ilBPMB W wmm VrfWti ?$!$S5! IWWHKR51 I KM wy Wlr T.'iSSfJil.'"l'ii mfcm ur---i 10 '-" - "f-i r ?. im im r iWT 1 U t-T.rib - y -n nwtfmfttmF ?. jn if HWH illTI MliMTm mm ijft.f 'Si'l m i -t,u 9 t i Tffi? i LeMers e the Editor Michlne Guns te Upheld Order Blr-Teur editorial In the Kvpii KNI50 5$ "Machine un in Indtey,1' iifMn Kcvernl very rcirmcJmble stale S ami u similar view-, iinve been SSiedJn ether of wuf editorial.., SE!: temicne.v te tnnku the general I--,; r i'J Sub c believe thcre I n rcslHtance en S rt of thwewhe onernte i Induitriei as?? """", . V A...h Hipv Mheuld nut disputes, u . " - C::Ss of the cdltertal-wWch W (tit i writer believes are cry mimeauma r.5 mischievous nre ns fellow!" : fe "?-FM . "t in Wwt Virginia and 5 ' Bhede.Ifllnml tlie mac Mne-aiin Las i U ' ured most coiiv.ilciieiinly ns n device for 4 SWtleineiit of lnber deputes. V ''Second. It l net enough te iy thnt ), rleht of property nnd even the Sfetv of the owners of property In the 1 nfflirt'cd nrniB were nt Make. a" 'Thin 1 The fault lie., with iicple i who have net the fere.-lglft or the decent SJeel rcxpenMblMty te co-operate In $, the fair nnd peaceful hettlcments of labor ,5s controvert" . . be well te remember thnt In both tt est k Virginia nnd Rhede Wand the mttltnry '' IJX net present te settle -lnber din- AS ft cenwiu""" .-. -- ,--- nates. n averted in your editorial. Dut tel protect lives nnd property from nn a?P nnd ferocious mob. our btuto btute went thnt the 'safety of persons and Sepcrt? is net ft M.lfielcnt. explanation for what appears te have been an Incip ient riot, Is quite remarkable irem a ppcr usually upheWliw the law. It "euld be Interesting te knew If Mich nn article would have been written It tlie safety of your person nnd your property were nt stake. , .. Evcrv one, except these naturally rio'ent'er lawless, muwt deplore Midi displays of unrest nnd outrage ns tins recent occurrences In Rhede IMutid. There appear te be two underlying causes. , , First. When a strike- has occurred, the strikers use every available menu within their power te induce these who desire te remain nt work te abandon it and te prevent their former employers from engaging new help. The llrst vio lence Is alwaya by the striker against these who desire te work. This ten deney. reasonable In home ways. Is fos fes tered 'by many radicals, who unfor tunately lny en the passions nnd fears of the strikers who sec the possibility of went for themselves and depjndentn. Second. Theso who have advocated rnd taken part In these violent and un lawful acts are excused, by Mrac. nb being goaded te disorder by their wrongs, and this view Is very much en couraged when n respectable paper like the EvCnine Public Lr-DOKn prlnt buch statements na the paragraphs ,UOtCll'liEMENT-MIT,ES "WORKS, E. II. WRAY. Engineer. Philadelphia, February 24, 1022. (In the editorial article In question we raerclv contended as we still contend that the spectacle of machine guns turned by tlie military upon nunii crowds of' rltirens Is Intolerable In the eyes et America, wur urKunwni. !-( that tin- fault lies with thebe who. by the abuse of authority, create what Mr. Wray picturesquely calls "an armed and fcroeleus mob." Ah u peo ple we nra net uuually armed or usually ferocleiiH. Se It Is proper te feel thai phenemenn like these under discussion ought M be ftudicd ut the origin ami net en the surface. We exempt neither backward-minded employers nor wrong headed labor men. Mr. Wrny is misleading in eue Im portant Htatcment. The "first violence" In Weiit Virginia was net created by miners. It mis created by deputy bhcr- Sear o1,yi,nnhede,msla,dti K, ODeraters. In Rhede Island it liati- pened le be the textile werkerh who assumed the aggressive. In each case differences- which rheuld have been set tled by rational arbitration en a Uasia 01 iilir I riiy wcra iri 11 uini u. irau iu uisgraeerul violence or a fort which can fettle nothing. If It Is "mlschlnv- eus te argue for peace rather than war in industry we snnu nuve 10 ue content le be called mischievous. It is unfair te nrsue. ns Mr. Wray arcucs. en a baiii of sentences lifted out of their context and se narrowed In mean ing. Ed.) The Case of Mr. Beidleman !Te fin Editor et the Euetilite Pvblte Lctlaer: Your editorial, "Ileidleman and the Sabbath," In the Kvenihe 1'riiLir. liCDann of Thursday. February 2.1, was reau with deep interest. l,ct me tlianV .,.!, iv,- ,i,n nnnui.i,..,,fn ,r,,,,,n,. In which you referred te The' Lord's Day Alliance of Pennsylvania, nnd for your helpful refci-cuces te the imper- ..., :. . i cj. '.,.... ,i..v n il lMU(Ji:r uul rvnni;r ill nuiltiuj. As one interested in Sunday legislation T feel this word l.s due you and the x.vrc,ir.e i-uiiLiu i.r.iKiF.11. Tour editorial refers te the bllndnesH er our Alllanei. in Indorsing a man nl n... till........ 1.. I...1--. l l uui .iiiinini- in iiiuiirMiis ii inuii neai some day in a real, true, nenrsr " .....--, - - who favor Sunday, legislation, but who, man. Se I say. hurrah for the divorce, .'nltted merchandise te l.e shipped te ami from your vlewneint. Is otherwise ob Jcctlnmtblp. This some clmrKC oeultl I be as reasonably inade nguinst thea ' who indorse cnndldaie who pessecs i many commendable traits, but who ere ' net committed te Sunday leglslotlen. Mr. Ileidleman has been a staunch , friend and supporter of fumiay leuls- ( Jatlen, nml te our knowledge no chargu against Mr. Itcldlcnum has been preen. The rritlplsmt mnfle ,iF lilni nrn lilecilv t of tlie sumo character ns thenc usually Hindi-ntriiiiil men in tmlltlnil llfe i ! illin.,!. ii i lite. 'ir Alliance would be ungrateful if Ir did nut piiK'e its iminrsicincnt upon a man who has steed for Sundiu lesir.lniinn. especially when it Iiiim received no well- founded rease distrust lilm In ether Important lelslatleii. 1 am confident .veu will rpcugnl'e the jiihtloe 'mil fulr nejN of tills piisltleu. Assuring ou of my continued con fidence in the l' bEiiciKn and Handing ready te tcrve you at any tlm, 1 um. . , WU.MAM It. I'On.NKY. Assistant tieneral Secretary Lerd't Da Alliiir.ce. Phllalclphui, l'Vhruary 21, 31)2'-' (W rati only lecnininund Dr. Ferney r n ....i.M,... ,.f ..i... .iii,. ......, minLM-s I-"v..i, l,. I',,., i ,,Vu. l...el lr v'mi Ml ne admits till t iii" l'i'"""1 "M ,'(',!', n" Inipesslblej canilltlnle, since thai unturlima $,"0I0 i iiieeu i.'ps(i,p heearne known. .lr. Meld- leman himself lias failed ie dlspree chargei ui:uii nnd preveil against him, i though lie has had mentliM in which te attempt that uiiHeult work. IM.) The Ctosk-Jebblng Concerns Te tee ;y . u (,,f ,;,.,, j iu,it Ledger: Sir V h. !. iln iievii.iiucnt se la in its nr,i.r,i ut tlm public that it a lows all .ert.i e.' wild-cat. stock-Jobbing s-heiau I.) operate, Jlreclng the l"eple out of their Meney, and with no redrew en their part'. Kvivy day we read of failures of liim. concerns at he present time. Yeu into my "Why 'In penp'e buy tliis ileelt';" it is the Mttjiressiuu ei iiiest et (hem that the ''evcriuueiit t,reies t' i.w.L- .,...,..., l!!.?1'"' ",si ',l '""IW't", he liank'du- ' mf w,,1('1' ift nut the ClleC. This stiivk-sel'liig buslni'Mi has (.ettrn s ,ij ' ' .' ""' u l"v-Tiimenr -..v.,.,,, tmujid un me'.' ceuceins te dim oenucu III sonic Viivv se that the publle "u E'il Is tnenev bne; if th evcrv e jhe elijcrt. The way tln-y de liiihliii'hH H 10 open 11 ji'mpe In n flit 1 nl lor.iiieii, nnu by uitrtMu; nil erln of inrrim- " 011 inuuuy lint'stPil, tlK'j f.ituli un ")B)y "suckem" na tlu-y cmi, :md then .'ese the effirvs