HBIRBsHlHRBfflHMPSBfflfflffli .saBgpsw rwrm;rj aw f if M. BSE.?..-. fS- 7 Iw frlhtJlUL ME? RESTAURANT AMD COFFCC SHOP I91UAND CHESTNUT STS. py carry germs In your threat? CROWDED places mean germ-Men atmosphere Foetlv ventilated cars, , railroad trains, sleeping tar berth), offices, theatres and schools. Reduce the number of eerrai and chances of contagion, by carrying with you the convm-n:te-ukc, pleasant tast ing jtt powerfully antiseptic Fennaraint Tablets. Let one dissolve slowly in the mouth, new and then. Yeu trill find ic most rrfrrahing and seething te ter threat. Prevents threat infection; possibly laryngitis, tonsillitis, influenza. Ita powerful antiseptic mixes with ths aliva and thorejgblv ba-hta the mem branes in the mouth and threat. Get a bottle today of je ,r druggist. Relieve hoarseness. Singers, smekr-s, speakers, actors, lecturers, etc., find thnn helpful. Children like theia. 60c .-. : 1 dr-jgists. ermamint GERM-FIGHTING THROAT TABLETS ttanamlat Is curt-siS toast, ItIdiattStsc-mdsi. Ptrne C&r-il-al.C). In?.. Srm Tort Don't Starve Your Lawn! Te keep era sis tjieen, nnd in srevvinjr condition ad summer, you must fe.tiiuc the ground. Our Wecuie.es Pulverized Sheep Mnnure, unleacl'cd Weed Ashes, or Pure Bene Meal give quick, permanent results. "We can supply them in small quantities for the ira?s plot nnd in laine quuntities for the spa cious lawn. Sew Seed New in lintliril or In liuc Inilnera Cabhaue. Cauliflower, Ebk Plant, Parsley, Pepper, Tomate, etc. iet a inpy uf our 0Vi CaUliij t's frf. Michell's HseE5FE 318316 MARKET ST. HOW TO REMOVE SKIN BLEMISHES W th a. u-.'i la p' of Bla. .nd Willie Pilii i mr.-e ,' sl.ia . a.! dun' ai.d iTji'ji, ir It riM iiml dry thoreb Tuen ' Uie Hr.sei tip? llghtl. aiiil., lut -iieukIi l'.iautv Bleach te feirn an tWn ,'ehMnK ever" the akin surface Allew te linmln un evr nljjht. Next irerning remcun with warm water Ueifln Hiir b-auv tieatti.ent tonight l pairtiasintr fem ".our lrug arlst n :.tc jri (,; 11J.ua. nt,(t White Heauiv UleKtii Semi 2Ji te T -r-jj t .M.J. Plough. Mem ph..". Ten n . for n H-tllluble Pendrr I'elT of cnu,. . r.it, uteu t cen'.iininK a two weeks' -unrih of ihi ptifert r.icu lnnvik-r- iii.uk a i it :i te li.rpnse rlewer." ' L.ierjiure tflMiic ,r ilf-tall up tnferma' ion rrg r l f t ir lip."uUf inu" pre)cn c' Upj ' I),... , n alitil I pun i-i e. Lawyers find that the Keystone Automatic Telephone Service is special! y adapted te their require ments. 1. Speed Connections made in net ever egh. seconds. 2. Sfc'rcc;! The connec tion made pi'V'ate line is established. 3. Sert'icc The moment a conversation is ever and receiver placed en hook another call can be made. Se limit te number of m taget call all yau want. Cost 30 Cents per day Wit SSif IP 1 IpiliMI m fe.. ' Keystone Telephone Ce. pifMSi 135 S. 'id Street Philadelphia --" - ! i. i... i .. i .i ...,.,.. . m . -i.ia .,. . , .., ... , .,. Mll ii..,.i,i ,,... iii.ii '' II - ' " ' ' ' i . . -i j , Lindsay Is Caught in Overbroek Hetel , CenllnUfcl from rare Od t ,cnec .Tarac.s lin? been grttlng SITS a month for jeau." f Asked If lip hed tecclved ni muh ns S.'HKI.OOO ftem Mw, Duke, l,lniaj, according te .Mr. Murphy, respended: ''Hint 1 rubbish " "Was ii anywhere near $.".00,000?" ".Ne. Declilcilly net Hip trulli." I'm telling jeii "Hew much de you ewe theae worn 'en'1' "Te be