m f WWi B. JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE W iitincy Wynne Attends Opening Night of Chicago Opera Company Many This Evening M ' ... ..... J. i,m.i... 5 mHE performance 01 iiranuuwwt $' 1 br the Chl-ne Opera Company last fj iw lift Httfc 1' anything te 4 ffVS. And the Aletrep-.inan teri Heute wn ll em uriiiinnc neu. Swd'emely gowned and Jeweled women v ".. i... n,n and wnmin In ex-e- L" line clothe In the erchentra : In fact. V .iriie reversion te the day when Mary ft dtrdtn wi h"e before with Hammer h, S!i Vnd a alaxy of great artists made the 'iie"1 i""'""" C" Alexn'nder Brintiy, Ce,, ruler- . lined In a hex. '' " ;" tn ayuiiey , TVtZ'r rli.-sif. In liielM nml Mr. nnd ! if.. Jlinmlc Cromwell nail peveral Mm. The Alexander Vnn uensne 1,rt gave n box pnrty nnd Mlua Aiin ueatf. rrhomsen also enienumcu. i raw .urs. Jehn fllbhen and her nttraetln daugh ter Marjorle there. Inrjerlc Is e ieod-leoklng with her black hair, blue !! and billllnnt coloring, und she i.'.l. vrr Hweet Inst nlahl In n white ' Ant of some wft material, georgette I".?. V. i ..... ...Ill, 1,.,,ta l.t .!,!.. .tones trimming It. Mr. Charlton v.... n mul lier deuxhter. Hen'iie nr- p mil .Incebe, wcr there, tee. mul Jnrah 1 Tlnrrlnsrr was in mc uu. wiin im-m. imiiin ivmuira nome en naiurajy tVs oltecethcr a most, uplendld I 2Lr- ." Ml'8. pusilne.wlll lesve en Krt " romance nnd a .plcndld turnout of . ffly WriS.VlnVJl? g .W reprcfccntallvp peepm. IIenjI Tiaymerc. I . ... tr Silfl Ales rp,ftM.. t r, -I T SUITOSn these W ,e .liti no. go e ,1, and W.inut-Sri'.t, "wllf .al 1 the epern mti-c restlu? .M'sti-nlay. In early In June for r.urepc wncre the view of the strenuous I'xenint; tniitclit. vxwn te spciul several mentlia touring wk.t ..-ttli enTii. dlnnrii, auil mnhked I 'he continent. parties. It will be n wonder If wc all tre tlireiiRii ins gaycij. nu- ub nulte a little quiet entertalnins lut right, though, nnd te me the nmell theatre parties nnd dinner me even mere enjoyable than the btg bnlle. The J&erbMnr8tSyVnC tlSgT KME dasfnranether small debutante affair wss the thentre party which Oraham and Mnrla Dougherty gave for their alster Ocrtrudf Deuglierty. Tfley iilse entertained nt cupper nnd dancing after the party, nnd It was entile delightful. YESTERDAV afternoon Russell Tucker n never ay her name that ri'i',A " -. .....-.- -, tl trews mete goon-looking every rime i "e lirr nnd she hna some reputaiiuu. ""!? ,ft Wert'" "'MS' mother's poed leeks before he. Mrs. Jlejnelds Wlleen le, without doubt, one of the best-looking women in town, bay neare. antly informal affair. H AVE you seen Klalnc Sullivan re cently? I met her en the street iltivetyne llnlshcd with a great wide cellar of gray fur nnti ner inn wb u large one of dark brown velvet. W ITU the winter season a thing of the nnst nnd tenisbfs ball eier. l , n nnr 11111111 I iiirmi in , uiu i' jlicikiki ,'mitii nr rn hu.i'a . t n...i JtiifsMI Tucker, of Xew erk. avf a Mrs Jacob Mirk, Mr. arid Mrs. Harry lard ranv for Henrietta Wilten), who. Urtelcy. or r.auiel S'lirltiKH ; Mr, nnd .trn. ! .en knew". Is te be married In the lute ''". "'fe0,? , :V0U"t Aiiy; Miss I ..nTr,l Shnkcnenre. Ilenrlettn W. ?,abf .h ..,v?" . of Woodbury Ifelirhts;, J. IJy the way, Mrs. iimjii en vis n i-, ; "" nwinnv-iz, miss hieaner I it the Be cvue te meet Mra. snaKes- Frances Sieriran mui M)gs Kiizabctli Red- Teu B inetner. ll was a ini-an- iffTcr. is ee nrettv. Her hair is n wonderful ' e New Yerk. t charge of Mrs. Frank 1.. Jehnwn. p.vnl- color "a sort of reddish geld, nnd she Mrfl. Phlllp SUrn!ierE , dRUghf j Jr rv "S" has the most lovely coloring. SIih as MlgB Blrdle Steniberg. of 6S07 Mnln Kehler. Mrs. Pcrev mil. Mrs .r. snnnw. neellne e ten coat of dark brown i street, are spending sumo tlme travelinz m. Leuis Llvermeiv. Mr, wminm U. ..A 1.. . f- . I .. Tl...An ...III .., ,l'i-i efc,c-v, ima iriuiuru null! lian- he exodus for oilier climes will Mart tUj Ctyt whcvc sle vL.,ltC(j hcr Blet In earni"!t this week. In fact, n goe(ljrs, Jialph Harcourt. hiany of the ilcbulanles- have