ir ' , ,'., i.Vif'li. & .' Tf '7A.L, .. SWBBsW.'!, .1 ..t.'i.' 1f9rStl wk w. -rwWHiifrMw J f ' ... v,?f ' ; . ;-t prvw. 7:..::y. e- fc, w1; i JeVsMMKSMnMna ' rVf ,t ym? ' -A TniT ! I t'Crl JilLU!iJUrXLlA .CU-tV K.j .J" A- T H "IC" lre?l rWt' ' iDAYr raw,' ie-i '" i -i .kz;---Ji.". ::a i --ivrn ir The First National Bank of Bosten m The leading financial institution of New England Foreign and domestic commercial banking of every nature. Correspondence solicited. I ' ( THE INVESTING PUBLI& IF YOU WILL MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS, AS WE HAVE MADE IT OURS, TO ADVOCATE ENACTMENT OF LEGI3 LATION BY WHICH EVERY DEALER IN SECURITIES WOULD BE PLACED UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT AND BE SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION, AS REQUIRED OF BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES, A STRONG PROTECTIVE LAW FOR ALL INVESTORS WILL RESULT. Mackie, Creuse Ce. y INVESTMENT BANKERS Rati EUU Truat Building, Philadelphia READING PHILADELPHIA BOSTON EDWARD LOVBER STOKES M Seuth 15th Street Announces the formation of a partnership under the name of EDWARD LOWBER STOKES & COMPANY March t, 1922 EDWARD LOWBER STOKES W. STANDLEY STOKES 32 COPPERS 17 117 LEATHERS ZINCS 28 -5 raiuc utilities S U GARS 15 TIRE STOCKS Clients follewingthe 1921 recommend tiens of the Babson Service en Tire Stocks already have a profit of 15. Yet statistics indicate that the bread upswing has just started. . Babson's '.REPORTS A can Increase your Income hut asther are Increasing the income of ever 16.000 of the country's keenest executh-ea and investors. Moreover, in following these unbiased recommendation yea are helping te make better and sounder business for the entire country. Adept the Babson LengSwIng Method -today. It affords a degree of security quite impossible te get In any ether wsv plus twice the usual return without the risk, worry or toss of time Involved in ordinary speculation. Write for Booklet -NOW! AW" ?n Xeur letterhead wJU brtea Getting Hit Mett Frem Your Memjr and copy of recent report, gratia, Tear out the Meme mew and hand it te your secretary when jwu dictate the morning s maU. M,nlyA,kforBeohUl 34CA. Babson's Statistical Organization WclleiterHin, 82,fas. ISsberb of Barten) n, Larittt Orpanltalten of As rHsiuUj MIA Irsrld A rVsrk MEMO ,'n innmiuiiuiitmi p Fer Your Secretary i Write Reger W Babson, president of S PuSf8 Statistical O ganizatien. Wellesle? Hills. 82, Mass" aa follew: t "A eend me Booklet Na S4CA i from YeurMattmi" If SmwJs Off" I na copy e n cent repe d Krarls. Umirauaiuiuniiiiuumiraiiimiuiiji TissisiiViSasn-ini i1 Hathaway, Stene, Wallace & Williams, Inc. ENGINEERS w MANAGERS IW3 Sntem St.. PhiUdtlphit 1PRUCB 7M7 Operating MnnaKcment of industrial Enterprises. Industrial and Technical Inves- tieatiens and Reports. Consult- lntr Engineers te Manufacturers 3iKrpvTtlt Mima fcuMliM ilea Inl 0r?S5U.,.len of ePerlencd Enslnssr. LET US SELL YOUR COAL As your sales manager, ' Peabody service can re place a selling organiza tion costly te a single mine by the sales facil ities and contact with markets established through annual experi ence in marketing mil lions of tens for our selves and ethers. ' PEABODY Sales Management will help you market your output te best advantage) accurate knowledge of mar kets and Judgment en the possibilities of mining and marketing can save you expensive experiments in mining operations. Write for book of facta en Pea body service. COAL COMPANY FmssM 1US 331 Sends MlchlfsaAvs. . CHICAGO Ofrithtt ' Ulumhtnu ursast in 11 jlttjt milk maml tapteily HfiOOfiOO tent. NEW YORK. BONDS Arse Rsp'e Bs a..... ai Oanadln NUui H rets 1.... ItSft a.... lesu Canadian N -fa 1.... 109 1,,,. lTt K... 108 Cana'n Pacific ca d wi 7 78 1 , , , . TS 8.,;., ii Can Be'n R bs S 4tt Chlla Cep'r 0s ,,,, BO 8 6BH e flBH rl 85 U Chines Gevs' t H-K Rly Bs 1 M 1 BH 1 BSU City Berd'x "IK 93.,.., 8Sf4 3 854 IS 80 VI vy or cepn Vasn SUa 1 00 VI se 1...,. 90 1 O0H 8 00 u City Lyens l 8BU ...... 8BU 88H 18 85 U City Mara'a es i 8BH 2 8BH 10 8SVI 0(sl) 85 Vt Cty Rie ds Jaj nsrie 8a It. 4.. 2 . 8.. 6.. 8.. 8.. City Teklo Ss 1 75 l 74 1 78 1 7eU City Zurich 8i 0.... 112 8.... 113U "uban C 8 cv B 78 Denmark Cen ct a 8a 3.... 108 B.... 108V4 3.... 108H uenmara con ct B 8a !.... 1M Dem Rsp'e 8s 2 884 I Canada '38 IB 98H D Canada 39 8 90H 1J 0SH no 41.... 100 D Canada '81 1 00 3 97 Dpt Selns 7a 3 3r.... 2 ! 3 1 2 8 2T.... 1 12 40 1 10 tSALESN I10l iX Swsasa 8s 6 98ft 1 98H 1.....' B814 9..... 98H 48 99 1 99U 8 99U Qusena'd 8s wl 8 9'i 3 9SH 7,.... 08 l... 98 H 2 08 88 98 3 OSTl Qustnal'd Ext Lean e7 Ta 101U 101H 101 Vi 101U 101 vt 101 14 101 H 03 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 02 03 02 03 03 Dutch E l' Da iJinS....M,',aement In ii.Tun ""."... ."nui.rineni npecia !! uuus uiuity and Inclii.trl.i,... 14J1 CHUbTNUT HTKUET I I1IUDKI.PHIA Hell Telephene: Sprue 6083 Tnrlt fhlrnte Ban Frnrliwe Men INCOME TAX RETURNS efTiKXJ!nh.i,h?, court"" of the Collector frm iirnai "evenue. a representative fem m".?,:"1 he at thla bank dillj '""' AlSrcn let la lAlh. Inr ualv Jen of .h.Pn,,ral )Ublla I" the prepsra- tub uit Incon,e T" neturns. ' niniw NATIONAL IANK ni.iiir.i,rniA "CWOTON CO. "7 Convenience of Location is a time saver and is val uable te a business man who wants te de his work quickly and with dispatch. Then, why go uptown or downtown when you can j;et the accommodation, "advice and conservative management of an old established corporation at a bank se conveniently sit uated as this? Third National Bank In the Center of Thingt Opposite Bread Street Station Organized 1863 2. 