rf-ffc&SWwP if'.tl mmwm JWW,?ll &1&MAw-j tjuzvl V9t53tTOsrcre77H ri.i.mmJsW wiw.ei: "1.1 M tffj?" TH4 1- . t V' mm f a J i mjamttmMmatmmlmmm-l, V VtU VQ 'r' ? .,fc j - - ssraa V iiJi a-a. m. si M a! gfv VH .j-1, V wT-r',jsi saBsaaasjsasBJflBjsssBssjssssssssi I -l -T-, (. , , . . , f - y -, . ,r ft f,r f ,,,, ,w (ft0 'i- " ,v t V V ', itAt ' . -. J ----mmmmmmmimmmm&msm2aaMmmamwm!mmdm ' rv S I'vr few, A & fefcL 'P.m UVaa, v ' pre N L$ ' E A X T .v E &$ H If- N A ' L A N D I N T E R . N A L B .a. ' "J, &J. r mi Stii r- . FA?"fe M JS-J in Rtli -' SH ', ris ?fl- O N D I 8 8 U E S A. I A'I ' 1 l-Ml Ft '1 rvi p t,r I ftH& fSM It ' I IV-.i1 Vi kv Mh ip it W k' W l v $" 5 Hi"- I X Mv fa ""C & V, $ Eft rc r IS h :V m Ki :(- W 5.V IV, L.r;LV.. & MM AMntmnn Austria Bwlqiuh Belivia Bbaziii BimnEmu BOLGABIA CaiLB China Colombia Cestarica Cuba Czechoslovakia Denmark Dominican Retjbuc Ecuador Finland Francs Germany Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hungary Italy Japan Jugeslavia Mexico Netherlands Nicaragua Norway Panama Paraguay Pebsia Peru Poland Portugal Rumania Russia Salvader Slam Spain Sweden Switzerland Turret Uruguay Venezuela Foreign Securities j American capital is going into foreign govern gevern jf. ment and municipal securities in steadily in creasing amounts, and this tendency premises te continue for many years te come. Fer the purpose ( of giving our clients full and complete service en ' foreign affairs we have organized and new have in full operation a Foreign Statistical Department This new department is fully equipped te supply up-te-date and complete information regarding the financial and economic affairs of every country listed in tin's announcement and te give informa tion and opinions en all of the government and municipal securities of these countries. We have organized a complete correspondence system and have close contacts with every country of im portance in the world. Ne service of similar scope or character is available te American bankers or investors. 9 Meedy's Rating Boek of Government and Municipal Debts which is new ready for delivery, contains full descriptive information of all external and internal leans of any importance whatever, with investment ratings of all bend issues, including these of ever 210 foreign cities and provinces, besides all of the Dominion of Canada. This book is indispensable for American bankers or investors who are inter ested in foreign investments, and with our com plete service meets an urgent need of the times. The Rating Boek is supplied either in combina tion with a full service subscription, or separately, as desired. The price of the book is $20 delivered. Orders should be placed at once, as the new edition is in great demand. Meedy's Investors Service 35 Nassau Street, New Yerk City BOSTON 101 Milk Stmt PHILADELPHIA Real Estate Trust BuildinJ CHICAGO Firtt National Bank Bufldiaf We Own, Offer and Recommend New Yerk Shipbuilding Company First Mortgage 5 Geld Bends Dated November 1, 1916 Due November 1, 1946 Interest Payable May and November 1st 2 Federal Income Tax Paid by Company 1. Amount outstanding only $6,461,000. 2. A first mortgage en property new or hereafter acquired, carried en the books at a valuation of $15,951,000, being one of the largest single shipbuilding plants in the world. 8. Cash en hand, as per 1921 annual report, 6,019,953, equal te almost the par value of the bended debt and much in excess of the present market value. 4. Current liabilities only $630,979, and current assets exceed current liabilities by $8,505,623. 