aiV1 IV v fcfc &.' MM X XI &t A . httil! mm rwr i",Jy tri. 't. reniVnl6ic-ji. with 1 itcn-l .wWli.BTn!enfcif with n acreai JIJi;,c6nviilncei. Jet enx te.i u, In-'erary particular, ptlces res rca- ix.uiB n. ledden. Clayten, 58 .ml bungalows nt your, prlce and AUIIUTTi AT 8TAIIU.1i AUDUBON tlltl rk dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, Mini, bath anil nttlci let r.OxleO: J MOD. jafllirgle .bungalow, (I rooms and bath; mveuienec: jet (itixi.iu; neon locatien: Meuse, eum in.grii' i can be arranged. ui . iiihiib ml iiinuvi; CHAPMAN ft UAH- 4th ami, Pine ma. siiKiuimn, i j. MKRCHAMVIM.K. the beautiful waverLy, section. r, lta pie ave. nnd Poplar st . rnoice tuny ved reslilence lets. II17B. and up: only ' .mlnulcs from tlie bridge and rerrie.: COtuity rvslrlcted, clenn. home environ. 3. inquire WAVIIHliT urnui.. corner nif. nnd Penlnr al . Men hantvllle. .J. Bell phene Merthnntvllle 12. n hatea iinrl flnnr tilnliM. nr nillkfl nn UPllOlnt 'vtnt for Inspection with . , W. O LeCONKY. 1H YS Mnllt st. OVKIAN LOTS?; On.100 ft., nil ienenlence en Hill Herse pike where values lire inereasliia. IV. miles fuini I'ltv Hall: J'joe nss r , . i &W ' - " ClWtV VT()VN :A'KVu '. MOORESTOWN ' fns OERMANTOWN AVB. Twelve-room "Wft eiiii -i ,-,- ini nnn- imme. , heuse: modern Improvement". Harden, near i. ;vSJrrT,R. BALL A real home. J.l.e"". imme-, A, . station. Fcnnsvlvanla Ttallread: 'isJ?V'Jrr,nc,Pnl.rcsl,",ulnl Btree'. ncnuiuui """ titi i.- avii trust Ce. Ileal Ktate Ue Jyv NiViry and Brounda, excellent a. Iioel. Iith " it,,,,',' 'rt i niT.l riieatniit att. H.V MKllr nml nriim. .n,i f.,r mil deacr ntlen. I LIL'P?"'- "man nun 'leawnu, 'iiu ,. tt .. house for sale ColllnKfweoil It. 1. Je. 1M aflflen ae..i oiiingsweoii rhmm IH.VI or imi:itre i nr 7 i nn TO L.Jl I J iuu nilAU T 18-room house, garage w i 'i ma i s room . - nd den or studio shade nnd null low te aeu l.. estnti er koe.i nrn.uiriinK JKTKHS &". Clir.STM'T HT I'iU.LA NKW iF.Rr.v si; siieki; ,r.iT. ma I TOn SALVi -At t'.ipe May. line locution well furnished. HI roema and I bjttirejtns B 810. Ledger Oftlce. t)t'i;N m lfOH UALK Med 8-fninlI apt Park p'nre near Boardwalk cm client investment up- rmnunltv HAItHY V f X.NTOV. ,-Hi i-t below Asburv eve Oienni.Jn.N J; . i ri:NNNi.vv.M fimi j COt'NTHY seal, 180 iivrea mi lilBhlv Ini proved Mate Hlghwiy less thin nn hour's drlvu riilladeiiilila cenvenlcni te Muln Lin Jennaylvaniii, stone I'elnnlnl lieuc tui eliivatlmi with wld v , 1." rninns 1 bullis, het-WMter h'Mt tent Iiiiv '.' liens for help, InrBB bnrn. sin. spigiK" eutbldss' tencrete nurvloer swim 1 nul h im si attrac. prep Ull.wa .1 M I'ri neileld jjn J'i, TWBI.VK A' HBH mi Male hlalm.iv. ."-j miles te ist fhester i mils le tie"ev. . "T-room house, ileitru light nurclics. Iiwn I jjarn: geed feed mill, ciictrl,' nnd vv.itrr ' tievver. variety of fru.l 1 mil. le ml tun) atatierJ: prlt" MSOii J II THOMPSON. , member Philadelphia Ural llute liuard. . TLVest Chester l'n . . WlllTFOIlD section, ln acrii. en stone reiid. i 1'4 miles Lincoln HUhwav, sieiie heuru, ' atandlne amid old pine tr en elevation way back from read tenant house, mod ern cow bnrn, steel Jacks, cement floors, timber, erilurd ein.trlelt available, 15, iflliS. J. M. KHONKKIBLb vilie. 11. FARMS ttnm 12 te 2.'. mllri te Philadelphia: all aire and urkes. call or write and let us convince uu of what we hav te offer I HAPP & SUNs. Dovlestewn. l'n S00 ACIuTii. price tr.poe . mile te vlllag :' 2 inllea t" DiiMmtewn. Stoeim nun lieuse, ever $"000 vvurtu ut outbuildings ' Jtulf. creek and raature, liiual' liu sold within , n week w ,", uuj- e town. Ph FOR SALE I losing estite. real farm. equipped, 1)5 acres near (Iwvnedd: build- tnga aleni worth pi lei .1ENKJNS, atterne. P20 CemnurclHl Trust lung. J ,. I b.irns. I "721-ACRE sleik farm, 3 dwelllnKs, 2 fenced: S22 lien, easi terms. WEST.N'I'V '-'OT Liberty Illilg OETn farm before ou tut your capital, we have dexens 1 WETNEY, 201 Liberty Illilg JHEE Catalecue of Montgomery Ce. farms. Bell's a nn Agfncy.'Cellegcvllle. I'j, NEW JERSEY FABMH NEARBY FRUIT FARM 4000 PEACHES. $7000. One of the best fruit farms In Rurllngten Ce.. 150 rich acres: 40OII full bearing peach trees, ether fruits, near passenger and ahlp sing station; geed home w'th telephene: large barn; i!0-(t. chliken heuse: metal packing amxleiis ,tn sell, reduced price te $7000: only ' ltmBA naauisn nlliur iiaafiil tiitllrl Intra niDrlnr half cash needed. Full detalla. page 28 free catalogue, l.'O bargali'i Just out. ihivv ? JERSEY FARM At'.ENCY. 303 D. Real Zalate Trust llldg . Philadelphia. Pa. JIVE ACRES J100 per acre, near railroad. $2.1 cash $.1 monthly. 'TITLOW & CO., 1513 Arch St 1BMALI. 1' lil geed heuc. niiIess furnace, barn. hk-ken lieiwe, neer town, only IU00, easv leims photo sent It Interested Address Owner, Leck Kox 1.10. Vlneland. 1 N. J . 60UTII JERSEY FARMS and town prep erties; sna ter our free catainsue ami tate kind r,f property desired. DAVENPORT REALTY CO . Himmnnien N J TARMS for sale at reasonable prices. LEDDON, CUoten, N J. i. .( JR. V gaT.v, OR EXCHANGE OARAOE nnd dwss larse repilr business fully eiiulpped, ciulty, $12,000. want duus Several apt hnusrs nnd 2-st apis , want 2 atery dwellings, modern. REINIIART, 1521 Chestnut. Spruce 1522. . BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE - DREXEL HILL JIOiiO .qultv s'lb m llrst ' mtge., modern 7 r and huh for cit vprepert Ulhliimler 20J Libert llldg BEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Twe-story dwelling for colored' occupant In district bounded hy llth te Bread sts. ami Spruce te Lembard sts , cle full particulars and price. II 005 LrdKer Office. I HAVE BUYERS for heii's In the Sherwood ' rectlen of West Pluludelnhia I ITTLOW & CO., 1513 Arch St 'WANTElT 'le PURCHASE 7 OR MORE MODERN ROOM DWELLING NORTH SECTION I REFERRED NORTH OF III RARD AVE WEST UP. BROAD ST P.M LEDGER OFFICE VRIVATIi PARTY wishes tn purchuse steru and duilllnu, or dwelling In seitleft fceunded by 12th tn Finnt, Mirket te Vine plain street S 40U Ledger Iff lc GROUND RIPE FOR IMPROVEMENT STATE PARTICULARS P 5011 I.EDOER OFFICE 42AN SELL in prepei ly, anv dt irl ltten In 80 daa If reafenable FREMONT 4. Ce North American Uldir. Wulnut SOI TOR qukk U list our pnuicru unii Mi, Ien, Graham