m Ki 3A -V V CtL , tt w Si a IB tm m 1. ! tWfiSV f TUT tr ,'-. 'K ?. V- M .T" f Jiita7 xj-il m I si m --,' "' " ' -. ".7i.l' $V' T GENOA, CONFERENCE LOSES ITS HI U..A. ZlsiCmjM Inference I V, tuaa v, wwr :k EUROPE . vm ilU ,j K AWArtu wiuuw $iy,uuu fCiv r stugrme Court Upholds Verdict m ."-t Against Railroad Wi; ? JL verdict of $1U,W0 obtained in tt?1' C" e Common Pleas Ne. 1, of this E.1, A 'eetw. hv Trs. Rertmde M. Rwd asalnst: fi;rT.v.. ': '. w::v: 'z.7rz:c: rSW Afirecver Jl iuuireaus upcruuuj ut RjPWladelphla and Heading lCallwey, v',-.vs anstaincd by the Supreme Court at Washington, which reversed the decl- In the case rendered by the Su- & P.neii ? Dam n avlt-ti n 1 L Um nvH n Txrtdew. brausht sntf fnt ltJIlt - bs eft t-aaantlf n fhs lsnfK At has ,-,-- ewsaskve) w..T ...-. ..,.. VW1MU, AAW -. ----t . .v.v. wisisw.- en tne Heading, xne buil was ght under the Federal Employers 'LUbiUtyAct. . 'At the tin "At the time of his death, February j ! 9S, 1019, Reed was en a run between VJthia city and Seuth Bethlehem, and Vasslstlng te put away a caboe.se, ?&?WaM!MinlI a Dosltlen at its front. Jehn nt. ;. w j. Meuevitt. Jr.. attorney . 7"iV-.Vi-Z..i -r- -" ' i-- McDevltt, Jr., attorney for urs. ""TJBaejd, contended that In consequence U , of the negligence of the engineer, the KVvtcaBoese was deranca ana iteea was t rlaiaiiy injurea ey Demi; crusnea againac Mfr :r jl nn Hinuini uu ail uujuiiiiuk Lruuik. INSIST ON NEW SCHOOL All Chestnut Hill Aroused Over ;i',S-' Antlauated Structure l'r'rVLl..-. ,. ,. . . m,, ,. .i... iyfV(; vuxaauu ail v-uesiuui um is iuur- j&H -fly arensed and bent en mnking use of ."r'Yii kammti.m uniim.ti. .t Mmn. ma ....! Altwt.mf IMnitadAn fn rtit llrl n nrlinnl nn th khTlffiii iflw ntirefmsAil ffrntinrlu nr ffrmnn. VtAj(ta'rn -end Southampton avenues, te tnUe r&W.tke Place of thp Jeseph B. Gilbert Pub- ''TJraVJmNg nchoel at Twenty-eighth street and Xing raaigi'tana avenue, wnicn nat eecn cen-'.thf-jRwaned by citizens as Insanitary and i"7i '.iMttewssiy antiquated. Ml'&FWe Chestnut Hill Public Scheel As- W"seUUen's executive Committee will 54riSasMt tenlcht te make final arranec- r.ulu aseata for the Friday night mass-meet- 'stimnint the condition of the Gilbert fe-'sfchoel will be made nubile by reanv fay? ssseakera who bave conducted personal M, imatlgatlens. W UNCERTAINTY IN BUSINESS 'jFeeJeral Reserve Repert Blamea Lack of Confidence In the Future ' Most markets fhew a feeline of nn ecrtnlnty, nccerdlnc te the Federal He- Bank of Philadelphia In Its in the lrf,innhlv report en conditions V'-iSS.'Milrd Federal Reserve District 1 litre Wbmiiui te be. nccerdlng te the report, HI' j" lack of confidence In the near future. ;jj, The uncertainty of prices ami tne Cw taet 'that the expected freight reduu- K"tf Hem have net been put into encct are .WjI"4etrrentB te sustained buying, It Is iUii rerted. Buyers are waitlnu until a i'hi. fs-ausasi-nriri 11 inniiH sii- inn i i ir ih 4eiaitely determined te be Impossible 4 ni: MA A URGES DRUG RESEARCH iiJVem9 vt -eiicgc or rnnrmacy iciib ,," 'niwsnii uiuu or -eeiii iieeu Catabllshment in Philadelphia of n V-aaHnaal ln-Htiifn fnr resrnrrh In tlin t;'j),!ISJiH ei cuiaiivc urus ua unni uj sWJDr. William O. Bralsted, president of 'JjA'tbt College of Pharmncv, in au address 'nwqsj oeiero me tviwams tjiuu at he Bellevue-Stratford Hetel. The speaker said that the College of Phar- nzrz aey weuiu ee an exccnenc euse ter Kwin e i.oeo.ooo. t work ami urged an endowment Etei ARRINER IS RE-ELECTED ire of Lehigh Ceal Company Alie Retain Office , Warrlner was re-elected prcsl- ta LrFUigu ueai and Mivlcatlen at cue annum meeting of 8. bcld In the I.nfnvr'ttp The entire beard of manuecri ''re-elected. k'OUeatlen Of lvhnf is In ha ilnnn M capital', surplus and undivided of the company was referred tu ara ei manaeers. which met vpk. afternoon. Ne announcement- nf uen in tne matter was made. fa of the beard refuned te com. . tIAfifi the hllNinPRfl frnnanrtiwl fe : : " JV, ON WAY TO AMERICA JJ-rtJeneral Gregery vvwi itaaer. is re- Emprew .BUt. m?Szii 1 fCepyrlihts 1D32I Or The