10.... 6.... 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 107 107 117 107 107 107 107 107 9.. 1.... 2s l.... B 5s e . 1.... Rsp chile '20 0i... 101 vi hsp cnne '4i I.... 104 8.... 104 1.... 104U nsp wniis '40 1.,.. 108 8.... I0S 7.... 108 1.... 103 I..., 108 10.... 103 R Cuba 8s '04 1 00 R Cuba 8s 'It 2 85 U Rsp'e of Uru- enay 8s 9.... 107 1.... 107U. Perte Rice S ts rcta 1 os Stata Rie Or'e De Sul 8a 8..1. 100 1.... 100 Stats of dae Paule ct 8s d.... 101 in.... let 'i i.,.. 10 l l.... 101 IB.... 101 1 102 Bwltsd Cen Hi 1..J. 115 1.... 114' IV.... 110 1.... 114 12.... 114 14 U K art Drli ft "d 1923 1. B... 87... e... 11... 37... 1... 33... 11... 4... 80... 10... 1... 105 V 105 105 105 105 105 K 105 105 105 100 105 105 105 U K art Brit I'd 1020 i. 0. 3. 3. 15. 3. B. 1. 8.. . 4. . . 1 10 8 10 80 1 Oevs't French R 7a rcta J44-i:hra 7a 04 04 04 0B 4.. B.... 82.... 25.... 23.... 100.... 2.... 1.... a.... it.... 18.... 8.... 12.... 0.... 2.... 8.... 8.... 2. 100 100 100 100 100 90 100 , 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Oeva't F R 8a 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 108 104 104 Or'd Trunk of Can 8s rets 23. 1 2.... 1.... 1.... n i'.'.'.'. 7.... 7. 101 101 101 102 101 101 101 101 3 17.... 2.... I.... 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... Qr'd Trunk of Canada 7s 1.... 107 8.... 108 Jap Oevs't 1st 20 80 1 80 3 89 Jap Oevs't 2nd 2 89 81 80 3 80 Jnp Oevsn't 4s, 3 7(1 1 75 1 73 1 75 0 75 0 70 103 105 106 105 105 105 105 105 V JC Ort Drtt Id 1887 123.... 100 88.... 100 7.... 100 8.... 100 U 8 Braslt 8s 8.... 104 1.... 104 1.... 104 U S Mexico 4s 8 48 U S Mexico Be 8 88 8.... 83 Adams Exp 4 3 78 1 73 Am'n Ait'c A 3.... 100 8.... 100 4.... 10O 1.... 100 Amu BIRW 1 80 1 80 American Bus Hera? es 20 40... 1... 1... 97 98 97 07 or 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 10. 2. 1. 2. B. 0. 8. Am T T Ct 2 88 10 88 A Tel Tel Bs B 00 1 96 8 00 A Tel Tel 0a 1.... 111 I.... 111 3.... 111T4 A T S Fa 4a 1 87 1 '874 Atl'e Frutt ts 1 30 8 81 1 81 3 81 Atlantle Rsf'a- ct e 8.... 108 Bait ft Ohie cv 1 77 77 12 77 1 77U Bait A O 8. 23 02 B & O Pitt 3 10 B8i Bait A Ohie 4e 1 78 1 78V4 Bait A Ohie fie 3 78 1 70 Bait A Ohie 2 00 2 Hrt'4 A 06 3 06 1 06 O 0 I W074 KtBelctum esBell Telephone .n. .. I nt n V- Strawbridge & Clothier 1st Mortgage 6s, 1942 M0RLEY, WOOD & CO. 333 Chestnut Street Members N. Y. Phllu. Ntk Kxcb's. Safe BendsInvcstmeni) HALSEY, STUART 4 CO, Inc. Land TIUs Btd. Pbens. Locust 741A B.... 101 1.... 101 K BetCm rcta B.... 108 1.... 107 3.... 108 1.... 107 3.... 107 1.... 107 Klnrdem Den mark ct Oa 2. 1.... B.... 7.... 1.... 13.... 1.... 8.... 11.... 0.... IS.... 10.... 25.... 1.. 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 Kingdom Den' mark ct 8a 9.... 100 8.... 100 1.... 100 B.... 100 K Italy 6 4 93 6 03 K of Nether lands 0s wl 10. 1 10 0 2 81 f i 3 11 8 B 8 3 1 8 i i 8 04 91 04 04 04 04 04 04 94 04 04 04 04 94 94 94 94 of Pa 7s 2.. ..107V4 Beth Stesl let l.... 95 B Bdls'n D 7s 1 106 B Rap T ct Bs 1 80 B Rapid Tran ct 7a ata 28 78 BredVy A 7th Avsnue en B 03 Cen'l of Oa en 4 04 Ct'l of Oa 0i 2 07 Cere ds Pas'e Cep'r 8s 1.... 111 1.... 11i 1,... 111U C A O cv 4s - 83 Ck A O cv Ba B 80 8 8014 CM A Alt 8i S 40 8 lOVi 30 40 12 40U Chi B A Q Si 1 07 7 97 4 97 C B A Q 0a .3 74 Chi Mil A.Pat Bound 4s 0 6M1 Chlcare Mil A Bt paur 4s 1 73 8 I t a . Ts) Ohleaae Mil A StP cv 4s Oiimi 84 Is 4 SVJ 1 05 8 64 8, . . . 84V4 Chlcacn Mil A StP f(T4e "1 ,69 8 69 1..'... 60 I..... (U ,7 60 1 . . .' . 89 ChlCMe Mil A Bt P cv ta 3 an C A Nwn 0a 1.,.. 1ST. 1.... 106 Chi A Nwn 7s 1 100 Chi Rail w: a Ba 1 77 6..... 70 1 , 78 C R J A P fd 10 .8 "4 Chi A W I 4a 4 70 1 71 C If T 4s'6() 1 'nisi Cl'd Cln Chi A Bt Leuis 6s 11 01 Cen'n Ceal Ce of Md 8s 8 66 Cens'd Oas 7s 2.... 110 2.... 100 1.... 106 14.... 106 Cum T A T Ba i 1 90 Del A Hud fd 8 44 8 44 3 44 10 44 10 44 Del A Hud 7s 1..,. 107 'A D A Had Ts I....' 108 Den A R O 4a 8 74 Det Edl Bs '40 1 03 Det Edl Ce 0s 1.... 100 1.... 100 r.... ioe 1.... 100 1.... 100 Distil Security Cerp OS 1 87 D de Nemours Pwdr 7s 2.... 104 10.... 1C4 3.... 103 1.... 103 1.... 104 3.... 104 Erls n R cv A 1 89 Erie R R cv D 1 4H4 Flsk Rub'r Ce 8s rets 1.... 101 1.... 101 Gene' I Elee Bs 3 97 1 08 Ooedysar T A Rub'r '31 1 07 1 07 Ooedysar T A Rub'r '41 4.... 113 101... 112 1.... 112 Oranby C Ml' it S A P 8s 3 87 Oreat North' n Rly 5s 1 06 3 06 8 06 2 06 1 06 1 06 3 06 10 06 1 OOVi O Ne'n Rly 7s 1. 35... 20... 2... 10!!! i.. 107 107 107 108 107 107 107 Hud A Man fd 6 78U Hud A Man In 8.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 10.. 10.. 20.. 88 86 68 88 88 88 68 lis Ct'l 4s '82 1 81 Ills Ct'l 4s 83 3 79 11 70V. Us Cent'l 8s 1 08V HI Cent'l 0s 1.... 108U Inte M ct 4n 3 15 Intb'e R T fd 8 68 1 63 2.. a.. 3.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 10. 63 63 63 03 03 08 03 10,. 18.... 13.... 25.... 23.... 1.... 8.... 4.... 3.... 4.... rtniii 'ai 10 74 6 74 3 78 6...,, 78 106 106 106 108 106 107 100 106 106 100 1 M Marine 0a 4 08 2(aale) 04 2 03 Int'l Pap a 5s 1 83 Int'l Pap b 5s 8 83 10 83 1 88 8 10 aau Invincible oil Cerp 8a 1 90 ll 00 3 OO K C T Rly 4a J 80 1 80 Kelly Sprlnsfd Tlrs 8a 8.... 108 6.... 103 1.... 10S. Lack Steel '23 1 08T4 L lid R am 4s . 1 78 L lid R Bs '37 3 75 3 7Ri LA Nash Bs 1.... 102 25 inttt Man B 4s ata 1 04 Market St Illy i ran 1st 8 87 Market St Rly a Fran a 1 04 3 DIM Mich S Tel 3s 1 07 1 07 Mid S & Or 5s 3 80 8 80 B 86 1.. .. 