A IV,, llieil tl rinantiiwn ale. We hn l.uiers -laltlng 4fiOLLBCl ION of rents a speilillv. Walter a: rounded IfT.' l. iienuniK "lf f1 ii in 'CUNNINGHAM Hepsill ,ub l.el.l SflO can sell l.i'lr V W ' c nruli I). Dli n'llckly GERM VNTOWN Sr.mT your priu ertlcs with us for Germ in , town. Chestnut Hill. Oak Lane nnd Pel .Bam. we Blie rcMiltH, net causes 1 PARKER & SPAETH . j!3 Cheltell inc Open hun link l.nne 11 1 S. BEAL ESTATE FOR RENT & CITY 18TH ST. & COLUMBIA AVE. ifExcettlenal oweitunltv fur yeunB married ntlst. entile home with ex. frseptiun of 2 rooms en eoeiid flu r retried Wrf 7- Z. .. I1... .......llllr... vv t 1. I'ltA- JSTirsician or iiviii Efy'' VEN'B SONS 2'lll) Cejunihl.i ave Pi J. 4ji.iii.Mi v u,rt,T ' uhnu win i ,1 . T.'i lnentn. .JVC - lw "f,,,rl1 rwt" "' -" ,1 " A '""l v tfklTj, ij. frecerv hi ire vpp y .i i'i n " '"n '--VHjlt .POSSESSION net mantii Laru-.i room iu &v.'r , house. Ne. 1712 Arch bt. AR'lHUR l.OS ftiT- .: iwbll. 'J3:i .. linn s. .iSydfefjrwe manufuciuiliiK tloeis il.ieilni f. . d fVKn'Wlii llaht. het-walur hint Oeli .m 2'i I Mi tiirlei. WureliMii-ew M mrh fl'ir i.u,FIl lERN J-KTtlllY FACTORS HUM DINI, tm :. H':i- llll. IX ill i' i i. i..c in..., T UN Al.. I HIlir.B l.BII I ll.l.l .ED FOR .MANUFAC Tl RING WllEltl. INTV OF I.IOHT IS ELE. 3X CR; AAILA1ILK I "It . I'.Utl ,Ja I, P 108, LEDQER OFFICE. lJ , , , ttt SO. FT., tiicpruer ceni'iete bldg , HtMO sii. ft, tier flier: lierth central sec ;'R. R. siding, ml.lit divide '.r- in ii mum . OAKLAND KT New and modern 7 roems: lueni lorauen near vara anu lease le re luhle tenants, ejh n IkVLOOTlH. '10111111 e:uh. nil rrunlHifH aln street, suit dub or inf.-. , rent rrne only, aai iv. usieru. rtlllY. wareheusu anil Peer SD?cia l.i ARTHUR H. I ItASEIt. 21 B I'JIh st ERECT building, illl.tmii te iqo.euO feet. DIETEHH'H 73T. Walnut st ( latjC M MCDIMC CT ifTAJWr' n. "- tiiL, u. fjiM wnrKinup ruuui mr pckh carfl. jAiSAWff. uiw Oi r. sftffluEai, l . i .' lrcTJfiii'.i.i . Ml ' '..M'.1Sl'UBlM1".,V m:jsjmtik&BiLQ. ' ... r?-AVsv'i .iy-jf Jf- Wl. 1 1 lssllWM.11 I li I i.'.MiAL niTATM)'9m:mm: OtTICKS. HtlHIN7.HH ROOM). KTC. I1 OFFICES Very desirable light offices, neighborhood of llth and Market, 1700 seuarc fee), or part or 1 41ft, Ledger Office. Small Office in 242 Chestnut St. Wllh heil, Unlit nml service. HORACE YAHDI.r.Y. 242 Chestnut at. llf.XIIl lll.l nrflce naee flreptef building; Reed elevnter service; meaernic Apply t:. J Elliet. 111'.' Chestnut st. jcmaii FOR RENT Attractive outside office, with service; 2 windews: law or reai esim. reasonable. 810 Otla Bldg. ATTnACTlVK modern profeslenil BUltai lower fleer rears leite. 2037 Chestnut at. . WEST rilH.AliF.l.l'IHA . FURNISHED 3020 Sorimtfleld ne., new heue. modern Imprevements: 4 bedrooms, Inclesed perch. Knrae: reference required. MICHAEL A. MA1.0N1:Y. U121 S, 00th at. . Business Properties nml Stere SERVICE STATION machine shop, med new bldg. iiji.r.i; inn vninm m. Clin MPW tinmj. t rnnffll. oak flooring, perch Inclesure, east of 21st St., north of rhe'ten ae. Operation eftlce, ll.37 N. Wood Weed stock at. roil nENT BM Stentnn ave. atere and duelling; geed condition. A JOHN HOHUNADlIl, ilMh ei dwelling: geed condition. Apply a yurpn imiiw l,OOAN 4IMII JOHTH UltOAD STrtKHT In the heurt of Legan. 3-tery, alde-yard perh-fruiit dwelling, geed order 12 rooms ele trie Itehta het-water heat, would suit professional nun or light bitliies: neat I iisnii station Ue,s optesite, 4(133. W.M. 1. fllAVTIN'S SONS 1MH N. 7th St Tlt)0 MeiliCIlN J " "ecUmu IilIIlN furnlshid hnJe for rent. In oed ...i .... ipi... nttl? T ri'MS KtirK sTOREf i npartmenta, furnished heuau II. Hepe WI01 Yerk read Wyoming 4.1T MORTGAGES M'llVTOUlE menev, anv ameunt: city or euntrv prepi rues seiu . nnanc.-ii uuicniy TITLOW & CO., 1513 Arch St. .$50 iTeal estati. security. Immediate settlement. Interest en eatatet TO leught Cash at once $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 1S3 S. 12th at Mervrci uii: tunds FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOBS ON PHILADBI PHIA REAL ESTATE . J Ct'Tt.ER ri'LLBR In S. 18TH ST. MnNEY AT 4 TER CENT Prospective homeowners, builders and rent ers Plans, esiimnies nnu minif? lurmnii-u repay-ib e like rent. Prudential Hemea Ce. Inc 1414 H Penn square. Phlln Pa. ' l'"NI)S Fl'ND IN ANY VMDl'NT IMMEDIATE HI'.TTLBMENT! association money DBMI'SEY & CO 27 S. MTU ST WE REPRESENT ! of the largest building afid lean associations and desire applica tions for first, secerd and split mortgages n nrv sectlrn of the eltv or suburbs. WILLIAM JAMP.a ICEOOH. Land Title Did NY AMOUNT te lean nn rlrst and second mertgages: building nnd lean associatiens: prompt settlement Adelphln MertBaaw and ecurltv Ce 1012 N 13th at. PRIVATE ri'NDH and building association money avnllab'e for geed mortgages en clti or nearby suburban preperty: prompt ,1 clslins Rel'ert J Nasi-, 1214 Iaicust si iT'-NDS MIAM, AND LARtlE AMOPNTS FOR CENTIIAL HL'SlNESi PROPERTIES IMES S CLARK. 40.1 MI DICAL ART IH.Dtl MT1I VND WLNI'T KPIt. 317.' ITND.S Ter gied mertga'iia private aid building assnclitlens flists or seconds. has T Wnlefleld. 1218 Chestnut st 1 WANT three J8000 first mortgages, well secured. hnve ebtitned $4.i0u seconds Frankford. 21)01 W. MOinOAOi; MONEY, $1KOO TO SOOO.OOll jmes, . cLAP.K 40.1 Ml.THCAL ART 111.1X1. MTU AND WU.Nt'T SI'K. nilTL' PlRbT mtge. & foreclosure money available ver -" 000, pr.nclpals or attva.: brokers emit. 42 Meral Inn Station, Hethlehem Pa. FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT FOR FIRST MORTQAOE: ALSO It & L. ASSO. FUNDS VADNAI I RRnQ .803 ' FLANDERS nLDfl. UUILDINQ association funds for second mortgages S. C. A11ERNETUY, 1328 Chestnut GXiisiii.ti.vr nrsi mortgages, e per cent. r-S00c:Aill,gl?N,ETtHnYe"l8ff r'h'J'.rTut"1'- SEE MAURICE LICHTMAN" FUNDS for 1st and 2d mice... iiulck reply. j"-j"'":'"!-'j..LL"Jr-J'""e 'rusi jiiag, MONEY ter mortgages ONEY for mertcawes WALTER C. RED. DING. 39 8. 17th. Phlla Founded 1832. ALBERT r. 11ROWN 310 LINCOLN BI.DO. WILL LOAi up te 11.000.000 en first mert. I gages, moderate commlslen Tlegi niflfl. BUILDING association funds for Immediate Iniestment Phillip N. Arneld 1201 I'heainut. W II HALL SON 41S LAND TITLE BLDQ. I rUNDS. 