Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 28, 1922, Final, Page 10, Image 10

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Deluded Wives
JrY,v elWM Carhilc ft hcgliinbta te he
KM MlhSci tii ( crrf-tilii imnrne-
V '
Blrciil: in Hand, her lumeana.
Rand Drmvs a Picture
1 He wns sitting there with Ms hair
ruffled up, abMirbnl hi Ms work whin
I Judith returned.
! "Kimd Garble, whnt uie you doing?
I she nhuet screamed rushing ever te his
! -lido.
Startled, lie looked up, nnd lnstlnc
THAT night nt supper Judith was , lm!'c di!h 'Slly
ft unusually silent, bhe were what ' Ici i,s intl(i nuny nMd j.loej Ftnr-
Hand had often called laughingly te
himself "her disapproving leek," nnd
It usually meant that she was divmtis-
"d with something be had done or left
ndene. . . .
He tried te think bads te what he bad
(tone thnt would make her feel llke this,
nd Maidenly he remembered yesterday
Judith in the window, with her hair
nil around her! Hew beautiful .he bad
He looked at her new.
Hpr shining leeks were celled forbid'
dlngly close te her head, net u sluijlt
oft tendril bad been allowed te es
cape. "Why was Judith like that?" he
thought Kiiddenlv te hlmtelf. "Why did
he scorn beautiful thlnct? Uncc he
hud brought her muiie e.penlve Vrcnch
"It's a picture of you," he snld
Judith gazed n! the tablecloth with
wide ejes. The little sketch wan a
fanciful portrait of herelf: the likeness
was remarkable, but Hand had drawn
her with a ctrange smile hovering about
her lips, and her hair as It had been
vcterdny, In u loose hale about her
All of Judith's fears were Middenly
intci'lflcd. Where had Hand learned
te draw llke that? Ter een though
lu' Intensely elirnppreved of it. the
picture was geed.
Hut her anger was stronger than her
cuilpsitv and she burst out scornfully
"Is that the wav I leek te veu? Why,
it might be a fancy picture of any worn-
i an : it leeks like an actress. Jiesiues
perfume wiicn he had gene te the city even jf JOU iinV(j te draw picture-, jeu
en businewe, and nunengn fiie nau
thanked him for it, she bad looked her
Tenter he bad come upon It tuckeu
way in the back of the bureau drawer
nd he had taken the frivolous bot'le
out of its hldliu place with a rueful
little smile and held It In his hand whi'e
he thought the same tiling. Jwnili
did net even approve of her mn benut.v
Her clothes were of geed material nnd
were chosen te conform te the prcvnilws
mode, but they tieer see.ned t bring
out her geed point.
8be had been angry at htm yesterdar
for showing f-e much emotion, tli.it was
it. And jet a little later when Judith
left the room for a moment, Hand ter tor
get nil about it, and taking out a pencil
began te draw with heavy btrekes en
one of the best tablecloths.
don't have te ruin my tablecloths, de
The slew red crept into Rand's face,
as Judith with tightly pureed lips
quickly cleared the table, and carried
the cloth with its queer sketch out te
the wifIi tubs, where she quickly put it
te 0'lK
Hv trembled as she worked, nnd n
queer four settkd around her beat t
When she was finished she dried her
1 aiul and looked around the little kitch
en with a feeling of premonition.
Somehow it seemed te her as if the
safe monotony of her life were being
threatened, for Hand with bis queer
notions seemed very far awav from her
and the sensation of lenelines w.i
Tomorrow Judith Finds Evidence
Paul and Virginia helena heyt Gua
Expert Assistance
mHET had made their usual bl-
A' weeklv trip te the movies and Paul eral tji run the movie"
was i-',tnhle. I he 1'ettmaster (tcneral:
the funnv
then for fire or evrn reel there's a
close-up of the kiss cente-ts. I don't
wonder thev hneil the restmii'-tir tien-
Paul was
Thst wn
tiling about Paul and
the movies. Nine
times out of ten the
pirture left- him cress
and merne.
"It was an awfullv
sweet picture, don't
reu tlililK. uenr
nid Virginia
Paul frowned Inte
the firplice of the
ceny littin ihing-roem. . ,
"Sweet? Hah: I think that's ItM
the word I wu groping for in my mind
Rwect! Yes, by Jee, it wa sweet.
Disgusting' '
"Oh. Paul "
"Sweet If there's nu thing that
bores me at u movie show it is te have
one of thes-e illy heroines with jellew
curls and white mulln freek en sim
pering all ever the shop in these sweet,
weet cle.e-ups.
