mimwi. v::i 4 'mu EF ' V r m .w rra w v'Xmi y-s IV h ? I. ,tf' Anils' rfVt na Virginia nyHELENA ,. "Sheddy IT V DON'T motif l.nn- T.llllnt. i!Ay? de it although " and at laujhed nerreuly "although ltd none or my busi ness and I'm rude te talk about her at nil." "LU Byers? What de .you mean you don't nee hew she does It? In ihe " "Lillian was here thin afternoon (or a cup of tea. I hadn't Keen her for ages: Taul, does her hus band make a terrible ! maney?" fciyiO. jrsui.CBUCKiea easily. fUM'tVA.Uftl Ne I don't think he makes t Wt, but he s getting along comfort- P. 1 see mm at luncheon once in n at; i suppose nc a getting areunu fc4"j ;e taeuaand a year urn. that's no mere than wc v . :.? afr nre was a sharp note of dismay, of 'appointment, raut thought, in her " tlee. , "Well, dear, what's the riddle?" - , "It's Lillian's jewels, Paul, new tn tka vnrM rina ah, tin It? I'm Mire I yf'ty ' Mnr saw her leaded down like she was RaV, -taday; and I've known her for jcars." ir ."Looked pretty well illuminated. k?" V& - "'l mean a let of junk en?" wfti- 'Junk? Dearest, it wasn't il. '"iiiaminatear ' , . , II ' v? m. tm.. she hid en one of the new din 'ft h tmd bracelets, the kind that hare ! lUsaends nnd sapphires or rubles or , meralds alternating." t'iL -.rv...' a-v "And she had en a beautiful diamond !ttrpln set In platinum, I just knew t was. I caught her admiring her .5-21. -. .1.. -i..,i in w mirrnr . i tones as she slanced In thnt mirror rem time te time, but. of course. Paul. 'wasn't going te ask her about them." . "She's probably off you for life. 'heugh, because you didn't," he said ."And she had rings eh, Taul Htautlful rings with great square dia monds In them. And where In the world te you suppose .her husband gets cneugli money te " vPaul was turning the pages of a fie- L Hen magazine hurriedly. 1 -"Ahr Weman's Life and Leve 'J. WINIFRED HARPER COOLEY Wives as Litxuries TON"T be discouraged," runs be discouraged,' an .U advertisement en a Brooklyn bnk- if your wife can t cook. ,ni uere, ami kskii u as a pet'." I Times nave changed te such an extent that grand-1 sires would rise in their graves if they could see that "ad." Fancy the geed old-fashioned heupcnifc, espe cially en a farm, arising at four or five In the morn ing, and breaking the Ice te wash, or K-avA rtW, M k WINIFRED IURPEJI COOLET 1 i .. iU ZV 7. ' '.BBBBBBBBFsfBBBl sssssssssK tar.teften building the fires, or split- sheTsy STrt.c.e publlshed'T can ting kindling. Picture her in her send u te 8ynd,Cate. can't I? Innumerable tasks, from break of day Yeu have said that It would be pos pes ts set of sun. and then, regard her. slble te find the address of one In a ll the candle or kerosene lamp-ngni. . -After the eleven children have been led Sad' put te bed, mending and darning atll her peer, red fingers ache. AND today 'coellv sua n commercial firm can cc-elly suggest that a man take his J i.i.i. i - .).,,!.. n1 keen his wife r.u. -u a -v-. . as a pet 1 We are happy that the worst uruag ty and physical strain for woman arc ever. We sign as wc see me ennj -e SfPJHJ'.KSSS who died Tn first youth, and three wives te a man, all tee frequently, showing bow they were killed off. one by one. i b the stress of the primitive tabks. Jledern ease is better: but eh. the hu hu illatien of being "kept as a pet. IDLE wives are numerous in modern , 1 times eHneclnllv In ble cities. Fre- , times, especmuy in uir .i.. , , uuently, we have pointed out hew the ' fclewings of the labor-saving inventten . Iuve llchtencd household work, nnd the W egested conditions and expense of rent lyZt hift tended te make the homes smaller. .w ' .. 5.,, . hi .... .AArnn .11,1 L.lli KH IS'wfrf ,.t te , ti the rule net he ex- I 5S - and kitchenette is the ruic, nei me c K'fil . caption. I ffrA?'.. Naium run Stem the tide OOsTlrCUm- f. Stances, and preaching about domestic ( Wii virtues never will terce wemvn ujiwn fiHrr ,.r.a red-het kitchen fcteve, after the fK: v , . iii t- ... in rpi... i d nt irtrlp trills has come in. There is, no virtue in stmni w u.r ,.. usd trying te be old-fashioned. Drudg- J jwy In itself is net dtlne! F'-WIVES are Idle, because light la- ' bers are all that are necessary, the n& fault is net with the llghteneu Heuse- Beld conauiens, dui wuu iuu v-iuwin f the wife,, who has net learned te find Btw employment. When huge batch. of bread and cakes and pics arc no ' Sanger needed, and her work-basket re- veals only a few socks te darn, surely ! she-can employ her time In biaulifying i r the. small apartment, in using efficiency , methods, nnd ttudylng dietetics. Dys- ' Mpsla Is net old-fashioned; it btlll i rages. The use of our btemachs ni human garbage-palls, into which wc dump U sorts of horrible chemical coin- , Mundir, because wc knew nothing of ,feed combinations, or value., still tn i, teravalent. Although newspapers and '.j: Mniln nml nemilar text-books en mUloeS and dietetics nnd economics and E&V. Jhalanced rations ere offered millions iXfe women, most of them continue te ,. ear and let tneir lammi eat in uic ik- ' ..