Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 28, 1922, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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    HP-- wispi iPf!
TO'1'1' I "j tl i TwT"' '
??'. .At. . i
XXI . . Aa..'i l.TT un 'i i w n
. a.- i - l J - k . . 1 ft Jl 'ft
-r,,, ,,.iV ,,,,., trnwTritnA mnwanAV T?IrmTT ATtY 2& 1922
i iaijmBiijHiJB - - i -. '; ! - an - ' an i vi'Ji a m. a i j jjiuxyxe. .. 1 - . ,t. v . , , . . .
! m - w -m . a a w m m mimmmMmi mMm-mmwmmm-jm m. a m a. -aA i rr a t -m r t r'tiiiifii"i'i
f r . r ; , I
An Unusual Remanc of PeepU Whet Very Being U
Pledged te De the Bidding of Others
Auther of "The Miraete Man." "Frem New On," etc.
CetvfleM, tttt, hv Publle I.rdetr Company
tfitrklna nn old Nw Yerls rabman,
imVble e threw off Ills le of ilrli.lt.
Slins his llttle motherless, daughter.
Ff.iFe te hli old irleml, 1'n.ul Vnl?,
.1 i , hretitrht up without Itneu-leflsa of
Kr rRJ 1 father until he can Mdeern his
Ji.die by orcemlnr hi wcaknesi ami
?i.?mln himself. Twenty yearn later
I fiitlU attmpt made by a young un
r : t.UA man te mlavf awav en &
no """-.l"" inn- , -q
under thn kean obmrvatlen
frlnn hljh
ri r..km nnii aatenlrhra him by r.
..line acturate knowlfdea of hla former
llf" a a San Francisce veunrater of
it m of th paaaentara, who rollewa
;...ncir CMP aauina irem samea
r"r . i .i. iihJi itiik I
nlm ashere and
...lih and aoed family, with ene weak
tint amblln. m I'triuartcd by th tan
litlva premlia of a paiaa horns te
lata the atery of hla ttanderlnan alnca
iiii duapptaranca from Han Francltce.
ih. a rand') eulh tallfl of touching tlia
iavr pet of Ufa In ft vnln effort te fol fel
nrf auccesefully Hi" lure of chance,
satlifled that lh euth haa no criminal
reerd, th lmatcrleua paaatniter drawa
up a atrange contract, xhereby the
eunier man bhicuu h iu.wh i.tuiii".!'
Wulr and auui ime mi aervice.
lArman la
man upon
tha alemiture of
the wrlttrn bend-
the elder
linenn wiaeiy a xn iicmi 01 inancaa
vealthlet chain or gambling heuiti,
Th yeunr man wrltea hla algnature
!th natlte Invlalble Ink, rcuulrlne the
acten of the aalt nea water te bring out
the simple name Jehn liruce. In the
cambllng houae which Bruce "visits" as
. a eecret Inspector, he plaa till he la
broke, and through the management la
alven a chance te pawn seme valuables.
the pawnbroker la a marvaleuily beau
tiful alrl. Trailing her taxlcab, he get
Inte a brawl with some excited foreign
Vs. but finds aanctuary Juat a he keelt
ever at the feet of the girl in the taxi
cab She calls In Dr. Crang, a brilliant
chjilelaJi. but a drug Addict, who la In
fme ulth her. Bhe repulses hli ad
vances, but te aave tlruce'a life agreee
te marry Crang. Venua. who haa adopteil
her and Hawkins, her father who ha
net yet redeemed nimseir et drink. r
The old "cabll
aolstlen in linuer.
seeks con-
'fhe man addrrascd n "Doc"'rellod up the slecre of hli left arm and
produced & lijppdtrmlc 8Tince from his pocket
tlew threuth
climbed in. ,, , Tf
He frowned in ft troubled way. "
wns trup thnt. an he liad ctlmbeU in
that night, he had net been n a con cen con
dltlen te tnke much note el tne room,
but yt it did worn e be the Mime lare.
The frown xnnlshcd. What did It mat
ter? He knew new beyond ny ques
tion whose face It was ,t had com' com'
te him fe often In thnt abaft of sunlluht.
