:tfJWfIw:A?iHWV i-i ..t. . Lrr4.i'..viTfj.T ifjj 4 ..'j..'i',fti. w T.t .,- t . v viriBrt m i j i. u v .i..fci" .e ; "ty - ,g . -i.HcL'jy:v Bsffi kVrt.S ' ' ."..'"l: .M . m l m l& f$jsr , e Daily Mevie Magazine SCREEN STAR ON v rvV .. rVlWEll 1 ft Jntrn.itie .ll 'Telly" I'reder k and lice ci hiti,.iiid Mr Char'e A Keiiiiedy. of Seattle. 'mpicd en tli r liencv i huhi Tliy'i known c.n I, oilier Inre they were "it K'ils Dr Ken i coy In- "ceu nnlv (,no pi turc of lii nife'v. The ricrn.il Ci v. . cr Ii -t 'I .cir renmiicc wa imit iddi'n and .iiri i : .is THE MOVIE FAXS LETTER-BOX T'.i UK VIST Alfred Tfiiiistlla Addres- .InoKie Cen. gan nt liiitcd Mu.il.'-. Hollywood. Calif. A. n. V. llnxinK a -ccn.irl py righted nieaii hnving it registered In the Government Cnpyrijdir Hureau in Washlnglnii. Then, if any one .teaK your Idea, lie breaks the law and yen can go after him and piuve your owner hip of the story. It it a delhii. Write t tin I.lbiarian el Censrcs-. Washington, for full infoitniuieii. Thanks for ilie caul: I'll delhcr it to te nliht. And don't mlundi:rstand me by thinking 1 iiiKundi rstoed you. I didn't. "Qui" - Aildre liiirinn Helme.. Aeolian P.ui'dlng .".". Wcm ro'Mv.ec end stieet. New Yerk. "Kd" 'iic: "I have been ,i reader of your page cer sine ilie tiii lue anil I have cuincd it very much. As this is my fu-l eiitine Inte the ce'umu. 1 have n let te ny, "First, let me censnitii'a'c you fo. fe. fo. yeur wKe choice of the iwche bct pie turc of lO'.'l Yeu are frank in your statement- and n a r'tli rv pardon me, I mean a 'rciiier' -you arc a topneuher. "l'Te sep "The Thtee Mil-keleer'." that of "Deug'".'- fur h end time. and I have enjoyed it immensely. Ne trender "Deus" i the utnniwncd km-,' of tiluidein. His pergenal. ty . sincerity In his work and nbillt te de the bc-i will always plea-e the pub!n He i one of the few leaders in picture1 who 1b stepping forward and pi-ogre-slug with each picture. Men like Kuii-bank-. Griffith. Chaplin. Aril and a few oth eth ers are a credit te the art and will be marked down In the hNtnty of film. "It w-ns ipiiie a siirpiic te ee Hays 10 Inte the movie. but It'- all for th best. I hope that tl.M w..nt mSM our President up. for what wll the .eun-tfj- de':" -"Old Timer" wiiles Gi.-nl te mm 'Lee' back again, lie mr .bei sine is a person aftei i iy own bean. Jh. boy! maybe we ceuldn'i 'iae ! em conversation for n lew hours cm our old-time fa von res ' "While I am an old-timer. I'm net In my dotage yet.'nhvay- wePemliu: new opin.eiis e.i all tne ni'ur and actresses of the day "Didn't ion icallv hae a qualm about saving fharli" Chaplin i- u real actor If thev wimli. only let htm tinge his ctlnid pies- New, thai was iour ieur ag. and smee ion made the ini' uit statement. I'll --eceiid il. He co ild me drama, w.i'i " '.viiml 'D' If the pub lic would only - n. U meiiibi r io ie bit in 'The I'.ank.' In- old K.