flank with you, I can't tell you." ( . T.ituNny was ntri'sled lnst night at Green Hill Farms, n fashionable apart ment hotel nt City Line avenue and Lancaster plle. A rnnnfrr.vvlde search bad been in slltiitni for MmKnv aflpr Iip dl-an ! pen red from his Sen t It N.vncl, N". Y., j home He hail engnged u elaborate Mille ' a uin iie-ieiry neie - piinir. iiinreum ami bath. Almul foiling their way lulu It's room, the detective found him clad In tiilk paJHrna", breuillr Mnpetl v, ith blue. He nod Mis. t.liwKay had been lliPie i fur three day under th u.iiue of "Mr laud Mrs. HroeU." nnd had given a New Ynik nddresv. Ue wag traced there hv liia lintrnffp. ! "When one of the detectives watched ' the VM111I..W of I.indsaj's suite nnd nneiher went te the nar of the hotel . te i.nril iigaiii"! hit escape Twe nihil went te the second tloer tulfe. 'P'ipv knocked en ihe deer. Imt there ii no answer. "Come en. l.imKiv . open the deer." -ii, i one ei i lie detectives "Tl.viu's no i.-e sliaiiiinliii; any leiieer." Wi'li that thi" deer opened slowly. l'i'i I ind-a.v. i lad in silk pnjainus, ap peiireil In the doervvnv, Ilee nlni; en the dele, t'ves, l,lndi-ay .'ihI.ciI niiat ail the remm uleu ivn ubeui . "l.itnNav . you rite under arrant," said lVteetlve Itedd; , of the New Yerk police. .... i,i..,,. .i ...vv.ni. a i iriiuru the man in the doervvny In a hlthlv ' "Mv name Is Hroeki, SU", repued disnitied ieiip. "I'm " "Ye.ii' numc is I.IdiIjbv," cut In the detePtive. The. detect 'v produced a photograph of Lindsay that he had otelith! with him from tie Keines' Cillery in ,w Yeik. I "I'm the Man Yeu Want" It s no ii-e. 'Hat s me. Mid I. Ind mv . v In n srevvn the phnlegrnpu. ia lui- .Htm ou want. He wiiv then nllei.ed le dies", vvhieli di'iivt'.ie- -hid leek fin unusually lone cover-. She aKe has had dramatic mil time. n he i-J extremely attentive te his ' bilious. appearand I'eiuc taken fiem the hotel in this niatine- wn n great shock te the guests, wh'i bad bun mis-ked down as some "di-i.tuiiifheil gent'.etuan" vilie was spend. ii a viiiutleti nnd vety likely n iiiilliO'ia.te. He arrived a! Green Hill I'arm Sat nrdnv meriiiin;. and h:i baguage fei lowed shortly afterward from the Uelle-vue-Stnttferd. where he had stayed previously tar tevernl days. .Wording te Merrf Weed. man- aser et liieen illll raims. L.ndsav i...,i....i ,,...ir. h-.li" .. ,!.,. -,,k,... i. .,-.,. mtik, nir n srleetlen. Then be chose the m,i,t exclusive suite iu the whole hotel, one en the ce, end Heel . There had been ti gen-ial I'tt.ng of evebrews a- be appeared m inaliune. or when be came down te the lebbv te lead. Ue had taken no one Inte' bis .....,ii.u... , ,i, .t..t i,i ft... ,ii,.. tlv -.pressed the' belief that be went te the hotel te ply his trade upon some , of the wetilthv widows there. In ense that M'nrili for him was given up. LIihImiv wu token from the hotel te Ihe Aulmere jelbe -ttitte. and would I live spent tie night there but for his uuv.nc waived extradition and con en'ed te go laik te Xe'v eik witu the detirtives. When a-ked If b would go back and fin.' tin- charges LlruKiv said: 'I ,nnt le go bui'k iu-t as een as Iie-ibl(. 