m&wm J$vi ,AJJ, . 'yjft. -$3 jiapr pig WYi, ("7? I H TrKAIHl , . riOIIEBTi . lluseana or w.f.,JiSiTr'M'r'. ... ftnil rnnfl. ofeft Ce., Invited te SlaBS X i1-" '- l '1 .. llTf M"ci 4 aiucner ( fthM.tuJ.'iip . m. Vlawlni m. Vlawirur wee tflal. NMVl1 ,W n f'rkc... nlnfi -Liin Feb. L'7. 1D22. AT.rTXANDHK. &r fac'VTf narali fl. irrh. ntatlvt irn-J W J-Bdlrttnl ".' i,?ihrhenil of Andrew an-l t ,.Wlpn. .."'niihiiHr Church, ara InvlUd te ?i !;&. rvr" 23T Melrosa av., fj evfllc. '.?";. Tntrrment private. . '.'V Cift I1HS"'"i. V.nlnnr C IV. N. J.. r0. Venlner City. N. J.. rb. W . JACKg'7; diktmhtrr of Clara anil law ': MABBJf "" Hervlws Tlmrs.. 8 I'. M., j$ Kmwl, "Xffienc" MOO Atlantic avis Int. '. ' ? h,rJmi Cem" Phlla.. Frl.. IS neon. Jlr 'PSih "THOMAH H. JACKSON. In hl t (Menth Sjtn. Jiitlvra and fr ends ara ln '"1 nr I services en Third Menth Sd. viw 1UIVV. at hli lata residence. 804 N. '; "rrVlVjqJvi Feb. SO. .KT.T.EN. wife of & -JSW.'&fiwe? nelillre. fnd friend. In- SWjCSSilfiS JJim reeidne W". .. no em YiDani ".."",iV"Wii,Hi rim. S5S a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem ST. ANNA fl. K wife IVnaral service her law residence. 204 J. mi. Private, Qtf.a'i'may can Wednesday, rtwrl M. ;.i?i & i" XTra- uauuu f( u '"' ! Arthu V. Jellffe. and . of lata Itandelph and Ida 41auhter or w i ,,,. 22. at II i WSI'heme at VaUe.ld nev. Alfren h and Ida Welib. A. ai.. Tay ':.TSif. tfa of late . James eurdan. 'Funeral Krl. "iiSi Mhrti requiem mnea at th Church i?ihK Feb.'soy SAAC, hueband of Anna Kiric (nei Weliman). Relative and i.a A. M.I Blleam ItaA. Chapter. Ne. Kii Coniletery. MdYpearee! hu 1m '. tu A A? O. N M. S.V: Oxford Ledre. IV? Tern . Nn. fiw,i. 6. e, F.. ara. Invited te attend fu- "L.; Th,in.. a I', si., law rei once. 477 817n .t. Frankford. Int. Kaet Cedar Hill Z1Z. VVIenil" niBycBn.vn. 2S, Frlend may call Wed. ave. 'VrOTP Feb. a5. 1982. EMMA KRUPP, aSce of W"am, B- OeMwalli. 8058 Ken. itnaten ava. Serylcea and lntennjnt at Plain Seetlni eue. Lanidale. Pa.. ThUra.. 1 P. SjlICTI. Fb. 27. 1022. ROSIINA W.. b. i5 wife e Frederick Lalch. aeed 68. htiatlvef and trletida. also membsra of ThiVneMa Iw. Ne. 2. O. D. H. 8 are lasted te attend funeral. Frl.. 1 P. M.. from her 1 te reeldenee. 2929 N. Ella at. Int. Bel vue Cm. Remalna may be viewed Thurs., fi!ANAHAN.-Feb. 26. 1922. PATRICK II.. hiuband of Jennie A. Lanahan (nee Haran). jSlatlrii and f rlenda ara Invited te attend funeral. Wed., 8:80 A. M.. frem.hla late re. Senca. B18T w. Thompeen at. 8elemn re aalem nui t St. Oregery'a Church. 10 A. ft Int. 8t. Dente" Cem. "l.UKENS. Feb. 20. MART W.. beloved wife of Harry T. Lukena. Funeral eervlces 61 the residence of her dauthter, Mrs. J. TV. illlett. 4920 Knox at., Oermantewn. Thura., a P. M. Int. private. Friends may call Wed.. 7 te 10 P. M. WMAHONET.-Feb. 28. MART ANN. wife ef Michael Maheney (nee Diamond). Rla Uvea and friends are Invited te nttend fu 'fttral. Sat.. 8:80 A. M.. frein her late resi dence. 1818 Carlten at. Solemn 'requiem mass it the Cathedral 10 A. M. Int. New Cathe- IANDER. Feb. 27. ROSA K. MANDER Snee Wurst). widow of James Mander. Kela Ires and .friends are Invited, te service, Tl 2 P. M.. at her late resldence, 101 W. Oenas St.. Oermantewn. Int. private. Ivy " "mARSDEN. Feb. 25. THOMAS. Jr., hus band of Elizabeth Marsden. nelatlves and friends, also Court Clearfield, Ne. 100, P. of A., and Proereasive Assembly Ne. 4, A. O it, P., are invited te attend funeral servlcsa. Thurs.. 1 P. St.. residence. 3447 Cry Ma I m. Int. Oakland Cem. Rerailns may be viewed Wed., after 7 P. M. MATHEWS. Feb. 87. SARAH E.. widow of Rebert P. Mathews. Relatives and friends are invited te attend funeral, Thurs., 1 P. M.. renldenca of her son. Oae, W. Mathewa. 