WtMmKB m$m '$m ,.! "rsr ygfifptmwr ' ; ;" n' c ;$!?, rRi-- Txit B'WV-j ft"'- i fiL isrjrf ?'i i m a i Li vl . - 6- & ' t WV !. ev h 'SL, AUTOeVOlILlS A Clean-up Sale of Moter Trucks March 1st te 31st Bargains Unheard-of Prices ' ' K We are offering the finest .Trucks ever put before the public. w These trucks will be sold regardless of cost. Don't miss this wonderful preposition. This is absolutely a clean-up sale te make ready for ear new spring business. The meter truck buying public vWill greatly benefit by these slashing price reductions. yJf 1, Vn, 2 & 5 Ten Trucks Most of them are equipped with new tires and tubes. Small amount of cash down and the balance one year te pay. Ten different style bodies te cheese from. Positively a body for every line of business. Open Evenings Open evenings until 9 10 A. M. te 4 P. M. Ne War Tax en Any Vim Sales & Service Cerp. Bread and Huntingdon Sts., Phila., Pa. RFA7, 7r.TTB gOR SALE f IT . ii 1 1 in ii mil ii i iii iii'i mrnrnrnirr" V fl f 1 a r Lrawrerd Hemes s Only a Few Remaining $6000 All Medem Improvements Hutchinson Street North of Wyoming Avenue BETWKKN eni AND 10T11 HT.- DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR. v ! JhwMwr.Hi; ucymz;jrsTsmni i t- tjmMMx&zi'iXS'.axsiftinr iwjht ajrara 256 S. 2 1ST ST. 237 S. 2 1 ST ST. two attractivf: hemkh i w IMTTBNIIOl H X'4. na.i-4 4.-. AT MODCItATB PRICK EDGAR G. CROSS S 1111 WAUSI'T HTRHKT 3 KW.Eraira5!KKrm!sn!K5 103 NORTH 52D STREET Can al'r-l Intn ler JS40 '! 1T1I HT Etsht ruiTM ill tacrine ..1?.a A'TKII fr HERMAN MALERMAN 13 H I'.Tll XT IMIsa- 1-nl: Yieinrr Hltfa. ftf. MifflWJiWLHiainnratiiiEKJare . BUILDERS Ten will l" lntcrteil In rv,wlnit tjr choice llt ut nema of th tet iaeatad tiiilldlnK let en an4 nr k"th Koei'Vflt rieul-varrt r-vra1 farceia wnn all ir-i imarmemnn rs belns effured nt -rt prim fer lUlcX nnXt H- our Mr Meil Efega- Hjn Av hf I DeulevaH. for Itelnir 'xmsMimvswmztik jiBirajmiis' Bwlnxa Preirtl ind Inrr CHURCH PROPERTY IttTlI AM OltKr.'f 0,000 si, (t.. uiati, (or manulartur las of any kind .- rvlr luilen. BMVlnS ntrtir- no f(rlrfl'inf JOSEPH FELDMAN 20"l l.IXfd! T Hl.Iri) "332-34-36-38-40-42 N. 8th St. 806-08 Callowhill St. J A f'OM ZfSHMAN 1M4-1B Land Tin illdtc I.eciit f,014 ifsapter l. Wrrlnira. Muniifarliirlna Fleer 45,000 TO 60,000 FEET FLOOIl SPACE Woodland Ave. Wct of 32d PRICE MODERATE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION v WM. C. BENKERT 1421 CHErirNUT ST. 5 WAKEFIELD STREET alery.and baa-mAnt mill and nrflp. llsht nn 4 iU1'i. medern: 10 OOO ft. I will adapted far bexlery or Uitlfa Mtslntaa. ' FERDINAND D. FLEMING H 1334 Walnut at. rlterre und IlMelllngs tMs' i44A-3Rin zr rru ctdcct i!Si333-35-37 KATER STREET P7W JArOIl ZUHHMAX 4-H Land Title Uldg, Ixwusi BOM nasi riiii,iiir.i.riii,i mviEiuuHnniiii.imKi'i 11626 N.62D ST. WV! (IX OVEHllUOOKl RCsWITKn THAN A NEW HOME IftW a lilfiii.u iv.u. irfr.ititt y-. .. 'W ".'vw..e .lUIMUI jfvw v acini una reatiy for you KWM. M. KNArZ. INC. ptfWt and Irvine s(s. Ulunvoed 1710 ST PHIUDELPHIA 1TH and Cobb's Creek I'aikway, "7 ""; irareieu streets, I W doctor or dent let t 10 room mjinnmi, fa,uve; Par- f1J,em (brwk. newrr, sanni can be K.:it LfiL HitONRV rrm2mfnxr .. TT81ID ATJT0M0BIXE3 line of Guaranteed Rebuilt and Sundays o'clock. Sunday from ' of These Trucks. REAL ESTATE FOR 3ALE ivr.sT i,miiir.f.piiM 46TH & LOCUST STS. VICINITY II reef. 2 t.ath h he at ifc , ' pn lit Ofi fr-ffl ra A 1 A 1 'enli ion srlc lit nfift fri-rr 45TH & BALTIMORE AVE. 10 roeri 2 t.afh h -n Ytr ,r ir,P v) 48TII & BALTIMORE AVE. 3 1rT7 twin 12 room. 2 hath ! . hard eitnrn ifsjr'. mnrt e frryttl re rs "It 6ffr E. R. FRENCH & CO. H7 3 W1 Prten K.IT t1 F.I.I.SWOP.TM'hT. Twe aterv lir perch, i room, melrn xcI.nt nlhter howl. Iar let 1H by 110 f. . muit bt no r! fi'.0i 100 hleek Irvlrr Twe alery 1 ree-i nofl nefl rn raer.aMir srl'fl ,'tt cah, I'.OOO .',00 hlee rtharlr-Twe atery. 