I I iilS .lewn. And I started te reed ISwWS ndftep a wllpe called ? ,!n.Wn. hew menv invitations de K 'P' Benny, hew ?'TV.. . mpM? .TOM nccu r t - 1 Yes sir rirtr havl" i Ven sir, v .-. i. - MkMn anM.VJ" l'rn,,w nnUlietl thn chan hcer I come, I called down. tf mere liHgea iy u " banter and the robbers-was .Mil firln. se I ntiiCK nnisiieu inn chi , ? ?d tl robbers tcrne.l ! erreund and ' Mnat tie la-t llne..nd then I jumped S!, and started te inove my, fernlture ,' A a 1"tU thlnklnr. G, I better ' ffrt aVoecl Ixcuse for being se Ien.' And I went down .and wawked In ' .tidlhlnj room with a erly Ixpresslen, ' snyln?, 0 you have finally c.en- ti up my room, I ged, and plny, have gpu?' ' I wan flxln ud pep scd, O miracle of miracles, he was flxin up his room, and mn sed, If ne eiu jit wan mc icrst time in his lire, did you put your shoes In your clestt Instcd of lecving them decorating vari ous parts of the fleer the Mny they were this morning? Ne mam, I dlcient have time for that, I sed, nnd pep sed, Well wile you were fixing up, did you dispose of that 'quaint pile of shavings that I noticed your feet? " t 11 Bir, no air, i was lest going te but at the last mlnnlt I dident have time, I sed, and ma sed, Did you cleen the rubbish off yet.r desk as I have bin suggesting te you for the past few verts? rwilt, I sed. Meenlng I dident, and pep sed, In ether words you fixed up your room Jest the way you found It, sjrjbwn nnd cat your supplr. Tnch I did, feeling lucky nuthlng weree happened. f- Naw Is Your Chance 1 STORES WANTED by1 large Retail Grocery Chain .Organization, in Philadelphia and suburbs and surrounding towns,. 'State' exact location, size of store anct rental required en a term lease. , Address B 933, Ledger Office ". UiuWilbl tlvuMmMt? rmMaite Made by the refiners of Franklin Cane Sugars 8im3r 3i Irrntmn & iTHiiS IMPaffHn fr lSVn' t Li FRANKLIN GOLDEN SYRUP C THE MOST POPULAR FLAVOR IN THE WORLD J he rare taste eF sweet sugar cane im parts an irresistible flavor te many geed things te eat. Yeu can wisely use Franklin Syrup everyday in the year as a table spread unusually ap preciated -.or as a cooking aid ePmany helpful uses. The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use" Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown Ge: a. uoldeneyrup ysp overheard en the Baltimore & Ohie "Here Is what I call service," said ene Phil adelphia traveler te another. "This morning I P he nod the Walnut Street office regaidLnjr service te Chicago and In about 15 minutes I ."A ln my efflce ny tlem, Pullman accom modations and t h 1 a booklet deserlblnc the . train I was te use." If' you find it in convenient te call at our office jutt phone and our agent will arrange the detaile. laW. Seme important things te remember about Baltimore & Ohie train service from Philadelphia Frem Philadelphia, the Baltimore & Ohie has ever 5Q00 miles of track intermediate te its Western terminals Chicago and St. Leuis. It serves 12 States and reaches with its own rails ever 1000 cities and towns. Our Philadelphia offices can ticket you, net only te any point en the Baltimore & Ohie System, but te any destination en or reached via its connecting lines. Our two convenient stations may be quickly and easily reached from any section of the city. Subway and surface cars pass our Chestnut Street Station, while many trolley lines make our Wayne Junction Sta tion exceptionally convenient for residents of Germantown and foerth Philadelphia. And finally, remember that our 1337 Walnut Street Ticket Office is virtually a "travel bureau." Our agents will gladly arrange itineraries, check your ' baggage, make Pullman reservations and render every possible service that will make your trip mere pleasant and enjoyable. Three excellent express trains leave Baltimore & Ohie Stations in Philadelphia for Chicago every day. Liberal stop-ever privileges and no extra fare. Stations at 24th and Chestnut Sts. and Wayne Junction. -Central Ticket Office at 1337 Walnut St. Baltimore 6 Ohie Railroad America's First Railroad Established 1827 The 'New "Wrap AreuncT Medel in Women's Smart , Tweed Skirts ier Spring Extremely Geed Value at $7.50 Cut In one piece, shirred at the top, and open down its en tire length at the left aide, fastening with loepa of the material and smart jet buttons. Finished with one tailored pocket at the side. Splendid skirts ter outdoor prl8goed looking, cut ft al low perfect freedom of action, serviceable, nnd the latett word in style. Sketched. ' New Tweed Knickers te Wear With the Skirts At $5.00 and $6.75 Thoroughly' tailored knickers in all the geed sports shades brown, tan, gray, Cop enhagen, rose and ether mixtures. SneLLENBUROS Second Fleer SrKMAY. JMAHUIl 3. 