80 Mln A Bt L 4s 1 88 8 88 7 80 1 80 M A 8t' fd Ss 9 88V M StP A B Ste M 6S 1.... 101 5.... 101 10.... 101 38.... 101V4 M K A T aJ Wl 10 80 13 80 42.... t 80 18 ,M IS,.,.. 80 10... 6.1,.,, ex 6 , , , 81 1..... 51 10.'.... BIU M K A T 2nd B..i.. 88 Me Kan A Tax ct 2nds ' a..... na M K'A T 4s 1 76 1 11 MK A T4s 10 67 SI K A T Ba wl 4 80 1 80 .38 80 1 80 6..... 80 .8 80 40 98 B 08 78 93 8 08 7 98 8 98 KKsals) 08 we rae RK 68 63 63 63 63 63 68 68 63 68 63 68 63 7 41 S 1 33 1 " 13 39 'V" 10 ie. . :, . Me Pse Ca '23 8 00 N T Ct'l en 4 li.... 70 U N T Ct'l 4s IO 86 N lit Cant' I 8s 23 90 17 00 8 09 1 09 2..... 00 N "V Cent'l 7 1.... 108 1.... U03 10.... ,106 2 inr.u N T Edisen Ce os rcta 8. 6..: 10... 1... I... 1... 6. 106 100H 106 108 100 106 106 tvew T N H A II 4S '88 8 81 New Y N If A Hart'd 6a 9 68 4 (in N YTk Rlys 4l 6:.... 83 10 82 a S3 . 1 84 e 80 ie asu N T Rlys ct 4a ' 32 13 82 e S3 8 83 SSTt lO(eale) RS N Tk Rlys Ss 8 6 9 tilL N Tork State Rlya 4a 1 CB 6(aala) 63 1 65 Vi n i xeis'e '41 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 1.. 1. 1. 5: i. i. 10. 1. 4. N Y Tsls'a '40 1.... 103 1.... ies: North Wsstsrnl Bell Tsl 7s 1.... 107 1.... 107 1.... 107 V N Paelfle R '4 a 1 8411 Nth 8 Pwr Be 6 80 B 80 Oreven 8 Line Ctd Bs 6..... 08 6 98 10 OKU Oie-W n R Ce Navl Ce 4s 3 78 6 78 13 78 B 78 Otis Steel 1st 1 98 60 ,Pae O A B Ba 3,,.., 88 3..... 8t 3 87 1 i 88 Pae T AIT 6t 8 194 2.Vi.. 94 Packard Moter Car Ce Ts 10iV... 99 2 99 Pan A Ptrrn A T Ce Ta 1 97 2 97 2 07. Penna R K Bs 1 98 Penna, R 6s 4.... 103 8.... 100 10.... 105 3.... 103 3.... 108 Penna R H 7s 3.... 107 1.... 106 Pee Oas Llaht A Ceal Ba 3 8T Pars Marat 4s 1 76 Pers Msrqt Bs 1 00 Pierce Oil Ms 1 98 Pitts C Chi A St L A Bs 8 02 1 02V4 Pert I'd Rwy A Llcbt SS 1 84 Prpdu's A Re flners 6s 1.... 100 Pub Berv Cerp N y Ba I.T... 76 Beadlnf Ce 4" 10 82 V. Rie O A W 4a 8 75 Reck Il'd A A Leul'a 4a 8 78 St L X Mt & S Rwy 4a 1 83 8 83 Z 84 St L I Mt A 8 Rwy 5s 2 05 St L A 8 F aJ 1. 8 25 4 1 9 8 7 S3 6 8 38 1. 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 ,77 78 78 77 St L A S F In 62 62 02 62 62 68 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 1 20.... 20.... C.... 23.... 86.... 2.... 6.... 15.... 3.... 12.... 1.... 1 St L A 8 Fran series A 2 60 8 69 St L A 8 Fran Serlsa B. 10 82 4 83 1 96 St L A 8 Fran Series O 8 06 8 06H St L Sew'n en 1 78 8 73 St L Sew'ti Bs 2 73- 1 75 1 73 Vi St Paul A K C 8 L4a 4 77 0 78 8 781'. Seab'd A I- aj 1 18 ..... 18 itaaie; ie 1 10 6 1014 Seab'd ALU 1 SOU S'd A L 4a sta 1 64 Seab'd A L 6a 10 fil 10 61 30 31 a ni Sinclair C Oil Cerp f Ms 1.... 101 10.... 101 101 101 103 103 102 102 X a e 12.... 90S.... 68.... 10.... 20.... 10.... J 102 16.... 101 1.... 101 2. . . . 103 Se'n Ball T Bs 1 04 3 94 1 94 Se'n Paclne fd 6 84 Bmim 89 0en Paclfla 4a 1k 70 S'n Pae cv 4 ) 88H li a a s BBn Ism Railway 4s 2..... 4 1 10 3 10 1 10 10 8 8n Railway n 1 90 8 00 1 DO 1 00 8 00 n Rall'y 0a 63 63 62 62 02 62 63 02 02 62 04 04 94 04 . 94 04 B4 04 94 H"4 1 l....i 8 S 8 8 r 9 11 30 1.7... 10 Ifiteel Tubs Ce of A 7s 1 08 3 04 8 08 milrd Ave aJ 9 64 3 54 Vi 1 54 8 Bl 20 53 10 63 V. Third Ave 4s 1 61 Tidewater Oil Ce ct 6s 1.... 102 Tobacco Pred. ucts Cerp 7s 1 98H Union Pae M 1 84 6 84 7 84 Vn Tank C 7s S.... 103 6.... 103 S 10.1 U Unt'd DniK Ns 2.... '107 8.... 107 Ut'd Rly I Ce 8 Fran 5s 1 62 V B Realty A impv't 6a 3 03 1 03". V 8 Rubb'r 3s 3.. 3.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 0.. 1.. 80 80 80 86 80 86 86 U 8 Rub 7i 1.... 103 TJ'd 8 BtMl Ba 1...., 100 1.... 100 Utah P A L 5s 1 00 1 tll 1 00 Va-C Ch 7s 1 01 8 01 1 01 Va Rly Ce Cs 0.... 0J4 1 01 'i Wests'n Md 4a 1 01U We'n Pae latd l(sale) 84 iW Union m 1 107 1.... 107 2.... 108 10 108 Westlnshs'e E A Mrs 7a 1.... 100 Wilsen Ce cv 3 87 3 8791 Wilsen Ce lsts 1 03 1 03V. Wllaen C 7s 4.. 4... 29... 90 00 00 HlaTi Liberfy 3 9710 JjiDerty 1st 4'As. . 07.34 Liberty 2d 4'i8.. 07.12 liDerty 3d 4n.. 08.00 Liberty 4th 44s. 07.30 ic ise ten Vic Notes Lew 07.02 07.18 07.00 08.00 07.30 s.. 100.00 100.00 100.00 s.. 100.20 100.20 100.211 1-10 T M. 07.02 07.151 07.00 08.00 07.H0 II .(SW"?l!i M.mmw.1 II NippaHBB l BELL CO. HAS GOOD YEAR Total Operating. Revenues Shnui Gain of $47,646,118 The consolidated Bell Rvatem in.nm statement, which represents the buhl aesa of the American Telephone am! Iclecraph Company and Its n!uinniiin,i companies, shows total operating reve nues of $407,088,233 m lnl . $47,040,118 ever the previous year. Tnr !StJ,!,pcrnt'n" expenses were S303.. 087,283, en increase of 810.807,000. Tnxen umeuntwl te $34.ni2.470. an in crease of $0,071,145. Thorp ... nM $80,773,008 in interest and 47,848 304 in dividends, leaving a balance for mir pIub of S10.570.280. 8Ur The report shows that the Jknrerfcan Telephone and Telegrnph.Cempnny nfter meeting- all operating; charges nnd mak ing adequate prevision for deprecia tion nnd obsolescence, and for Federal and ether taxes, had available for in ttrebt and dividends S73,r20,000.81. Toe interest charges were $10,524,107 Oil an increase of .$058,608.0T ever similar charges for 1020 and dividends paid te Htockhelders at the rate of $8 per short per year for the first quarter nnd 80 per share per year for the last three quarters of 1021 amounted te $42,074,! 403, Of the resulting bnlnnre. tlinr .,. appropriated for contineeni'lna :i nnn . 