5. Annual sinking fund of 2i2 of authorized amount issued, te retire and cancel bends at 1024 or less. $1,039,000 par value of bends have been retired since date of issue. 6. Capital stock following bends has a present market value of $4,000,000 and is paying $4.00 per share dividends. 7. Earnings last year ever seven times interest requirements, after liberal depreciation charges. 8. Werk in progress $180,841,290, en which the estimated profit will amount te $9,800,000. ' 9. Ship subsidy legislation, new in Congress, will stimulate the development of the American Merchant Marine and should result in the building of a great number of large and improved types of cargo vessels. This should mere than offset the less of Naval Construction business due te the disarmament agreement. 10. The New Yerk Shipbuilding Ce. is controlled by the American International Corporation, the International Mercantile Marine Company, W. R. Grace & Company and the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, from which companies a considerable portion of its business is derived. Price 75 and Interest, te Yield 7.20 GARRISON & CO. WIDENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA MEMBERS Philadelphia Stock Exchange Mew Yerk Stock Exchange TELEPHONES Philadelphia Spruce 8370 New Yerk Recter 3672 All Information anil statistics havu been oetained from eeurces which we believe te ba reliable and accurate, but they are nut iruarantaed. eign Exchange Explained" Ire booklet designed i the Inveidne eubtlc saaay factors that exert tee en foreign exchange lc coven this important thoroughly and In a man' t U Drill understand. !, tstraftene or writt ler a irtnl ft btnhlrt F'ltt H.MCKINNA tCe. Stock Ex. of N.Y. tWaSSfSRSSSnL Vr-AH niMirwtwiriiwM n m mtyi -iiv WE OWN AND OFFER Province of Alberta 5s, 6f, 1924-26 Province of British Columbia 5a, 6a, 1925-28 Province of Saskatchewan 5s, 6s, 192432 City of Winnipeg 5s, 1926 Municipal and Corporation Bend sag ARTHUR PERRY & CO. Previd.nc. 798 Drexel BIdg., Philadelphia BeiUa UIL 0IIMV) DIU UP ON THE CURB Large Dealing in Standard of IndlanaKlrby Petroleum. Heavily Bought New Yerk, March 1. Therm was a xtrengcr tone te trading en the curb tedftv, the market having nlmeat com pletely recovered from the influence of tlie heavy miicn te clove out contract of the firniH wUich had been suspended in the last few weeks. The pil stocks, as a group, were active nnd strong, nnil n number of them made geed advance. Klrby Petroleum was heavily tradcil in and ranged from 2H tn 24 ami Cities Service common also was active nnd strong, with sales from 11)1 te 105. There were large deal ings lh Standard Oil of Indiana at 88 te 88 Vi. Imperial Oil of Canada moved up from 104 te 104. A num ber of the low-priced petroleum stock nlse displayed strength, among them Slmms Petroleum, which reached 10. nnd Ollllland Oil. which rose te 0. In tliu industrial section the Radie Issues were flrtner, the common stock Meiling fractionally hlelicr. while the preferred stock was about steady. Llbby, McNeill & Llbby was one et tue active Ntnrkn nnd moved un from OKi te 0. The Hudsen Tube issues were in con tinued demand. Hudsen nnd Manhattan common rising from B te 0 en heavy trading. Hudsen Company preferred sold at 0 and 0 in the first half of the day. INDUSTRIALS 1:80 High Lew e. M. Atme Packing- L'8 28 28 Amcr Leather HVi 8 . S'i Car LlKht 08 08 09 Chicago Nlpple 2 S . Cluveland Aute 32 .11 Slfi Columbia Emerald 70 . 70.. 