nnd move rtway am) PEOPLE'S FORUM I cannot be found by theMs who have mircnascu, out tuey have merely aenu te another eectlen te play the game. After these sharks have gotten In 'till the money thry can, and invariably from the peer and ignorant people, they go out of business entirely, nnd with their Ill-gotten gains they rctlre for the rest of their lives, living In comfort and rase, while their victims pM through nil sorts of sufferings. Put them out of business, Mr. Government, nnd de all yen ran te warn people against spending ll.elr money with these thieves. . . JOHN T. LOXU. Philadelphia, February 21, 1022. Vlilter Recall! Flag Hlitery Te the ildUer efttit Evening Publle Ltdgtr! Sir It is Interesting te note that we havewith us'teday Commander Ilyren McCendles, of the U. 8. H. Parrett, new at the Phtlndelphlii Navy Yard, League Island. He wrote "The History of the World's Flags." which was published by the National Geographic Society,. Oc tober, 1017. Probably no book in any country en flags is se complete In de tails and se comprehensive. Commander McCandles was the flag officer of the American fleet nt Vera Cruz In 10111, and in the performance of his duties there he found that the signal officer and enlisted men were handicapped In their work by the non-existence of n flag book. Being far removed from printing establishments, the Ingenious officer met the condition by chiseling flag plates from lenden sheets and printing in color a book of flags with a hand press installed en the flagship. ' This unique publication attracted wide at tention, und the demand wan se great that the Impression flag plates made of soft metal seen were away. Cemma nder McCandles wne Induced by the National Geographic Society te undertake, with the consent of the sec retary of the Navy, the assembling of the flags of the world for publication. The society donated r000 copies te the I'nltcd States Navy and 5000 copies te the United States Army. Ue It remembered that we have just had as visitors te the United States the largest aggregation of the world s statebmen and foreign potentates that has ever met under one reef In any coun try. They came here te deliberate, te delve deep down In their hearts the old maxim that dropped from our flag and was wafted nreund the world June 14. 1777. "Ue unto ethers ns you would wish them te de unto you." History tells that reason, net war, will prcvuil In the future our country, lirnt in war In ventions, tlrst te build Iren warships, is tlrut te scrap name for the geed of mankind. . CHARLES WILLIAM SMITH. Philadelphia. February 23, 1022. Opposes Attacks en Wilsen Te the Editor of the Evvnlne 'utile Ltdaer: Sir In a recent Issue of your vnlued paper I observed where a correspond- cut sucgestcd thet t tlie BOluiers DOnus be financed with the contributions being collected for the Woodrew Wil Wil eon Foundation Fund. In the letter your lady correspondent madn several sneering remarks about our cx-Presl-dent, which tilled me with a mixture of first disgust nnd then pity for her lack ii f linnvvlnlffR of the nbleet of her met,t , unladylike, unjust and unkind t.arrasiu. ew. It la sucn nenest iguenuuc, cminled rltli n mere newcrful enllKht ened but dishonest opposition, wliirh hae caused every great Ideallst and real friend of mauklnd te meet lilt (!eth temane. Most of the contributions are apparently from men of Kinell nicanst. which gees te prove where Mr. Wil Wil eon's followers are loeeted. I am net in any way connected with the founda tion, belnis only a modest contributor, but I feel that the general public is getting tired of thee pest -campaign xlur'i en our et-Preifldent. Please let me say that I, for one, most heartily commend the stnnd of tin I'-vnmxu . I i .HS" "nL If ieS?" r.KDcrn in the ciimnnlcu of 1020. for 1 although you Btiyperled the Uemibllcan ticket, you have ulwayn been lair und square and tried te understand tlie poll- ,.,,, of Alisen with u justness that was 1, 11 rommendllhln. 1 N KX-SOUDIKH 1 Philadelphia, February 1M, 02. j Favers Divorce Te the Editor et the Evtttii'O Public Ledger: Sir T mn rlvlnz niv exnerlence nnd answer te the very kind lady who wrote providing for the rehabilitation of thei te you regarding hasty marriages, rallreadt Intended te icgulale all and Well, te begin with, she perhaps did , that inadequate Htutc rates were a bur bur net get a lemon In the garden of leve den upon interstate commerce nnd a as ethers did, or bhc weuitin t be se brave in apenklng her thoughts. Te !,,.!., .,l, innn nml wnninn ln n he"or she plcares and what their hearts dictate. I fully believe in divorce. u'l.nt Q tiu ii.n nf llvliic If mn ilmt't I live happily V Yeu may as veil be dead, se where you find iinhepjilness in euv, I you may find heaven in another. The : Li. i.. ... ,i... ....... .....i .i. ............ i ireuu.U lb ill inu iii.iu mm iiiu imnmii ' thev nren't mated rijlit and due't find it out until It l.i tee late. i Yen, I was a victim of en unhappy I marriage, but I hope I find real happi nwin some dav In a real. true, honest I D. ' . The Dcenle favoring it imve tiense. MKS. N. l. rhlladelphlB, February 24. 1022. Questions Answered Who Said It? Te the Editor of the Public l.tdaer: Sir t will Appreciate it ir yc.u can leeata i '' me the following quotatien: "Our enuntry1 In her Innr-uurii vlth ferulsn 1 nRt0n may she nlwajj tee In the rlslit: I t .ur country, rleht or wrem- " uur i i I'h'ledelrlim. I'ebruar L'3, H. lOJ.' Kiat c.ven by I Thin auotatlen is from f'?Shcn Uf:atur Ht ' lnl - Norfe'l., V.t , April. The Zere Problem Te the Editor of the Eventrg TutiHe ledger: Sir Te nnnAer the iiuetlen of "S, I. H." In Thurnlay'a Er.MNU I'l'hmc L':poi vlr: "Hew ceM will It f.e when It U twice n telrt a-i 10 degrees below rare," !t h necessary te Knew the point uhich nrleiiea dnierlbci e ulirelute zero. Abse lute rore Ii the point where. tcUntlflcnlly, there Is re heat, where Ii can net no colder, ihl jmlnt la 4J0 deureei below :ieie en the ' iviirenheit tcale. wnirn supikiimhiI nriii.. referred te In the qiietrini. puppeeemy in uie Halfway letween the point mmtlenej In bu,,t0 Rr,i aLfnlute rore It -vlll te t,C8 MH celli ae nt 10 ileerees below lere. One-KilS the dllference between tlie two ininm ine mlnuii 10 tltvlderl hv 2 ea'jali 22 J. MlnuB 10 plu 22.1 rquala inlnue 2.1(1. or 2.1!l liesreee beinA' 'em (f'nhrenhelt) would l.e thn ielnt where It veuld li tttlc ns cied v.i 10 deBreca below zero. A. S. Wr'.IISVl'.t!. Atlantic Clly. INbruary 14, 1022. Poems and Songs Desired Written by Mra. David Perter 7e (Jic KfHter e the Kvniiig I'ull'.u l.tde'n illr Ploase tell in' lin wniic tlm w-urdi ii, the henu centalnliu thli erne: "Tliuu hast v.eundcd the Jplrit Ihet leed thee Ar.J eher.bhed tliln" Im.'ine for earr1 Tl'.nu hast tcuglit mc (it te feii.-et tlioe. In reiret. In alienee i.r.dt.nrr 'I PhlladeltihlB. cbluary'28,'tP2y.nAU,' What'a Name of Auther? T lt .-rre in i.-i-eiiiiu; i'lifche r.rrteir; Mr J'.ciue ion me in iiai leeni i ran tin d Hie following Aere " em-' "- I nd a I uoej, 'ine I'cnplr'H Forum ..III npprur dullr In tlie 1.. I'liill rieiiie i.rucrr anil lll llie. Sunil iy. Public I,eiler, Letters (llnrussiii timely teiur mil lie priniru hu ..ell a required Peetiia. nii.l uues tlen af rnral Interest will be answered, And a pip te meVu in enlJ uenthtrt The world It oed and the reople are teod And wo're all soed fellow n turttlier." , I.. .IOIIDAK. Mlllndlt4il, Ftbrunry 33, IDS!!. Thl l a tenst from Jehn O'Kcefr'n play, "Spr'aa of Laurel," and can t found la Act, II, Seen l, ef the play, Who Wrete It?