fi '442. hfxn wit'i"fa W K$! H" i TWM MW7S1 J-.W i- . 3l..l.KVTVIiJ'.k.1L' . wCM I ks&ssf m$& ' SBeS &&. ?,& V feft'ee ti4 K&& & m, m- M H w. it EfeS W ?' IV V8 a- K- W vi , JV t- K? Js 1 k Br h m i$rr IP' !&' i. iife-a iy w m ! &;.;v,m:' PiT) PiT) sv FOR THE FILM m w Ft a w TT iciVI be ff?ad te pullish the picture of such screen players a are suggested by the fans TJaiBP -feB. M SBT- MaWnlB bHLbW bbbbbbbH THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX n.v HKNKY De Luxe Annie" writes: "I've Mir cumbeil tee. I simply couldn't re re ttet any longer. I just want te tell you whnt it perfectly faTinntiiiR. Vteltfhtfully cnndld, dcllcleiiMy humor humer humor ehs, letterbox you edit. (let your breutli yet? I really mean it. though. Won't! you 'believe It, I never had the pnt Interest In movies, ncters or iictres , until I beRnn te read your 1-tterbex? Fer the lat two or three yenr (eh, je! I'm nil old-timer, you see. like your self) I have been bercil te death by flu and fanettes raving about her 'aatle'.nnil 'hN eye.' etc. 1 never Vcaufbt the dlsea-c until I began te read year tetterbex. It happened that I csiitm. ,!; jnrt after the a';tlrm "entrwer-y ; d net knowing hat tas all about I, made up my mind te learn w I lue become a movie fan. ,4Ten said jeu wanted an argument here gees. Didn't jeu think that ''Peter Ibbcfen' wai the iuet nuiuby- x-FBmbT picture you're ever -pen new. MCif r.very one eie mat i mm- asked Just looked at me with that sort of far-away gaze and cselainxiK "Why. it was absolutely wonderful I' New wen t you give nte your opinion? I thought th photography and acting were per- feet. Wally was at his best (but say. s-rit. hew de you like his hair mar- celled?), but the story plww! Ue you l yewreelf new, henestlv, like that sort of imaginative romance? Net for iue old bean I like the real stuff: Imagine saillns around in gondolas oil jour Hie. "But. seriously, don't you think that mis gencrui mtu ui u mi .ml i""- one of the most disappointing features ( of all the movies? I alw ays go te see . a picture with the same feeling with which I pick up a book with the ex- . tattle Anelfbs or Venus de Miles are chosen for the leaning parts, etten re- gardless of their capabilities ns actors : while the photography in nearly nil cases Is marvelous. Yet why. eh! why, will they nglect the very element en Wnlch the whole revolves the story It- K'tiJ'rasW pectatien of a geed story uml ennrue- et I'mnepr rilm ( empuny, 7L1) Sev y .v. 11 fflvlng " soed interpretation et tne i cum avenue, .ew lerk. It was the fc!sfXy KAet, but net overshadowing it. When Mptre company which produced "The ' Vr "VwlsT0U sec this in the movies? Seldom. Four Horsemen." Address them nt i Srienj!flf ever. Ne expense or time Is spared Hollywood, Calif. Ne. Valentine Wng L' elaborate settings; only verl- doesn't wear a natent-lenther wlir. but ' ,vf " aell? Oftentimes ail me nueve cnrciui , .Wf,'-' nnnalitgrallnna nrn InUpn for II thread- SW r ,bare plot, stuck tegethpr somehow by i-yV' reminders In the wny of a line of p.- planatlen tnrust in new nun tiiPii. me en Nerma Tnlniadge. She is m fa fa Feur Horsemen' merited such deserving verlte uctres, s0 much se that T have praise. Why? Because It wns hullt mimed my tiny daughter nftcr her. N en a firm foundation, n iinilied, well -co. i, coming baek te New Yerk te make fdlnated plot. Why net clioe-. ncters pictures? Little Nerma would pus.s as ' with a view te their talents as actors. .r nuclitcr in pictures verv well, and ! anu net uccuuee u-j i- muui.iH. hair, charming smile pi- pciirly teetiw Vhy net let the plot play a b gger part in the picture.' Make the title mean something. One sees What l.very Weman Knows,' nnd it may- be about the price of eggs or what net. ."f suppose that I nuiuterlng heresy when I sny that I den t like .nttitli . . I!1'1""".1."11' (I? 01 .I".,H.P"r,H,ef tne worm; ne inaiicn mi mm inip . i, ;,! nessll.HiUPs. hut I Mill lit . .. v .. i t they are rutner uniicveiepeu us tBut 'isn't she graceful? And In L.i," ah.