mm ffl'jvm wmwxr.K mmmwf" F f uei - rrw -U 14V. jF "I,v.?Z'3E , ..' ' ' JJyzri. " iL " i V"2'jl -.- J..4'-n. ' nwti-nrr'ji iv OQ riaW. ' . ' nsia M ft EVENING PUBLtC .EDGER-f &ILAJ)ELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY i , i v.' ii.v. .. i ' : ' ' 28, 4 AJ MWILSON TELLS WANAMAKER'S WEATHER .OF POTATO DISHES FEBRUARY 28, 1922 WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE Generally Cleudy Gives History of Tuber and f ' Directions for Storage and Preparation i 'a ; $ . By MKS. W. A. WILSON .wWeM. 1MI. ftiAfr. M. A. Wilten. Atl i"tT.Tj fresh vegetables, whether they 1 A belong te the tuber et leafy clans, ! ... wntw thmi Rnlld rentint s iTj form n valuable source for supply C&l l?.0?.!! "if"; rwm... il! tt Seuth America, where It still Brews Awlld: and nltheugli i today It rentlmte"j fi'il. Main n.irtlen of tlie Btnrchy feed of Id min in the seventeenth century It was . bi"i '.:' ... ...i ..i...,i ...til. l den. Active cultivation began late tn the eighteenth eentury. Many varieties i I potatoes and the bcasen of ripening aake It possible today for the hen. rlfc te have new potatoes the greater Mrt of the year. The portion of the plant ued for feed consists of the engorged tuber grown n stem under the ground. Potatoes stored for winter use should V kept In a cool, dry and dark place ' wercd with n clean, dry sand. Warmth, Sfht and meltiture will cause the tuber te start growing. TIiIh changes the I itarchy content and destroys much of ' the ntitrlthe value of tlic potato. The flaer of the potato lies very ; dose te the ckln. se that the feed value i md the digestibility of tUp potato de pend greatly upon the method of cook- h B?i- . . 1.-. A- L -I ThO poiaie wiungsi iu me (.-mini- Irdrate group. The compeBltlon of the potato : Extractives and organic nclds.. Starch Fat Protein I" Water Cellulose Mineral matter P.C. . 1.5 ..20.0 . .a . 3.2 . 75.0 . 1.0 . 1.0 .100 Total Te Cook Potatoes Potatoes are boiled, baked and fried tt tauted. Rolling, either in the skins, or pared and then cooked. When par ing potatoes, In order te conserve the mineral salt and ether feed elements, pare thinly with a sharp knife; wash Snd place l? Bnureiu. vuu un jru- tatees that arc te be boiled by covering with boiling water at once and then keep boiling slowly until tender. Drain at once and cover with a clean cloth for a few minutes and set where the pan will keep warm. Soaking or plac ing the potato In cold water loosens and tonics out of the potato the starchy arnnuals which nre then cooked in the water and thrown nwny, thus robbing the potato of net only n goodly part of Its mlnernl saltB, but nln of some of its starchy content. Salt the potato Just after draining. Hash Brown Potatoes Dice four cold boiled potatoes fine. New place In skillet f'itc tahlcspoens of geed shorten' ing. Twe tablespoon $ of butter, and when het add the potntees. Cook slowly for ten mlnutcH without brown ing. Then shape as for eicelet uud brown. Drnln the excess grease off, and when ready te turn en het plate absorb all fat in the pan with a soft paper napkin; turn en Let dih and garnish with fine chopped parsley. Petate Tlmbate Place in a bowl Tve" cup of mashed potatoes, prepared as for mashed potatoes. One tcavpoen of onion juice, Pinch of nutmeg. Yolk of two eggs, Three tablespoons of buttn. Whip up hard te blend ; then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the two eggs. Butter custard cups and plnre a small round of buttered paper in the bottom of ench rup, fitting the paper smooth. Fill with the prepared po tato mixture and stand the cups In a pan of warm water nnd bake In a het even for twenty minutes; turn from the cups en het plate uud garnish with peas and cooked carrots, cut and trim med te shnpe like small corks. Te make potnte souffle emit the j eiks of the eggs nnd use whites of three res. Potatoes au Gratln Pare bijc cooked potatoes and cut in dice; rub a baking dish with cither melted butter or bacon drippings. Place h injer of potatoes, season and sprinkle