- Te the Editor et the Evening public tedeer: fllr Plai tell me the name of the poem from which llwiae lines are taken! "I'leaeure lie tblcltcit where no pleas , uree eeem: There' net a leaf that falls upon the round . Dut held some Jey of ellence or of sound, Seme sprite becetten of a summer dream." ItAHOLD OIMM. Philadelphia. February 22. I0J2. This I a part of a sonnet, entitled "Hid den Jeys," written by Leman lllnncbard. Suffrage Upheld by Supreme Court Cenilnaed from Pate One strain, nnd that the cacc thercfore be came meet, net presenting a contro centro contre vcry for judicial decision. In the Leser case, the Government acknowledged thnt the proceedings had been instituted by voters who had suf ficient Interest te warrant their pres ence In court, but that the issue raised was political,, one for decision by Con gress or for 'settlement in some ether avenue than by adjudication In the courts. While the State of Marylend had refused te ratify the amendment. It was pointed out th State also refused te question Its constitutionality. The power of Congress te propose the amendment te inc State Legisla tures for ratification was assailed by Its opponents en the ground that the people reserved te themselves in their State constitutions the right te regulate suffrage, nnd that the Federal Govern ment legally could net have anything whatever te de with changing the "sov ereign power" embodied in uuffruge nualifirntleiis. Itcplylng te an assertion that tlie j lendment had net been 1pb11v IfWI 7h aZLt S2?,tsi, -... ... . nmen ratified, the Government asserted that Mlhseurl. Tennessee and West Vlrclnln had been properly counted, but that If Missouri was excluded that being the only one In the view of the Government open te question, under any reasonable contention it as offset by Vermont and Connecticut, which had ratified after the proclamation had been issued. U. S. Control of Fares Upheld In deciding thet railroad passenger fares tthln n Suite an mibjeet te rcgu rcgu hitlen by the Federal Government the Snnreine Court sustained Ihe lower iieurt3, which prohibited the Wisfensin jHnilread Commission from Interfering nu mi- vini:uj;u, j.uruiiKHiii nun Qulncr Ilnllread In putting Inte effect increases in piisnenger fares in ntate 1 travel authorized by the Interstate Cem- I merrc Coinmlsslen, The court in another derision held that railroad rates, fares and charges within the State of New Yerk arc sub ject te regulation by the Interstate I Commerce Commission. It affirmed the decision of the United Htutfs l)lstri"l , Court of the Northern District of thnt Ktutu requiring the State te comply with erdcra of the Interstate .Commerce I ('...ntnlculii. In.,-nfl 1,- rn l ,-. fa.a.L. i v.l'.limtentuii III,.. 1.(1.-.. Kg t'.tr.M ,,1. I IEIK3 anil rhargeu and the rntc.i 011 cream nnd mill;. Beth rate cases crew out of an or-1 der of the Interstate Commerce Cem-1 mission authorizing rallreadd te in-' ereas" Interstate rate.", fnre.-i mull rhargen, and te bring their Intrastate rated and fnrpn te (he level of Inter state rntcs. The commission held tlie, State rates must be adjusted te ellinin- nte preferences and fnver of trnffi,, ,, iliscrlmlnatieiis In i ing between points -holly within a State and .,.! In- ,..,, n,nu,rm Nuw Yerk State nutherired Increased ralc pen StntP rrB),t traffle, but re-1 !hyi t0 increase pnr.senger fares, sleep ing nuil parlor ear cnars, nntl nuns en milk and cream transported by piu- senger train.s. It claimed control in p :taie rates anu tares unii-r vne ciiar ter ,lt granted the railroads te operate. I'rilted Sla'.es Fought DKcrlmlnatleu The (levernnieiit in the Tsc nrli litleatlen contended that CengresH In , discrimination wmen wm i.mi-iuu had authority te remove. ' flip nierclinilt . mitt'lnC net 01 KILO. known ns the Jenes luw. prohibits, I transportation ei uirri-iiiimiiM- wiim-i Alnskaii nertB nuil oentliiPiitiu United ' States by l.unadlan rail und water line, , . the Suprerrfa Court rtnneiineed In a case brought by the Territory of Alnakn and tin. .Tiinenu llnrdwarp t emtianv acainst i -. "", i r, -' it , the Collector of f ustems for Alnl.a. The territory of Alaska contended the law was unconstltutiensl becauec it discriminated In favor of the Htntcn and against the Territory in Uiat It per slilps and railroads without Imposing a. i penalty, whereas, merchandise shipped i 'trein Michigan te the Junciui Hardware i Company liy way of the Canadian l'n- ' iclfic Rallreud te. Viuiceuver and by iCanadln nvetwel from there te Alaska was ordered confiscated. ' Justice Mcllcyiields. delivering the iv v'v. ": v..., '... .r.'..;", ""r: " opinion of the Court, announced the , judgment el tne ueurt oelew was ar flrmed. fl,. . ' EMBEZZLER SENT TO JAIL Crawford County Officer, World War Veteran, Pleads Nole Centendere ! I Mradvllle, !'.. Feb. 27. -Illy A. I'.) I- Having pleaded nole eintendere te 'iwe charges of eiiiliT.r.lement, one of, $i:;.2."fl of Stnte fundi and the ether of $1110(1 of county funds while lie was , lteglster and Itccnrder "f Crawferd1 I County, Majer Ilnrry V. Miller today was sentenced ny .iiiuge t. .i. rratner te two terms in the Western renltentlary. j ,.ueh for a period of net les tliau a year I and four months nor mere than three yenrs. I B lleeause of his excellent reeenl in the World War the court announced that I the sentences would be run concurrently. N. Y. VESTRY HOUSE ON FIRE BulldlnrJ Belonging te Trinity! Church Slightly Damaged I New YerU, Veb. 27. (y A. P.)--' Delist" smoke pouring Irem the hahumeni !of Trinity Cliurch vijstry house, at, Church nnd r niten streets, directly be hind historic St. I'tiul's ('Impel, where Uieorge Washington attended divine services, binught iippnriitiiN te the i scene en t lie jump today. Tlie blnzc was confined te the lmtentenl, where it' ' litid started. Smoke, sweeping up I through the building, gave yreiimi for, 'the fear thai the whole structure yas threatened. I lie I'amnge was slight. Vive aged clergj men lied te the graveyard, which separated chapel and vestry house, Mlsi 1 J file Armstrong, ' stiperlntendenl of the house, carried her eevcnty-twe-ienr-nhl mother four ate- i flea te tlie street. Philadelphia Orchestra at Penn 'Um riillinlilphl.i (rri'lii'strii .Mil ton ten i.u.'t n ''.'1111011" eifOiTt WrtliiPMilny nljiht nt Wflshtinnn Hall, Thirty-fourth nml Sirut'u Mii'clB. Thin L'encurt win pest, peneil from December S. i NEAR EAST RELIEF AIDED Atlentewn Churchea Contribute $12,000 te Fund In Single Day Atlentewn, Pa., Feb. 27. Tabula tors who worked during the night said ?12,000 was contributed by Allcntewn churches in which the cnuse of Near East relief was presented yesterday. Among the npenkers were Dr. Paul C. Lclnbrfcli, of Philadelphia ; Dr. Talcott Williams, of New Yerk; Dr. Clarke. Lieutenant Frank Cenncs. Prof. Mernl Kljlari and Majer C. K. Westen. Dr. Lelnbach spuke In St. Jehn's Re formed Church, which gave $1050; Trinity Evungellcal contributed $1200, nnd St. Andrew's Reformed, $852. Su perior Court Justice Frank M. Trcx ler'a Presbyterian Sunday Scheel was nddrcftefd by Majer Westen and con tributed J2000. J JDeatljs ABBOT. Buddcnlv. Kcb. i'3, 1022. MARION WCTHISKIf,r wlfe of Dr. u. Htanley Abbet l'uncral Rervlccs and Inter- mrnt nrivntf. ARJISTRONO. On IVb. 2. 1022, iaA BEL.LA, wife of the lain James Armntren. uelntltes and frlcndn in Invited te the Service, en Tuesday nftArnoen. at 2 u'cloek. at her reldencn, 2127 H. ie nt. Infrment prlvate. Frlnd may rail Mnrrtny pvpnlnit. DAnTOLET. Feb, 2, JtXnnY L.. son of the late Lewi and Rebcci-n Dnrtnltt. ltela tltes and friends Invited te ncrvlce. Tues. evrnlna, H o'clock, at the hemn of I. T. Ryan. 200 flreen lane. Manayunlt. Pa. Int. Creirsena. Wed. menilnr. 