KM! :'iw v. 'twas nm$ j-v.s' u i rm t a btmm i -"', SfeS LtaaaVK ''yBBBBBBBBBfaBaWABBf m t r iHF WtWaaKWaafsaa n y W hW aU, ' iy vYrYi"Ta 1 ' ' aaaWBgaTWMlWaMWI -i-i-r ?:-,', ivw-m! ',, :t.r5 J ' . 1'Wf' a nta Mrtaettl -"w -:-- . ' -teral aiserleae. i H. ARTHUR CLEM AN Dill, sprue nassj mi .- tinMO JlAV'& URHS for COFFEE !ITT i " a, a. -. m mWmi f Natala and WKrMMmwmmtm rv .'.- I tMt. Hteam "" warme-s. nnaei it . cookers, wame uv. ciinnn J&LjsH IfcfVlVl.'l'T" " ww. tS-'E11? ,21 S ll,fc S, ,;:; : iKRUHranm 1,t4'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr rSfe Milk , Fer Infants I M. fnwalt.4ar mifTMmmtW "VWaWtWaWey EsSuMiaw iW.afta- PiWjf'f NO COOKING EJt?h " Fend.DrinU" tnr All A ere a. (2viC7it.V.." iT.:s :. - 5 j ywu juvuibn ninuinc, vnicc,aiia f Fountains. A$k Fer HORUCJCS. . J .wAYeid Imitations a Subititntei . .i aaa nir ur yur SMALLEST SHOE ( . eajk ana cuMtuavi wan tuta MAGUIRES IRISH CORN Takea ' Thm, Oulkr tk Reels 15 cents buvs a bottle of "Dander- bie" at any drug store. After one application eC this delightful tonic you can net Hnd a particle of dan- BT1' t iMUMAMi f 3. 'tf I HO. PIASTER w 9UA te yar ftat Mm a paitaf ttekta. ? Ml aatf I erxa IMihi, Tiki ilkir. j ' , r ( Mawmiraimiieisiiii'D twiiraiiiJiiMiiiiJiin mi!i,iiwii r fe? t Bread as it A ''' should be baked f Vittet I I ' : O-. J 8' 6 c i i fe Sold only in our Stores 1 141 'tit' ft .- llllfcllldlll 1 f IHftTMtff8fcJH 1 h usEflaaHasj i 5 V fajHamtnMnimnn 7. danderine B .Steps Hair Coming Out; lf, Thickens, Beautifies lAP'Ir -X . 7t r-4JrP i-?-vi;ruT or a falling hair. Besides, DTk iilt -.- fc" "., .su., fJt brightness, mere color and abun - K-, 4aace. Advt. ktt auaPV htlw atrMaa Mam lit tiieTMn Skin unsightly caused by errors of diet well-known akin epeciahat ajy that eruption are "aignal ''Hag et danger' often indicat iaif error in diet. fijuui ., 'IHMf TUpUDni are ae Cre- -,- . .wv with faulty Wit?. L "" , and Improper immtUtn that th fir.t thin, t- j. v" th,t our 'oed '" "ghu Tfreeli yeait I a wonderful cer. V.'T1! "" neee lain dleer. FlMacAmann Yb. I. t.l. th aleaaente which Imnrev ; aad dliestlen and which tk Intiatlnea clean of jlclane and heapltale all country are racemmanel. ebmann frh yeaat for fMr nil nnlla. Il . ml Ut baale cau of thee f. , fiiim 1 uiu mi ri..t.. fe'i ft y Met dally btforcer ai te ajp your kui Fr ," r 11 a rinacn- 'Yt-th familiar tin. ! with th vellaw label. i'H.etaalig,ete1r with your "Ai. 1 (, yff m WCt-'fi.maW 5S.iSK rjiEaU THIS IHOfNH THK DTOIT lUwklni. n old New Tork cabmin. uiubl', te threw oft hi low of drink, '.r?" WtHle methrIea duhtr. ..". ,0 hl 'rlnd. Pul Vnlz. je 1m brejjtht ue without knewlil of SifJjhJV5..r un.1" h r" W ?idMmlne hJ?.?ln-rh,,, wtakntM and ft futll. .t?J2K: .7wCn,sr ye" Iit" 5i2.. -.ti!,mpt taada by a yenna un, ! aw away en S .liifiJ1'1"' han obttrvatlen him .SLlh M"nf. who fol!en rffH?.J,Kii,04 'mV. "Ith cue wak ???l"nr?ill,.n" Padd by the tan iJi. .A"J?i!a of tPai.aa hema te rt- ! hi ?i'!;55!5r,IK: f rem sn Kranelaee. ew pet of nf In a tin affert te fel- ?..l f J"1.i-L,h ',eu,h h no criminal rci-erd, tht myaterietu paiienatr drawn i..A. ,trn contract, wheraby thi ??H.,?l"Jmn,,:r", .t0 Pawn hlmlf body and aeu! into Ilia aenrlce. Gilbert i-arrrun la the alrnatnr of th e'dr me -upon the written bend a name known widely aa the lead of Ametlca'a wralthltat chain of aambllnr heuaea the yeunier man writes hla alanature with natle InMalbla Ink, requiring the action of the aalt ata water te brine; out the slmpln name Jehn Bruce. In the aambllnr heuee which llruee "vialts" . a arcret 'napecter. he playa till he la broke, and ihreuih tne manatement la Rln a