-aiuv n lease, and later some 1m Men', in 'Shoulder Anns"' New iiw one w.'1 tllillk we nie beiii iij . I)' I I den'i tare. "After nl. what i- 'if wilheit an occasional ibhate, .e Ic the n.tlcs luiiie nlenr 1 hate a jirw suppU of pen.. all nice and shiny, just wait ng ie be used. "Hasn't i eniedy nuie a long wan silli-c the old days'f Uemeiuber when the Thanheu'ei' ui'u te no len.edles' "I'll never forget Harry Henhnru in n picture called "J'lie Cemmulin' Cat.' I guess I remember it because in these dayb we lived in the Middle West and I u.sed te llllllgim il n great te live East, in a big town, and uminiiite te work. Alas and alack I I new knew different, since It means ft o'clock aeh morn fur tne le make u train. "Isn't If a shame the wa N'e 'inti Ttllraadge is slippmg'r I could s-'reiiiu lately at her piciuiew, mnl yei I like her, bill I nctunlh see led when I see n person of her tibiliti. und with tin resources "he lui1- at her cemmaud, de some of the simple things she dies. X'ernin had heller watch her step, be- ' BUM' It doc n't lake long te lese out llie.si days. "One of lasl venr's piiliues I likdl but never hem mentioned was 'The itrnndlug Iren,' ll.irbani CatIelen tiui Jim' Klrkwoed. ion lemember, I en joyed it. lleweicr, it may just be my peculiar laste " 'I.ce' speaks of Kate Ilnue. Won der If he remembers denr old Man Maurice? She was -n dear ami dainty as real u mother as the screen ever had, And Charles Olc Isn't lie just "Could you get a llt:lc information . bvut Guy Oliver for meV I watch his A work with Interest. He (ills parts in . ;j5"jiciure no one vjse ceuiu ue. &? '"What became' f Cassen r crgUJOtl I ' Ki HONEYMOON M. NEKI Y lie played in I'.n.tnr Wii-hbuin't fir-t stan mi pu turc. 'The Gipsy Trail.' and lncldentullv 'stele' the entire picture, liryant acted like an extra mall aud IYrsifen the star. "Don't imagine I'm 'acin' Hryant. . for 1 am net. but he was ,iu"t miscast : even the best of us make mistaken. It any one wa pertwt this would be ti rum' world, don't you think'.' "If aiiv one can iu:est a better character selection tliaii 'l.ec's' (or iny uwiii. ish ihey would wiile in. Maybe we inerloekcd .nine one who is great. "I sec Mia l-.ee is tucntijiied among the comer" for the year. Kn't it ftllimV I just 'can't see" I.lln. She Is a real, icgular. game little girl.w-erKv hard and cery thlii1:. but I der it like lie.-. ,iu de. don't you'.' "ell. Tin glad we differ en semething: ii makes It 'kind-a inicrcsiin.' "And Anita Stewart: Ne particular rcMMin. b':t she nbvnys leeks sj pensive. I bcllec she thinks she's a female I-.ii-scne tl'lirien he of the uplifted ou ou brew, you knew. "Weudrr win I" always holds his baud eer 1 i- heiiil te legl.ter djstrcs': Maybe lie h'i p'eei's.y or snmethiug ain' it liuits him S leaking of ego." page Gene.' "Vi..'i Da i T'ewe'l would get chince a'ialn. W" was cojiie'ctelv lo. le. in Mae Munn . pic.i . ' u .1" d d A".:ne l.ipm. and a. Inn . 1 i bought." i Vll. (il.l Tiniei. we leii disagree I .ill 'in as much as y,ni tliink. though, t liat I lertiiinU cm see I;iln I.ee ,'ls She's a hard, with ii mil 11 stnr pesslDlllll. working young lady pcfetialiU. As for Atiltn Siewait. we might u.