11ATEHON. Feb. 23. 1022, .TOSKPHINB M.. dauahter of the lata Jehn and Maritarct Ilatesen. Relatives and friend Invited te attend funeral, Tues., 8:30 A. M.. from her late reeldenc. 8114 N. Murkoe at. Renulem mass Our Mether of Korrewn' Church 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral Om IlKr.CH. Feb. 2I. .TOSKl'lf. ren of Colum bus M. and.Anna T. Ileech (nc Uoedy). used n rtaya. Relatlves and frlendu are Invited te attend funeral. Tues.. 1 P. M.. 2430 Garnet at. Int. New Cathedral Cem. tllltKHCAU. At Reverly, N. J.. Peh. 24. TURNER, husband of late Kllcn Rlrkhnad. Kuneral services Tues., 2:30 P. St.. lata res. Idence. 417 Mread t.. Heirly, N, .t. Int. prlvatr. Friends mm' tail iUn.. 7 te 9 P. M. . 1IOOOH. Feb. 23. 1022. Fit.IZA SI., widow of Frnnklln I.'. Hes. ljneral services at her late residence. 11 S. 48tli nt., Wed., 1 P. St. Int. Ml. Sterlali Om. ROai.Kll. Feb 20. Sf ARU: I.. llOSLKR. wife 'if Harry A. Ueiler. Rclatlven nnd friends are Inilled te attend funeral services. Wed., 2 P. SI., nt her Inte residence. 1723 W. Tlna si. Int. prlute. BREEN. On Feb. 21. 1022, CLARA S. FOSTER, wife of Auirustui llr"-n "d dsuvh Ifr of tli lule Wm. and Rebecca t.e Stark, ii.iutlti iwl frlnds. nlsu James K. Hazult I'niineii. n. ami i'. i . u, . urn ni Council. H. and I. of I... Ne. 120, nre In- vlt?l te funeral irIeii. nn Men.lay. at 2 P. M.. late realdrnec. 221s simroe'l n. lnt.Vrlvate. Remain, may b0 Mewed Hunday .,anlt-a IlROV.V On Keb. 24, HAR.'.lt A., wife of Jehn ri. Rreivn. In her tilth jear. Funeral servlci, en Tueeday, at 12 o'cleols neon, at her late residence, 20 Providence read. Aldun. Int. Cumberland Cenvjtery. FARM AND GARDEN Beautiful Evergreens at most attractive prices 4 MM TeW ittW We lunc a lanilivnyc Arehi teetuntt liirtalen that is rruilii te crifisr ami srie Mjii e( nil 1 1 111 1". ll',-i'e fvr our tier rnfnfei tuih:. We Kill ucnti it bu return lnuif, fro. 13. V. HAUU KEYSTOXK XUIlSEn I KS Burpee's BaaBBaV9HH9kV a. rfflft .bbbbbbbW. '" ""'ll" 9MMMk7S Vmf?W fWaf ViaVaaaaaaV HaaW I -fjeg &? p rm Ijkp mMMMMMmmmWiw. mm Jifci Ji'llMaraaBBBBBBBBTlaBBBaBBBBByl?Mrl",MT"f''.' aaS'aaam 'CA'l 'f. rf""" '""' L -"' Tawi W aaaWiar wnllfiir -vkm M9 iaWjiB fliMw F nifiSr m. aBamvaWT VkW' ,. 4JKtBBl -l? BBHaml aaam ; fv HE . f 8 iibbbbibbbbbbbb1J Jta " !aV ii wWjfRC r W r JW a i ' "i. l TTtXTMC1 vH Burpee's Annua, is the leading American seed catalog. It teils the plain truth about the best "seeds that grew." te . . . ' If you are interested in gardening, Burpee's Annual will h mniUrl t ,. fr W7-:- C A I aJ-. ..... .....- .w ,.. ..,,. -TEAR HERC- - - ----. W. ATLEE BURPEE CO. 485 North Fifth St., Philadelphia Please end me a free copy of Burpee's Annual. Name , ,.., Street or R, D. Pett Office V mMTTr.m mi- fJBATHB ROLL. Feb. 3fl. 1S2H. WII.MASt MBRI; DITH, husband of Mlldred Oladyi Uull, ajed H7. Relatives s-nd friends, also -Camden prtvnte. llarlelch Cem. IJUTI.ER. On rtD. 20, 1VZ.', -iikanneik, widow of Patrick Butler, Rlatles and friends are Invited te the funeral, en Wednes day mernlnc, at S:SO o'clock, from the Oliver II. Ralr Ii I rl ST. . 1820 Cli-stnut st. Mara of solemn requiem ut St. Patrick's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment nt Hely Cress Ueme tery CANNON. Feb. 23, 1022. HARRIETT, dauahter of the late Rederick and Harriett Cannen. Relatives and friends, also Ltiiu, bf the flscred Heart of SI. Htephen'a Church. Invited te funeral, Wed,, fi:0 A. Sf., from the residence uf her brother-in-law, James Keenan, 1000 Rewan st. Helcmn requiem tnass Ht. Stephen's Church 10 A. SI. Int. New Cathedral Cem. CAREV. Feb. 13. JOSi:PI7. eon of Jehn J and Anna St. Carey (nee Flnlitan). Rela tives and friends Invited te funeral, Tues., S:3() A. St.. frum Carey's residence. C078 Retnliart at.. OIt and Klncscsjlnr nvn. ltlth rMUtein mass at Church nt the Most Rleeseil Sacrament 10 A. SI. Int. at Cathedral Cem. CAIinV. Feb. 24. Captain HTEPHBN 8.. husband of Ida, 10, Carey. Relatlvee, friends, Richmond Indite. Ne. 230. F. und & A. St.. and all ether orcanlzatlenu Invited te attend funeral services, Hen.. R P. SI, sharp, at his 1st" residence. B024 Larchwood ave. CARR. Feb. 23 CIMRA II.. wife of Chsrles Carr, aged 05, Relatives and friends FARM AND GARDEN Te quickly add 1000 new custencra we make this ROSE OFFER Finest $1.50 Post paid ROSES Big, Thrifty 2 or 3 yr. Old Btuhei Every one hn.s already bloomed. Ouaran tecd te itrew end bloom for you. or our Meney llsrk. Pick remiliir lone-stemmed, het-house res? all season Ien from your own warden. Dnrst Varieties: lMIITi: KIM.AKNKY Hery Whllei OI'IIICI.IA Hiilmen lleshi ML'N- lH'KST oriinie-eeKpen UVyflr,I.l wonderful rev - carmine. seurlet eentert COI.tMHIA newest blir pink roe. Sntnl order .ind nieny today only llrst 11100 orders lilted at this low nrli e. Rent you vestrmld roen as plnmlnif season opens; alenpr lth copy of Cellins 1922 Catalogue containing nietiey-avlnn offers en Flower nnd Vegetable Heeils, Ilerry Plants. Vie, Trees r.nd Hve-jrreens. Arthur J. Wrl,e tula or Cellins & Sen Bex B amraa Mourettewn, N. J. IOUe, no. 10, it. ani a. ., r; "",'? te sltend funeral services, Tues.. 8 P ii at the residence of. '..'? L.areJ,n'. l2? Praanect nidse. ltsdden Helfhls, N. J. Int. jttifi& VMH i . BaaiiiiiiBsffrTlBiiiW gtaLw igSgBgMHgfHHgHgfgfHHI 5 Hfc Xetliitig adapts itself quite .se well te lurgc and small grounds as tlie evergreen. Its glossy, green richness and shimmering beauty give un air of refinement te your home. A special efi'ur of Nerdmnn Firs, ti V-J feet liigh, is new being made by Harr & Company. They urc ideal for planting en both sides of veur walk or for group plantings. In pairs at $10.00 a lKiir. TEN BEAUTIFUL SPIREAS, $6 .1 S. Dillardi 2-3 ft. Pink July 3 S. Van Hoertti 2-3 ft. Wbile May 1 S. Sorbifelit Z-3 ft. White Jnly 2 S. 'iTcebsli 18-24 in. Pint; Jua: Tall, 'Medium and low Varitliei Value, $7.50. The Collection, $6 1 , , & COMPANY 107 Barr Bldg., Lancaster, Pa. I Annual iTiitc iui vuui a-Ai.iiuai luuay. un Stnte.. V.T..,,,j,i.l4,,,,irt., BKATH) Invited te funeral, Tuei., rttfO A, M., from her huaband'a realdenee, ai24 N. n.Mh it , Fall! of Hchuylklll. Hith maea fit. Ilrldaet'a Church, 0:80 A, M. Int. Weatmlneter Cem, CAHHLKY, !,te of 4003 N. Iawrence st Feb. 2.V NORMAN A., eon of Matllietv and Mary B. Caakey, neral eervlee Wed,, 2 V. it., at parlor of Harry M, Pexxm. 8. p. cer. Slat and Cumberland. Int. private. Friend may call Tuet. evenlnc. CHKBTNUT. Veb. 24. 1922. WINTOItOP BAnQKNT CHRBTNUT. Ilelatlvea and friend are Invited te attend fnnrrnt aervleea, at hi brother' residence, 17110 linden linden weed it,. Tuee., 2 V. M. UHIITH. Feb. 26. KUORNB J., eon of Jehn , and th late Mary Oreen Chute. aed 80. nelatlvee and friend Invited te funeral, Wed., A. M., realdenee of aunt, Mr. Jen nie Cocker. M0r Willow ave. Solemn re quiem man Meet Uleeed Saernment Chureh 10 A. M. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. OI.AUHKII, Feb, as. Iiuj, tlittt.Y. widow of Isiul Claueer. Ilelitlvra and friend are Invited te funeral. Tuc.. 8 A. M.. lata realdenee. IJ3A H. 18th at. Solemn requiem hum nt fit. Thomm Church 0:30 A, M. tnt. Hely fro rvm. Ct.lNE. Feb. 26. MAP.7 A., widow of Wm. It. ("line, ared SO. Kelatlve nnd friend Invited te funeral, Tue 10 A, M., from residence of en, Waller H. Cllne, County Line rd., Vlllaneva. Pa. Pelcmn requiem ma fit. Thomaa' Church 11 A. Jt. Int. private. t'fH'linAN. Feb. 24. Ifl22. f'AItOMNH IX)WBU CMCtlnAN. widow of Themas A. Cochran, aced 84. Kelatlve nnd friend are Invited te attend funeral service. Tuee , 2. P. jr., at her late residence, seli! W. Nerria t. Int. private. IC. of P. Cem. Frl-ml cell Jfeii, eve COI.VILI.n. At the Preiliyterlnn Heme for. Widow and Sirale Women. Feb. 24, 1022, MAItr A., widow of James Celvllle. Funnrnl ervleei will tn held Men., 2 I. M at II. H. tliinthurat & Ce.. 1021 Arch at. Int. tirlvate, CO.N-rt'AV. Suddenly. Feb. 24. FttANftS J., eon of Jehn end the late Elizabeth Con way, aged 0. Relatives and friend, nlee pupils uf sit. James' ijchenl. nre InWtcd te alten dfuneral. Tuee., 7:30 A. M from parents' reeldenee, SO.'l Cheetnut st. Solemn r'qutem m Ht. Jarnea' Church 1) A. J.T, Int. IIelv Cre Cem. CONWAT, Feb. 23. AUinr.T XV.. r,n of the late Jehn rj. and I-eulta r. f'enav. ed 2u. Punerrtl eervlee Men . 2 P. M 1480 N. CSth t. Int. private. Frlndj ma call Sun. nfter 7 P. M. ClfljLin -TVh 1 V.f.f.t-V- r r'nkrr. .. I.mlck). Relative and frlenrtn arn Invited te attend funeral erlce. Men., 1 p ST. niece' reetdence, Mr. C'hnrle rirali 8l Talrmeiint ave. Int. nrlvnte, .tt. Fence Cem. Felnd may call Hun . nt t p r CROOKS. Feb. 2, AN'nrtnw w 'CROOKH naed 7(1. In-rnl erMce at lit Inte reeldence, I.Una, Delaware Ce.. Pu.. Aeil.. 2:30 I. M. Int. Cumhe-l.tin i-..m . - ... ."V .." wwiiiu'-.inii'j v.ejlll, AuA'J?. VlIL-,,,"t "ellev" t Lima Ster. FI'M.KN. Feb. 211, 1022, KI.I.KN If., daughter of lata Peter nnd Je.iie Cu'len Relative and frlnn.1 nr in.i..., .. .... . 1 f?,rX,',2T.,Ur ?,Al M" ,,0m l,0r lale Veil- denee, 17-12 Watklns t. ftdnnn requiem 1 A. V. Int. New Catheilnil Cem .,'tl '": 2.1. f'ATHARIVR. dnusliter of Antheny and Anna Dslv. iiiri-d 3 inrtith. rtelatlvea and fre,i Hrr ,n.,';, r.'Vten,! (vKS ' r""e:,.,'.MV in' Oreenwoed aNe-W57.r?-,,'- " r-f?'- ,IeJv Renu'chre Cem latn DaMd W nnd Jane Davie F.eiatlM.. Tui. f,Tnil" .r1vl,"l,,u f,,nf"l service. ?Un'?,..r" iMn', T.t'""'' of brother. Jehn f . Davie 1321 Wnkcilne et . Fran'a'erd. Int. private, rt Cast Ced-ir Hill Cer. Friend- mav call Jten. ete, ' ue"1 DAW IIP. On Feb. 2(1, 1022. ADni-IVR f'rlV'i'; ii?r? ." P"-,"ietlv4 nnd frlPiii.a arc Invlt'd te the aervlcc or. Wednes day nfternenn. (it 2 o'clock, m her lat real denee. a.-,co Are h el. Interment nrllnle DKAN.I'eb 23. DOneTItV dnu'-hier of William and Annl" Dein ln her "iuu W. "'T" Tu- 9 P- M." realdenee 43T i:. Camlirla .. tnt. Uj.-k ". l: main may be IewCj jjen.. 7 p jr Dr:CK.--tVb. 22. HKNRV. Iiuahand' of J'-ry ,1'eek. Itet.irnc. mid frlrnd! al?n Wnalitnalen r'amp. Ne. ft70 P tl q - a .ml re-iue,! Trlile.' I(n j"v ' f.. "j.3' A Uted te al:id f-ii..ral ii-rM. J0,i s P M resldemv.. 3n3(i N J.-,th at I, u'l a'p Mnfm,r ,""1 viewed Sun.. 7 te DKLAIIFNTY. -Feb. 21 n' I,l ut. ,t, denee. 22HI Hnvder M , JOHN j.. hu,, I of the late Maiy.ret D.ah,,nl Vn." rV nev). NVt.ce ,if fu:i-a i..t. ui ii..i. I eu. 2.1 HT.IZAHCTIf of the late Peter P. and JiVne flnnih.V.?. (a. I!el?tlvei ,nd ftiV.u arc Invited te ntt-nd fun.ea 1 Weil I,r-in I JIl'rS'S. 7.,Mr'rc7ffiH! ftMZhl$ IJULUIirillTY r.h . tl.,,-.. . DltKSS. At Woe.livirj, N ,r ..,, . I la.. Feb. 2ft AV.W T r fi, (,.. "r, ',? 1 ler. wlfi, of Frank Ma iir'e,, ,-," I Funeral Men.. 3 P, jr., f-nni iir.u'rni., . . V VV. K M llurryll. 127 JIa-hcta Vm";, f IjVJ. In.. Failslmtten. Pe..' , ""Su. i:itt,. Feb S3, 1D2 lliMen"hi??- '" Pr,Vat- 'X'ndamay . . ..... .. . .". u,, .i r rrn 1 JnUBh.i.ji. -v:re of f ;.in. ,FiT" n' then j.n.1 trend nl, , p v j,' s .'" " land -HI secleite of whl-n h!i wm j i , ni ,.r , ii-lt.l te fun -rat, Tuer . in 'J. j," "'"'r,; . iii'i rtit ri'ii iiirirs ri' x u.i ' ' . - - .. ,-t , e r I -t r ll.'.M .tewit, William' -Penn c"m afl'fr ""v. ema!n, "-:'J- be vlencj Hu" HAVNAH F.UZARinH 'v.fe e j .hn" i , F.aart:;. S-rvl e, at l.r,- ,. .,.,;.' .113 Putinm et.. Il ,rl en Me- V it lint, r.rl', i.'o-,i,ei i'..rn "" .. y?L'LK'.l.:' .r T"'- -!' vi;r. i: . T ., . i III m I -, I euik j;cl.tles ..-I frl.i, ,'i are Ir .cj, te attend fuiienn nervlena w.a 2 P. M.. pi her late resldenea -.. N- ...' s. Hit ri-ljirt Remain, : -., J i.f0,'i Tue., S te U'30 p. M v "" v iiiini i r. i ,iuue j;cl.tles ,. -, rilA,lLij,-ui i en. -J0. Kt 'a'- ruln r,. '.V'' llr.iLie it ii.iimmi't i.,f...r..?." nee. r.era, aer. 1 a en 'Pe,t,i., V'.... ."" l'i .i , ,"L-'ift. " i, i,iw r,irneutu ave. prl.ate. Wednesday A. M. --I..l. ... ,-,. ,-..."'V ' L-.'.l, Interment UAI.I.U1HF.R. Feb 2J. J:;i: If. ,. the lite Charie, W. CuliaKner. RalatU t nml friends ere Inv'trd te r.tte-.d luiiiei 1.H2 . ."3.1 t". Solemn r?qn em marn st Hdmer.d's church. 10 A. M. Intl'lftiifcre; CALLOWAY, t.i Mt Veniep y r en Fe'... 24. IP22. MARllAP.r.T. If,.' nf '.f .."". --- - - --- . -- ........ ...-ini,.. .IP, l ,. , .,,'.'." . ' uneri or.- ttei, ed., 2 P. M.. et hi late rM lenv, 21(i Aalibniirnii re d. Ashbejrne Pa I,,, t.rl.ate '" tin:s, 1-. .-,. it)'.-2 :ivni;Ti( .MileH in Milan! F Oate ferM,". rue. ' . P JI., rt her late rclii.ce ,',-, ,', ' n.e Int pel a e. OI1.L. -Feb 2'1 AiiMi:,-, M A ., ,. James J. HUI r.Tl d.uthter nf - l irm,, n i Anna V IlRim-h-: . itclatl..- and f, i .,',, . and Natl, I. II M. Se 1 Hi-, ure (,,' cj atteml funeral. Turn. 7. no i ;:'''' her Lite .-e,l,l.nSe. 31173 Tui'n et Sei.n'n raniilntii iyiilih i Imr ,. ..f ilia v..i... . , '"" JI. tnt lln! Scuu.chre iVir. ' A Ulll.ll.;.N 1 eli v ,fe of ,1 (I ilde -" . .-. 1 iiAu.vr r: of funeral ..ill le riven irem 'the , .' u-n.-! of her run ; il .! ."."'Il t .alem- ... ill..-,. it .'.ineiniury N 1 s.. ...,,. ' 2.-.H1. 1022. ANNA T 1IRL.SS (nee Tl. ier). 'lfa of Frail ilr net'i-e it'i'e of funeral '.'III be i.ln.p lte, till. Due ur.iJUA.-s 1 eu. LU. tti'J MARY rnr, CAN Re'nil.e and friend, n'se menVlil?.' of I.a.ll-' Auvillar. A. O II are lp 7"" funeral Thum. i 30 A. M. 'r. -n hV . ,, realdenee, 1234 S Jl.i Sileinn 11? " Mmh cf Requiem St llabnel Chuicl. "in A Jt. Int. Old Cathedral feni v"u,c"' 10 HALL Feb 2.' MA HO A RH I HARDI.-'U At Mrdennn',! N 23. 1H22. MARV A.. Htfe f Vl'ii,m" j.' ''I Feb 0f l,,!Sr., fet"!., Ji-;r "BlHiVVhxA sli ne i:.'"Htt ln her S3th . ear n. u, luJ) SSSu'pl'rmfi-'lrrlr ?." ,a,1" :' '"h, ''! .C'dar 'iVl'li ('em. llemsini may la, v'd m, ,,. in p. M. from JIOI.OHAN Feb, 2,1 j u sa, r.ATI, AHIS'F, 11. widow of Jmw. j Un'iha," and friends -r finilh are liniiii te attend funeral. Wed S jj.. frum 1)1 resldenr of her daiiKhter Mn Anna CIiVl ten. 117 Albany me.. Ilariliistnn. ,v j lllfh mass Ht Hese uf l.lm.i'a 'hurih I'luii. den lletah s. U A M In. CUvary 1 c, 'i.'1' in.rl cf 2.1d .mil Vine sla . I'lilin JAIIHFTT At Menii.itmwi .1 i-nll 2.',. JO.XI.PII W . hu-balid nr M .;Un ,,"" rett Inee June.. In Ills l,0ih 1 l-uiural I'nurlli-die 2 P. JI , Munitien KncmW Jtertiui; Iliiuas. Friends mm call Third-din 7 Ij U P M Autus ..l'i inui n'(,i, 4M 'it Clreeiiwuml i.c , Jenktntm.n .nd 1 ic p ! rnln from lleadlnn Termiiui 11 Jenkintu.. 11 Station. JIJI'i'T.lUU. At ha I. inc !.ic I) t.. en Feb 28. te':'.' 1Hi),,.m i JUPI'HICH. flrrvlce en lnndii . at -j P. M at t. Jan.' P. B. Church, 2-'d and w it nut t. Interment private. Please mnlt t,OvrtT3. or iMtric't uoeney (nee ilniiir-i,...., , ... ... . . . tlvr an.l .friend invite,! t ,tifBli ,: 'I- 134 tlmi.lierry et 0-rmnten. telAnn requiem maea Church of HI r, 3 f "".'' :.)0 A. M. int. II tiiu'c ir.:' 2. I.M'RA Vlr.fnt-u li.MU.. ilalliri.ter or atn Jnl s .i .. '.Veel.ii. Relatives ami Iricnda arc i,: T, ie .erilccr.. Men. 2 P. JI . i.t reMderi. ,'J ' I her brother. Charie., H. w,,, i"ffi ,V' at.. I'raiikfnrd. Int. ptlvate. Fri . rda in'i I ..