& ... l. tinll.ng All flil.J'tte, MWnni W) lliui iiurivi...-. .. u.-.mw. 8preyr,lt.ls tnie that n goeu enKcry primu"- ryftwwaeiffT'anu cnenper preuu mail mc mui- "'Ul prev Is aim every ounce wt:,wuiisuui wt:,wuiisuui cenverted Inte bone und fat. mticclv Lf?eS..aV bleed. If we had mere iinuginn- 'iH'shat would chemically be converted into :W,H.w w.,1 MhaiI nn,l fnlp Arm white But we ent with lcs wisdom absteinieuMiesH than animals. , IIS Is peculiarly woman's problem, i ; Jet en when her nctual housework is it.,. Even If the family often dine at kuranls. the selection ectiic right slnatieuS'niid qualities of feed is sttal te health. Albe, nx mekt are mothers, the actual life and tk , and development of the next uLiI. ' . I il.nl- -- rni f tlen nre In their rare. Tilts sical task, ' Involving wisdom and IViBiniiiiK, it mui imc iiuij. um ll Ital. Surety, modern women. In de- .UkJlnU I.. k ..,.. J.. A.. L.. f. If opportunities and right, also let te a'ceent new responsibilities, of jpe, old. ones, and are never l.a;HejtM appendages, bits of MrteaiferwMea awn kryAs wv- 'AVMM k'J1 w-nwi .-H' - i ( , !!-V r SiflS - $t '? 'V tWJKVp L' IIOYT GRANT He leaned arreM the table and pointed at a page ailvcrtNemcnt. Mnnv ring, breeches, pendants, lnvalllerc and what-net. nil pictured with clltterlna gems, were dlsplared. ".Mn.v6t " he suggested. The announcement of the New Yerk firm Invited readers te send "only $3.08 nnd own this beautiful Bra zilian gem which no body ean tell from n real dln'mend that would cost you $500." "Paul.", said Vlr- cinta solemnly, "de you really think " He patted her smooth cheek tenderly. "Veu never can tell nowadays, dear est. I really believe this advertiser. I hnvc no doubt at all that tbese Imi tation stones leek like diamonds. They Jirebably.have just as much glitter and ust ns much pep te 'em its the real thine. Hut, of course, they don't mean anything. A geed dime Is worth ten rents; a phony ten-dollar geld piece isn't worth a cent." Virginia nodded soberly. "I see," she said. "And the worst of It Is," I'aul went en cheerfully, "that folks who wear fake jewelry are sort of spiritually denresseil nil the time. They ninv he observed stealing sly glances nt their sparkler te sort el renew tneir own foolish confidence In them. It's just a weakness, I guess. Human beings nrc tunny mm way. aiiej- uiubi nnYe gauus and bright playthings. And if they can't have the real thing, they cheese the next best thing the fakes. It's an awful Jhing te live up te. though, n bnnd(ul Apheny ,nm ' "I , should say It musl n irglnln solemnly. She s mencls. must be." breathed ircinla solemnly. She stele n alnncc nt the white, glittering hnlt-carat diamond of her engagement ring. "If n thing's real nnd genuine, lt possessor Is never afrntd that the world will suspect Its genuineness; isn't that it, dear?" she smiled softly. "Sure," said Paul, with an answering smile. "People nrc like that. tee. As n matter et met. neney, imitations de ceive the world for a while but " "I knew, dcar.'J Tomorrow Music Hath Charms The Weman's Exchange What Weight? Te the Editor of U'omen'j Paet: Dear Madam What Is the correct welftht for a slrl 63 Inches tall, who will be fifteen In May? YOURS TRULY. Yeu should weigh 120 pounds De you come near this? A Beardlna Place for a Babv Te ie rdlep 0 ,Pemen., Pace. D a MadamWenM ,. vinrfi.. i. form me If there is a place In or around Philadelphia where babies under one j ear of ag-p can be bearded? B. A. As any arrangement of this Wnd would have te be made through the Children's Bureau, it would be best and quickest te make your first applica tion at the headquarters, 419 Seuth Fif teenth street Children under two years of age are taken care of there. Where te Send Stories '' - "' f-"'. Pc: pnone doek. i nave loeKed, however. and cannot find any listed. Perhaps I uave misspelled me name. A WOULD-BE WRITER. I have always told these wlin nlrri for syndicate addresses that I would .give them a list of these If thev would geni n a stamped, addressed envelope, P1''"' ." the looking In the tele pnene Boek mixed up with some ether answer? I'll be glad te eendsj-eu this list that I sneak of. se be hia nnri write for It. Hands and Housework rO - "' : " "-. Poee: uear Madam Will you klndlv tell me what I could de te get my hands clean and white again. Whenever I de anything In the line of housekeeping my skin Is very tender en the palm of the hand and all the dirt shows In the cracks. I hae used lemen Juice, but It does net help. Alse what would take Ice cream stains from a ;!,k moire bag? CECILE. Yel, can keep your hands looking better by rubbing them with a nail Jh. SOrt of seething llauld lotion. The w.lb. . recemmen one you use tMf steadily, or it will net hae the ceed effect veu want It te hae. nf rse. It Is hard te care for jour hands when J(JU uge them g(j mu(.h but t0 haV(j them looking nice Is worth the trouble. Parhnn tetrarhWIrte n n1iilnn which jeu can also get at a drugstore, m tciuu n.e iv.a v..v;aui eijuis uin your eag. I.. ... .Siin.fltjpr IJnecn'f OUp-UVer UOeSU I Skip Over the Suits By CORINNE LOWE There's manv n hIIiiCevciM between fj. W aB mf lit) r n jJ 1 the tap and the hip. This populer.and add mri1. nnpp rnnHnrd te HurHtnrw nmt b. ' -u uuiiuiui .