-ngice nn her. I nw her ln.l week in "The In irible Fear." nnd de ou knew whai 1 s-;, te tne Iul Who Gee. tej'iu Mnlis With Me': Sins 1. "New. that's what I fall an unswe- ie 'W lint the matter with the i,invieV ( unil'i'" wa.ie of tin,. Win-Mi tl.jti tiai eve-thins in distimllv bad taste Ami medie' re .ei. mediocre netlng, -uel ..ere diieeiirg and photecinphy i.nd sil setting". The movies would lie betier ,,i if eiet.v i.uiii and veiuan mmiect'd wit'n that 'prniluitieii fcel a job in semi. ether business." Wert of it was hat the very dnv before we J,(iil .era G-erg- At'.lss II "The Killing l'a-slen' and there every single hit'e d, tail was just as neurit petfeet as human hands nnd intelligent minds and pxtpusite geed tustc could make it. 'I'lief wi.'i'd be no kick .i high pti'is if all pictures were of Ieh snndaul Theie would be k.eks a v"i ini.fi't .ii' lU.ient !, iIh'i.'s I,,,, "TI lm sih. IVur." Here's lie C iy Oliver dope u brief I'.niu. ah age.' lsii; ciin, d Legin s! h. el. Lamar. Me. Stag uirre-. vaudeville, fiiiir m.iis. slei ., ui.d ii i null allies. Si en i liter, fieii l!)1l With I.ib'ii two Mais- Kiiiemai ii'in nne M'lli ' V. .an. '"' - ' ' : Si'ig. Ait . ,'llfl i "The Little Amei.i an "M'lise." I! ip nick .lone-.' ''I Wlil-m i in; i unlit". ' ' l. s. Th.it Kin." "I nib-r the T'ep" i . I.nsky i "Tii, Itenviug Kf.au." "The Yallev ut v (Ji.itits, I'le Heait it Ynit i. ' "'lel :n the Hil's." ' It 1'iivs in Vdvertlsc ' "Hawtheit ne I' S. ." "Ma". nnd I'Vn.ale. ' 'The .In. ki.ns ' "Si or Kiiaiiiii " ' The Kennd-I ' 'A wins Audii'ieiis." "Winn Kvery N em en' Kiumf." "Cit of Siin.t Men "The Little Miti.ier" and ' 'I he World Champien ' with Wnllu. e Kenli. Haven't miu seen I 'as. en I'eigil.Miu since the Washburn pi. ti.rc': He's done sonic .;erl..g gemi wen; uiieiv, u'bd in two of the new i'ettv oiniiken p lures- "At i In- Knd et the U'e-'d ' nnd "The Law and the Weman." In t ie former he just about outdee. him. elf ,i a natural, timilfecie.l, p'BU'ib'n yeuu,' be-miiu. I've enjoyed loin leilei immen.Seh anil I'm sure '!."" and tli rest ei tlie fails I. J.VC. tee l'e one of thn.. bright pi I's le wllle Ulielhei 01,e HONOR ROMA VICTIM R. C. MeNally Burled Here With Military Honer6 A I'lu'iulelphia lciiin ei the Keuui di.sastei n Hamplen KuaiN, Keger C Mc.N'ally. 1 SI n Sliles street, niaste. sergeant ntinv nviiiiien service, was buried wilh mi'itarv honeis her. yes teriiay following miIcuiii leipiiem mas. celebrated nl the Church of the Ge.su Highl ceiull and Stiles street. Atmy nvlnters stationed at Langiey Field were honorary paiiDenrers, In ferment was in 1 ivMiiLTti . nrmrtMu V JBJJN JLH S XT kmUlXJ GUY BATES POST FINDS REAL HOME AT LAST mnnx c.ir Heme. Sweet llei born a song le ' onie. nnn jtiM Ony Hates 1'est. the dlstlngiilslied ncler vnen Tully nfter hnvlng wen con who just enme from the pe.iMtiR slage sldcrijble Micccss nt the New TlM'nlre te the fun!". Ult piciure yeurseil owning n beautiful, roomy beautiful, roomy California buncnlew thnl'H the nnme for It nl though It has n score or rooms, a gniaKc for three cars nnd all the ethor trim, , , i ! .. .i ...i.i,. n....n mings-.n 1-nHulena. nii.l a wlili-flmis iiuntrr uhie' near Mnsieu. i ounce tieut. Doesn't that sound great? The Let Fatima smokers tell you Liccett & Myers Tobacco Ce. ;0222: irniviist) ,m 'JJMUUJTJCJXM JT J joker l Hint, although you own thee tte wonderful hme, you almost never see either one of them, except for n tour of Inspection. Ker you nrc eon- iffltiltv liinrtticr tlin pnllnlrv llvttltf niflini .... ....... ........... ..... ............ ............... in n nrivnif. iniii-nmi in iv in ii lintel, in' nl n club III sutiie of the Inrger cities. ! If .win neve In that predicament, 'wouldn't you curse the orchestra Jchder I every time hit culwrm Mruck up the fn- 1 mllinr nnthemV Anil no one who knew the fneH neuli li!nme jeu. ThN Is the fine Hint has relentlessly , pursued (luy Mates I'em and has held I him In its lieiidlsdiclutchesi. with mljjlitv ! few vncntiens. Fer this ilMlngui-hed iic'er ins been tiny lie the nr ee of nenu- ' ilnrily en the stage pniHug nnd paying "' PW'Wv. .,1'Ypil;,n.!? MJ, in ."'- iui-k iinu in ununj mi ! ' """' "'V " ," "'l, r I V..KB V '', nT 1,n.nliUe., tlie linrilv lierpiinlnt nf tin. stngc tlint Is still touring (lie cenn try: he was In this part two full years. I hen he was starred In "Omar the Tplltlnlier." n?M after n season In New Yerk nnd Chicago, he went en the read with this chicle nnd tlint leur1 FATIMA CIGARETTES 23 fi. TWENTY fir Always :"7iins"irioeoaa P AC KARD Te build netking less than tkc finest quality meter car and te build it economically lias been Packard's constant ideal rer TWIN-SIX Its quality xs unquestioned ana always has been a national byword for Excellence. And new a materially increased 'pur chasing power is given te every dollar invested in a Twin-Six, through new reductions in the prices of all models, rang ing from $1000 te $1400. vVherc in all moterdom can you find a rival of the Twin-Six at its new price or at any price? $3850 F. 0. B. Detroit The price of the Packard Sinfjle-Six, already tuice reduced, remains unchanged, S2;)e0, with the probability of tin advance later. Open Evrniufs Packard Moter Car Ce. of Philadelphia 319 North Bread Street i BETHLEHEM, CAMDEN. READING, HARRISftl'RG, LANCASTER, TRENTpN, WILMINGTON, YORK Clsh the man "who owns one BT L -(.. r V" touted four full your. Then enrne the opening of "The Mnwiuerntler" niul lie litis been playing the dual lending roles Jn Hint piny mere thmi nix yenrs. Lirclra years of constant booking ever iiiin ipnr i nm ireniiin ni mm renu ......... . -. --. . T . . " -i ncnlnnd Auslrnlln nnd In nil this time, lie hns micnt perhaps ene-lwcuili nt one of lily home. Audi the grentefct nggravntlen of nil in thefl enforced absences Is the "ep.i- rnllen from Mrs. I'esl. who wlll.be brst remenibered n Adele Ultchie. the Dren- ,,en, -Mnn Dell, who sang e divinely "'' V"he 'ln"r,,t "01,l,cy In 'j',n' ,'". mm yc.i, ru.i.u ..vi-. f... "e. "' -'." irequvm ffurrled trln.s bv one of the I'esl s te visit the ether member of the famliy-but natu rally, they tire hardly Mtlefnctery nnd rather whet the appetites for a real reunion in their own home. That In what Is happening today. At Inst (luy Hates I'est hns discovered home, and his feels 'mere satisfied than Columbus, Drake or any ether Tamed eynger. for he is llhnlng "The Mas nueindcr." .the tint of the Illclinv.l Walten Tully productions, nt thn I 'tilted Studies In Hollywood and UK SPBXnS KVKKY XIOUT AT HOMK IX PASADKXA. The capitals 0 ifc?::m hithtr in Met than