1 gees-, th.it : i- .1 is a-, well te fa e ,lie iniiM'' l.imi-ay then l"ld the police that "lets of people had "lied" about him and that he would go liaek and straighten thing- e it " Kills te I.ee lllijiilly I .; :t 1-n v did nor dlsiegard his a.i t dlgnitv vvl.en h" admitted thai he ivn the nun th" peln e wanted. In fact, lie in tej well the part of a "titiancter." II- lentinued te beast of bi maiiv "Influential auiialntiu.. es ' and tebl of huring iii'Miibeisliip in the Domine Club, of New Yei'u. Thar club is eompe-ed, he irtld. eniuuly ef "rtnamlers nn,j bankets. ' and ii is se exclusive that fieie an' enli tive Leys In existence that" will tit the ileui of the .stab- nlitnni. I.indsav medestlv i.nid that be wnc one of the live meinbe's who whip allowed te held one of the keys Mi.-". I.!tiU-uy left the Owi brook he el bis morning and went te New Yeik Dupe Waits Chance le "Punch" Carrier C u!lnud from I'.iki (in I'ln'ei- as '0!.sidejn.,i,ii fm bl be en. In . n1 lira in h initliiigei Alter '.i it t -a, Img was lasy nod -eem ii ;'.y I'Mative for all loriiernie. f"i' i e -i..it wa- '.I ;,,)ii hi all 7." per ier.t or the itjl net juetlts from snies aiiii ('f tint ' per 'iin went te Davis an I le e the -te, klielder- divided pre rafi Tlie bit1 j in e '..' II." per ''M was the IPielps of tl( I n.'i'l S'OH I otn etn I'BU . l.lll.eil loe Vluill "(III MS ,. D.'iV -. efi Ml 14 ' II. II ll 'III" I g'l. S i ' n i i i, ,i 'i.i, i! ." - Tbrv wi-k flr ! i.n ft ri I urn rr nlwii's prmuisiii; ileli.g nn thing When I had Interested sisrv r.i'ir f,i.-eiis, wrote 'iti'l asked that t!.e7 send me u.n te lip clean up here end make i' pes'ibV fe us te e,,ii Mi- s'pp IJ-i t!,i answers were alwavs evasive and t'.e never even .'.d ti.-.e t a al'i " it the build ing." lie aiMeil 1 i.n t he ban b"Ptl siis'.j, ' i. of ''niTler and 1 ,s a .e, .ai. , ',,r L,, !a't Mute sTi.iiitl.s- , ',,ng cnfireipi Hstndav vvitl Cl.ai.es Laid, pte-ideu of tl. I irst National Cen, pane, undirwi ' -i - of t,i. c.'iie s , of t!i" I'liiteu . .'., Step -i 1 elded nothing I.mnh. rni Ii.ii.s, r.as nl. iiie-t igneiHiit of i In ' i.vl.r. ,.f tit company. DiivIh, w be Ins n wi'r .-ind iv . ii . dr'a. bus umiie a 'niiiruiii'ieii of enl two per cent en bis -a'.es much be'on, be'en, Ing '.eunected with Carrier nearlt a rear age, tins being paid by the I'nst Na tional Company. His ii'.vnrd was te have bctii the nianafifinent of the branch store in HuMiing, L. 1. Mr. Cobb n. dl&ruriMng 'he Mimmens for 'ariler, mid ' The tennis point wen emit m June bv William I". IIetlkin, nnd was te navi been paid fei in two installments, uelieii of which hns been fei tin eming." The nMitiils. for ibe lleeehhursf estutp all las' sttminei were paid hv the I'nit'd titiiiriintv. i be lielding feiupany thieugh vvhlcli the tnck of the Aute Stores wus held. :n cording le F, Liiiiibden llere, the owner. This, in the fnce of the unteiucnt of Carrier that be bad I'ethlng te de with the affairs of the I lilted tiu.irnniy i einpiiny. Creditors i-ny thnt he in reallry contrellei corporation. Cnrrler will be uiv (bance te explain, tufrf nl a henrlni toinerrovv. 1 i-ny thnt he In reallry controlled the ven a if here Alex II. Kescnbum, un attorney I .. I .. 1 I ' . . . , v " . i ,.i of Fltiaiilrnr, nnd a stockholder In the United Aute Sterps, said yesterday1 that these Interested In the vicinity bad net heard of the circumstances Involving tbc company' going Inte the hands of receiver until last Saturday. "There nre sltty-five of in, I (lilnk, thnt beitjtbt stock from Davis, because It looked like a tine plan," he said. They nil took the limit of S-KX) worth, tne. Incldenlnlly, It wan fold nt S."