Yra. It did matter! He mua Imve been
unfoiiscleua, perhaps for only a f
1. ....... n,nnj fiir ilnvH. bUt II. t"ls
- '".llfcte ftS,VMn TZk
one created out of hla own longing. 1 mt
here in her actual person, a I Wing,
breathing reality. It was the girl of
the traveling paynshep, ,nn,,-7r7fl
Jehn liruce loune iuii ,"',;"iV;:
with sudden intcntnesa. V as he drift
ing back Jnte uncensclpusneaa asnin asnin
inte that realm of unreal thInBa! ,v. here
the mind, feverea an eruacn, ""'-."""
Xhe man addressed was henry of
build, with a peck-marKea antl forbid
ding countenance, lle was panting
from his exertions, a, Innldc the room
new, he leaned ngalnflt the fIII,
"Tliat's all right. Dec I" hf grunted.
"Thnt'a nil rlgbt! Hut hew about bin
nibs ever there behind the rscrccnr Alii t
(iff vnnlnelnv hl KVrlnCC in UlS
pocket, drew it out again.
"Coming from you, llirdlc." he mur
mured caustically, "that's a .aurP'ls
Inglr bright idea, f ve neon here for
the last three hours listening te his In
teresting addresses from the rostrum or
delirium, nnd 1 should t,ay he was qult
he ever cemln' out of his nap?" '".fev Will, te -W,-'fM
The man addressed as "Dec" tolled '"nit" r feel mere comfortable, we II
up the cleevu of IiIh left arm. nnd pre-1 act en your Miggcstlen.
Ii.nn.l n I, ..,.,. ,l( ,. .1 ,l, frr.ln lllu. fnl.lft Itrllpn'u tretll Crltteil tOCetllCr.
pocket. ' I Hew weak he was! His arm ached from (
"Tliere'H the we ever there, Birdie"." " Uip riWit atrnlii ?J "t,I,,,,n' ll
1,A ,lrn-ln.l n t, .l,.t,,l 1.1. .,rn. tfltll llUVOIlll Ills llCnil 10 tllC SCrCf'II,
... uiuiiiki) .,a ... l..-li m. ... .-.. 1 -w . 1
Iiome the 1 And then lie sniiieu gnmiv. j.hi. i
wasn't n eae et strcngtii new, nwui
He was obviously quite hclp!ca In that
respect. Tills man tney called Dec be
11 1 i,t, tn Im wtlll iineonacleuH. anil
he drew his arm Kllcntly back, tucked
it again under the sheet and blanket
thnr covered him. anil closed his eyes
1 and even If he could icslnt. which lie
couldn't, n hypodermic Injection of
the needle and pushed
plunget. "Uct busy J"
"I knew you knew your buslncs,
Dec," he said ttmnslly: "but I guess
me an' Pete hcre'il feel morn comfor
table if you'd have put that nhet of
coke Inte the guy I'm bpeakin' about
lnetcnd of into yourself. Ain't I right,
The third man was wringing against
rmW m iaT
I mMjm m kF Asmmwh.
V MMrM r mm v.m
Sa F'nnciee
Sew et
rvvw a aaanjsivt
1701 Chestnut SmM
Cor. 171h 61.. FMM'WfeKwM
ffsr i st.k . ik; ! j.. - - '-''" assets ,sssr, k ,
r"rra', S ,'m ,'"&l Wm l ' n W Hie kntrml.. in I. . munul Wmtrrev.
rear of one of the houses, locked the
shed with a padlock, and, by way of the
heck deer, entered the house that was in
front of the ahed.
It was quite dark tnMUc. but Haw
of illusions, brain fancies, cobwebby,
intangible, which had no meaning, and
were without beginning or end. There
was a whitt! beach, tcry white, and a
full 1 emul inneii, nnd the moon winked
"" r:nWBh, don't you
pull the house down nnd have done with
t? -Yeu elumcy hog! De you want
the police en uh? Can't you climb three
feet without waking up the whole of
N Jolin0Hruce's lips drew- together until
they formed n tight, straight line. IM
was strange I Very "".?"
a vagary of his brain this time. His
hmln wnta as clear new as It had ever
been in his life. The voice came iron
jlU miu
'AWKINS pushed the swinging
doers ODen and sidled up te the
"Ilelle, Hawkins!" grinned the bar
keeper. "Been out of town? I ain't
seen yen the whole afternoon 1"
"Ien mind your own business!" said
Hawkins surlily.