Virginia smiled te herself.
"Did you ever notice that when a
Bevie director hadn't get any plot, he
takes one of these curly-lock person"
nd hands her a white muslin dre's
and puts n blue. sah around her waist
and gives her a pair of patent leather
ankle-tic slippers and hands her a a
one of these tlappy straw hats uhat de
you cull 'em?"
"A legheru hat?"
He nodded quickly.
gurP that's it. her.ey. lie hands
her a lechern bat and then thev 're all
et. Sly goodness, te think of a thou
sand supposedly sensible men
tvemen sitting through one
grueling kiss lentests '
"Kiss contents?"
"Of reiirsp ! The heroine alwa
a hrn. He usually has dark, curl
and his lips are done up in i upm s
bow stvle, and be wears a sport shirt
devilishly opened up at the threat. And
The Weman s
Exchange '
Te "A Constant Reader"
This would slimify that tliere 1ms
baen some ancebter of yours uimn whom
a title was conferred Lillian stands
for "purltv " and the meaning of Uer
trude Is "all truth"
Wanta Ruby Ayres Stories
Te tin Editor of IVomen'j rag'!
Dear Jtadam I would Hk te inve
the address of Itubv M Ayr-s author
of thoae wonderful sterip 1 rud all
e v.,- mrl. cut them out nnd save
them. I have three parts of "The Ue
He stared at her in
mild surpri1.
"I thought you
Tcad the papers every
day, luine.v ? Sure,
the Postmaster (Jen
oral. Thev are geiiu
te pay him $100,000
n vrnr te run the
a little ' movies H"'h going te
piek out the scenarios
and I suppose they'll
be standardi7cd new
Well, vou've get te
li uid it te the movie
people thev knew what thtv were
dninc when they get him."
"Hew funnv ' Whnt in the world did
Ihev want a Postmaster tieneriil te run
the movies for? Of all things, a Post
master General !"
Piul laughed harshly.
"Seme of the papers try te tell us
that thev hired him because of his
pellt leal influence. But that's all foel-ishne-s.
They hired him because he s
an expert.
"An expert? 1 never heard that he
fore." "Of course, he's an expert. Hasn't
he been ninnuu the posteffires or the
1 thinli it
Please Tell Me
What te De
Te "Puzzled Chums"
TCettcr net worry as te which one hft
likes best. IIe liken you nil. and evi
dently has net thought of leve In the
matter He sensible, girls, and de. net
be silly about the jeuub man.
Would Write te Navy
Hear Cvnthla Kindly Inform me as
te whom 1 leuld wrlte te In Washing
ton In erder te receive Information re
cirrtlnR a. naval officer as te whether
he is married or single An immediate
rtply would be very much appreciated
Write, te the Navy 'Tcn,onel" Pe
partment, Washington. The letter will
he sent te the proper person from
Better Drep Him ,
TVir Cvnthla I am a da.il v reader
of jour column I see jeu have given
advice te i ureat many, se new, Cynthia
dear, I want te ask ou for advice.
I am a clrl of seventeen and I hav
been celnif with a. veung man two
sears my senior for nlmest a year
When we are at dances hn does net
take any notice of nip, but when we aie
alone he treats me very nice. He does
net come te see me very often He
does net co with anybody else. I love
him dearly, but I am undecided en what
iu ue, iu nun uj ui sLiuii ur mm
Better let him drop. If he cannot be
polite te jeu before ethers
Has Hidden Sorrow
Pear cvnthla I would like te say
,i few words te "Just K.ithrjn" 1
stem te be in the ame situation nb yen
Life means nothing te me new, but I'm
In hopes that I'll find happiness In the
future I have cried mvself te sleep
at night, although I try hard te keep
the te,irs hark Hut I have cvervtning
te make me happy, a sweet mother and
a geed father who think the world of
me and who Rive me anvthlnic I wish
for. It isn t for want of beauty that
I'm unhappy. becaue 1 knew I'm
pretty. Hut beauty or a nice disposi
tion will never brinu me happltx-ss till
my praers ar heard. And when thev
are, then I will be the happiest pel son