(ill Sim H te je P M "" I ...r-J!'.iPY;rrA,'Jr"!- u..ic p.,i. I -,. n... ii'a n ., i.ijfl or Uleililn Inlm T v i iV ySuTcTiAI'Sn;. - ViJAT.0.",.: llVA.vs. Feb. ':.;, :i.iZAr.FTir i- CauBluer of tiis late Suiu-i j Vi a,',-, I i:ani In ler stiili jear n-.,ul A,lp, ,fl!:,l."I" 'n.v'l.eJ H -n,I faViw sen'! niece. Mis Annl t:. Anlr0, ,, KC. " '"T Pair inu,r,,V,qUirH.hl.-an,;,,.1.n0i;i.rc;; 1-imiu.ih fe... "a AN.vi1 ir ,. , i Reiii.,i I utif and diUKlu-- or ',i..Ji',, ; and 'he late WlilUm Hart njed ' 'v' tlvt.i and frlendJ. also tu,. .)evd ini.Ii't ,'- , ell Ne 1S7. S. nml D. of uViTn,.,h e' St. Phll'fa JI. F.. Church ar" In., ed te Htl-tlil fiir.rnl. M.m 1 t . '" V.p' ln t.illeay mid dtuBhi'r if Jehn nnrl Vnn5 leftus r.MatUc, and friends. "sWfVmSnS liiunrll. Ne. 12.', D. et 1... ,ui w.ishln" "e, lamp. Ne l; Pi. of A nre Imlrt,, iiie cer.lee. or" nfii-rn nvi at ' ' cln It. at the Oilier H. Hair UWi,. ,w...e (.heattnit t. Pnllr., Intrrr ent -,rlvat " v. "M,J,'v-rh- ?." 1.1!--' m:?- h.i- irtiiii w, i.nuri m i, Linn - C. Hall Relatives a,i ti'.en,u i invited te attend funeral sen lee, i.t, u , P JI late residence, 3S22 Warrlnate , J. J" i",tV.A10 ""'Tl. X,,,nd ' "Tsui,': DEATH. JOHNS. On Feb. 23. 1022". ItOUrtRT II.. 8r.. huelinnd of Jennie .M.-.lehnf. nelnti nn irie end, nlee Wnahlnaten Cmn. N' 4, mr. j. a. di y.. ui 8. Of Au or collinBweod, N, J, i citnn nu. vii, ui I iiHunuiiin, iiiv ,- in . UII.JAlKkl. of Invited in funeral M. at rentdencA --...;; . ii rvicv c.i jii'xiunj 07S1 Catharine it. leriuar, s i'. ai at fenuence. ,,,. a nn Butidey evenlnc. imrm,.nt nrivaie. JOHNSON. Feb. id. EM.KN. wife of Peter P. Jehneen. Relative and friend to te vlted te attend funeral, Thur., 7:30, A, M., from reeldence et her husband, 2214 fit, Alban it, Solemn requiem ma Ht, Charlee' Church It A. M. Int. Cathedral Cem. ICANNBWASHKR. Feb. 20. l.KK. hu band of Illlzabetli Kannewaaner. Relative and friend Invited te attend funenil aerv leea Wed., 10:80 A. M., late residence, 4814 N. 18th nt. Int. private, KEIINH. JAMF.H KKRNS, of Cranaten. R. I., Hed 81, died February 2.-,, Interment Feb. 21 at 10 A. Jt., In Mt. Merlah Cenie tery, Philadelphia. KKK1-V. Feb, 23. 1D22, I3MMA It, V.. widow of J. Heward Kety. In her 70th year. Funeral service Men., 2 P. jr. precisely, at her Inte residence. 844 Green lane. Ron Ren Ron berouah. Int. private. KtNKIIAD.-Feb 22. AD. H. wife of Harry K. Klnkend. Relative nnd friend are Invited te nttend funeral service. Men . 2 P. Jf.. at late reeldence, et Vandlke el.. Iticenv. Int. MnirnellR Cem. KIRCHF-R -Feb. 2J, r.DITir. wife of Herace H. Klrcher. Relative and friend also James Lewell Council. Ne. 210. H. A it. ei ij.i .uenicnn council, rin. U14, j P., sre Invited te attend funeral, Tue i. M . rrem her late reetiience, c.100 N Falrhlll nt. Int. Chelten. Hill Cem. View Ina Med, eve., S P. M. .T?N"'I;"rT",,bV, t?4l 1022 . ."AROARBT, widow of Cenrad Knlp", ewed 71. Ueiative and friend are Invited te attend funeral service. Jinn,, 2 p. J. r'eldenc of her een-ln-taw. William I.. O. Kent, 4042 If, Falrhlll et. Int. private. Mt, Jlerlali Cem. Friend may call Sun. e. KUNZi:. Feb. 24, JOHANNA ICfNZF. (nee Vehe), In her 7fllh year. P.elathe nnd friends nre Invltrd In attend funeral, Wed , 2 P. Jt., from her dauwhter' reil dence, Mrs. F. Hinder, 2820 fisybert t. R. mains may ls viewed Tues. eve, Int. i,rl at. Hillside Cera. I.AHHT. Feb. 23. 1D22. HATTin LA HIl'F, late of 722 Spruce si. Maes of re- iiuiem ai .; tinry unuren, rues., e A. ?J ini private lowing; jien.. 7 te 10 IJ fr. in r f Bt purttnijt. of Andrew J-ilrfs Bns. HAa ' Ii fit. .. O. lill I"' manderv. Ne. 311, K. T.; Phlli, Cetialstnry; I.u I.u Temple, a. A. O N. M. H : Knlulit of the Iren Rinir. .M. It., nnd all ether or- rv Kaniaiiuiin n; -vnicn no wn a member. In vited te i-rvtres, Men,, 2 P. M.. late reel denee, 2Us N. Frent el. Int. JR. Vernen .cui. , irv-iiiK ?un. eve I.KRbS -Um Second Menth 24tli, DBM ORAII i'RIJNSHAW. mIJew Jnalah W Ieda In her Ttth r!Ain,i..A. M., ifrllcnds Invited te funeral en Secord Dav at 2 .10 P M nt lat residence, 14 He-.-.Inl" a- . Wcat Chester. Pa. Train 1 P. Jt. fren Iiruad st Trelley 1 p, M.. from 00th et. Interment tirlvute. ).OUDi:HUf)i;U Feb 23 JACOII liilnlanil or the tnt Cnthrltie IiUilenalsaer. aai-d 73 Relative an 1 frteni'e are ImR d i te attend fur.eml Men. I P. Jt,, frim hit Inte iraiilfiici, 1223 N. Jesaup si Int Mt ' , pi-ace Cem. Il mains limy be lL,-Aed Hui.. I cie. I LOUHHRRT - Ffb. 23. PATRICK 1,Ot'tlllRi:v Relatives and friends Invited te altn.l funeral. Tuesdav, 0 A. Jl.. from, i the residence uf his aen-ln-Iaw, liernnrd Ktns. ID W Sprir.s- me., A nlinnre Pa Peieinn requiem mass r.t St. Cnlmiin't ,' ("liurch 10 A. Jf Int Pt De-ii Cem I I. TONS. Feb 2.-. MARdARF.T I.TONS Relntlve end friends are lnHed te attend funeral, Tn.. sr.ll A JI . from her Inle 1 realdeni e, 3S32 Wakefle'il t,, OernmiitnKti I Peieinn niaa et requiem ,t. Vincent's IChuri'li 10 A t. In- Hely Sepu'chre Cem 1 VAAS JIHRIttS I. MAAS. eon uf the lut I Iihri- nnd linima Jlnas, suddenl) . In sail1 I Frnnclvi. ('nllf . aRd HO FunTf.l notice laler. Ve.v Verk p.irH'ni please roil" Ma-CARTNPV ti IVIi. 2t. I02J f.THBf. ,W. (nee teuarl). wife of Charl" V Mai i'rtiiiv ar.d ilatiehter cf Jeald t'lenient and the lal Jai'l.ynti Stiaart. Sen ler nn Jton Jten div i,t 2 P. M., .'..'211 Amrnra terraer. Int. prliale le.vtnif Sunday ninlnir. MA.SSMANN F-b 2t. UEutOr: . !' bird of Ne-a Mariemiinn used S2 lleiiili'N land frlende, also Jermalem t.eilKe, Ne. .".fill i ' F and A. jr., Silnain Chapter, Ne 220. Ii a. .''.: itriieen uernniannery. x-. 21), K T . I.U I.ll Temple, A A. '. N JI. S Fhlla riirii. .mi. ji in i eunre or leban I'l.lla l"ie-t ItaiKcr' Aawi ami nl. ni.i, ( ipnnt;.aftena of wht h h- v, as u ipenl... n-n Iultr1 te fu.-eral aert;e Wei' l:iWP. M . t-siilei e- 0312 Palmetto rt . Launaai, tnt ui -;ni mimt Cen, Remln iv".i ii,3 , fliici , - Jl MARTIN Z--Z1, '::,-:: W- V. 'n,rr'.J,IA" - ITTV of 22 no luvlled 2::m Ml ", .. ... T..L,, - iir.ui-, nnu iricner, tu attend f mie,. .crvl'-".. Tuee., t t,riclsil. at tie DhvM II. lldjr., 1-Vetid ard Diamond e e. I Helm: ;r Jlldjr. int. i-late ' Mi'ARTIIV Feb. 20 JASIFS XI. Iiu- . bnu I of the late l,n'ir J. and nn of ltu"e nvl tli tale Jun'e- JlcCttrtle. lie, all, en and I trjeni, j a:re Arc'ibulmp Hjnii 1 l r.i.i . , -i.. -., i it ,. . C nnd arc In- v.i-ij tu funeral 'A il. h:3n A. M . fre'ii hit, .,11. IIUU,", -1W ''. J. .'. L. ,.. nieitier s teaiucnce. .il.l ' h-tiiut u. Helnili requl"ni nice Church nf Our I.ady of Vie. or- ie . Jt. Int Ht Jlar; s Cem . Pneenla. Mile, i JleDllVAI.D Feb. 23. SARAH. -lf et Wm. McDonald (w Cunnellvl Relatives ami rrli'iiile. also II. V. JI. HeilallD. Altnr and League of th. 5acril lliart. In.ttid te fu ncral. Wed. S 30. 2304 V Sler t. Se emu icqulim mas, Ht. I'elumba's Church HI A. M. let Hely Crene Cem. ' JleFinitlDlU: Feb. 23 P.I22. JIARV ir- of tlie i,n WifPum J Jfi-Fetildari tree Snjdf.-). Ite'itles i ml frlnie. n n Hh,i- li-rdi. of Ilrihthei.i. Ne. 31; H 11 of 1... Ne. SO. nnd P. Ci of A . Cutr.n Ni. 14, arc ln ilied te nttend funen.l erLe,. Wed . 2 P Jt , t the Keld-tic of her brether-lr.-lrw, F T Hitcher llieti N. atllh i". Int u I vnte FrlvniN t.iu call Tue.. 7 te Ii P. M MeilKi:. -Fb. 23 1022. HM.KN llK 'TRFDH. wl'e of Patrick J. Jlcilee an I cnuitlner of late Ilcniard and flrae Jtnptp. ll"inlle" and frlemii, imlteil te furernl, Y ed . S:R'I A Jt.. f .'ei l 1 rt- i.ite r .siilepc. . .1140 '1 a:. " emn requlni ti i.ii- ut Church of the A-"-ii-leii 10 A. Jt. Int. Hulj .'si'Siu. thri ivm i Mi MIINAMAN On T' b 20 ''FARI-LS It 1 u -band ,f Mara'aret Mc.Mer.aman in". JII dieii' lined .Tl 5eara. R.