2320 V. Dauphin at. Int. Palmer Cem. Friends call Wed. eve. McDKIDE. Feb. 2l. WESLET. husband of Ellen Mclrrldc. , RetatUrs and friends, ala all ertanlxatlms of which he was n member, ure invited te attend funeral sorv serv lcs. ThU'S.. 2 P. M at his late residence. 835 E. Indiana ae. Int. private. Friends may call Wed., after 7 P. M. fceELWAIN. WILLIAM T. MrELWAIN died at Loemls Sanatorium New Yerk. Feb. 27, aiad 43 years. Funeral Thursday. 2:80 P. M., Central Presbyterian Church. Cham "HbH.. F- Interment Chambersbure. k JfIe.?!WAN''rTeb. . 2T ANNIE McEWAN. Belativea and friends ara lnited te services. Sf.WIa 2,np. M.. faneral parlors of W. A. MUn,'P,JtHh ana Falrmeunt tve. Hit. Mt. Uerlah rem. SSf,ted ?f Mraret fc. Melster (noe Con Cen nS?5,0l''. Rltlvcs and friends, nlse cm--M-ev'Sf JePh Casani and all societies of Kill ".!!. membr.r-. nr" Invited te at lend funeral services. Frl.. 2 P. M.. at MIh li?v r?;4nJ?' 1102.. Mar'.boreuxh at. Int. vH9SEweb' 27. MICHAKU hualund of JUry T. Moere. Funeral Thurs.. 8:30 A. a!,Y.J!.t -hls . hen,e- 182n " Coneslexa at. wlVm, WJ'1"' mas- Church of tha Most 10 AlSaTrnm' "h . Cheater ava.. wwirJlnfvS'' ' Derl Cem. lenrtlbON. en Feb. 2T in22 "fAnTri t. "ORRISON (BERTIE).' 'dSfittmffi the in ii,n" Rn.!. Sra u Morrison. Service ?h SkS?1i'V a,J'rn?';n' at S:3 o'clock, nt iSfeSl'f if1, "f.1" B1(W- lb'M Chestnut st. mil "22alt.llu 5 rrJah Cemetery. Remains MURTHA. Feb. 20. 1022. PATRICK. lm. SS? tfaU" Murtha' ReTatlCtaaml fr ends. lla?tisi l'h.?S,im"8ocl,y.ef St- Jehn ,he att?nd f,h;.?h,rri?,,"'a,'ilnk' Brn Invited tn aiiena funeral, Thurs., 8:30 A. M. from his ffikenrBlH,nt;' 383r' ""n it'.. W sSi. Ctu?ch lHI4h a"s at ,1l- Jehn WPtlst v25 ' Int ,IcIy Sepulchre Cem. W wlf. eT!. P'bm 2I n"- MAROARET Ices Frl tJ0"?? Ti "ly..Jl'unaral sen--irenta .t " :.J'" ,BLa residence. 280 La c2! Prt.nRoxbeou?- Int- Leverlneten -m. Friends may call Thurs. va. NEILSON. Suddenly, In Palmyra v J Mary Wftei'SJPII8 JhSbind Jef rrftayd.NSn:..".wl J.H--. Aelat yes and iini BJ?.rV "J10 Cheatnut at.. Tuesday avj Si?5:..w'?PI?nir anl Wednesday ovenlnS. Funeral nrlvAA edneeday ovenlri. fiAii.N . Feb, ROBERT, husband of r. -.;'.;, zi u ir narini nS ?iie'..,cJ.Jj?..w member, &i from his late residence. 2418 N. 7th it B emn requiem mass St. Edward". Church 10 wfeiii?nV n,HK Sepulchre Cem, v E.,LtlE'?.-. s1- JAMES, husband of ?n.iAnJ? ?Ns"! (nMI Sutten). Relatives ana friends Invited te funeral eervlces. Sat., r... M,U u.'- hl7 .,ate residence. Dark Run ifanr,th'lcn.dJarLri5r,.:k 'U' an"rd- In OSUOHN. At her residence. 88S3 Market rl'J?.1 ? ". 19-2. IRA M. asilORN (nee Ouentheer). wife et Donald D. Osbern. .?r.icr?,n Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver 11. llalr Bulldlnr. 1820 Chest-n-L.'i'' lmrmcnt at Arllnaten Cemetery nernslpj miw he vlrwed Wedneiliv rvenlnn. ,'AXSON. Feb. 20. 1022. LILLIAN 11.. RiVLt."1 i,a.'rlc:, Psen and dauahter el Sara5, an' the late Ambrose I- Ren. aird 7;; "elatlves and friends ara Invited te at iiLi,urfr' ""vices. Thurs., 1 P. M. pre lily,' u' .her A":" leence. W21 Wolf st. lifWr wimVf K.r.1nu, may ca" e3' ve' Itt.NTSCIH.EK. At hli. resldence. 402 Vit,-t.n"J'cl!.n V- en Feb. 27. 1022. OOTT l.II'.ll, husband of Caretin n.nt.hl.r (nn. jUecker). Relatives and friends, alie TCner. i.rt .,VP-, Ne'. 643' O. O, p.. are In- t'lld te i SM -' eVI JR20 The iiii. "rviee. en rnursany arternnen, rt,.. ,.":,",v,""'. '.' "" ' "''"i Hill rvVVMc "' '""rm';ni west laurel U?d I E?Kr(?' ?" 122' OTTO, hus-, al?d - ihS 'V AS."a Elliatwth Hlemer. Cam ' r-'20 WullaC'' . t. Int. Fernwood iiTAirrl'H.,I may cal Wd. eve. NOV wrr7C5bf. :l KATHARINE Ei aAs. r.:.wlteef Patrick J. nn. late of Tub and fri?naCeu?,y r?11??' 'eland RelatWes E" 1 "'i0.11' v', M- Sodality, nre In- m K.f,"1'1 funeral. Thurs.. 8 A. M . Wolf Jr. "ttSfe"M"5c.'uN' w- f01-' M anl rhurv."i nBel5rai hlh ias of requiem I k S,f,,0ur ,"Mliy et "- Carmel. 0:30 A. I V,r.9 "ely: . tpt. Hely Cress Cem. f&i a?.VnaM;n?" "'" Uclatlves and F dp a i.. ,MerHKO"ery Circle. Ne. 22. I M 17An v1 m,' te 'unprnl. Thurs,, 8:30 A. Chui!