gene. already, though there will be a nmn- . r?t,.hr 'f';(,"Barfp,1,S '"V;, T, ', Jen McMichacl this tvenlng at the Mask nml Wig Club. Tlie deb. ns a nile, docs het se te the Ttnl Mnsuue. She wnlti ' B year or se for that purtv. , I Seme, na I Knr. hnvc coup Seuth nml . t? i .i i .., ..,.. i ,iiiu4,n iiVuuj iiim i-i.ivi-. ii piiu- ,. rilns te co tliin week. I.esnu Stnrr is hn her way down te St. Augustine in , Flerida. She will stny for wevitrnl j vecks down thare as the guest of i Cinrissa Andersen. Yeu t einetnber , Clarissa was up here this winter nnd ' went te lets of the parties. Hiie's u ' Jery attractive girl nnd has a bcauti- rant Ixiirnn will hnv .. Iirnntif.il limn. Bhe's se sweet and wholc-eeuled. every I shuman, of Overhroek iii honor of her i?ul?T i ' i'' 'Ti-ini Kar,r'r,- VAwMl1 one like, hw. and she has certainly had iecS; Miss Janet Yonker. "f New Haiiu Serdine ' lecirv ' Mr' C,"!1?I,,: ',7 beautiful winter as a debutante. The rhlre. Among the nuests were Mi-s i nrwdit- corresiVemilnc srereinr vi Charlton Ynrnall will leave the end ' IMlth Zimmerman. Miss Ixiis Jted.jey. ( ,J U'amdv "' ? :. "Ill ' .' re?arv Mr of this week for Europe, taking Agnes. "" tf'l "cl "'?" ," j!"1:, ' Vviliam M Oerhurt " t.en'ur ' "i he will ceme out next year, with ? " Hl f, '".'rd8 v uS vlu,a1. w- !.'. ' :..!'"".'.. ' ' ij--k" I turn, and Alberta Htth will go, tee. , Mette,"Mi. fithVf Drayten, Mr." j. u m? Kw.i; In A ' K l,kier M-! I X?t Ellen I.lnrI nnil lnp mntliiM' Mrs ' t .....iiu r. n,i,n Rnnlln si.. -..n,. -'jr. i rniii.iui . nin mli, ji . ueineu Btacy Lloyd, have been In Kuiepe le Hey, Mr. Chester Klmmerninn. Mr. pearly a month new. nnd Ceinciln Lewis Pat ten, Mr, D. Wrlch; Murray. t! ""eU WUh ll6r larCnlS 'WI&S Mr. WmaHMrDeUn'lfdmj?r: webk age. Stuart Dlx. of New Yerk. Miss Yeuk..r. ' i.'Ii.mi.i dn rrr d-Aman t tt 1 n Ww 11 li rt t!itU TALKING of going te Kurepe, is it i erland has recently been anniiunced, wilt "f Milten. Pa, nnd Mr William r.ls . net funny hew our ideas are bound ! married some time In the Bp,iB. , rth Mur n:u le f.ynetil,. hy our knowledge? Ellen was talking te Uncle Fred the ethr day and she W.ns much excited. "Frances T . . - - .-..ww... ,..,. v..r... je knew: you often drive out beyond t JtT0U in your car." . NANCY WYXNi:. ermnntewn, whose engaei'ment te M.r. ...uuiiin i-ii'rii.e'jni iinz.iiti wr.M an noiini-ed last week, will liaw en Frlduv for Syracuse, N. Y. where she will spend two wick? ah the Ruest nf Mr, JUMird'H iiuiit. .Mrs. 1,'redeilels Ilnrard, uu iiih s'iilei rirs. Wallucj Cniiipbrll. Mr. ami Mis. Jehn f. Piatt, 'Uie "'ere ' inarrWd en Wednesday. IVluunrv 13. In f-l. Petci h Pretentitiit L'pIbceimI Chuich. Ir,"?1'!-Vl,f'ng thelr house nt Paell, and "ii ue at neine arirr Maicli is. Airs llatt was Mlrn Mary Cox Pape. duurh r of Mr. and Mie. Heward Wurt Vage, Mrs. Rebert Kmett Hare, of 400 Seuth Vfntyecend street, who has ben "Pending a w0ek In New Yerk as the auest of Mr, nnj Mrs. Kmlen Spt'ncer nare, will return te her home tomorrow. Mrs. Arthur II, nreekte, of S013 Cro Cre il1 street, Chestnut Illll. left last ncek iZ I,ulni Ile'iel, Kla., where she will -i-aiiu oeverai weeks. ., - 'n,, t.an(? J,rs. Hollister Sturges. of ;i .ii-mmoie avenue, Chestnut Hill, fPTtejSNarrr,! .-urs. P.lta chaniiBne nt u'n.i,in,,n -vi,... .. ,.. . .---,-.-..-. , ................ ,,. 'i Arlh'ir Olaagew. of londen, vhe Jt'.f 9n "" ,le!,t of Mr. and Mra. Rnn M Morgan, of Wyndmoor. Kast Willow vISe vn. Chestnut Hill, ever the tnttand WHl "a" Tly ln Ireh tQt U, .