1921. Hier Optm at A. M. CltMi t BlM P. M. M nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK-MaRKET n&Ttt2iBSTReMTS i. M Sale of Stunning Pearl Girdles I $1.00 Each Extremely smart effects in smoked and white pearls, combined with metal links in various designs. One sketched. Sale of Jet Bead K(n Ea. Necklaces at uvt Strikingly geed looking! Finished with tassel or pendant. Opera length, in many, many styles. r Sale of Smart New Earrings1 At 50c $1.00 Attractive pendant and hoop effects in all the wanted colors such as jet, jade, pearl, lapis, coral, red, etc. Sketched. isNELLENBURCS First Fleer Vz and Le88-T?wn-y2'Price Sale Tomorrow of $1 te $3.50 Imported Veilings at50cte$1.50yd. Berder effects, fancy meshes and scroll designs in black, brown, navy and taupe. Veil Lengths, Special OK at, Each.., ........"..... t- In black and combination colors. SNELLENBURflS First Fleer Three Big Saturday Values in Women's Undermuslins Offer Timely Merchan dise at Splendid Savings Twe-Piece Pajamas of Madras and Percale at $1.98 t0 $2.98 Ceat and middy styles in plain colors and stripes, trimmed with frogs and fac ings of contrasting color ings. One model sketched. Win V Envelope Chemises & Gowns at 98c te $1.98 Dainty models of fine batiste and lingerie cloth, in white, flesh, orchid and light blue. t Manu of the Geivm'Jfavc the New Bateau Neckline 98c Bleemers of Satine and Batiste Satine bloomers in purple, green nnd brown. Batiste bloomers in light blue, flesh, drchid and black. All splendidly made and strongly re-enforced. Very special value. bNELLENBURflS Second Fleer Big Sale of 1SOO Pairs of Women's $6 te $8 Strap Pumps and Lace Oxfords at $4.75 Pair About 25 of the Season's Best-Selling Styles' Taken Frem Regular Stock-and Reduced All Sizes in the Combined Lethe Price in Many Cases Consider ably Less Than Whole sale. Tan calf one and two strap pumps with turn or welted soles and Baby French heels. Tan calf lace oxfords with mili tary heels and welted soles. Brown and black kid lace ex fords with military heels. Runmctal, black satin and patent colt three-buckle pumps with turn, or welted soles, Fawn and gray Buede strap pumps with high or low French heels. ifvvi 9 . i0k H ft -j-.: V'-IiiK."!.; eaturaau epemmm wvjwpw March Sale of H" T '&' eys . m Furnishings Five Splendid Lets Offering Big ' Value Opportunities te Mothers Beys' $1 and $1.50 Shirts,, Qgg Ciacn i Well-made sniris 01 oxieru, niwuua nnii geed grade percale, in cellar attached und neckband styles. Sizes 12,4 te 14. Beys' Blouses, Each PJJ-C ft mm.1 n..nllf .. Vknrtfi1n 1m n " I large variety of neat stripes. Cellar at tached style, with soft cuffs. Sizes 0 te 10, years. Beys' Blouses, Each fi4-C Of madras and high-grade vFrlTV percale, made with cellars attached and soft cuffs. Tremendous assortment of pretty' striped patterns. Sizes 7 te 10 years. Beys' Blouses Made te CkAn Our Special Order, Each v Of fine madras and Harmony percale, with cellar attached, button-down cellars and soft cuffs. Sizes 7 te 10 years. Beys' Four-in-Hands, Ea. 1 F7q All the wanted plain colors, novelty stripes and plaids. SneIlENBUrgS First Fleer $2.95 Beys' $5.00 Scheel Shoes at About COO pairs of boys' tan, brown nnd gunmetnl calf English lace shoes with welted and stitched soles. Sizes 1 te 5lz Children's & Misses' Extra-High Cut "Tret Mec" Lace Shoes With Kerry Krome soles and Indian tan elk uppers. Sizes SVz te 11, Regular $5 at $2.95 Sizes 11 Vz te 2, Regular $6 at $3.95 bN ELLEN BURCiS Second Fleer In the Economy Basement Extraordinary Sale of Women's New Spring Footwear at cpOd (W High-Grade Shoes Made te Retail at $5 and $6 Pair -In About Fifteen Smart New Styles Geed Size Range in Each Let. Mostly With Rub ber Heels. Styles include: Patent colt one-strap pumps with gray suede back and suede covered French heels. Beautiful black satin one-strap pumps with high or low French heels. Tan calf walking oxfords with straight tips and rubber military heels, welted and stitched soles. Dark brown kid lace oxfords with straight tips and rubber heels, welted and stitched soles. Patent colt gunmetal three-buckle strap pumps with welted soles. Tan calf imitation wing tip rubber heel oxfords. Tan