000, and the remainder (18,328,300.72) was carried te the surplus account. In the American Telephenn and Tele grnph Company the number of shnre shnre helders of record en December 31, 1021 v.ub 180,342, nn increase of 40,804 dur ing the year. The average number of shares held was twenty-nine nnd there were mere women shareholders than men. Of the total number of share share share holders,.npprexlmately 25,700 are em em peoyes of the Hell System. LONDON 8T0CK MARKET GOSSIP OF THE STREET What was generally considered as the first real signal of a change in business conditions was found' in the Philadel phia bank clearings for February, which THE DAILY NOVELETTE ONE WHO DARED ByjCUrUw MaeMe' ss-TMD you hear him?" gasped M(s U Fletcher as the dlntrict manager left the room. "Did you hear him, Lucy?" "Yes!" breathed mouse-like Lucy, snowed an increase or ..' rMamcd )icr rnpid clicking of curaimreu wiin me same wvutu -.,,,. M,i.., !, year. While It Is true tne gain was - 'r "L" , ' , t ... . . relatively small and the month's turn- "The the big geese!" substituted ever of checks ywas approximately Mls Fletcher for a mere descriptive 1140,000 000 less than January, still it erd te .,- te ft hlc who u t0 ApRESTED FOR OLaCRIIHE Man of 78 Accused of Committing Murder Fifty-one Yeara Age Tuscaloosa. Ala.. March 1. The State of (Jcergln, through Hollclter Gen eral Tayler, of Ileme, began a ibtht yes terday , te extradite Geerge 'Nichols seventy-flve years old, who Is alleged te be Hiram Casey Ncttlci nnd is held here in connection with the killing of Peter Mooney In Heme, On., mere than fifty one years age, Nichols, through his nrfnrnev. denied thnt he is Nettles nnd has begun a fight against extradition te ucurgia. -j showed somewhat better conditions were prevailing. The showing was particu larly encouraging In that there had been a steady falling off in the volume of bank clearlnas for mere than a yenr, a natural result of the widespread business depression. Considering tne snore month and the fact it contained two bank holidays, and four Sundays, the showing contrasted with January was regarded as significant. It docs net mean, bankers say, there is going te be an immediate resumption of liuslnesH activity, but It docs mean they say, the corner has been turned and business is beginning te pick up in almost all lines. This rIew recovery has been reported in the weekly summaries of the commercial reporting agencies, but the month's clearings present the first actual facts and figures of the change. Want Canals Self-Sustaining The question of making the canals owned by the company self-sustaining came up again for discussion at th" nnnual meeting of the Lehigh Ceal and Navigation stockholders yesterday. Geerge II. Stephenson, who never any of the annual meetings of the corporations in which he is inter ested! and Is always ready te propound seme interrogation in the interest of the shareholders, offered the suggestion the cempnny try, experimentally, ult)3 gasoline meters en the cnnl barges. In reply S. I). Warrlner, the presi dent, said thnt some years age the com pany tried electric power, towing the canolbeats with electric engines run en tracks along the canal, but it had net appeared there weh much opportunity for saving in that direction. "One ob jection," he said, "te the Installation of engines in the beats wns the shallow ness of the cannl, the churning of the propeller tending te break down the banks." Se the old mule team will undoubt edly continue te haul down the com pany's coal from the mines te tide water. Costs Net Coming Down ,T. W. McCardlc, chairman of the Indiana Public Service Commission, told representatives of the American Elec tric Railway Association at their mld jcar convention being held at Indian Indian npelis, there was no Indication of elec tric railway operating costs reaching pre-war levels for several years, and higher earnings must be maintained ac cordingly. Mr. McCaaxlle also lit lucked the policy of iKsulrrgtax-frce securities nnd pointed out that electric railwajh must new pay mere money than ever. Where Rivalry Counts There is n gieut rivalry among the clerks and officials of the First National Bank te secure new accounts for the savings department recently opened by that institution. On the enst wall of the bank n huge facsimile of n thermom eter has been erected which dally records the number of new accounts secured by the contesting divisions of the force. There is one crowd which wear a green butten: another a red, another a white. Yesterday the green group had scored the most points, but the reds claimed they would enrry off the honors before tomorrow, while thew wearing the white simply just watch nt the finish. The new department has become very popu lar nnd the results already obtained ex ceed the most sanguine expectations of the management. Lumber Cut Slightly Lewer Fer the week ended February 18, 350 mills reporting te the National Lumber Manufacturer?' Association re re pertted cut of 107,137 feet, against 100,735.434 for 308 mills for previous week. Shipments were 103, 17.", 321 feet nnd orders 100,725, 751 feet agnlnst 101,003,282 feet nnd 100.842,587 feet, respectively, for the preceding week. There wns a slight Increase In both cut nnd shipments en the Weit Const. 