with n light covering of grated cheese; repeat until buking dish Is full; then pour ever one nnd ene-hulf cups of thin cream sauce. Sprinkle top uicKiy wicu coarse nrcaucrumbs and four tablespoons of grated cheese. Hnke in a moderate even for thirty-live min utes. Te Daks Potatoes Wash and wipe potatoes of even size; rub well with any geed shortening and place In moderate even te bake; time ittqulred from thlrty-flve te fifty mm. utes, depending upon the size of the potato. Nete Greasing the Rkln of the pe. tate before baking will keep the skin oft and permit it te be peeled from the cooked potato as thin ns paper. Sweet Petate (Iponieea Ratataas Lamarck) Weng te the morning glory family, jnd the enlarged slde root or tuber of the vine Is the edible part. The sweet potato centnlna mere sugar, gum, pec pec tene and less starch than the white po pe po tate. Cooked by the same method i.nd erved for variety, the sweet potato holds nn important place In our diet. The sweet potnte in nlse used for pie, fllling for puddings and candled. Candled Sweet Potatoes Cook the potatoes In the skin nnd Pel. Then place in a skillet One pp of sirup, One-half cup of sugar, Onr tcuipoen of cinnamon, One-half teaspoon of nutmeg, four tablespoons of bacon drippings, One tablespoon of vinegar. Cook te n soft ball and then add the sweet potatoes and bnste with the syrip. slmmeilmr slowly, basting every few wliutrH. WUMIIIIWIIMIIIIMIIIIinUlllllimiMln'IIIIIIIIMIIIHIIIIIIIUlUS THIS ARCH SUPPORT will relieve pain nnd euro a fallen arch In three months, Yeu nre invited te a free demonstration. Women's Shoes te Measure James L. WelilW -w W WW m js 1109 Walnut Street 3 Beginning March at Lewer Prices With a Stere Fall of Spring Merchandise Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Important Sale f Qeves! French Lambskin Gloves, 90c French Kidskin Gloves, $1.35 French Slip-en Gloves, $1.85 Lewest Prices in Many Years for Such Gloves a Third Less and Half Price Skins are beautifully soft, and the gloves have that perfection of fit and finish characteristic of fine French workmanship. Colorings are perfectly delightful every fashionable shade being included. Particularly geed are the pastel tints for wearing with tweed suits. The Blip-en gloves are in high favor te wear with flowing sleeves, with capes and with wraps. 2 -Clasp Gloves, 90c Overseam-sewn French lambskin gloves in white, tan, brown, gray and beaver with self stitching. In white with black stitching and in black with white. 2 -Clasp Gloves, $1,35 Finest French kidskin gloves, full pique sewn, with contrasting bindings and heavy crochet embroidery en the backs. In black, hite, tan, bf own, gray, navy, pastel, mode and beaver with contrast ing embroidery. In black and white with self embroidery. Slip'Oti Gloves, $185 Six-button length French lambskin gloves, everseam sewn, with Paris-point stitching en the backs. In black, white, tan, brown and beaver with self stitching; in white or black with contrasting stitching. (Central) Women's New Organdie Underthings Are Delightfully Dainty Imagine sheer fine organdie In peach color, all cut in scallops and bound with black. Add a bit of black hemstitching nnd a black satin bow here and there nnd you hnve some idea of these latest sets of underthings. Step-in drawers nnd vests are each ' $1.50. Nightgowns nre $2.25. Negligee Nightgowns, $2 Seft white nainsoek night gowns nre trimmed with bands of lavender nnd have lavender sash belts that may be drawn through loops and transform the nightgowns into negligees. Crepe tie Chine Chemises, $2 Very pretty envelope chemises are in flesh, orchid and blue crepe de chine in tailored styles. Levely Satin Chemises, $3 What a low price for chemises as lovely as these! The satin is excellent quality, in blue, honey dew, orchid, pink and white. (Ccntrnl) A Splendid Let of Men's Shirts at $1 Fresh, new, full-made, fast-color GOOD shirts. Purchased from one of the makers of Wanamaker shirts and first quality in every incidental cut, workmanship, buttons