- I .. . -.! I !- l ,.,. ' p.rtieulnrlv u this iw i the1 . knitted models, in which one often .. . . . . 11..1 it.. i tin.U the (nnntv little Incket fnittpninv with one or two buttons. In the suit of grny tweed illustrated today the al'owanee of buttons Is mere generous. However, the jncket is offi cially n slip-ever, nnd Its simplicity makes it idesl for every young girl of from lour teen, te forty. J his same model B'elterJ inaj. urse, e carrisqeui I Ma . m 1 ii -t.vJs. - 1 " A 5,. J aaaaaalaHaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaHaHaaaaaaaataaaaaa fjm::i-xiK?wamMmimtr '-nnnfKTf r?fljSOTWK.ft BBgfflVx.: -r ' .1HBMMM"Vjr' .HTWM - ' v TWiTHBinxxML; ivnnuiL rrt ; - . i . '. i ' ' , i. I i Mrs. Wilsen's Menus Revive 1 86 1 Dishes By SIRS. M. A. WILSON Copyright, lttt. hu Mr: M, A. IVIften. will rtehtt rttetvtd MARKET houses were springing up in many parts of the city around Ififlt for the convenience of the bouse' beuse' wife who by this time made semi weekly tripe. The wnr demon wns loom ing high en the horizon, nnd trade con ditions were In a verv precarleui condi tion ; the beunewife felt the serious need of conservation, nnd with this Idea fixed firmly in mind she quickly turned te the less costly feeds. Conniving nnd planning te secure the most for the money', she was obliged te expand. She returned te early Co lonial methods of economy. Se, with Mrs. Powell's aid, I will give you some dishes- of '01. Breakfast Apple Sauce Cern Mush and Milk Stale Urend Griddle Cakc Paeen Sirup Coffee Dinner Radishes Yeung Garden Onions Pet nenst of Shin of Beef ' Browned Potatoes Peas Mashed Turnips Celery 8alad Brown Betty with Caramel Sauce Coffee Supper .Petted Meat Pickles IWd Potatoes Celcs'aw App'e Shortcake Custard Sauce Ten The market basket will require this week: Apples, radishes, garden onions, pe tatees, peas, turnins. cabbage, celery. bacon, four and one-half pounds cut from th wiln with the hone in it. cereal, sirup and ether weekly staples. Milk was plentiful and very reason ably priced and the housewife felt that the family required n libernl nllewnnce. ThU may hnve had something te de with the geed health of these days. Cern Mush Place In a saucepan One cup of water. Three cupt of milk. Bring te a boiling paint. New add One cup of.cernmealfor hominy gtilt, Three-quarter ttatpoen of salt, Cook slowly for one hour. Serve with het milk. Stale Bread Griddle Cakes Place one quart of scalding milk in bowl, and add Ttce labletpoem of poed herteningt One teaspoon of naif. Twe cup of state bread crumet. Beat hard te mix and set aside te cool. New add One yeast cake dissolved in etic cup of water M degrees Fahrenheit, Four tablespoons of sirfip. Sufficient flour te make a stiff drop batter. Beat very hard te blend and set away in a" cool place te rise, .overnight. In the morning brntJuird te mix. and add THce thirds curref het water. and beat again. Bake en a het griddle Potreast of Shin Beef , A cut from the chuck or neck or a piece of rolled brisket may be used In place of the shin of beef. Wipe the meat with a damp cloth and tic in shnpc with a piece of stout string. Melt a little shortening In n henvy iron pet. nnd when smoking het add meat, turn te sear the ment and cover closely, shaking the pet frequently te prevent the meat from sticking, Add Six onions. Ilit of bay leaf. Fagget of soup herbs, Sir tablespoons of vinegar. Allew fifty minutes te the pound for cooking this meat. When ready te 'serve place in bowl Ttre-fAirdi cup of flour. One and twe'thirds cup nf water. Stir te dissolve the flour in the water and add te the pet with the ment OnC'half cup of catsup. - Bring quickly te n boil, stirring te prevent lumping, and then season with salt, pepper and three tablespoons of sharp vinegar. Brown Betty Caramel Sauce Place In a bowl 7'tfe and one-half cups of apple sauce. Twe cups of bread crumbs, , 77irre-guarers cup of flour, Three-quarter cup of brown sugar. One cup of raisins. One teaspoon of nutmeg, Three-quarters teaspoon of cinna mon. One-half cup of chopped citron. Mix and turn iu a well-greased meld and Bteam for one hour. Petted Meat Place one tablespoon of gelatin' In a cup and add Three-fourths cup of gravy. Stand for fifteen minutes, then place the cup in saucepan of warm water and beat te dissolve tba gelatine. Pour the melted gelatin and the gravy in a bowl and add Tice fablcjpediM of Worcestershire