70., Uardntr Meters HJi UK 14U tk'erKi'i Clethe. D 1DH 15 ISt Ulen Alden Ceal 43 4.1 45 Ullltttu safety Kaier ....ISO in ibdu tloedunr Tire prct 27H 2714 27H llutlxun Cu pref OJt 11 0 llinl.en Manhattan r 8S BH Hexlen Chem S3 83 83, imperial touucce lift litt HH Inter Hubber UK 8H Julius Kft)er 23 IVnceln MoterB A 2i National leather urjtamD 2Vi North Alntr 1'aper 2H Milllp Jlerrls Uli l'irfne Mia- 1)W Destum Cereal &7 R7 57 i-ei-tum cereal prer iujh ze.'Vi IdJS Had e Cem as 3H 3H lladie Cem prer 2j 2lt 2)1 It J Heyne.da (new) "B".. 40t 10 H 40M Southern C & I ion ei u Tet. Pred Kxd (14 H II Tedd .Ship j.. 711 78 7tl u S 1, II 7,t 7,1 7B L'nlti-d Retail Candy .... fiU .' n Wunu Ceal Ill Van Itanlic 4il 40 40 United (.Inn 4 Klec let pf.. SO 'M 80 HTANDABD OILS Atlantic I.cbe iiVi flVa IH llllnela V L, 17(1 173 173 Imi-ri.il Oil Canada . ...104'4 104 1II4H I'ralrle O . Q r30 CiU S30 iralrle 1 L. 240 240 240 Seuth PI. II J II 2 Vi Seuth l'enr. Oil lh'J ISO INO Stand Oil uC Indiana .... S8S MS'.i bSVt IN7IKPEMUENT OILS 4i lit 37 3 iem 21 A 53 I 8 (H 33 ir.',i 1 !3 4H 10 03 193 21H uU 53 1 (14 83 15i 24 II 24 H I s r. 73 10 u av. 5H 2a isK 2 in 5 2i 33 5Va 10 jil i5S h 53 73 Atlintlc Pet 1t Heme Oil 10 lloiter. Wyoming Oil Carlti Sndlrnte ' Cltlei Service (old) 103 titles Sirv "11" Ufa.... 21H ruHinnK 1'etn u i Dominion Oil U'i ..tiirlnArH I'ptrnl ........ 54 edrral Oil ljV (lllillanil Oil 8 Uletireck Oil 04 Hudsen Oil a.'i . Itit Petrel l.'li Klrby Pet 24',-i I.ance Creek l, Miraenlbe Oil 24U Merrltt Oil H Mexico Oil 1J Mountain Products 11 Mutual Oil H Neble ID Ohie Ilanaer 0., Ponnelt Oil fiji I'rnd fc I! finem 5H n.-d Punl: 27 Suit (Tragic 1'rnA 13 Sapulpa Hef. 2 Slnilni Pet 10U Ifke.ly Oil .: Miumcrn x- iv Ttxen 1 Idal OsaKe Wilcox Oil Woodburn MINING Alaska nr Columbia 2H 2i AUarde Mlnlns 7, Itlir Ledge 21 18 Illir Jim lc 10 Husten ft Mentana j. -)0 38 Canidit Copper 13 10 Lnrtei Slher HO 88 Creiient MacNamara .... 1 1 Deloren Espcranx 1 1 Kmma Silver 2 Qeldlleld Florence 25 24 Anule-Xmer Cerpn 24 24 Hard .Shell 4.1 42 Hecla Mlnlmc ex dlv I'i t)V4 Heuo hound "H 2tt Independent Lend 12 12., Jereme Verde Dlv 4Vi 4 Knox I)'lde 4 4 La ltoee Mining 53 B." Marah Mtninit A r Mether Ledu Clt ' 7 National Tin 01. 31 NiplmilnE "ft U Ray Hercules 4 4 Rex Cena 8 H Se Am P ft Q 4 4 Tonejmh llelmpnt IS IS Tempah Divide 58 S7 Tonopah Kxtenalen lVi lMi Tonopah Mlnln 1 'i Tuolumne 53 55 United Knatern Hi 1 Weat End Cen 75 75 Allied Packer On 7n 70 Aluminum 7s 1D.5 101 101 Amer Tel lis ltl.'l' 1II0 lllOVi Atner Tel s 1IIJ4 10IIH 10(lH i(Ml Anaconda le lu.u liu iu-j 02 Armour 7b leaVi 103; KlHti lleth Med 7a 1023 101V4 1014 1D1H Can Nnt Ry 7 lert 100 lfln Can P.ic (IB 1O0U 1II0U 1IKIU (Vtlt Steel Hs 08 08 0H Clt ea Service 7a I) 100 10R 1(1(1 Cena Ceal Ce 5s 811 80 HO Cuban Tel 7tts J in ft liuft 104U Deere. 7tt 07 1)7 07 Dunueane LlKht 7Ha 10a'4 leR'A 1I1.1V4 Keil Land Bank 5s 10'J'i 102Ti lOJ'i (la'.ena 7s 101H 101S 1U1H Goedrich Tire 7 0HV. OS 'J iimU Grand Trunk 0is 15,... 104 104 '104 UUU Oil TS 103 J 103VJ 1034 Heed Rubber 7a W,i (nl iinU Humble Oil 7s 101 100 ICIitJ ke 80U 0(H !8 10 38 10 88 1 1 24 24H 42 11 2H 12 4V4 4 53 a!" 5 8 J J ;'' 70 101 HHlH Interbore 8s 1U2.' 80 Jul Kaser 7s DOS Manitoba 7a . . ..? 04 Merris 7Us 104 Nat Acme TVae 04 H Nat Clenk Sh 100 S V N II t IM 7(1 l'hlla Ce IU 1044 OSH Pub Serv N P 7a 07 Shavsaheen 7s 101 Hehay 8s 103 heuthwest Hell 7s , lOITa Stand Oil N Y 7s 1025.. ..104t$ Htanu en .