Chlcae Trlbuns I IK" this COrJFEREffCE, gyve mum; net discuss REPARATIONS, OR DIRECTLY 'J iVttfWBA0 rVnen doctera confer en a sick patient, it's peer car away the man wtth the meaicine. I Back Up Fishermen Who Have Asked Congressional. Action Against Oil Dumping FEAR BEDS MAY BE RUINED Bivalve, N. J.. Mnrch 1. Ovster planters in the Maurice River Cove, most famous of the evstcr beds In New Jersey, will join v.ith fishermen and resort officials in the fight new being waged in Congress for legislation te prevent the pollution el waters near the coasts and iu navigable streams by waste from oil-burning steamships and tankers. Fer years the oystermen have guarded oyster beds In the Maurice River ve from any semblance of pollution. Fre quent Inspections of the waters in the cove and the tributaries are made by sanitary experts employed by the State Beard of Health, which operates its own laboratory beat for this purpose. Large hums are spent annually for safe sanitation in the fleet of 300 oyster schooners and at the shipping sheds and villages near the oyster beds. New the planters nre stirred ever the growing menace of oil pollution, due te the practice of crews in emptying waste into the bav nr river, nr ram. blessncss in pumping out tanker at the refineries nleng both shores of the Delaware River. Shad finhermen for years had te fight this pollution alone and ncer ninde any headway, with the result that shad, once se plentiful in the Delaware Bay and River, nre about exterminated. Unless the pollution can be stepped, planters fear that the oil will ulti mately ruin the vast oyster beds in the cove, which annually yield a revenue running into millions of dollars. The Maurice River Cove Oyster Growers and Shippers' Association has had meetings en the question and will back up the fight en pollution. Most of this season's marketable bi valves have been dredged from the beds and n large part of the fleet, with the crews, hate laid up at the wharves until the spring oyster-planting season Oil pollution is said te cause the most damage te the seed ejsters. , COLLEGE FREE LUNCH QUITS Most of Patrons at Massachusetts "Tec" Are Janitors Cambridge, Mass., March 1. The free lunch at the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, which we3 Inau gurated January 3 for the benefit of under-nourished students, has been dis continued, it became known yesterday. Medical authorities had recommended that in view of the fact that they found 40 per cent of technology stu dents suffering from malnutrition, coco nnd biscuits should be avullablc free at the college Only 200 students accepted the feed, and of Inte this number dwindled se that must of the patrons were janl janl ters and ether empleyes. WILL TALK ON JAPAN Fermer Ambassador Merris te Make Address Friday Reland S. Me-rls, former Ambas sador te Japan, wllj deliver an address en "Japan and Japan's Ambitions" en Frldev evening in the Perish Heuse of the Chapel of the Incarnation at Drexel The remmittee in charge of the meet ing includes William T. Robertsen, Santiase Casuals, Jehn W. Stewart, Jehn E. Spencer. Heward B. Hindle, Antheny Kennedy, Jeseph Whitelev. Tnhn Cellier. James h. Garfield, A. 0. Zelglcr and Samuel D. Wlnchcll, Hr. ATTEMPT8 SUICIDE IN 8TREET A man who held he was Jehn Jen nings, thirty-five jeers old, of Teledo, O., shot himself twice in the mouth en Fifteenth street near the North Phila delphia Station about 7:45 o'clock last night.' Jehn Monaghan, 3010 North Fifteenth street, was attracted by the shots and had the man rernnvn,! tn !. OYSTERMEN IN POLLUTION FIGH iflteS&n'. 