"Sure!" nodded the barkeeper cheer
ily. "Same as usual?" He slid a
square-faced bottle aud a glass toward
the old man.
TJawkins helped himself nnd drank
moodily. He set his empty glass back
en the bar: jerked down his shabby
rest and straightened up, hfs eyes reso
lutely fixed en the deer. Then he felt
In his pocket for his pipe and tobacco.
His eyes shifted from the deer te his
pipe.- He filled it elewly.
"Give me another." said Hawkins
presently without looking at the bar
lccpcr. Again the old man drank, nnd jerked
down his vest, and squared his thin
shoulders. He lighted his pipe, tamp tamp
ine tlm heul carefully with his fore-
iinjter. His eyes Eeught the swinging
doers once mere,
"I'm going home," said Hawkins de
fiantlv te himself. "I've get te think I
this out." He dug Inte his est pocket
for mencv, and produced a lev small
bills. He btnred at the-e for a mo
ment, he'ltated. started te replace them
in his pocket, hesitated again, and the
tip of hi1' tongue circled his lips; then
nc puhed the money across the bar.
"Take tllC urini.H qui m mm, mm
ml glte the n bottle." he said. "I -1
kins had been nn Inmate of the enmc- knowingly while lie whittled with a huge.hojend the beat I of Ms coat, lie "iiu
What icedy rooming-house tee mnny'jaik. knife nt .1 quill toothpick. And en no one In the ree n,U ut iniu J n -eaiM
either le expect that a light sheulil then llier. w.is .1 grent chasm of bla.-k-1 natural enough nci f 0111 lie P e i
be burning ut that hour, or for that m-M whirl, septuiled the heath fiemi In which he ; wus lying lis I h e 01 " J
mailer. In tequlie nin light, lie groped some ether i.lu.v that xeemc.l l bne was .le.ild.dlv re- neil, vimt '
liis wa. up a tlirfhl of cre.iklni; htairh, ' nethlii;; te i.lenttf.v It evcept this black I iiiceniprelien'-lble. thong . ; en " c ' ,
fltlftlll'il fllik ilrifif .if fi rnnin nii.1 ulanhn. .Jin..,,. ,1.I.1. ,.n ,1... ..-u.f,,..... .a .1.1111110.1011 Wll.l t .. tw.w - ""' ..-"
there .
inside. He shut the deer behind him, 'and hcie a man's face.
ieckcii tr, unci fctrucu n match. A
i face thai was
jet wheezed aslhmatl.ally, aud tbially
Hung n thin and willen yellow glow
about the place. It disclosed n cot bed,
a small strip of carpet long since worn
bare of nap, a washstand, nn old trunk,
a battered table, and two chairs.
Hawkins, with , seme difficulty, ex
tricated thn bottle 'from bis pocket, and
lifted the lid of bis trunk. He thrust
the bottle inside, and in the act of
closing the lid upon It hesitated.
"I I ain't myself tonight. I ain't,"
said Hawkins tremulously. "It's shook
me. It has bad. -lust one t.e help me
lied ! just one."
Hawkins sat down ar the table with
the bottle in front of him.
'uitattitiiie li lea nTltrneitnn (i itit luitls ft
lillliliri Ala tLfl t All VOIUUi UI114 IIHIII IV."
pulslve nnd unhealthy in its color, was
constantly bending ever him, and the
man's bead was always in the same
pesture cocked n little te ene bide, as
though listening intently nnd training
te hear something. And then, in the
same place, but less frequently, there
was another face and this seemed te
bring with it always a shaft of warm,
bright sunlight that dispelled the abom
inable gloom, nnd before which the first
face vanished a beautiful, the wen-
dreusly beautiful, fnce of a girl, one
heard was that bis own presence
nnnenrpil le be completely Igiiereil
lie twined his head around cnu cnu
tleuslv. and found thnt the head of the
cot was surrounded by a screen, lie
nodded te hlmclf a little grimly. That
ncceuntcd for It! There was a scraping
sound new, and heavy, ltbeied breath
ing. Jehn Bruce silently and ttealthily
stretched out his arm. He could Just
reach the screen. It was made of some
neft. silken material, and hla fingers
found no difficulty In drawing this back
a littte from the 'edge of that portion
of the upright framework vhlch was dl-
tlint l.n Imrl can. cAtrtntvlmrn linlnilft
una hnnntinp in tin t'ninilinritv nnd fer'rffllr in front of him
which It seemed he jin.l always known H, benrccly breathed new.