- Y 7s 1HJJ. . . .10.1 '20. fm 03, 104 Hlund Oil i Y 7s 1028 100 tsuill in Jli.'li v79 Hultt 7h VJ31 1081 TVx.lH 7s 101 101 Tiuai ueaKe is leu-a 1 un iii J'red us. in Un Ry Havan 7sa 101 101 in7ii 004 lilt 0IV4 100 70 li.l 97 lniu 103 IA 101', 101 .".Jil IU41 I" 105 ier ie: 101' 04 4 1)0 in 115 07K 1011, Vacuum Warnei sucar vs loll W,tern l.lee 7a Winchester 7H 7Via ion; 107'i . inn m.l 7 . u 1 7U i 101 101 00; 100 IHV4 114 181 f,, a . till. .1014 100 10(1S HP's D6 084 Reserve ianka' Dlaceunt Rates Official rediscount rates at the tuel Fed eral Jteserva Hanks are na fellows; Lib. Cem'I Bkrs. bends, paper accept. Traaa. ctrs. Dosten 77 .Miw xerK TS Philadelphia .... 4 Cleveland yi Richmond Atlanta J Chlcnjre " ftt. Leula g Mlnneapella 5 Kansas City .... Dallas 6 bun Francisce . . M W n I e 5 5 5 44 y Xi n n 5 r. c 6 n a 5 5 5 5 5 r. 44 Bid 32 U. 8. Certlflcatea and Treasury Notes araturlnf T)atn Apr.. 1022.... 100 June, 1J22....100 June. 1022.... 100' Anc. 1022.... lOO Sept., 1D22....10O.M6 Hept. Dec. Juna. HeDt.. 1024. ...10: Mar.. 1D26....1001 Exempt from Federal normal In corns tax. Acceptable for payment et Income tax aua en date of maturity. 0 1.3 eri.i ?t., 1D22....10O A., 1022,... 100 c. 1022.... 100 5. ne, 1024. ...102 112 00 Asked YUM 10O1.16 3.40 1004 b'.tr 1011 11.10 3,80 ie" e.iu a.H5 100 3 H4 1X 7-10 3 01 102 4,40 102 4,44 i i,ie Of i ; " 'Ot t Indian Refining Passes Dividend New Yerk. Mareh i. The Indian lurlnlnr Company has passed the auartsrly dlvldsnd ik per cent en is prtrarrta stock, flu his tims. NIW1SSUB $4,000,000 CITY OF SAN PAULO (UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL) Thirty-Year 8 External Secured Sinking Fund Geld Bends Interest payable May 1 and November 1 J-3 be specifically secured (1) by a nrit cnarfe en uw receipt . .. vehicle taxes, (2) by a charge en the transportation tax ana we inauswy is taxes, subject te prier charges en the 6 External ueiiar nesm m n... UiU 1 1QK9 Dated March 1, 1922 Interest payable May 1 and Novemeer i - "'- - Principal and interest payable, free of aU BratllUn taxes, in U. S. Geld at the office of Blair ft Ce., fiscal agents ei ine lean. Ceupen Bends fa the denominations of $1,000 and 1500, registerable as te principal. THESE BONDS ARE NOT CALLABLE IN WHOLE OR IN PART METROPOLITAN TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORE, REGISTRAR SECURITY: . These Bends are te be the direct obligation of the City of , San Paul They are te sanitary and ' and erofessiet 1919 and the 6 Sterling Lean. The receipts, figured at the current rate of exchange, from the sanitary and vehicle taxes for 1921, were reported at approximately $411,750, and the equity in the trans portation and industry and professions taxes was reported at 1352,940, a total ei approximately $764,690. The receipts from the above sources, similarly computed, at the current rate of exchange, are estimated for 1922 te be $861,890 as compared with approximately $764,690 in 1921. DEBT: The total funded debt of the City, both external and internal, as published, as of December 31, 1920, was about $15,210,500. This includes the internal debt figured at the current rate of exchange and the external debt" at par of exchange. The assessed valuation of real estate in the City is reported at approximately $340,000,000, computed at par of exchange. We are advised that the City has no floating debt. REVENUES: The total revenues of the City in 1921, as reported, at current rate of exchange, amounted te $2,632,500 and are estimated at ever $3,000,000 for 1922 figured at the same rate of exchange. PURPOSE: We are advised that the proceeds of this lean are te be used in the construction and improvement of streets, tunnels and the municipal market. SINKING FUND : The City is te agree under the Lean Contract te pay the Fiscal Agents, annually en April 1st of each year commencing April 1, 1923, the sum of $137,931 (129 of the issue) te be applied during