1 .Vet'"" PRIZE SPECIALIST DIRECTUT I r isu jTtr policy te EGYPT SOVEREIGN STATE British Protectorate Abolished by Proclamation of Allenby Paris, March 1. A Caire dispatch yesterday afternoon states that Field Marshal AllcnbjBritlsh High Com missioner in Egypt, has issued a proc lamation abolishing the British pro tectorate and declaring Egjpt a sov ereign and independent State, with a proviblenal status quo for the defense of Egypt, the security of the empire's communications and the protection of foreigners and of the Sudan. Washington, March 1. There Is lively interest In Washington in tne announcement from Londen that Great Britain has decided te terminate the British protectorate ever Egypt. Three ears age the aspirations of the Egyp tian people in that direction were the object of official representations before the United States Senate. On August L'5, 1019. former Governer Jeseph W. Felk, of Missouri, representing the peo ple of Egjpt, appeared before the For eign Relations Committee of the Senate. His purpose was te discuss the meaning of Article 140 of the Treaty of Ver sailles which required Germany te rec ognize a British protectorate ever Egjpt. A few weeks later Egypt sent an official delegate te Washington In the person of Mahmoud Pusha te watch ever any developments ensuing upon Mr. Felk's representations te the Senate. SIMS ANSWERS CRITICS Replies te Charge of Propaganda for Hla Promotion Newport, H. I., March 1. Rear Ad miral William H. Sims issued n state ment yesterday regarding alleged prepa gsnda for his promotion te the grade of admiral. He said that had he de cided upon his return from Europe net te submit an official report en the In efficiency of the Navy Department "there would probably be no necessity for dUcussing the question of my pro motion at the present time." The statement, Admiral Sims as serted, concerned "letters written by or te Jehn Ii. Lelghten recently published in the Hearst newspapers" and char acterized by these papers as propa ganda for the nrometlon. "I have been specifically asked," he . said, "whether I was Informed of the ncuvuies ei some or my iricnds, in cluding Mr. Lelghten. "Though I de net for a moment wish te convey the impression that I am net human and hove no ambition for my self or my children in this matter, still it is net a question of the personal in terests of any one man, but it is very much a question of the influence upon the morale of the failure of the navy te receive adequate recognition for the services rendered by the navy in the war zone." PLAN NEW HIGH SCHOOL Celllngsdale Education Beard te Meet en Saturday Plans for a new high school building at Gellingsdnle will be discussed at a meeting of the Scheel Heard en Sat urday. The structure will he designed for use hy the high bchoel and the Junier high school. Miss Klin Stern, principal of the borough school, has called attention te the need of the new building because of the increasing number of students. Ten of the fifty-right students at the high kchoels of Darby, Upper Darby and I.ansdewne will be graduated In June, bur it is expected that fully eighteen additional students will be enrolled in September. Chicago Weman Seeks Congress Seat Springfield, III., March 1. Mrs. Winifred Mesen Huck, of Chicago, jesterday filed a petition as a candldute for Congresswoman-at-Large te com plete the unexpired term of her late father, William E. Masen. Mrs. Huck Is also a candidate in the Republican primary April 11 for the full con gressional term. Stokewskl Concert 8otelst In N. Y. New Yerk. March 1. Leepold Sto Ste Sto kewskl, conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, appeared for the first time as a concert soloist In New Yerk City latt nlgbt, when he played the clavi clavi cembaeo, a modern edition of that fore runner of-the piano in Haendel's con CertO grOBSO for flutes. Oboes, haaaanaia. strings and clavicembale la tka PaalH dclphlan'g ceacert h rv - , 1 1 ceacert hr - " ... , ' New N. J. Village elni'liillt New N. J. Village elngIUIIt The old Stene and Glever (arm near Mount Ephralm, N. J., haa been de veloped and about twenty-five homes are new in course of construction and about fifty mere will be started and flnUhed by October. The farm will be made a small village and It la the intention te have the home finished In time m that they will be eiempt from taxes until 10SS. Several farms have already been developed in the vicinity of Mount Ephralm. winter kmet ASHKYIUJC tt. C. THE BIGGS SANITARIUM AshevUIe, North Carolina Specializing in the A. C, Biggs Efficiency