1st and ;d Phlla. nnd Del. Ce i mtaed. S T Lnch. 112 S. 10th. Spr. 7D4I MONEY TO LOAN MORTOAtlES I f enn n nas m.f II tillalnass Allitiaa Mn Philjrttlnhln or th iifl'elntm- reuntlpn de. "ires ie rennnnce ni nreperuef in erner iu rnn.i ren.1v tnnnei' find tn Ti.i . ntt thi Tttnt ' Incumbrance It will be te his advantage le communicate with us. Our iharges are reihnnahle and our customers' affairs aie held In strict conlldence. McCrackcn Brethers, I ' 10.1't Land Title llldg Phlla Spruce .VIM, , MdNKY TO LON. J 1001) te J10O ene en I accounts rAcfnble, notes icceptances or! m rmnires quick funds, cnnlldentlal plan STADt EN 12HS Penn.l. IllrlS Spruce 3VI2 ROOMS FOR PENT CHESTNI'T 200fl lngle and double rooms; . southern exposure, , H'TNl T -IT ntile 1 or 2 el 2II37 Well-furn rm , r iric reisenible DIAMOND "T , W loom for gentlcn' e fcn; Niceix furnished all ci inenlencew OHLENP IMia .1 r nuns, bath and imreh. furnlshe.1 or unfurnished, separata or te- aether h -w. heit elec near trolley ind Hjih rnllrninlH prlv lamn. jcniienien -I'ltf'U ST 131- -Iielr.ible vacancy, con- inlept Pith ee,trlclt t WALNUT .'tr'"3 Deuble and single rooms cenv te cers l,c 'let witcr. exe meals 1TH. ti a me 250 Turn i nis for hskpg lth n' Iv iie hath also l.VIH ST S 32e F-nnlshed with private lith and room ndtelnlnK bath, electric. Ill ,llfl I j',-'U- ,, ,t. 18TH N 130 HOTEL RURIC Central near station and shopping district. beautl fully furn rooms eUc : spotless med rates il.Tir V 1X-.S 1.-IH nlsherl -pen' l-riimr front nema f r entkmen ndj ininic Mth ulsa i i nrtinerl nr third flu r i l'n .si' h 41."i--N'ewH lurnlshi-d front Isvlroem also ludrnem .ind siitlnir room; ectrlc nsn.r Pli m W nllind siin J. cuTH N 13'll Wirm futnlaheil moms for Gentlemen ekctrlc private $ ;ier week. Itelmnnt lins ji SMALL pr'vnte famllv will rent furnished bedroom In modern apirtment house 3flth nnd Chstnut, front outside room; bath. phone elec lights veiy m derate Pheno after ft P M.. Hiring 11173 M DESIRABLE furnished apartinint In prl vnte famllv li-driiem slttini: room, prl v ite liatli Wniiillnnd -'24i W )INDs iMf'.i fiirnis'nil room In lar nuile ti pen it home ekctrle ll.hta, i n.H(.. in . ! Hill Phene Unrlng 041 ATTRACTIVE! Y furnished roema In mederr hemw escluslve ntiahborheod' central, sen tleincn Phene Loeutt floss 1 THE KERNEL . : : : ' . : : Grandfathers Teeth 1 f, ... ST ITTII ( BU8BU8!WHr 1 1 SSK $) f K 71 &$fr ' TqI " Zn TEETH ? J T r THrVT CrVC. q JjA BESSES OOKJH T-Wls ' -f O.I OWrl VA rs v I paving beyw D k rsk BHy J W-fv hv LJ -. (0) I r.OftMlua HIM tVmfWlO sssssssssssssssssssstVNI I VOlSR' iZ7-? Jji . a. W .. JP!sAl i Cm5i?L in 4 h'-" mV a r - w tEL: r-s -. . r- v'u . .. - -'vr-: i, - m u ivx k-i i "d i ss. z.. iik. rejSLgi r u op awVTrv . . rrL-AL m, 9Wi ttYI wA if)w - u.,f i. .fe. '" t ".'., mtmmi&M V . ' zm,., c ..... , , 7sm:.r .:,.fMKK .. '&,;- ...i. .viA- .ji..........................Mi ., w iten-wfflS . in Mif.Anitt.rMla. i INK 8T, NEAR 40Tij Ne. 9H In iM jrent roemi even thine, new. nt wl rlean taatefuifv fnrnlhed! W, rHlU. Nicely turn'aned roemi beard optional! gentleman or builnen cetipla pre- icrree woemann iinm . LOCUST HT.. (inia Attrac. furn. .rrn.i near Immaculate bath! etc. het water! Pflyath home of rcf. Am. couple. Bherwued 0414 .1. ROOMS WANTED neOM and beard wanted by man n wll; In private famllvi Qcrmantewn location preferred. II 014, Lcdcer Office APARTMENTS nneAD. S., 421 (DluecrealV aaquarei from Uheainuti new. aunny. farnlahed. nKP. apta.. 2-r.. b. A hilchonelte. white nijl' hainia ti.i, KnAfa narnueirv era.i handaemely designed alUer electric nlur. beautifully new furniture, 25,..j , . marK or mstinciien te live en a. ...- Open te n p. M. Hprmc O'l'l THE EDGET0N I2D AND l'AUKSIIil. .;,y,, HI'POSITE FAIIIMUUNT 1'AlllC. ... Apartment, with private bath: dltilne eerlce noneu gpuri'iniiHi APAtlTMHNT. BOOMS ANU UATHI I'M'im.MsHne: seuthkasti:iu,y kx kx pesuni:: n, k, reit, hith ani gJ'RUi-B ,STS. apply thi: l'l;u "-"' i hi:btnut st. ntrric 1'heb. M7 I'OIl KKNT Apartment, fl roema and bathl meai rn . . 4(110 Walnut, Apartment A 401 Walnut, Apartment A H. FE1NSTKIN A ON 7i3 S. fith st. ii..ii.. in tfi for thla rental 7 rooms, all conveniences, lr. fnl""'"..?!?, Cliy Hall this apartment will aurely satlafy If jeu are In the $1011 .class, A HISATON MINN1CK- lt2 Qlrard a' VDULT family of three v-lll rent furnished iMMlrnem or bedroom nnil sitting '"'" inudern ninrtmert house. 3Hth and C hestnut. rrent eutsme roema; nam. e.'-v.'.v V,"";7 Phene, very moderate, rhone alter 0 I. M llarlng 11173 M. niMr CX 1 enn 2 large roemi. bath I U1L. Jl. I WS Bn nd kitchen' modern con enter inklln encea, i. DEVBLOPMENT. CO.. 1102. I'm Trut llldg. Locust 3338, APART.MBNT. unfurnlshed, ery attracl've: ' I rooms, Including small kitchen: large ! Ivlna mom, bath, rent $125 per month. 1 1 1520 Locust at. i j 1:111 ritliAim AVE. Twe nns . tlte bath. I kitchenette: tnoreugniy renev-incu einuii; ; itrht. hirdwoed tloera. het-water heat: rent j 145 te y.Vi O. Percv rex. ,eii4 ijirwrn ave 17 N O.ID ST. Five rcems and bath. Ap ply Reper A Caldwell. 618 Stephen Glrerd Ilulldlng. M18 W. PASSYUNi: AVB.- -Modern apart Apply H. C. ment. e rooms anu rain, Slnex MM W. l'assunk ave, WALNUT ST.. 11TH 3 roema and kitchen- etle anu eatn: cxceiieni cenimi'm. n. ...- ky & Ce Inc.. N. W cer. IMh and Walnut. I KB ENOLEWOOD. 320 S. llth st. tilth A MnruceV Med ft-rm apt 1 Perfect ennd. : V. HIIIUl. med. L. A. Tnulane. Realtor. 910 Walnut. WALNUT ST.. 2212 Twe-room apartment: ,-nmrerinlilv furnished: running water. electric, het-water he-it: convenient locntlen. siTirAIlLE fei dentist Cor. 2d.floer apt., Bitli nnd woeuianu ave.; n rms a. ran, up te date. M7.B0. Oaunt. 5338 woeoiana. yWARTILMORL; APT.. 2-'d and Walnut sts , ...-.Irl'J irm?nmedi"t"d "cssTen'? call, ! i-.n v TimiATl il.nnOM APARTMENT EDEI.s't'EIN & HERNSTEIN. 215 8. .'TH WEST CHESTNUT APfS first and wrena fleer, fi rooms and bath. Call Locust 7730. OAK LANE Second story. 8 roems: fine lo cution, nerch. LLOYD. 0(100 N. 8th VM, t.W'P unfurnished. II. rm. net . Haver- ! ford ne-ir ta April i. p 122, Led. Off IT n r"i.m nil ennv a. . tinitiir service excellent location. Address P 4.10. Led. Off. "J.. T1lT .a,lJ;r;",3- ofl,r5"e """"" ' - c-TTnv-Tclli-n R.en. ant., first fleer. 