() e share, while iiny rurb lireker could get It for yen nt $Ki. lte.vnbatiin said tlie scheme hail lenciveil the (I. k. of iitiielnw of a hnuu at 1- liislilng. Up uiimitted Hint lie himself liail heuglit without any investigation. Only lnxt week a ''boem'' circular telling of the splrndld progress of the concern came te him through the malls, he said. A tfanch supporter of "Hud" Car rier l Hugh flermtey, proprietor of the fctabltq In Flushing, from which enmr the Iterp for the famous week-end pal lies en the. neechhur!t estate. "A geed fellow he was," said Oerm- ley, If lit enme In here tomorrow ami nUcil for n herte he would gel It. Per. ,"n ''e Ii In hard luck, hut 1 de net bellevr he - dihuriet It.wil. Arreunt a "Nuisance" t'anler kept but little of hit, funds 1 near the place where he Im reputed te have spent i much of thorn. J. W. Stanley, cashier of the l'lr-l Xatieiml Hank of Whltestene, admitted that tbete vs un account there, and that It wan still neltve. with nothing In It. ..... ,1'' "".',' ;" .""V."' n bBd ?1UV eal' ue ;ih(I a naiui. n entt one. s.tlil ;V"u'7i i fc . . .' H1" telephoning here about the lime they were presented, le see whether or net there were sutiUlent iunds. Of I'eurse. we never paid them until the motley was Jut,. 'Hip neeeunt vvh a nulMitiie most of the itine " M.s Hilda t'rawfeid, the pteity hru ueite of this city, who is rpnnrtetl te he imp en the imtstatidint; lii;uies in ('.liners lit'e nt dip l.etiK Tsland es Lite, dctiiis vlitorelisly nil knewledse of at toil ion lavished upon her by the youth who spent his money se freely, t-spp dally during his stuy at Iteechliur.it. She lefused te he lmiilleated in the steile.s of Ids; RHy Mitnmer nnd the week-end parties that "pepped" up the natives for miles around, at least with , 0,&'P Mls Crawford tn wetl.lnsr at present a n stenographer in Xew Yerk. She branded n ridiculous the statement that farrier lind beee setidtng her te diainatlc m hoel or had made her sifts of any sort. Lvery word of thee stories is un true, Mie itepinreil veliemeiitly. I mis pect that thev eanii' 1 1 em two women, , but 1 :iin net mre " Miss Oravvt'etd is :i Philadelphia!! and N noted for her beauty, she luivlni; been 1 seiikIu after as a model for mairazlne Uo.vlesleivu Men Invevted fluens of Doyleslevvn nre incensed ever tile oieriitlens of a team of five nlesini'ii who "winked" the town and I'euutrv -ide for an estimated total of .s-HUHUt. Fermer Judge lllrani Yerkes. of Doyleslevvn, bought ,1H00 in Aute Stoics stei 1. Anether prominent "p11 ent" Is . 11. Lly, n Main i-fieet dry geed- inelili.ini. A. X Helljer. guragc keeper, put In $000. His garage was- local headquarter for the Aute Stores liie . for ti time, bur he demandisl te ee a tmancla Mntemeut, and when he failed te get II. put. the agents of the ;V" Stervs "ul et hU SRla- ,eerge Origgs whs "matir.ger et the Deyle- f"u uf'i'""1'. vvhlcli was opened, and h' tee. was induced te put money into A,J' ftere. Inc.. Meck Ihe crew ut live men is sukl te have departed by iiulimiebile when tbey ' ' '' corporation was In 'reuble and te have left a beard bill behind tin m at the Do.v!c-tewn llelel. .le-epb L. Kuit. Assistant I'nited .