en earth. Seme dav I'm sure of hap
piness, but It seems be Ions te wait;
it makvs my heart ache te see ether
Yes. Kathryn you are right, we will
knew what true happiness Is when It
11 ii MrSfmmmmmh , LWSmm V,' - "' 'Vv
k fttsjflKlV Lmm ymWm4 " "B s s j m-W--- V.X
- llBBiiW .fm, yT: 5wjWfci
ITJmTmX i ' iU ' $i.mr-- riJSffmMk'v 'Aj AUilyttaiM ?lt$.-is VI 'lmLmmMMMtbL ' -'
mmmWfiim i-.'dmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk mmWi'UI&KiPVfXX?:M mmmmmmmmmmmmW 'mmW sT7mmmmmmmmM
;' 't rlHRl wirWifjlnj mmmmmmmmmmmmmiWmXWwWlM
WMk " 1 J'WBlBBBBHRBVIEfJwfllllBBBBHV' -. ' "JttmWk
mmmmmmX ki ? I A -..WSmWLm MA ! wStf 5 f llWOi 3 BBBbVI :'"- " 1-i' mt-KmM
pH tl ,' B IDkuI vidSIBnraVBBBVs - ,;.-, &
bbHebbkI U ! nIKjn m V sbA.l t -- mwmw?mW f
Mair If r'B'JfX'' "ItWmW A b,nck ,nt,n Nnnol:en
VP- Jkv ruMA:f$$D f,,,nr('' ,rmmcd wlth
KJI-"'jHk BK'IaXIi wreath of mixed flowers
Ci Bik ff ' 9 ''u r ivL, across the front
MmrY)rmmm IllMv. ll.i. -i-;- Photes by International
LwMZLwlmm if ,!tK afi, 1 v- 'i
tBB&&afftfaBBfl WmSrrrP erk MB3I2
PbK&bbH wSr W' 'WSkm
fVbHbI St ji ':I!!bHbH
StJNbiSBBBBH CsC SVs.' ' '-i'i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
MbBbbwH UfsMBFT :;--V?M'Jf bbbbbbW
. mmWmmWmW9 Wm ?$? ' X vlBBBBBi
Haaaaaaawaaaam )WiW - "fff ' -?&& mM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr jWlm. '. ft '' f 'BBBBH
kTBBBBHBB OiRn OSPt. v : ' , - ,:-v bbbS
i .Hn wmMm&fmL
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM fiMWS' b, W ,-.' -f, 's"ir --feSBBM
bbbbbB uLKtm y :& .-..
-----------Wt pMBSi atibiar 1"'' mJmWSi '' "in i aaamsaaMaaaaaaMiaBaaaa' '..
A s Svv
The Average Modern Girl Is Tired
of Being Criticized and Watched!
She Is Net Wild and Undisciplined and Doesn't Like Being
Called That She Should Be One Type and Net the Other
TT MAKES me tired," exclaimed the
modern girl. "All these nrtlclcs
and stories and things about the modern
girls and the awful things they de. I
don't think they de them nt Ml. Of
course there are some dumb-bells that
have te go and get themselves talked
about doing these queer things, but the
rest of Ms go calmly en nnd nobody ever
sees us. They're all se busy talking
about these ether wild women I It
makes; me sick!"
And when you come right down te It,
It is hard en the nice, s.ine girls who are
going en being Just as natural nnd
"tame" ns ever.
Seme of them don't even wenr their
galoshes unfastened I
As for wild jeyrldes, cocktails and
questionable dancing, they wouldn't
think of any of them!
They go te parties with boys; they
have friendships with boys; they dance
with boys and love it; they have leta
of fun and quite as much pep as any
body could want them te have.
But they aren't wild ; they don't like
te be called wild; and, mere than that,
they don't llke or nppreve of thf wild
type of girl any mere than anybody
else does.
In fact, they highly disapprove of
"She's se silly!" they say, disgust
edly. "Whnt's the bcnsc?"
SHC is spoiling some of their geed
In her rapid, senseless search for ex
citement and amusement she is making
hcr'class, the modern young girl, looked
down. upon, criticized and watched evor
as if it were composed of criminals.
It is net just te include all the mem
bers of this class In the group for dis-
Vnn den' threw awav a whole box
of expensive new strawberries from I
Flerida or California or somewhere just I
because a dozen out of the box are soft,
mildewed or bruised. I
Ynn threw them nwny and save the I
geed ones te make delicious home-made
Ice cream or ligltt, tasty shortcake.
LET'S give the average modern girl
a chance te speak for herself.
We haven't let her defend herself
very much; we have been tee busy
condemning her sister, "the wild
woman," who Is the tame nge and
started out ns the same kind of little
We very often de this kind of thing.