-j, .... - . . . . . -v.;, w".u .s,r"- "ewianu .caawaiauer f'Xaiiu, of t7" Pine Ktreat. ..wlirt have " PJinlln sgvyul vcH at I'hUiji M ,- ig mi i.. . , ..1-1 .,. r- .... nu cr ruii-iiuv riuuiwu iium '..iiuiu. aii mil. .i it. Liiii, flinrt iv( vrurv is nnnTbVr I i.Vln ir r."n ,1 in 1 n i where oho w as 1sltlnK her sister. Mrs with the Fulled States Marine Cerps I mukcs every arch Stiff, inflex b O and '" ?""" r "'I'Vn "ylnr".?ld 11 " nussell Kctcham. Mrs. Baker lli he . during the war cruellv heedless of the fleibilitv of great chum of F.lleij'sV "And where ,emembered as M ss P.uth Stock, ef1 ,,, , ,, , ,,,,,,. . ,, L. i t .V llclulnlJ 0I is TuropeV" niked irnde Freddie, rif y-thlrd and fine streets. West Phila-, Mia '"' r '"'? ''c l, " ;' your own arch. In the ''Well, I'nela Freddie!" exclaimed Kl- ' delphla. I n.u.n.ut,i. '',rJ;1 nei' S-1.. ,r ffi 's! ' I 1 snmai ap.tivitifs II- nml m,u mm.. u Ti ,-.,.,11 delphla. Ift Friday for Johnstown te Punani ii.iin.s. in hi i neeen street. euiiir' an nrel f'ev l,V l'Ne ; our own. i.f tA; v2in.,L.; .m .Jwnini; n.n'."lat rr. and Mrs. iSeorge L. Cas-ei and took place luM Mldny at in oeleek a .v flexible arch bends In harmony with jr in? -Wellliuften. will rntcrtntn at din-' i.L crandmethcr. Mrs. C. D. Cadwalla- 'he aw Acnue Methodist FplBcepa ewry step you take It mrves mi r r this evening before the Ral MaB'iuc. is eranameincr, .ir.. . uunuum rlmrc,. r.ie pastor of the church, the , miugly, when veu lace u r, ntlleveri Their guests will include Mr. nnd Mrs. ,lcl- I v. 'Ihemas H. Uv,ns. effldnted. After te "revldV l reclsel v the deafJe of .ur?: JlHen Sullivan. Mr. and Mra. W. Stand-1 The Market Street Title and Trust a wedding tUp Mr. and Mrs. Halius . pert each one of veir arclus yearni lev Stokes MIm Mary Iw. Miss Peggy fempany. Plftj -second and Market win llve In Norrletewn. fe- And neslble-ihiinked rantlWers i najer. Jlr. James Newmnn Carter. Jr., , Ktre.ts, gave a dlnner-dance at the Over-, ., . ,, .,.,,. t-i,., ,, . ncrci te that strenrrtlipnim- m,,,,!,', .? Mr. James Ueu-en. Mr. Kdwnrd Lloyd. ' i,r00u Gelf Hub last week. The speak- Mr. and Mr0 Ij h n',.s:,, Jr., of New VerK. und Mr. Jay Ceelie. 2d. rr, cr., Mr Francis a Oallager, Mr. xblU?eft te", .WrutyH ' Preven.krch t"uhU, mrn'eves" j-eur Mies Nancy v Cepe dauehter of Mrs 'Alexander V, Ih.eu .Jr.. Mr, , llllam K. upon hip " ' ly r rculallen and helm Incrcis. your w,i..? .X."-y i. .1 . eaugmir 01 iw , Tns!t and Mr, Jehn n. Vt altK. There Mr nnd Mrs. Jehn L. LaratMere. of i rer. endnrnnp mi ,-rw,,i i,.i..J "in ii meir guests at tne Kill iicru nnu "- "- k. v2"', ,h,, evenlnf. Colonel Llmkley Mr Wl m, Habcock, of North K.f Ans,n "a,,i0nnl ,renunaniler of tin. , ,,, Blrt.,, will leavri this veel; for t-limrt frl,meBl0,?-ur"i-'Slu!;P'''l hltlJ ,e Va Hi nench Kla, uher Mie Mill re- vi ,iV a vlrt!t te vw 0,'kl where ','',.. fP(V weeks. ?'f- and Mrs. Sturges have un apart-i ,naln n r nt, Mr. Merris U M I er and is ece. M si l.llWIJIaM.iyt-TgMm pWrwBJw- '' - .. . ..EVENING PtfBLlfc LEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, . Parties Planned for Beach, Fla., have returned te home, their Mr. and Mm. J. Barry Colahan, of Cheitnut 1IIII. will leave today te spuria ti few days In New Yerk. Mi a. Henry H. Greve, of 2CS Wut Tulpeliecken tret, Oermantewn, left yesterday for a vlalt te Atlantic City, where alie expects te remain about three weeks. Mr. and Mm. Wllllnm T'. r.Mrfmun I .lr.. of riprmiinlnu-ii bwhii cMmaum, Mh 'ffl,Xm?h..,'"?. AlI ,,,, ., 'in. .eddlnr of Intercut will tic that Of Mu fllrlln Mnrlx Mnrntif. Unufflilcr of Mr. iiint Mrs. .lesenli b. Murphy, of 1830 .Seuth nittenheus bquere, ami Mr. Charles V. Cirvln, of Northweoil, fa., which will tnk place In Ht. Patrick's Ileman Catholic Churcn, Twentieth and Ijecuat treeta, and will w followed by a reception at the Belle-vue-Stratferd, . .5tT-,in.Mr. Jehn 8. Oustln. Jr.. of 4Sff Vloedblna avenue, CAerbroek, and Mre. Hampton O. Sllces, Jr.. of Oak l,ane. who have been eiTendlng several weeks In M ami and Palm Bsach, Kla uiiu wcrn me a-ueiis or sir. anu Jirs. Ixiwls Burk en their yacht, the En- Mr an(, ,,,. iI( . Coekf . n (iieki, .iieatmit Hill, returned yesterday from Talm Beach, Kla.. where they have bue Pendlng several weeks, Mrs. Chester N. Farr. Jr.. of S008 west Queen lane. Oermantewn. returned $pMffi JSllVifnVISfSSSSi "Svft Pnge and her daughter, Miss Isabel wurti Page, In Culifernla. IU net , return te this city until early In May. rCD,,A1uT.i(11, GERMANTOWN Mr. nnd Mrx. Charles V. Blew, of Tltii Beyor streef. ChcHinut Hill, gzve a dlu- errrMrH'M'. y y ... , JZSWcT&drSS ,Vcnlng lasi. The Buests Included jriss Annabftlle Weed, Miss i:in?e Udwnrda. Miss Kleaner Gtefb. MUs Csmtlln Plels- Jehn H. Earlej-, of 08 West Upsal street, Is spending a fortnight In Miami. Fla. j MIhs Helen Ferctcr, of East Tutpe-1 inreugn ins vicpi. , i Mrs Fred Tteth of Herlter stroet -llt ,Hr,r.L ,i,i..t .,,.: ltr?.K,V .il i ............ ...v ...... .u,.,i. nuiuii ou-i. belong, ftl acr llonle en Thursday after- neon. . ",? i 'raV:e.5r."LUIY Strs, C. Harry Fchrlng, of BIT West 1 . I -, ,, , ..... . ., .i s,i"t' wV'st u Mu" are rel?!: Ki-ntulntlens upon the birth of a en, William Fester llurnham. cTeAUnrnnv MAMcinM STRAWBERRY MANSION and their daui;hter. Miss .Mildred Bcltv 'U".KH. "" ;'"' "iiiinn. .m. j.ewis - ,,. nf ,,,,. vD...,, T.ilrlv.sflri.nH cr. i,... ,.,,,,,w,i ... ,:,u ..;, Flerida, where they huve bon "spend- Ing a few weeks. i Mr. and Mrs. Leuis Sickles, of S::e Diamond street', have returned fiem".-i trip te UennucU. WEST PHILADELPHIA .. tl.lnner P"1!' ant? ?an?? wfl K'.Ven Mrs. Jehn rtakcr entertained at lunch- ten en Saturday afternoon at her home, 11482 Kalghn avenue. Cunideu. Mm. . lr nnn .nr, jiajir.giiu e. .tellO. of illenslde, cntertalned a number of their friends en Kiiday eicnliu,' last nt a enid eartv and dance Mrs. .Stcenen l'Vr,M!i'-?C."?nt,iLbi,rlh 1''ft:" third street. lAest Philadelphia. Mr. F. Edward Nelan, of West Phlla- were about -n0 guests, Mr mul Mrs. H. 12. Carter, of 2Atf S.int'i r,"nri v.flfili ftnet. who luiva lieen Htuvluir 'at Hie Marlboreugh-Hleuhelni, have i e- f lined te this cit. Mli-s Nan Hjlen and JINs .loin Ilea ,..... Miu-nh rseu will tuterlaln nt n card party en Snlui-ilay, March U at K :3'J o'eloi 1: at u!03 Walnut uti t r. pinceudH of the affair will be dovetoi charity. 4 lie d te I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. rtritt. of JStl ' I.archvvoed nicnue, euiertnlutd en .Satur day afternoon at a. children's pjrij In honor of thelr four-year-old pen, Maater , "Billy" Uritt. ' NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Martin Marqult, of MH3 North Falrhlll street, announce thn j ,,nr....ni.nt nf their danehtAt-. 1 Iku ' Peart Flera Marqulz, te Mr. William K r.mm. Mr. and Mrs. Marnuiic u-lll ule la reception in noner u .uib .hhiiiiu.-. i nnd Mr. (irars en Sunday, March l!.ii from 3 until o'clock. Mb. naglnn May-r. of the Hetel Ma- iestc. bus iistumeii fiem .ew nrr ,... wiin. Miller, of nil North lllahtl- street. urn spdiuling several weeks at Atlantic City. Mra. Arthur K. Lee. of Seventeenth and Nerrls street, will entertain the members of her "00" Club at her home en Friday afternoon.. ;.ir. ami .;rn maniey nrnus, ei ' tf J-''.tb anil OtununU Greets win ins .Ma.y jecue. 01 Jiuuni Visrnen. -- du iiiiia, aj t i Hum ' ii uiiii ii r : n nt.ci ir i' iien i i. n i i ri i... ,. ...... i hi. X'.trl.M, - MM Ill Illll I wwsfiii: One of Younger Set p 4i,,'i K.ri .MA; m I'lieln li; Marcctu. -MISS EDITH IIKYMAN Dauglilcr of Mr. mid !TV. Jeseph ll. HexiiiHii. of Gtll) Sherweml read, Otrrhrnek. who has recently returned from New Yerk, where she was the curst of the Misses Mctlellan, 7,V 1'ark nvenue. Klve a reception nnd brldpe party nt thelr home en Friday evening In honor or irs. j ranitun v. weiiern, or ruts burgh, who la vIsltliiR in this city. .ed'ee vj "'f ? -ty ; The Ladles' Aux.llary " of Arcturun I 1). it. F crive a Val- le the I.adicn nf the ltr. uecun Heme, .seventeenth htreet and Al- Murphy. Mis. !eeice Harlow. Mrs. I. Martin, Jlr. r.ie. Atr. IIllli anil Mrs , Mather. Thohe who took nart In the ,.-., .,.,. , li-...., -.1 i-.. li'jr,lru." no" .: "Ml t's llartl.-y. 'who I played nt fh piano; Mr?t Pnsen. of ."H? ..T',1' ' 'fty-feurth .street. cs: Philadelphia, who unve n-nd ncs. ami Mlsn hliierc Hseher. of Dre.sel Illll. A supper followed. ALONG THE READING Mr. an.l Mm. William 8te-l ".,1 of I,eei tevl. ti-ar Ocnnt- -ire recel- Itijr conjcratulatletis umin The' birth of a daiisluer. Mm. Sletle will ba iern.,ni- bered as M!a Kdnn Welsh, danahre. formerly of Oak I.are V' ''. "." uuura n. i l-imi Mra. Wlli'rmi Urein. of J!onl?emrr JlwVinrt - i Uii2r' ,', "jepliew ami UKentz, ban mtirneil ' ,ni PllO Wild lllC LM!rt , - .u.