and button holes. Percales Printed Madras Plain White Cheviot Plenty of neat stripes in black-and-white and ether desir able combinations. All with attached soft cuffs. Sizes 14 te 17. (Murket Street Gallery unit Central AUIe) Uncommon Neckties, 35c (3 for $1) A rich, silky tie in warm brown with woven dots and raised bro caded stripes ... an all-silk faille tie in dark blue with double-woven Btripes of geld ... a beautiful mejre tie of black with woven light blue stripes ... A black crepe with bayadere stripes with embroidered dots. Dozens of ethors equally unusual at doc. (Market Street Onllery) Men's All-Weel Overcoats, $15, $21 Mighty little for a geed Winter overcoat! It's well worth while buying one new in anticipation of next Winter. They are all geed coats of pure wool materials in various dark mixtures, in double-breasted ulsterette style with belted backs and convertible cellars. $21 coats are in all regular sizes from 34 le 46 and there are 75 coats te cheese , from. They have contrasting backs and plaid backs. Seme have belts all around. $15 coats are limited in quantity, Se we give the exact number in each size, that no one may be disappointed : H. tlliifSk Size 34 35 1 36 1 37 38 39 1 40 1 42 Quantity 3 7 10 (Gallery, Market) Charming Frecks Fill the Dress Salen These Days If you feel there is nothing new under the sun a tour of this pretty room will prove most refreshing. It's a Spring tonic just te leek at these beautiful new dresses. A dress of heavy Russian crepe is made with a plain long waist and a gathered skirt which is of two colors, with inch-wide fageting marking the joining. A frock of cafe au lait has navy blue for the lower part of the skirt. Anether of silver gray has periwinkle blue. $35. Cape dresses of tricetine, Canten crepe or crepe cpenge are most youthful. $25 and 39. Fascinating new colors are everywhere dahlia, fuchsia, rose-rust, hollyhock,' crew-blue and yellowstene. Dozens and dozens of different models at $25, S29, $32.50, $39 te $75. Special at $10 Tweed cape dresses in two models one with a tucked slip-en frock, the ether with a Peter Pan cellar of white kid. Navy blue tricetine dresses in a dozen different styles. They are trimmed with embroidery, braid, silk facings, etc. (Market) Thousands of Brand-New Blouses Very Lew in Price $1.65 $2.25 $3e25 Made especially for the new suits that all up-te-date women and girls are gettinsr! The blouses all have the open cuff that can be worn outside the suit sleeve. Materials are crisp, snowy, fresh and such amazingly geed quality for the low prices. Styles are exactly right tailored, trim and youthful, in keeping with the new Spring suits. 1000 Blouses in Six Medels. $1.65 One usually expects te pay around three dollars for blouses like these I The best of it is that each model is in all sizes. Among them are fine striped dimi ties with. Peter Pan or roll cellars; barred voiles; plain voiles with dotted Swiss cellars, and charming voiles with checked gingham cellars nnd cuffs. One of the last is sketched in the oval. $2.25 Peter Pan blouses of checked dimity arc trimmed with new shirred scallops of checked gingham in pink or blue. $3.25 Striped dimity blouses, in the model sketched, hove printed dimity cellars, cuffh and tics in brown, geld or blue. (Mnrltct) New Spring Capes for Miss 6-te-14 Prices Begin at $10 is a small sum te pay for such a delightful flare cape of tweed as the ene pictured. It has three little straph and is in a lovely soft iose color. The ether cape pictured is tan tweed tilmmed with blue and is $11.25. It is cut te resemble a vest front. , . Plenty of ether Capes of plnin or fancy tweeds nre almost all full length and many are fully lined, i showing vests fronts. Pole Coats $13.50 te $29 Of flne velour, chinchilla or rough coating, they are ubiially in the vnii vnii eus lovely tan shades that charac- tenze tne spring ciuh. cy u vj fn nnrt smart inev aie. iuu. mi raglan shoulders and novel pockets. 