chance te pawn aeme aluab'ea The pawnbroker la a marveleualy beau tiful sir). Tralllnar her taxleab. he set Inte a brawl wltn come excited ferelan era, but finds sanctuaty Juat aa he keel err at the feet of the girl In the tHXl cab She calla In Dr. Crane, a brilliant pnnlclsn. but a drug addict, wne 11 in 1 lee with her. S'le repute hla ad Nance, but te aae Bruce' life nareca te mrrv Cranit. Venlza, who haa adopted her, and Hawkins, her fUrr', Wl) "' net set redeemed hlimelf of drink, are astenlahed. Cranit bring In two tea men 10 open the site in which Uaire had pat Hruce'a money AU HEBK IT CONTIXKK" JOHN llKL'CE lay pwlecily still. He heard a footstep come quickly nieuntl the DL'ieen: lie sensed the piem:" of fcemc one benillnc ever him; then tin recrlnjr were ptillctl down and his arm wns bared lie steeled himself agnlnH the InHlnftlvc itnpuNc te wince at tin sharp prirk of the needle which lie knew uns cemlns and felt Instead a cold and curiously merciless rage fcweep ever Inm as the act as pctfennwl. Chen tlin foetnten retreated and Jehn Bruce .Viletlv twihted hi" head T ateund en the' pillow, teacneu out nis arni. urn. tinners drew the silk panel of the screen -tightly away from the edge of the framework again. , He could see the safe they had re ferred te new. It was ever at the far fide of the room again-t the wail, una the thtee men were standing In trent et it. Presently it was opened, the man railed Dec knelt down in fient of It and began te evamine its contents. He swung aietind te his companions after a moment with n large pile of i,i linmls. Frem this nlle -... - , .1 t mil n 1 . he counted out and banded a small per-, tien te each of the ether two men- and coolly stuffed the bulk of the money into his own pockets. The srene went blurry then for a moment before .Tehn l.rucc'n ee. and he lifted hi- free hand and biuMied it across his forehead. He wa sn beastly weak, anyhow, and tns internal ueyc getting in its work tee last! He fought with all his mental ctrengtli against the impul" te relax and close M eves. What was it they were doing new? 11 looked like some foolish mas querade. The two companions of the man with tbe sinincr. pasty face were tjir.g handkerchiefs ever their faces and drawing revolver! from their peckets: and then the big man began te close the deer of the safe. The Dec's voice came sharply: "Loek out veu don't lock it. you feel!" , , , .. Once mere Jehn Bruce brush) u nl hand across his cyr. Hie- brain must be plaving him tricks again. A din Infernal rose suddenly in the reum. While th" big nan lounged "oncha "encha lanllv against the safe, the ether two were scuffling all ever the fleer and threw In; ihairs about. And then from -emewhere upstair" en the fleer thrc tee. Jehn Bruce thought lie caught the sound of hurrid movements. Then for an instant the seuthing 111 the room ceaid. rnd the pasty-faced man's voice came in a peremptory whis per: , . . "The minute any one shows at tne ticnr .m swing that s-afc open as though veu'd ben working at it all thu time. Birdie, and prefnd te sheve cyeiylhing in sight into your pockets. Ami you, ,!e eu've get me corner-d und cev- rpil lipre ee' And you nom me doorway with your gun tee; and then 10th of you bncls away anu innKe your .,. Mr tKvAitvti thr, window. The ' scuffling began ngain. Jehn Brute watched the scene, a sense of drewsiness and apathv creeping upon him. He tried te reuse himself. He ought te de s-emethlng. lhat vicious faced little creek who had haunted h m .u.ik unu'fVnme visitations, and wne at this precise moment had the bulk of the money from the sate in nis own pockets, was in tne acu 01 premina