1000 Diamond at Phene Cel. 4070 n. i.,.,..ti i.iuii -llltrht. Inrse .i-rm. turn. I'liwi. .-"' -:-T"'.'"-'-. -i .-I- ntt first fleer nei-wnirr neni .-... , SIX ROOMS and hath. Rll Improvements. J8.-I. Phene Preston ISM W .1250 OERMANTOWN AVE. seconu-neor , apt.. 4 rooms and bath Apply en premises. , P.tl3 FAIRMOUNT Meil hskpg. aptf. : else , , het-water heat VcNultv. 1720 Filrmnunt Vitrei r-,. kitchenette A strictly prlv. bath wanted In med, apt, house. P 503. Led, en. WF.ST rniLAnELPIHA 1PARTMENT, S moms ana eatn. iiiiiie wrch: 4sth and Chestnut at. : 170. Call Locust 4S40. nnd PERM XTOrN GREENE ST. 58023 rooms, bath, perch, i h -wV heat, gaa, elec: near trolley and . both rallrnaas: private mmiiv, PENNSYLVANIA St'Bl'RBAN VTTRACT1VE apartments, few unfurnished. 1IV0.I7R: responsible adult, unlj. Phene "la M. Media. Pa. inn W CHELTEN AVE Twe large, airy ' "mi .' k. kitchenette: elec : furn or unfurn FTJBNISHEP APABTMENTS LION b HEAD. 1213-15 locust St. I urnlsh ed apartment for gentleman. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS HSK1V, apt . furn., 7 rms, Mav te Sept., until 10 A M. Spruce 050,1 Inc. Phene APABTMEN TS WANTED TOU ARE INVITED te list our lacant et te-be-vacaTit apartments with .tha Sher Sher ive,.,i Anartment Agency. 1H31 Walnut st. iwtvxl Anartment AKency, I.3I Walnut , I' ions Walnut 7000. It I quite Impossible te nil the reauliement. et cur many appli cants without our hearty co-operation. APABTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TU AN PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APTS , LONG FURNISHED. AND SHORT UNFURNISHED TERM LEASES THE DELMAR-MORRIS W. Chellen Avenue I OERMANTOWN I sa'MINUTES TO BROAD ST. STATION Hetel or unfurn suite i. housekeeping apts, HAMILTON COURT 30TH AND CHESTNUT STS. 2 room, and bath, with private hall: non I heusekeeping: urfurnlshed, yearly lease: din ing room, ,. . .r.ra 11. 11 l Jlrt 1 wild-, .tiitiinser. HOTEL WINDERMERE N W. COR BROAD AND LOCUST Special attractive weekly rates American .md European plan Ol'CV.1111 HIH.HI'. ..v.n. . 127 S 10TII ST. (The Oeneyalne and two room suites with bath, fully serviced. prmanent nnd transient. -,.,,., ,,, . uTTTTtTime DRESSMAKINU and MILLINEBy iaDIE.s' suits dresses made te order, style m -werkm.inshlp sunriuiterd. Wi de re rneilellnn zHZ. Kenner, 27.1 S. llth st. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT ,D PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS I.IJI.L.X in uu Hi., unesmut at, second fleer, ever Chili lias' Rest IHARVCTHH IN HANDWRITING" nd SI mums order for expert reading-, 10 ". r" 'nV.'"":. w'ft"r;" vyr'. ..nniegisi .i... uniarin i.. mrome. an. m a nAninc nnr muT HARRY W. SMITH, 717 SANSOM 8T, sJrSs I l 1 I s"'Ni cJl!J Ul5LJ'75Jifc- -4zl-is $fdO DAIEY Fer the Beat Last Line Supplied by Any Reader te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew RULES OF THELIMERICK CONTEST Ne telephan ealla r perimttl i en the Llmerlek Kdlter will ba call i uer. SDtri- -. I0 '"-"rV "! " nawfrad. The. deHaian af the jirtea la nbael uiriy nnai ana net open te dlarus dlarus alen. Contest open te any en. Only neceisary te aend In last Una te Limerick. using, for convenience, coupon below, though thti ft net essential. All answers te today'! Limerick must ba received by tha last mall Friday nignt. im rarrful te aend t tna rest. THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONE Cut Out and Mail TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST. Eveniwe Public Ledeeb, P. O. Bex 1523, Philadelphia. (All lines MUST be sent te this box. Lines' addressed In any ether way are net eligible.) LIMERICK NO. 22 There once was an actor named Small ' Whose part dfdn't suit him at all; His acting was bad And his manner was sad ) a, (Write your maner en this lint). Name I . . . . Mt. ....... Street and Ne. , . . . a . . i City and State 1 And there's a Limpin' Lim'rick for you each week in 1 the SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER, tee. Three prizes $200, $100, $50. zmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmwmKwmrMmMmwmm r ., E Iff .? F I iI fifrrri; MlLK,LMlH rVLrK, ITlrL 16th Lim'rick Winner Cnnllnned from Fare Ona money. But henP8tl.v, new. jtit be tween etirselvcK, ilitl you ever knew a wemnn. even tlinntrh alie he n IHMa t-lrl. ,0 i,nvc ,. of liunrrctl ..ellnrB for any length of time without knowing what te I1U Willi II I The nine ether contestants who wen places en the ballet are: TiOiils Krawltz, 3040 Kensington nveime; Key V. Fntil. 021) Chestnut Street Dr. Gorden Christine, 2043 North Twelfth street j J. C. Morten, -,7m .Mnrket street; Cecelia Relnhcl- , n7nf) plunsk, nv(1,mc . Jnmcs Va, 2013 North Twentv-first street; Frank f-lAfl.t. T. lll'jn T)..1H ....l. . TTBT1 Ji"-"" ' " y"' "u"lT Biritt, nr n. Kreb, Ktlge Hill Inn. Spuyten Duyvll, New Yerk City; Mrs. Helen Floed, ..r.n - .. r. .. . . ((, .ertll BIZtn Street. ZSnncy lins a little playmnte who didn't quite understand what It was all Hew Much Should Mothers Tell Their Daughters? When mothers endeavor te spare their daughters the in numerable heartaches and dislllusienments by explaining all about life's pitfalls and relating some story of their own or a friend's experience, why is it that young girls who "knew it all" plunge ahead and make the same old mistakes ? Winifred Harper Ceeley, author of "Weman's Life and Leve" talks, which appear regularly in the Evening Public Ledger, answers this question today. Turn te the Weman's Page new end read "Experience." You'll delight in reading Winifred Harper Ceeley's talks for women. They exert great inspirational influence and pro vide womanhood with hope, faith, vision and ambition te de better things. Begin reading "Weman's Life and Leve" te'day then fellow these helpful articles regularly in the Evening Public Ledger. "Make It a Habit" BUSINESS PERSONALS WE PAID A WOMAN SrW.SO for a let of Jewelry she had been offered 140 for elsewhere. Brlnn your dla nn nda and Jewelry te us; we guarantee a full honest cash value. Established 1803. THOS. R. LEE A CO,. 712 Walnut St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' HARAfiF 1-s capacity: present sterajre unrrvvJi- jS00. rent J300. room for ae mere rar i noer: price .