sauce, One teaspoon of onion extract, yOne teaspoon, of salt, Three-Quarters teaspoon of pepper. Ttce cups of meat left from the din ner, chopped very fine, One-half cup of finely chopped parsley. Mix together, and as It begins te thicken rinse a small leaf -shape pan and turn the mixture; chill. Serve en crisp lettuce for supper with cither cream horseradish sauce or tartar sauce. Seme people like a little mustard with this dish. Apple Shortcake Place in a mixing bowl One-half cup of sugar, reur tablespoons of shortening, One egg. Cream, then add : 7'ice cups of flour, One-half teaspoon of salt, Four teaspoons of baking pewdtr, Three-quarters cup of milk. Beat hard te mix and then turn in a . well-greased deep layer cake pan nnd i bake in a moderate even for thirty- five minutes. Ceqi, split and then fill with very thick well -sweetened apple sauce. Serve with custard sauce. Custard Sauce Place In a saucepan One and one-half cups of milk, Three level tablespoons of corn starch, Stir te dissolve and bring te a bell. Cook for five minutes and add One-half cup of sugar, Yolk of one egg, One teaspoon of vanilla. ' Beat hard te mix and cool; for three minutes. Coel and use. Place the white et egg in small bowl -. .. ' Owc-flflf flltfM Of (IpplC JCUU, Ttnar n'Uri a flnTPP f.tlp AffshfAflinH until the mixture holds its shape. i Te serve: Place n cut of the cake en n dessert nlatc and pour ever the short enke the custard snucc. Then garnish with the Caledonian cream. A Dainty Buckle A new. craw among girls. of the "flap per" claw Is me wearing ei uic photo- graphf.erthi J'bcst bea,u." moutnedea tHrbtttWMhe,shSe.(. -. .- w& I l-1 y .wmiWV" ' ... ' ii .,'. , f.liW Abb; a, Spring hat, Tebl 'i 1 - j. jHf Ivi",,'3.s!&& . Wmm' ?"; ?VS1 . .r-jmvSBaiBBBVSBBBBK r, IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI SBKK. ISSSSSSSBBSSmBFBSSSSSSSSSSWBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI MPBSytMESCtH'yJJlSSSSSST ;JBJ5 iSBBBBSr SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBB0SB SBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBSBBSBBsViaslsBBBBHSBVSBBBBBB BDGsBBBBBBBBBBBBBM!sSBm;-SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS sbbbbbbbbbbIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssbbbbbxHsbP'Vsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssasssssssssssssssssssssBHHSlK lsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssi ssssssssssssssssssUssssssssss0fi : ' VsLsssssssssssssssssHH BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBlBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSnSSBv'lkt.- r BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKSBBBBBBBBBBBBrtSr. aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM sssbbbbbbbbIjIsk&W''' '".sIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSVVW MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBViil BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtWHt'iVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVK" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsKPtinHHl , 2S -. Photo by Central News. It's a. striking affair of straw, its drooping wide brim very limp and lackadaisical, its crown, high and commanding. But Its prlnclpdl chnnn Is the rose of, rich velvet in deep tones, with ostrich flues surrounding it. This Is its only 'trimming ; and well it may be, for anything mere , would burden It tee heavily Deluded Wives Judith darlulc is the typical small-town wife, and when Hand, her husband, suddenly tells her that he has sold his business and is going te New Yerk te be an artist she is shocked and angry, A. Curious Caller JUDITH never even thought of re- fusing te" IcaTe Lynbrook Junction. If the thought had occurred te her she would have rejected It Instantly. Te remain there In town and allow Rand te go te New Yerk without her would be te ignere nil the standards that she had been .brought up te observe. Married women followed their hus bands, thera was no such thtng as sepa ration, nnd as Lynbrook Junction woke up te what Rand Carlylc hnd done, there were women who both envied and pitied Judith. But they .were all curious, all eager te see Judith and te find out hew she felt nbeut it. Thpre wns a rumor about that Rand bad sold his business with out telling Judy anything about If. was this true, and if, se, hew did she feel? Minnie Everett was the first te run In and hear the news. She found Judith In the kitchen roll ing out pastry just as if nothing had happened. "Well. Judy, se you're ceine tn W Yerk." Judith had a curious pride. She had no intention of lettlnr nnv mm suxneet hew she felt en the subject. She didn't want puy, ana although she wanted with nil her heart te confide her fears and doubts te some one, something told her that It wouldn't be wise. Se she went en with ner nlc making and replied cnlmly enough, "Yes, we're going the end of the week." "Well, I must "fray you're calm