Treatment A new. Interesting' and effective method of restoring health and vigor, and Increasing physical, nervous and mental efficiency. The treatment la highly specialized and adapted te each Individual case. Well equipped, liberally managed sanitarium, but no tiresome routine. If In 111 health, write for free copy of our booklet. Interesting and Instructive. pjJjHHJSrSKMSIEJSJSfi ATLANTIC1 CITY. N. On Ocean Frent ATLANTIC CneBreakt Unusually attractive during Spring Season. Rates greatly reduced. IT uxurieus heated Solarium, bathed in sunshine, overlooking the Jt ocean, where charming afternoon musicalea and complimentary "Five o'clock" Tea Service invites complcte relaxation after the return from an outing en the exhilarating Boardwalk or from the Gelf Course. American and European plans New Gelf Club Privileges Fireproof Garage V8M& . ATLANTICCITY.N.J. I Directly en tKc Oofieit I tVbltmWBtaAA iMisieMSsraMsie THE PLAZA ST. CHARLES & PACIFIC AVES. Select. Homelike. Prlvate l)t(i. nunnlng Water. Telephone In nil Rneme. ALWAYS OPEN DEITKICH ft RIHSKI,!,. MtTS. COODFELLOW Uurland Are CnS4lhr located near beach and an ettrarlletii American clan. Alwera open end pre tkllnr ercrr ceznfart. rrlrate balha. Het and cold running water Electric ilthta, Eicelleat celelse and e-rrler Moderate ratee. Ceerteelea extended. Ottccnhlp Management. Ian. C. J. OoedJeUew. BOTHWELL Vlraima te. ajcuuil euumi irem uunvrawaik and Steel l'ler. Every appointment. Hlgbeat atandard In cul-lna and service. Booklet. Special weekly rates. J. Bethwell. Prep. HOVEL CONTINENTAL Alwaya epan. alwaya ready: tertna moderate. Writ or piene M WAIJIH DUNCAN SHOREHAM jja, A-f ""J 13 SO tin dally. Games prlv. Alela Gruber. PHJtLIPS house zsr New aarienS-X.a.?. TOUBS N CAMCTTYeOO JIAJjAOC ." - - M. 'tSSietSS0B0KflfSlii'' i! ASSA BAHAMAS :::: :! !:;;;. !:!:: Where "Every day England's Quaintest Western Colony but a Week-end ' from New Yerk only eighteen hours from Flerida S. S . "Munarge" of the Munson Line leaves New Yerk Feb. 18, 23. The P. & O. Line leave Miami (Ha.) en Men., Wed., Fri., until Mar. 8. The Ward The Development Beard S Nassau, Bahamas ;;:; Lines RsyaieBd & Wkitcemb Ce. Flerida E. C. Haial C. 'l:A Mqmeb S. S G7 Wall St. New Yerk 133S Walnut i:i:u:.'tt. !.!:::. eea ;.....v.r.:. Surope a UR arrangements for travel I are complete in every aetan, itineraries for individuals or .te accord with their own ideas and desired te spend. Escorted Teura or limited membership leave at frequent intervals via Mediterranean and North Atlantic Routes. Itineraries cover all points of interest for the American traveller including the Battlefields of France, Belgium or Italy according te route and The Passion Play at Oberammergau for which we are Official Agents. Pstssgt tidtsts for choice cabins en all Sttrnmtnip Lint Cruises te North Cape and Nerweelan Florda. Su?l5,lJFn,,,,Lre,;,Ml Mediterranean by the Canard. Ancher lew S.S.TeeBla"-leavinf New Yerk July Sth-63days-S600 up. aewJ Fer Programs apply te THOS. COOK & SON 225 Seuth Brend St. (below Walnut St.), Philadelphia Telephone Walnut 0301) and 26S3 Arrange new with Gates Tours GATES TOURS fmM ttn TerieTreWeV IttdtreStMelmr 22S Fifth Ave., New Yerk AH tetm Teen ladaaV Tf ffff rffifais tsffSagf Issasj eat Ik srs iiseriiee, aaatlag aeneral si leVaWaV-niai m w t .M -V, yjtt ' Wamin Attemnta Sulelda bv Fire Weman Attempte Sulefda by Fire Scranton, March 1. Wrapping a piece of oil-soaked rag carpet around her body, Mrs. Samuel Burns, of Tunkhannock, attempted te end her life while suffering from a fit of de spondency, due .te an unbalanced mind. Her attempt at taking her life was made while her husband was ab sent at the courthouse arranging for a Commission in Lunacy te Inquire into her sanity. She was seriously burned before neighbors extinguished the names. WINTK't HBBOK1S . ABHKVIIAK. N, ATLANTIC CITY. W. CITY. N. J. CHESTER INN M.H iOKK AVK. NEAR BEACH Centrally located. Convenient te churches and all attractions. Reems with runnlns water and prlvate baths. Electrle llahts Elevator te strast level. Lars comfortable