n crpnr. earninir. Imr. which tihiKiied he was In co weak a State
that his I
And while Hawkinn sat there It crew him tiier,iiiiv luumutn there f.peiue.1 te I mind fnlievni if crowded, for there was.
very late. , he some unseen barrier between them. ' K0 milch te see that he could net seem ,
At intervals Hawkins talked te blm- nmi because he could net recognize her, i t Krap it all as a single picture, lie
sell. At times lie starc.i ewnsniy trein . n,i Mm could net sneak nnd tell him
who she was.
Jehn liruce opened his eyes again.
Dimly, faintly, his mind Feeinc.1 te be
grasping ceheient icalities. He began te
e-nze.l fnscinatcd. The details came '
..lowly ene by one. It was the room
ivlm Im Imd emwled in threilgli tne
window and hnd fallen senbeless te the
lloer whenever that had been. Hint
I no thn nimlnw there. And. curiously
a half-emptied bottle te the black square
of window pane above the trunk and
once he shook his list in thnt direction.
"frnnu eh dillun jolt!" he crlttv.i
... I.' il.t-t. .-. 1... ,1.. .....'H
QUI. leu li.inii you ki . .iu ,"" ..t...v...- .....,. e .1,.. n l.i.t II
Seme dirty, runnln.; trifle you ve play- '.' ""'""" ,"".r. ...r, :;,,,.. eneuuh another man was ciawling in
e.l her lint you don't Knew old i "".:' , ,""'" lv ' '"' ",'" , , ,' ,"" ", ,. threiicli it new! And there was wills-
Hawkins. Ha !m!itYeu think he's teff J.rr in tni " S. And"two etiler men were el-
only n diunUen bum:" I .' " ,. Y0l nlcir eX the 1 go r-ndy standing in the worn, but he could
iinwklns, as It grew later still, b?. An I the n 111 " & ""' " W net P0 their face because their back
"TS "Citl. Irilt"h5.n in a room , were turned te .him. j
somewhere new. and lying en n cer or Then ene et tne two ,w.u.r m-uiu..,
tome sort. And it was night. Hew had In the direction of the window, bringing
1 IIU illllt ;," ,- ,.,
kcuiicii unuii .""- .v.".:",'!:. ....." .....ie i.u feifl ,.nrnn1ltle. Iirliielne
his head sank down upon the table.
"1 hie getta think Ibis out." said
Hawkins larne.stly and fell asleep.
be come here? his face into Iew. .ienn nruce ciexeu.
He moved it little, and suddenlv felt I bis eyes for a moment, les, it must
a twinge of ,"sin in his side. Ills" hand be that ! His mind w as off nlliiB -creried
under the covering, and his once mere, painting and picturing fi
.! rrltia tllP n MfllllC. lit! PUllla A -. - - ..I l.I -. .1 II.. I
iiuu n' . - ---- .... .a .in hi iii lien uiiciit'ii ui vv tn ciiiuii v.
a. ut. i- i. ..itiMi ntvnitin in rim ..... --.-.-- -. , - -, , ,,., ,, nninn nun f nni'iiM u i ii 11 ir' iiaru nn iuii.itin a .-. -
nent iiKe euq i"s "'.'..""V."' v uneee ngly : and then his eyelids Hut- '""" M' "":. ' "",":,:.," """,:, ' i.b ,,!,, M,.. ehnrnrter it had cica
house, anil. I get te go none A fl1(1 ,,.,, n.n,n The ya, ... nai ra i.,. upu, Y,h 7 Vi,!, the sinister face w
;- ?Id Hawkins wiih .era de- V,:" lSSA ' K? SfS. gA W'hV d ,e?id again. andV CsU,.