-tates Distrii'l AMeiney. who icpte ii-iits the tediters and nivivers of the I'nited Stores, late yesterday afternoon .lited ' lie elliee- of the ceiuern heie and ordered Catlier and his. decretery. I. It. Ureslaiier. out. "I personally lenducied them from ihe pkue." said Mr. Kim. "beiause1 il.ev had ab-eliitely no right in theie. Anether step ngalnL the L'nited Aute Stoics Company will be taken to morrow, when a heating en n petition for reieivi'inhip of Hie i-tuik medium, the I'nited tiuaruti'y Company, will be held in the I'nited States District Cnui'l. in te cerduni'v with the action taken by .ludge Thompson ve-ferdiiy. Gave rp SiMBO Liberty Itends Mi's. F.lla A'andergrift. Kddlnjtlen Pa., came le the etficP" today and told IMurind W. Klrby, attorney for the leiein'rs. that sile bud been inducetl te , bu tiltv shales nt Sel) it sliiite and had tendered in payment .yjltr.e in Liberty bends and SlfiO In cash. The glib -ales WUJ( v.iii,riK )0 lecelve Liberty bends am i,u,,,i t0 bave dealing- w th patri- tin ii tiiii in i in tn iinntit - n it-. t i . tic i it!.ens,' News wus received from .New Yerk Step Up And We'll Tell Yeu! '- with m it rd-jyn. THE charm of the beautiful furniture in the VALIANT Galleries makes immediate ap peal te the visitor. The rich tones of fine weeds, the grace and exquisite taste of the designs, the durable, masterly construction combine te produce pieces of soundest value--at astonishingly moderate prices for such supe rior quality. IMPORTANT NEW SETS FOR THE BED-ROOM, DINING-ROOM AND BREAKh'AST-ROOM Krf .ion iasjt ccauir.r ic rnsiniai - i I'l S .i.ld! .U Kll VALIANT PRICES ARE MODERATE" I i tsi ajaH-aMa-aa-sas---a-i--au .. . ,'!4sbbbbSB that Judge UiiniL of the Southern Dls ttict Ceuit, had nppeinted Messrs. Jlurch nnd Whltaker. the jecelvers, ciliary receivers for two Meres in New Verk Slate. Arnens the mejvII "nSBctii" thnt will be nebaed tn New Yerk Is the furniture In the elliecs nt IS JO V.aal Kerty.fli'st fctreitt, formerly occupied by Cnirlei'. ninplejes in the local office of the I'liltcd Aute Stoics have been teduecd fiem thir(ytlw te four. All nte tie imindltii; their money nnd rrcclvine a stirnnces that tiliey held preferred claim njjniiist the ruilioiatleii. Mr. Klrbt, 'who is spending most of Mk limp nt tlse ceminy' ernceK. inld today that conditions found en czninln Ins; the book lire "ilmply brutal." "U. P." Fer Maxl Premised "I often vvtjndered what the '15. P. flood for In the middle of Edward It. P. Carrlcr'H nninc," said Mr. Kirbv. "I knew ntfvv It means 'Had Prem-J i0H ' Uertiwinly lie never made nnjr or his premises. Reed. "Therc'p one man in Ihe organization I want te k'vp credit te. Up Is Itnlph S. Moere, who had 'hatce of n crew at Kingsten. V V. lie wanted te win one of the weekly prizes of MOO nnd u Koltl feiinuain pen iVir deln the jjreat et nuieiiiH of businiti'. He had twen , ty.vpven ieilified ch'ks. each for $180. paid In for deck. "When he henrd of j the crash he handed each of the checks, back te its rightful owner. Then he borrowed carfare te. come te Phllndel-1 phln te try te taVse $U0O te tret bin, salesmen out of lieek' nt the Eaglel Hetel. Five men nre held there until i they can pay their beard bill." Mr. Kirby ald the examination of' the books Dhows thrre were about ROOO1 .stockholders nnd slme-t $B,OO0.000 In stock void. 