calf one-strap two-button imitation ball strap pumps. Plenty of Extra Salespeople Main Aisle Tables and Regular Department Devoted te the Sale bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Hats That Tell of Springtime A Wonderful Assortment of Levely and Dashing New Medels Flower Flewer t r immed, for, of c e u r s e, many of the bright est and love licst hats this spring are gay with flowers. Or ribbon-trim med with loops and bows; or facings; or quaint nov elty arrangements. And tailored models, nnd speits hats, tee these tremendously smart in style and treatment, many in the new "high" colors which accompany sports suits and top-coats this spring. t A lleallu Wonderful Assortment of Excep tionally Fine and Smart Hals for Women of All Ages and Tastes. One Pictured bNELLENBURGS Millinery Salens, Second Fleer $5.00 Tomorrow A Wonderful Sale of Women's Slipover Sweater Blouses Beginning With a Fine Let of Sweaters $1.75 And Going Up te $12 Sweaters at $9.95 With Corres pondingly Big Value-Groups in Betivcen The most popular models including: Stunning striped sweaters Navajo ef fects and di op-stitch models. All styles round nnd V neckB with and without cellars and cuffs. Plain and novelty weaves in a most extraordinary assortment of colors and color combinations. One model sketched. bNELLENBURGS Second Fleer i&vk at si8x&M Last Day of Our Special Sale and Demonstration of Boyshferm Brassieres Patent Ne. 1408139 By Miss Mae V. Dennell, Boyshferm Expert Boysh -form bras sieres con fine the bust and meld the figure into flat, bey-j ishlygrace- ful lines. In! serviceable mate rials e r dainty silks white and flesh color. $1.00 Brassieres at g)c $1.25 Brassieres at $1.00 $1.75 Brassieres at $1 AQ $2.00 Brassieres at $1'79 $2.25 Brassieres at J.95 $2.75 Brassieres at $2.49 $5.00 Brassieres at $3.95 b'.'ELLENBURGS Second Fleer im hMMV ft i.jiWA v III Men's and Yeung Men's Tailored- te-Measure Suits for Spring Smartest Medels Finest Qualities Best Tailoring at J $37.50 Suits That Other Philadelphia Tailors Are Pricing at $65, $70 and $75 Brand-new styles for spring, 1922 ex pertly tailored and carefully finished throughout, te the last detail of the making. Choice of a complete line of the new spring woolens, including serges, tweeds, hemespuns, worsteds and unfinished wer steds in stripes, checks and mixtures. New est and best patterns and colors. Suits ordered new will be made up and held until desired. bHELLENBURCS 'Ihhd Fleer Men's 50c Mercerized Socks 6 Pairs for $1.50 Made from fine quality combed yarn with double soles, re-enforced at heel and tee with extra splicing. In black, cordovan, navy and smoke. Men's Onyx Silk CQ Pr. Socks In a Sale at. . . ou Heavy quality puie thread silk socks with cotton soles, fully re-enforced. In black, cordovan, navy, white, Russia calf, suede, gray, green and champagne. bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Women's Beautiful 8-Butten French Kid Gloves In the Fashionable Spring Shades $4.50 Pair Unusually fine quality genuine kidskin gloves with attractive embroidered backs. Full pique sewn. In the popular spring colorings brown, tan, white with self color, white with black, black and black with white. Women's Strap-Wrist 0 QQ Kidskin Gloves. Pair Ji0 Practical gloves with novelty embrold embreld cied backs. Pique sewn. In brown and black with white. Menfs $2.50 Capeskin 01 OP Gloves. Pair JA.0 Children's Colored Silk Gleria Umbrellas Made Just Like Mether's at $3.50 each Attractive, strongly - made umbrellas of very fine quality piece-dyed gleria with wide novelty sntin borders ever gen uine paragon frames. Handles of hardwood with bakclite rings, ferrules and lib tips te match. Celers blue, gicen and purple. Extremely practical Utile um brellas te get for the kiddies pretty enough for "best" serv iceable enough for school and everu'day use. J iub Fust Fleer SnTi Gloves, Pair Splendid gloves for everyday wear. Of geed quality leather, in brewn: P.X.M. sewn. bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Strongly Built Tep-Surface Cowhide Bags Exceptional Value at $4.95 each Fine quality top surface cowhide. built ever strong frames, with firmly sewed seams and corners. m M Mim Leather-lined throughout. Celers brown, tnn nnd cnwliivnn.. In shea suitable for men and women i 16 and 18 inches. bNELLENBURGS First N. SNELLENBURG ft CO.: 't l ;? ..W 1 Si . J., a-. e .w writ .& .'' V aa ,rrvL... e, r mmmidM klKilD'A' i- SNELLENBURG & CO.