- fn lieini- niiin ,. .nn,.i- breVen 'French, she certnlnlv 1 Inte some pretty Idiomatic Ens- ,t..l.r mil rim lllin MVpiiiii Strppf"' p"p""i " i urniiiuwi, llie HUSSiail Ifllilh' Toe drab for words Don't nctr0M' '"PP" I" the lake, dressed feSSrShlnlr thnt h?s nictiires rnerci int. '" " f'"'"''- butl.liiB suit. They feledrflmn-t be candV.l-w.biSB' Kl,mvc,1 " ,,nrk H',nc" of uutcr wltl' feTen' MnellurVay J.ufb; '' .IM Tr V'.ilt.i. - A,i ,..i nv I (i,i,,i, the nxt minute she is shown coming . il.i4- vn vaiIl! ti'Iiv Mlinrp if. nl lis rlinln- .. . . ." '. -" i W- "BB CHL CU HUH I lllll II ll.l ' I tltll II RiMlV And did she bring her house ever fM frea;rarls en the bout? I'd recegnise iristhatluv tiling in a blizzard. B)5U s'What 'did jeu think of (icrnldlne iTiafFarrar In 'Cnrraen'? I never hope mli te sea such a sordid picture! Can't she Piji'ev;teufh nut when she wants te be.' t7-tRi wnen ,s Wully coining back : hU old racer? VjMIj,'5was looking forward with great I te seeing Nnzimevn in Ibsen's .?Heuse,' huving never seen her -Unrertunntcly, I misse.i it. Le i tklnk there is any possibility of , '" mn It was clearly shown I'm MtHraing te, town? ' slueva had made ull preparations for, IB JOU tell me why these per- .aonest-te-goouness jiicturcs that kt'n t the stinr., T IilIIpvi. Vmi jreu summered there) never come, City; une et the best pictures ' saw was at the shore. I 'think called A Kiss in Time. It wus clever. Ue you remember who the leading roles? suppose you think I'm a cynic, I MUy I'm net. 'Sailor Made Mnn' .Connecticut lnnkpe' were wmuW. Jl;aepe you are net tired by this , wna letter anu that you may te answer It. Thanks u let!" canaiaiyj sicppeu ou a 101 or wmm, . w'MWl'h V - Movie - Mevie Magazine FAN'S SCRAPBOOK M. NEEiYt I m pet corns I mean fancies In that i letter of veurs. And you did it se sweetly and Interestingly that I haven't varied ami moving art. iter rames the heart te get really sere. In the Mike regalness of bearing was free from lirst place jeu couldn't hove picked it her predecessors frigidity. Hut licr the heart te get really sere. In the first place jeu couldn't have picked it l better subject te tnrt n tight than te I run down I'eter Ibbetson. titiess you haven't been reading the Letter Hex jvery regularly or you'd have seen thnt l spoke of it as the "perfect picture and one of two leading the van in 1021. And I wasn't referring te the acting or photography, cither, though they were sp!cuiliil. It was the story, Pu Manner's story, fascinating te rend, unforgettable en the stage, and de cidedly well done in pictures. If the flints don't hnvc imagination . well, Heaven help them. What you spenl , ils ..nerc;v,.. heewr, pretty nearly ,.eiuci(,(,M ,;,, n ,J j , ;, !r;v,, m ll(?lls th,s t Mnvtpr ()f Henkum recpntli. Am for Mne Mnrmv 've sods, as Hilly Haxter would say vp1I, i won't let loose again, And. i again, en Hip subject of "Carmen." My original opinion wns only con- nnneil when I saw the recently Isxued (nuileuepd version : It is one of the best adaptations nf n famous novel, piny or opera I have ever mmmi. and that "ser- diduess" you speak of was one