-0'.?-0"' ." .Se'emn raqulem ms-s Ir.t: pithli-r't, "cieus jiioea je ...:. l''-,,u' .m. vtruiH ropy w... .,Q,W,, yvKim SCHOFF ' TdZX: , 2T' . " FREDERIC dente ills n"',1 "ervlccs at lis lute 'el- ' .NcwPen' VsV. " Wet' 'l 3 r- M- HnS of f-m!;"l'''rb'.2.0' CHARLES, hus 81 iti,,.n'1 Sthueleln (ne0 Ileln). aaed tend Vim-V.!" "n? '''""I ara Invited is I at- SaVaa? k,1" v?.rrnT,n,0'"- Helemn requiem a.SfrS!Ht,neci,m." c"urch A- ,n,: kusban. eT M nn.ly' F'Viu2?' "OVENDON, nelatlVas and ?i 1 Smlth. " .Murtlund) rasldanca. 320? iu i:,:.Z..K Mv l h' .ll ll HI KaMii,,.,, - - .. -M K, ifh.M.'llw'" sorvlees, Thura,. s Int. Arlirlgle, la,e rasldoneo, I 3. SOth'sf aJlWiiir6''1. 2S Rt ''ef la'8 residence M,Bw.rri!nln'l ve Chestnut Hill. ANNA tUTH. Funeral serlces Frl. 2 1 i . PaKKT.KKBH ' & m Vah sffi ms" Aiivd in.-f " fc l e MarK i. . -nuren, (iiiigiuuhk. Lflne pUced In receiving vault. Orecn Orecn ""ViTilmerial Park. Kan D ee, Calif, rend Mnyini f . ln.,s mimOKT. T iirr Nivnn i.j 0!lhlTmrrrivar'Ln- ,y'n W.d. ee j.. KFS,LJ&rnb .29i.???, JOSEPH Aiurrnv I I v. m. mm , hu"bi.'i, nf MIivrb' 27.OEORan. beleie-l W '! t At Lewest sSkaVJH nilaflv "LiTO Schlaldar (nea Stnaer). (& JgJ UbI I'IiIU.MS " which iMi,.r n.d"' ?mI B" organizations 51 iXnWh. Filling. WMHtO tsnd furrr"WThfirnCnin'2rBx,rnU;,1,0f- -' 5 Wf SOfl WBSrT m. iniul 7 ,,t..t.t.:.,y'?'l, riiurrh ie a. i iKaV nvman JiSWfc. i. - -"j awu uilii in -nm I'liainn i rv, wm i -r ,t acr - p " LrMXl WKATHS thpcMpe' efVI-'i A'Niee. 0101 Oerman Oerman eown avs. .Int. private. O...UII. t.i 'J.mu .'.jrth 10th at., en Psb 27. 11122. ANNIE B. BMITft. Hefvlea eti Wednesday afternoon . at 2 o'clock at the Oliver H. Rair Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. in! trrr",t nr'vat... SNYDltR. Feb, 21. 01:011011 W.. hus. hand of Martha rinyder tferrncrly of 033 N, 7th at,). Funeral services Men.. 2 P. M at thrj parlors of Ueorie W, Ilarrett, Park and lblkh aves. Int Lanrel Hill Cem. Friends v.ii "". ;- . O.MMBin. . FrlDi H. MATILDA I, widow of redrck W, Hemmers. Kelntlvca and friends invited te attend funtral, Thurs., invited te ntienn runtral, Thurs., parlors of ltnckman A Ramsey, id st. Solemn requ em mass at luV Church 10 A. M. Int, prl i'lns W(1.. lien p. M. n;,iir j. ai,, 384 Dlamen St. llenlfaclus1 vate. Viewing WVit HTOTTER. Feb. 24. MARY A., wife of jenn niuiwr, u-inuvi ana rrienas are in 'vlted te attend fiinernl, Thurs., 8:30 A, M.. i lata residence. 770 S, Harshaw st. Iflsh rr nulem miss ,St. Charles' Church le A.VM. Int, llelv Cress, , TlEifANUV. Feb. 7, 1022, JANE TIE MANN (nea Ixivetln). RelntUca and frUnds Invited te services en Friday, 1:30 P. M. nt her late residence, 001 N, S3d st. In ferment private. Ilcmalni inuy be vlewiil Thursday evenlnr. TOML1N. Feb. 27. 1022, MAROARET wife et late .William H. Temlln. Funera pervlces Thurs,, 1:30 P, At., residence, 14'.' Nl Felten at. Inf. prlvt, Farnwhnd Cem TUFFT.-Feb ,20. MARY E.. dauahte? of the late Michael and Catherine Tufty, agrd in. Relatives and friends aru lnvlrri tn Bt. terjil funeral,. Thurs., 8 A, M from tht rest-, denca of hef uncle, Michael Lawless, 1645 r namurvr .i, cquiTni rnnsn qi, Tnem&B Church 0:30 A. M. Int. Hely Cresa Cem. TURNER. Feb. 27, PARTUICK. husband 1 ei in- iaie .ucriiie lurner and ratllflr et the Rev. Jeseph P. Turner, C. SS, 11.. and Sister Mary Cnnlalus, O. S. P. Relative, nnd friends Invited te funeral, Thurs., 0:30 A. M., 1812 N. 23th st. Solemn high mass of requiem at St. Kllsaheth's Church 11 A M. Int. Hely Ciess C"m. ULMER. Feb. 20. JOIIN O.. husband of Thereau tllmtr, aged 74. Relatives and friends, nlse St. Paul's Ledge, Ne. 481, F. and A. M.I Masonic Veterans and Independ ent Council, Ne. 1, U. S. A., am Invlted te attend funeral service Thurs., s P. M., late reatdenre, 1120 E. Fletcl-rr at. Int. prl yalS' N1r,h Cedar Hill. Frlends may call Wed., after 7 P. M. WALSH. Feb. 20, JENNIE, daughter of James nnd Jennie Walsh. Relatives and frlendtl Invited te funeral. Friday, 8:30 A, M.. from .mother's residence, 3H15 Oerman Oerman eown ave. High mass St. Sttphen's 10 e clock. Int. Hely H-eulchre ttn. WARREN. Feb. 27. WILLIAM J., ,us band of late Alary M. Warren (nea FYleD. ami of late James and Mary Warren. Re's Re's tlves and friends Invited te funeral. Frl..' 8 A.' M,( late residence. 