Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 25, 1922, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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v "
Nancy Wynne Tells of the Second Assembly Held Last
Night at the Bellevue-Stratford She Talks of
Miss Cepe's Engagement te Mr. Hazard
WEhli, It seemed mere Hke Aupcinlily
venthrr, lifter nil. Inst night.1 1M
it net? Thnt In In point of tcinticrnttirc.
rn If It illd net rnln or ;new. n iiun1.
The linll. licit nt the Hellcviic.Ktrntfnril.
vns perfectly beautiful. Knrh otte secniB
te excel the one before, In point of
decoration. i
The boxes nre nlwnys n lovely : Iho
'ctirtnlnt of 'inllnx nml the ennnVlnlirn
of HelitR iilneed between encli double
box nM m touch te the fleft liemitv of
flic fccne. There were nifties of jjrcenH.
Southern NinltrtN, clhe.llitn ferns nnd
basket'' and sold cnrnuceplns filled with
re5p, nlcan nnd prliiirncew.
The men of the committee dined nt
Jhe 1'ellcviie teRcther before the bnll,
and the'c wen; n number of dinners
ylvcn by various persons. Mr. Isaac
jferri pave n dinner nt the hotel for
alu ilniiKhtcr. Mnrv Lloyd Nerrla; Mr.
nnd Mr'. Mfien C,hlchester entertained
for Legan Starr, nnd Dr. nnd Mrs.
Themas 0. A-h(en tjcnvcn lnruf dinner
for their daughter Anne. Anether din
ner win bIvcii hv Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry
iliirllng Thompson, of Orcenvllle, Del.
Others who entertnl-ncd before the
bnll uerc Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Wheeler. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lman LNIe,
Mr. and Mm, Theodere W. Itceth, Mr.
and Mr. Arthur W. Sewall, Mr. nnd
Mrs. AVllllnm West Frnzler. Jr., Mr.
mid Mr. Itnudelpli Justice ; Miss Mnry
Cliannlng Wlster for Florence Lock Leck Lock
weed, of New Yerk, who came ever for
the Assembly, nnd the Tem Klilgvvnys
nnd Snewdcn Snmucls.
SOMR of the gowns were nwfully
pretty last night. I noticed Flor
ence HepklnMin, in pnrticulnr j she N se
very geed loekins with her wonderful
colden hair nnd stunning figure. Her
flrcss was of snpnliirc blue velvet and
had touches of cloth of silver nnd a
large hunch of blue grapes attached te
he elde of the tvnistllne. Mrs. Adnlph
Ilesengartcn's gown wns very (striking;
It was of fuchsin red velvet embroid
ered in pearls and was made with a
court train.
Nancy Cepe looked wonderful nnd
e radiantly happy. Yeu knew, her
engagement was just announced in the
afternoon te Flerrcpent Hazard, nnd
every etic was beimj Introduced te him
nnd congratulating him and wishing her
Nancy's dress was of nile green chlf
fnn combined with the Mime shade of
chiffon velvet, made with panels of sil
ver at either side of the skirt. Nancy
came out twoseasens nge, and without
doubt is one of the most popular nnd
most seught-nftcr girl in Philadelphia
society. She is nhvnys In demand for
parties nnd is n wonderful mixer. Nancy
is very attractive looking. She bus
very deep blue eyes nnd medliim-cnlnrcd
brown hair nnd an ccrcntiennllv beau
tiful complexion. She's fend of out of
floors and times part in many sports.
Decides this, she is an nccemplNhcd
musician, playing most creditably en
the ieliii. Slip 'Is n great devotee of
opera and music in nil forms. Yeu
remember, she
took part with Kitty i
in her evening of opera.
.Merris last year
lly the way, these same veiinc neenle
nre getting up another evening of the
snme description for March 13. "La i
Helieme" is te be one of the encrns fen-
tilled. It strikes me, I have rather
wandered from the Assembly, hut Hint's
nlmii. nil fl.ni... i iir . i, . '
.? n.,.ir ii n i ,cH 0f . ,Xt MI
i. I ennt.fii. linll nni nviipt, hha Ii,i,I n A.m.l
-". - " ---j ". .ii. ., "uu.
VTOW te go back te Nnncy Cepe nnd
''her fiance. They nre te be. married
in May, she told me last night, nnd I
liked Mr. Hazard (Pierre, be is called)
erer se much. He's n cran.ite of St
tioeKe's Scheel Wunert nii',1 of Yii'l..' .' CuJar nxenue, entertained at her liem.
elns f Vni? 'it V ' "u,1,ef i,'K' en Wednesday, Ftbrunty 22, at n Wash
h?. u. r ', "e. is a '"P'J'Lcr of a t,Kten's Blithday party. ller Buest.
eiieniienl firm in Syracuse, N. ,, of Included Miss Anna M. M. Andersen
which both lils father, the late Itewlnnd , MIks lheljn Holmn, M ss I.oulse Culleu
4. iiiiiii, ami niu une e were at one tine '
j'i:siiie.iis, ,ur. jia.nru lives in fsvia
iim and Ids mother lias n place ut
Peace Dale, It. 1.
EN theueh we hnve bml fnni- nn.
cacements tn .nil vm, .,!,,,. n.i
week. I'e nnetlier coming out seen,
"cully. I don't think theie'll be nn un
engaged girl of lis season's cren of
Lads ,.ft seen if the cnirn-'ement en en ! of Jlr' u,ul Mrs- Emanuel Brown Me
at the rate nt hlni. i,i. i1", i fewen, of 440 Spruce street, w II take
Ye IfiJ fibh.M' thv '"' Mlirtei1' Place 'this evening, entertained his
ie-S it s a debutante. New guess! ushers nl dinner at his home en Thins-
it,. i . ..
ril.. iJ ,Irs' S- '' "ulllnshend. of
or ii,', i! 'u'l""0"1' ,l10 engagement
llnsle i Uu?l?r' 1 SH Marln W. Hei-
) rd e;,"nr',?lr' I'"nif' Warner wil-
lnr ' nf V- f "'' .Uml Jl,r,8 W'"ter WII- '
tl f-'ermnntewii. Tbe tngagement i
mW,? M'rsTllge:
of Chestnut Hill, will be the guest of
iithaMr- iwa M,H- 1,0l Veatman, of
-., .iii iiL-u Hir.pr. mi i.'rt i , r, .
iMiisu Diriei, will kive tils ee
sii-,'1, . Iu BeBt WII Include Miss
"ra " Starr. Miss Mnry II. Mil-
fti.mM l'.Ul?il W"I1N- Miss . la in, B.
tm ?,'" Mr-J' rane's Talor, Mr. Aus.