8 room rrlrn, a 1 000 canh rTUlrl H1 :; t'nmn t abeve Havrfer4 a Th'f ter S roema and bath, ea I'm i Mt) 1' H Yfdali t Tre tery 7 rne ,, hath, may efr lntc: Ne 11 14000 'JAMES F COX & CO ijwrjp.KAivTATETrtjrif.rewa. 'ni (r ft Overbroek He 'verDroeK nemes OXI.T 2 LEFT LEBANON AVE. J.1;::1'" PRICE, $13,500 Thr atnry. mMtaehl. Irclrj perch llvlnir-roem dlnlncroem. br-ik fat rim, kltch'n at4 eutalda hd en B'tt fie'jr ficenrt fleer hat with rewr. 3 chamb-rs an4 tath Third fl'ier has 2 ebambr and bath and torerfern D-Wch-i brick saraca In the rear of let. McDevitt & Mullin (131 and !.ancaatr av. Ovrbroek S&J sasmmmmamxaimssssa esj ' COBBS CREEK PARKWAY AT 621) STREET Opening of eir rw nampl h n. II nwf nd -iclualv feature. 8 tery. .", te 7 ldrrrn -njl-d-farhAd 2 lith 51 21 S3 13 3 Ksmc I rmlninr en th txiuli- a rd fnrlrit r ((, rrk Park 3 Beautiful Corners 3 Oler & Shapire, HuilderR Wm.H.W.Quick & Bre.. Inc. fel hEI.LIXO HKniEHl;NTA'lHh3 S 8 H l'nj HT g S fa .mpla heuie etx-n 10 A M te 0 j a i' m & 1 0231 Eilanerth at. Si 0207 I ehlia I rck wrkway fl Ml Alciiiider lprf.nutlve 3 ft iJEiara warm msmrnvrMMmmiEiUii See for Yourself WHY WE HAVE SOLD SO P.APIDLY THE PAST 2 WEEKS New Sample Heuse Open Rusk's New Hemes ON 54TH ST. ON WILLOWS AVE. MI'HT AIKIl'NIi THE rnnVEIl) Jle aure und rt our trm und prlca Vint tiny nnt Kin AdKST f)N PRKMIIIC? Oil JIM.I.AH A IIMITJ V.Y 4700 X llltOAIl HT imWMmmmmmmmmmmw ss. mw. .-. -' -"" "'"" ""II LUIYlfLblh, MODERN HOME AT 0VERHII.L ROAD SOUTH OF CHESTNUT ST (niiTir ht mifTieMi IVSIMlfTIflV IM 'VITI.li AITl.V e' I'ltEMIHEH OH TO ii ROBERT KILLOUGH i t -. ivn linn i'iihii ni0 '("rrnitntn a n Erci.rn::tiuiimnu!!.MJiun:!iituui.rniunniinriiiirji:urinjniif7ijimiururjifruminjtT t Ity Hull! evrj'thlnt! new, py i.nii move In Inimnllittel) w maki. i. i.v terms, A or i bnlrfeirna elecirle hnrd weed kbh rang, 18 ft from, .,ric tfil.VI le 1 ut HOlii, owner nlwaya nt utnpli) heusi H1I4 (leener t l.iku v 12 or subvny car Nn 11 or Ne ;i7 , Woodland avs. ami (1.1th at , wulk lialf srm ire mutli NEW TWO-STORY HOUSES WITH flARAOEH' I'ine St., at AOth sl.t pe.Hpsslnir every medrn npelntmentj 0 rooms, Inclesed tinrrh. second fleer nlazza. aiih.f uiiui stone and brick construction! convenient terms It desired; house, Nu 4USI) "pen EUGENE L 1D, Agt. MORBIS HLD.. IMVII lawimu 1 1 mi , JJJIEHTNUT HT, REAL ESTATE TOP. SAXB WMT PHn-DKtPHI cffiffiz&smxmzffl&mwMisiTatsHBBUKi 4812 BEAUMONT AVE. f4th nd Battlmer) Mederata-alied 3-terr tuM lli n attractive leettun end raenanlr priced. Contains 10 room bath M toilet roen. Hardwood floors en -Mid and third floors. Electee 'Ight. New vacant. 4749 SANSOM STREET IKvtern 2 story enntalnln 7 room and bain, Incle.M perch nd garage; 4 room and bth en second ,"" het-wtr heat fid elefltrta lights ea fioeri; rennleat location 39 FARRAGUT TERRACE Or sduar from 4ftrh t. eleva'ed station Ha (I room nd bath, hot het vtr ht and electric light. Prlc reduced. 5027 LARCHWOOD AVE. Contain S room and bath, Large rtv- in hall. Het-wat'r "-eat. electr'e a 'Ight cm kitchen. FWlsnei enureiy In when rd maien7. 43 1 6 SPRUCE ST. lfidr-i Elliat'hn r!dne ! attractive urrmindlni contain 10 roena rd 2 hath M ren-ns and Bath rn 'end trer'1 at'rtrtlv a'd aua oarier epnlir Inte 1 ir'ii ree-n. 4634 LARCHWOOD AVE. iil built ThrK-i'irr ml-l. chd rildr en in rt'te'd n s s s fcorheod, eer.'inlr 10 room 2 baths, het-watr beat. letric H'i hardwood or. Inceid perch. Extraa InriudM. Wm. H.W. Quick &Bre., Inc. i. 4mr st Vrrr lIl. Ral Eta' fteard a WMiaMarai'saa a araEranrrriDTniiiran fsPyy NEW $X OPERATION .