r- Tsp thtr Turkish Blend cigarettes but just Jaste the difference t IOOOOOOSH T .. I Pest's. If he had his way he'd hnve them printed big enough tetlll the page, Kven though he rises each morning nt (l:10. se thai, he may be nt. the studio nn hour nwny nnd made up nt 0 o'clock, nnd even though he rnrely gets back home before $ In the evening. Pest feels Hint he Is home nnd with bin wife. Fer despite the ninny stories of marital Infelicity among stnge nnd screen play ers there Is no doubt that few people This peppermint flavored sugar coated gum MfaVBTaW IHm llll III HI HI -ml iffa'V 1 1 mm HI mm. H1BM HI LMm K m aW H aV H H ft m m mm m iSMB m MSB 1 paamfl' U If HH mHsaUl KPlmlHBl HH m-S- $ BB5?5 11 mJw iwi a delight te young and old. It "melts in your mouth' and the sum remains te aid teeth and seethe the mouth and threat. There are the ether WRIGLEY friends te cheese from, "After Every Meal" PIinTIIPI.WK flMU A r--x l r Rnr THOMPSON BTfl. tTJULJ MATISEB UA1UT IIARIIARA CASTI.ETON In "The Chad Theu Gavest Me" ARCADIA fI iWi MAY MacAVOY "A VIROIXIA COURTSHIP" In A CTrD FllANKI.lN t OIHATID KVS. Ai31Ul MATINIJE DAIt.T MARION DAVIES in "tiik immr.'s plav BALTIMORE '.Wif BERT LYTELL In "A TRIP TO PARAIHSi:" BLUEBIRD Ilread A fiutquehanna Continuous - until II CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "HAT XO MAN KNOMrt D D O A WXr AY nreail& Snyder A dRUAUWAI ... ,i.4r, nnii i P. m ii m. nftaiMFTiri rr vampcci IX HUSO AKIHllt'S COURT" n A DpTl 7iTs MARKET 81 UArllVJUi je a .m te it 16 p. m BERT LYTELL COLONIAL G,n; i. Maplivned Avli, 3i). 7 nnd U P. M 1 ETHEL CLAYTON ! In "HER 0. .MOXI'A" ' FAIRMOUNT .jJKaIS JACK HOME In "DEVIL DOG DAWSON" rTU CT THEATR1 llftlew Kpruce DO 111 Ol. MATI.NT.i: DAILY NORMA TALMADGE In "TIIE WOXIIKIUTI. THIXIi" GREAT NORTHERN uua,'nn:lf,,,! "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KINO AltTIU IPS COURT" IHiturDIAI IWTH i WALNUT STH JlVHE.rWf-M-.M.itt ! 30 );kii. 7 A !) SPECIAL ION riuim ("I KIN "THE QUEEN OF SJiEBA" VaDITOM 'HrfS'IMT Ahef IJROAO KAINUI'JIN )ij, ji 311 M te 11,30 P M JACKIE COOGAN III "MY IMIV" I miTR TV iu" POI.l MMIA A. I.iuuvi mati.nei; DAILY (la. Ci.iL a WrikA ninlik Jt t..ll. a..a.. M61I TNT VCADC" .ww.,. .ur..w i II III III hi ni mi! ' ii ii i Nil I ' ii I " JfBmmMMfMtmBfBmKmmHjn Iff iff Iff ifym MVlvl -aHSaS,mywaamCaSamll appreciate their homes 'as' de happy fcsslenal couples. And Mr. und Ouv Hates Pest feel that they r pro pre 1 Mrs. arc mnklng up for lest time. Se there U very little visiting en the Pest program, lie is In pictures nnd h determined te ghe his best te his film work, ah he hns always glvn hli best 'te his slngrt work nnd that best wll surely estnblisli him nnieng tne yery foremost leaders of til in .. ... . . ... ..... I'USIH. The in the center i.i. iL.f. i'.--. L..i l.nnnr itrA- 1A1 Jk A. ,J KflLjaH Ii4fasll"fl TTTiH 113113111 ,ia" MlAaLMSP & y. .b r lnkKmvBmr m , ajKfc. WKW -.' V jSKriS3KB f "ftV7 f-: . 1 IHHij.