-euu. GARAGE nnd accv. stere: Chestnut st.f rent t(10: D-yr. lease: stock worth J2D0U ir.clud-d: price $4f00 VANCE REALTY CO 1112 Chestnut st. ,. n,n ..r.nv nllCIMI-UU WITH TDlne rw. Ji')0 ,oed r,en fef , , ... ,,.. us.eiin: guaranteed ledger accta.. .ej. (k). Address M 502. Ledger Office. COUNTY or city representatives for highest I ,.rude propesition: no competition; must be ahla te nnance ineir own eraers u eau. Ledger Office. ' OFFICE position wllh geed salary in a bust I ness of merit te a party that can Invest , 11500 te $2000, veu handle your own money 1 i.i.. rainrnu secured If. 885 Ledger Dtf. NEW YORK representative te act lis sole ngent for manufacturers of cettun and silk iilece goods table covers, hesli ry, etc Ad dress S A 2011 E 2 til st . New Yerk PARTY that can Invest from $1000 up In preposition of merit (no exp. needed) will find well-paid position and big returns for his Investment. B 834 Ledger Office Iits veir REQUIRE capita and service for t--- j---r.e. preposition, write U 833, Ledger etnee, IP YOU are Interested te get bus, capital, 120.30,000, auhm. prep. B 730, ledger Off. (Tim Bex BiTfB In eaiipen. Ne an wara will be received at this eftlc. All must be mailed, 4, Tha winner of each flay'a .ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR fniZBwlll ,be Announced ena. week alter publication of tha Limerick. , 5. In eaee of tlovetea.ONE HUNDRED nni.f.AtlS will ba awarded te each auecesaful contestant. Tha PrlJe will net be sol It up among them, fl. There la no limit te thenumber of lines a contestant may submit. WEEK FROM TODAY ,.....,........,,...... ......,............ about when the photographer took a flashlight "Mlkc, mi energetic fox terrier, with a silly old clipped tall that wags eternally nnd everlastingly. 11c lotieweri us out or tnc Heuse and barked geed-by te us ns we went nway. The jury was composed of some mem bers of the United States -trmy Ambu lance Service Club, of Philadelphia, all of them with service buttons, nnd us we thought of the days when they were uniforms, we sure 'nun were glad te have them all there. They had quite a time deciding which one was the best, because the chosen ten were star numbers, but when they came te the decision, we were elad te see that one of our younger fans was the fortunate one. The members of the jury were : Jack Wright, 1411 Hunting Park nvenuc; Wilbur Hunt. (5315 Chestnut street; Douglas McHenry. 4831 Hnverferd nvcntie; Elmer Hembcrger, 2850 North Darlen street; ttlenn Clark, 013 Bel mont avenue; .Tames Ives, 153 North Twenty-first street, and Rebert Fnulk ucr. FOR SALE GREAT FURNITURE SALE-WONDERFUL 2T5"l V '.'"""en guaranteed springs I4.7B: oak dining-room tables. I11.B8- inn pure cotton S4.7B: chlni ViA.i.00 117.80: BOO sample rugs far below- 'manil' fscturers- cost; HxlS Brussel. 0 fte- iVbiS": walnut bedroom suits, 878: walnut dh?Sle room suits. $0B. worth dVubl.i Senn. HvRS room suits: everything te furnish a b'autlfui heme: B floors packed te the doers Hener! OF BARGAINS. FEINSTEIN CO . Dth .m 8prlng Garden sts. uu" um M Open evenings. Frea auto dellvarv LOOK FOR THE NAME ON THE rtvAr r OFFICE FURNITURE Large let et aesks. sares, files, cabinets general office furniture, store fixtures Wa hill mn m.A -?.. "-Ur". and SSrSWi "rjHr.n?-f. !!. " a au.i a- uit.ii 1 UtHJ 111 LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST? hAffr jM, ENTIRE 1-rrn. npt. furn, must be sem , Thurs . I.nuls XV writ, cabinet, PS 2n I Flemish wall p'eces. lamps etc. CaM ev-5. bet. 7 A 8, Mewpert. 10th & Sprue. V "j THEATRE CHAIRS. new and used. ineaires. nans ana snee stores; theatre chair repair parts: lowest prices; mm de llveiv. Chair Exchange, cer. 0th ."A vi-S0 BLOCH baby carriage for sale rsvAr.lhl., nne rnnauien; reasonable Pelt st. 2230 N. Van KINDLING weed, oak. pine, out length te' suit; big lead IS. Drep postal Rita Lum her Ce., 30th and Hamilton sts. Preston aaru REFRIGERATORS tm? R. T. R.ndall A Ce.. iftTOffi!.?- HARNESS and wagons for sale cheap. 1621 S flth Camden. Ke stone S40S X. POOL TABLES tKlU.tht. Keafer. 321) W. Ulrnrd. Ph. kae , I.afe 231B. ims&gms te, NURSE, je te M raari, ID., trtwiwerinir. te car for lS-menth ehiint BH.r'WJrli Mm. Dr. t B. Dunn. 032 W. 9th t. Pheno i ntiiir 2i. " -r a SALESGIRL On, wh underatandj Ulnf ever,, the phone -and haa had iTae", ; rlence? only flrat-class aaleaperien peea ap Ply. 7M9 Oermantewn aye. I SALK8 nKPRESEOTATIVES A New Terit manufacturer of flne ;1V5.,JJr piilla are av few select reprejentatlvei i for iiJJ dclphla and auburba: JeO..T5r.iT7,iiJtance, cajnmlaalen. 1-afllea of wide 'awjuain tance ambition and education write Audlana bii. 81 W. 85th it., New Yerk City. BALEBWOMAN. dry feeja xp.l oea sajrj te'capabl peraeni refa. McCartny. w eirarn. TELEPHONB. ORE" AJINO If reu.are'VeeKlng a l"n, "Jfy m mananc. advancement and weed An nsaured, come In and make ajw'JiUgy nd If yeu"axe undecided, cerne In anpay let us ihew you the advantattea ei "h "'-Art fer.MISS STEVENSON Sblu MCbpiiBM" CO. TUB TELEPHONE OPERATOR, with &' cat eirperUnce. wnd,,p.Vant preLl In exchange In mf. Plant: fre",fim;n?I: "ind referetieee answering iv wnanw. .-.-0-,fle. .alary expecud II Ml ? ..v:- WAITRESS eneaal bei SB. wnue. W";"-,mJXfv. enceal beat wanai pnv N. II read at. WOMAc;- ' If you have V.S ,kly with an 80. you can earn I3 K fll ed at able firm: iwaltjen mut i "" ever a aiea. B 727- ledger Ofllca. pr.ctlca expert. In W Jn"Ti ,ihK munificent .alarle. QjIfW A"JJ- J! . Academy. DPt. L. 1- "' "r0 "--ZT CLERKS. typLtP. "JnJ !H5MS.tf0n.trua: position. Write, for "mj!, .eKrTS' Hen particular.. P 1422. ledger P""" -' liUSINESS BERVICB CO.. Ill ".Ta'e'S: niHHtiaiani niaraa. iihuib.i ... .. HELP WANTED -MAXfl- ACCOUNTANT Manufacturing -Sffnt? and Philadelphia want a cost accountant ana general boekkeeper: reply ' ."SSnalar. .nr. lv n experience, reference, and .alary neaircn. - nun. ithstt w... ADVERTISING SOLICITOR ana cop. f."wlin oppertunYtV Veradncement. ,,ve II particular, of prevleu. eaperlence. Apply letterenly. "" fner'er. Camden. N. J. writer: permanem si5"- i--;. ;,v. ar; ru bv letter only, CEMENT F1NI8HER8 wanteds nr-ci fereman: guaranteed t'ady work year around P 507. Ledger Office. . DOUni.B - RIB WEAVERS, experienced: steady pc.ltlen. Frledberger-Aaren Mfg. Ce., 4800 N. 18th t near Wayne Junction. GENTLEMAN WANTED. WITH OR WITH OUT CAPITAL.. WITH THOROUGH EX PERIENCE IN THE. P?OJ.SXI0NL,.,?? SILK AND WOOLEN HOSIERY: MUST HOLD NOW OR HAS HELD RECENTLY A RESPONSIBLE POSITION IN THIS LINE: PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IF NOT CERTAIN THAT YOU CAN MEASURE UP n-n a siivinrtifif. nnBITfnV! OI r Dh TAtl.s" AND REFERENCES IN FIRST LETTER. .11 503. LEDGER OFFICE, in: l'hi'am MAKER who I. en expert In his field: must knew hew te .Undardiie. homeenlxe nnd pasteurize. .Write te blmen L 20 Mnrrla ale . Newark. N J. KNITTERS, experienced en double or .Ingle rib macninea: aieaay poe"". FRIEDBEROER-AARON MFG. CO. 4000 N. 18th .t., near Wane Junction KNITTERS, experienced en circular ma chine, for tubing. Frledberger-Aaren Mfg. Ce.. 4000 N. 18th t.. near Wayne Junction. LINOTYPE OPERATORS. 