130 mills reporting cut of 70.154,180 that moment had been the most polite and considerate of men; "all about some branches of bittersweet en my desk." She rearranged the brown twigs, heavy with rich red and ernngc fruit, and held her fingers in position te resume her work nt any moment. "Barked at me, he did. Says he, 'What's that?' nnd I says, 'Hitter sweet from the country, and all it needs is some wild clematis, all gray, and fenthcrV and ' 'Humph t' he barks again nnd gees off. What arc you tittering at, Lucy Lee?" I "Yeu are se funny, Jane ! Try te bark 'Humph!' yourself and sec " "Yeu are shallow," Interrupted Jane Fletcher, as sne rattled the Keys of her own machine, nnd drowned nil further attempts at conciliation en the part of her co-worker, but occasionally hct eyes roved te -the closed deer of the prlvnte office. Behind that c'escd deer, Cleve Lara bee steed motionless, his bread shoul ders blocking out tfic light from the western window. A wonderful view could be had from thii high window busy New Yerk harbor scores of shipi coining and going ferryboats, barges, fishing craft, the low, grny bulk of a torpedo bdat desjjrejer there wns con stant din of slrCTiH and whistles and horns from street nnd harbor; nn eceun steamer bayed its farewell, an airplane droned overhead, the sun flashing en its Ultra wings, ucjeuu were the smoky hills of New Jersey. Cleve Larabce saw nothing save n winding lane in Otceber frost touched leaves dropping around like tinted blos soms; the orange-red fire of blttct-r sweet tangled with the curly grny ten drils of clematis, 'nnd Annabel Day standing there. He turned from tne window and sat down heavily in his chair. He had ulmest forgotten Anna bel Day ! Fifteen years age he had lett Moss Mess dalc and sought a living in the city. His parents hud been dead a car, he had little patrimony, and no prepccts in the little Vermont village. Se he had sold geed-by te Annabel, refus ing te bind her by any premise. Fer a while they corresponded, but after a couple of years she hud stepped writing. He believed her tired of wait ing for him, and that some oee else had wen he'r love. Strange te fay It had never troubled him by that time he had become iiu mersediu the pursuit of mencj suc cess. Se great was the rush, se tieatce the competition, that he never paused te analyze his own feelings. lie hud never married; hisjlubs and his office sntlsticd him; he was always a wet come addition te the parties et m-. friends, nnd his vacations were spent in the Wet, where his firm bad" val uable interests. Se he hnd come te be the district manager of a great corporation ; and he had believed he was happy until this afternoon, when the sight of a branch of bittersweet had stirred up all the old bejlsh love of the countryside where he hnd been born and raised, and where Annabel Day had lived and loved him. His breeding eyes gradually came te notice the tint package en his desk the name of a well-known politegraphcr was in one corner. Idly he lifted a knife nnd severed the string nnd opened the. papers; half a dozen photographs were seen scattered around him, enlargements of smaller pictures nnd new, everything vanished and he wus back In the hill ceuntrj ngaln en the right wns the deep geigc lilted with snow and en either side the tall hemlocks weighted with the fleece of winter, their tops seeming te touch the sky. Once when they were children he nnd Annabel hail played these were Christmas trees and hung them with all sorts of bright baubles; before him wus me siepe ei ttie, mountain, snow "Make Yenr Jeb Oar Joe"- Since 1876 A "Fay" Jeb has meant reed, clean, antlsfacterjr piece of work. Mew about letting; us eatlmnte next Ime? FAYbuilder I N22. Se.MOLE ST. I ra Beth Phenea M,aMMaJ y-tt -,7 . I !.i i f"WS' '" "Juj .V. i i i i in ; ii iji turn jm ! ateMtm '3 , Income Tax Returns Through the kindness of the Internal Rev enue Bureau a repre tentative has been i assigned te this Com Cem pany (reta March 1st te March 1 5 th te assist in making out your income tax feturn, accept your affidavit without charge, and receive payment of the first instalment of your taxes. COMMERCIAL TRUST 'COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square Durham Publie Company' ' General Martens Slnhlna Falsi Merles A, Dates! April ! NOTICE IB HF.HEinr C1IVHH pesals are Invited te be mada te-1 Trust company, rmladelpnia, I Ie thn alnlcttiir fund nrevldM Indenture between tha cotneanr End Trust Company, l'hlladelphla.'j tec, naieu April 1, mzi. or iism aaaa Hlnkinir 1,'nnrf rinM tlntula. dated April 1, 10'JI, and secure Indenture, at prices net te exceed acrrueii intercut. On October 1. 11131. !. remnany Wlltl Ilia Trnafet. Ihiv no of ItSAO.SS. he lifted fne fh retirement fit 11M hrm4j)4 prices net te exceed par and nccrueil iBlSftW? s J est te said dnte, as provided Ju sauftrlWtJ ...... ..hut u. ". Jli. All proposals should be aecurelr and marked "Pronetnl for Hal of te Hlnk'ne Fund under Indenture, nt ham Public flervlet f!nmnnnv. dat4 . J 1. 1021." nnd must be for nil or any nt ttta benda offered and must M raw I'y' Hie Truatee. at or prier te S 'etjHn I". St.. en the Zttth day of Murrh, 1MV TK : tA Adviees na te the bends accepted will ' a , ' mnirn nn or oeiere. aiarcn an. Jli-r or' J SS !; S , Federal Income, tax ownership nrtlneSMSJ. v li I cenntt necruivi interest should acoemS)siri an accepiea nenas, , ti'3lVJ Durham Public Service Cvmf$af4mi Tiy FRANK W. KRUKAUFF.MES ..77 liaasai ?!-: ' Bait i .' i taw V;; m,-- Dated. Mardi I, 1022. 4 V tfT$&! nt erles nflll ceaa,e en aald rederaatjwta 'vgj-tl te. June in ins-'. ic.Wi,VJ P. In VlSW of tifi jA Seasoned Bends of Well Established Companies " Northumberland Ce. G. & E.5's 1946 Harwood Electric 6'i 1942 Phila. Seb. G. & Elec ,5's 1960 Suburban Gas Ce of Pails.. 