& ft ia V s?s3sS til 9 & f1' v?sPm i V.. .vtf:" WtL vl v X siiT . "i v a ? arm- m ; w I liv4. Mf, -AM f digestion, brighten the toe: nioTen.AYs YJffl, i" T 7 V m"")p mmBJJ The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com Cem cany of America. ORIPMT Woodland A. at 02d St. V"iiii iratliife Dally AGNES AYRES TIIE IwVXli THAT HAD XO TrBSIXO" In OVERJR99KJ3DJJF"miJ 11 rHLllri. IE.IU In "Ki:.T 1-REK" PALACE ii'u mauki:t street in a. r tA 1 1 it n if MAt MUKKAY In "PEACOCK AI.I.KY" RFCFNIT MAHKKT ST. Belew HTH rvL-VJI-,1l 11 A. M. te It P. M. WANDA HAWLEY . , jn yili:R PACE VALUE" RIAI TO UEHMANTOWN AVEXUK h'.i.T.. , AT TI'l.I'KlIOfiKKN ST. SPECIAI, 1-OV PHOnilTlOX "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" SHERWOOD ""' ""Tumor. Af iJ1 ILjIX W r "A'''' '! KVU' 30 . .,,;: "EGRI In "ITIE LAST PAYMENT" STANLEY i'A'H'K'P AT 16TH ' KICHARD BARTHELMESS ' lnl'TOL'AHLEI Win" , STANTON 'AnULr Abev. 10TII hARDOl-S I'AMOl'H ROMAXCE "THEODORA" 333 MARKET fttl '; V'tf MAIJEL IIAI.LIX l.i Clmr'lett Ilrente'a '' "JANE EYRE" ' - VICTORIA MK1;r ,SJ:, t"" ' WILLIAM DESMOND i III riC.IITIX' MXII" GRANT ,"-'- "irari1 Av" .Mt. Temui I JIrl I , Wllit Wnlmci. nt urcui HARDY PADITV iv "THE FOX Added Hareld Lloyd in "Never Wealien" AT OTHER THEATRES, AMBASSADOR ."Ci; A k, at r.i'li PnUlUfU L..KI V-jlj , ,V. firimiliN "WAY DOWN EAST" M'AT 'ri.Kvl(V I'll Kl'llltll iii "i.ini.i: i.eiiit lArvi V-iVii.. l .OffYlQntAlltn "SI" Jerinantewii'"A'ia. la i MWniOWn -MATINl"lVlAHrT '"" Mat. '.'ll.-. Kv. J" j. ' CONNECTICUT YANKEE KATHERINE ,MacDONAL N KI(1 ARTHURS COURT" ( In "TRUST YOUR Wirf." ' I A N T lerciflnM ! snutit n It. -!'":! erenlni tnrs are upent at the panSl ; la an nccempllhcd planl.t-5 .Pest singing some of the tlnVS Pest Mrs. filsA It'll n nnlrt dm,. ...I.I. . ume. I,aIU hfn,. ti; u: Z "" " fmiplt, "";"." li.:".J "' "'" or a hit . u uii in iieine, niKI inat'B.wh n " Hates Pest feels like n ,.?'jjf1 r -and mighty hnppy ever It, tee. , ,r"l H t PHOTOPLAYS iQiantut, cemmiiv r . fYlfThe NIXON-NIRDLINCERfBf U THEATRES U BEJ MONT D ABOVE MnKBT UCL.1V1U1N1 1;30 and 3; 0.80 te UP POLA NEGRI In "VKXPETTA" CPDAR MTK CEDAn AVENTja, X-CUn 1 ;80 and 3 1 7 end 0 P. M, ZANE GREY'S POWERFUL HTORV "THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER" VVHOIUJIVI i:ae nnd 3; 7 and 0 P. M. ALI.STAR CAST In "HEART OF THE NORTH" JUMBO FRONT RT. A OfRARO AVfc Jumbo June, en PranUferd " EDITH ROREKTH In "IN SOCIETY" I P AHFR 4lbV LANCASTER AVJU LtlJlir. ...,3e te 4.30, 7 te 11 P. POLA. NEGRI In "THE LAST PAYMENT" inrflQT 2D A.NU LOCUST TREr L.UCU01 Mali. 1:30. 8iEpi 6.30 te" POLA NEGRI In "ESTBIQUE" , NIXON "D AND MARV& ? Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven In "MARBY THE I'OOB r.IRL" . rivOI 1 C2D AND banseji bis. rlVJLil 1:30 and8:H'45te HP.- BARBARA CA9TLETOX In tThe Chi,d Theu Jte" 69TH ST. Theatri Odp. "I." 'l'r,ml" . V.SO. 7 nnd P P. ALL-STAR CAST In FANNY 111"''.' "Just Around the Cemer ." . . T TIT" . if Will"! STRAND """f'SSi. t n ! 5I ETHEL CLAYTON In "HER OWN MONH" MEMBERS OF M, P. T. O. A. JEFFERSON tsWW v" NORMA TALMADGE III "THE AONIILi:il L IIIIM'" I HARfv iiunii. .iu. r ".: it . .. I. .11 IVll.N '" wuik nieng ine uewery strctu of rnJal denn. Then 'It s enrly te bed. for ,?J early q rise the next morning. ifJ f&M2ttix&a v. x .i n. v ' a Mfarwaw k mV VJ if mu j bV ti u y& A V 6 'WJ i ' t f. t .-!. 'r .".j.. .- vi)'V&J-th4?& U