HHprPw 'tjB ' -''" . '3fflQS&HH&l?hJlulJLttEMkEkM aanT'. 4.tA ".nnsyTFi j i ffj i ra:i I ili 5$ Wn'' w es of an a -- - - - - - - irt of ft. E. Greeley, Ne. StK&MlNf Have Made Changes at w W. w t t.mw" 8HS. $ f'VV feW' SS-MEETING ARRANGED berate plans arc under wnv ter upccm of n scr'cs of biweekly at the liradnuarters of the llav- W 1 t-.. Tl.. X- HI t AflV 'y , - uwmu c. uriTirj iui, .u, ui) at uu.u 'T. .I4.asUiAHfai. t-fltiiiA rfV "n ..v-t fiSJfVw 'j9tmM nrnnnrntlmi. ftir1iitff n rnmnn. gwNec and refurnishing of the room? that Stere Hews, A. M. te 5:30 P. M. lOr Salts arc gaining favor dolly they serve a woman Thursday sewc"- - Gimbel Brethers MARKET' CHESTNUT tt EIGHTH NlNTrT SsITO s r-T p ri-jrr rT.i" t.-i,-v" in L ' (.. X ,yi-.&'i. -J. '4 AE2iKtfVJlSrW&7,f neMieipMHi, w7, p-' ' -vrr? srt Piane atore Is open evenings until in7"1,t'r ElgMn street" erner or en NlntS street. tPathe Phone Pheno graph sale. . " -mm This is a Most Remarkable Sale of ' Women's Suits &. wwsaT and reiurnisnine or tuc room? tnnt Sjfcjjsfcivpest hn occupied as Its hendnunr- faL R:w lnt0 a unnce unii. Wf " " This. In n wnr, i iw&l '"1'.amrierhln rnmmili u. r. part of the general n. It In linnfd tn -rt1' .---,--. -, ..-, ..- iSlTVift kuV tl nxtlrlHnc nf Mm ! l-iii.lnl- liiet P!iiw an varied and fe allurlnc tlint no ent KSw 'Wlc for metnbernhlp will remain out fetjMi Wi P0"t lienet te become the largest in IAWast Philadelphia. t, AK -lIn TT,,U. 'V JIT 111 I Jtcii-a. iu uevi iv. m. mi uivii twa narHriilur inrtii1irti)i(ii ilrlt it it 1th Fr.'SV.tva ihfinP of tir llnllnViin.tSrrnf fiirrl At. wriiacementfl nre in clmrire of Pest Cem- StY-SlUAiidflr Dr. Charles S. Shufer miH Ail- 5V Jttnt Merris Stnrr, nnil the date of the ttVvV- dlfMM (r shnrtlv te he nnnettnrc!. lrV In connection with tlic camnniRii there esT . ain i k.i.i ni.A -- m..a1. e . a win ut? iiviu uiu uji Aiiitri.ii - u uui'v" 1 . tnMflnir In P O S of A TTnlt VA? tw-A KATifi Tlrnnrl fitf A Tintlm fintninlttmi 'i "P0ed of Heward I. Stem, IrViiift K5,it' Ulson, Harry .McUena'd. licnjnrnin Kivl Ooepcr, Jereme Yeunc, Benjamin M. f.? Blmen and Williani James Jnnes has tela matter in charge. t&i- $1 Vt ?il il isr T& "Fathers' Night" will tc celebrated irtth much wnff nnd joviality by' the lumbers of Kensington Pest. Ne. OS, and their parents en Tuesday evening. March 17. Many men prominent in bnsinesVi professional and political tie tivitiaa of the northeastern district will aittnd this affair. f WILL ENTERTAIN JUDGES Jndfes of the Courts of Common pleas and of the Orphan' Court will be 'the guests of the Lawyers' Club this etening at the Belleuc-Strntferd. EDUCATIONAL Tenn TVemfn nd flln II IWA bKbbbW V II fllrw9xvvjflBm BaVfattwkV KBf ll CaaVSnUaS rBMBwBLk PLBBBBBBBr wZS&tx LSL' SeFi - ' l A . A V i k bRSmi X x faW - &JlV l jiilfA s 16 ) I U (J fifflJl i w'l 7T uva war k. . wmMtfh -a' , wi ' tfllX'Nu I RMS , usLkikX ymWfr JJ Ca n - 1 BnCv2ci4l(lllVr U IV fill lMM I 1 XtV 7fl'l- . s5 (, X K (rVaLT ajjflr aaaaaMB Ht'H One of ATef Ony Became There Are Thirty Stylet te Choete Frem at 39-75 r Net Only Beeemte Net, Suit 1$ Werth Lt$ Then tS9- Meny Werth Vt " COSTUME DESIGN Fascinating Werk Big Pay titen Aesdemr itndtnt Itarn Ce.tunis and Millinery Design la siapit Uw short "Tnenthi ..Mtttaffni. I...... or lmnli Qnduaut m frferfW; Ina IV seen Mm Mr Mlirles tn Dro