5' 1952 Counties Gat & Eiec 5'i 1962 All exempt from Penna. Personal Property Tax and 2 of Nermal Income Tax 1 Reed A. Morgan & Ce. ' West End Trust BUig., Phila. Mtmbtra of the Phlln, Stock Exch. NOTICE OF nElltt!lflO!f Te holders of Victory Notes and ethers) ranerrnedl Netice Is lierebr chrn aa fellows! 1 Call for rfdcniutlnn of H,r Csgi vntery fietea. All ur tne a "4 per cent , jmJ rles of United States of America CeihrertlM ., JAJ Oeld Ketes at 'j22-V2d, otherwise known af' jM 3 itr cent victory Nete", are hersDyJaiMSI H,J for redemption en June IB. lu.'Z, pursMnt la ' w thi prevision for redemption com men hi i. vn tan list Anrll "1. into, unae r'A.W uhle.h the netee were erlelnally laauei I tereit en all Victory Netca of the i cen I Ant 2 Kjairenalen nnd Terml Nete fonveralen r.nvlles call for the rcdsmptlen of, all UK per eaM I Victory Notes en June 15. 1022. and sur I ,11.1,1 n thn nrnvliHn. of anld Trenaurv am- nartmeit circular Ne. 18B. the prlvlless .of '; conveielen of Victory Notes of either series iq into victory fHuiea ei no ui,ie wvuvw im hrby auipended from February 0, 1822, te June l"i. 1022. both Inclusive, and en June) 1 IB. 1U22. will terminate. Victory Notas'ee I terdlnirly cease te tie intercenvertible, arise tlve February 0. 1022. aud en and after that . date no conversions ct ths notes may bs made. rl 3 Detailed Information aa te the present - tten and surrender of 3 per cent Vletarr , Sv ! fne rsrlsmnllnn la slai in I'm aasjatfjiai' Department circular Ne 277. dated February $""$ h iiris cnpivi ui wnicn urn avauaDie ni aw " y, Tnasury and the. Federal Iteeerve nnls...-''ii;j! tnisjneai a. v. Secretary of ths Treasury. Feb. 9, ltM. . m tiik uni.TiF.Ru nr Norfolk a mM, WtN IIAILWAY COMI'ANY FOCB VIEAB HIX I'KR CENT HK.Ct'KED OOLD NOTM DUE LVY 1. 1024. ' Netice Is hereby elen, as1 provided iilf.,, urtlcle 4 of the uarcement duted May lMuSt, V,i'i between the Norfolk A Western Kallwsjr'I'Vj ' Company and Hie Guaranty Trust Comeany X iji I nt New Ynrk. Trualee. that Iho Norfolk A .1 ... .. . . . . T A Tl uesiern itanwuy wemmny nas eieciea ,!'. redeem nnd rtny en liar 1. 1022. all of Its) 'vfl I outstanding Four Year fix per Cent Serarejl I (ield Notes Issued thereunder, te wit: Nete). bearlnc numbers 1 te 2300 Inclusive at 191 of par nnd accrued Intereet. Helders of the ubete, notes are requested ' te present them for payment en or attar May 1, 19.12. at the Truat Department, el the Guaranty Trust Company of New Tork. tj i 140 Ure-iday. New Yerk City. Jjj After .May 1, 1022, Interest en the netatu, flj ..... wre n... ... v.uu..a BflfT ald date will become null and void. Coupens)! lllle MflV I mf nlwilllrl h. ilnln.hul stcA ..'. , ., . ..-v... ...... v.VfT.l.v rented for payment In the usual mannarajt 3 NORFOLK & WESTK11N RAILWAT V JsH v-"-"""i' i"A By E. II. ALDEN. Vlce-Presldsnt. P 1 Dated February 20. 1022. .a 4 l. INDIANAPOLIS, CBAn'FORD.SV'LLK AIO DANVILLE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COXit FANY FIRST MORTGAGE S FEB CJSWfJ lltflVfQ fllTV. IIH1. I VM The Undersigned Invites tenders of abe-s)lL W bends for aale and delivery na of March Hit " , 11."2, at a price net exceeding 102 U per J 'J'. cent and accrued Interest, te absorb 1 . I1S.S15.09. the sum new available In filnHnaV .J. i ei ,i . ' -1 Kunil Sealed tendern. Nfntlnc numKera nf h..1 offered, addrexned In lllrnril Tnt.l rAn.n.Ti Kp Truatee. .ynklnB Fund. Indianapolis. Crawtl mil ferdsvllle and Danville Electric Railway J, M tympany l irat Mertiraire 0 Per Cent Bends. 1 vtll he pelted, until 12 SI.. Mnrcli 13..tt2tj GIRARD TRUST COMrANY, Trustee l THOMAS S. HOPKINS. Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa.. March 1. 11)22. ii !. Undertone Stlffer OHt-Edged Sec tion Up en Repurchases Londen, March 1. There win mere Htiap te the trading in tome depart ments en the stock exchanje today. The undertone of the markets generally was stiffen Gllt-cdred lnvcstment 1hhiiih moved upward en repurchases. French innnri nina were nrmer, fellow Iiik I'arls. Petuiimlstic reports as te the InW sit uation en the Rand caused kaffira te sar. Oil shares hardened en the reinstate ment of some lines sold recently. Royal Dutch was 30. Shell Trannnnrr en. I Trndlnit 4 13-10 and Mexican Eagle 4. The industrial section was mixed. bus tne feeling was cheerful. Hud Qn-a.uay. was em. .Hoke ral Isspreytd after early if. ewripuen ' Haw Yerk partner' feet nnd shipment! of 09,783.004 'feet nlT-li n-d .'""j'' hew. t,,e m,Ie u.w..v ion uunil in lilu CIIUC Ol lllu Berge; here" te the left was a bit of uutumn Tead there, a sllmpse of some quiet pond rellcctinic the old bridge and the bending willow u Suddenly he woke up nnd gathered the photographs Inte a pile Then be searched the wastepnper basket for tliu wrupplng paper. An inquisitive effii-e boy, opening the deer te lav home letters, withdrew hastily and glided te Jane Fletcher's desk. "Bess la crazy as a loon," be con fided. "What is he doing new?" "(tnibblng in the wast basket " "Furies! It makes me creepy te henr about him,'' moaned the stenographer. "Aw, he's in love! That'a nethin'!" gibed Jimmy as he boldly entered the district manager's office. Mr. Larabce was tyine un a nncknire very carefully, and then he put en hi- , hat nnd overcoat, nnd locked his ilek and passed out of the office with a few words of instruction te hl bookkeeper. And the office breathed freer as the deer closed gently behind him, for he was whistling cheerily as he went. "Se," mused the pale clerk nt the photographer's ns he eciinneil the nhn. tegraphs en the counter. "I remember new .Mr. Kulow sent them ever for our approval. They nre very pep'ular among peeple who arc from