1012 H. 17th st. Solemn requiem msai St. Themas' Church 9:30 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. WEBER. On Feb. 20 CATHERINE, widow of Ernest Weber. Funeral servleea en Thursday, at 2 P. M., nt her lata resi dence, 8835 Terrace at.. Wlssahlclten. In torment Westminster. Cemetery. Frlends may call Wedne.day evening. WE1DLINO. Feb. 27. HARRARA . E.. widow of William H. Walrtllng. aged 7(1. Funeral servleea Krl,. 2 P. St.. at her resi dence, 1918 N, Van Pelt st. Int. pr vale Friends citll Thurs.. 8 te 10 P. M, WILKINSON. Feb. 27. ELIZABETH H. widow of Jehn Wilkinson (nee llose). Fit neral services Thurs., 8:30 P. M at 42i W. Olrard avc. Int. Doylestown, Pa. WILSON. At Palmyra. N. J ivb. 28, ELLEN A., widow of Alexander Wilsen, eged 90. Funeral Thurs.. March 2 23 P. M., at her late. residence, Hlrt Parry avc. Friends call Wed. eve. Int. .private. WOOD. Feb. 27. WILLIAM STROUD husband el Edith Longstreth Weed, at Ln Jella, Calif. Services en M.irch 1, t La JWRIOHT. Feb. 23. 1022. HELEN1 OALE wife of Jehn K. right. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral serv Ices, Thurs., 2 P. M.. at apartments of W II. M. Burrell. 427 Market st.. Camden. N J. int. private. Harlclgh Cem. Friends cnl Wed.. 7 te P P. M. ZABEL. Feb. 20. 1922. WANDA. b loved wlfa of Karl Znbel. In her 57th year Relatives and friends. alBO members of First and Second German Baptist Churches, are Invited te attend funeral, Wed,. 1:30 P. M. late resltlencc. 3447 Ella nt. fervlcs nt Hecend German Baptist Church 2 'SO P. M Vlwlng remains Tues., after 7 P. M. lilt tirlvate. Northwood Cem. Z1NK. Feb. 28. 1022. LOUISA, wtdow'el Philip Zlnk (nea wrd), aged 03. Relative and frlenda are, Invited te attend funern aervlcei. Bat., 2:30 p. M at her late real dence. 2147 N. 0th at. Int. Oreenmeun Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl. eve. PARCEL POST Sanitary Single Iren Porcelain Laundry Tub with CI C 7C Fitting eJHU.lO Hava you an old laundry tub In tha house, T Why net hava a whits porcelain tub in Its place? WE MARK A LIBERAL AJ.I.OWATE IN TRADE ON ALT, PLUMB- iNe a v p-, PLIES. 16.75 16xl9-lnch null nim Washfltand. complete with heavy nickel plated fittings. $11.00 Vitreous china tank, bowl, oak or mahogany seatr Full line plumbing; supplies. Prompt at tention clven te mall orders. Ann nn ?U.UU Central Plumbing Supply Ce. S. IV. Cor. 13th Spring Garden Sts.. Phlla. sTJQrRIOiWff nemj and address and we will tell ou HOW you can get ttila handsnme 7 Jewel 10-year guaranteed geld.fllled Uracelet Watch AUHOI.LTEI.V FREE Remember, with our plan It WON'T coat you a cent. Uracelet Watch comes te you In an elaborate velvet box. Writs at one for FREE Watch Plan. HOME SUPPLY CO. US Nassau St.. Urpt. 774, N. Y. C. II Sgl"' l';i"IISSS5Bgri SAVE 257 ON TOUR COAL BILL TbermoeeJ makes the coal burn long er. OU as l-;i mars heat. Lsates no clndsra or cllnkara. Bent Pareal pest prapald en rseaial of prtea, 1. latla latla factlen guaranteed. Edw. S. WalU, Mil. Geed Werk Lew Prices We guarantee you sUhfnctlen nnd Painless Dentistry IS Made for all cars. rlte for clrculnr. OUe make nn year of car. Ceier BnJ hack curtain- . as shown. rerd top 87.80 StW m VTWrlfi COMFORT CUSHION CO. 1021 Otn. Ave., l'hlla.,1 a. iiept. n , SHEET METAL- COPPER BRASS TIN .ni GALVANIZED IRON We de all kindi of Copper Werk A...PINKUS I 353 N. 2d St., Phila. Ituftit. Twtwg I -"IS I . . . V II 11 a h wtllr I It "2a)""kB. ft.,8 JSr uth .Market . - m mr nnil llrjnrhrs ' Im VABOIL POiT Buy the Best MALT SYRUP At the Meat Reasonable Price Net Weigkl 2!i 1st. 6 Cans. Complete, $4.00; 12 Cans, $8 Shinned Prepaid Anywhere out-of-town or dera will recelva Srempt attention vheij accompanied hy money order, heck or cash. t-irJ rirtlre and cnmrni O r d era nre sent FREE DBMVBltx. HF.NH FOR PRICK LIST , IT WILL PA OV, OrEN DAILY UNTIL 7 I'. M. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 0 P. M. Bell Phene, Kensington 1933 Keystone Phene, Park 1486 SAM'L. 1217 N.Lawrence St. AND 17 N. 2d St., Phila. Just Above Market Street Star. Brand Malt Syrup 100 PURE We deal In only ena grade of nrley Malt, the best, Uuaramcad te give tht bast results. .' 1 -saV''' : .:; :'::.:.: :"-M(9" " :-':- '.':m .. OVI DISTRIBUTORS :: 1' Package, $1 6 Packages, $4.50 12 Packages, $8.50 Phene I'eplur 8181 FREE DELIVERY IN CITY PARCEL POST FREE FINLEY BROS. 2008 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia West Phlla. llranrh 4214 Lancaster Ave. The Perfection Filter Filters and Purifies 3Iade of heavy copper nnd 1ms n brass check valve. can nn hunt, ant lVHKKi:. ANY PLACK 3-qt. size, filled, $4.00 6-qt. -size, filled $6.50 Prices en larger aires en renuest. Refill Chemical Com pound, 30c per lb. Send money order, check or registered mail. Perfection Malt Syrup, 75c for 21j-lb.can. Phila. Feed Products Ce. 2829 Kensington Avc. i-hiia.. r. -EYES EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED SPECIAL 1 Bifocal Glasses $ 2.50 Geld-filled Frame r-rxrlnl Value Ml. Oil All preicrtptlens niled nt a saving et 'J5 te R0. Glasses made en the prem Ikcs wvil'e yen wait. MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TII ST. 'Open Men. & Sal. Evgi. Till 9 P. M. Pearce Gas Range Tep mm 1 1 lie Around iiurnrr Reduces ti m inn Same Oenulne Without I'llis Sen for t'lrcul'r Desrrllt'ne the NINE REASONS WM. H. PEARCE & CO. 52 S. 2d St. Lembard 4145 UCKyRIKG Drings (ioed I.nck, I'lpsprrlly, l.etiz l.ltr, Huperstltleun belief. Ilellewd tu possess re markithle puuers tc rhange tti wenrer's luck. Solid Sterling Killer. Flu uny linger. C'.isn wltn order, l 40 i' O. II.. II Ml. KASTKRN n'i'i.Y t'e., nn Nhkhuu St.. n. v. t:. OLD ROOFS S'NEW I will coat your reef and guarantee It 10 n.l or will sell UiBCeatlnu ready fur use. SI Per (inllen or 5 Gallen), $4.00 WHITK'KOB '1IU'1'I.AR ROBERT A. MAYS Koeftng, Itoef Tainting and Coating 1 2 1 2 14 North 16th St.. Phila. UlAMOWDS BOUGHT Ilrlng us veur diamonds It you want ta raanss ins nianvst ,u.iuie Fiiv-w ni .. Ne matter what ethers ttll you lhe worth, get our pries, before you sell. wi ray 15,00 te Itoe.tW for each dlu mera man ein.ra nar. IU PV ?ci.i. 75c I Jr Syrup 1 K ' JUtSttJ IIS BlCewpuUfSv IflSalWSJl c. e. .. IKf IX E IMF irA - r WW akiaF BgaaTiBTaTaT MM mil. anu pv caiivinoeq. -TI VAB0XL POST ?iaiJiJ!4JJiJS2W1liS t Demand the . Genuine BLUE RIBBON MALT BRAND PASTCURIZCD AND PACK CD IN KALEO SJANITAPV CANS 0em yaun nmorrcrtetl CUAWANTKO IOOK UWsj. ,. ! ! Add 12c for Parcel Pest charges. Blue Ribbon is a malt unsur- , passed for purity. Quality nnd Ji .laver. A trial will convince you. n li .er, delicatessen or get in touch ,? Ti vith us and wc will sec that you Ji te .ire supplied. ii ejFRpp Srnd for Illustrated W 1 AXaUlu Catalog nnd Recipe 8 Jj loeklct will be mailed you. ft i DEALERS "u,t"1 T." r y u J ASAJ.tXAJAJle lere write ferJJ 2 ittr.tctlr. projiesltlon. jj ?J3Sew and "u-eroemi ti 127Sreiihl3thStrert i trr ISth Cherrt Mts.t J PHILADELPHIA. PA. 8 HaTmV.ai. TlLtt. ..! . IT.. J. ti l OBAUCUES; (iHt Oermsntenn svs. Dlsmend 3241 it 917 BreiJwiy, Camdca, X, J. J factories s Decatur. Dsaville, 111, ij Steubcnrllle, 0, J ir.vmizx,rtKvr.rzinztiZ& N Heme Beet, Shee, Tin Repair Cobbler's Outfit