somewhat crude, but probably none the -less tjffcetlve, alibi, nnd Jehn Bruce heard .1 deer flung open, aud then a sudden, startled cry. first In a woman's and then in n man s voice But he could net see any deer from the position in which he Iny. He turned ever with a great effort, facing the ether way, and reached out with bis finjers for the panel of the screen that overlapped the head of the ret. And then Jehn Bruce lay motion less, the bleed pounding fiercely at his temples. , ... He was conscious that n tall, white haired roan In scanty attire was there, because the. doorway framed two fiurcs. but he saw only ( 'faK(.r pitifully white, enl form of a girl whose great but he saw only a Denuium tne sum brown eses were verv wide wun iear. anu wne ncm her dressing gown tightly clutched around her threat. It was the girl of the traveling pawn-shop, it was the girl of his dreams in the shaft of sun light, it was the girl he had followed here only only the picture seemed te be fading away. It was very strange ! It was most curious! She always seenvd te leave that way. This was Larroen new Instead, wasn t it? Lar- 1 men ""d a jack-knife and a quill toothpick 'and CHAPTER VII The Girl of the Traveling Pawn -Shep Jehn Bruce abstractedly twirled the , tassel of the old and faded dressing gown which he were, the temporary possession of which he owed te Paul 1 Venlza, his host. Frem the chair in 'which he sat his eyes ventured stolen. glances at the nape of a dainty neck, ' nnd nt a great celled mass of silken brown hair that shone like burnished '.copper in the afternoon sunlight, as I Claire VenUn, her back turned toward ' hlm. busied herself about the, room. He 1 1 could walk new acreis the fleer and a great deal further, he was sure. If they would only let him. He had net pressed that point; It might be taking un unfair advantage of nn already I ever-generqus hospitality, but he was! net at all anxious te speed his depar ture from well, from where he was nt I that precise moment. And new as he looked at Claire Venlza, his thoughts went back te the night ne haa stepped, at 01a tiawuins invitation, into the traveling pawn shop. That was net ae very long age two weeks et grave illness, and then It seemed te span a great and almost ' limitless stretch of time, and te mark I a new and entirely different era In his life; an era that, perplexed and troubled ' and intrigued him with conditions and I surrounding and disturbing element ' Iheufhi perhaps be would have (old ou. Dr. Crani" thai he did net comprehend but at the name time made the bleed In his vein e ( with wild abandon and the future te held out glad and beckoning hands, He loved, with a area!, overwhelm inc. masterful love, the girl who atoed there just across the room all uncon scious of the worship that he knew wbh in his eyes, and which he neither tiled nor wished te curb. Of his own love he was sure. He had loved her from the moment he had first teen her, and in his heart he knew he held fate kind te have given liiin the wound that In its turn had brought lhc week of con valescence just past! And yet and yet Here dismay came, and his brain seemed te stumble. Sometimes he dared te hope; Minictiines he was plunged into the depths of misery aud despair. Little things, a touch of the hand as she had nursed htm that had cmed like some Ged-gUen tender 1 nirs.s. v nih'ii iviipm sua miiii ri nuviir caress, n glance when she hud thought lie cau net seen and which he had al lowed hN heart te interpret te Its ad vantage with perhaps no eflicr justi fication than Its own yearning and de sire, had buoyed him up; and then, at times, a strange, almost