2. experienced at job nnd book work for up-te-date Jeb of ef fice: 44-hour week: geed wage and per manent po.ltlen for geed operator. Address Drawer 714, Perkersburg. W. Va. MAN We need the services of a clean-living man1. Gentile, of geed standing and average ability, who Is willing te work hard for geed pay at the same time he I. fitting himself for , promotion te mero Important position with us. Apply Suite 1108. Lard Title and Trust Bids. MEN When It I advisable te seek a new position the average man leeks for the kind of work he knew, me.t abeut: many could brlphten their future by getting Inte entirely different vocations, and some read er of this column will ba successful when they ncqulre courage te change: we. are looking for men we can train, lust plain, normal fellows, whu have led decent lives and sfiav net been confined te occupations .i... ..-... r.Am , lawfulness In ether nelrls: our work pay and future will satisfy such men. It veu are areunu ev .... rarrunnmi with the ubeve description, call nn Trustees' Siatcm. but please de net an swer unless you can stay for a thorough ex. ex. "mlnatlen, Roem 435, 1011 Chestnut st. t.cvT .. i.n ufttni .a nn salesmen: no expert- . . ...I.. MMnnna i, ftwinmtv ence iie;cbwi . ....' ....... ..-j- - --' an,1a f,M"(iimUd only" Vy'yeur "wn TLfllM. I"1"..' 'l ,,ravvlnSV.cceunt S ence necessary ncii. iniiva .? .,.......... . fferta: commissien: a arawina acceuni can be armnged If worthy. Phene spruce e.v. Ask ter air, iia.iey. 1'LUMRER Oied lead man: 0e per heur: open snnp supiv i m .-. -.u SALESMAN I am looking for a particular type of man who Is inherently honest, who can safely represent un organization of national repu tation and recerd: tegardleaa of jour present occupation, jeu may be that particular man whom I can place In a peaitlun 10 earn net less than 17300 a sear, i-au npruce en arrange for Interview. SALESMAN, experienced, with clientele, can make big incemu en large factor of Ameri can Industry: regular and extra dividends paid since Inceptien: perm. Cull f):e te 11 A. M. only. Roem 38. 1011 Chestnut st. SALESMAN Specialty salesman: must be well recommended; salary, commission, or beth: no canvasser, need answer. Address II B21 Ledger Oftlce SALESMAN wanted: must be live wire, ex cellent opportunity for right person te . mat,, nermanent. werth-mhlln connection with well-establlsjud firm. Apply MUler Rubber Ce.. 8 N. Bread at. SALESMAN Warin-a, experienced salesman te sell full line of pharmaceuticals te phy sicians; Philadelphia territory. M 42H, l.tdgcr Ottlce. SALESMAN, exp., wanted te sell Gardner's ameus cakes te the grocers of Phlla. Ap L. A Schllllnger.201 Colonial Trust llldg SALESMEN A nal tonally known manufac turer of a popular specialty, sold ut ever t.ioe. and UHCd by UD-to-dnte srecerv. m?.ii i and aeucttifaen 8ierc, neiem ana rpitau- ..-. .. tn .wr.nn.1 hli .apitlun .l ...I.I rtaillB. Id aauwui. y ! ttae iia jv Uliu UUH te force two salesmen In Philadelphia .ind vicinity, one In, Lancaster and one In Read - Ing, te cover adjacent territory. Several of our men ara earninir liu.000 ner venr nn strictly commission basis. Previous cxpc.l cxpc.l ence Is net necessiry. but persistency, hon esty, bread vision and abl'lty te flnnnia traveling expense with nulomebllo are ik aentlal; glvu prevleua connection, habits and nge In jour reply te M SOU, Public Ledger. "11)22 WILL REWARD FIGHTERS" SALESMEN, office appliance At Business Shew next week and permanently there after; Initial opening Philadelphia terrlterj; new 10 telephone speclaltj; hit of New Yerk Business Shew last Octeber: quick sales, liberal commission and repeat orders Fer Interview write M 303, Ledger Office naneral COSTUME aern. faehten t''"n;,0a,faplr,i """-'- . .1...1.. ,h. eitinwlna rUlMMM uiinwiinw ww ffiGINNI'MONDAY, Mi u,gL8PAC,eiIfl 6I0.BR0ADWAY, BROOKLYN, N. Y. SALESROOMS LOWMER BT.'-V'.'KTA.TtpS ' DIAMONDS WATCHES 18, 14 and 10 KT. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE CLOCKS, BIG BEN AND BABY BEN ALARMS , ES3 VALUATION ? " iuc'h .Ladle' ana TO. Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, eic,. 'a it beautiful array of Gents" l.Kt. Waldemar. Deuble Ve.t rcrraeu, i e.. j 5i'N08 ANp MOUNTINOS A LAROB ASSORTMENT OF 'ELK '..I . ... Im .A mwtit mm irt. GOLD JEWbLKY AL,U ..."nva e..-.i.ti. r n.rnlns. Ttroeches.'Helals 18-Kt. D.Ai6f"saAiiir4Tmpd?-5 ....h '.. r'i..' and. Otnti' Rlnaa, Earrlna, Lavaller., Featoena. Biutelrtf. Ladlea aaj fwf Platinum Watch" with diamond plitfnum flexlbla Bracelet, with 1. 3 nT atffl '" 70,000 WSRINGSlt at $35,000'"" ? .... mm .. . . . tlt.-I..A PmII.M UMblmiH. TSs1. ...I. Anil -' .UCn P""";! " ". 1V. ".". "j:V. nh n n niihl... Hsnnhlr. Ina of move nings ei n nw nm " --- .... , design. Iecketa. Held Cigarette and Vanity Case, etc. . . jf.Cj J J4.GOLD-F1LLED JEWELRY et ih'ht" Inventoried at $27.9Qfl wn ,-.i - t 11. Tf.llAna YVaMemsr r?hsln llarnlns. Penknlvea. Clrar ftiittara. Tw '1 Set., rnanufaetured by R. F. SIMMONS. STURDY. O. A B.. BATES A BACON. 8.' POTril A BUrTINOTOIirtOD A CO.. W. A H. HEYWOOD, SHIMAN-MILLKR. J. R. WO0B t SONS and ether leadlnr manufacturer. , fnde.tructible Pearf Necklace..XVrr.. tiieriinv nl,verwn.r, nneuniu riavm F1XTUHE8. 