of the i,jKi, lights, since that hits off Meil- mp,,1., diurnrter. yM M)r(. I don't knew wi,t.n Wally is going back te "his old i rarer." but I hope net for a long timp. I That last is merely a matter of book- i jngg .n,l I didn't say that I lived , t,p llerc Mlnimcr i Wll(j ..t1( wilds of New Jersey." but I dare net , mention the place after that because . hil- ivupii- ei ieinuce are verv sensitive Und wouldn't like that word '-'wilds." henerlta Address Alma Kubens, care It iIepk leek like it. ilepsn't It? . I Nerma Fan WTiteh "I have been an interested render of your page for some time and hne enjoyed it some times! Seme nights the letters published lire1 ten siiij for words, uut a letter like tllilf IHlhlUlmd ...l.riifirv uu.. ..-..-tl, reading except for one "point, and that jeu personally did net like the attack i ncup n is nnrcl te get baby actresses , j, ip t1P MarSi Wc. we (J Rll(ly iet lcr taUr tl. ,Mrl if evpp ,n() timP rnm(1 j pers0naly have leeu told ,.w.rywIlcri. tilut X g0 that I also leek ,.,. Xernm Tnlmndge. .. thp ,r00terH m( mnnnser- of ! mevn IlletrnH tlljlk ,, arp llbH0. ' ,,, , , s , , ,h , .pass .... us are ridiculous. ..,..., :..,.,..... i .Fnnih,K "" restnurnni wearim; a unltte.i rriifi uriil n r ti nnH (nm url rimt t II,-... ''" """ "",.;"":,,;" "",', """ (l ' Mie get there? J here .Id she cliuiig.' her clothes? These are the nut- ",rnl ".tiestlens raised ami they amuse , the audience. ' ,I0W 10"B Im"st we R0 "'''" "hns when such flaws ere se plain ti ec! Arc tl10 directors themselves se 'lense they themselves cannot see such K hiring errors.' I could go en raving nb,lt mistakes in movies until you were Minim iiii'pi, ijiil i "in close Willi one questien: Ih the ' Scheel of I'hoteplay Writing a geed one?" (My memory of the details of "Foel- ' lights" Is net perfect, but I de net re call the. mistake you mention. It sppiiis "" ""I'l"""' r"iK uu iiu- reincnr- i """"" V' '""- "" uew inni Impression was se clearly made en me that the change of clothes left no ipies. ; "n in my mum, nun i urn pretty Keen ' spotting these mistakes, tee. j nave no personal, direct Knowledge of the school you mention, but I have heard several very favorable reports about it. Nerma Tnlinadgc Is new Enst for a visit, but will return te the West m make her future pictures. If you want te get in touch with Iter about jnui iTnughtcr. why net write her personal representative. Miss lleulali Living- i Htone, 15-10 Broadway, New Yerk?) I .ijr,,'v lJife iW.U - v I T.-l. , ' tSV-T Ut " iliv f7V AGQfES AYRES HAS A MOTHER WHO HATES VILLAINS MOTHERS nrc funny portions. They Just won't understand, f'r Instance, that the fellow who Is mean te their clrl might, under certain cir cumstances, be a really decent sort of cnap. The ether day Agnes Ayres' mother enmc en the set of "The Ordeal" Just as the stnr nnd Clarence Ilurtnn, iih her worthless husband, were going through a very, very rough scene. Iturten wasn't treating the peer girl right nt all. Hut of course, that's his business, and In real life bc'n happily married, raises durks, Iuih n deg who loves him 'n everything. Bijt nftcr the scene wns ever Sirs. Ayres just wouldn't have n thing te de with Hurlen. She left him flat al though ordinarily she Is u sweet elderly person li is kind uml nice te cery one. "I don't think jeii ought te see much of Hint Mr. Hurlen," solemnly ndUsed Mrs. Ayres. "I think he's the niext' terrible, brutal man I've ever seen!" And no nineiliit of nrgultig has served te change the fend maternal judgment that Ilurtnn, the real man. must be .hist as "awful" as