enough about It," Minnie retorted. She was a pretty, shallow little woman, and had the reputation of wearing the most stylish clothes in town. She en vied Judy with nil her heart, nnd yet she wns woman enouch'te have svm- C utilized with her readily if Judy hnd een ef'n mind te centldg. As it wtis Judy's nttitude of calm acceptance was rather irritating. "New Yerk, just think of it," Min nie went en. "I gu.ss you'll find it rather different from this town. You'll have te leek te your laurels there, all Read Your Character By Digby Phillips The Aviators Fer these who msy possibly doubt the accuracy of scientific character analy sis by means of the observation and classification of physical traits, thcre is much of significance in the observations made bv Lieutenant C. N. Rctnhnrdt in the British flying service during the war. It takes no- argument te show that the aviator must have certain well-defined characteristics. It is net only the question of the "middle ear," that Is, of the sense of physical-balance. The quickness of the .mental 'reaction and the instinctive nervous reactions must be well defined. In addition, the avia tor requires a certain distinct type of courage, the courage of action, dash and self-reliance rather than the cour age of dogged resistance,- supreme en durance and the like. In short, the aviator needs a strong balance of. nil the characteristics attributed te the blonde, convex, aggressive, motive type of person. And hew docs this square withathe observations of the personnel of the Royal Flying Cerps?. ' Rcinhardt found that 05 per cent of them were fair, with blue eyes, and 00 per cent were pure blendes. Mere than 0.1 per cent were pure convex in profile. There was net one case of a "bulging brew" with a receding chin (the tjpe of theoretical person, perhaps powerful In mentality, but speculative in thought and undecided in action). Mere than 70 per cent of them, ns shown by their builds, were of the bony, active, motive type. Nene of them were of the vltnl type. And most of them were short headed (which, In a general wsy, em phasizes the indications of the convex ity of profile and lightness of coloring). Tomorrow- -The Hand's "Ne" 'Yes" and Things You'll Leve te Make Ribbenl A novel and attractive eversMrt for a frock is made of RIUOON-LATTICB TRIMMINO. Jein one-Inch bands of ribbon te the belt, Have them iu groups of three pieces, each piece one' Inch apart, each' group two Inches, apart. Each band must be about twice as lung as Ue eversklrt Is wanted. Tut two Inch circles of buckram, cover them with silk, (They can then be embroid ered or beaded,) Greup the ribbons nn shown and Jein the circles te the rib bops. Before beginning It would be well te mark off en a paper eversklrt. at tached te the belUejust where the cir cles are te be, The paper can be tern away when the lattice -work Is finished. Dill a llttlj. if M. nmnAM.r.iflvrima anicdfBrWs. f . S VWW X mmmine O L V rerw- VT TlUMVfJNG .en each, .eeYe.nnd.qn the f1 t arerybedy will think she front Pf.thr.bedlce-WHV iFIRA!sKtt;ff!We exclusive 'shop. , t. ; . ', J . i i Mif r . V f 1 a. , a. - -. Mm ,., Vi'rtt. vut-.i . . USkSSUisafi. dBBBBBBBsiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! II By HAZEL DEYO BATCIIELOR right. Jdinr was there for three days once e convention, nnd he says there nn,iA.n0n,a ,n t1'0 c"y who isn't SC.rofeUkJg.rCMe.d a'"1 n,ere tJ!.I&".c?MJ?1,n ceuMn't have" looked iL mi ' . JSdy "turned lightly. n flnu.'l.'nTnljh.urr,cd "' cw te find a flaw In Judy's armor of reserve. tNr'AnwhnfRfI,d's g?ln te.00 an Bl" i i,i).i,m J011 knew nbeut that? Wh0.n t thlnk J 1nvy J th. Judy. )ltl' A VV &?' "bout an artist dn. V th.e Palace, lest week, and he certainly iivcd free k d j room, with queer rugs nnd things hang ng around, and bcnutirul girls came in and nosed tnr i.im .j"..Jrl 15?-.?; ."."l.y.yvemen came. i.JV . .i P'ures tnreugn these glasses en sticks, you knew, they call them lorgnettes, although it didn't leek llvln " t0 Wrk VCry Lard for n "Well. Ilnnd will have te work," Judy returned quickly. ''He'll have te work hard If he's going te make geed.". "ew dcs he knew he'll make geed? Hew can n man who's kept n garnge nil his life makejjoed as nn ar tist I should think you'd be afraid he might fall." It w-as then for the first time that Judy had nn impulse, te justify Rand in the eyes of Lynbrook. After all he was her husband, no jnatter what she thought of him, no mutter hew she re belled nt the madness of this step he had Ju6t taken, no one else must knew the truth, and she said carelessly enough : "Just n minute till I get this pie In the even, and I'll show jeu some of Rand s drawings." And it was up te the little room where Rnnd hnd worked secretly for many weeks that Judy finally led her gUdt. aild the first tlletnre clin .tin. .played was the one of herself in the jew-necaeu gown and the peacock feather fan. ,Ecn new