8AFEH. AHOWCA8E8. THAYB a wmr-. rati rmnllr IVT dtf IT A tir.M AliU I KM C MT r BIKa r - a Ufu -vtKtamirHftfriihr iMvtTffn tfntniV BACH DAY FROM 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M. BROOKLYN PURCHABINO SYNDICATE. Hm Itiprnvi IVfH a aat a a HELP WANTED MALI SALESMEN, local and traveling, te take a flrat-clas. tin of apron., as Ide line, en commlulen: an.wer tlatlng line carried and territory covered. Ideal Apron Cerp.. 1720 7th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. , SHIP JOINERS WANTED PLENT'Yi OVERTIME SUN SHIPBUILDING COMPANY CHESTER. PA. WANTED. IS MEN A nationally known accounting organization has openings at present for 12 men en It. student staff; we are seeking responsible eurur men, preferably with some bookkeep ing experience, who have sufficient ambition and determination te use thelrlpare time In study which will positively place them en the practicing staff of -this company. We are employing ever 100 accountant at present, each one of whom started en the "tudent staff; these men cam salaries of (ISO te 1800 a month. This Is a well-rated company, offering a genuine opportunity te the type of man who wants and Is willing te work for a real fu ture In the profession of accountancy. Write Manager. D 020. ledger Office, , WEAVBRS. experienced en double-rib ma chine; steady positions. Frledberger-Aaren Mfg. Ce.. 4000 N. 18th. near Wayne June. YOUNG MAN, Intelligent, for general office work In large life Insurance agency; knowledge of typewriter preferred: geed op portunity for one who can and will work. Apply 1410 Mirth American Bldg. YOUNG MAN with geed education for ad vertlslng and order departments; state ex. perlence. R 17. P. O. Bex 3470. YOUNtT MEN. 1 or 2 wanted, with experi ence 'n selling securities, te represent a financial organlartlen as fiscal agents for the distribution of steck: kindly give us full detail, of your past experience: this la an exceptional opportunity and de net reply unie.s you ere amoitieu., energetic and haa straignt, clean record. M 507. Ledger Off'ce. General WE PAY 50 cents te S3 an hour for your spare lime writing enewcaras: no can vassing: we teach au ami sunnlv steadv werk: particulars free. Kwllt BheVcard pirnoei. Terente, Canada, WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES 125 FOR FULL COMPLETE COURSE 125 uar and kiuiit classes, open Sundays, BATTLER'S. 1001 te is Spring Q-irden t. YOUNO MEN. ever 17. desiring Government .positions. 1130 monthly. Write for free list of position, new open. J. Leenard, former Civil Service examiner. )82 Equitable Bldg.. Washington. D. C. YOUNO MEN. 18. desiring Gevt, positions. U60O-I18O0 yearly, writs for free list of pos., Instruc. pa- 'culars. P 1422. Led. Off. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Weman with experience along several lines desires position as bookkeeper or assistant: can furnish best of reierence. a uia, linger unice. . ,....n. ' COOK-Rellable whit, woman len with private, family as. fir wants oeil- v as first-class cook. whsre second maid I. empleyed: geed ref- erence. Address M 484. Ledger Office. COOKING German Pret. wishes positien: H4 nnd u R S2I. liCdgcr Office aUNDRESS, first-class, wishes washing te take heme: bundles, hamper. Oregon 808G. LAUNDRESS, white, first class, nice yard. ,Mtl. .,KKl.lnM U...HA Tl -IJ T -mAmm Ofr. n-MI. ITMBIIIIIS IIU1II., J .Om. UCUt. V... SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER or accountant, pert time. day or evenings. B 831. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, geed careful driver, city or country, 13 sears' exp.; miner repulrs; geed refences 221 Slocum st.. Ml. Airy. CHEMIST DESIRES POSITION. PHONE BELMONT 0301 J. COOK. Japanese, desire, po.ltlen .mall pri vate family In country; has long experl ence, with reference. Slal. 803 Pine at. COOKING, gen. housewerk: neat, capable A exp. Japanese desires position small private femllv, r.r...n... ti T9i t mA.- esi.. I i.-ntr7C-uvf A V ..!. ... e..i.i. k...'".. I 1 from last emyleyer', by whom engaged li I sears: willing te travel. B 827, Ledger Off. INCOME tax returns filled, day or evening. Pheno Walnut 3132, evenings Woodland 1083 W, Geerge W, Gibbens, cx-Oevernment empleye. 12B B. llth st. Rates reasonable. INCOME TAX returns prepared for Individ ual, and corporations by experienced tax ncceuntait. II 000. Ledger Office. 1 -. . . .'. : JAW3,.Lwi,n,lli?.n. I" "Jy"". '"" S. . . s ..-W.Sfc. .....-. ejvv. f. 4VCT..1 P.. ins Wanted " tl UIllVU nnv kind Of Werk fop men t Phene Secal Sefvlce Committee 1 uXitn' Hesplta? embard flV?i ' ''," ""'j"""' ''Oninard 03,11. except canvassing: need of positions ur- f WORKS SUPERINTENDENT a machine specially plant near New Yerk desires te mane cnanae, lecaiing in or nenr Phlla, speciainea in ciipitcuy proeuc. predue. at minimum nisi; age 33 yra,: refs. furn II U10. Led Off. YOUNG, MAN, . high school graduate. miih witn flrst-class reference. w.nk i.i iS ih chance of advancement : bookkeeping experl. ence, anil can readily adapt himself. II Davis 018 . Nerrls st., or Phene Frank, ford 1307, u te a o'clock. YOUNG MAN. 23. married. 7 jeara' experl- once In bank m. knew eitre ,, hnniiiT...' Ini, ..1... a.,., lu.lll.. ...1. .... . . . lent reference, mm, u..,..- ,.; .'uRi.i.ii whii luiure; excel Ledger Office, iV HAW -. .u 1 t .Tj " AaaifliM Tde 8W dare, until nllrely dl.pewd of : $ZUU,WUia i ' n j tSLSt SSStPS&'SUW- f.J in v.rieu. n. yu . ,, i HwUftBaVcVcVcVcVBrWriDSv' ARCH UtiAilNS inventeriea ac 91 i,?uu , ,1 k S.I.I.MI VfV rtialns. trestOAn.. T.avatUraa. 4a 1 tj Araethyk,-. v I OF A MOST CHOICE SELECTION TEETH AND MASONIC CHARMS inventoried ,ai J,MUU - White and Oreen Oeld Link., In artist Ui narr, ruuiiiaiii rnw. jnuvBmnu, A FIKDIKOB. INVENTORIED AT 111,000. rrniTVP T iVPd AT IDDnf.TTTV a A -m r fl a a J uviu a nueuuv DAUEl, iwn WATfTnriA'v Minmi inin a ENUMERATED CATALOGUES FURNISHBtvll FRANK WALKER. Auct'r. Tel. BTAOO ITBT.'J ... aaa us t mniiwii nniy r J EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MISS HARKINS, 2004 B'nbrldge Exc. c'kTi wait's, c'malds, nurse.: best ref. Ph am'-l I- n 1t.rrr an.n ,..... J U " v. i ia. ivtiF nuienneu. a. .Rs-i ,,mp Hi mi nnu'iiiHiiiiPH, naniiku vempeient wnne neip in ovary 1 udiinriiv: rnr. mimn . iiiaia wm.twwimftm. a - n . . , .,.. , ., ,.,. uiiiwi(aj mi. LOST AND FOUND, BOOK Lest, small receipt book of the North j American Henu nnd AutnmnbliA r-nn...." containing four subscriptions. It found return 9 te Salesmanship Club Dept.. 1810 North 1 American Building. VJ CIGARETTE CASE Lest, between Saturday and Sunday, cigarette ense; engine turned 1 en both aides: Sphinx head en cemer: Initial, j "..