bitter- aloof ness, it seemed. In her attitude toward hlm and this hadehccked, had always checked the words that were ever en his lips. A faint flush djed his cheeks. Hut even se, and for all his boasted love, did he net in his own soul wrong her "' ' "f -S?.1""1 '", nies; The questions would come. was the meaning of the strange environment in which she lived? Why should she hae driven te it gambling hell late at night, and quite as though It were the nual thing, te transact business alone in thnt car with Ged ! His hands clenched fiercely. He re membered that night, and hew the same thought had come then, mocking him, jeering him. making sport of him. He was a cad. n pitiful, vile-minded cad! Thank Ged that he was nt least still man enough te be ashamed of his own .thoughts, een if they came in spite of him ! Perhaps It was the stiaDge. unusual character that surrounded her. that came and went in this curious place here, that festered such theughts: pcr hnps he was net strong enough et te grapple with all these confusing things. He smiled a little grimly. The robbery of the safe, for instance and that tep tile whom lie new knew te be his own attending physician. Dr. Crang! He had said nothing about his knowledge of the robbery yet. As nearly as he could judge it hnd occurred two or three das prier te the time when ills actual convalescence had set In, and as a material .witness te the crime he was net at all sure that iri law his tes- timeny would be of much value. They' must certainly nave found mm In nn unconscious state immediately after ward and Dr. Crnng would as indu bitably attark his testimony us Being nothing mere than the hallucination of a sick brain. The lil'l: of the devil had been with Crang! Why had he, Jehn Uruce, gene , uniting ; u in e njc, i" ii-.,..i...,i.M.i umi.u, .. , l mr jiuh uuu urvn I'iuwvu uut nn urruilKu and tne einer two nan maue tneir taue escnpe, crnng wiiuiu nuve ecen icit in the room with Claire and Paul Venlza with the money in his pockets! He would "have hnd Dr. Crnng cold then ! It was quite different new. He was Lrnng would nave been left In net quite sure what he meant te de PXf.Cpt that he fully proposed te have 11 reckoning witn ur. urang. juut tnat A Scheel Fire Every Day That is the astonishing average for the United States. All of these fires mean great danger te prop erty. Many mean less of life. And practically everyone of them could have been prevented by Concrete construction. Experience haa shown beyond any question that Concrete is the highest type of fire-resistive construc censtruc construc teonthe kind that saves both life and property. Can you afford te take chances with the lives of your children? Otirfnt Bchf -5 IflUttw tcW hftit a eter tht caunfry r eWat'nf Cbnrrtf ctnitrucllen, and thcict jme lypictl iutlJlngi Cencrf. Stniftr a copy PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Finance Building PHILADELPHIA, PA. cf National Organization te Improve and s Extend the Uses of Concrete Offices In 23 Other Cities UamiHal RMMtl ! Pledge! ta D Ik BlsMlag f OUmn By FJMYK L. PACKARD AutAer 'Tne Mmf Man." Ceptriant, IBtl.'lu rublh I I am felng (e marry reckoning, something, he could net quite define what, had prompted him te postpone until he had become physically a. little stronger! And then there was another curious thing about it all. which tee had in fluenced him In keeping silent. Haw kins. Paul Venlza. Claire and Dr. Crang had each, severally and collectively, been I here in this room many times since Hicl robbery, and net enee in 111s presence had the affair ever been mentioned! And eh, what did it mntter! He shrugged