In criticism It is easy te become
general nnd widespread, Instead of
keeping our condemnation down te
the special few who really deserve It.
And often this Is the cnuse of a
general rebellion against law and
order which might have been limited
te n small mutiny thnt wouldn't
amount .te anything.
. Discontent grows se quickly and
spreads se fast.
A llttle seed of fault-finding sewn
among n small group who nre dls
tntisfieil with conditions nnvhew
will spring up nnd increase until there
Is n nice crop of defiance spreading
rplIAT has happened te n large degree
J. Hlif new.
In mistakes we have Included all
the boys and all the girls of today
under the heading. "Wild, undisci
plined, defiant, unruly nnd hopeless."
And some who weren't that wny at
nil have found that it is fun te shock
people, nnd have proceeded te de
everything they could te shock.
If mere of us would ndept the sane
type ns our idea of the modern girl
nnd boy there would be less of the
Becnuse what's the use of trying te
shock people who won't shock nnd
aren't in the least Impressed?
Adventures With a Purse'
PERHAPS only one woman whiT
rends this Adventure will hi i.
cstcd, but If you had seen the sweatsti
jeu, tee, would want te writs V,IA
them. They nre hand-knit dell iwtat i
crs, in n rather pale blue, with celli! "
and cuffs of white. I row that the ena
I saw was net mere than three Inches $
across the bottom of the sweater.
prlce was $1.85. But they com ri
Imagine, in all sizes, nnd they are priced
according te the site. If your lltit. t
girl has a dell here Is a sure waV,
please her. Incidentally, I bellTatlSa
shop would inake any size te order, 1 .
I use this shampoo myself, iimn '
se when I recommend It I knew whiriSi.
I speak, you might say. One packus
and one mixes It with wntcr. It inak.i
nn eirrellent InHinr nn,l . "wi
it Jathcr, and of course
ha r very thoroughly. But'
really secret part of it. n '
ly sense of the word a dvi
of It costs 10 cents. It Is
nn excellent lather, nnd
cleanses tne tiair v
here is the really
is net in any tense or tlie word a dlt
Ner will It color the hnlr. ni u if.!
just a touch of henna In It, C,
means that if your hair is brown iiS'
bits of red In it when you T get in ti"
light, this shampoo wilf brlSg out alt
the color, anH helps make the lair loot
Urn t and healthy. And surely taws'
could be no harm in thnt?
Fer name
VAMnr lip n
between the hours of 9 and 8.
In Other States
Clubwemen of Portland, Ore
building n $50,000 clubhouse. "
an of .hops eddresa Waman'a !-..
phone Walnut 8000 or MilS rttf.
he hours of 9 and a. " l.
New Tork City has mere than COO
women phjslclans and surgeons.
Nearlr 1000 women in Idaho are en-
gaged in farming nnd stock raising.
whnle country for n year.'
was, mighty Shrewd of 'cm te hire him.
V.nf ,li..i nnn anre thnnsnnrls ntlil tllOU-
tnnil- nf'dnllnr. Yeu see every movie i ff'rls hnpp'
te cviKtlr llk everv ether movie ex- 1
eept the 'wny the kissing i carried en. c0mc3,
See? New they'vp get an epert '
"But. Faiii, honey, why is the Pest-
K.nr.AH ntin,fll Ot OVnikft? Whrtl r!eP .
i, t-. nhnnt " i Pear Omnia I've never written be
Bridal gown worn by Princess Mary of
England when she was married te Lord
I.nscelles In Londen, this uieiniiiB. ller
gown may be described as n s.vmpheny
in pearl and silver. The foundation Is
u princess dress composed of heavy
cloth of silver, ankle length. The deeolletnge is out Miiure. I he
overdress is of pearl and sliver embroideries with transpaient sleeves,
reaching the elbows. Exquisite English point lace which was worn
by Queen Mary, nt her own wedding, plajcd nn Important part In the
evolution of the dress. It is arranged in a deep cellar in the back and
falls in soft cascades nt each side of the wait. coaching below the
skirt hem. The full court train Is of l'ngllsh duchess satin shot vith
silver nnd worked with Indian silver nnd bilk embroideries representing
the various floral emblems of the empire. The veil fell from n simple
tiara of priceless pearls, nnd was the one worn by Queen M.try nt her
wedding. The hat at the left Is of swathed geld tlssue trimmed with
brechu. The town costume is mnde in French blue velvet elaborately
trimmed with moleskin
Truly Delicious!