(.c'v $ Dji't a rrat ".luet'en In j ''' of rrt'r nd irir. .j v v ffa'dwoed e-' rourr.eit. X retwtr h 'i h of le te far " Art "M-. , ,r ni vrlth tau'lfel papr a1 dilan ' Ii f!--tr!'-l rijr ji d In th New Sherwood Section -- a.J hen" ar r 1 t.',''k te lara: sark and pli7?re'ji1. Sample Heuse 5730 Pentndfcc Street VT Inv'te roil te fnd In thit elt Tt r fe .aijai Tr r r -n" Oen '11. v from 0 te ". F"'r rj b velrtmrt no- voed. .art 3011 T any ar ir,m .t te Beth t trnf ou h. if rr e r.ath & m we..! rd a 'f i- v- r tranfr rerft V :&- te vi ew ave t y r V h' r T'.h v" JOIiStiWB 222 S. 46TH ST. j 'tail a r.n Pra t rail rT In e ,d rer-h fjn Prlfi tlK.OVO 4528 SPRUCE ST. tery t'n IMIlf by flnldi I rati I.IvIik n iar'r for ma'di and chauffeur T nusually handneme appelntrrnt Th 'fait home In in!e'iborheo1 a' JI0 0. S $7750 SOta -l 0ir! n n. Hack Oak Park , .' "nry twiv K'ctr c ltghta An xcs.tl'.na,i -jpp-r'inlty. $6500 Vr 4A'h anl lerint Har'n El"-t-!c 'ti(. bar'lAOed tertm, Xwly papr I and paln'e'l 45TH & CHESTER AVE. OverVx'nar park Heutrativ hat. letrlr harlwoed f.oer. 2 bath I'f-war rlc. Jll.'OO. ethers in rev, in.oeo. & TAYLOR & SON 27 an-i 2S SO. 10T1I ST .iinKEirraia'ji&iim vwsmsmanrM i $4500.00 3 6061 Allman Street 8 0 nryiMH k IIATJ! E!.E I.I'IIIT HAitn'V'y.i) fiyjiis . eppiik if'REf.VS sirArKS. WHITE AM; 'HO(.AXV HXIM! OI'BX dl.MHV J V XI -4 P. M 3 Kershaw & Crewl '.13 KtKOTjmra I $4500.00 I 1 6061 ALLMAN ST. i OPf.V HI NTjAY (1 roen & tfi'h ' P M I I1 M lard- tr weed f.oen. repp-r ncr n fihadra nifj find rrriiie!cnnv T Kershaw & Crewl , in'$ I T rdBSinimmuM?mnmzm'ttwximai& -mm'aamMss rarara rar,w ,n mwu ti;nn n t -T-TWV.WW M 6061 Allman St. i H IMTII AND CHESTER AVE ) kl R 0 HOOMH A IiATH KI.r.riRir; R A I.lflHT. HARtiWuOI; 1T.OORH COP- fl S I'l'R MCREEVH NHAIiEH WHITE H !i ASU MAHOOAXY HMHIf. M fi OPEN HliXtMt 2P M 4 P. M. O Kershaw & Crewl rh , 1 f initMirailllTIR'illli 3Ei U I'll fincWJIiW IITilJllilBllilll I3P iP 3925 CHESTNUT ST. EXTfl TO I.t DI.OV ST Thr nlery-and att'c arnnttc front dwl. inK bout 2' pi' me ntKn h at, ta rtnd Jlr'rl' Imhtiri: 2-a'err brl' k Knrai? lm rn"dla( jjitw ,n 10(1x214 rary frm, no tmt'er renair i tul pre;rty In th nty Mastbaum Bres. & Flcisher 1I2 ft PENN FQt'ARi: $4500;T"a,!,pe,: k 0 t nrn. Inth. elc. rnierircH, va; ar,t. ArTfAA rx rri'itfi" nri'I bath liundry, het ipJjKjyj Atr h'it Mwtri. ilht L0FLAND. 7121 Woodland Ave. 1 1 e (i U IIAll'lAIS" In home or In .utmer'n from l''0 ur -some ro re dij'fl ll't ' ew 1 1" 1 r vttlue fc t I, fi llliKPVIAN Q'i'.:7 Ulrird nve i r.RMAN row s mmm wa riHui1 imiu'iuw miiiiiiiraiJiiiir U'tcivii; E1 r I West Side. $5250 I W 411 W I'enn st 'i "'ery. 0 room frf fi iS Mini Imth, hot-wnler heat .hh mil bs -4 S elettrlcitv let 1.11 f,t di.p near Si Bl Uumn l.jrei Htatlen, en 1. It It lm u c y mediate possesien, cxarnlne today. p 1 Quick Sale I p H Three story twin mar train and trel- ffi f3 F lev U rwrnn und bith. het. water p M M heat k ali'l elertrlclly, l.nrdwoed Bl M (leirs, wh't finish and new idea In jfj.H IS ilehtliiK nxtures. owner efftrlng fur -s 53 iul( Ulsiesal. MUy E I Detached West sld: corner prep' rty room rer imriiKe renter hall 10 rooms ntel .' l.iith het-water hetit, ku and elee trlelly liurdwoed lloer In evry room open fireplace, tile bath and kit'liiii, Incleetd ii'atml perch rimicli i txe inent iloers, Ivery finish, a aunaiiiHu liume Single Colonial, $20,000 A home that will iippal, all stone, let llixjie, with niem '"r garsu,., near I.nceln Urlve and ll'nry Hchoel, t, h.ilclinmbera and 2 bathH, sirlcllj modern nnd In bt condition. Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ Realtors DOM OERMANTOWN AVE, 5020 CHRINOKR.l'LACIS New, a baths garage i a. I'ark street! tietweeii Mail. helm and ClapUr. euppslte Crckst Ulukl t hfarmlntf lrvffa&llett. S u, m. Hej.nuifif , ijjw 1 4) cum , REAL ESTATE TOK BATE wwt mtT-AnixtTTLi lllllllllllllltlll THE Sample Heuse De Luxe, containing the best materials and workmanship that can be procured. A masterpiece of home construction. The few re maining houses left will be finished like our show house, which is located at 4625 Osage Avenue, in "Siegel's Artistic Section" Pine St., Osage and Larchtcoed Aves. 46th te 47th Sl OPEN EVENINGS COME LIVE IN 0VERBR00K NEW HOMES AT REDUCED PRICES ONLY 5 LEFT COLONIAL SUN-LITE TYPE Lebc A )anOIl AVe. Beth Sides New Sample Heme, 6515 Lebanon Avenue "" Te sec these homes creates a desire te own one. The solid construction the artistic design the many innovations in features backed by our reputation as builders will solve your problem. Get acquainted with Carrying Charges Jehn F. McGinty & Tain "t." te Md and Markt pa north te Lebanon avenue (1169 nor); walk 1 4 nuars writ OPEN UNTIL 10 P. M. OERMANTOWN PWTmHaiHi:4l' L" MJM3.,HTll!ffillllIfflffliaM "GERMANT0WN REALTY" SEVERAL EXCEPTIONAL PROPERTIES Frem Our List Are Suggested Belew hkdewick rARire & GI.EN'Slnn W ra r'teral llrahl rreprtI In th-e attracttte n-cllem. Particu lar n r"jn-t yOSTZ AVE MOUTH OK CHKI.TEX AVE Url'tly ne1rn herr. lnc eii pereh i rein.anrl bath. P.-ire IT20D 322 EARI.IfAM TERRACUa-ml-d-taerl 10 room, bath, let 2fltlO0. Imm'(ti' rojIer). Prlc JH050. ',21 E MT AIRY AVE. r)'tachd atene r''lni"e, 0 bd e'lamlera 2 bathi het-v !r hat, lc Ixt 1'x IT" ITie- 13 500 1 DESIRABLE BUILDING SITES B. B. LISTER & SON 1 r,r,ia OhliMANTOWX AVE. SHranmras MMiiiamgsTgBrTT ifiiftinaisun hsiem m jaiiBiaiu uneii, jiiiiii.!D.iiu y g ATTRACTIVE PRICES V0 VARVr.AXD ST. Medrn heua. with ( rennvi bath and laurdry. xttH and rlfrrlty. itum hat, c.nitnl'i.t u Vanhln:ten Ians Sta tion. Prlc lirje. 3101 I!EI,rii:r,D AVE. Thrfs-ntery corner heuvi. i I'h a roema, lath and laundry sat and electricity, oripeBlto Wlr.onecklm Station. Prjte 1 1,000. lOOt E ("HELTEV AVE. At trartli 2 t Tj t.ou-e. with 8 roetnt anl Uith cl"rt i.lty and het-v.alcr heat I'rlce JT.'OO 321 WIWiXV AVE Seml-detach'd atone and i.rltk h uap. with 0 roema and 2 tatl.a icjb and elcctricliy, tm l,4t, thl-d fleer la irr.insrd for an tpartrnnt convenient tr 'hell-n Av h'atlen, en I'enna. lUllrearl Prl e IS7S0. H12 W COl.T.TKIl HT. Twin houae. 1 1 rooms, 2 oath, electricity. Price $11 000, 5345 WAYNE AVE Finely trntlt twin hour, vtth 12 roema and 2 hath, h.t viiir hint saa ani elec tric llkht. PrlM )12 000. .',20', WAYNE AVE. Plaater-cast heurc. en ut a pair with 10 roeira and haih I jt 'IxlTS lth Earate en th rear. Price 114, Oje. ppi.r te vi reit a Meun -XT!.SttBt; I.IHT or PROPER TIPS run iai.i: or for ri it Tiir.lt IMitTH I'l.AP.S IX Rl.OAl.l; TO THE AIJOVE HOUSES GERMANT0WN TRUST COMPANY C1IBI.TEX AND OEMANTOWN AVEMUES twcmnirai iiiatriiimrani sm fe'il U I IIGIII"! ' OTillMWIfflTfcirilM.llllllllH'll lll'll Lincoln Drive Section M idrn 2Vj-sterv heuse, with ga riiKi Plve bedrooms, 3 hitths. hot het Water tle.it, tlectrlc light $13,000. $15,000 P-ir T terv liuunn with irnrac) for 2 r.irn NVar Quten Tiin Stutien. i'we bjithH. el'ttrli llsht. Let 71 U wtrle. DETACHED West slile of (icrmantewn. I'nr Sl.l oeo we off r tlil Mcll-bullt hnui-e, with 4 bedroom and 2 baths en-2d (loer, tlt-wnter Ii-,tt, ekotrle Ilirht. Roem for garate CORNER PROPERTY 4000 J'ulaskl ave 21. story house, with 0 bediceme, 2 buths; garue, open llrci'Ucc, electric light, Completa list aent en request. G LYNDON PR1ESTMAX1 E R M A N T 0 Wl 6007 GERMAN TOWN AVE. iiiiiiiitHiiiiiiin'iuiMi If Yeu Want a Delightful Modern Heme and de net wish le pay an Inflated prlee, HI.IJ 5700 Bleck of Woodstock Street Mix rooms nnd bath, het-water heat; gas and elutrlelty: basement laundry, ONLY $4700 $000 cash required, and we pay for the cost of cenveyancing. Tuke car 24, 03 or 03, transfer west ever Olney ave, ' WILLI AM US9LER Brian cnew st. Agent en lucnysei REAL ESTATE FOB SALE wkut rwtfDixriit HOMES ALSO BL'ILT TO ORDER WMt ef'flStli St. ew easy payment plan Per Menth, $57.00 Sen . Phene Overbroek 4702 OKHMASTOWX IS1 HAYNTiv: HTHEET COR. MAY LAX!; fiTRKKT Sm!