his shoulders ns though te rid himself of some depressing physical weight. What did anything matter en this wonderful sunlit afternoon save Claiie there in her white, cool dress, that seemed somehow te typify her own glorious youth and freshness. Hew dainty and sweet und alluring site looked ! His eyes wcre no longer contented with stolen glances; Iney nelti new masterfully, defiant of any self restraint, upon the slim figure that was all grace from the trim little ankles te the poise of the shapely head. lie felt the bleed quicken his pulse. Stronger than he nad ever known It berere. i-tiainins te burst all barrier, demand ing expression u a tight that would net be denied, his love roe dominant within him, and The tnsel lie had been twirling dropped from his hand. She nad tumul suddenlv ; and across the room her eyes met his. calm, deep and unperturbed nt first, hut wide the next instant with a Mauled slivness, and the colorsttccp celorsttccp colersttccp tng upwntd from her tlirent crimsoned her face, and in confusion she turned uway her head Jehn Bruce was en his feet. He stumbled n little as he took a step ' let waid. His heart was pounding, fling ing n red tide into thp pallor of his cheeks thnt Illness had claimed as one of Ur tells. "I I did net mean te tell you like that." he said husUilv. "But 1 nave wanted te tell jeu for se long. Jt si-cms ns though I have always wanted te tell ou. nalrc I love ou. She did net answer. He was beside her new euly her head waB leweied and averted and lie could net leek into her face. Her. fin gers wcre plucking tremulously et n fold of her dtcss. He caught her hand hrttwitrm hnlh lits nun. "Claire Clalte, I love you!" he, whispered. She disengaged her hnml gently; and. still refusing te let hlm sec her face, shook her head slowly, "T I " Her eice was very low. "Oh, don't you knew?" 1 "f knew T love you," he answered I passionately. "1 Knew that nothing! de but that matteis." Again he shook her bend. I thought perhaps he would have told jmi. Crang." I 1 am going te marry ur. ' Jehn Timer, stenrcd back invelun tarily: and for n moment incredulit; nnd hclplcis nniacment held sway in ills expression then his lips tightened in n hurt, half nngiv w.iv. "Is that fair te me. Claire te give me an answer like that?" he said in 11 low tone, "f knew it isn't true, of course; It couldn't be but but It isn't much of n joke either, is It?" ' "It is true." she Mild monotonously. He lenn.vl suddenly forward, and 1 (njjn ,. 1 her face between Ills hands, made her 1 ft IiebiI nnd leek nt him. Th brawn eyes were swimming with tears. The red swept her face in a great wave, and, receding, left it deathly palf and 1 in a frenzy of confusion she wrenched herself free from him and retreated n step. "My Ged!" said Jehn Bruce hearse- .r WkMVry lag t "Frem New On," ale. I.ttetr Cemtanv f It. "Ten and Dr. Crane 1 T don't un derstand ! It is monstrous t Yeu can't love .that " He checked himself, hltlni hi Una. "Teti can't love Dr. Crang, It Is Impossible! Yeu dare net atand there and tell me that you de, Anawcr me, Claire answer mei" She aeemed te have, regained her seir seir seir contrel nr nrrbiD if was the one de fense she. knew. The little figure was drawn up, her head held back.' "Yeu have no right te aik me that, she said steadily. - Te be continued tomorrow WILL MAKE PLANS FOR CITY'S "MUSIC WEEK" Meeting Will Held Tomorrow at Chamber of Commerce Plan for Philadelphia's first "Music Week" will be dlacussed tomorrow aft ernoon et the Chamber of Commerce, Twelfth find Walnut streets, nftcr the completion of the permanent organiza tion of the Philadelphia Music League. The, Idea