for lioet. f-'.ioe and Itub- lr repairs 31 articles. UrMhlnr In- eluded. Will jinv for ln-lf CI 7q 111 one season. Vtilue JUt.5f. "r X I 7 I'OSTAOIJ. ine I.XTIl.V fiend cash r-glstercd. rtninps. money '!ii'IU r-fiiTnI'l if net n'lafnciery. STRYKER-FRANKL CO. 1611-L Saniem St., Phila., Pa. Qualiry Canvas Wall Tents Jlade from l.einy, s-e: V!i'ti Canvas secureiy H-wed. e ft, W, ,vUi, f, walls, fiinipleta with pe'.ci. stake. Ildef and guv line ready te n;t up. price JI.0S. s,.n.i ,UT ,..nt..r nrleea en Trnls. Awn Inns. All nlzes en 'ruck cevrs and Iwrse coders huxi:tt r.wvAs (iimiis SI North lllli M. riiiin.. i'ii. Office. 3nd Heur. FREE . TU Is a veil mud- Melin and In repuUr meJ'-l of large s'.zc. It i, finely proportioned land well llnlshed. le,u s wel, nrcned lu.m named iiiapli; Lark Hmi i, , t iBCn. It4 " u1l! l l ,',1, 'NrlTUl'CTHiN's he te iU. ".,' r.-r pack V. trunt J0u Jut urt e IJencs Mfg. Ce., lieiit. 118. Attleboro, Muss. IMattresses Feather Beds IteniH.itml, slerlllred s.it. iHfacterllv and Imnestly. llaiiMin.ilile ii r 1 1" e Ne trmilile te ehtitnnte. PORTEIWIELD .'17-l!l llllitllj AVK 'lll r l'lmni HH II.TO") ME .: Drllrlniih evlr.nled lieuei. lldrrri ' from lliiliceinr,) :i lbs. fur Ji no II ILh II. 1.3. or 1.' IL., i,.r Ja ou I Del I vend by Parcel I'ent ' Pntlsfni'tien Kunnmii.rl r mnnev . i.-fundc.l Try It. K. ll,itrlter, I Heute ft. LuiuMntrr, 1'riiim, WINDOW SHADES Huy direct from manufacturer and iv mldillemnn'.n prellts; JI uu slimies for iVr tl.'.'n oil shades for 7Sc: II MS r.hacle tar I I1.8S: 103 extr.i for h-inalng. IMImates ! riven, Open ernlngs, from R tn 1!! A. M. vu iijiiiunn ubbii-w, WAI.DO HHADll CO . 2010 W I-ehlKli PATENTS unrt TKAnniARHs , ., ecured lYrft lllllltlA n. , for 'vmi'M iTrrtv WILUAMSON & WILLIAMSON nOTII imvi( 1325 ARCH ST.. PHII.A U4tlr. 0 te 0i .Man, and Thurs. Kts.. lug ir , BsT fflaT9sH em ( Da. R9ll NOW W mh Complete SsHdlhiiif !$) i 'Razor Blidei Re-ihtrpeaed UOU11LB On innrin w Itesular Hasers Oreund Kened.'ala VABOZL OfT U.S. KHAKI Breeches RecUimef,' Bat ln Perfect Condition Juit Like New 70c Pr. " O. D. Woolen Breeches Reclaimed, But la Vat. feet OeBditlsa $1.30 a Pr. Brand-new AH-Weel 7ft- . Wrap Legging... ''UC Reclaimed Wrap QQC Leggings ' JJ U. S. Army All-Weel Under ' wear. Brand-new, $ 1 CC A 2Uit .... ' Vest Pocket size Safety Razor In a neat silver s. nlll held 0 blades. fJH:r. sire and style. Th. latest style raiar en th. mnrktt. Only 79 Cent Larklns' Shaving Micks, .ZOSPtlSBU barcatn alum- lnum cass, lie TTs Insurs All 1'srceU Psroefreit ICe Eatrs Send Cash. Check or Meney Order West Phila. Mail Order Heuse Ilepf. A, 5207 Chancellor St., Ust l'hlladelnlils, Vs. Shakeless Cellars FOR SALT AND PEPPER Patented Always Closed. Sanitary Keep contents dry nnil full-flavored. Keeps nnt germs, dust or dirt. e shale Ing. Just press the button. It sprajg out frerljr. ACIESTH WANTED Ideal Shakeless Cellar Ce. 1725-27 Walnut St, Phila. J t-C'oler tlummre Slilpulng Lahrli A lied nnrcler. nine Imprint ulth " 10X 1000 Vel'nu ll'rkcnnnd :CTOM 1 TEMNILrWnWfc LAIWJJI 352 DURD DLDG. PHILA. FOU-. ' ifrlnls nn Printing letter ItlllhrHda, Murementn, ft A Cards and Kntelnnee: fi-Ti . IfHMI TERMINI LABEt & PTG. CO. :iVi llnrd llulldlng 1'Mla., I'a. BUDWEISER BARLEY MAtT SIRUP Made hyAnhtu$tr SunchJk.$t,euit'i i Aosumieiyieonuie vvy nmyeur tiuitr or artitr tiirtt . Verllb.Can :- Complete lobiruen Supply Ce., lAh7buSte. B Sfrtci232 ' Hhila. Ba349S Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies anc Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 28 USED AUTOMOBILES BARON'S AUTO EXCHANGE Bread and Wallace Sts. Easy Terms One Year te Pay 1921 Lincoln, 4-pass., like new. ."9 Cadillac, 7-puss., ti cords. 19120 Paife Larchmont, wire wheels, Mercer, G-pai., Series e, cord tires. Mercer Headhter, Series 5. 