Vrth nnH, ,N 1,nl ' ,,l"". Mr.
S,r."r CrlHfihl and .Mr. Ernest C
Thn guests who will nttmd the ,,. J
r it and sumier at the Uli.c.i.itnn !
""leu Mr. and
nl Mrf. (irnh.im Dough- I
Keads, Wymete, will five
r'i. et cress
"" .MOnilav niinlin.
-tt --v -.......
nt, in honor uf i
'i-s ucitrudn du I'uv
Deughti ty,
B .",' ,or Mf- rranelB li..ugheit
A ,n..ru,'0 ;Jca Buit Itilej, MlHS
nm M,.u ..!.. i .. ,,. .
next t ' rK' Alemler Ceac Ya.nall
he .ii. .,'iy Pen "" an1 "'" '"tend
'no d imer-danee that evening nt the
liemir.sh Hunt Club Mis? Van all
vlll eniertaln at I. a en T.ies'l. , Mimi
pue.ih wiiVr". n"' !''" Heti'l Tli"
cenn u. '" J"J'iUulrs JI'S' Varimll'H ball
coiiuiiitue of the Deven lleis.0 Shew,
be.'mn n?1'"1 ,Fril"1n ""ne". who will
lm f,,.00"t", mason's debutantes, will
' '"'nially inesented te society by her
er "S ',ltu ,tcf en turday. Decem-
mT,.n' ' t,",r hf,lne' --s " l-ancey
.' '; -Mr. and Mrs. Duane h.ie been
hlHl.al',l'e,.-il'C,f'" M1" F'"l Il"tl
e,n,l.,lUr', Ml ",ul i,rs' I'uane, lie
unumnleJ by miss Dunne and their
'n, Mr Meri la Dunne, will sail enily
li "" Mln""er for lluiepe. where they
"ll spend some tlme tiaveliug.
v,!?,ri 'V,!'1 MrH' li'chaid .NerrU of nnn
it ' 1lw,-,"tlilh Mrett, will entertain
ii. ii. "? .'."' Thanksgiving eenlng
'!,, ,u""r of their daughter, Ms vii vii
Neirls -N""'a und Miss Leu Iho H.
A dhiner-dnnce will be ghen en Tues-
l'nt,,'y."":','M'l :lu' al "1" (i,0," ""I
i w 'lutcl. In coiintcUeu with the
uiNen Herse Shew, for thn beiufit of
ll Iii' ii Mnwr U'spltnl
.,ls.s, AKts Yariinll. duiigl'.ler of Mr
J1'" Mis. Charlton Yaiimll, nf Seon Seen
inn1 umA L"fH itieets, will an ie
0'.'. M'tsHi from Felmate Heh.x.1.
n In"; H ''.' "1"1 "I" occempaiiv her
M,e'.,,.s u":1 M1,,s Allurtu I' ituilh,
i i Kilter of Mis lleuj.imlii lltatb, en
H.ui.11 S, nn a Medltciiauean tili,
,.,M,r. 'V',1 Mn A J lMfl I' ml, of
et. Davids and Mis I'minelj W Her-
Se..Vi.,y0i-l"lve l'"e" ti'aliiiK hi the
rli.i n'JfJ',i,l"c? f"' " me""' 'mve '"'
will nt Hi,lnt Jl''111 ',0 ,,u. wheie lluy
ImL""1" '"' eiul weeks before
inturnlng te l'aris,
, Mrs; r.dwnrd Brooks, Jr., et SL'
( .lean, .mm llnie.l,,. IT Irrin ,if tlin nlintitnr HOXHnRn r.M
'iwimie JAf'SH11ZGu;imm 'MKsisbM , Mr. Thnne G Clciner, of Chicago,1 'Hie Methcr'a Club of Uoxberough
I'l'nier. Mr. Miiillium v,..:i.:.f ,..'' ' 111. has be. n vlsitimr bis mint. Miss ' W ill Klvt a musical at tbe benii! of Mrs
l"is It lllvn., M.. ,n.. .,.. ' Vi' " V1 ."il.nllu Il.ulu Clnnvnc of llfll 'l I -M......I., ii,,n. :-.r r.i .... ...
l'euchirM!',Ar. I,,0UKne'i-v'. Mr. ii,t.i Alleglnny avenut i this afternoon at 2 : 15 o'clock. Among
Bewm-iu WlieeiBi'1"08 "ltl ll"(1 M'' A bazaar mid musical will be glcn i these who will take part are Mr. Wlllard
miiiei. under the uueplecu of the membeis of F. Cetnmnn, linrlloue : Mr. I'aul Volk-
.lir. nnrl f,u 1-.1.. i .. -..,. ..
Asnplis read, Bala, who lias been spend
ing the hiRt month at Sarnnae Lake,
N, v., will return home the latter part
of Match.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Tntnnll Stnrr, of
Lnvcreck, Chestnut Hill, who nre spend
ing (Kcbrimry at Augusta, Ga., will re
turn home next week.
Mr. and Mrs. C Hnrtman Kuhn, who
liave hcen living this winter at Orecn
Hill KaniiH Hetel, will leave en March
16 for the Western Const, They sail
from Vancouver for a four-months' trip
te China.