Is Without Doubt "The Best."
Sold i iv Sealed Packets Only.
5 reasons -why mothers buy
H I C KO R)fmists aM garters
oeys ana gms
Ask Her Frankly
nvjt Va T's a ui 11 ni t K.mn e rnnileM nf I
Kiving? Hah! Any man that's ,0r ,)10st intertstlhe column. 1 never
been piayiu; peinnicc everv uu iu wit tneilgnt I 1 ceme te ou ler nuvice, uui n iw,.Ph0 nn env
1. if .. .. I.l- . ,. ' .. I .., T 1IW e ..I..I n In, c.l,n'u n u" "lJU""- "" "
;s ha, 'Oh. huvh UP, .veu old tea..!" Boe,l . full of un and an all.' - ' "'
. i,i Sip Hinethercu nun eencatn an ava- '.'"""" "" -.v" .'" " ".1"" " a -lv
The Question Cerner
Teda.v's Inquiries
Hew mnnv attendants does a bride
in Tripoli have, and what is a
unique feature of their appearance?
What qualntl.v unusual sort of han
dle i" found en a candy Jar of heavy
cli inn .'
y method of cover-
en mahogany fur-
of sofa pillows
Tomorrow The Weman rays
Through a
Weman's Eyes Z
"Keeping Up Appearances'
"Hut what would my family think,
dear? 1 should be nshamed te face
tJTem. Ne, we must keep up appear
am ,"
Or' all the skeletons in closets thnt
make marriages unhappy and contribute
te the mlery of the world, one of the
A. ..... .t n.J nn... .,1. . . .. A..', A, Art CIV.nl
' UUHKru UJi'l huh -m'j iwn i. ... .. c...
i he isn't the kind of Btrl that weuld1
I naturallv de that sh deen't (llrt with,
I a. fleck e' fellows nnd then let them be
New. I haven't dene n, thlnsr 1 ve
I thought of evervthlnir that could pos-
blv make her ansrv. hut I c.vn't solve,
ine puzzic anu i nnn i waui iu iumw iifi
ndshln for sne A tne Kina a teuew ,
he needs a Reed friend wants I'm In I
nn awrul mix nna i aeni inew wimi
te de. se I am waiting' for our reply.
rieana tell me what te Ue te jret in
light with her airaln. THODY.
Ge and see the girl and ask her what
la wrong
inn-r common Is 'keeping up appear- mv self
n m-iiw tnlnn (
v,l frc.itlr n we ilisliUe te admit and ml trlend ai.tl m .self were going te
Believes stories Against Her
Dear 4'vnthla 1 am cemlnc te you
again, thanking ycu for your geed ad-
icft hferc.
I am n vwunp girl seventeen, celng 2.
1.1. n mini. .r. 4 , , Tl rt rT nlfler fll!lTl
1LI1 rt. .JlillH !.' ..." . ..i - ...... .......
n self i no einir ua u Bin iriruu " i
mine (same age as u nuu ncr iricnu
Read Your Cliaracter
Bv'Digby Philtip.
Wild Eves
. When n person Is in great fear or
'terror the eves are "wild." Hut this is
net the only classification of "wild"
eves known te the characterolegi-t 'and.
It should be ndded, te the ph.vdcinn.
Incidentally, did you ever realize thet
charaiterolecv Is n regular "stork In
... - .. ' trade," in n Brent ninny branches of
four feet eleven ,.', ,:" ,1 ,, .,. ...,ii.,i
inches tall who is between forty and ',t" ? keh- te" uVe diffcTem
loriy-ieur jcarr, i i..e r.g.u tcrms jn ,JscussiB it?
y.f.'S"1, . , , .Te the mere chnracterolegl'.t. hew-
e. When one wishes te make n sweater cer "iid" ejes mu be of ninnj va-
with the geed-looking Indian UR- ( rctles, including the c.vcs whidi are
ures en it. hew may this design be , t()() bright, thove which nre stnring or
put en se that the effect will net tn, I glaring, and nie these which nre ah-
tee "noisy," and what color could normally dull or glazed looking, as
the sweater be? i though there wcre a film ever tiiein.