exchanges and leunslnt rooms Bpsclal " Ing rt'. Ulclt. MR8. D. KNAUER. WeatminatsW Kentucky Avs. nr. Beach, running watfr. Oixin all year. A. V. KOPP. L4.KEWOOD. W. t. MEMBASSY Newty built aim newly iurnun4. au out side roema. Private bathe. Het and cell runnlns water and telephone In all rooms, Hintarlan outline. Ilualc. Danclnc. OrUl and billiard rooms. Booklet. Telephone Lkewoed 881. New Tork OtOce. Schuyler IJ23. The Madisen, Lakewood, N. J. Quiet, reflnrd eurreunalnra. Belarlum. Oolf. Moderate ratea. ROBKRT M. CROUCH. MOUNT rOCONO. PA. MKADOYV8IDE INN Mt. Poeene. Pa. In the Poesne) Mountains. Newly built: all euta'de roema: ateam heat, electricity. prlte hatha Reduced rates. A8HETILT.E. W. C. T11K MANOR. ASIIKVIXE. N. O. la America, an Knilleh laa. TOCK1 msiuERICSSONLINE Fer Baltimore and the Seuth Dallr at P. M. 8 e'Ctaek Saturday Ne Sunday HUamer Freight and Passenger On ww. ti.Wi round trip. 3.00 (ram Pier a He. Delaware Ave. U ' is a day In June" S.8. Line leaves New Yerk each .:::5 Sat. Raymond-Whitcomb Tours :; lave often in early March. De- ::; llghtful climate, outdoor sports, ":! excel at Nassau, 'Land of Per- ': feet Climate.' ":' ! St., I'nlla. 243 5th Ave.. New Terk,'t .wv.v.R::;;;:-,w.R,R....::';j :t::;.' :?V:wH:::;S?iJi3 $S QD0KS te and in Europe we plan special small eartlea ,y a. the amount it is ?wvj I 1 am m .:! aaV M .:! afcma :!:! .!. for Europe OBERAMMERGAU fa again fcrepariaf for the spectacular renewal of it religious de cennial tow, which will be enacted during May June, July and August of 1922. Special arranged rnenti hare been made by Oatee Teura for reserved boekiaga for this old world religkrei drama. Br '" ef Chrut 12 Oberasasaergea ea Agenu, fsTi Vraiaei wVreeUjnuSeUel Osl. ... j . . ..'.'.. i - - Tvnie W. aQOWie( rstre.", I, ' 1 1 Tee AmttmlgMMefd eyetteai Mfcer el werU'eTtle1? la Fraaae . ' ' f ' wtma 34 DELIGHTFUL DAYS AbflirdheS."0ter!er"AiaereIntheNeflhIind n The Annual North Cape Cruise mm Kites Direct from New Yerk dud'. are$67S June 28. 1922 ingheme. and upward ""' ward passage Visiting v .iww,t' . Generous . , call or phone .- . 16 ports f0, our new AOrc f and te 0 North Cape Boek , cursiens lt the fa- with 24 php. ' te beau tl. meus fjords 'ews'0 ' ful yerW((v As if en a prlvate acht you will Sail en the luxurious S. S. "Osterlcy" of the Orient Line. This ship (18,100 tens displacement), exclusively char tered for the 'itaymond-Whltcemb North Cape Cruise, has excellent nccommeditlons, from Suites with Dath te Single Reems. The delightful public rooms and bread decks render the "Ostcr ley" superbly fitting for this summer cruise. The unusually comprehensive Itinerary Includes Iceland, the North Cape, the Lofeten Islands, reyal v Trendhjem, medieval Dergen, vivacious 3 Christlania, gay Copenhagen, Zccbrugge, Londen. Europe "Old" and "New" Europe today, with Us old glories, haa innumerable new at at at tractionsmeeorials, preat battlefields, the first "Passion Play" since 1910 untold interest for American Travelers this Summer. Europe, this year, eifera Americans mere than ever. The Itineraries Include Creat Britain. Helland, France. Switzerland, Italy. Spain, Bavaria and the "Passion Play." Raymond-Whitcomb Round the WorldTeura 1923 Eastteund or Westbound Early application advisable. "The Best in Travel" te California or Flerida Varied routes nnd complete Itineraries with assurance of the' best occemmedat Ions. Comfortable, unhurried, carefree travel. Our California or Flerida Boek sent en request. Steamship Tickets As agent of the great Steamship Lines, tec cm procure your accommodations te Europe, Bermuda, Nassau, Westjndies, or elsewhere at the regular Steamship Bates. We still have a tew copies of the Raymond-Whitcomb GUIDE TO WINTER TRAVEL, containing description of all prin cipal resert: routes and estimated cost of travel. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 1338 Walnut Street II idii!JBBs9Bt II Frank's Tours EUROPE Trequent Departures Mnrch te September isititlG Passion Play, France, England, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Helland, Belgium, Etc Next Departure Tour E 30 s. S. "Olympic," March 11 Msltlng SPAIN, with Easter Week at Sevilla Send for complete Boek of Itineraries, advising- approximate date of denar. ture desired and countries ou wlbh te lslt. Early application necessary. Independent sttamr llckets via any linn at company's regular rates. TravcMn-Comfert Tours, with Escort, Limited te IB Members, te California-Honolulu Msltlne Grand Canyon, Apache Trail, Colerado Reckies, Yosemite Valley, etc Frequent Departures Spring and Summer Da Luxe parties, teurlnir Tall' fern a neserts in T-passengcr Autes. Everything flrst-claes. hist traina Lest hotels, liberal sightseeing anil time for resting. ", uesi Bermuda Teura 8 days and longer. HOD.00 and up Other Teura te Southern Resorts Cruises te West Indies, Cuba, Nassau, Jamaica, Panama, Venezuela, Perte Rice, etc, 10 days and longer, $180.00 and up Send for cemplete information and detallcd Itinerary of Tour or Crm desired ''' FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 Seuth 15th Established 187S New Yerk "NDW" EUROPE TOURS frequent Drpartures Beat Arcommedatlone Varied Itineraries, Intludlne New Memerial. American uaiueneiae, ana the I'aeelan I'lay" llluitntffl lloekltt en rtqvtit Raymond & Whitcomb C iiia Muluul hi. 1 iiiirrl JSul , ROUND THE WORLD ,ib5SiVS "SMPRU5S el FRANCB- laeledbli hIJS Cb UUEri !,00 n1 P atlesia. Heltli. p., p,,t,. Guidee; eu. fUjVt.,," c"'. Fakrearr 9 & MEDITERRANEAN iaSrJiM "IMPRESS "sCOTLANn IWlWu! ?? CRUUE. 1800 and "p - ' ' 'I 32S55 5 Telephone Filbert 3864 St., Philadelphia Bell Phene, Spruce 0852 Paris Londen AF5XU TU. ijk ... .. W weriua rinest Climatel viu mere ey LINE S.S. MUNARGO (Nr) MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINES .-- r. ..n.ru, "W. "'.. rSlla ua.rujiyr Uiul. n1 Wall Kt N.V. or Pall River ijne Te Bosten Orchestra ea each steamer t-T.PI.r 14 N. B. (rulls. .uV.VI.Tm rwr KEEQAN 11 PI A I.- IN MEMIIRIAM LUIiriA KEBdAN. wh m..'!branc0 ..of surch 1. luae. u-n 4i. '"'u ilia lit. Qt7 ? keb'Sa'nV' ,. deaths ?allf ELMER. I ? St i'- 9S AneIea. services fhurs, "i &' xrMr. Funsrsl wraT vrtir be t2'W' ' "" Mj'ef la- UiUra Adalnh '- -. "n OI Otln ..J ! ' ' ill i . .. .. "l.A :. AXtltfiU n.k n ittUl llfAt J-T.- tcr of tha 1ft( lrl V, and Aivenla PS 20th and Cherry nts.. Tours., at 10 80 A,K Interment private. ?Wl of late Jeseph m. Any. .Funerat ervletSj Thur 11 A. M., CO U. 80th it. Int. mK 1 BARBEIL Teh.. M, ISM. JAKES BAnBEn. . niuDant MeDeucall). In hh biuband of Alice F. UarMr (. I, In hli 70th yrar, ReImIvm S14 VViiL A attend fiimral fnStl ., 1:80 P. M.. late nildtnc. iiM .J rricnqi are inriifq 10 iinu lymrai nn. feM. Than., 1:80 P. M.. late reildtnc. iiMr "., uin. VMWWIB ..m.., e BAUSn. Feb. 37. JOHN, husband of I 9 fit tarf late IX)Uli Ilauer. neiatlvta and inritad te funeral 8034 E. Orleans at Int. Drlvttc Kett. 1 5,-j aiit -. BOSLEH. rb. se. MAAI19 b. BOSLBiL-; friends are tnvltad te attend funeral MnleM,! Wta.. H r n( per ! riuuean, 17aafJ W. Tleta tt. Int. private. j A friend P. M., at her late nldnce. UB1 N. 20th sT,J int. Northwood Cern. Bemalns may be vleweak NftrcgJU'fl: 1M. MART, bste-. wifs of Michael Herc ana aausbter ntii Mary andthe late Edward McOlnty. Rl.ijl her late resldanee. 8907 Wallace sLSeianml1 Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress. 1 DREWKR. Feb. 28. JOHN D. BREWEE.V n.i.i.... mttA -mAm talain rr1MAIta n S3 a tlert 8, Phlla, P. O., invlted te funeral srr-, less, Thurs.. at. M.. at his iau rtsldsnes, Uli B. Columbia avs. Int. prlvats. ar,tu'j weed Cfm. Prlsnds rnav c .11 Wsd. ev. DROE8. Psb. S7. ARTHUR . husband of Mellis Brors. Relatlvts and frtend tBd i all societies of which hs was a tnemtwr art inrltra te ausna iunr, ..i iur. ea, P. M.. at his lat nsldsnc. 270S N. Cres.t ti . .. I.I n, miv.nt.ni.. nf rttmt. r nuBUHitu r n. t.'- j.1." "s..v"'ii,""i."iv.ir:'ia- USCHKL. Fh. 28, JOHANNAH, nf iaia Marcua isuicn . uva of. ni and frUnds. also Miriam tAdsrs: Lady Wib. Incten IOdas. in Invited te attend funeral, t J Thurs.. 