will be presented for consid eration by Jehn F. Braun. who has taken an active part In the steps toward the forming of the league. Persons In terested In music and members of musi cal organizations have been invited te attend tomorrow's meeting. Officers nominated for the Music League, who will be voted en nt the meeting ate: Honorary president , Mayer Moere; president. Mr. Brnun: vice presidents, Mrs. J, S, W. Holten Mrs. Edwin I). Garrigue.s, Colonel Jehn C. Gribbel and Hollinshead N. Tayler; treasurer, Henry L. McCloy; seeretnry. William C. Hammer, and supervising director, Mrs. Frederick W. Abbett. Ciiticura Seap Complexions Are Healthy .Ola cVlUmrLf3OTe,Pn.aasBBa. uareee! KA1I1F 1. 1 "I! ..1 ftitfkUNit4jail wtAXffimjIw Kelt Recerd SHEIK Fex Tret 7137 3041 TY-TtE Fex Tret 7159 Compare the above Connertzed record and roll with ether mitkes. If ieu'r net convinced Connerlzed records and roll AUK BEST we will cheerfully refund sour money and am fare. CONNORIZED MUSIC SHOP 4 NORTH 60TII HTRKF.T sOXJMSiTSSISfflSliWMiKiKIHiiryia, Taking music out of the air After the evening meal yeyr family settle them selves in comfortable chairs; you turn a diaj and your room is filled with the glorious voice of a grand opera star, singing in some far-distant city. This is net a dream of Utopia, but what is actually happening in thousands of homes today. What the future may held in radio telephony staggers the imagination. In this newest defiance of space, just as in the reg ular telephone and telegraph systems, Exide Bat teries are an important factor. Fer they supply the current te make audible the sound waves snatched from the air. Of the numerous ways in which Exide Batteries are connected with the daily life of the nation, you are perhaps most interested in the part they play in metering. It is because of experience in making bat teries for every purpose since the dawn of the storage battery industry, that the Exide, built for your car, gives dependable power se much longer than you would have a right te expect from ether batteries. The Electric Storage Battery Ce., Philadelphia Service Stations Everywhere. Branches in Seventeen Cities THE LONG-LIFE BATTERY FOR YOUR ' !fti3E6RGE-WA3Hi ; i . -, OF NEW TRIPOLI ' .-mmmmr Mether la llf. Ne en knew of your taWaaaaaaaaVaV'' departure. Pleaa com home at one. bU tT a Teu ara mided, . .w n M 7 s"wm mw.wtw I IM (KzintJMlM!flf- V - 1 afjaaarfMl 1 III 1 II I fOHf rT:9 . iMi m BflaWaail II " ataalaT.taaa mm. .aft' M M.MMM , a. ' WaMMiM"MMgMfty .m $a ta 1500 U0& Ch9tUUt9t It Bj niiiMMMtt'ArcbnEt shop j . BJ I m AMP CHB5TWUT 5T8.J ll.n.i.iif " "lllUIinqrxq -- ?n-;. 1 u; II White Thicksl I ...." i Yi I Quality never c ml I lowered te make - 1 1 a price ' I i I i 1 bH I 5-ten 54,500 li 3-ten 4,200 ; ; I 2-ten 3,250 ' aaal -ten 2,400 e ' M s F. O. B, Factory HI I I . .mi J I THE WHITE COMPANY, 112 N. Bread St., Philadelphia I y I 802 French St., Wilmington, Del. i 4 H Factory and General Offices, Cleveland v II 21 YEARS OF HOW'lj iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililk.liHIMaaBBWBaBlBlBBlBaBBBBH ffisBBBBTaBTaHaHmsa VV W bbbbBbbt' W ' sVw SaklS' BATTERIES . ) Math , ' !' OVJI Mil ' mam. j ffi Wer'JWt m StkSHit 1 liT'-S.A VICTROLAS v'lt-Ul ' )Jlx , Yeu, can secure for your home k'VICTROLA that will give a. lifetime of satis faction, en monthly pay ments se small that you will hardly miss the payments. 1 L 7l JM '- 1 I -"v&ttff1 i tl 'li M CAR WmmMm -- dJdiL sfeJj. ?,K W Vrir '. f.t 1 fiMrr$t'. it a uMmS&hhsM w li'VvfifcVf,' i.j-r.Att.rtgy .jwl mAUkW&;uJJJeiXmi& iiBBBHSBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBT? lBBBBBBBWkaj:V'i