-detaehil. 10 room -' baths, het-water hit. cite: Kra 1.0: 35x115. Nw rrlce i: (100 ST MAP.TIX9 Daut!ful!y le'atfd l-t.iev1 heuaa In thl aitractlv ;. t,nr.. ii ted rhamb'rtl. 2 batha. Fin tr and 1rutiry. Must M aeld at err Particular en riuat 212 E. MT rLEASANT AVE. Sml- rtctachtd rMrnra in eieUnt condi tion. 11 roema, 2 baths. Let 35x211. Prlc Jin BOO. 411I.2-, 11 E WOODUW.V AVE.- hml-dtachd one rlrlncea. 10 roen bath. Let 30x100. Trlce I", i'iQ ach Telephene: CrmanteHn C331-C3D2 gWiIBlSTIi!!n . NEW HOUSES AT Sedgwick Attru-tlv dtachd and m!-d-tachel ten dwlllnx of 12 and It re..-n 2 and 3 hatha: het-water hat elftrlcltj. hrdw el 1oer, npn fire Placa. perch ncled andvheatfd, dlatlnct! decorations, alnsle and 2 car L'arar'n. Theco heus r nartnir con cen con pletlen. Why no' Klcet one new for early serins pomeislen? Location, ArdllKh at . north of hast Mt, Pleaa. ant ave., Oermantewn, Sedgwick Farms Ce. I i 7014 IlOTEn ST. OERMANTOWN Pliene Germantnjvn nVflfl IS fjxssmmwmmm&mMisMUBsasM r.eGx $53.50 Monthly Expense A f ten UQ0 eaeh pasment "EAX'Tiryi, HOME AND OARAQB AND rOZY SI.EEI'I.VO PfRCH LNEClUAI.ED VALUE I N USUAL, TERMS Three larire bedrein-.a and sleeping perch e'luhnlent te 4 bedroems: In- cle'd frtnt perch fheattd). I'iruh en level with ,ning rooms 4 Trench doers lten unusually large K rn.i ".'."l; YWI "'mel finish. tll bath with built-in tub and shower; I rkk f, p ace. etc THE KINEHT IIEATINO pr.ANT rv HOME IN .OOAN Separata laundry In basement; plas tered will. hgh cellars, heater! tiel" ntld cemcn,ln tuaran Tenth Above' Courtland St X,V;,ly?;g.n? apnn,m.Pnrk S. C. ABERNETHY . 11" CHESTNUT ST.. 4024 N. 10TH MONTHLY CVRltyiNO $37.50 CHARGES ONI Y A PfiW I.EPT OUT Or 23 4700 Bleck N. 7th St. (Right off the iii,, ii ,.,) HOMES THAT ARE REALLY BUILT, NOT PUT UP Six ruuiiin ma nniti. hni.ie... s . hardwrral floors throughout, electric out side Itltrhen, Krage. btriclly modern inrnugnem Sample house open for Inepectlun. IZENBERG & LIEBMAN 4727N 7TH HT. C WESLEY REAT 1015 WIDENEIt. KirfA? j f OVK MNE llllllll EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE STONE Heuse; 7 sleeping, rooms, 3 baths: large let; grtrage: best, neighborhood. Convenient te train and trolley. HERKNESS& STETSON LAND TITLSi mi 'iil'iii!ui)n t - SEAL ESTATE 70 SALE rgxxsTT.TA?m CBntmx Any Price -Any Location Our complete organization assures prompt and efficient service. On bautlful HUhland Avenue: 3 minutes from atatlen. Stene at- achd home of charm In deaUrn. Law flrit- lWrinn "oer roems: lar:e mas- tenon ter,a chambr 8 ,oed. slsed chambers and - baths en second floer: 3 bdroems and 2 baths en the third. Modern conveniences. !-car rarare; Urge let, 133.000. Just 1 minutes from station. Very well built and conveniently ar ranged home of 1 Sedgwick baths en the uneer floors. Modern m renvenlences : jraraje for 2 cars : old shade and formal garden. $20,000. Ths paee and simple beauty of old England hover ever this Though this home Is new and embodies all thA rnmfertsand St Martins " " conveniences of the present. Its Colo nial dt!rn suggests powdered wigs and breeches. Four cham bers. 2 baths and sleeping perch en the second floer: S chambers and bath en the third: Inclesed perch: goed-slsed let; 120,000. Hellew tlle-and-plaster Colonial residence, and 2-car garage with man's room and bath. Center hall uverproeK room wltn epsn " "" """ fireplace: 4 cham bers and 2 tiled baths en the second floer: 2 cham. brs, bath and storeroom en third. Large let. $31,000. Your Real Estate Problems are Our Problems. The most individual firm of Realtors places its staff at your disposal. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1617 Walnut Street l ' E I p'iilili i!l ill'.lilliiill'l i .iili!! I'll l.i.'i'ni'l'n ' iilll'ililil'lll!"!!! !!ii'.' i'"'.';''!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!.!!. S la Attractive Suburban Hemesfj m u 5m .T-.rYxT tj Airirpt?ftPn VJHl , 1 fa BH All.atena Colonial resMeree with Colonial residence, center hall 3e- -H . a BF th desired center-hall arrance- slitn: 4 bedrooms. 2 uatns en sej c- -u E RE mnt. fl bedrooms 3 baths. bd- end f.oer and thoroughly modern M H HE rooms halnr southern exposure; throusheut: 2-car earagei a very P Bfc horeughly modern tirousheut: ds rable heus for a amall fam- HI I IpE "": old ,hd- rr-t IST.SOD. lly; price I10.0OO. - D I 5k WYNNEWOOD ' DAViDS j - HI 1 BE VX.NiN.VUULl noun, detached re.Uence and -H jg Hr- Stene-and stucco resld'ree: locate! garage, welt situated en corner HI E at en well-planted let. Heuse con- j0t; hrut)lry. etc.: 5 bedroom. H B BC tain center-hall arrangement with e baths, sewing room. Every m g RL open fireplace In living roem: 3 modern cenvenlerce. Geed cendl- U 0 In r "'troem. 2 baths en upper floors. tlen: white woodwork 1st and 2d H Q het-water heat, electric, lights, floors. Prlce $10,000, HI M Bt ara- Prl,;9 iso.eto. H 1 It ,nn.,npr BALA CYNWYD B S nt ARDMORE Attractive sten-and-shlr.gle rsl- E Hr Attractive stucco residence Ideally dence en let 15 x 17; planted. HI St located en corner let 12Sxl73. old shad. etc. Hejie Includes -M S Qt Heme eentalna center-hall ar- S bright bedrooms and 2 baths. tr- Hl rrgement en 1st nr.: z. Bedrooms. jiet-waier neat. ii mra necirii; u g fll 2 bath and etorereom het water Iljhts. Oarage for 4 cars wlri HI m m 'HI heat, eie-tric light: In geed cendl- apartment above. Priced reason- Ml 3 p idH tlen. Price 118.500. ably at 118,500. "D J F BUILDING SITES H 'H ! HF- We ar offering excllent building sites In all suburbs along HI H HI .a if.ln T -. nn.m. n nf pmt.M tn n1t ntlrrhn.f. HI . S I Ut IU, dISlll A.1IIV, aU.UUII. Wb ."- m-m-w r .... ... ,, . . 1 1 SAMUEL C. WAGNER. !R. H I h hk . . . ...... r ' " an i n Hl commercial Trust uuname u m , 9 HS I.OCU8T 2371 g HI 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiininiiiiiiiiiua HAVERFORD E Unusually welt nlanned brick nnd stucco Colonial house with spacious shaded rreunds. 18 rooms. 10 chamber. 4 baths; large first fleer, excellent for entertaining; terrace and Inclesed torch; 3-car garage with man's Quar ters; can be seen only through thl office, $11)0,000.00. STRAFFORD An all-white Colonial-type heue centMntng the usual first-fleer rooms with 4 chambers, 2 baths en the second -loer; 3 bedrooms, bath, storeroom en the third fleer; 1H acres; high site, near statien: early possessleni $21,000 We will be glad te quote veu further our extensive lists If veu will advise us of jour requirements. ARDMORE Unusual desirable home In restricted residential neighborhood, 11 rooms fi chambers, 2lbaths, het-water heat, electric light! let 125x173; in excellent condition. 118, S00. eaceueni ALSO On the r.erth side, a white Colonial het. with a 2-car garae-ei 14 renm. 8 chambers. 