Ilurten the actor, who makes his money by "playing 'cm mean. The Orden ." in which Mr. Ilurtnn nnnenrs with Miss Avrcs. is adapted by lleulali Mnrle Dix from the tlrst original written direct for the screen by the famous AV. Somerset Mniiglmra. Paul I'ewell is directing. jeritza" imparts novelty te "tesca" performance Dresses Rele Differently Frem Prede-1 cessers and Originates "Business" If you can imagine the stateliness and visual loveliness of Kinma Humes com bined with the Latin fervor of Carmen .Mells and the dramatic range (,f Emmy Deitinn. nil sufficed with the original personality of n very individual singing actress, you will gnin an idea of the Flerin Town which moved and had its being, above all which lived, en the stage of the Academy of Music last levelling. As Incarnated by Marin Jeritza. the I new prima denna of the Metropolitan I Opera Company, the heroine of the 'Puccini operaizatlen of the Sardeu mel odrama broke the bends of reutined i performances with its spontaneous spirit nnd touches of neeIty. Seen here here tofore only in the semen lint colerlesi Elsu of ugncr, Madame Jeritza took this first opportunity te show both the range and the capacity of her genuinely Hike regalness et bearing was irec irein ucr preilecesser s irign ny. uui iier communication of het -blooded Italian ardors, such as were redundant In the impersonation of Carmen, was always under control. The novelties of her performance were many in small bits of business. In big-' ger things she dressed the role differ ently, using flowing gowns of pastel shades, relinquishing the familiar unti tle and the familiar ribbened staff, which became conventional, and wciiV ing veils instead of sweeping hats ever her markedly blonde hair, undisguised by the conventional dark wig. She sung tie "Vissi d'nrtc. vlssl d'nmerc." in a totally different manner from thnt of her predecessers: disheveled and thrown headlong te the tloer by Scarpiu, she put ull the iifnvRinent and the pnxsien of the moment into her voice, singing half crouched against the divan. Throughout the action of the lyric drama Madame Jerltzit acted consist ently, se that one felt her next proceed ing was inevitable as a censctiucnec of M" Attention, Ferd Owners! Ferd parts, like almost everything else worth while, are counter feited. The manufacturers of these imitation parts are obviously net as interested as we are in maintaining the high standard of quality and the complete satisfaction of Ferd owners. Imitation parts are manufactured te sell at the highest possible rate of profit and the grades of steel used are consequently net the same high quality, specially heat-treated alley steels specified in Ferd formulas for the manufacture of GENUINE FORD PARTS. Don't be misled Insist upon GENUINE FORD PARTS made by the Ferd Moter Company. By se doing you will get from 35 te 100 per cent mere wear from them, and you will pay the lowest possible cost the same everywhere. 50 of GENUINE FORD PARTS Retail for Less Than 10c Each. ASK FOR PARTS PRICE LIST When your Ferd car, truck, or Fordson tractor needs attention, call en any one of the following authorized Ferd dealers, who are properly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Feld and Fordson parts in all repair work; spr.nEf. i. sniWAiiTZ 7241-17 Markrt SI. l.niiMlfmiip 11)77 Af.VIN A. MVKXMIX 4184-110 Kriulncteii Mr. I'r.inUfnrcl 37K7.BH K.iht 7W.'I w.i;i:k & iiAitPKi.i:s nntli & I'limtnut M. Ilriment H3.14 Wmt 1717 wkht niKABi ai!i:m;v 3.117-10 W. tilruril Ac 1'eplur A374 litre SIUI AI.KXANDKK ALLAN ID lllililnnd Avr.. t'hrntniit