it made her gasp with secret dismay as she looked at It, but she wanted te show Minnie Everett thnt Rnnd hnd every reason In the world te believe that he could make a success as an artist. Tomorrow A Question of Clethes Copyright, 19lt, by Pullic Ledoer Company Twe Minutes of Optimism By HERMAN J. STICH Better Build Upen the Rdck Net se many jenrs nse n barefoot, coatlees, penniless Immigrant bev shiv ered as the icy snow stuns his quivering limbs and cried out his heart upon the site where new stands one of the great-' est newspnper structures in the world, .Theu he made a ridiculous, crazy vow. ' "Seme day," he swore through chat tering teeth, "I'm going te own this plncc. He did. "He's a lucky devil," somebody once remarked of Jeseph Pulitzer. "How "Hew did he ever de It?" There probably never was a poorer devil than Jeseph Pulitzer had been; um mere never was n man who worked harder, longer, mere purposefully aud mere incessantly for what he had set his heart en. . "He'u a lucky devil." wc often hear. nut luck breaks far mere careers than it makes; the unexpected Is oftener po pe tent for hnrm than it Is fruitful of geed, ilie human flotsam thnt congests Lire's stream is pitiful proof that the man who depends upon hick usually gets nil he depends upon all of the "Dutch" kind. Luck? There Is such n thing. Hut it is the pawn of the teller, , It is respected or rejected as his judgment dictates. And it Is the tiniest frngment of the raw material wlildi by sheer thought, effort and force of character he fash ions into the finished product of accom accem pllsnmcnt. Man was net intended tn i i. 1 sport or plaything of accident. He wns intended te be king, te be arehltcct, te be ruptiiln of his carcci which he can meld te his mensure 1 If lie is tee Indifferent te wntch tei opportunity, tee timid te seize oppor tunity, tee weak-kneed te fight for op portunity, he does net need u divining red te locate the cause of his mediec- "Hard lurk" is net a malignant beast prowling nbeut for prey, nor Is "geed tuck" n beneficent fairy "haphazardly hhewcrlng her benediction. Fate occasionally nlmu. .,i..i pranks with our plans; but in the lone I uii no a nnui nr imvr IUtCIgClltly worked for nnd It is dnngeieus te be guided by any ether principle. Luck B a quicksand. Thought, work nnd worth aic gran lit'. Better build upon the lock. Here's Geed Neivs - Fer the miss who mnkes her own hats If wi leek about the stores you'll find semnl hnts made of gre. grnln ribbon. They nre nent, tightly put together little things with n great deal of style. But the happv pan of tbcm Is the edge of the brim, thnt stick J lug place for all amateurs. These arc edged with meic of the rlbbei, dou bled ever the edse nnd ruffled! Yes nctually puffed nnd gathered, just as it se often leeks when jeu try jour hard- cm iu iniiKe ii nent nnd .smooth. h, this i will be u joyous jenr for the home mlllinerlf she stutters around the ., uwi'iTj-j j'L.r." nw-va-; 1 St iuLMLglsssm:aht.7'-.riiJ t. 4, tKS. . ,i,,' t . kw H N Rri 1 '''1T Al t'fy , JJ I r if- PleatiliMe ,' What te De' By CYNTHIA', WeuM aitaH.e Bi-thrfsv Present Dear fTvnthta T am a. hear eighteen ysara old and have a girl friend tn; year my Junier. Her birthdayIs, In this month. J would like te give 'f her a nirtnaay present Can't you sugg something, Cynthia? v " 5 A CYNTHIA 'ADMIRER. 1 Send her a fine box of chocolates and nonnena or a pretty bunch et vieiem. 'Ha Doea Net Dear Cynthia I am Speak a girl in my teens and have been going r wlti th a young man for several months. New, Cynthia, T lib Ma iiin. man a lift anil thing he likes me. A few weeks age he stepped going with me and has net spexen 10 ma since. I go with hie sister and I go te his house evsry day. New, I den t knew whether this Is the cause or net is it my piece te speax or is 11 nm DOUBTFUL. . Next time you meet him ask what the trouble Is. If he gives no explanation let it arep. ue rrienas witn ins siaicr, if you riways have been. Eneouraeta "Just Kathryn" Dear Cynthia Would you kindly print this letter te "Just Kathryn" and ethers who are lonesome and bluer "Hepeful'a" poem. "Never Give Up," Is excellent. NI think I am right when I say she Is a. cheerful person. What a liappy world this would be If all would mat nalda their worries and smile I All of us can. If ' we wilt. "Where there's a will, there's a way." ... . If we have faith In Ged we will knew that avervthlnr- will come out' all right. Can't you see that our life is just, a fairy tale? Everything always comes out right, aea watcnes pver us; e knows our troubles ; don't you knew He won't desert us? All you who have worries, try forget ting them and just say. "Everything will come out all right: Ged krtews. "Never-Give Up!" FAITH. Why De They De It? Dear Cynthia I am a dally reader of your Interesting column and would like te say a few things te your young love lern, Han nnv nna tell ma why