2:80 P. 31.. Asher Ben Drosd st. J 'u.j.i'liniU Tlrn.A ! tut. Art. It, i-.tTT 'I rUHUH.' Of Winchester. Ky.. rb. jr. ' r Al. mb.v.. husbsnd of Juliet n. (neet : Van Deursen). Kelatlvea and friends Invited ti funeral serviees, T.iure., :3ii A. M., seii Tiiea S01 Newnail al. in. privaie. vifnmmiin cesx. --.. Haaa lakes auenaltta Wul &. "" CKLLA. At Atlantle City. N. J i"efc ' SS. JOHN A., huaband of Winifred BraA kCelta. In 'his 88th year. Relative as4 xrienaa are inviina e aiiena mnerai. 'inurs.. 0 A. if., from the Dennis A. Oermley Old 011 Paclfte ave. Solemn requiem masa Church of the Hely Spirit 10 A. M. Int. Pleaitn. llls Cm. .. ... ui virrt.-.- . ,...-'. .r.L. wire of lata Jehn Conahan. of County DeneaalT, Ireland. Rrlatlvea and friends, a' in Sodality or. a. v. ai. inviiru u luiivrni. inure., a AS A. M.. from realden,:. 23S2 Mredlth at! Belemu masa 1 1 requiem at Church of s Francis Xavler 10. A. M. Int. at Cathedral CCONUN. rb. 28. JAMES J., beloved huaband of Amea Cenlln (nee Butts), la hie 38th year. Relatives and friends, alto mem. bers of Kenslnrten Ledes, Ne. 44, P. O. of 17., and the Tapestry Carpet Printers asi ' rulers' Union. Nn. 3.. Invited te attend fS neral, from residence of hla elster-ln-law. Elisabeth Redemlch. 2822 N. 8d at. Requiem masa at St. Benlfaclus' Church 0 A. M. IbT Hely Redeemer Cem. COOPER. At tha Messiah Heme, Feb. 28. MARIA J. COOPER, need 63. Funeral services rhuri., 1 P. M., at the apartments of William II. Ratteteby, 3810 N. Oread st! Int. Mt. Merlah Cam. Vlew.nB Wed. eve. CULIEN. Feb. 20. 1022. ELLEN Jt. daushter of lata Peter and Jane Cullen. Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral. Thurs.. 0 A. M.. from her late resi dence, 1T42 Watklns st. Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Themas Aquinas 1040 A. M. int. New Cathedral Cera. DAWES. On Feb. 2( IB!".', ADELINE H.Mwlfe of James H. Dawes. Relnthea and friends are I ml ltd te the service, en Wednesday afternoon, at 2:80 o'clock, at her late residence, 8300 Arch st. Internist private. HAZZARD. At her realdenea. 1248 8.' Bread at., en' Feb. 28. 1022. MARY ANN nlte of Dr. II. D Kasstard. Solemn rt qulem masa fit. Rita's Church. Friday, 10 A. M. Interment private. HOMAN. Feb. 27. at Chester, Conn.. KATE, daushter of late Jehn and Catharine Heman, In her 81st year. Int. March l at Moosup, Conn. , HANf-lNSeN. Feb. 2fl. HANNAH J. llanklnaen (nae Jealln). ltVnnrn.1 ui MniML. ence of family. ...t!.,,i,iiH n ' 20 22- the Rev. PATRICK J. IIARKIN'S. Solemn requiem masa at St. Mary's Church. St. Clelr, PaT en Thursday memlns. The reverend clergy and relatives and frlenda are Invited te at ,e19i.. Interment pariah cmetery. . DELAHUNTT. Feb. 24. JOHN J hua band of lata Marsaret Delahunty (nee Car. nay). Relatlvsa and friends are Invited t attend funeral. Thurs.. 7:30 A. 11., late mt- . dance. 3S1S SniMtr m HftUmn maaM if va. 4tilem Church of SL Edmend, 0 A. M. Int. jieiy ureea, , DIETERLE On Feb. 2T. EVERIIARD, husband of Lena Dleterls. ased 48 yean. Ceerst Chandler Paul a Sen, corner 7th and i-epiar bib. interment ureenmaum urine tery. Friends may call Wednesday acalnf, 7 te e. DOIIERTT. On Feb. 20. 1023. ANNA F.. wlfa nf W'lllam .T nnhartv. aaed S8 vaars. Relatlvea and friends, ulae all necletlea of which she waa a member, are Invited te the funeral, en Thursday mernlnr. at 8 39 o'clock, from her late residence, 23.10 SeutH 11th Bt. Solemn requiem mass at Epiphany Church, 11th and Jacksen st.. at 10 A. It Frlenda miv vtiw remalna Wedneaday eva- nlnc. BOHAN. Feb. 27. MART A. DOKAPS lues GUI), widow of Edward J. Deran. Relatlue ana yienaa inwted ts funeral, A.. ST.. from residence, 0242 Thurs., 8 JO llaxal ae. Solemn requiem maes at St. Carthare's Church 10 A M. Int. at St. Denis' Cem. , DUOAN. Feb. 27. JOHN J., son of the late Hugh and Drldsct Dusan. Relatlvea and frlenda am Invttivl tn nttnnd funeral. F't.. . S.80 A. n,. from hla late realdence. 