Mill C'hrMnut It'll 4HIU 1IAMIAM MOTOK COMl'ANY IIIiIkp Mr. & IluiHint St. Knilieriiufli 11716 JfHIN 11AKIIKK 0734 llimllrten Avr. lIUKtlrlnn HO.Iff E. M. IIAKTI.KTT 4S10 llrewn btrcet llurlnc 1X111 West 3059 9Tf , , ' f'f , .,- h . - L ul'kJ YlhU '"Y''li ''" " "' j-'-'ij' -'M ' "t '. what had ohe,bcfereUMfc4v-ns never tue prlmu denna, but always' the tragic actress. "v ' ' Yet this docs net, .even by Implica tion, mean nny detraction from her superb Hinging. Her voice, of lovely iptellty, as revealed In her Elsu, Is rich in dramatic values and rises finely te, climaxes. She gave the prayer with lovely lyrical effect and sang throughout' with general freshness of Inspiration. Jtist hew does she compare with Miss Farrar will doubtless concern many minds, since she is te take ever the lnttcr'a roles when she retires nt the end of this season. She doc.) net suggest Miss Enrrar at nil, Fnrrar Is Fnrrar and she is Jeritza. Certainly she sat isfied the opera-gecrH Ust night, en the evidence of the big ovation accorded her nt the end of the second net, thnt the roles of Miss Fnrrar will be ih most excellent keeping. And last night's ver dict means something, n.s the house wns pucked nnd many prospective scat buyers were turned uwny, Orvi le Harrnlil, broadened In his art ever the old Hamincrstcln days, was the Marie. The dramatic music proved capitally suited te his style of vecaliza tien, anil ll ne wns nt times theatrical .Tatlicr than dramatic in Ids acting, lie made n most satisfying foil te the prltnn denna. Time apparently has touched Antonie Scotti lightly in the mass effect of his Scnrpln. I IIh polished art served te conceal the vcnr of the cars en his tones, and of course his Impersonation of the Keinuii Prefect left nothing te be desired from the acting standpoint. Iluthlesstiess and lustfumess were ngiitu denoted subtly yet slnlsterly nnd the Irenic cruelties of the character were almost chillingly realized. Oiiiseppu Iiambeschck made his local debut us conductor nnd gnve nn orches tral co-operation that worthily, nnd sometimes inspiringly, fitted the classic Scnrpla. of Scotti, the effective Marie of llurreld and the very real glories of Jcrltza's Tesca. MARY GARDEN'S "SALOME" WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE Exotic Strauss Opera Given Mar velous Presentation by Chi cago Opera Company tiii: CAST llrrtxlc Hltvard .M .11 1 In llcre'llmle Kk'nnui' UcvneMs Sali'im- Mnry liurU"li .ledutnuut Ilrctnr Uufritmie Nnrriibntli J"'"' .MoJIei P.U.-I' lreuu PiivlnakH l'le Jffwp Joe .MdJIcii. Iiilevlcn Olivlcre, (ieliiv- Dun, Leuis Dermati, Dcnlre LH- freri. rirl NnnrTp , Vlrallle I.nar.arl STiintl Nntirmc i:tl,nn' C'ntpe I'lrst Koliller ljdeuanl C'etreull Srieml nnlillir Ceiixl-mtlii Nuimiiiv A Ciippadeclun VlrKllln Luzxiirl A ulu I'hlllne Falce Ceti'luctnr OIoikIe PeIhi-cu Mary Oarden Is credited with Fay ing the final performance of "Suleuic'1 S3!iBlHIVI.C!l!lllll!i!!!!UI!lll!lll!illlI!rlil!llll 1 The biggest and fullest fresh eggs carton of twelve Strictly Fresh . EGGS d02 At all our Stores EGGS ! 40' 35'! a a j!irti?jiiiliiiiii:ii!iii!i!M!iiiii!i;a;niiiaiiiii!iiiii!iii;iiiiirjasffii;.ii;!i!i'jii;ii.i:iiS THE UNIVERSAL CAR Authorized Philadelphia Ferd Dealerm DKWKKS 1'. KKKCIINKK 73 III Woedl.ind Ate. Weailliinil M3I.1 .1. A. (TNNINdllAW lin.V.17 beulh St. Orrcen 41)77 Ruit 0331 KOIIKIIT ll. IIU'LKII 71 l-3l UUlne Kim Ae. Fex (ll.l.c H0S V IIAIIKV S. Hli:.SXII. Inr. 1313 rninkfiiril Air. Krnliicluii 377H-70 7310 IIKNRV ft (ll'NKI.i:. Inc. iniiixn Nenii iirend st. W'.Minilns 07HI) II. I'. HOFFMAN. ImorperulfU 3I North llruud HI. fcpmcr 001.1 It u in 3471 TIIK IKIIVI.KV COMI'ANV 311(1 Seuth K. Hprtit'e 8138 ,. ,t .