6. What grown-up bit of daintiness In , And te this list must be added even
apparel can new be nail ter tne lit- that twitch nnd jerk, and eyes that arc
Exaggeration of any of these Indi
cations is n sign of uhnermnl mental
condition. In sonie ca-eh. ns for In-
In order te be considered beautiful, I stance in the eyes of fright, the condl cendl condl
eue fenture which a Mctlcnn woman tien mav be only n temporary one. It
must pescs Is n low, nnrrew feie- I may indicate nothing mere than e
j,em I trente nervousness. Hut in any cne it
V new- cedar chest Is attractively or- indicates n mind thai is net functioning
nnmental by bavin? a covering of , neimnllj, whether it be greatly out of
straw matting en the outside. I normal, whether temporarily or per-
r,.,. lnmnshniln of narchinent. n . nmnently se. Hut ou iniist net, of
whole f,een iiulnted en it in colors cour-e. jump nt the conclusion thnt any
"-"- -"- 1 - . . , ... ' A r 1 . ;
l hnlir?
Yesterdaj's Answers
J, Tailored e! high grade materials te insure long
wear, w asn wenaerluliy.
2, Each garment FITS PERFECTLY. Athletic cut arm
holes eliminate bulging or binding. All sizes 2 te 14.
3, Scientifically constructed te 6upply the support,
icomlert and security growing childrerirequire.
4, Patent rust-proof pin-tube attachment prevents
garter pin from slipping, bending or breaking,
5, Buttens are genuine unbreakable bone steudy
taped en te endure endless tubbing.
r Cfn and UP wlw 7C nd up with
Jwt out garters jC garters
In the Noden9, Beys or Infants Departments. If
net, please write us.
Complete satisfaction assured or your money bad
MUenc! PflRJS CARTERS ler Men
Unwanted'' missing, will jeupwj it, t)lls net ,, masculine vice. As in " n w.u. . ' " - Yer n e and I K an original i-ort of design which of "10 toregelng indications necessarily
tell me where te get them, alto what f (pf , , , uetC(ii lt m sUnIi ,'HM,?,,n cd for im 5rl friend. As we ' " , rV rlToctive ' " '"' n mi.m,1 unbalanced te the evtent
iRubv5r Av?eTilves in Lend Knp ilic woman who nnta te feel rWerldJS for the woman'?' -ven mild insanlt, It Is sufficient
Un?l I ccmM net Bh" vmi h.r eNaet . hu U t . h. r fiilp eie of values wute ' tr.- te t.;ke his MWn''. ' i. ween tniitv-tive and thirt -nine for the charncteroleK st te receguirc the
Address but a letter addressed te lur in tnergr nnd happiness and hard-earned and tfs "he tried n vain ahe told lilm a w .ui J'' f . , mm that is net qu te within the range
c.re of the p-,..r. would rea-h .Her lne.,ej en pretense. ??".. '1 ' t M ,' ?,? I L L V22 neunds. '"f "l", "?r Vul' "".'' ,eavP '" ''l0 me!ll.,,1
Tn .set XlX?W" With tli.s young wife. It is a case of n' Vs.' me '" , , T 5. ' u -s cef buttons en the side with """ l,,c PreD,em el "'"B"06' me
1 t'h.l5vKiNO Vt me I.L lllTeuZ""r. "keepmg p with the famll, " Her New. .Cynthia, te bin wltl.. den' f , of ,c(,, ,,cads baii.f Iren, ""
end fleer of the I.edeer Huildli ' '.e-, sNrcrs ni'iined elder men wlie bad ' a levy be te kiss . JJJ thV lietiie that them nre n clever little trick of
Chtstnut.rect. Thev a.e twen.v-flvc iarKcr ...comes than the htrugglln.' ' dn't hav nns . f Xd' lellTed her. adornment which the smallest of Tomorrow-Hew lag Hair
r cents apiece. veung lavvjet of her eheiie. And new , , ha ett answered my letters (he. rmtpnt-leatlier slinners have. ,
1 n i iiv 1. .. . --- - .,. 1 ,......-.- -- .. .
n (jn t... Jf (ma n knfr iniipn nnmn i ti. i- n r . - n.i.
til. ,111 LliaL Ik 111 3 uw L, w ... -.- . iwi. w J-m a m r m WV !- IJTn
, .....pw - . . w . .....-
Ne Questions Are Asked
Te the- Editor nf Wnvar'3 Vnec.
Dear Madam When a l ren Ins h's
or her letters sent 1jtner.1l Delivery art
there any iiuemlenn asked when the
party for whom the letter 1 a-e Intended
calls te get them iirevldh'K they are
net known at the Tos-ettlc. ?