elrls of four teen and fifteen" talk and write se much about love and hew te attract a fellow's attention when they should be home helping mother or studying their lessens instead'ei an mat trasnT CVnthla. de net think for a minute thnt I am trying te start confusion or something Ilka that. It's because when 1 was that age I was home instead of thinking of such foolishness. Jin. 22. Many little girls and boys who are entering Inte the grown-up years are apt te think a let about leve If a wise parent docs net occupy their minds with ether lntcreste. Yeu had a thoughtful mother. Many ethers have net and many are romantic and love-struck, wise parents or net It's a phrfse many go through and Irs usually seen ever. Adventures With a Purse IWON'DBR if you wouldn't be In tcrested in a book of children's songs? Beth melody nnd accompani ment are very simple se that little peo pee nle can easily learn te sing them, nnd mother, whose fingers hesitate because she has net had time for practicing since Mistress Betsy came along, can readily -play them. Oh, this book has songs about n'animals and flowers, and birdies, nnd even has some action songs that would dellcht a small child's heart. The book contains some sixty -five songs, and costs but a dollar. Yeu knew what a soft, lustrous silk radium is? Well, one shop is having a special sale of radium silk petticoats for $5.0T. They are the loveliest things In soft gray, and eh, all sorts of beautiful colors. One glance at them, and you knew that they were just made for spring suits. Far tiarirn nf hop niMrraa Wamftn'a rati Edlttr or phone Watnnt 9000 or Main liOl Fetwern the hours of 0 and 8. The Question Cerner Today's Inquiries 1. What mistaken Idea did the women of Manchuria have about diamonds until just a few years age? 2. Describe a convenient and pretty little holder for the hair net when it is net In use. U. In what unusual shape and size nrc some very new Pnrlsinn shoes made? 4. What is the correct weight for a girl of from fifteen te ulnetcen whose height is 5 feet? 0. As te materials what will feature sonic of the most extreme frocks for summer? 0. What color is "blonde roses!'? Yesterday's Answers 1. In 1807, when women were pre sented -with n degree from nssnr College, the delicate question of call- l,,i Ihnm hnehn'fti-R wan knlr,! hi Ing tbcm bache'ers was solved by calling the certincate a "First De' grcc of Liberal Arts." 2. A ,nut-crncker that is an ornament te the dining-room as well as a convenience 1ft fashioned out of plated silver into n little squirrel, perched in the middle of a mahogany dish. H. Many of the new slippers show a compromise between two styles by having three straps across the In step, but nddlng n tongue, which makes the front of the shoe solid. 1. A woman who is between the ages of fiftv and fifty-four should weigh 131. If her height is 4 feet ft Indies. 5. Leng rcvers, popular n few jcars age. nre being brought bnck te make additional adornment te the spring coats. C, In making nt home n cape like the ready-made ones, edge it with an ensy blanket stitch In wool te match the cloak. WHAT'S WHAT n HELEN DECIE "The boneless tongue, se small and weak, Can slay Its thousands," queth the Greek, Wherever people with untrained minds drop into "idle1 conversation regarding the defect of ethers, the assassination of character Is apt te proceed in no Idle fashion. Any group of vulgar, gos siping women tan blacken and pull te pieces the cleanest and strongest rep rep Utatlen. Many a young girl, Innocently careless In speech or action, or you h fully fend of admiration and amuse ment, may find herself labeled "a shady character' because of the gessina' mn llcleus criticisms of her harmla Tm- A well-bred woman does net Invent or jnread gossip, nor does she Ignore It If she happens te be In a group where calumny enters Inte the dlseuialnn .i.S feels It hcrduty te SSfendThe n',ir. Present victim. Talk Is net chS - ".IS. Hjwji! jPiiy-: thpe-TJed geed wetd- fcTheXab.enti'?. 'y - . . . -. mtxtt. A y ' AA m&X'&L - . I . . - BBB, I H U . "I" " -aV..l t IP Hi wmKYrem. mrmmmsmmM -Xii.'HVM-.. V.- .k '. a . a- S-4.-1. Should Be Said , It Is the Boek That Sounds Like Real Life for WeMavih the.Var&us Kinds of )LeveJff airs', Right Around Vs:n 117HrMher mavriage was just like a W book I" exclaimed a young : per son who was easily and MQunW thrilled. "Yeu knew she was a canteen worker at the station during the war, and he came through there one time, nnd the, train was held up or -emctWnj se that the-y had te stay there Q""0 while. And he get te talking te her and liked her and made her say she u write, te him," . She drewr a long breath, her eyes " "Se'she did," she' continued. "And he came bnck nnd looked her UP, and new they're married. Isn't that won derful? Just like a book!" That's what wc always say when we hear of a spectacular courtship ana marriage: But why should wc? . Why