-t ti iiii-m nun jiiih".. .1 r Illll . I. Fredcr.cl; Iteuter. for two week . NORRISTOWN The Illstt rlcal Society if Mnnlsemerv County elected the feUnvIni; nfllcers te I sorve durlni; the oemlnpr year; Presi dent, .iir. . liorueu Minyui: Men presl- ,. Conard Jenes and Misj ICntlicrlue Preston. Announcement liar Wpii marie of the mnrrlage of Mls Kinuia Mae Allen, lauiriiter or jip. aid mii, Alfred Allen, 1 Chestnut Mie't. Xerrintn-!!. mi P.itur-1 dav, Fehruury II. nt H.iiTls.l)jrp:. Pa. Mr. and Mi:'. MaeD.ute will llvj in' .mih;- ,,i.ii ,,., l ,.-.i,v,, ,i. iuu u-nvn March l in rntrv the MiIhrii-ii yrenmrial Hospital Tr.unliig .Sv-lunl There v rre fourteen cucl- The im ri.iK of M,-.s IM'n Jeffries ulaushter of Ml. uiM Mi. .I.eph Jeff- lc . of i'U ts' Llm sir-et. and Mr n.i Kiiib stre"t. tI11 spend the next wt-ek lu Atlantic city Mis Mildred I'liirh. Wehi Oak i-tieet, enttTtuined the members of her , nve nunureu no .u ner i.eum. uic-re " -5 pat ! KIWI 111 !. .'illiiWillK W.W."!il IITI V II1 Ui'K fuj 'ft' $ The pick of the new laid eggs t EGGS carton of twelve Strictly Fresh Ufigs, de. ;i5e Al all our Stores sxKtCTatnjMWHfflaEiK s & jff 1 Ma rjrs fcJMra 40c 8! m i liiAKMfcfll ijiteraiiawrl ,1,;??.-: MfN... yMM.W' -ftrtVlfaA.... i'fr5Piw LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK Ry Lee Pape There was a Charlie Chaplin plckturc i erreund at the Little Grand yeutlddny, tne net thinking ma would give we the money (e go en account of me having witv e meny mevlea lately, but I t han't Id auk her en? ways jet for luck. Wlch I did, and ahe aed, Cer eny net, de you wunt te tern Inte a movie? and pep ncrl, Hew de you txpect the boy te understand eny autcli Ixaggcrated reason na that far refining a request, dldent you ever heep of the aytem of tretchlti by ixnmpleV t l.- .. ii.. .1 .-.1 i , . .' . . ' I".' Cl . '. lJ i ,, mcii. ,c i or inbinnn. i vn, 'Kenny an Ixnmple of wy he eheulden J I fhen'heU1. uTte'yntt'iined";; ! Heme. I Seeing la bc!rering. ted ma. and pep ted. Then lest Uaeen and lern. new Hrnny, you wunt te go and see thla Charlie Chaplin plckturc, dent you? Yes sir, I sen, nnd pep ned, And jteutp seen sevrcl. ether Charlla Chap tin pirktiirea In the past few muntht, navent you? ann I scd, les sir. nnd nep seil, ew Jett let me tell you a nil tile instants of wat happened te a boy who saw tee menr Chaplin ricktures, mvj , thlA boy eriginilly lied n very gentle ........ -...I .7...... !. I..., . .1. .. It iiuiuri; unit iihiiiu'iii. i(,-i i ,i iv ''t'.u ii h it here, him ferst. but he wnsta ' plreded with hU mother le le him Charlie Chaplin plcklures imtel by nml .- by they worked en his mind ie that ' y he wunted te de everything Charlie ft , (hnplln did. nnd one day he came home , ft n,l M li!u nnail lttitl fntViii in rrtn I 'face with a lemmln pie and pushed' nun iiil usa s.uuu niiiu ifititn si i w . t his loving mother denn it nitea or stair and spoiled her disposition for life, and set Arc te Ills grandfather', wiskera wlch were the deer old gentle man pride and Jey. se they had te lock the boy In a clesit till he grew into long trousers, and new. you see wy it would be a grate mistak for you te see i eny mere Chaplin plcutures for a wile, i dent you? Ne sir, pep. because O wlzz pep, , holey smenks, I havent even get eny 1 jranfether, I eed. leu stay nemc ami i;cep mnci. sen pep. and ma sed, Ilee hec hec, seeing id belceving. DELAWARE COUNTY The Kuets nt thn bridge party te he i given by Mrs. .1. Harlan Jeseup at her home In Hwarthmere en Friday afttv i neon. March 3. will be Mre. W. Alan ' Uiewn. Mra. J. V. H. Rlshep, Mrs. Har LIUIII. .tllfl, .1. . r, Ifiniiu,,, iur n, xini - nl,l Tlnrnx Mr. .Tnnh S Ttats. Mrs. ' Ler.lle Campbell. Mrs. H. B. Cookman, ' i Mrs. Themas Dewnn. Jr , Mrs, William I Mlddlcten Fine, Mrs. A. r Jacksen, i i Mrs. Albert S. Jehnsen, Mrs. Harry ' ' T.ech. Mrs. William Tiebert Indls, l Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. Genre Mo Me ' r'racken. Mrs. Jenpnh Psrrv. Mrs. Kd- ' win A.' Stockton, Mm. Chalmers Stuart- Mrs. Charles A. Ward and Mrs. E. P. i Virkce. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .1. McCullam I of Harwood Paik. announce the en- rragement of their dnuchter. Mlvi Ituth T.els McCullam, te Mr. David It. Hop Hep Kins. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Terteuic entertained Informally nt dinner nt their home In Swnrthmera en Satuulay evcnlng hut before the Assembly dance, uli'i-ii v.a.i islveti that nvcnltic at the Swarthmore Weman's Club. The patronesses of the Assembly ww Mrs. ldwaid A Stock-, ten, Mrs. Thomaa Downs, Jr., Mr?. Themas W. Simpers. Mrs. Jehn W. , Aunins. Jir. .lesenn i riaincs, .nr-i. Adams. Mr.t Jeseph I names, aici. n "dls " Je"n ie- Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Haines Uppln- ,ett bav.i retunie-l te their home In Meylan from n rrule alenjr the coast nf inpritin. Their nlec, M!as Cernelia Walker, is new their Riiest. ilir 1 1 V WT VV nlllO I nil VV Rflr Steel Shoes? In ordinary shoes, a rigid strip of steel concealed between soles Cantilever Shee?' Men em Would you wra;- Inflexible. Rtel i hanked shoes, when llexlble Cantilevers Ishly rounded tees In iegu tedny? are intiue wiin tn Kin ln, anil r.tsl. ,.,,.,.., ,, . , rhoes, lluely umili of viielcn maiei-iaW, and reasonably priced. Hut the lic "lea I'ncu or every one m tlu innnv ''I'tUlUner designs is, cem'urt- tl-.e com'- fort that adds Inline tyumhlv te a I'uiiiiuis eoeu iicaitn una ipir.t. Widths AAAA le K CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street Over Cunard Office CunlllMers are alie en ilr In nmrbr tllltii Mtn-me llenilhelin's. 1Uu2 Klewruh Ap. .Vshury Park Mssi Shoe Ce.. OL'T u'nel.inuii CsnWeii-iJurrun's Shun Mere. 110 ilreaUnuv Kulen Jlmer'. 42" Nertlismrtun Si. Iliifilubuir Ornar'B. 24 V. 11,1 , Uclinnewn Zsiik'b, S80 Main St. Jm-UKler l''r)fr, 3 Kill Kins l. Iteadmc Scliwsrlner's. 43? Punn Squxn Bursnten l.wl Uatllv, .114 Wyeniln At. Bhmektr.-B. Hlcseh. Jill I?. IiAfepndeJi TnnUD II. M. ViTfrritJi 4 Wre.' WllVM-ntrre-U'l?. Murray, 8 r'uMte . ,VrV The Uer, 1.n. ( , J M I i l i yL ! new XjBi 5 RKv. mm - mmL ,v v jst?Tw; After-Dinner Tricks Ne. 07 Dluppearlng nit of Taper A hit r,f tianit f. mnlfttrnAil Anrl fl'firl ' i '- "- " f-i'v. .r, ...w. ............ -..- ..- - , le a 'finger nail. With n wave of the h1( th . d,M ippearc. Anether .ave b, ,,ack T)e pftper w 'c" e the tip of the second finger. ,B "etiiik an uanu cunt nncr imi ueai in and the tiret finger extended. .Of course the paper was gene. During the second ware the fingers were again changed, which brought the paper back. CenrieM, lilt, h FuMie Ltietr Company iii w.i.w a. S II 14 1 X7!Lv K IlOW iVIUCn YVei2IU M V I H I , yMy ff e 1 17 " " x! w.Yeu Like te Lese 1TIAT U neither renstltutlenal bardened wttti ft Is slmplr Ther Is no nirtmilj Ter women te ncein iiren m. m. srew elder, te lese their jreathful mtrsetWeneis and snertr. Fer there Is a positive, safe, health-si' '" remedy. Ws hare rdeeed the weight of scores f well-known wemsn In fhlladclphls. Vtift Our Institution for Trial Treatment. Ne Obligation COLLINS FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY M Phene, Spruce 58$ 1 XT. BONWIT TELLER t, CQ OheSpeciabu SfvpofOminalsenb CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET t Youth holds sway in the sway of the Cape in the Jeunc Fillc Three-piece Costume 29.50 te 95.00 SPORTS AND' COSTUME MODELS OF TWEEDS,- HOMESPUNS AND POIRET TWILLS VytlTH a charming swank, one-piece dresses W"' or skirts of tweeds or hemespuns, with blouses in contrast, select chic capes with a "flair" for the circular. The new blurred pastels: Periwinkle, fahen. iomflewi-r, fawn. Vf tan, heather shades. frc rANDARIN coats vie ith the three-piece Costume Medes fashioned of Peiret twill. Canten crepe forms an inter esting contrast in vividly col ored blouses, beaded, em broidered and combined with Paisley. MISSES DEPT. FOURTH FLOOR ,4tt, litPORTKRS. DEBlOXVn.l i StAKV.Wi Of WOMff.Vff .4.VO