Alse when a check haa te be cashed
will the money be Ktvtn te a miner It
the check or the amount the enecU .s
worth bolenss te the miner" FAITH
Ne. tliere will be no questions ask;d
under these conditions But at th
bank It's n d tfenr.t nutter Any one
miner or adult must he identified, .ml
even then Fome banks will net cjsh
a check for a miner If th teiler h.vp
pens te knew thf bv or Blrl or some
member of the family and knows that
It Is nil right hi. mn cash It Hut
there Is every chane that he will net.
Wants te Learn Dancing
Te the Editor 0 Weman' J'nat
Dear Madam llf ate tell me he te
make my lens fatter Alse if vsnish ng
cream hurts veur face, am aim hew
te remove freckle and liUiukheuds and
hew te close up the pores, aa 1 have
Aerv large ones.
riease tell me whether there are any
places at which I could talte fanev
dancing lessen free, as I have net the
price te luv for anv, but I have h
talent, l'lcase tell me a geed fattening
diet. lN N!-'-'
The dancing and veur fiutiMdng ili t
of fggn. milk butter fats and potato.
will inuke veur legs fat nnd the rest of
you mi vscll.
Vanishing cream will net hurl jour
akin unless jeu hnte the k nd of sMn
which cannot stand sccip Tliere Is a
creat deal of wan In v.inlxl lug "'"rt'ii
nd lt Is apt te diy out tlm Hkln if It
has any tendency te Urvnusi . a
n.i faclnl Ki.ui liiFlf.id and folles It
..,. iiiii,i cUin intien te moialeu ue iieariiucs,
h Hkin. Then alternate with n geed count of whom
cleanBlnB cream, liverj tlme jnu bathe
your fawi with warm water finish up
with cold anil finally rub jour face
sitth ice- te clese the pores This win
S.WUX III" uiuuuiirtiuc 1 v m
kl cream for the fu-cktcs
nn ran eet dale tg ebsens ler 11
V 2
fmry small amount by Joining the ura
iwQsrtoed Heuse
.jmmt, cinisea a
100B from 2:30 te 4,
she must 1 empete with tlum, must make
a "show" of having what they have,
must ruin her hnppines nnd her hus
band's future te "keep up" with them.
And the nbsurdltj of it Is that she
Is net deceiving nnvbedy Her family
knew exaetlj what her husband's re
sources are. That Is the vvnj It umallj
ih. Keeping up appearances rarely nils
leads any one family, friends or the
world It only makes one ridiculous,
The greater pity is thn awful waste
of il The man who is forced te "keep
up appearances" when he ! jeung sel
dom bcOhieR free of the curse. I'ecu
nlnrv worries and dodging bill collectors
rub him of tne j-eium mfnd that is an
cycntlal te anv kind of success. The
ienstnnt call upon evervtlnn he earn-,
dinnves htm of the chame 10 build a
foundation for himself, te "put some
thing behind him" that will enable him
te take advantage of oppeitunity win 11
It comes. His iife is just one long
grind of
"Diepping bucket!) In'e empty wells,
And growing old in drawing nothing
up "
The world gives us nothing (hut we
have net sense ueugh te lay by for
ourselves. It will net ecn give hjui
puthj te the failure who has grew 11 old
In (in attempt te deceive, who has net
had the backbone te drop pn tense and
ipeith inlity and make himself n sub
htantlul member of the community in
(.Had of 0110 nf these; hliaiii pillurh that
tan held up nothing and eiilv tend te
weaken any sttucturc et which thej nre
11 part.
And as for the wife who squandered
the 1 uergj that should have gene. te.
aiding her husband In "keeping up p. I
the veiv "iricnils en nc-
he did it will net have
u kind word for her. 1
Nobody ever gained respect or satis- I
fnctluu or leutent or happiness from
kIiu.ii. It is n serpent that one iiur.st'H 1
ut one's bohein. which robs one of
the respect of nil genuine people, mcum
and I were writing te eacn omen.
I lev this jeung man dearly, and he
has told me the same, se I would net
eart with him for the world.
Write te him and ask an explanation
rf hi behavior. If lie dots net answer,
better let him drop. He la net worthy
of jour friendship.
Se that it has n heft touch nbeut
the threat and is at the same time
extremely striking-looking, n blouse
of black jersey has a threw cellar
and cuffs of woven angora, wltl. n
bit of wool embroidery right beneath
the cellar in the front.
A'eie Fads
I "Butelrr euuV' nre found en mnnv
of the hinnrtest importations from Paris.