'I'hi'isirporntlen asked nnd received. Mr. Kfirby tnid, iiermlsslen te vvJtliIield lis report te the State Aiiditur Oeiieial fieln February 2.'t te Apill .". The etTnes of the Mutual fiuaranty t'oriieratlon teniairipd erx'ii today, with ciKin sins hiitina; aoetu ueiiia; nothing KISSED FATHER HE SHOT 1 Bey Serry, but Had te Protect ! Mettor I Wiieelln--. XV. Va., Feb. 28. (By A. ' P.) August Hankt. fourteen years eld, ;wbe vvns arrested late last night after ibis father. Henry "Hankc, had been ahet 1 nnd killed In their home here, today vvns allowed te return te Ida mother, whom, the police declared, be was de fending when the shots were tired. Carl llachman. prosecuting attorney, said he would lay nil the evidence before the (Stand Juty and allow that body te de cide whether the boy should be prose cuted. According te Ihe police, the boy con cen femtd te Uie fbentln-, saving thnt his futber was nbiiMtig his mother, and that he warned him te desist. The story was supported, the police ndded, by Mm, IlAuke, who told them thnt. nfter two shots bad been tired. Atis-tiPt steeped ever his father, nnd kit-sing htm, said : "I'm sorry, pep, but I teuldn't help it." Hnnke, the police said, smiled nt the boy and died. Mitchell Fletcher Ce. Feeds for the Lenten Season Columbia River Salnea Japanese Crab Meat Yarmeatk Bloaters Freacb Sardinei Finnan Haddie Russian Caviar Salt Mackartl Spruct S',-1,0 18th & Chestnut Sts. 12th & Market Sis. 5600 Gerauntewn Ave. Atlantic City, N. J Vdii l.ki ten: a store n'jilit eti Bie.ul street between Smisetn and Walnut with show windows that will attract thousands of passcrs-bv ripjir in the center of c en tiling and iu bccau.se it's up one flight et staiis, en save eneuRli tneticv in rent te eli! vc jjufss von knew what te de We'll he glad te Jjlvc von plans, details and am suggestions, hivc-vrar leases can be arranged. Why net phone, wtite or Kiine in and talk it evei ': Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher I4J4 Se. Penn Sijuair X ValianI T--f UUILHUI-IIII- 1822 CHESTNUT STREET i iY rmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm ssttJiaV . ' W' 'SB?Is!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb). aBBBBBBBsH aaVaH' Wr aaaaaK' 'iwtM V F'"" O '"' ' T-Sm aaBBBBBBBsB ' bbbbbbV aaaaaaBTirTlsf' "SfrK -T '. ' '!'' .aff' Jwi" '''"' '..Ifk lH ir sH K!2 sBS? '' ?'' ".y K .'"'"" ''' -it v",'i'"i-',sla aB taB B .aHOaBA. f'-' i !-''''.'; '. JM .' ' 'V'1- KS-J-reS "'' j:j .'SSiM R ' BF '..''". aIJk'1'- i'i'st. S"St ' " ' NttMAdaiHc. ' 'iffSv 'vflEk : ': .-1 B 'NL'sbbbbB b's'bbbbbbbbbbK ' Va4Kc ' NLi 'UflaV AKaKtr JmslVVk. ' ' ' L'bbbbbbbK. V w si v ssbbbbbbbbbbbb', .sB-' KAaaWrj'V1''i''i 'l " -MJMjr'a '"-" 'JlMi'wr s. ., , ''''''k '.! 'BvillB H II I A stylish spring top coat ti II made by II HI few fill H 5W l? 1 1 Hart Schaffner & Marx II II Every man needs one II jj&jjffijSHMSf? fy-jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB-llllllllllllllll' W r" Biiaitiiimw:wiiiiiWii.iiiiin Read Classified Advertising Pages 2Q jjj&ttmrfj HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Tep Coats. Strawbridge Exclusive Philadelphia Distributors $35 te $50 & Clothier for Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clethes ijiii;; raiiwiib-iiiwrainiiiiu and 30 rTfWrZSS. I 1 ?.-'M m.:.i. r '.fi57rjrf. 'KlV irV.Rtft &'&,., i.- ji.., i . '-V').'.-.. r-'V:ii,e .a-v-ss t