-Lt.,A M ,atHxjiti,n. j , u, . ii ' ffit Jitjfi. r "ftXtfmg ; (A wliTchWrVlnNcw, of the Chtecte.Opcrft As- re was the best she had 01 tne season 01 sm-tntlnn thira ever given anywhere. But If It In any manner surpassed last evening per fermnncn of the super -ometlonnl Strauss opera it must indeed have been a wonder. "Hiilemc" Is one of Ihe wier.tcst operas In the repertoire, nnd It is well that tills is se when Miss Oarden plays it, ,for the auditor can hardly stnml mere than two hours of the Intensity with which every moment of "Saleina" Is filled musically by the composer nnd dramatically ly Miss Garden. It almost scums us if 'in the composition of the work Strauss ,hnd the Interpre tation of Miss Oarden in mind, se per fectly did she fit music and action to gether. The opera Is primarily n play of every possible emotion en the part of Saleme, contrasted In the highest possible degree with the single religious emotion of Jechutuian. In these strongly diverse roles Miss Garden and Mr. I)ti frantic were Ideally cast, nnd in this connection It Is Interesting te note that they played the same parts nzalnst each ether at the Metropolitan Opera Heuse exactly thirteen years age tonight miner tne iinmmcrstcin regime. The opera stands unique In several essentials. It Is one of the few modem operas which has a single role by which the work mny be made or destroyed. With Miss Garden in the character It is marvelous net only In Ite completeness lull, in the evolution of emotion with which she develops the part. The nudl nudl ter'imagines the cllinnx reached when Ilrred grants the reiterated bequest of Saleme for the head of Jechannan, but the action of Miss Garden reveals thnt the actual climax does net come until the close of th.e opera, as It properly should. Never was it series et emo tional climaxes built tin In Philadelphia nn were these of the gruesome opera of Inst evening ty tins wonderful singing actress, or acting singer, culminating in a scene which seemed te leave the audience half stiinued and resulted in very mederutc applause Instead of the wild enthusiasm which should have greeted one of the most remnrkablc dra matic performances which Philadelphia lias ever known. Miss (iiirden wns the whole show with one important exception Hecter Diifiniiiie. She wus In wonderful voice, ns wus evinced by the ease with which she took the terribly dissonant unil voice-wrenching melodies et Strauss, with their Impossible Intervals and sud den dynamics'. The composer has writ ten the role with a blithesome disre gard of vocal possibilities and effects, Spring Tweeds are here Here are the kind of values that every woman will welcome. They are the best in the entire his tory of Prager tailoring. Tailored Suits Te Measure $1 rnnttlre Vnliif" nf $75 und SS.1 NM r . Prager personally de signs, cuts and fits each gar ment. Tdiler and Turrler te Women 928 Chestnut St. MOItltlR 40NF.S. InrernnraUd n . q00 Woodbine Ae. Oirrlirtxik 1004 Wrt S00 l((IF.LI.K.lKKF.NVOOI CO. Rfc. 0II3R-30 nrrnntntuim Avr. Iirrniiinleuii 1033-30 North 0003 MAROKItl'M MOTOK CM. Turk Kimd & tilr Mne (Ink I.une 10M IIIOS. II. MAKTIN1MI.K 3IH7-43 North llread Nt. Tlesa 4470 I'urk 5513 WAI.TKK PHICK 20th & Verk HU. lllnmeml 3000 Turk S0 3 hOl'TilWEHTKHN AliKNCV 83d ft llaltlitiere Avr. Woodland 4807-08 Went 1030 I'MVKBHAI. MOTOR AflKNCV .. . ifi?.7 CllDUt St. I'retten S281 Wet 170 M&. -L. i..rlfc - tvltg-y(t357ia fVJ.. ijiii Kill lr II 6 HBH1 Het only with .ease fet