15 te 17 year sizes. Knickers and Skirts The knickers of geed-looking hnmeiinnn mixtures and check ve leurs ate in 12 te 1G year sizes at $6.75 and $8.50. Tweed skirts are in Copenhagen, tan and lavender tones with cut in pockets. 28 te 32 inch lengths at $5.75. (Markt Best $10 Bags and Suitcases in Years and Years Only the strongest surface cowhide is used in both traveling bags and suitcases,, and the workmanship is of high grade te match. All the corners are reinforced and sewed. The bags have full 18-inch frames and are sewed throughout, single pieces of leather being used as much as possible, for greater durability. They have tan leather linings, with pockets and geed catches and locks. In black and tan. The suitcases are full 24 inches and have extra-wide straps all around. Every point of wear is reinforced with extra leather. Inside there are leather straps in the bottom and the lid. They have striped linene linings and shirt pockets. In a rich tan. (Central) if T Mr I 'h l I .. March First Sale m the Centra! Aisle $10 If YJ?Ee-ir r vT7y b l vf ;': ,'& e a ? kvmkW mMUr .' A iC-v u.VMci, Kir, I y """a r" r iYS.Ts fi "tt-J. iv. lsvwvjrj m r "" f Nothing en any table is mere than two dollars semethings are as low as 10c. Prices are a quarter, a third, a half less some are less than half. Several Makers Ce-operate in a Geed-Fortune Sale of Neckwear at 25c All Exactly Half Price Peter Pan cellar and cuff sets of eyelet embroidery at 25c Rell cellars of eyelet embroidery at 25c. Celer embroidered roll cellar and cuff sets at 23c. Fascinating cretonne cellar and cuff sets bound with plain color at 25c. Imitation Venise lace cellars of the better kind at 25c. Fine imitation cut-work cellars which leek like old Italian work at 25c. Flat cellar and cuff sets of imported Swiss embroidery at 25c. 1000 pieces of this wonderful neckwear. Every piece beautifully fresh and highly popular. Chemises and Nightgowns Many Twice as Geed as Usual at $1 Nightgowns of that trade-marked soft finished jrepe which everyone likes. Nightgowns of dainty nainsoek with lovely lace3 or a touch of embroid ery. Chemises with embroidery or quite elaborate with geed Valenciennes. Eleven different styles at 51. Guimpes With Sleeves, $1 A third less for point d' esprit antl net guimpes with sleeves. Daintily trimmed with lace or smartly plain. Many have the entire back as well as front made of the net se that they are almost blouses. Shirtwaists at $lHalf and Less Than Half the Original Prices Dimity, veile and batiste waists generally in favorite tailored styles but there are a few with the lacy frills that one will want te wear Easter. All show marks of handling and seme are slightly soiled but one laundering will restore them te full value. Sizes 3 i te 36 mostly but there are a few in larger sizes. 25 different styles, some only ene or two of a kind. Women s Part Weel Sports Stockings, Seme With Clex, $1 Considerably less for geed "seconds" of silk-and-wool sports stockings in black, cordovan and tan with seamed backs; a few are in the drop btitch effect. Equally exceptional are the, first quality part wool stockings with woven clex cordovan with bright blue, green or tangerine. Black and Cordovan Silk Stockings, 65c Se much better than one expects nt G3c that every pair will be a pleasant surprise. First quality. Pure silk. Seamed backs. Mercerized top, tee and heel. Tub Silk Petticoats Less Than Regular Wholesale Cost, at $2 Extra as Well as Regular Sizes White petticoats of firm tub silk with deuble panels front and back se that they will be shadow proof under thin frocks! Se far this season we have net seen as geed petticoats as these wholesale at $2 net even in regular sizes. Almest two hundred of them in this very special let. Heuse Dresses and Billie Burkes, $1 Only two hundred women can shaie in this fine half-price let of pretty house dresses at $1. One of our makers turned ever all his odd lets for this special March Sale and there nre a number of real surprises. Mostly of printed percale but a few dresses nre of plain chambray. One style