Mlsa Carolyn N'ttsh nnd 'Mr. James
Rllersen, of Washington, will arrive en
Tuesday, t'Vlminty 28, nnd will lie the
(fuests of Miss Anita M. Sanders and
Miss Kstellc I). Sanders, of 1225 locust
street. The Misses Sanders will enter
tain nt dinner In their honor at their
home bcfoie the Dal Masque.
Mr, Albert Draper Whiting, Jr. con
of Dr. nnd Mrs. Albert D. Whiting, of
1623 Spruce street, has recovered from
n Hcvere illness and has gene te Atlantic
Mrs, Walter C. Hancdek. of 3720
Chestnut street, will entertain nt a
luncheon te be followed by nn auction
bridge party at her home en Monday
afternoon, March C. The guests will
include the members of her card club.
Mrs Alexander Gall Hamilton, of
1C20 Spruce street, will entertain the
members of her card club at her hemu
next Saturday evenlng, March i,
Mrs. Walter S. Dctwller. of Dala, will
entertain nt a buffet luncheon, followed
hv a card party, ut her home en Monday
afternoon next.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Delbler, of
Lansdowne, announce the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Harriet May
Delbler. te Mr. Wlllard Thornten Wil
liams, of Klltins Park.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Harry C Fish, of 200
North Fiftieth street, ero iccetvlng con
gratulations en the birth of a daughter.
Mary Elisabeth Fish. Mrs. Klsh will
be remembered as Miss Ullt-abcth G.
The guests who will nsslst In the
musical program which will be given
nt Sargeant Hall en Tuesday afternoon
by the Faculty Tea Club will be Mrs. J.
Claude Bedford, sopnine; Mlsa Nancy
Cepe, violinist, and Mr. Phillip Gecpp,
pianist Old Italian numbers will be
given. A tea will fellow.
Mr. and Mrs. Itebert M. Patterson, of
Philadelphia, are occupying their new
i home at 23 Gewen avenue, Chestnut
Owing te the death of Dr. Jehn II.
Clewcll. president of the Meralan Semi
nary, of Bethlcheni, Pa., the Invitations
te the luncheon te be given bv the
Alumni Association nt the Beltovue Beltevue
Kt rat ford en Tuesday, February 28, hae
been recalled,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Donnell and
their daughter, Miss Murle O'Donnell,
hae left for an extended slay at St.
Petersburg, Kin.
Mis. Theodere O'Brlin, of Washington,
who spent several days with her parents,
Mr. and Mis. J. C. llrccht, of 511 West
Hansbery street, has returned te her
home accompanied by her mother. Mrs.
O'Urlcn before her marriage last month
wilH MS Francis Harlnnd Kellogg.
A nulet wedding1 took place at 8-nO
o'clock en Wednesday morning at the
( hutch of the Trunsllgurat en, Flfty-flfth I
i-treet and cedar avenue, when M.ss liar- I
riei .Mtrftiiin, eaugnicr ei Mr. anu .Mrs.
Jn' H. Miredlth. G.15U Cedar avenue,
.. . .', , , -m. ..,,., .
neeiiine 1110
brlde of Mr. William A. '
Uutrhes. 5247 Baltimore avenue. Trie '
bride was given In innrrlaca by her
rutin r. .Mr. ana airs, iiugnes lett lui-1
mediately after the ceremony en a wed- I
ding trip. After March 15 they will
be at home nt 137 (iiess btreet. '
Miss M.liie U Uallagher, of 530S i
-iiss iiesu t'uuen. .uss .Margaret te
nery. Miss Mazle t. ulltn, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. I'ullcn, Mr. Jehn V. Ualla
gher, Mr. Kurlc Beauchamp, Mr. Hareld
I'ngstrem, Mr. Krank .1. (Mullen, Mr.
Jestph Cassldy und Mr. Jeseph JIc JIc
Cewun. Mr. Charles Bessert fritz, Jr.. son of
Mr. and Mrs. ('harks Bessert fritz, of
.il.03 Spruue stieet, whose marriage le
Miss Clladjs Brown McCewen, daughter
day evening.
I A Washington's Birthday lUe hundred
Cartv was given en Wednesday ntcrnoen
y Miss Janet Lewis at her home, ;it"
Heutn I'eriy-iairu
guests were Miss C
Violet Tebtn. Miss
Harriet ( ul.'ii, Ml
Miss Margaret I-n
Swuiey, Miss Leis
Van Zundt, Mils Pt
Houin I'eriy-tiuru ttieet. Ameng: tee
guests were .miss utacc. iMierten,
JIIsb '
Violet Tebtn. Miss Harriet Tebln, Miss
Miss Francis Norten,
-ink. Miss ICUz.ibetli
Uew, Mi?s Dotothy
KCV IHU. Miss Lillian
I'.ittrsen, Miss Martha Tinker. Miss
Dorethy I (.Jroet. Miss Louise Manclll
und Miss Frances Dwjcr,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itebert Alexander Pat Pat
ten, of 51 .Seuth Forty-second btriet,
han left for l'ulm Beach, Fla., where
they will spend the remainder of the
Mr. und 5Ir.s. W. W. Hugh, of ITL'3
We.st Berks street, uunounce the en
gagement of their daughter, Mi.s tier tier
trude Hugh, te Dr, Niwsem, of Okla Okla
liema. Di. New sum haw Just retuimd
from the I'hlllpliine IbIuih'.h.
Tlin Heenteenth annual dinner and
dnnce of the MiiKglu It H.ilid iiiiiier
of the Order of thn K.iHtcru Star will
be rImii thin evanlng at Moeso II.ill
13H NerftP Bread tdreet. under the
chalnnunHhlp of Mr. V. A Bnllej Mis.