-lutlie nod .I'Miile. alee Hei. N'nrne rei;l,t ai e In. lt'l te fiui'ial. en U iliuadiiy i.inr.i'tv it U e ir,;, fro, n liN lati,. ree d-tiLC. 23. Iliire. nnu" t.e.. Aidmere. Pn Se.tmn rtqu'eni ma. t.'. Cel'nan's Church in A. JI lnle'- , in.".. St. Denle' Compter 4. JII1.IXR E.eret. P... Tib 2t. Mr,. Hl.lZAHETH S. J1I1.I.12R !de-v ef D . Hd.. at 1 J., died at I.e.- l.em- I -e th ine-ntnir at the ape cf S3 ye..r-. She 1 i "j.'Mieil ', t..e 'I'll 'M' ., ' wKtuvL i of P liillett I'.i; ler. of Vlttrlncten, D' and Ceitrude Jf . tfe of rieil.rlclt t . Cexc, ..f tnU pl'ic- JHM.INHTON Feb L'3 VINC'KNT hue band cf i harlnPc Mill iiKten. aRed -CI. Reia live' end frl-nd. j.he Sheet Jleta! 'e-ll-a' Fulon, laiecLt Ne. in aiv l-vite.l te aT'nnd fuiiTr.l. Tue 1 I. M rnb!d.'ne "0.1') '. rne ,, si S-rkea ;it M. llierge' P. . i hureli 2 P. JI. Int -'i rth Cedar Hill Clti Remein- mj be Iee J'er , eft r 7 P, Jt. MILLS At S.a.'.e' :.- ,T . i t. 111. HARD - . hu 'ard of Anna n JP'l at:t d 0' i'ii.'cei, at lute reeaienci- enrll'td l.e :-tiie. r. j . TUf'i.. 2 3i) P, M "li-n'e I'' .1(1" Il'i C'n mivulf --Fb. 23;:aiu:th ." fi .f the Ut- Wll, ,n II JI nile Wl '-i !n her Mat v-ir P.elatle "r'.i.W 1I-0 member" e' -ienm M H . (nee aivt r. ur 1 ar,! nunaa:' -r m' a-e inne te nttend fu.e-el -.ervlce. 'tin 2 3e " M. late r.-al'l. '1.0 litis 11. Miie'if htnna ave In1, private, V-rlli ida Hilt f'er.i. Friends tna. f. Sui after 7 P M .MiHlR1: Frli 23 ILN.Sil. J.. wV i ' '. hv-h ..rmre ni 1 ri .ul ter e' Jehn tld 'i-.t'i A t.'l...." "." .' e nil t r ei.ii,.. mi. iJ.'itnnntewn 1 ,:-, .'i I,', e , II, .1 ri 'n.l,il ii'fii.t-al 'icr.'icew M -I P M late rend, n e, 4117.-, i:i,r t.' In t,' .11 ') 1 p ) Cm. '"rlerd. ,i'' rnrtfc rtyi .MiiuRe.. -At r. .erj'd-. V. I. !h 'ii.'J nti A nus'iai 1 n- 1... 1,. :.Kii,' !i his 43th vea-. Uelat'n, nd rreicN .i.Sl, all (a-l"tits of which r. w a. 1 iber. are United te u't!id fure.'al. 2 P. Jt.. f-'.,n !i., ',. ri'sidr-e-. S2'J Li 'jee i'ta''aie a.-. RIl,'-- de V lit .ale IVtfndK 111 tail Midi MOM:- Feb 21 MIS.' FAN Ml ,,f I 0 l ise and .ia,sht-i' or R, nl. 1 e Hi " t-viy-r. R.'lativ,' and f 11. .ii i.'.pl.en lilri.iu 1 e'luer, .e i:i". ' fe II .' -ills '. I) ' 't P. . Wei 1 , v "i.hlclam Ceureii. .N,, (14 i, ur" 11 'l 1 te f.t'er.d fur.era' ker. 2 P M nrn la 1' . -ii her int., 1, ..Cun- 3121 Jusr'r t Mt Mt rem 11. I11M111 tnn.' be 1 li'e' l'ue. Si, ;,, i , JlYLU's -On Fe'i 23 ld.V MARUARFT beieM'd a ife of 1. ULan Jl.eia and daughter nf Annn'ta ail th- lut- Reben u,4n j.u neral ier e-a en "(.day 1 fternr in. nt ' e i 'ei . irrni 11 0,1:11 isiu n reiner.ce y N". Mope at Frtetnli ma. (.all Tniada. '.IP n I , s i' .1. iiiicriie'iu .-sort 'e.n :ei. inn NAItDlA - 1 ci .1. i-lil.v." nrn rf I'eirgn Mr 11 , 2 IP 31 V .1 Mar: Nai.iin l'U'ier.,1 feriiees at ll's paii'lil' reaidenee. P. M . nun Int rrhate. lr'Ui may iall -un. .'. . s...r -l'. --I e.' .3 Aiuhuii. and Thereto N i... and fr1' ' s,,,i udv 1 nd IIelv N.ut 1 PTRK-K. 0 '"('j Ir li niV. nl.rt T' . 1 f "sth Seclt tv, Irv'ted "te J I funeral, Tus. -. .ill A I.Al'UUINUi:n. Feb. 22. ALRCRT O.. "v'- w,f" of Harry A. Bennett, ea" ,,.' Iiusband uf lite Jeanette I.nusrxl.i,rer fn ' Rflalltn and frl-ml. alie Wejt Park -j?W ,SS Chapter. Ne. 2.-.O. II. A. M. i .Mary Cem- Wed. 2 P. M.. ( ,N. Itedfleld t. Ml. J. JI from ridHHfifnlnlMllbcf f nis .-nthee 11,111 Vui1l el 'll' un re iii'etn mas- ni .t 1 en e 111 1 M ml. at St Uenil , e 1 ,.ii. cenv. .'hurih ti'InlNN'FI.I.. Huddel Vb J , I.OFts tuiil-ni'd of Jliry ti'Dmnell (ne.. Duffee'i' Funeral and Int prli..te it cen.cnlince 1 i'f tlie family Please 0111 t Iln'i-ri i, 1 1)1 lilll.lS Feb 20 "'.2 JUAI.PII J, ti' hue. '.ind f 1 at.iiirli., Murrai i I.nuzhlui l'n-' P" nf fuinTiil ftii'n hu I.H.. -end -ne 24 IJ V Till si PAIJI'M'.- Fell. 21 ANNA .inn.v of Jehn Palmer inee McICenua). Ueia tl.ia and f 1 lends ar pnlted .,, funei.,1. I'lU'e " "'i1 N 'l la " remdeni'i IHMii . Hee.e it Solemn ruiu'tm nuka st m,ii. 1 n's 1. Church. U A M. Int. Hely Sepul. 1 hi 1. Cem I'llM.ilN udn-i i Fee "I 1H22. I Jlli'll KI.. buscai-d .11 ,ne ; mmn V pn,. 'bu line Itle-s) rtelatl.i's 'mil f-lrn,N also Cnirt ilarlleld, Vn ill )" of in.lted t, .iiied fun ral I'rucMi Men . 2 P jt r"'. 0 ""h ii J P I'nniiii e 2S1 Oreen at lut Si.ili (V.lnr IIIU Cem PHILLIPS --On 1' ',1 11122. 11 IM I, .1,1.1; PHII.I.lPri. need Ji). It"i,c aL. T iei- W MVltld t, all"!!.! lb- fun. Ill erv ceq oil r'nlurdi., lit II P M tr hr 'at, run' dtlu'' ll'l - fidlli tl lit -met t 1,1, , L VLHIHII --F"b 2 J 'li-J KliWAItll T , , u-bui"l in the lut 1 " 1 . 1, (tan ii.ii 1,, ,11 if ti id fi.iml. , 1 1 Me I ti ,1 tie 11 tune 'ut se. ex. Uid 2 P M., , hiH laid nsideiice, Piuniuiid st. Int ut, I'cae Cem Friends may rail Tues. eve. .HANlvt..N.ll;. 211, QIWHIW II, HANK. aumm jiW't . T.l. Ilelntlvita nnd frlenrtr. al Ne. neil, I. e, n, M,i FrHnelmrl Ne. 8117. il. nf i: A., ami PretrVI Ne. 84, H. of T.i nra Invited ,i Thur., 2 P. Ji at hi late rein Herlsn st. Int. prfvat. Kerth' Friend may call Wed. v, , RANTI.H. At Herdentpwn. -H. 28. THOMAS K.. hu.banfl Of IM son of th late Rebert and Mary nis nun year, neiative ana iri vlted te attend funeral. Men., S hi late residence, 44 Mary at., N, J. Int. Dordenlewn Cem. VW& RATNKR. Feb. 28, J06T1PH. rvlr utiif Int. at cnmenlSnc of from residence, 880 River read.- WWt yunk, ,...- JIKIWUI.U,. ieii. an,. jA.-ur.n uiu Oeerge and Jtary Il-neld. aaed l.j neral Tuee., 11 A. M.. is. I. uer int. North Cedar III cem.' ivemai lie viewed Jten.. nftee 7 P, Jf. .-. RTAN. rb. 28, KATHAIIINK MP, NON. wife of Patrick J. Itytin. lata bfreurry, County Hiiro. Ireland. . m and frleml. alae tl. V. Jf. Sodality,' vlted te attend funeral. Tliur.( from her late residence. ?i. W. ear. Wnir !. Hfilamn hlvh ma Of I Church of Our I.ady of Jtt. Uarmel.'l l nrMlulv. Tnt tlftlv ln,4 Cem. SAVAOn. On Saturday, Feb. 28. t,,rj no and Ear Hospital New Vark Ctl JIlUV lllfUilll) SAVAOE. Bf nnriii, v v in t.i ntri v. reiinaeal --w.w. -. .. ... ,...-. . .. - -. -----,-T ice at the cathedral or me incirn Harden City. 11 A. Jf.. Tue., .FJ. M ,- .- ... .. .a.ln ' ciirriei irain leaven i ciuin, w,,.w..k. VmI. OiA A T n., fftn.itl tn10 A. Int. Trinity Church, Oxford. Phlla., P.f 2:au J-, si. rieaee emit newer. . . HCATTKJtOOOl). Feb. 21, KI.VK, d i. rt ,i.a in,, W. Ant Marftia. ' Seatteraoed. Funeral service Tu,.'t ii . resinenre, i;, uaupniu m. la,a n.-anmnrtil It? rt f 1 ft11. may view remain jien . 8 te 10 P. M.' HrilUKI.RIN. Feb. 2(1. rilAiia,f "s iinnd of nmmu Hchiieleln (nen I'eln), il. Relatives nml friend are tnvlted te mf tend funeral servlee. Wed., 2:80 J. M.a hl IMe residence, 1831 N. Natrona etl IHt. ' H HWARTZ. - Feb. 21. IirCNRY Ol KCIIWAHT. iiKed HIV. Relative and tTlnt nre Invited te attend funeral services, at !)( " M . rrprlfiy. lut lain rjsiuence, jm.i . inui m.. ,w...r, w ininim,'ni ' T,,,,i, UL'Wl.'UI' D-V. t .Hnnnr rr-u, ,.na tmra f asrea Arllnalnn '"em. Friends may call Tue. Jy liin s le v. SHADDOU .. . ..!.. Feb, 2, IJI.I.A li., wie l Hhndiliiw. Relative . JIB r.enjninhi I' frlenila. ale amp Ne. I-'. )'. ".. a- lnll..l .n r,,..H'.l ...III.. Intl.. I j7. m.7 ,,,,.i-.. ... .L..L.-.. -::;-'.. -v..r -.- -- t her Isle residence. liBi . "" " ; Odd I'ellnv' Ctn ..i ' fni:i.DRAi;i:.-Fii. 21... 1022. Et-A RF.TH AUNHH SHlH.DRAKi: tuee HiefF, Alfe nf Oeiirce II. rtheldrnke, Rentive aft friend ar- tnlt".l te the' services. J.;en 1 M . 