Vermont ' (treat country up there, nnd this Is fine photography. There's a girl up there who does It nil herself make-, n geed living at it, tee some, she I is, 100 see me grouping of these trees and this that's a line deg gees with her everywhere, she --nys. We hae it picture of her somewhere. Here It is." Cleve Larabce stared at the strung, graceful figure vnidly pertrned against u Dticicgreunii or uarK nemieei freight against 70,053.000 feet and 08.450,0011 feet, respectively, for 134 mills for week ended lenrunry ll.. Orders were 00, 575,525 feet, against 09,817,300 feet for previous week. ,. Southern pine cut, as reporter', by. 128 mills, was 73,243.070 feet. Shipments totaled 70,118,375 feet nnd orders 73, 001.875. Total cut of mills reporting te asso ciation from January 1 te February 18 was 1,184.029,350 feet, with ship ments 1,107,105,305 feet. Orders dur. lug the period totaled 1,105,313,070 feet. King Ceal and King Canute Harrison. Smith & Ce.. in a unlnue circular letter, discussing the coal sit uation, say: "One is reminded of the story of King Canute, who placed his throne upon the beach nnd forbade the tide te advance further, with results, how ever, which might have been expected. The miners seem te feel thnt with this power of 'King Ceal' they can take the seme position. "It Is believed that a strike of sev eral months' duration would net harm the consumer or business in cenernl. The answer te the coal problem is thnt this basic industry nuifct go through the necessary liquidation te place It en nn economic and stabilized foundation. In view of results with the railroads, it is net believed that governmental regulation, much less Government own ership, would help matters. If the easiest nnd quickest way is te have a strike and let the opposing sides right it out te4 finish, let us have It new and get It ever with, and then business in general will be free of one dragging in fluence nnd speed up the quicker. And if the coal miners or their leaders eel IIIUI. UIC.V villi l. II PUIKU lllllll DUCK tne advancing tide of falling prices, we sug gest that they had better put en their overshoes it they don't want te get their feet wet." THK TH.UWR. $6,000,000 FOR UNIVERSITY RockefellerTeuriciatlon Permanently Endows Jehns Hepkins Scheel New Yerk, March 1. A gift of $0,000,000 te Jehns Hepkins rnlver elty, of Ilnltlmere, for endowment and buildings for the SHioel of Hygiene and Public Health was announced lust night by the Rockefeller Foundation. The school, which alms nt prevention rather than euro et disease, has been supported from jrar te year by the Foundation since its opening in 1918 but the $0,000,000 gift places it en a permanent footing nnd provides for con- Ntmirtlen of new Iinllillnira nn n nil. ...I. latent te the Jehns Hepkins Medical i cn,)' ter tllere W,,H n train te be caught Bcnoei ami uespitai. NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. OHIO TRACTION COMPANY I Mnklns Fund Netice i n' the terms of the mertirnge of the Ohls) 4 Traction Cemnnny, dated March 1. 1011, te)? I the ridehty Trust Company, trustee, there) J ilu .i j te M trustee en March i ' ' e' lf "(i no. The sali r ,ri,t..e therefore Invltew nfferlnv, ., t... In accerane with the terms of aald man. J i rase sufficient te take up the wim mentioned. V 1 I FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. Trusts I VM. P. GEST lreYMVn I 32S Chestnut Street, ' Philadelphia. Pa. . , ' March 1. 102L'. ' Frederick Peirce MNM jp, r FOB X, VW 141 Cheeterrt Rtreet, INVEST MFNT Fhtlan-rlrihla .4 ar Speclnl Meetlnsa V WIEGNER.ROCKEY&CO. Certified Public Accountants Drcxel Building, Philadelphia n.VAM'IM. NOTICE rilll.UlEI.PIUA COMPAN FIRST MOHTOAOK AND COI,UTEKL TRfT S I'KR t'FAT f.ttl.1) IKIMIs, IITH1 MRtll 1T, 1SUU, STAMI'1-.II t'NDl'.R SINKIM1 11 .U LOTRACT OF JULY 10, 1017. Under the prolslen of the contract, sealed propetala will It) recee,l for the r r ceunt of the Minklns Fund until 12 u'dmii lienn, April 10W, at the ofllce of ria un. derBluned.'Truftee fei the a.ile te It. at th leet prlce net cceed nt; 107 jwr cent ind nccrud Interest of e innn of the abee stamped txjnda as J1U.T3S 73 will purchase PropeFnls aheuld be Irdersed I'ropesnle for the Sale of Stamped First Mnrlirnsn nd rolliiterel Trust 5 lVr Coin Qeld llendn of ihe Philadelphia Compan " and nddrenned te a?a f . i.u 1'resieent Tun reviDi:.NT liff and ruusr COMPANY OF PHILADKLPUIA N. XV. Cor. 4th and Chestnut Sts.. Phllade lijl a . Pa NOIH IMYKhlllM II trIMPAVV TIURtC 1KAR SIMIC. Ft Ml FIVE PER CF.NT ((11 I.ATKR.M. TRl'-T MOKTt.At.K GOIOI BUNDS, 1)ATE1 JL'NE 1, 1900. KSPAT HI'KCIAI. MEETING Or TMsi l rnrn ltceh inae Nutlnnnl BImI. u Irhrunry SKIh, Wl. the following- Resolution was adopted' WUKKUA.H. The Beard of Directors ha leirned with deep sorrow of ttia death et , our fellow Officer and Dtmcter, Themas jj' Jefferlen. who for eluhtcen j ears waa ear iijxeclatd in the manascment of the bank. nnd a vnlued and personal friend of each of ue. and f WHEREAS. In hta leni.