rstilenal potltleni. Fashion Academy Is tb ens lmoertrint schnet devetfel ax. cluttrety te Cottume and Mill In fry Deilfn and Fashion Art, Endorsed by manufacturers and maasilnes. Its teachers are ex perts with "ears of experience In firactlcal .erk. Its director, fr. B. A. Hsrtman. Is one of the worlds foremost designers. Jwlnlne' net only sires yen ability te deslcn original cos tumes and bats but teaches you te make, complete aarments from drangfitlng of patterns te the very last stltcb. Strings en a few dresses usually pay for cenrse. fashion Academy's asw Falla. delphla Scheel is n direct branch of famous hew Xerk Scheel. Identical scientific methods em. pleyed. Clssses four days a week --morning, afternoon and era J?Jnfr. vrilt our permanent ax ax hlbftlen of students' work, or write for PRBK booklet descrlb IBf all ceur.?s and of mecer BJaWna oppertnnltles for the professional dealgner. Fashion Academy Inc. 1432 North Bread Street the smartest, newest Straight-Lines $39.75 Boxy Embroidered Beaded Short $39.75- An Adorable Novelty Coat Ceat Suit with Cape Tendency $39.75 But because they are fine, fine navy blue tricetines (of course, there are black,. tee) the quality suiting-tricetines you associate with custom-made suits of the finest order. Because Paris says "navy blue" is the aris tocrat of this spring. " Because there are Style for Each Distinctive Build of Figure Net only for 'Perfect 36s," for Example But for Varied 36s, for Varied 34s Up te Varied 48s Because they are man-tailored; man-cut; man-pressed. Linings are hand-slip-stitched in. Cellars are hand-turned. The Thirty Medels Include Besides Tailleurs a-Plenty Boxy Coats. Cape Coats. The newest longer .straight-line Coats. The newest shorter swirl Coats. Suits embroidered te match. Suits with the cleverest color touches deftly introduced into the self-tone em broidery. Suits with bands te heighten the charm of the embroidery. New cellars ever se becoming! ' New sleeves mannish or flare $39.75. Gimbels, Batons sf Dress, Third fleer. . Men's Clnthm of Distingttiahed Merit $45 te $55 ' Suits. Reduced A tO $25 BBBBBl IBBBBBBa B sC II laH faaVaW afU C a(3ar laaBBBB aBaT BM B af w sgjjj $45 te $55 Overcoats Reduced te ' $25 1800 Men's Kuppenheimer eripty iSvmxb And Other Gimbel Lines Suits and Overcoats Reduced te The Sweetest Tailored Dimity Waists te wear with tweed suits Special at $3 and $3.95 Fine white dimities of exceptionally smart cut, with cellars cuffs nnd four-in-hand tie of polka- dotted dimity big white coin dots upon Chinese blue, or heather, or the new "frambeise" (rasp berry). $3.95. Or with white cellar and cuffs piped with smart checks rose or heather or blue. $3.95. Or all white, with Peter Pan cellar and tucked front, $3.93. Or all white, with "Tux" and tucks! At $3. Smocked Blouses Frem England Only the first few and simply adorable! White voile smocked in red at $9.75. White crepe de chine, smocked in lemon at $23. GLmbHi, halens of TVrnt, Third fleer. "T ' h u V V 'Adorable, dressy, but spertsy millinery te wear with the gay tweed suits. Tailored millinery of entirely new grace of line. Picture hats. Biet-trimmed. Cornflower-crowned. Rose Rese trimmed. Ribbon bowed. Weel -lace. Straw-lace. Glorious new colors. And black at its loveli est. Gtmbcls. Mllllnerr Salens. Third fleer. Paris Millinery