shouldn't we say; wuen we read of an Improbable, romance i".0, or n story, "Why, that sounds Just like real lifer'1 '. ... Nearly everybody has at least one pair of married friends who have had a r,regular book" affair. THERE'S the love at first sight case you knew, Jim and Elsie. He saw her first at a tea at thtf fraternity house and fell for her with n dull thud. . , , ', She had often seen Mm, going past the house, and was just ns anxious te meet him ,ns he was te meet ner, al though he didn't knew that until long afterward. . ' . . Ther didn't meet that day. or for several weeks after that, and by the i- ti. . iai, fminii n mutual frienu who could Introduce them, their love affair was well en Its way. fh were married after knowing eh Atbee enlv nbeut a month and they have sUyed in love all these years without any difficulty- nt an. T3EN there's Jane and Temmy and Wilsen. , tvii' .a ja-nis,1 tn .Tene for rears. and she accepted his adoration nnd bis homage just as a matter ei co";. It was generally understood that they would eventually marry. Ttnf Tnmmv suddenly turned UP OUt of nowhere-bc had been away for years working and fell desperately in ieu with -Tane v1 Ne "arrestlngly beautiful" heroine of any 'book' ever sunerea mere iuuh Plain Jane did with. her two levers. She couldn't hurt Wilsen, but she couldn't leve him; yet she didn't feel thut she knew Temmy well enough after his long absence te go right off and marry him. , ,. , , He wanted his answer immediately, nnd she couldn't decide se it was u pale, wan-looking Jane who finally made her plans and ordered visiting cards engraved "Mrs. Themas Bensen. OH, YES, the stories arc pretty true te life ; only they usually slip up en the ether man. They picture him spending the rest nf Mr life in n haeheler apartment, with his sympathetic deg, his memories and his relics a lace iianuKcrcnier, a iuueu rose, an old dance program and a tiny kid glove. But in life he nearly always spends ll in a comfortable house, with the deg, his wife and his possessions Junier, Alice and the twins, Gerry nnd Jnne. He even gees se fnr as te name one of his children nfter his old love his wife being her best friend. BUT even the wildest romances have their counterpart In real life. We have elopements of the most ex citing kind, we have broken engage ments and broken hearts, wc have levers' quarrels that end in readjust ment, levers' quarrels that end. in un happiness and. misery for two people, we have even the marriage in which the Having a Party? On St. Patrick's Day? If you want te de It easily, without bothering te plan any original invitations or new games or even what kind of refresh ments te hate, send a self-addressed stamped envelope te the Editor of the Weman's Page. There is a "Bubble Party" all arranged for you, just waiting te be sent out. Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore Wilmington The Sheps vfW TE-Rf Sale of Advance MiMineiry $5 te $10 127 PHILADELPHIA S. 13th St. . .u..ri.-' . 1. ''mammimmmmmswmmmmmmmm'VU 1'' lJCill&2l2th Aft IzScJk&XI f' tW Mi itiiti mm j i n f i rjm if I".-" ". -..! te sound Me a Bi J , ' T I beat! man tem 'up 'dramatlcali i I fAlrea tha hrlriaarnm'. ..I...'.!1 altnr7 v" w ,OhAre. have mil kinds of thlniti life I .Berne' of 'them would be teTJ proenme ;ier'any teii-respeetlnc t. te print t , r, in ract, the quiet ordinary friend, love, courtship marriage is some U..UHM,. This Week Cam Sh v CANDY SPECIAL al HAUSSMANN'S 1MB flKSMANTnwv ava. rhaealata ear. , 35c Straw FUR COATS Frem fI60 Upward RKMODKMNOANTVKEtAlwI(0 BROWN .ft BRAUCHER Ptenr; Ortnanoien etts- HOUSEHOLD GOODS ercviAL, .THIS) WEEK .n?!??.?.V.. S75.00 Just received contents ef a Urn residence. Everything must be mB recardleaa of mi, w " A Merriiea Storage. 622 Mirk.t .ti K . m a. a - . ' J s uin g.Ta. uei., zees, rtn PeUner H TswnaBsrmt GcraiutewB NeTthr Shea ' . m W. CHKLTEN AVE. T In addition te our larse Miertm.nl ' a email let of unutu.i m.n). .'!! . Phen Osrmantewn Ills k -- -- -- - ii .- - 'V EBBRRBBgXBBl High-Gtw FURNITURE Made te' Order REPAIRING REFINISHING UPHOLSTERING We specialize , in first class work for DeeDla or uiscriminaiien. French polishing en pianos, and office furniture. DEL SINDAC0 & MILLER 3818 Lancaster Ave. rhenei Preston HSO 9)iiaifflijpT 2N1. FLOOR tHepi, Atere Clearance Sale DRESSES Special for Friday and Saturday Only! Canten Crepe Reihantn Crepe ie Chins Trieetine Point TuQl Positive 92340 ta. 929.S0 Values of Sensible Prices k'. Vf 123 HTltlllWlK' 13th St. . jfctjr, FY $i9M Ne exehanaci Ne C. O. D. Such Bell MM New Firecls Specially Priced for this Week-end $25 Canten Crepe, Rosh Resh unara, Crepe de Chine- Tricetine, Jersey Cleth and Tweeds. Elaborate Frecks for afternoon, and the Newest Sports models. Tweed! Siilts Man-tailored and silk lined Priced for your Easter holiday, $295 1337 MV r! '??'. . faVC3CviS-i; V . ?. ft miiiriaM iMMtWii i pert