Maigaret 1., Kaufman is worthy
the Amerc Society, at 8 1 2 North Bread
stieet today from ,1 until 10 e clock
Thesxi taking part In the musical pro
gram will be Mlsa Adellna Tattl N'enr,
soprano soloist; Mr. Avid V.ildane,
hnrltene soloist : Mr. Stlerlen, cernetlst ;
Mr t.een 1 Ian Is, Inllnlst: Miss Char'
lotto I.eeben, soprano holelst, und Mrs.
Te Wed Tomorrow
Whose marriage le Mr. II. .lath
Null will lake plaue Umuukew
eyenlnff i .
' i
ma- I
msf :M...- .... .sniiRn
GSlMfc. if i rirH8iPr"i
1 ' ""X. J'. -
mmwmm'mmwtij&MFiiii et;
Recently Married
Photo by Phillips A Phlllfpi.
Who before her marriage en Feb
ruary 4 wns Miss Margaret
Jacoby, 8- North Forty -llrst
Stuart Campbell, pianist. There will be
muale and dancing, and refreshments
will be served'.
Mrs. U M.' Helfner, of 1828 West
Ontario street, Tiega, announces the
engagement of her daughter. Miss
Kthel M, Parson, und Mr, I.euls Weg
leln, Sd, tc.n of Mrs. Harnli n. 'Wcglcln,
of 301S fllrard avenue, and nephaw
of Mr. Hlchnrd Weglcln. president of
City Council. The Wedding will take
place In the early summer.
Mr. Jeseph II Taulane, of 2260 North
Proud street, Is spending several weekB
nt Atlantic City and will be Joined by
Ids sister eer the week-end.
The Philadelphia Colony of Xow'nng Xew'nng
land Women's National Society will meet
en Wednesday, March 1, at 2 o'clock,
nt the Wldencr Library. Dread and
Olrard nenue. There will be an elec
tion of efllecr.s.
The PI Theia Sorority will clve Its
midwinter dance this evenlng In the
Little Theatre, nt 1714 Snnsem strict.
Thu commlttee In charge of the nffalr
Includes Miss Meta McKadden, MIms
TJorethy Mente, Miss Emma Brown, Miss
Marlen Brown. Miss Betty Headman
and Miss Kile. McClaln.
Elizabeth Mulrcnan. of 1228
Bread street, tnterlalned the
j members of tne Hemes or no Sote nt a
I musical en Thursday evening.
The members of the Sigma Alpha Phi
will entertain at a reception
Und card party this
wtz-carlten Hetel.
nflernoen at the ,
The wedding of Miss Sine Deeley,
daugmtr 'or jir. anu irii. 'iimeiny uoe-
ley. Pf Z132 sieutn Seventeenth street.
and Mr. Jesepb IMtlersen took place en
""'';" ,J "V ' . . , ,lul" ul i
&t. Menica. It tner and heentevnth i
streets. Immediately after the ceremony '
a. reception was held at the home of the ,
erme s .lurciiiB, uiivr i..iri. ...r. ami
Mrs. Patterson
left en a wedding trio.
After March 1!
they will llie in West
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. shefrin, of :131 Seuth
Fourth street, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Ml.s Dorethy Shefrin.
te Mr. Walter lteseman.
A surprise party was given hi honor of
Mr. Jeseph H. Meylnn at his home en
Wednesday last. The irueats were Mr.
and .Mrs William Le .Veir, Mr and Mrs.
G.orge Bnkeeven, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn
' Knmsey, Miss Kdna Biikeevtu, Miss
I Kvelyn sIiiiiheii. Ml-s Hvelyn Jacot. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Warren Meylan. Miss Myrtle
Meylnn, Miss Uorethv lienckert, Mr
Charles Lapsley, Mr. William If. Lewis
Mr. Jet? Mcl'luster. Musle wns rendered
by Mr. carl Sumser, Mr. Hatty Humser.
Mr. tleergu Skinner, Mr. Italph Jenes
nnd Mr. Hebel t Parker.
The dramatic department of the Oak ,
I.ane Review Club met at the home of i
Mrs. Jehn IT. CreHH Verbena nvenue and
Asbury terjace. Oak Lane, en Thurada i
afternoon. The class la reading "The i
Taming of the Shrew." 1'reciUlng the
regular hour of the meeting the depart- I
nunt held lt.s bi-weekly rehearsal for
Uh Hptlng play, which will be ghen Mnrch i
15, The nest rchu.irtml will be held en I
Tuesday menilng at in o'clock at the .
home of Mrs. William S Stewart, Mel- I
rebe and Spring nvenum, Melrose. Sirs. ,
Albert Gee la chairman of the depart
ment, Mis. Edwin C, Dessalet. of Wyncote, '
will (iiteitaln at a bridge, party this
afkrnoen at her home,
Mr. nnd Jiff. II. W. Hand, of Twelfth
street nnd Valley read, Meliose, liae I
been spending borne time at Xutau, Ba
hama Islands. I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Carman, of
Wst acnue, Jenklntewn, h.ue been
passing the latter part of the month nt
New bmrua, Fla.
Mr and Mrs. Wlulhinp Smith, of
Cilenside, have been spending a few ,
weeks at Atlantic Cit.
man, tenor; Mrs. Merris Prepper, eo ee eo
piane; Miss lllzabeth Simpsen, mezzo
soprano; Mr. Mark D. King, musical
reading, with Mrs. nilrahclh Dearnley,
Accompanist; Miss Marie It Makem, lo le
llnlst; Mlsn Knthrjn Godfrey, eloou eleou eloeu
tlonlst ; Mr, Gedwin Stevenson, ccllelst
The proceeds of the affair are for local
charity. Mis. Linten Turner Is presi
dent of the club, an organization which
does much charitable work
Mrs. t. H. Belles will entertain the
Weman's Club of Sprlngllehl at hi r home
en Bulling lead en Monday afternoon.