1., In.,- Inte re.ildcnee. 2000 S. I it. lilt, urlval". "'" KHOI'.n. Feb. 23 '111.1 V. . wife. f Jeseph M. Hliurb. Funeral erlcen, Mv Mei. - P. M.. IC'dren a 'c , Jlorten. Pa. int .jeriaii i Pin --- S1CII.I..MAN I eb 21!, t'lMHiAfiTr., widow of Jeseph K, Sklllinii.i. ned 70. rtela Uvea and friends arc Invited te. attttld funenil rervlce. Wei. 2 P. Sf. preclselyiM her late rcrldenee 232 K Jehnsen t.r "' innnteHu. Int Nurtl.wianl Cem. M.YlluFl". Feb. 23. KI.IZAHKTH, w!d4W of IJilantd Hljlieir I pee HtucahOL&e), 71. Rlatlci nnd friend are linlted l.n.l Cuiinrnl ayrvtrS Tui'.. 2 P. . her late refld-nce. 4783 Klriiiintid st . Hrldjftj l.urK. int. priHiivieriaii wiiurcu vii-uu.w. Fri-nda may call .Men s te 10 J'. Jt. 4 IJ.!ITH. Feb. 23, 1022. at her residence.' S. 30th . Al.ICtt. nlfe of Jercmluh SralUk UHNfDi:R. Suddenl! . Feb. 2(1. 11122. Wile I.IAM F. hunban.t of I.iuK'i Snyder, aaca 43 titlvr 'vnd frlepds, u'.iij enioleye of PeslRl Teleqrniih f'n.. am Invltid te uttend funeral ni. nt hit lata lasldctice, 28WI N. Ilh et . Wed . 2:31) P. Jt Int. IlllUld' ' 'em Reiiiuln may oe lewed Tuc., le 10 P. M. . m SNYDRR. Feb, 21. tlKOROIl W.. htfji. hand of Jtarllm Knjilee (formerly of tUH fi. "til rt ). Funeral rerilein Men,. 2 P. M., at It.e parlera of Cserse V. Harrelt. Park fj't Ix)iili:U nve. let I.uu.el Hill Cem. Frl& CalSIu"uii:R. Feb, 23 1022. JtARY B, KIUIS. wf of Adam A. Spaliiner, nd S3 jeara. RelnllM-a i,nd frie.iua are Invited te th,, venice Men.. 2:3') P. M.. ut her' late n! ' residence, 31 N lll'.i a( lut at North' v end 'cm. r ric.ii:. may in t sun. eve., irecB r te e 1 M. . . HTIJVflXS. Feb.. 24. ll22 C'IRISTIAK. lAfl, fUla- huvband ' Florence Suntna. nitd 3H, Rela- , jive end friends, niu i'ai l men. r,'e .' I" W nf A U. U. W. of A . ur linlted te attend .rernl. Tuee., 2 P, M.. late r residence. 'Nectarine at. fit. urceiiwoej ii. vi-nniK Jlnu ie ' Hfll.l.. OKOIlUll 1. S.H.r, ,, pn . en Feb. 23 11)2" of P.J C31. r.t Coats)- lu the 47th "i.r of bis Hite. 1-ui'ei services at III laM .kl,'. in 'r 11. "i - ." n ue.. i eali-SLiiir, Fit.t Much 1 P'." t 2 P. il. .. i-TIIIK. Feb. 23 .RttlKI'HIM: J.. Tld i or ciu,, J Htlrlt. aaed 7.. Relatives aid -rli'inN arc lnvlterj te attend funeral srV- e,., Men . 2.KO P XI . ut h'-r late reslden. 2220 N. Palclhei-y at. William Pf 1 SPlAPSh. - Ol Feb. 2.-.. 1022. COJli 3TANC1-. wldnu. cf .',ii) Htrausr, et 027 N. 34lh at. Ainieiii'-ei- i.itt et ruuerai latw. . VIIACKI.INHI'RO. At JInunt Helly. N. r . veb. "!. 11122. .MARY, vlileu of Frank-. I n 'th.icklin&uri:. ruini riy or .Manien, N. j. S, rl"if In -All. "Ten jr. i-. untircn. siel 2.30 P. Ji. viewiri; fin... I te v 1: M., Hi ..Kter at . ..leuniv iiiini, .-,. .1. THUltWANOnR. Feb. 21 102 t.i am .1 . husband of 'ate Jese 22 WlK ihlne p; Thur.. ius"r .nce iire.-n . men 11, 1101a .lifs and friend arc Pulled te attend fu neral. Jten 2 P JL. from Ms reCt' rtence 310 Station ne.. Hadden Heltht. N. J Int. ll.ersiee.i Cm. ', hni:i.-iii.i:ii. i"'b. 24, i:i.iZAnnTK .. ' widow et Dr. Saniuil II. inlchl.-r (n Hrunuer) nscd PH. Relative and friend Iff , ilted te funeral rvlce-. Jten., S P. M., kt r-sldence nf lir fn. I22S K. I'hclten ave. Further -rte i.nd Int. nt Joinstewn, P., Tuee 2 P M Klii.11 nnilt flower-. 1 innicni. 1:11.- Feb 23. new: r. Vlir.H Hl.TlIt ,1.iutht"r of Jeseph and JI tllrTa Tli'ichler .-.arvVe, Men S P. M.. 71(i'.i Il rr l-un u.c. Ad orbinlsatlen ! lied. Int. private. ' TYNAN.- Feb 23, JOHN X., JII. tm of Jehn .1., r , jml nni M." Tvnnn dee Mali. r). auen in,. Rrlatlve and friepd are IiivR.nI te nttend futie-al, Tu., 30 M. fteni patent' rssldence, 04S 1 II Llpp'.ii'elt ti. Solemn rjciultm mass at ihe Churc'i of tn AMrnalen. 10 A. JI. Irftf IIelv Set.ulcSra Cei VAN IHPI.'R F'b "4. 1 II VRI.r.fl cone. lit, '...rd "f I.'1" " "H" Re'er. KelMlvia 1 nl r-t .uli. In. lied te r.itein funeral ery ue. Tucr. 2 P ". .il n't ia.0 rckldencf. l.-.i.i N T'lh -t .. ',:;- VRI.'IS Fb. :i Ml"? rREDBRi p"'; 'V liustaiid of S en Vetiahli', aaed nt' P.'latl.'i and friend are Inilted te 111- Krai Jtcn.. "Me P. JI 'tern hi late rN ,' pe, 2027 M'dr.-i a . "l On mantewn. Int prl.ate. Nurthwoed Ceri Friend miy fall Sll.l. 7 te 0 P. J" ' ' WvtlF.NHAFSF.R. Feb. 21, JOPKPH. b b l.ev.'d husband uf Mar Wnsrcnhauer (ne Hi uiiu'fi, in Me 77th far. Relatlie ana friend". i'-e memher' of Philip .R. Schuyler Pnt Ne. 31. 1. A It., und empleje ut tka Wll lar.i Cramp Slilebulldlna Ce , Found Hepartmeu.. nre lnvlle 1 te funeral, 'I'uej., 7 in A M fret.i Ilia late residence, 270 tr. Yerk '. Requiem ti'-s" St. Henlfaclyr, ichurci (' A M. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. I WARD.- re' '-' '"'-"' MABtlAKBT. tu' of William .1 Wtrd Relative and fi'en..'. r.i-e Sacred Heat t S nUllty of th l.nm'iru''eiv f.urc''. 1-Hte.l ,a i-iniii tuneral 'rue" ;10 A ! from r.r la'e icsldence. 1213 v Mawher st. Solemn ifiiil. in nae" i'. -' Mlclncl Cliurr:i 0 A t Int, lle'y i -tie Cem. . W HITC. -Feb 23 CirjerfJF. T. WH1TC. i...:i.n.t of the .r.te r.lhel n Wll te. ttdai ' a ..i . . I .. n 1 li. W I'm,.!. v -ai ind fi'if iJ. alae W . nri'i.. Ne. ' 1,1 PeBt '111 '. V. JZ. il - In'-ilel te riin.ti'ai -eivlce. Nun.. h p M at pareis of Ul.trd J. Glldeli, :l ,: cer, '-".Ui and C elutubiu n.c. Int. Vp- .. .1.1.1 M-CN Feb 20 I.LIZAHIiTlI 'tttil 73 Snrvlee 1 . 1 nml ILI.lA.MKO.s. .-.ue Ti,,' 2 P M. at hei Inte res'dence. B0 'v'll.LlS A" Nev Yerl.. en Telr. 23, 19J3! II I.IAM K WILLI", beie.ed husband ar 1 'a 1iulse Willis (nee llalinil. hervlce an -n,liili nfteni'pn. at 2 ielnct nt tfca i'trr It Ra'r Rldi.. 1820 Chestnut St.. Phi 11 1' ferment private, WlLSuN Pn. '-d 1H22. JIRV JJ vi '1 v of 1 In 'lei Rea Wllaen. Relallv ,rd frleiidn nre tnvlted te attend funenil eei.lcen Wed 2 P II.. at her i(, $', ,!,, S133 Pine toad, Fex Chase, Phlfii, Int LsiMUlen Cem. -e W ILfcliN - f'Udilenlv Feb, . THOJtAB J.. en of late James und lyl en Wilsen (n Currain. Relntl.e and friends, also. Dtr. Ni 24 v e I'" nre Invited te funeratr Tui. sun, A If realdenee of bredliari Je'in F. Wi'sen r.1147 lednr nv Heitna remilei 1 in'" ' ht .la no" Churct 10 1. 1 li t fathedral Cen.. "' T WIiTr.R -On Feb. 23. 1P22 ICATIK Wilt, TFIt henlM en Tuesday afternoon, at'S ecl'K-U. 1!" l,llp "I' HMf.. iaJ . -hertnut st Interment at Jft. Jfnrlah Cemi- '"vilUJUT - Feb. 24, 1022. KUWlfr ije nOY. hunbanl of Aileen C Wrlht (MM Piul). If his autn sctr. iteiatlvea aad I friends alto all orders of ttiiii-n ne triii4 are milieu le ,1.11., tuner Tnt. vrhat. Frlcna may calj Uen.. T teft WHIOIIT. rb 2.V 1022, HKI.F..V CIA iIm of Jenn ii. riin iJue notie ef n ral from ap.irmi'-iit,. . ... ji. .11, jiui i'.T Market rt . Cair.den. N. J. ' . V A nrHH.Ii.--On, I; eb, 21. 1022 EP1 It. aauunier u. . .,. imki nll. P.eletlves end friends ar Invite .... in.rLl nn Tu-suny. at 12 in '.i: at her late resilience, 3317 N. I at. Berv it Iveiielna'en iirnreitauenai liurch Ml l -j jnn rn'-u- i,,...." , , iriitia may trn1..lia v eienlnc. . ZiVILLtNtl nee Fahrnerl Feb. 4I' F.:A''N1''T'11'' s'- .wjf' nf Oustavus Zwi in imed fil neliitlves and friend SI "die"' Aid sn-Mety of Ht. Jehn' Hfrn5d '.'1"" . m. tlu.t (11 fnnartil utules. '?? 1 nurvii " ; L .r"""' , wwiulm -. ' .'. I..t itrlful. flr.UI.M.1 -.. T.fffrT Ink' Mqn eu, 7 ss,',1""M""M'"'"MM OMH'.IITAHFUH 'ma A!- m 3 "vl tV:;,A ' v! l M ii Il I l 'I il 1 i 1 n km 1 r1Vi M IIK'JXM mL r Tnwm mi,m 1IJ 31 M m cmi JtfMV . 4T rs.-e m f S if J W - ' Of v&M&2Mz$jmzm .1' I r it&maSLMK Vt 'W.k'S.'S. m''M v.,.. X?t ..'.kt, flij-.''f. v- 1 SBff',.ivs irrf CTZZl t