the succeeding 12 months te the purchase of the Bends at net exceeding par, but net te be required te be applied te the purchase of an amount exceeding $138,000 of said Bends annually. Any unused balance at the end of each such 12 months' period is te be credited te the account of the City. CITY OF SAN PAULO : With a population estimated at ever 500,000, this City is the capital and industrial center of the State of San Paule, which is considered the most important state commercially in Brazil. Its settlement dates back te 1561. It ranks as the second largest city in Brazil and the third in all Seuth America. It is the converging point for a net-work of several thousand miles of railway serving the surrounding territory and adjoining states, including the noted coffee growing sections of San Paule. Price 100 and Interest AU offerings are made "when, as and if" issued and received by us and subject te approval of counsel. Receipts or temporary uenas wui ee aeiiveraeie in tne nrst instance. Interim NEW YORK Blair 8- Ce. INCORPORATED 1518 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO AH stitiitfts rtUtlns ta ferticn mensy and values, eicept where otherwise indicated, are expressed in terms tns present rate ei exenante, vii.. i nuireii squaii u'i cents. was approximately 22.40 cents per mllreii. nl tt k nAn... .. -. The averse, nthann rat. far .. Si. ...., V-, ' R"naiy At par of exchance 1 milreit equals .'2.44 cent,. The ttatexaeata contained in-this advertisement are based en information obtained partly by cable and from official or ether aeureaa whirl. y believe te be reliable, but they are net guaranteed by us. wmm 'I I - ' ' I 300 W4JhcS(fee$' SMJf f M Mf f SsfUCCel4 fas&wetfuetteu 'Ut, rewi'muft?i&MiaZ; 4 m Jw j S2 T tSxtnp, trna6 tyfeffliMeyyy. Jlaceitfi mreJ: tCteae?'' Jteatui r0c&frl&? S$arc6lfJ?2 Have an attorney draw up your will HAVE him de it t(h day, tomorrow may be tee late. Then nanis us executer. If you de sire, we "shall take pleas ure in co-operating with your co-executer ar.d give him the benefit nf our practical experience. Naming us your ex ex ecueor net only assures you that your estate will be disposed of as you desired, but it means also that every possible sav ing is effected in con serving your estate for your wife and children. Let us explain without obligation. P0S ES TRUST e ' of Philadelphia N.E.Cer.l2u-&ArchSts, Geerge C. Bowker, President Harrison C. Rea Jeseph 11. Rubin Viae Presidents William R. Vrooman, Secretary and Treasurer PsnnsylTanlBi IteUrMd Ce, Benis. S's Serl Kentucky TrMttea iTrmlnal c. .. 16 garth JerjMPjr stmt Railway Ce?. . . . I. r,,frn 9ft! fi KUtr1e Co...e'a U III in 1M aM mi. Beranrr a Entel Brewing Company, ,e'a IBM Samuel K. Phillips ft Ce. MemberPhMah ftjWanw Saatern TraaMan. Brewing Company, Smtmf Drtmt RmtTNATlONAlBANK mrmaMmmeA . Edw. G. Budd Mfg. Ce. 1st Mtge. 6s Due Aug. 1924-1925 Free of Penna. State Tax Free of 2 Nermal Federal Tax Price te Yield 7 Townsend Whelen & Ce. " t; . Ph""' 8,k K"hn,,: 505 Chestnut St. MORRIS J. ROOT Certified Public Accountant f yea Bunding, PhiladalnM. GentralNatbnalBank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth h u FIRST CLOSED MORTGAGE 15-YEAR 8 BOND Yielding 6 Business established 1840. Security S20S7 per J10Q0 13end. Earnings from 1917 te 1921 three tlmea Interest requirements. Kinking Kund provide retirement two-thirds iBiiue at maturity, Circular A. n. en reguwt Fairman & Company Urexel Building, Phila. EMabllshsw lSOS Correipendent Lawrence CbamberliuiftCp NEW VOBK' I4S t 1 i ViViiii.MisiigitytVt,' h&ikfaA&M m:. tlrri rtfrft.Aiaafa it.