Mrs. William Heed. )f Tlin I'ennsyl
Jiila. aenue. Bywood, will entertain at
a tea this afternoon from 2 until 5
o'clock te meet her slstei -in-law, Mrs
Jehn M Llld'.lc. Mis l.udlle befeie her
tii.ttilag.) en August 21, 1921, was MUs
Catlierine Ceuriiil,
MlS Jehn H. 1") CelT'V. of lie.s Vnll, v
will tiitcrtalu h r br dge dull at lmr
home en Thuisdaj aftunoeii March 2
The menibeiH of the club aie Mrs Harry
Fussell, Mis. Pater Kelf, Mrs, .lanu-.i !
Ltwis, Mr), liiueld Irwin, Mrs Chiules
'Lucas, Mis. Jehn Minion, Mis Mnedlth
Perter. Mrs. Beb. it Powell, Mrs Lewis
Shay. Mrs Fiedeilck Hquelis and Mis
Frank Stewait.
j A ilt.imntUi ufteiiienn will be ghen
en Tuesday at the Tw.ntleth Cintuiy
I Club of Lansdowne.
I Mis. Th.imus w llarnhill entcrtainid
.twehii friends tnfeinially at luncheon
and brldge at her horn.. In Dre.el Hill
Ien Tuesday atteineiii In honor of her
siHier, .iirs u t- iietueli. or Lewis
bcrrj. Pa., who has been Iur guest for a
few das. Mm. Ilelnck and her son,
Mr. .lean Hetrlek, accompanied Mm,
Barnhlll en Weduerday te Atlantic City,
whcie they will speutl a week ut the
iLH 'r" y,f 4 s? vl
I vt tM&&x
-iL V - '"'''' W '
; ' i
9 tjwif
Few British Princesses Have
Wed Subjects, as Mary Wilt
De Tuesday
nylic Associated Trcs
Londen, Feb. 25. 'rlie earliest prec
edent for n Princess of the reynl house
held te mnrry one of her
Jecta Is net ene with the
book ending in which the
hnpplly ever afterward. "
The bride In that Instance vn Lndy
.Tenn, (laughter of Kdwnrd I, 'Tyong 'Tyeng
shanks," who hoped by giving her te
the Karl of Oleurester nnd Hertford te
secure the Knrl'n loyalty nnd wippert.
The wedding occurred in the year
12IK), when the Princess wns nineteen
yeais old. She wns widowed when
twenty-three yenrs of nge, und secretly
mniried Italph de Menthermer. n iiand iiand
seme squire who formerly bnd been in
her h.tsbnnd's Mrvlrc.
The King's fury, when knowledge of
uie mnrriage readied lilm, resulted in
imprisonment et Ills -en-n-aw, -mrr of perfect safety. bring niieur, n reniijusiuieiiL is iun.n.., . - -- "gushing gins T,, D.
the entreatlcH of his daughter finally ""'nierJ I Iffi radlcnllv wrenc ' ns. possible, the.merc they w III turn he , k '" ,"?rP,.f ' ..eevent :.!'.5 r Th.ree Poems
red her husbnnd'H lelease. The w,en the most of these accidents came . ibllc against them, and t lie '"J""'- ' 'r" ,i"0e--n't gu-li." s!'" J"t Haps. ' r ero ITuJu "''''", '"'""r!
In l-elentlng summoned de Menther- nheiit ihreuch exi.eriments made or or- tlic real pjitrlets will unfortunate-, i napper uet nig hp n . ir I icij- ,ii,h ,,,., uhIeh , thnIt
te Parliament, mm e him a in-li-v ,i.,i t,.. ti.n i!,.r..mniii. It i verv have te suffer with the gi.nil. . ;;;"' ."' ....... .i.,.. ,. cmi.tlilii!.' te ex- rm,. ...':; ....'. ". "mi" n "'J
ncller and Invested him with mni.V . ...f'l,.,;.!," .;,,,. f,.n f ,.!, If the Legien makes the move they , - me---'-:..''"',;; ,,,., fll,.f. viiiare i.,V. "',". '"''!" .m"""?"s . "T1"
pelntments of a lucrntlve natuie. ev er ln,e s are unfamiliar with their new threaten, te run candidates of mean c,c m u , , ,, ,. ,?t,Pnl, , nM ,,"'"" BcnoeMr
Ihe riicccss of the Gloucester mnr. i -., . .i,.. .. ..i.i ..f mi.l:,. mir. ability for eihees te teree tnreugn inc , ,'",-... i.i tlnt-fnnteil. , ' whum iMvf, lUn , , .,,,, , ..
from the Kinc'B vleu.mlnt nv.. I ,";!"" '.ir".''i. "v-i'.Ai.V,Au i, a .bonus, they will Und their efforts de. racce. .-ne V '- 'V; , . i,n for- Th" -"'' MW ...j ti, nu,tir "
it wns of short miratien Win - '.. ... ..... fi. , i-. ...'w ,,f 1,. fentcd. and for n few paltry dollars they i "er n ei ni ; ' '".,, ,,... M.1P .. ....r.""'..'.'.'1"1 '." i"-'" rnllcd Ither
the death of the Duke, cncoiirencil h.,,..,- f n..r ini.n.,.n,l te tnke them out I will lese all respect tne peepn nave K'" r-."- ;, ' -.,., fn,, is i,,,r for- ""'""'
ilwurd I. In lSOi;. te clve another nfl ., .;i..i ti.i. n,n result n L-re.st felt for what they termed, their bravery :"""" ---' ,.h, .,..,.,.. i.TJinn ni.vsnnna
Is daughters. Lndv Fllznbetl. ,f . ..:,i . u ,..,. .i, ;, win. . It.,m... . and patriotism, llecauve the I'cmeeratle i 'u "",' , , . tW T e.nn see ..'..'."" "'.' '. "ru"ry J- "-'
dlan. te fluinnhrev de Ilnliun. ,i. Jni-nr,..nn.,t- should i.laee enlv Government during the wnr was se ."'"'-" ,.,,, , ,. hprn.P thev ,s V.??... " .'.'' 1ln'n,in'"' s irlnt
1-n1 nf 1T...nrn..t ....I C... I.-.. -i' "'"",":, .".":- ...." .1. -V .1.1.. ..I nnrrnu-.s L'htPll nw te nav InrCC bOIUlsi ir K"." ." ," ; ,. ... ,i, I", - ", " """ un MHtrn 10, 1021. a
of hssex nnd Lord High Constable eftnetee nnd avoid the
"J!...',. . laucnecs brought about through
This Princess wns then twenty cnrsnnre. .LVMES T. M
eiu ami ine widow et tne uetint of Hol Hel
land, whom she married when lifteen
3 ears of age. The Earl was killed in
battle at lloreughbridge while fighting
against Ills brother-in-law, Edward II.