has a rickrack trimmed cellar and vestee and is fitted and belted at the waist Sizes 3G te 4G among them but net in any ene style. (Central ALU) Underclothes Sets, $1 Step-in drawers and vest sets are also special at 51 a set. Pink or white batiste daintily hem stitched. Satin Camisoles, 50c Pink satin with three rows of lace back and j front. Pink satin with embroidered georgette t insertions. Charming affairs te v. car with Ea&ter costumes. Half Last Year's Price for Embroidered Organdie Flouncing, $1 Yard Forty-two Inches Wide Uncommonly lovely shades of Swiss organdie beautifully embroidered in contrasting and match ing colors for Summer frocks. Orchid, pink, rose, sky blue or white with color. Plenty wide enough for the length of the new longer s.khts. All-Silk Printed Chiffen, Half the Standard Price New 50c Yard Seft cloudy effects in misty chiffon that is eery thiead all silk and 40 inches wide. Indeed 50c is even less than half the regular price for this delightful material te be used for dresbci, underslecvcs, scarfs, negligees and se en. Black and white, gray nnd violet and ether desirable color combinations. Binche, Valenciennes and Other Geed Laces, 10c Yard All are at least a third less than our regular rate many are less than half. VU te 4 inch widths among them in fine imitations of Juchesse, Cluny, binche, Valenciennes and heavy square-mesh crochets. Excellent patterns for practically every purpose. Scrim and Marquisette Curtains Special at $1 These of ecru scrim have hemstitching and im itation Cluny edges or insertions. These of mar quisette are white, with hemstitched hems. All are 2Va yards long. About 250 in the let. Prices are a quarter te a half less and lower. Silk Jersey Pantalettes $3.50 In black, navy, Sorrento blue, purple, green, brown nnd henna. The silk jersey is geed quality. The bloomers are cut full, well re-enforced nnd have double clas tic below the knees. (Central) Men's Special Half Hese 33c, three pair for $1 black-arul-whitc striped silk plated half hose that men like particulaily well. They are very durable. Full fashioned. 25c black, navy and cordo van artificial silk plated hose, well reinforced. (Gallery, Market) Special Quilt Values! Cotten-Filled at $2 Well-filled quilts of pure white cotton have figured tops and plain backs in green, pink, light blue, rose nnd Copenhagen. All-Weel-Filled at $4.75 72x80-inch quilts arc covered with figured cambric with plain sateen borders in light blue, rose, cadet and pink. Pure-Down-Filled at $9 These quilts will go quickly and the quantity is limited. They are covered with fine sateea in pretty figures and well filled. (Central) $22.50 $29 $12.75 $30 An Amazingly Fine Collection of Tweed Suits at Lew Prices Fer Women and Yeung Women Prices .stait as low as ?12.75 and go te $32 50, with a S'Oerc of different styles between. Plnin-taileied suit.". Suits with belted jackets. Suits with patch pockets and a hint at pleats. Plain-color jackets and checked skirts. Suits with white Tuxedo cellars and white pipings. They're of smart, sporting tweeds in the .softest, most becoming shades imaginable lilac, Fiench blue, stone blue, mist gray, bobolink tan nnd mixture-, ns Scotch as heather. You'll find tough tweeds with knotty threads, .smooth soft tweeds, herringbone weaves and basket checks. All ni', all youthful and all ery smart. Sizes for women and young women at 512.75, 518.75, 522.50. $25. 529 te $32.50. ' ' (MnrUrt) Four Smart Spring Oxfords for Women, $7.25 The low heel is accepted as the heel of the Springtime. The plain vamp is here, tee, but straight tips held their own, as well. These are about the best looking Oxfeids we have ever turned out. They are built en a new last that is especially comfortable There are plain vamps and sti night tips for your cheesing, in medium tan calfskin or black leather with a suggestion of graining. All have welted soles. . .Wi 't t a. s im -e A Xtri Fiw I JrT (Cfcettnmt) 7 tri' IS t ..- ,.Wflw, i fly . iTPUiiHd Ui tt ,v t' , 1 riaiiaEV srr. -.v'