2611 " Earp at. Requiem maaa at St. Uabrlel's Church 10 A. M. Int. New rathedral Cem. EISENnRKT. Feb. 28. WILLIAM MER CER EIBSNBREY, In hla 64th year. Fu neral services Frli, 2 P. M. preclrely. at the residence of W. A. Dunmore. Klmbcrten. Pa. Int. private. Frlenda and empleyta of Strawbrldse A Clothier are Invited te vlejr the remalna. at the David II. Schujler Dull. Inc. Uread and Diamond sts Frl.. 7 te I 1 . M. VKr.rnxt a. ,.,.. e- t.k ea. ELIZA, wife of Edward Felteci" In her' 74U 'r. iteiauvie ana menus invitea m ai end funeral uttrvtvm. in ITnnr nuti'ln Luth eran Church, Thurs., 2 P. M. Int. Roie IHU TOTTINOnR. Feb. 20. 1022. DAVID EARL, huaband of Viela M. Fettlnser (net Jenei). RelatUea and friends, also American Standard Council. Ne. 880, O. I. A., ana Stephen Glrard Ifen. Aemiffatlnn. Invited la funeral aervlcea. Thurs., 2 T. M.. at hl 'I late residence. 0424 M 11th at. Int. NorU NerU w!?d Cem. Frlenda may call Wed. eve. -.'riAcis. On Feb. 2fl. at late realaene. 2822 Drewn at.. HARRIET FRANCIS. Fu neral services en Tuesday eveirlna at 8 e clock, at 1080 Falinreunt ave. Interment prtS!i?..wdn"llV A. M. , ,?3?FeBMAN- n Feb. 28 1022. HAnRT LLWIS. huaband of Joate O. Freeman an! en of the lata Hinnah and D'-lcl Kre-ne. n.'utiY.'S? an(I frlenda, also Knueta Tribe, Ne. 307, I. O. R. M. urn Invlti-d t the funrral, en Frldty mernlnc. at 8 30 o'clock, from hie latt residence. 121 N. 62d it. He.emn requiem mass at Church of Our I.ndy of Victory at 10 A. M. Interment rntEL. Feb. 27. SARA F.. dauihter of Daniel D. and Francee A. Frlel. Relatives an! frlenda. also Levisue of the Hacrel i'jsrt. are Invited te nttend funeral. Thuri.,, J1,3" A. M., from parents' rrs'dence. Us Maryland at., Ocrmantewn. Solemn requlen nsa at St. Vincent de i'aul'a Church, 1 A. M. Int private. GALLAGHER, Feb. 21. WILLIAM J.. ;,uahand of latt Mary Ann Oallusher (nee lesuett). Relatives and friends ar Invited te attend funernl. Thura., 7-30 A. M., from -L" iUkrl J,."1?"n?e' Ss Catharine Osl a Jher. 004 W. lerk et. HUb maaa at 8t. tdn?.ri F.v?reh A' M- Int- "0S' Crl"'' i-.ai,'VAOilfcn7-.,,'Cb' ' THERESA (nee Kerwln). wife of Jehn J. Gallasher. Relf I"," snd 'i lends Invited te funernl, .Thura. S 30 A. M , 17H N. nth st. Hlrli rrqulem VJfi'J 5' HV M"lahy'a Church 10 A. M. Int. M' Iv H"nirhre Cim OIMiKRT. Feb. 28. RUDT K., beloved husband of Llllle M. Olllwrt (nee Huelnf). "J.A0."..-041 27th st. YJiJLa A- f' Pe'dsn ajd 60. Relatives aa U. t Jr'lm.lte1 le nttend funeral services. e , 2 P, M . lit niMrnr. nf her BOS, Cem Lwten' '' " 60,h ' ,nl- Arllnstss OOnMAN--Feb. 2fl. FRANCES M., wife ?' the late Themas Oerman and daughter et the late Michael and Catharine Luwn. P-"!' attves arid frlenda are Invited te alUnl iS2eru ' ett"" 83 A- ' 't8 reaiaenc;. n . .B; . 23A ' Solemn requiem inset fit. Patrick's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cre h,,?1fiAf'.I'.b' ." CHRISTIAN, belevexl nufbM2 of J-e"la r. Graf (nee Weaver). n.?hi VV ni ,ffld. also members of 81. Jehn s Evanii-llcal Church, nth and Daupbls vli' V?. '5yd te attend funeral servfeej. wni.i2 V' M'i Bt hu '",e lesldence. 122 W. Iluntlnzdnn st. Int private, Mt. If an Ce. 'aRIThur.. 7 te 10 KM tf'SyJ. ". .Rebert Gressn (nee B3(. J rnii'" J"11 'lnds are Invited te alien ' funrral, bat R-no A. Mi, from her lS? residence. 8880 Ililtlmere ave" Solemn hla "J.1 1C requiem church of Tranedifuratien l0JV:M. Int. Hely Cresa Om eOROONF.b 26. ieM.m,MAnT enO; ?,Kr-A, R'lftlvss and friends, also inembert S,,J:l"S.l,,.Aux"lllri A- O. II., ars Invited funeral Thura , s.30 A. M..from her lrt residence, 1254 B. Slat at. Solemn WW Mass of Requiem St. Qabriel's Churcll, AirMnA?t' 9la Cathedral Cem. 2. WALTER F. HAUAIt. used 7 1'. IMnersl aervlces at the resldenes of his son. Waiwr r. IlStsr. Jr.. Sunset i, anrf rFreld ti I rt...H... nr..' .7. -'" -T""-w-"Tr-... j i"""Ml llll, WBQ.. 'J I". M. int. PTira1? ' talvali conveyances will meet 1:08 p. M. train freff Ilread St. P. M. Htatlen at Chestnut Hill, J' .."AINE8 Feb. 27. EARL, husband ftr.'!l...ll"M? JP. Bmllh). ased 27 yesP tV'-.'"" nu irienes. also rt I, Ledfe. i Assn.. are Invited te funeral sefvleas, Q &2MaBti A aMfSK ivHnwiE'iWi "W teaiL&'At.i!.. WJlrrt TJ 57ra)'?,i5T1 l'iLt , f, ..,a ihmXiSjJP.M&; riMfWffl&W irtjivt ti r r t ... . i .,.., 7.f !Xu;A ul(A'.t.;.(l .&. A.aAiiaJW(