Opening' Tomorrow Silk Bodices and Batiste Step-Ins at 68c Values $1, $125 and $1M A dozen styles in pink silk bodices. Six styles in lace trimmed pink batiste step ins. Five Hundred Billie Burkes and Twe-Piece Pajamas Special at $1 Plain pink batiste hand-embroidered. Figured pink batiste with stitching. (Umbels, tieeend lleer. $25 In Final Seasonal Clearance Regularly $45 te $55 Single- and double-breasted sports suits. Suits for men and young men for men of all builds. All are regular Gimbel lines Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Suits are the perfection of design, fit, materials and tailor ing. $25 less than the wholesale prices ! b v Gimbels. beeend fleer, Ninth Street. Women's Strap-Wrist Gloves of Chamois ' Suede 85c 'ihc gleve-staple of neatly every woman's wardrobe. Seft, heavy, suede like quality. White and dainty shaded of brown, beaver and gray. (ilmbels. l'lrst fleer. tsBrT aHsssLmBr w ' WFnEBnMD a FOIl y ..y IBBEDHAJRl The Correct Permanent Wave1 for her bobbed hair. Net "frlxxy" Just the becemtnc wave and "fluff." Knewing; hew that's the secret. Gimbels, Beanty Salen, Third fleer Children's and Yeuni Women's If air nebbed by ex pert barbers, who nlse knew bobbed Uatr fashion Glmbeli, Happyland Barber Shep, Second fleer Botn fxf LtARN LANGUAGES at the BERUTZ SCHOOL IMl CHTSTNrT ST. Fntmnf. en Ifitli "t. - T-l-nn' iw9tfm Jiu.i IK and S6 Menthi"." cnoei. eM Whr cay BcekkMplnc. 'Tuition. 113 . itemi mer.I Shertr.na. Typwrltin atcrctarui. uuiictii Aaeiln ! tratien eeur.. caiaiea rr. falmr rtu.ln. Hcbecl. in !. tmh Strwt TDAVFR'i lb. Hm Uuunni Mtlwta I fMtm tni.r-in'd. Tnl.r nuw. I ly r nly, DKYKIvOPMENT of fulv.Serml rhlldrrn by It-ert. l'henr: IHrrhrek 10;i-W I I musical rMrrarrneTf China and Glass This is a Sale of Beautiful Things RAG JV :ii ali ill Banners -.prcmur fiane Playing Taught Begieaara in 20 Lesions OPEN EVENINGS TIME . Af-mar Coir If Tn New VI-.T Pha-Ml HDrur. 00S1 r6 FKEK IIIMIhl r.T Ci4IUlltJSIU. SdlOOI. OF I'Of Stlnti aaiu cbt.uiut tit, bay V. uehi.e. icf 5433 N. 10tb tit. lil A. 17ih. nt. flultnr Y. thrr nCTSCHOPP MlMMm Rinje 5IE MILLER Tera' Teirber. Beem TARTS. AND GARDEN Mf KITS B5'. tm - .-aiai aW LV6rer6"i'tf Jru 3 Cldtfernia c lu kiiiin nu ulcture reuld ile Ju.- tic. Here In our Nuracrles art finest plants of wlile arlcty. Come ase them make your every nelcc- tlen your own personal choice That way always means ramplete satisfaction. Kttily (h.arrd. trimmil anrlmna, aslly kept at any Urslred helsht. Wi d.llver una plant for ou. I'lann or alennlde perchm. foundHtlen slant- MfUun .tc aladlK made. riivci will net only Improve the appearance or your prop erty, liut iictually add n dollar txr runnlntr tout te ItH RlUP. Our xnt.tl. roetr.1, fat - Krewlnu p'arita coat you about tee the runnlns toot, CtTAIOOI'K OF ml'hf!TH- HKKIW. TKKK.S KTC FHfcE ! ARTHUR J. COLLINS SON MOORENTOWV iTakeHoerentown t,'nr aiuy At. Savings Run te 45c; cr. w Everything useful in china and glass, of course. And many delightful "surprises" charming pieces of unusual interest unloekeu for in a low price sale. Men's Suits Made te Order $35 5295 for regular 5300 Dinner Sets. Imported direct from Limoges, France. Wide geld-encrusted border; full geld handles. 106 pieces. 519."i for Thee. Haviland Dinner Sets, regularly 5300. Acid-etched border, encrusted border; burnished-geld handles. 