The wedding of Lndy Mnrgnrct.
daughter of Edward III, nlse resulted
unhappily. Her liusnaiid was Jehn
Ilnstlngs, Enid of Pembroke. This
couple was married in L'l."i!, when
Mnrgnret wns thirteen years old. She
died two jeurs luter when her husband
met with defeat nt the hands of the
trench, wns Imprisoned bv the Span-
f" "bv..u.... i. '"'; """ '"
become one of his sibjec s. His mar-
ringe te. Isabella followed, ami he was
died In captivity at Ilni'liu.
There was no similar marrinie of a
sovereign's daueliter te a subject until
the rebrn of Oneen Vletfirin. ulieii
Princess Louise marricil the Duke of
1SI1 ami (lied ut poison Willie uwaltillg ,in.i ...(Hi should be removed and trees! wnicn wire jm... iur murn werK ueuu u. va Cnnllniu imuaneri '"" " "' -' "i'i nnuut my ii.nd
ransom. :,......i . i,.,, tn n.l.l n svvnn ef- siay-ni-nemes nnti proiucers, many et i eir.ni .rnn or mi" "."".:.,,',.:,.. ". my .3 una t.erj Wiii think
Perhaps Hie most romantic wedding ! ! . e y'loeatlen. and our public whom crc,net rltlens and could nut dim.. - r. rur, si.' I-.J- """ """) ""5 '"
of a King's daughter te a subject of , ",,-' ',...' nt(lPI. ,ires wiiere there Le cempellcu te defend the country nnd ,, , ,' ,. ,.,,,.,,, ,.,0., ,, -Mtrh , , , ,
her father wns that of Lady Isabella , ' rJ th be put In proper shape. ethers who were net compelled te de n I 2" "1." cre'n'.-S A , $? ? ,Z!
te Knguerrand. Sire de Couey. En- J1,.,,,, mvr,M f properties should be because of the j. ,..i that the were net -r0lna en M..r. h 7. ieji ,, r l Ja ,,nm
gucrrnn.l was one of the he-tages sent i J-'M te r,,.nn ,, , (W up se thnt physically nnd otherwise nble je go te ,. r lhrmlK " , cr ??',
by King Jehn, fcurnnincd "Le Be"i" i i,,"'"." U limn the appearance of lie country - defense. I would make who inherits Estate.' , ii..-ii c..),. ,mv i""mi
eVWwnftll'Viy'n ' iVihidclphia has Allew me . . that the bJjtViv "n ? WJXllX . ' ' " -
of Ldward III. fit Poitiers, in ;''.,,, I10ssibil!tles than nn of them te judye is hv comparison. Fer in- ""hn'n,T'rit- u e eit.-.t.-" Th aiJ rr..n
LnguerrnndH mother was a Hapsburg. p"rr '.'. H"0l l,ea.itlf inc. but unfer- 'Inner, Germany en tend the war at u . hnB t.. i U-s nnd i .iee.ne.i bmther'n The.. m ,n.,u umnn th nwre'.
Ldward 111 developed a strong 1! Ins I !" l,;c w " l ' .?, .,e .. ..ni. ,!,,, tl.v ,.r.. ...... tl, l..v .I,.,,, 1in Ml. ' ",?."., . -.. t. I m if ihu unm-irrl-d I'hnt miir.l armnd tl, thren
iiiaue j. an ei iic.i.eni, nut wueti
i . i IV.i i "'iiT , the be.iutifvinz of t netr own .sun.iruan , wn u a peen e s wean ii et .m nillim,
renounced his title, deserted his wife J' MRS. AV. L. ELMER. cannot raise and stand one billion f
and daughter and returned te ! ranee ! " ' , , . ,J uFcb ffi, jpoe. I IP sel(1prs ,,,. hrlpPi, ,0 ,avP ,p -
nnd became n murshnl of I ranee. He t luinucipiini, LUI" ' I billion for the neenle who lil i .!
mnde a crusade ngnlnst the Turks and , "?,,"' ' fr ,!2 ". , ,',
was taken prisoner nt Nicropelis und Davllaht Raving ' ,"mu 1"(,leavc,1 t',elr mdividml
ii irinirii iit'i'ifiiiit iviiiir i .ii.r iirr. in
Trt Uicn D e D CDIT7 ' ineiement, ineugii w.ini unu .i.wu..- .-
IU WtU Win. b. D. rnll6.iT fnli t0 see. I surel.v have reason te
(Miss Gillette Bride of Mr. Forsythe. I
Other Weddings of Interest I
1 A wedding of Interest will take, place!
this evenliiir at 7 o'clock In the l'ret- i
tstant Episcopal Church of the Saviour. I
Thirty-eighth and Chestnut streets, when
Miss Gladys Brown McCewen, daughter
S vVVS'1 M'i, I':,"I'nuel,1J: McCewui. i
of U01 Spruce stitet, will becoine the
i.i.i.. i H i i..,. t,.......... i.-i.. i..