4 baths; Inclesed perch lavatory and dressing room en The tlrst fleer, very reasonably priced; $3.1 00O '" aa ,nB m A. D. 112 S. l HiiniiiiiiiiiiinT tZ tIl!ill!IM SUBURBAN I H 0 ME S I FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER WE ARE OFFERING i A VARIED SELECTION IN ALL THE LEADING l SUBURBS I OF PHILADELPHIA OUR SYSTEM OF 1 FINANCING WILL INTEREST YOU I DON. PETERS 1 BUILDERS g 515 PELHAM ROAD g GERMANTOWN I iiinaiiKmiuaanmumnijiiiiUSii'itsiimmit.'ffi'HaimmTni'iiia'LruiaintUiAiii. 18 ACRES IDEAL COUNTRY HOME ONLY $8500 roomed stone house, bath, barn, elegant "oil f.ults; aulf,,AV;iy.4--lettrlclty available West Chester. I"i Buy a New Heme We have several that win ,eM at . bottom Dr'ees. end fl. . "l 'Ock ameutrts of cash. I can locate you In Ne Urmi. Cel"n"",1 or Dfy at -he al ;,,.. ' r.:.t. ...... '":,, r Se PURDY, The Provider 1 CHKBTBlt PIKE. IiatiuiA r. T. ROTATE HO SALE rExwwTT.vA rnrwA?L In thta convenient and autlful section of charming Oermantewn near Upal station en P. It. Unceln Drive g t7efieTandna ' park drive te City Halt Fire places In the living room and li brary: 7 bedroems: 2 baths, an eutYitehen: vestibule, and stair haH : sixteen rooms ."'J01?"; Stene detached en Koed-slsed let . modern conveniences; recently renovated. $28,000. Detached tll-and-stucce home and garage; near station. Rc"','r ' v.. ii. rVntr hall. living ro'em, etc. 6 Haverford hers an 2 baths: modern in eery respect $21,000. A charming stone home with large open grounds opposite, assuring open ru unrMtrlctH vlew and no building. Inclesed perch, t huge stone fireplaces In LOgan Uvlng room, dining room. 1 etc 4 chambers and bath en thcVecend floer: cedar closet. 3 bedrooms and bath en the third; modern in every re spect : Just completed. Hardwood floers: garage: $14,000. An Ideal home with refined neighbors. Beautiful estat, i acres, en which a delightful mansion was erected 8 years age. Stene Co lonial deslm. with the Deven dignity of white columns and wing construction. A 1 1 modern appoint appeint ments: 9 chambers and I servants' rooms; 3 baths en sec ond fleer and one en third ; stable, carriage house, chicken houses, shrubs, flower gardens, eta ; a wonderful suburban residence. IiOTi hHwlLlTiH !i,i i WARN0CK lt,TH STREET tt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIirTTTTTTTT; TTTTTTTrfriCl ' lOTCIIIBOT35liWF IB I I I I OAK LANE MELROSE PARK The Best in Values and Locations 537,500 All. stone dwelling, garages !are ' one nf th h., hAm.- ,K iki. let i!ffh,A,ei?"lry raVksitlenj right teHU?!ful,hem,'..an4 8U"OU'"''0 $15,000 .naiu"ul t""-nd-brlck reldenee enL.'.'?J,?."J '" 'Je '' condition; front and Ide perch, let 40x140. Of-' new price. tered at 116,000 An up-te the.mlnute Melrose bungalow, 8 rooms and 2 baths flrenlace hardwood Iloers. li electricity; let 75x125. Spec ally Park open arnl y prlctd ',unrv eitic. anri I .hSli L0lill,Ia ,n "' ectlen flCUlarh."" " "U1 ,0 Ubnlt full par- tlculars, fk mSS, erKc?- ?B"eslt. station, rhene Oak Lane 336J euTantJ!! aniinnsji'inifLUS'iuUiriiiutiWiJiiiii ansaii iMaA"Bjrjn!Ki3jiIj:iS ai WYNNEFIELD I'jffljai mmm nmm'UMmmnmw All-stone Colonial home well located ?rcLdelSo'Vi,ie,,hn.ir'i-?,he'.lt: sufreeundm''!nt "nd'. "r.,C.1vaa M ,u"eundlngs. TM w I Vai;lUMENSCQj; nB is IMVEMXHI Charming detached brick Colonial home en corner, about ISO ft. frontage en each strut Center hall, parlor, 11 brary, dining ItVrmantnwn room, etc 3 bed- living room and . sleeping perch en second fleer 4 bedrooms and bath en third. Oarage; modern heat ing and lighting: Colonial Inte Inte reor: white weed trim. Near sta tion. Convenient te station : atone de tached home. Reception hall, liv ing room, fireplace, din ing room, pantry, VJavnm kitchen, laundry. B bed. "aJ"c rooms and bath en sec ond fleer. 