-'. "".."" rrwara. n. wa.serman. 1 nen phone Kensington 1218. ; PEARLS Lest, string of Tecla pearl, tnend and platinum clasp. Saturday ave. 4 nlng: satlafacterv rewaril. w. 3 rti. je 1 Wa'nut st. T.nmbirH mas. - Vl "'Jr"1.?11 .btw'n leai and Walnut and! Caldwell', jewelry atnre. an envelop con-1 talnlng pearl and diamond ring. If found J plea.e return le 1011 Walnut st. Reward, fl PSED AUTOMOBILES ANY ONE bullng or selling a ear or truckl'' can have It financed en suitable terimwit-'i Beem 202. 1211 Chestnut. Ph. Walnut lift N ",siVi J''"e FaarL. e-twissenger teuring: 1018: first reasonable offer take It. Set Mr. Hunter. Stutx Aeencv, 000 N. Bread M EUICK roadster. 1818: mike effer: tera.', mm Weed at. Open evening-.. . 5? CADH I Af ea,',er type 69. lust U V-MLlL.lefHUef tnt ,hop. celI.n. "fl tire equip.: carries new-car guarantee aite mechanical conditien: price S22SO. Nsil i Cadillac Ce.. B2.1 Market st. CamdeVjr?1 .; CADH I AC ftT l'meu.lne: beautiful eon. V,ttUILLrtL J(e., ca. lkj. - ,N, Corsen's Aute Exchange. 288 N. Bread L t' CADILLAC. 7-pasa. tour.: 1020 med.: newly'' i.w.i.iin., i-.,ae. wer.i luse med.; newly painted: In exc cend Phene Market 28411, jus", nmeusire: ri snap Oorsen's Aute Exchange. 288 N, Bread sl. CHANDLER?;Lm,0U,",, "k6 B"Wi ''. antJLl Sft'-'PKM1 aoraenV. ,.. Mw..M..p, nq t nnnd Ul, C"rI0e."n,OU"''";: perfect mechn'l ',' Onrsen'ii Aut'e Exchange. 23B N. Breaa si v DODGE roadster. 1U10; a snaj); term.: oeeu Sunday; I8W; terms. 181rw'erl Tit. ""? ESSEX readater 11121- I'.liinmi. .... ! feet: 1779 f0; terms. vauiemia tep: pr-r iniu worn ... jm rOKDS"e "re headquarter: 7B p;f w. u errng. Open Sunday and ava. i nlng. 13IB Weed t. wamn M HAYNES101"'1'15, la,e medei hanttsetnu'l ., . . cri tSn V"V ': cord tire:.! ff.1n,v"Spt e"r. Royal Motetcar Ce.. 1m..' 0-10 N. Bread St. Poplar 0038. Opn BundTvl j HUpiPN 8-40 teurlna: A-l meeh. cend.p 802hN.PBfr3er.dq.'"Ck " ,18- ?&!. HUPMOBILE teurln- ft" equipped: . nv. ..,TIJSS!" !' "551 !?00tak .-. -.,-,.. ..,, l ,, t inc., U..U iv, JJrOftsi. LEXINGTON ,0urln,r! flne n"n!cal from n.. Min. i ." " cnnl DO 101U, ire.m new: 1200: balance terms. ' Motorcar Ce , n'ln xr I..-.. -- MARM0N, 1 920 ,lme.fl8lni v.ry high-Gors-en Aute Exchange 'ffrS." Y.niUjn:,i7,s: clvreIet and Ferd touring sieSVSr.'V.ii"!?1". "" con"-i reawna'al. " ... iiriiuu. . - -t . uvunuftiNu 1021- iiBtit It.tu. 300 take it: open i-uiiu.. im, vine st. PATHR teurln Little Six: run fine! i....i ,new'y Minted, first 1200 takes It. Royal fetnrcnr Ce.. Inc. 020 N, Brosa. ',',l..reaar- M2i model. In geed con- uiiiun: can nave demonstration time. 'non Hf !... (in. a " - . DCCDI CCO Qhih.mi 1 im, t.., rttKLhbS Oi?. of i?tra.i "perfect. " ...mi nri ...n, I service, I H...J uorsen-a euie exenance. 28 n. .J . PEERLESS limousine, late model, at a low price, Oorsen's Aute Exchange. 238 N. Bread st' PEERLES Chummy roadster, priced right' for quick eale. B. L, P. Moter Ce.. S02 N, Bread. RENAULT limeusine: order; a real bargain, Corsen's Aute Exchange, perfect running 238 N. Bread It." REVERE touring, wonderful-looking ears runs like new; cord tire; ama'l amount. cash. Royal Motorcar Ce.. 620 N. Bread. ' REO trucks, ilk new, express bodies;; ... . 11s ,ake" th,mi Pn evnln. 1I' vine hi. tipn ikcyllndsr lata . i.y tyiin ear laie model touring, I WO;' . B02 N. Bread St. i? I terms B L. P. Ce, C-PfiT rAQHPald for used car In g9r - - '- ennnir ion r.nm.n ... hi , ' condition. 'Open 'ev.nlnfS.S 1707 Vine. Spruce 21B0. f STUDEBAKER '""? ,edan- ,p,cta' ,t, "" Packard body., this car ha. been Used very little and mttit be seen tn be appreciated. Inquire 617 CsV" lumbla ave. B.lment 7283 W. ? STUTZ touring and roadster, all medeii,;.' thoroughly overhauled and rcflnlshed: ex-f ceptlenally low priced: cash or terms. See. Mr. Hunter. Stut. Agency. QUO N, Bread ft,'! STUTZ teurln'' mal H. handsome Jeb a cord tires. Ilka new: small anu. down Royal Motorcar Ce.. Inc. 620 N.Bretlt faTUTZ teurlnir and roadsters, all models.'!; thoroughly everhnnlsrl anrl ..Snl.h., -.t ceptlenally low priced: cash or term, let Mr Hunfar film, AvAnm. .ten v. .. La .. ... ...... m .t ", "" wuiii luuririr car; new cercur eeulnment: Just out nt nsint .hnm na. m iwep SH .....III,.- ,..! . .. I equ pmeni: jusi out of paint .hep: new te , ?SnM Ien mechanicairy' arXln"?.. raa 1. ... Si" ''?'. Jar,n ,rlci Bttrt and side curtains, seat cever: In the best cr, be seen te be nnnreelsteil ,f c'EEL CADILLAC CO. .125 Market st . Camden, N. 1 LATF MODEI ' 'A ri -vVU"': J. Kty. MODEL, Chandler Sedan: abselutelr. perfect: newly painted, nn renannnhi ettsr2 refused; must lie seen te be appreciated.' NEEL CADILLAC 'c"""' B2B Market st.. Camden. N. J. Trucks , i, BESSEMER S-ten truck; guaranteed m- chanlcally; will nnance. Pheno owner. Milt, Spruce. Wanted c1 SPOT fA?Hp',l'!,f,er ""d " '" tMiI 3rWl t-rtOficind t en: open evenlnaaf londltlens 1707 Vine. Spruce 2IB0. V; Te Hire TO HIRE, .1 und 7 puss, teurl llmeusln IS 1 .111 hit nnur up lin 1017, Park 4 T2& STORAGE AND MOVINO JANSSEN'B express and storage want. letdfU or parts te or from New Yerk. Bestes.-. Providence or points en routs; also te M . from Pittsburgh, 120. and up; w special! i Un t.ll-Mi".nw ""'"' "-" . jueuiuv ery ave. Diamond 8760. ,'; VICTORY STORAGE ; B208 FILBERT. . Phene Belmont 4870 M estimate. Plerco-Arrew van. j. MdMARCHTORAGE CO., .1870 LANCAJh TER AVT AUTO SERVICE BTORAOlj I'At:KING. XONQ-piSTANCB MOVINO. ' The Jehn Rhoads Ce. JiSRft': tern. Packing. Moving. Carpet CitaaltjM OLD GOLD j OLD geld, diver, platinum, plated ware, wfl --. em . . ij. y.nrn rtnntr- "" "mmTr WANTED ANTIQUE. FURNITURE, china, lvr . war anq snip picture 1: highest price j mr rrw sseoea aniiq. ine l'ln. Jjoewit CAST-OFF clothing bought. Phen 3162. S.lltEehn. 1882 Market . - EtJi,M i ji, , ili hi i in i-rflin iif r :,,r ,mm,Amm mi.. ...wai............... . v ii'iurfmn', rr'i . . , j iii ,i i .jie.fcu'ii .-. i .v . i v L'r.,'jricji--.ii v i .fji sr. '!. -a. eUe iiMi .j Tfwiv 4 .. n ' y .mAiLt.- !te.:r.A.fjmA.m .mih i .'. &A". ttMsr.-tiriM lVf)t . . .riMfiX v.iJ, ',T..t'ft ISiriaticu iLletflfSl