Se also is the standing cellar. As fe.'
trimming, there is Indicated a devouring
passion for braid, which Is gtntlhcd in a
hundred vvajs. Among the newest forms
is puffed braid. The 10 ih alwi n tendencj
toward inlajs of contrasting loler nnd
perhaps fabric 1'er example, one of
our New Yerk designers fashions n suit
of checked black nud white veleurs de
laine In which black braid and narrow
inserts of while flannel achieve the
trimming ten. Iks However, it Is te
be noted that "self-made suits lire
mere in the foregieund than ever. Seme
of the tueht successful suit themes from
abroad are, in fact, distinguished bj
trimming which consists of bunds tind
droops and folds of self-material.
The. Royal Bride
Things You'll Leve te Make
A fm?" 2-28
SUsfi$ii(l&.'!$ S&3&t
vcrj .lashing! 1 ut 11 Pine of biicUiam ,
Illue tIvmijs has been tlm fnvoilte
color of Princess Minv of llnglnr.d, just
as pink
by Joining the ura- ,j hepi, for content erpeacn nf mind,
"aVe ied oil Baiuivlthe uwcrUge and hemeVit rest en this
.a . a uarneil (iiiindiltiell '
warped foundation, r
Mardl 'ias O'at Tuesdaj), the dav
befere the beginning of Lent. Is a fa
mous lanilval dnte It. euthtru ISurnpe.
eseeclallj In I'l-mec In the Lnlted
St 1 ted N'cw Orleane (Piencli In ictnie
'ni'd iii tharaeter) Is noted for Its Mardl
Hira-i celebrations evcrj jear. when
"I'utnus and His Mvstie e'rew" take pos pes
(esirn of the e harming old .Southern
I In ether sections Mnrdl eiias. which
this vear comes en the last day of IVb-luarj'-,
Is given eve-r te niasnUir.i'le
parties In tjreut lii'ltaln and Ireland
. '.!. ,int. Ik Slirevn Tuejdnv. and the
night of .Slirove has been "Pancake respective daughters were iniuriud.
Igllt IIUIII tlllCJ .'i,k " till. .11. ,7jU,f' ... v4- .
eaiKitkes may be n feature of any Mardl
Gras supper party, 'inepe are net our pnr Snrina
erdlnaiy breakfast "ilapjncks," but dell- or 'Jf "fig
cate bpt griddle cakes made rich with Twills nre particularly geed just nt
,?mf Befv"dervvftrhahe..eSyr maplelru.'f' W a ' h in neU.1 that tv
?5 th?"D2tchVX efWnlvX "re in the minority. They seem
het cniiiers are
day neat.
has been (Jiieen .Mnrv'
and heliotrope the snaue wnieii
Aleail'lia loves.
fieerge V i the first reigning King
of Knglnnd te "give awav" his daugli
ti r In mnriliige hiiue the tune nf (jcorge
HI. who illeil mere than a century age.
Helli (Jenrrfe IV and IMwurd VII were
still In turn Prince of Wales when their
shaped llke the tcp of ,1 large .Spanish
ciimb. Wire the edges (.'ever It en
both sides with silver or geld cloth ; 1
then with black lace. .loin It te ,11
band of black VflvU or libben Ornpe
n long black lace scarf ever the cov
en d form Hi lug one mil of the scarf
ireund te cii"h side. Tie Icstly nt enu
icln or III front, whichever way Is the '
morn becoming. A .SPANISH .SCAUP
miKKUrti: is charming wuin with a.
led or black evening freclt.
Virien, of PennsTlvanti"! ln tl,e minority. They seem
the spectal ShrevV Tu te hnvs nbdlcated In favor of navy and
f of the tau and bclge tones.
I in Latest Shades
Expert Cleaning of Men's and
Wemen'u Apparel, Draperies,
etc. We call and deliver
.'stabllWird ever tee ytara
Barrett, Nephews & Ce.
Old Stciten aloud Dating
FheMM fw fOhmt
of aeft, downy wool, knitted or
woven are safely washed in
the silky suds of Colgate &Ce.'g
new wash-bowl flake
R fel iii.ii .Mr.err.
mLLLLLLm li lit ' 1 wMm
BsW Tr 'J 1
Frequent washings in FABsuds
de net alter the texture of wool
blankefa, neither mat nor shrink
This was proved in the Heme
Economics Laboratories of
Carnegie Institute of Technology,
where wool blankets s ere washed
continuously in FABsuds without
shrinkage or change in the nap
of the wool.
t( ,rtV $A? c,';i.Vfcfci.j