- and successful t career he wna always honorable n his deaU Inxs. attentle te his many ponltlens of trust I and rnnpenallilllty, and 1 WimKEAP. Aa Vice President or thla ' Man!: slnce 11)10. and aa Director alnce lBttl. . he was Interested In Its aucceaa capable ana ' forceful in lta management and In Inter- cnuiie with his associates, courteous and ebllirlnir. Ii It "n RESOLVED Thnt w- sincerely mourn his i death nnd whlle fMLrlnsr ujien our record! f a trltute te hl memory, extend te hlsv fanillv our united e inns thy and that a copy f of this Resolution 1 preaented te them and I ..... I, nli 1 1.. r,,ihliuh.,l In , -.."'" "u ' "" "jis xviuSlTarff. Seeretary of the Ueard. ! Under the prevlsliins of the mortiraee. sealed preieal will be receU d for th uc uc ceunt of the Wnklnp Fund until u o'clock neon, Mnnh H, ItfiJ, at the ertlce of ihe underslened. Trustee, for the aae re ,, ' , e,l with snow. She uere kni ..Uiekeis ! iLuTi..1"aJ?"iV. iu i?ui'. ."e."1" ,aau l,Qnd" imm-e iiiiu iiiii iiiiuin, it iica, henter propesiiia sneuiq e-i in.ierseil Propehala and n man's htllltllli; coat. A knitted for the sale of rtie WeUbach Company Five rRANM.l.N NAUONAl, UAMv sy tielal .Netice te Mockbeda Netice ts herebj Klvcn. that In accordaeesi with a Resolution of the Ulard of Dlrecters I of the Franklin National lank, a spiciil f tnee'lni: et the iicckheidra Is Hers by call.,! .id will 1-. held en Wcdneaday. the xl "lli , I Jf March. 10i. at U, o'clock M.. T tSJI i ertlce of thu bank Ne 1410 Chestnut street, i Philadelphia te 'U action en the approval i or disapproval. u te vote for or the propeeed. Increase of the Capital 8teeli,,' J? the ild hank from One Millien DellarS tll.OUO 000) te One Millien Five Hunereel Thousand Dollars (11 500 000), aald Increasa J te be mada by stock dividend from tta 1 undivided prellts i f the bank ' , I J. . McALLISTBR. -Ji" President X Annual MivIIiiks ran reeael tie soft mnss-iw nf ,lrL- i '" .':.""'"" '" win nenas- and ' beru-in "?,'"' , 1 -- " aaartasuu i" n'rleck, for inn iiecuun ui nve Hair. ASA S INO. IVcui.i.,... rr ih iriineittlun of any e "Annnbel!" muttered I.arabee the. .provident life and trust that ma bebrnuKht b.,fere "That's her name." volunteered the "8uU.h'fW".''A'.. I . i u l. - .T.".-;.fc niD J'niladBipiiiu, pa. -"" I knew DUIdinda M cleric "It must be her daughter, ner jears ure. ' "She isn't married. Mlm Annabel Day'b her name, Mr. I.nrubie." "Hew did jeu happen te mmhI the pictures that she took te my office V" The clerk pondered awhile; nt last. tin, sue wrote te Mr. Kulow and J. R. KF.IM & CO.. Inc.. hhuckamiTnn villa Firt Mertsase "c Henda, IWH S 1, 101S. " rt,'r,, Under proWslens of Article 2 of the Mem. bbs-e netke Is hereby leti i,at the ".en, lan hae exercised Its rlttht te redeem nil of the eutstnndlnu bnnda Said bunds will !, mild en April I. I0, at lu.'W i,Br cent and Hccruea iiiiiTrei ufim i'rreniaiien at thM ltllMlOHDl till TRUST COMI'ANY ItiixlHireiiKh, I'hllu, ) Tie Annual MeetlnK of th stockholder of the RoxbureuBh Trust Company VfM ks h 'd at the eltuw or tne (.-empany In Ri i, mi, Hi directors thur bual the meetlnsr. necrsrry,- RRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED gl SftLIAL nuiii-E. iu ur Usa ,'' niuinv CUSDC WARBAalTC Tn SS1BSB ,'!' LMHAni Jiirin nni.nn, iv ssa,nassssL "j-s t li... .( CL UI.....1. - - l neiaers ei ji , iw mvmww sssr , Ordinary Sbsrti are reqnetttd wksa tmiUg , let r : SKj.-cS sZjZ2 ; p rtiifl iyt tivsSa I fl xt y- HURgested that lie eend some of them te "mce of the undersigned Trustee, after wh "h I uraw"' u m f Tl I' I . ' ? '! jeu picked out the verv enea "et 'vp Uate lnt'r,,"l u"'r",r, ,ha" teai,e Coupens Ne. 90 Ter collscUea also te f 4. , i.-' Lllvn,.rl,!,n,lZi;,Tl ..'ii'" THE PENNHYLVANIA COMPANY krDU.l, their Baak.r. nr IsJ. "ty 'That isn't nil, teihik man, ItV enlv I avni$aAXSvmSDaUASiVm I Aient. te th. S.trst.rr at Wsrtsiiister ;-. the beginning !" and the fully awakened f.FfChestnm t Phila . p. h 7, Millbank, Lendea, S. W. iTlSiljrX Mr. l.arubec daslieil out te call n tnvi. .. "..'. i.j .l- ...... .(.. .!.. jUiIJi itumi.ui. I lenn. lui w,s.m a m. rmmmmtKi n Twe Men Hurt by Aute Although thrown several feet by an automobile about 7:30 o'clock Inst night at Sixteenth and Market streets, Juan Maraman and Estnnibe Ivepc, FJllplnee, of Washington, D. 0 k. riped with alleht injurieii. They were treated at Hahnemann He.pluj. ciaf) ruce D. Matthswi, WB Greene ttm$t, urvjfjmn, me wincr livje car. ereient lalea (alter ssMsskasrSVV .. . . - ; .t-i w.yvi -- ...- Ll It ! IIS SJI.I III 111' III ........l. . . . HB rm mj SSI 1 Sm B.A B. a . . nt ence If hi mi t, e,inl, ; rr MKAl.KH rnnrii-.n.1 nut PHINT1M! A .onpen no. "uuH tar mmt ? 1flll",.tl. "?CLl MeMiMlRle KKVIHtT will .ta .!! at the Dlr'ciJer's i.lnr.nd ihstt of C.SSeni. ?SB Trmist less - . . " W' f . City Transit, li'll in tne merninir. He must be timm t m-... ivi.anmnu or meet Annabel, who lm.1 refused te iJJ.e.tnut ytrt. ihliaaejpm. ""til re 'e'cjSck grew Old, who had dared te send the oVened InrmeaStelj- thefeafteV!' ,w"' ttn,J mejKagfi of the pines te Ills dull Hfp. , Bpecltliallens ian be seen at 1211 Chestnut teei, .."wi. iih vuiJiTa or same with Aim na rnp. rrnin utipfi nnrtiu... i.i.. i heart grew lighter, "for he knew that ,. mdlT.Prr.uSr.Wpp,,ca,t.e,rm,Ued his leve W08 net dead, but thnt the, ": each bid a propeaai bend must be Mie'v had kept it warm and alive. "' .1" SifeSS, ?? p.urchmfl?ilr-0L,he C1 " "The ideal" aeuealed Jans. Wt.t... ?. .1 l.hif. 7iSWcaU et ,uch ttUc' ""dosed -i Usted I4ia rseruarj, ism, BY ORDER, A. M. RICKARDS, Wcttrainttsr Heaie, 7, MiltUak S.W.I. .'7 'JafV $, d :0 when.ehe received a box of the wed 1MM "'wnat did I tell you?" crewed the Ths Director reserves the rlaht te jM i- AKCKilf2i 1 Ml Ml 11 VALI.KV COAL New Yerk. sf. I rf v. . . ni .-.rr n y- Tne isesiru ui sMrawuirBi .ss Valley .wi " via"swsws eeciarew ttxijA-r.L lvtU 1 i- : ' - i &4f, iliiiiiMliasilaiasiliilii i i iiiaaMi i T' ' ? i ' rx6mffliu- '- mmwA .NiftS m.. muxiMm 0ffiCAjWrii?!T nwWtMv te mfm I J?J