1921 Columbia Roadster, dlic wheels, snappy car. 1919 Franklin Limousine, excel lent condition, repainted. 1920 Hupmebilc Touring, ceed tires, lets of extras, 1920-10 Dedgo. Sedan and Tour HaflaSgeWUiiEtBiaLl U 3 rll lh t) Pi' l. TMt YnaT V PTC1 VQW Pet npei TOP 'ATTTdMOaW&l I ' USED CARS AT A SACRIFICE PRICE All cars in first-class condition. We have just the car you arc looking for. Come and inspect these super-values at unusually low prices. 1920 Cadillac Touring 1920 Pierce-Arrew 6-pass. 1921 Marmen Touring 1921 Packard Touring 1921 American Touring 1920 Cadillac Sedan 1921 Templar 4-passenger 1920 Hudsen Sedan 1921 Templar Roadster 1920 Cadillac Limousine 1921 Dedge Sedan 1921 Stutz 6-passenger 1920 Buick Sedan 1920 Cele 4-passenger A Complete Stock of Cadillacs. Open and Closed Medels. Alse Buicks, Cadillacs, Marmens, Dodges, Lexingtens, Libcrtys, Chalmers, Chandlers, ChevreletB, Essex, Fords, Grant, Hup Hup meblle, Nash, Oakland, Overland, Paige, Rce, Saxen, Scripps Scripps Scripps Beeth, Velie, Studebakcr, in all models, open and dosed. Time payments can be arranged if desired. BROADWAY AUTO EXCHANGE 441-443-445-447-449-451 North' Bread Street OPEN SUNDAYS fgSgsiaBBnBiMBaasiiiiiiiiiiiiii """"lajaBgrninaaaaswBgBgrmasatsgiaiiii ij"V'' Tlir'" "wtjiSl" JjS 1U4 ii PACKARD TEfct&Sw USED The purchase of reliable meter transportation is no longer a luxury but an almost necessary investment if you would conserve valuable time, promote personal efficiency, health and recreation. A better class of cars at prices that cannot be beaten in Philadelphia new awaits your selection at the Packard Company. Come in tomorrow and see them. SOME POPULAR BUYS IN OUR LARGE STOCK: 1921 Buick Touring 1919 Stutz Runabout 3-35 Packard Twin Six Biddle Coupe 8-25 Packard Twin Six 1919 Standard "8" Tour. 59 Cadillac Limousine with Westingheuse Air Springs 1-35 Packard Phaeton 1918 Haynes Touring 1919 Liberty Touring Frec Demonstrations; Easy Terms PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF PHILADELPHIA frl 319 N. BROAD ST. Locust 3900 ' iT'M 'iimmTii' rr.r." rinvi'.,'! m.iv -iv w- rrtk. TT i' "w . v. f AKvOOWXlr.VNJj!. . 'J?42B&'jC?23ZyjthS$ mTnr""'f rrm"T - PIERCE - ii?r! i ii i ' i 8 kryec-r!2- TOURING CARS We have quite a few of these cars raninp in price from $1000 te $5500. Most all models are included in the four, five, six and seven paubener styles. Most of them have been repainted and carry a Fesa-Hughcs guarantee. Seme of them have been completely REBUILT and arc guaran teed the same as the new cars. In fact, all of them are in geed mechanical condition, and they arc priced at consider able savings. This offers you an opportunity te obtain a long-lasting car at the price cf seme of the new shorter lived cars, and all-thc-ivhile, yeura is a PIERCE-ARROW. Wc have several Closed Cars of ether makes, including Pnckards, Cadillac and Peerless. FOSS-HUGHES COMPANY 2 I st and Mnrket Streets 1 Race CiOl Pierce-Arrew Distributors .Spruce 0190 ' OLDSMOBILE ALL USED CARS Grouped for quick cheesing Yeu lese no 'line All th" cirri nt our prlce ure together. Each nreup contains wcrWnuwn innkcii unil nietleln, nnd the nrlce in inch catu muicutea uu" ual value. At present a hixve bonie unusual eiTrlni;a. All Cars in One Greup Anether " it TIME PAYMENTS Larsen Oldsmobile Ce.p8,g800 N. Bread St. $75 Fords and Vim Trucks SCH0BER Bft.4S MAtlKKV BT. tTratt ATTTOXOKXiSB (Oppoelto Baldwin Locemotlvo Works) ARS 3-25 Twin-Six Ceupelct Twin-Six Derham 4- Pass. Coupe 1920 Peerless Sedan 2-25 Packard Touring 1920 Stutz 4 Pass. 2-35 Packard Limousine 1917 Cadillac Landau et 1917 Hupmebile Teur'g Marmen Touring 1910 Cadillac Touring 1920 Chandler Dispatch Uace 0741 '" l!" !'"""""' ARROW arc $250 " y50 500 GOO 750 ARRANGED EASILY iPwmmmamwmwmmmmuizH MACK TRUCKS Utj or litll-lncb N. 8. ehaasia. Where Best Val in used Stutz Car all models prices'. at low?? m Time payments if dt-j?; sired. AGENCY ' .cs t CLARKE D. HUNTE Mgr. Exchanged Car Dept. 669 N. Bread St. I rhenc Poplar 0392 'mXmM7MWMWM3X!WffXXMmmmmmW wjmwmmmMmmdMammvmimmmWA mmmmamMmmmix'm STEARNS-KNIGHT LIMOUSINE. 