artfstKHy,'wM . la "rauceilsnesa Jin, ccrtaliu parts which ' enrried a conviction that would have been sncrilirid by, mere vocaluatieni Mr. DufranneV presentation, of Jechatinnn carried the fel te IU tit most llmltntleim. Beth be. and .Miss Garden have advanced artistically will) the jrars. its theso who remember the lirewntiiileiis et thirteen yearn age can lest If. Ue made the part exactly as it should hnve been conviction of the right nnd n willingness' te die for It. without fntintldsm. His -characterisateon was full of dignity anil his vocal work,, was exactly Milted te the su premely religious character of ilie role. Hiccarde Martin was a aplendlu Ilered. Ills acting of a difficult part wan all that could have been wished und vocally he wns much the best. that naa sung the part Here. Ills character character Ixatlen of ' the lialf-crar.eil king left nothing te be desired. The miner parts were all well taken. Hut something seemed te lie' the mat ter with the audience. The appearance of Miss Garden was net greeted with the applause which might reasonably have been expected en the first entrance of one of the greatest operatic artists of the .world, and Mr. Polacce wbh also welcomed witj) a modicum et applause. Hut the close of a performance which had run the entire gamut of human emotleiiH might well have been expected te be mere enthusiastic than it was. Perhaps the artistry of the ensemble had swept the audience off Its feet and the dramatic horror of the ending had left tiic nearers in n contemplative rather than In an enthusiastic mood. Slta for New Police Station Mayer Moere .vesterdav slencd the ordinance providing for the purchase of ground at riitietu street aim ijancaster avenue as a site for n police station. Bv furrppment. with rViiitirllman WnnL. enficlil ft was decided te repeal the or dinance of 1010 providing for con cen con dcmnetlon of ground at Forty-ninth street and Lancaster avenue for the station. Mr. Krankenflcld will Intro duce the ordinance in Council tomer row, IT MANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET LADIES' DEPARTMENT isses COMPANY jr JyHaTlCA , APOLLO :d h THOMPSON STd. i MATINIIIS RAIl.T KATHERINE Mac DONALD III "TKt'ST YOl'K WII'B" ADPAHIA CHUM -rv-ii- ie A. M. K. It :15 P. 11 MAY MacAVOY In "A TIHtilSIA COtltTMIII'" ACTnD rtUNKUN & UIHA1IU AVK. MOlVJtX MAT1NUU UAIUY MARION DAVIES In "TIIK. UBIDK'S V, ' BALTIMORE mS DAKIIAKA fAHTLKTON In "The Child Theu Gavest Me" BLUEBIRD llreml iV Husquehann Continuous 'J until 11 JACK HOLT In "TUB t:.l.l. Or' TIIK XIIKTI1" BROADWAY Ureud2Ny'i fS. "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE 1 X KlXd AllTllllt'S O I' KT " CAPITOL 71':' UAHKHT BT. 10 A. M. 10 11:13 f. U BERT LYTELL In "ALIAS ..l..lVFIXI.IKKh" -- vKII AI l)ln Maplettoed Ae VrfVJL.V-'lllAUi aiiin. 7 inni 0 J'. M ETHEL CLAYTON In "HKK OWN TIOXKV" FAIRMOUNT v.r,!!,? AI.L-8TAn t'AST In Vlf'TOK Ill'dO'S "JUDGMENT" CUTU CT THEATIIK lltlnw Knruc JO 1 n 31. MATINU1J DAILY PAULINE STARKE In "SNOW IU.1XII" GREAT NORTHERN U,WT",M A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KlXfl AUTHIK'H fill UT" IMPERIAL IS ?iYVr:TT mnxiAL rex rKem ctien "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" sfARITON CIIKWTNUT Above ItllUAU JAtMt COOGAN in "MY DOV" I IRRRTY "IIOAU & COLUMBIA' AV" UIDCIM I MATI.NKK UAILY ANITA STEWART In TLAVIIII.NUn Or' UK.STIM" " 1 ' pitOTeriAva" iTiOT'eTi.AY'a raotewATs ' &L l,h y , -vr''IfiiV"'lr"A fixity j mwia si-.. ...'