tT.Anifti'prnwileil the bellle into the h,B.t.c 0' ..nniL"n. I'll'..... i. .. i:r . i.ll'mhvd In threuch her window. His man spoke :
aide pocket of his coat, passed out ' 1 ,. i,,, Vr known It. Ier- eyc-.newlnustartle.lwaywercsenr.il- "Co.ne en. get busv, HIrdle. it
I. -i. ,i... ,..i, ,: JnF, nn.l re. ,ec '"' " '". "."'.. vi. 'V... " " V ' !.. l.iu ciirrniinrl(iii?s. nl:e !ih Ien" te crack the box as
I" ""f"u.. ":":""'" Zr'K :t.. haps it nn uciui. ne ..i.i inn tinner- "-".- ""'ii u , room' lie ,. V.Ven la eliml. in through a 1
the car sinited forward. But It went
farter new. Hawkins' fnce was (lushed;
he seemed nervously nnd excitedly in
liate. At the driieway he turned in,
uarnged his car in an old shed at the
Htail.l, ..... . ..1.1 ...,t I.. m,.fn cii.fv Iiit Itir.... cnnninif
He tried te tun;, lie was coihiieiis ."'" "" "'"" , ,, i".. , .
that his mind for some -long indcter-, Je be something familiar about t. J he
minute period had been occupied with' "B"i ' ""'"":" K ."""l"
1. . Anlt(nn e? iiinr lliciin lfrilrnn UOWll
llll M ll blUUU " .,( van.as iiiuiii.ii SJ t .
biiarches of things, fantastic things born it came from, nor could he see any win
V01I '
window, maybe well be invited te
breakfast with the family! Yeu nei
iust like a swell cracksman net '. llur
and he could net mnke out where here's the combination te try nnd play
up te the pat t ! .
in- - 1 1
The Opening of a .
Distributing Warehouse In Philadelphia
"Deuble Cable Base cTiveS
Of special interest te our trade
in this territory is the an
nouncement of the opening of a
FEDERAL Distributing Ware
house in
Philadelphia, Pa.
820 North Bread St.
The phenomenal increase of FEDERAL
business has made necessary the establish
ment of this additional distributing center
te provide for the greater convenience and
better service te our trade in Eastern
Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, Dela
ware and Maryland.
The Philadelphia Warehouse will carry a
complete stock of FEDERAL Casings,
Tubes, Accessories, -etc., for the accommo
dation of our wholesale trade within the
territory mentioned.
We feel sure that our trade will appreciate
the decided advantage of this important
extension of FEDERAL facilities, which
makes possible mere prompt and satisfac
tory service.
of Illinois
Cudahy, Wisconsin
Philadelphia Warehouse :
820 North Bread Street
One-Day Outings
Atlantic City -
Ocean City Stene Harber
Wildwood and Cape May
K.fiiiMON j:vi:iiv simiay
Yin Alluntle City Riillrend
a Chestnut nn4 Keuth St.
FerrlM for'Atlnntle City 7 30 A. M.
Fer Ocsan City, fatenn Harber,
Wildwood and Car May. leave
Chestnut Ht. rrry 7.i.'0 A. M..
heuth St. Karrv 7:10 A M. Helurn
InB from all points B;13 1'. SI.
New Yerk $3.00
Every Other Sunday
Next i;triirslii. Mnrch S
Vi ffr.nl lra.lli leiMrq ItnnMltiC Ter
niuml s 0( A M , tiji,iiR ut I'oium I'eium
ll.i aw HuntiiiBiIiiti SI. Uayne
Junctlnii, I.etran e-nd IrnUlntewn.
Notable AehierememW VM
Slwdity tmd Vah '
LEBANON and $9.00
Sunday. March 12 '
Srftal train lravns Iteadlnir Tar
mlral 7 30 A. M.. stepping- at Colum
bia A'.. HuntlnKden St . Mana
....nr rnit.hnhnrl(..n nnrt N'errliitftirn
(B Kalb Ht )
100 Pure Camef
Hair in tie 3(at
wal XJndyed Tan, '
T 7NUSUAL cetti that ire dUdnctively Jaeger in tai3erinj!, ttrle
rdcI quality, designed and made in our own private workrooms.
Various youthful type are presented for beya and girl ia tingla
and doable breisted atylet with raglsn or aet im ileevej.'