nt: '.OKii.V s AtTARKL OP THH itlGUVIT ClAHAClCTt FOIi UOKU rM.v riviTVi: i;;.tr;i GOWNS WRAPS SUITS FURS BLOUSES LINGERIE HOSIERY w Spert Suits & A clem aj-eniiicnt of Nwagfjcr uits in cold. rose, com cem com tlewci, cepen ami erchiil. Supcier in line r.ml qnaliti. Ilcltcil and s,trictl tailored models. Choice of slash or patc'i pockets. Cuats in lielivia. deuble-laccd coatings, herringbone and diagonals; man-tailored in an assortment of tlcs. Extra -Size Tweed Suits (Sizes te 54) 29-50 and 35-00 Dresses New Spring Styles Bouffant StraUjhtline p- aa EmbreideredHeaded JO' Seft, clinging Canten Crepe, Geergettes, Crepe Remanies Crepe Faille, Peiret Twills in the new silhouettes pre scnted in an array of lovely styles and colors. i 'We SjtcWiit in Apptrtl That ' - m I WW I in I II FEBHUAItY . 25, lurj' FRANKFORO Mr. and Mrs. Oeerr 8. Webster, of Penn and HarrlsJn streeia, are spemj-i Ins aeme time at Miami, Flu. I Mr. Frank Mallhawa. of Orthodox i tret, will entertain at bridge en i Thuvaday afternoon at ner home. Mr. and Mm. Jehn Oraham. of Mill- bfrrv ntreet. are receiving cenaratuia. liens upon me mmi u uui,u:. Mr. and Mrs. Heward Payne, of Foulx Feulx Foulx red Blreet. will entertain ate. lunoheen en 8aturdav afternoon at their home in honor of Mra. lUlph P. Brerinan. .t Baltimore. Md. Mra. Brennan te apewl. IniieiM time In thla city and la vlaltlng friands and relatlvea. - . . ...... ..m ....m1,a B. F. KEITH'S nnnm meii THE 1NCOigAnABJ.B BELLE BAKER V WXCT.iPlVE HOVO JtlTH "" ' SYLVIA CLARK. m HTiTir mirKepNnnT" g lim Stfcai It Helliiltr Lea D. 9 Lt.'!p..- K- nr.vRi.Y ittt.t.8'' 1 ""kblJlB liANE iAV HElMtN g lOTO OlbtfS g AMI js tMu-Hicketl DetatT-"r ivn CO. In "THE DANCE SHOP" R ",mitinimiineiiiiiiHmitntriiwwnffminiritiniiimmnii? ri iMONTS P! .BC!!.-.B7 .'.!! i EMMET WELCH Mintrel '-- MKt. jvien. m, rti,. .)i gn,irV v. sna Toetl. th Newlrwxls li,.iwi ' m i T wr-'ia 1A...1I . A n VTUU1U . i Next Menth? nor tmterameriai. Te h n Indication of indifference. I INSTITUTE 1 Bellevue Court Building B 1418 Walnut Street fi capes in these SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS TETTICOATS CHILDREN'S PPAREL NEGLIGEES Chestnut Cerner Twelfth and Coats .VV 5tnvferizci tht Utgu z 4 ( v ! ywr-J &jmRYJPK4 m'wmw'mi w p'V ' "' 1 l'ltn.A.'B T.RAtMNfl TltBA.TnP.1 rinrrTinv or i.kb a j. J. smnFfnT CHCSTMUT ST. OPERA HOUIK SHUBERTvAUDiviLif DAILY MATS AT 215 f.VtS AT 8 19 MR AltXANOf.R MAP.IE. A D D NORDSTROM "'"T1CK-TOCK I -i it a, I TOdeLITSKV" kAAMf HOrrMAH KKNAKOftTOWNU I WtTT&6CO DICKINSON & DEACON ft AND A GREAT SURROUNDING I BILL OP ENTERTAINERS I sSHUIERI at a,ie PitAnr P0P.MAT.T0M01L JB,7.W-''l EDDIE CANTOR "MAKE. IT SNAPPY a With AsuiMMtnae jnewia or STAts 3 AND 75 DAINTY 6IAPHAH0US OlVINITItS WALNUT r.VKMNf.f AT 8i!i Matinee Tomorrow 50c te $1.00 If'f.ir.RHiarM! VITII ALMA TELL, McKAY MORRIS SK.ITS ion NEXT AMI I.A5T UT.F.K VOW " " I TIUIOC U1T ll WILLIAM SfATJUr MAT i.M HODGE IN DOC WOVK POSITIVELY LAST 7 TIMES P1IMWMIII ri.NEXT SPATS THlASPAY I,H rXOBEflT a HELEN 'I ia niAfii N aaputpti s? & IM 3 DRIFTING S A ROUSING R'P-I0A-IK3 WtlODfAMft S i EVENINGS AT 8:15 Mat. Tomer. ; $1.50 IN A TURKISH kv Avtvr noev-ece 4- cmritcm uetx FORREST TWicj;NA'r 100th Performance 1 U V t I AND NIGHT Personal Appearances of D.W. GRIFFITH GISH LILLIAN and DOROTHY LAST WEEK v. vr cmiKriTH f nr.AfATic ltic SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA :..r mi n.y kat. thi'p.sway GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS "h ANN PENNINGTON A.. NiBhts, l)ct Scati, Si' Mj T'lO'ilnr Mih V -J ti iai Hctt n , 5C GARRICK I'1'1 1- "fitics un "" MvriNi:i; niiii.rtncpY 'S-s.r.tira cmr'iatlc sie-ei. -Ev'e Ijni'.ett GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS In the TYhelMiin,, Musical II" THE O'BRIEN GIRL V MU -.11, Mf ( A' MsTKll BROAD ''e1,1 uut v'111 B DAVID BEtASCO prMnts ERy HCPW0003 FAMOUS ALDINE Chcutnut at 19tk DlrfMlnn Fred.D.&M.E.relt INTIN! 