. tnr Ijreaier vf r ' 1225 WALNUT ST. TAILORED TWEED SUITS TO ORDER Misses' Tweed Suits - - - $45.00 Ladies' Tweed Suits r- - $5.00 Three-Piece Suits in Twill Raye$ 110.00, up 94 IOHOI Tan Strap Pump g w A teiaeru)att r r ,l420 WE SPECIALIZE in the new and unusual -- -r--e gwiuciiu arc ucrt;. SUITS AND TOP COATS Huddertfield English Tweeds in Suit and Ceat specially designed and made for our exclusive tale. CAPES AND CAPE DRESSES An unusual assortment fabrics for Spring wear. WAISTS AND SHIRTS Designed and Tailored in our own workrooms perfect in fit. Fabrics of every sort. Made te measure or ready te wear. SPRING HATS . The new Peanut Straws, Silk' Turbans and silk and straw combinations in Spring shades and styles moderately priced. FURNISHINGS Ladies' Underwear, Silk Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Mannish Neckwear, Cleves, etc., all with a touch of something different and of unusual value. MANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET he : foNewiriff theatres obtain their pictures through the STAJSLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com Cem nany of America. ORIFNT WeuJIaiid Ae. at Oid HU '-'IMI-M 1 .MATINKIJ UAIUY JACK HOLT In "TIIK CAM, or TIIK NORTH" OVERBROOK """Vfuif0"0 WILLIAM S. HART In "V, HITK OAK" PALACE '-1"1 MAtlKET STKKET MAE MURRAY In "I'KMOCH ALI.FA" REGENT ,,Kff AiI.Ir.te,1 JT? WANDA HAWLEY In "IIKR l'ACK VAJ.l'r-." RIAI TO "BIMAN'WWS AVlSMJi' ,UnL,1U AT TUI.KHOCKKN BT. NI'KCIAI. MIX I'llOIH CTION "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" SHERWOOUSJf-" JUSTINE JOHNSTONE In "HK.KTS TO I.KT" STANLEY AKBT AT IUTH u A J, tI1 u,Kt (, M RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "Till.AIII.K DAVID" 51 ANTON iAnucT Abnv I0TH - ji:, 30 A. M. In 1 1 r. n i. hAKIOl"H KAMOIS KOMAXCK " ' "THEODORA" 333 MARKET,,lfr7K MAIIKL U.U.LLN In f'llAIII.OTTK HRONTJi'H "JANE EYRE" VICTORIA fWIV7 WILLIAM DESMOND mnniiTix' MAir UKAN 1 tr--H'r"" Aj MM.T.TUJ TOM MIX h . "INHU In "TIIK KOl'flll niAMOXD" ATO'IULK IHfcAIKIAML - AU. I Ilaltlmer At. .. stfl.t. Amk'iaiJr. Baltimore As. nail. "WAY DOWN EAST" NKXT WKKK MARY PICKPORn In "I.1TTI.K inm." KATLKrTy" Germantown M ma'Te'dT. J "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KINO ARTIUUH COlYa AV r u , 1 Women and. Mi tret OMOMiMOl It's a Comfert for a wprrjan te knew that she can match her slippers and hose per fectly and have equal confidence in both. 'Heet SheD Chestnut St things for Ladies and of smart styles and fS 1 he N1XON-NIRDL WGER m. THEATRES HkI MOMT 2D abevm maiikict 1 1:30 und 3:00:6:30 te 11 l fULA NEGRI i"HJ'KXUKTTA" ,. CEDAR t0T", CCDAH AVEN'JB V, i !B0 IlII(J a. 7 and u fc FRANK MAYO n "Q HTRAimiT" COLISEUM Uarlt bt. com a eon -. 1:30 A 3 7 4 UP. )C TOM WISE In "FAtiimh tuim JUMBO '"JSS BfTT-b'lRARD AVfc j ...,. Jumbo June en rrankfnnl "U- 1 AL!,KTAR CAST In nARIL KINU'0 .1 "CAKTHBOUND" LEADER , LANCASTER AVsl tump,.?30 l0 Mi 7 P- ALI.STAU CAST In FANMK IIIKST8 " '1 I ut reunq the Cerner" LOCUST :,?. AtI LOCUST HTH--BT w Mum. 1:30, :i:oei nvw. oisetoii POLA NEGRI" In "IVTIMf-llfuit NIXON MD AND MAniCKT-bTS." ma -:i i ana Mr. & Mrt. Carter DeHaven ln"MARHY 11K I'OOR (IIRL- :l 1 and! RIVOLI "D AND 8AN80M8TS. ' I . 'WVLATn04X,,nI,l 69TH ST ' ". epp. -L" Trmi4ll ALINTAR (ANT In FANNY HIRST'S Jut Around the Cerner" ' 3 I KAND uer'""tewn Av. nt Viinrt-i ETHEL CLAYTON In "IIKR DUN unvvvx MHRRSWM P T n 71 "s-ssw , mmmamma JtrhtRSON.81"" Dsupnin i.: tit u-. MATINEE DAILY , ALUHTAIt C'AKT I- iinniiu i.ivii .-J 'The Rider of the King Leg" JM PARK lnaK AVE. ft DAUPHIN W Mat. I'll 5, Ev. 0U te IIj;J "Get-Rich-Quick WUfaCfe:sJ - m f .. um ihuxmi EzffTTWC!??. 6&V . y . A 3il , ril A ,(MK,.lkWii.i3'!M'i,'iil. . Mi J? I tM