Thar amtt un it uuity teuheJ it hm tni will
renin tbtir thsfsliuti: tkr$Kgb U .
rea iCTAir,Ei iNToiiMATiev revsn.T aebnt sirn rr.YEns
Tickets may he purchased prier te dates of Excursions
Philadelphia & Reading Railway
l6.00 Bfmcrds
lAcctrditig I :trj n ttjlt ttltttti. Siftrtm X rt 16 Jtwrt
tSiCnil Qriirs r. Inquiries JiCvitii
At Your Dealers
This Week
A 10-Day Tube of Pepso Pepse
dent. Present the coupon
today. Watch the delight
ful effects for ten days, then
decide if you always want
He Will Say
"Fight these film-coats en your teeth"
deposits. They gum the teeth, get be
tween the teeth, and often ferment and
form acids.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the
saliva. That is Nature's ncutralizer for
acids which cause decay.
Thus every use gives multiplied
power te these two great teeth-protecting
agents in the mouth.
Leading dentists, nearly all the world
ever, new urge a new method of teeth
cleaning. Millions of people already
employ it. Yeu see the results every
where today, in whiter, cleaner teeth.
This is for these who don't knew it
as yet. We offer a ten-day test. Yeu
ill then see the unique results and de
cide what they mean te you.
The war en film
One great object is te fight the film
en teeth. Yeu can feel it new a vis
cous film. It clings te teeth, gets be
tween the teeth and stays. And it forms
the basis, for dingy, dangerous coats.
Ordinary teeth pastes de net effec
tively combat it. Se millions of teeth
brushed daily still discolor and decay.
Film absorbs stains, making white
teeth cloudy. Film is the basis of tar
tar. It holds feed substance which fer
ments and forms acids. It holds the
acids in contact with the teeth te cause
Film constantly breeds germs. They,
with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor
rhea. Thus most teeth troubles are
new traced ve film.
Hew te fight it daily
Dental science has new found two
effective film combatants. Able author
ities have proved them by many careful
A new teeth paste has been perfected,
te comply with five modern require
ments. The name i3 Pepsedent. These
two great film combatants are em
bodied in it.
Careful people of some forty races
new employ it daily, largely by dental
advice. Yeu will also de se when you
knew hew much it docs,
Brings ether effects
Pepsedent brings two ether effects
which authorities new desire.
It multiplies the starch digestant in
the saliva. That is there te digest starch
TP mmmmmammmmmwmmmmmm pat. OFF.
The New-Day Dentifrice
New advised by leading dentists nearly all the world ever.
All druggists supply the large tubes.
Present the coupon this week te
Fer beauty's sake
Film removal means prettier teeth.
Film-coats make teeth dingy. Se every
lever of glistening teeth should combat
that film daily.
The results will delight you and con
vince you. Present the coupon for the
10-Day Tube. Start its use tonight.
Nete hew clean the teeth feel after
using. Mark the absence of the viscous
film. See hew teeth whiten as the film
coats disappear. The normal alkaline
mouth, following every use, is most
See and feel these results for ten days.
Then leek at your teeth in your mirror.
Then you will knew what this new
method means te you and yours. Cut
out the coupon se you won't forget.
llUii C'licstnut St.
1012 Mnrkct St.
1221 Mnrkct St.
732 Market Ht.
SewnU'cnth & Chestnut Sts.
12(5 Market Ht.
H. L Cor. .'i2d & Walnut Sts.
4518 rrnnkferil A.
N. W. Cor. 52d & Walnut Sta.
1.132 Chestnut St.
1210 Mnrket St.
Kilt (.lipMlnut St.
2(lli Market HI.
hlllt Mnrket St.
U-lfi Se. S2d St.'
3701 GermantmMi Ave.
2351 N. Frent Hi.
Ilnmd & Spruce St.
C'hellcn &: (.ermimtewn Aim,
224 Mnrket St. ,
lilG Market Ht.
Preient this coupon, with your name and addreia filled
in, te any store named. It is geed for a 10-Day Tuba bf
Your Name .................J
Out-of-town residents should mail this cospen te Tfct
Pepsedent Company, 1104 Se. Wabash Ayc, Ckicaf, tad
will be sent by mail,
no tubote a Umlly.
an ii i- j.
1,1 ' , : l II A I "IV
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