106 pieces. 585 for Bawo & Detter Elite French China Dinner Sets, regularly 5150. Kich geld-band border; full coin coin geld handles. 106 pieces. Open stock, can be replaced at any time. 529.50 for regular $52.50 Imported China Dinner Sets. A beautiful, clear, delicate quality. Attractive designs in dainty colors ; 100 pieces. 1500 domestic Porcelain Dinner Sets at very low prices. $19.50 for regular $29.50 sets. Dainty blue-line and flower-basket designs ; 100 pieces. Open stock. $10.95 for regular $19.50 sets; 51 pieces. Pattern y described above. 51.95 for regular $7.95 sets ; 31 pieces. Beautiful Venetian Glassware half price and less. jVlany beaut'ful odd pieces and samples exquisite in de sign and color. -Olmbels, China and Glass bult, fourth fleer. Suitings for spring and Easter kinds geed tailors put into $50 te $70 suits made te order. It is an extra economy te get an extra pair of trousers many men are doing this. And many are ordering two suits, especially if they find difficulty in getting fitted in ready-te-wear. Our risk as te fit. Suits will be ready for Easter. $35. -Gimbels. Second fleer, Ninth Street. 60c Men's HALFHOSE of "Onyx" Silk First quality silk halfhese one of the best "Onyx" numbers. Heavy Bilk with lisle tops. All sizes in black, white, cordovan, Russian calf, suede, navy and gray, at 60c a pair. . cimbei, r,t fleer. Pure Linen Satin Damask At $2.50 a Yard Woven from selected flax yarn. A heavy berviceable 'quality, 70 inches wide; $2.50 a yard. Napkins te match, size 22x22 inch, at S6 a dez. Lace-Trimmed Bureau Scarfs at $1 Each Pure linen eentera trimmed with effective cluny-pattern lace 5 inches wide. Three sizes, 18x30 inch, 18x15 inch and 18x54 inch, te cheese from at $1 each. Towels and Toweling Scotch Crash Turkish Bath Towels, 36c 22x44 inch, all white, fine absorbent quality. Toweling 18c Yd. Heavy all-linen crash toweling for dish, hand or roller U30. T Huckaback Towels, 50c All linen, long wearing quality. Hemstitched. 18 x 34 inches, Olmbels, Second fleer. m PIANO STORE OPEN TILL NINE AT NIGHT Phonographs Entire Retail Stock of Pathe Freres Phonograph Shep at 1026 Chestnut Street Sold te Gimbels BY ORDER OF THE RECEIVERS Prices Start at $ 1 8 A YEAR TO PAY Net te be confused with any offer of a few fleer-sample machines anywhere. These are new the regular splendid stock. ,v The Great Offer en the Splendid MILTON PLAYER-PIANO Ends March 15th Cased in Mahogany $ 46 5 Three Years te Pay A Clear, Actual Saving of $181.75 Ne Interest : Ne Extras : Free Tuning : Free Delivery Pay $10 And we arrnncn thn nnmnt .in.. i. . instrument te your home free Hellv. bench; free tuning for ene year. Pay $3 Weekly That is the whole fine story. m any time you care te pay the balance due in If inconvenient, te vlaif im Qt .m ....... in this coupon and fuller particulars 'will be given you. a lump sum we will allow a discount. Gimbel Brethers represent HARDMAN V0SE PACKARD MILTON Pianos and Player-Pianos J sr t Gimbel Brethers, Philadelphia. . ' t c.iveVfnJiUt pI,itU!,B me,un(ler any obligation, plense ' i Player"i'iunUer. yUr Club offer en ilten Name t t t Sheet J Town I Gimbels, Seventh fleer and SubwaVstere. : s 2U & K4.W -xf. 1 . cJTT V. a' r ", -"CL- r - m r -. ' v ? f Ml RIU Viw,IV flMa2Ltt,JfVhkAt .f. it'a &iv? j- i.....L. 1 "" l- m ityiia&.