Merlen : Mr,s. Gerald Hansen, Mrs. Har Har
old I'alne and Miss C.itluulne hcliernnr-
horn. The tlewer girl will be Miss Betty i
I Gamble, cousin of the bride. Mr. Geerge I
i Fritz brother nf thn bridecroeni. will
act as best man. A reception will
'L . .ft" ''"'' f (Lr de's nar ts
low at th0 ll0," of tl10 ljrlde s Partnt3'
A pretty home wnldlng will tnl:e place
this afternoon at 4 o'clock, when Miss
b.' n "1 U",ri!" ,i:
sixth Hireet. will become the bride nf
ui uuve njjj uue .lllirui, 1 -r. iwiutu ,iuiui-' ui.iii ,,.."., - - - i lliev lire cetttlllT ITOln tiel'm.lliv nml lnt
sten will eltleiate. The bride, who w ill Mlight nensen-e MiKBet thnt it be , , .; ";' n l "nni am t
be given In marriage by her lather, will ,,-, ,, , tl. people at an election, its ,,,,','' L ,,., ',' "", ,w ,, ., "10n(
be attended bv her two Hlsur.s. Mlsa I (r innovations aic put from time te ! ',' ,. U " '"'".will avoid the com-
Mniy Detterer McCewen and Mlss-l.aurx "' ,r ,',,, set tied for cod plnntleiw coming frt.m the necessity te
netteier McCewen. ns melds of honor. l1"" nml Lluul h t'lirvni'R 1 1 "J th'm by tnes, or insNt en nil cenn- 1
The brldtsmald.s will be Miss Dorethy iii.i, vi..,ri "n "ll'" ' tl ies joining in n vdnt linn.l The nnv-
IIIccs. of .Vew Yerk! MIsm Marien IMllludelplllll. l'Cbruar -. l. . J, ,f , .. - "" '" "' P- r
..e nil n , l.... .. ... I, i. .!.... ti... j.i...,, uiiupn ..s n luteins in nciLiinu iiii,.! .. h
i. iieura. .ir.. iiietna.) uretnerien. ei , ,
...,.-. ,. ---- ,. :,....."- .- , . iin-ui iuuiii in- a i itv siiiei niiiiiiinr in
Mr. Fi.mcls H. O. Forsythe, of Wash-1 a brief description of what is repre repre
liiEten. D. C. The bride will be Khen in sented. the hours that visitors are wel-
tnaiii.ige by her mother. Dr. Itebert
Johnsten, of thn Church of the Saviour,
will officiate. Mrs Oscar Turner Smith,
.Ir, will be the matron et honor nnd Mr.
Francs Helmes Styles, of Washington,
D. C, will act as best man. A reception
will fellow tin- ceremony, after which
Mr. and Mrs Faisythe will leave, en a
wedding trip. They will be at home
afWr May 1 at Gltn Hche Farm, Chadds
Ferd Junction.
A pretty wedding will take place this
evening at C o'clock in St. Jehn's Hp'sco Hp'sce
pil Church, Lansdowne, when Miss Elea Elea
eor Du w will hi come the bilde of Mr
Muxwell MeMlchael. The brlde will be
, glen In marriage by her uncle, Mr
I Walter S. Ilullun, and will be attended
by her slater, Miss Kvangellne Drew, as
i maid of honor Mts Mary Hllzabeih
Hutten will net as tlewer crlrl Mr. Nfll
McMlchael, hi ether of the bridt groom,
will be best man The ushers will in
clude Mr. Hammend L Diew, Mr Hairy
H, Hitler, Jr, Mr. Anlbiese Van Alcn
ami Mr. James Knldeten.
The wedding of Miss Fiances
Schwartz, daughter of Mr and Mrs, II,
Schwartz, of W.st Philadelphia, and Mr.
II .Inch Null, also of West Philadelphia,
will take phtcn tomorrow t senlng at the
M'ua I'llb'n Synagogue After n wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. Null wl'l IKe at H2
Seuth I'lity-sevcnth street
AnneuiKcment has been made of tlie
eiigagemunt of Miss Vetdi May Aniler.s,
only daughter of Mr and .Mrs Frank
II. Anders, of 63 1 Staubrldge street.
ami Mr. wuiaui c Tupiinr, son of Dr
nn 1 Mrs,
Ueorne W. Tupper. or Am-
bier. Pa.
The ninrrlaBe of Mis llnnnah ,T, ,
Xahedll, of pax, V. '.i , ami Mr Hareld
llnlten, neil of Mrt Maty 1 Ueltuu, of
14 K.i)t CliPhtnut stieet tunh piace en
Tues(In, I'Vhruarv "1 nt Uil.uul, W '
Vn, .Mr and Mis ilulten will ll
In Pax, AV Vn
Anion? ill" Nerrlelmui residenls win.'
nie members efc the PeuniJ Ivanln So Se So
elnty of Sour of the lUnoliitlen, Mhlcli
orKanUatlen buhl its annual ontcrtuln entcrtuln
nienl en W'.iMliltiRinn's H'ltbiJu ni.i
.liiilRe Jehn Kuber Mllkr Mr I V, n n
lile Miller. Ir William IS .Miller. Mr
William II KliiiKlulT Mr Jehn Ue. the
uev. ii. M i-iair llutii.iway .uul Hr
Frederick 11. Little
The inariiiiKe of Mlt-H Mil nun Watt.
tier .mil Mr Leenard S'men will i(t)
i place in thn early tprliiR
Miss Frances Curt n. of 10H PelCalb
Btleet, has noun te Hlalr Hall, lilalrs lilalrs
tewn, N .1, where ihe is a KUest at ,i
I liouse p.u ty
Mr, and Mis, f II AMctfcr, of West
Main Ntrn'l, have rctuined from a utuy
ui .lunu-iiii
Mr. W. P.. Tayler, of UeUalb streat,
;lie lias but'D siKMidlmj tbe past lueiitlj
In Miami, Kla has rcturntU borne.
Lcttara te the Editor
The Washington Supplement
Te the Mtternf the Kvcnttie I'utlte Ltitetrl
Sir I want te congratulate you en
your admirable Washington plcterlnl
supiilcmcnt. I bought u number of
ceiiles te send te friends, cspcciully in
France nnd Knglnnd.