'iff 'l A M TO UP V GREATEST SENSATION EVER SCORED IN PHILADELPHIA BY ANY MOTION PICTURE! Foolish Wives By and With en Strelipip.i "7 ,' c .Un! Vnn 11 ''I .if u llatf'' Hundreds of people turned away! Tremendous Triumph! Jll.UiOPOl ITAN (IPJ iku si mii.miw i;ii;mm,, mviuu a S0USA AsTi 11, S w i f .. Dana Ot lUU ijiurit.MM I UUHV.iH JOHN PIIIMP --Ol'S luMi i PIl n .....i, . v r... ,. Fnlt dl wcirr un inn i ii-HiiiiiJ m knn jfr.r.inr Ht,.rN Uuh P- ''". n-. t fj 1 . LYRIC igfjegjl Ft IIHtif! "jtr ii ftyifi BATH I .kWrA m XlV xrrwrm 1 1 ip nnijiju V P, "I ! N Pi ' I P. Afternoon Talks en Practical Psychology BV ANNA MAUD.HALLAM AFTERNOON FOLKS MARCH 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, AT 2:30 P. M. Scottish Rite Auditorium, 148 N. Bread St. NO ADMISSION CHARGED - W, 'Sfia ' i Dlrncllen Mftily Cemrisny of Ann NIKBTERN'.n ANT) MATtKBT It A M. TO II I. M. ASOTtlF.n STANI.r.T-IXW uivjitnimsi) rneuiiAM 1 TOrifAI. KVKN'TU a (ir.OAN flKI.KCTlONfl . J-niWr NAlIONAI. I'ltEPK.STS "W RICHARD BARTHELMESSf IV MA1A?.tNR PTORT !:' TOL'ABLE DAVID t Vl AMANDA nnnWN', Veesllsf D DANCB. "I'KnnmT'H tntEAM TATT. ripr'AttDOltACK KAflTOJ. 0 CARTrOS VfiVBt.TY TONY SARG'S "THE nRST MOVIE" t siiAXiUi mn'iinnTiiA atXTHKNTII AMI MAR KRT 11:30, I 30. 3:3(1. .1:30, ?3Q. 0:10 I'BKPr.Tl AI KHAnT foil THE BTTg Sardeu's linmertnl Drsrrts of an Empress Who Sacridcrd an Em pire for a Moment of Leve. The World's Mightiest Spectacle A Cast of 25,000. Produced at Cost of $3,000,000 I.'miUd Knuaitemenr. fiemrrwrx'.ruT NEXT WEEK rmsT Tfin: at pepii.ar rnicEtt riP.3T I Hff.ADfcr.pHIA snnwa TURN TO THE RIGHT rimjt tTir: r.rar. t'iay e- the f-AMi: najit: pv v. is-nr.i,i. smith wn jehv itAZAiin 'IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMI' Bread and Chestnut n no i sn n.se. r.:3n t..te. o.e JACKIE COOGAN IN K'llT NATIONAL ATTI1 ACTION "MY BOY" TUB Kiri'P A win OMMKNCNli This Thursday rncT rnBii:.NT.TiON Gleria Swanson IV NEW PAUAMOLVT PICTl'IXB "Her Husband's Trademark" $ $ $ $ S S $ $ $ 9 PALACE liTII A MMIKKT l A U. TO 11-15 P. M MAE MURRAY "A'ggS" ARPAniA hlvtm-t n.i. itk AIvLnllA 10 A M. Te 11:1.1 p. m.- MAY McAVOY VIKOTMA f OIUT,IIIP"- VICTORIA M '.iirvt-:r at ni.vtk ii a. .M T n IB p. si te:im t M.J" ttllll.un DfumenJ j igiiiui iw Ku.fin irr Thtbr iriniTfil 'in MMtKvrr LArllUtj in a r iuii. isr. m rtEP.T I Ml " "Alias Lady Finger' REGENT ''n.tMli llvl.KV In GLOBE JLMPi:il 4 VAHkKT le 11 I'OVTINUOL'S A l)EMI.I,i: Charlette Perry & Company j CHICAGO OPERA MMlt liMinr.N. r.rnrrni Dlr-rler METROI'Ol.tTAX OPKKA IIOtSK lira ill i. ml Pepl'r Mrerlt Evening, 8slS. Mat. nee, 2:15 rilMCHr Al.tHIE," tuirrirn. M irtln, UMniil.U. Dnfr'nnr. CiinJ.. Pelirrn. V.Kll "IK .IllM.I.r.l It UK MITItK I.Mi;." I,uriti-k. Il'ifninnr. Celrenlj, t und.. I'dIm-ie. lliilltt In :i hii, "1 1i Itnlilimeii" P nle-llilkr lnti. (.ntirlrl l.ruler, tuiuiinarr, cendilillnt. TIM itx. "Illfire V.T .11 I.IK.rTIC." ,l.nen. Mnrnlerr. Iliifnnnr. Pirlrr Hukr.iln-iV v ll.illit. 'enJ., Peturrn. IRI. l,r.l,IRr Kl MKI.ISAMIK," liiinlrn. MKcurii.M. Ilnfriniif, CW n. I'nlrmll. I'enil. Pnlurrn. si. v t. "thi-. .irVttr.i.x or this MAIMINV y R.illa. I.unni-l. Illmlnl' M.iwrll. Piile.liii, 'uii.Oukralnaar linllrl. 'mil., vluli In. .T. Nir.HT "M(: V IVVA," .r ilrn. Atiirjlern, UaklUhnfT. fend.. Pnl.iri'e .xfuin Nn en . ilf nl rj maun . HUH tiMlniii llfrt rri(f :.n. sn.e. r.i,:,n. t,4e, txus. Dn .ii: SIS !U, ?.8II, til. Ill lint tncl.) Af Mil M Ol Ml S( M"nin' March 6 at 8:15 Only Appeerance Violin Recital HEIFETZ Tickets NOW ::ni7: STCINWAY PIANO t hUl ATM1RMY OP Ml MP Saturday Aft., at 2:30, March IS co-.' ritr fi' mi :!" p. n viei.i.v llrrX Of"r I rnl U Mil. ll III Ml Sl( Mniiei'iii.ii.is npi.itx e. up N. Y. in- TtOin A 'ill"-. , Ji-ru.i. l MI.IIT IflflVB P Mnlil ..i.tii. Mul. ' IlUVUll ,I'V'"1, r0l"J" . :IH) . uiihiiiirlifli T ! ' 1 I "it II nirX . 'tiennut Bt a ii.nn-Tn Pox Off & 11 pr '' 1"Chit wvlllt inFIPHlA Ht H 15V , -. 8:M - - - - rt'ttumi v l liV f ORCHESTRA f-rniii i.inu. v:bt :in'-itl IV.rfn.r !,-, --' ,! M (AVIWfi UTII 4 IAI.M'T. AUt. Ti VVJIlvr .MAN i pr-riiv q Cuddle Vp TO 'V.VTJ;. T STANTOR aiBMiem l!artten Si i .pisa . p ' i !.; '(' m&mwi l-JL. --ii ,&v iAi gjgggjjjrjl