2 bedrooms i and bath en third. Mod ern conveniences ; large let Price, $16,000. This home Is convenient te two stations en the P. R. R. A brick detached residence with entrance hall, Mr A?rv Hvlnlt room (fireplace), "" ftlry dining roetn (fire place), pantry, kitchen and laundry en the first floer: 3 bedrooms, sewing room and bath en the second; ami' 3. bedrooms and storeroom en the third. 100 ft front en Greene Street at corner.! Very attractive) and low priced at $12,600. Reception foyer, living room, din ing room, kitchen and pantry: 2 very large master chambers with child's room be Apartment tween. 2 baths, back hall, large closets. Excellent deer serv for Rent ice: in exclusive apartment near 16th and Locust Sub lease at a sacrifice. li,SM!iiTiiiiiililllililliliill.ii'ill HI'l,Hii!li,lli'l,l.itlilllllignM BUILDING LOTS ACKE TRACJS FARSJS At Bargain Prices By order of the Court of Common Plesa of Rucks County. I am offering the entire tract of the entire Philadelphia Moter -, Speedway Association property for sale In building Ieta, acre tracts and farms. Tiei plots are all located en the Yerk Read, three miles above Willow Oreve en the Xew Hepe Branch of lb Reading Railway. They are for sal at price ae low a te Insure quick sales. Write or call for particulars. Hatboro 138 WILLIAM L. FERGUSON. Liquidating Trustee Bex 83. Hatboro". Pa. (SWifflTmieMraOT OAK LANE PARK $18,000 Thre-ste-y stone and shlnsjle dwell ing. vlth 10 rooms und 2 baths; everv modern appointment; garage. OTTaehqne(fpr. Oak Line Office, opposite station ?M! MAIN I.INE Radner Hunt Section Attractive stone house (med ern), stable and garage: 6h acres: many line old trees; very high situation, commanS cemmanS Ing extended views. HIRST &.McMULLIN WEST END TRUbT BLDD HKOOKUNK BROOKLINE (8-rnlnute rlJ from 19th St. TermlDtl) urar.d-new single residence. 2 blocks u station; let 50x120; large rerch, living room with open fireplace, dlnlnz room, large break fast roem: also a Urge kitchen, with Ism dry In batement; 3 large bedrooms and till bath, built-in tub and shower; third fleer a left, het-Aater het: cash reaulred t iiurcnR, sioeu: price, vueau j, a, MECKE. Jr.. fllnh and Market sts. oppetiis the Terminal, I'hene Lnsdewne 128. vlpsi nuiiuitjr EI.KINH PARK iif'Ui'iu. m HIM riaiiiaiiujiiiiiiiBi ELKINS PARK Stene Colonial dwelling containing 1J 3 rooms, 7 bedrooms, 3 baths: 1 acre, 2- a cir garise: surrounded by ni.umln- wnt old shade: only a few mlnutts from train or trelley: J30 oeo I HERKNESS & STETSON. 1 LAND TlfLE ULUO mwm mnmm iinitHiUiiBnaiiiiiiiimkisia MKI.ROSK I'AHK liiiiiffiiiiiBMiuijiimiiiiciiiiriii.iiiiBraiiii'iiiWjaiit MEJOSE PARK H All-stone residence, wlth garage S nnd large let. one of t) best he-nsa S In this delightful sentlen. Right off H Yerk read and surrounded b tieau- titui iinmcB, I'rlced at $37 uu. OAK UVNE, On. STATION. Theno Oak Lane 8302. SMMI NARHKRTH mxm NARBERTH 17 minutes from Rread Street Statles tu.HSU H.5U0 U.20O ' lu.fieil 11.210 DON'T WATT r 18,000 1ft, 000 Modern, atlrnrtlva homes, nleel ,'J; cated, with all city conveniences, PW' the advantages of suburban life. v; era new huuses. Alse excellent building sites, with all Improvements, 30 per front feet up. ROBERT J. NASH r At Narbcrth Htatlen (N-af-berth itlO) g City eftlce, 1214 Locust st. -L RYDAL Mlllllimi mmmllliiR umaiiminiii.iiinmK i..niin, mmm,Mmim:Mww,v.wummmim ATTRACTIVE ALL-STONE Colonial heuse: newly, built and will "' inouern convenience; near iruiieyj price (gv.UVU.) iVSTEl REAL ESTATE TO BALI rryWWTf.VAWIA 4POTMIAT jr. ' kwjV'. J" mm 1 i U Ttwne. VuWstO.' LANOTlstUhaiJKI. ' ' '."SUSP" Mmm l 'iSSjhjiM. &ti. f. ..JIY2T,'. i "'"ja i-A r;;,: M&i'4mw.vm P"B'!i'."' , ,. .via WWasaTmHB IT . .iMEELfa FXrAiM. .r