1920 rre'try, ralnt, rubVr. raitnr all J In nrst-elssi cunllllnni rar nsa net lri usrd for 10 mnnthn; must ba nfrn te b anpreclnrril: cost nw Ml MO: ewnrr vlll accept first rsa- tonuble e(Ti-r. E. G. STEELE 019 N'. liread st replir 837 fciia'msifi.iiiiKiiiiiiiBPijiiiffsiiuinini GOOD USED CARS PRICED.1 FOR QUICK SALE 1017 Pierce Town Car. 1 SI-JO II. V. Knlnht. 1021 Arpcrsen, pass. .SiaamJ, pass. -ass xi err rrmm a. m m m. m m r ...'L-n -., Pa- jl - m. 'r- -n .1: WH'K.' ; iAZ . ltl 1IIA lli.'O Strarnj-KnlKht. 5 pass, IOL'0 Mlcarns-ICnlfht. T pass, . xauil enrTr inrvrnD rnimiMV n a, 1 1 mw i vi v.wrtirnii i 009 N. rtiane. imOAD ST. 1'eplar 8243 FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBL.B a MOS. J0.30 AND WF - Factory Rebuilt Typewriter "See Our New Machlrft, the Century" I American Writing Machine Gk 8ft2 CHESTNUT ET. "W Walnut 24S0 Hale ", ' V Ht STORAGE AND KOVINO I rasucjcmns'z FIDELITY STORAC & WAREHOUSE CO. 1811te 19 Market St Leng-Distance Moving -Within 500 Miles Tlin OLD RBLIABLR COUPAKT OF PHIUA.DEI.PHI rllA Vlrtorent steraas, haultna' paenac i PHONUH. UOCVST 14.e-70-Tr,i w navs a tares nrt of clsaad i vans rer quick setien. MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANT DISTANT POINT 1 Wrclclx snlc- (or small ahlpmants , Iwtwrsn Phllarlrlphla ami Washtiwtflii! The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Incl STtti and Marlsst ats. r.nrlntr 1301 T APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMw IN TirnROUOHt.T MODERN APART MENT HOUBE IS3 TO STB Jurt tlntsh'cl anil nvsr bri nerupladt Impeslne ntrane. living room, bnjroeaa. large kitchen and bath: all light, air. eu'stde rooms, air nr tne suites larlMI spacleu- brick-columned perches: harS " woea r.oerv. wvnj.' nr-b.iua. caniinuQiM het-water ae-Uce; full electric aqula pnnt. ulth consela and celllns? Ilahtla llxtures; numerous base pluas In tvsrf roem: telephone connetlonsi prtvat arv Ire s'nlrn te each kitchen; private lock irs retrserx'.OT drained te cellar; Janltaf servlie. ef. Appls' Alt. II, Sts-af Zuber. li fnrx ave. TKt.Ill'HONE DTA. OSEn J LOCATION 1821 A 1H1M N. PARK A Vat. APARTMENT HOTELS' NEW HOTEL BARTRAM .".CD CHESTNUT W Apartments Furnished or Unturnlahat M American and European PW- PHONE" PIlKhTON 2310 ' JJ REAL ESTATE TOR SALE t s. CITV FOR SALE rrlca IrtIS .V F.T-eaJ rt J33.000 Let "J4x20n te rtr Btrcf a N Ilreail st 125.009 Apl. Hsft. sal ev rn:. ::3iit n ir.th rt $13,000 S i.. parch, h. w. Ii , !i. vr, firs . lcc U r.. - b. 13J9 N. lKth st 110,390 Let 4HIS, .1 .iy.. ID i-., ;: b., Ii w. firs . thlv modern, lc. I'.ll W AIIhny ave I13.O09 .Marlmnt Hours. IHia .sPruc st SiO.OOO iiin." Hunciu'hiuni.i ar 18.00t IMS N. IKth s't. . ,' 111,000 ' u.. ii r... t.. ii.w.nr.,ite. i3i: p;k st - sty , ireh. 8 r., 1 P., else. ni.li N. 2.11 st Apartment Heuse, 22')'. N 18th at a sly. 7 r lb., else. .1225 N Carllsls st 2 st" . perch, 7 r., b.. slse. 1.10 V Apsley st., atn .1 Kty . perch, h. w. firs.. 11 f s.toe l.oe IS.IMi It: 'Ti I0.8W nnn. anil hath. else. SUS Cainae st 113.04) :i sty., perch, u r.. 1 b., h. w. lit., h. w, (Ira., e'.ec, I Central Business Location! Mailed at Your Request List Your Properties I nim us jer tieaii Service MENDESS01 133 S. 12th St. PHONE. WALNUT 4IM . r - i L & NEWTWOSTC ti l ij.P ,iMP ri.r t m 4 i4 All 5 ..'I ' ifl 4 X 1 c ' 1t1 i Hi -p. S" ' it: iA- i .i i 'i a i J .fl ll hi. mmBLws d .n ings, ;siO up., GfMrl llMPf Twck Cem. &m&&miKL sMte; htK, 'Jt irWr&f S? V 'JiS 'A If kl4. ? -t-S V' .V'il.H -. .a,:i'm J . - ..-. J....L.-fil. ..Jla..i ' juA X.i .t&tMim 1&7H J& .!$ ei. M " U.'i!JlWaJi4 S...NdgS nBAliviriei- mm rapt mKLSte MalBVaaTsTaiHnaMM . -