Did you knew that the American
possession of Ihe eriglnnl owners.
W. W. KKKX'.
we must experiment, it sli
terrible cone-
Philadelphia. February J2. lOL'l-.
Prepare for City Beautiful
Te flic Editor of the Evening Public ,cfar:
Sir Although the world's fair te be
held In this city in 10'JO is still four
vcars off, we should begin nt once our
preparation te make this n city beau
tiful In everv way possible In order te
make n geed Impression en the millions
of visitors who will come here te nt
tmiil the f:iir. Fer some J ears we have
and nil !
,.i,n ,,,. time took n great pride In see-
J1'0 m '" ' h ,,' rllrP(, for,
"J- '"' ..','', tt1M,i,u ,mii i,nvp iPft
IIJHI" inn, .,1 .' i' ' ,.....--. - - -
tbe be'irt of Ihe eitv badly neglected in
I Te tin LiUtoref thi rvrnlne Pehllf r.nlger: i
I Sli I hnve rend the rmliigs of the
.,n.,.a,inners (iii the subi"ct of d.l.vllglit
- Philosophical Society. 101 Seuth Fifth . "": , ". "'" ", i" -1
father's sub- street, has an original Wnshlngten, by -' ) V i',"" y ".Vjw r"b.0n"l
usual story- , Stuart, painted by order of the society? ' "" ' nJ LrXanVn Ien. Mnny of
ceunle "lived I It is one of the few Stuarts Mill in . " " . ,..,.., .ileln t have
i;.a,ngera,'sVep"nnd eni I hM VM , ' ; ., a, rUa rhr n ' " "
Laxity In Valuing Life te be the means of disrupting thnt or- Imt T "lM Wants Auther and Peem
T'lhteJ!'! ns following the home glancing mer the plete. lal thr ,;,ll?r y n, ,,, ,.,, t.tAe.r!
'in nun nun ii nnrmipv '-'. !.-- i t . t u . i n -s t u ti ... .
,3..iu in..- niiiu ,......- "Y I enmlmr of our solder bevs. we are senrni pnperu - "" -,' " .'"' '" '"u ''iiy s'i'e inn me name W
te hnve become very lax In the vain-, con ng of et r sol. cr oey y , unsmiling girl f this nge he u. ,or ,.,i ,., from ,wuch .he fei.
nllen of life, nnd almost dally we henr' ","f,nteJ ?E , Lir reiinfrv and te It is noticeable, also, in -tiect cars, ieii, i t..kPt
of big catastrophes in which a number fTei t In saving their f-ounte. "' t0 , nlsewhere I bine noticed the high- ;";" Jr'-n -mm m a i,row of Ken,,
i .. t..11. nr,1,w,.lni- ,it trees.
, - - ,, inni.
savins for finite a while, nnd I think Unre of bv an immediate assignment of
it is hl'.'li time that semi thing was dene1 the German damage pawnentst li thi
te nrevent this numml abomination lie- country.
ing teisieii upon u-. iv " -c,.,. -r,
"... . n.U.. Mn,pLnitna,l I
te be at the head of the
' .. i..i .i.i ....: iu
IU Hint ibnlislit saiing is net the
l'Plnr thing It ! Mipi-1 "''
is a i.enular curse ns far as I can nuiKe
,t l
Daylight saving has been knocked in i
tlie head in England, from which cenn
try we slavishly borrowed the Idea. It
lltJv Pi'es the leisuieil (dasses with
., 'ntns uw mec lierses. Tt feiees
f" ' ', , ,vp ,Mrlir In t10 morning
piepu i" "" ,.ii?
. iiiiit'-n inev in. ii'il .urn'- nn, -,i.i., .
Te Find Points of Interest
, , .,, . .., ,.,, n.,.. r tnrr
te ihe ndlter et thr l.imtoe PulUr Ledger.
Sic As n Usiter le .Miur i Ity Will
fel-'.()ii naiden me for making a suggestion?
Would it net be a geed thing for jour
Chamber et Commerce te issue a mil
letln or small pamphlet te be presented
te visitors at all incoming points in
euler that they mny be able te find.
without inquiry nnd without difficulty
llll plllCCs of UlteU'St in till' Cll,
nnied nnd the easiest way te reach
i these jilnces. ('umlm; in te Bread
i Stieet Station I found no pamphlet of
directions, or any help te get nbeut, and
I had ensideralile difficulty until I
found poisons sufficicntl courteous
win. were willing te direct me. All
tliee places should lie carctiilh uiuikeil
with tablets, something I aUe find eon-
i sidernblj neglected.
IMiilndelphlii. Kebriini.i 'S. l'.ik'k'.
Let the People Vete en Fair
7e rue ZMilni-e Uf 1 i ; Pull' nlue
Sir- I in Ihe people renll want tie
Sesiin Centennial exhibition ' We knew
that I he preiiieerhu business men wlin
speculate in laud and lmprecmrt)ts nnd
'the preliteeilng lnndluids and the peer
man who owns a little land ami cvpects
te get a fei tune for it when the fair
Is built want the fair and will snj
"The people waul the fair." But,
' reall. de the people witiit it? Wh,
i net hi the people vote en t lie ipiestien.
Let llieni decide for tUeni-ees. ANe
'where the lmr should be located. let
us Ii list the people, ltenicuiber. it's
i the people's inene.i that will he spent
en tin fair, -e let the people sa hew
they wihi their mene, spent Don't
let it be said the minentj of the people
lletb Nrxrit
ClKV CDAI1IIATCC nt7Mni I m -.,..
tmm Niiurti v-wmmrtinfj int ULlltR POSITIONS
mV n etlniH. f..r . Iihh iiii i.erler .,.,1 r?w ? 5,, ' ,K "" ,'lmn
m .t it . ni.el nml I lelnp lu,Hlne, lllnks llusUu V..I..L. ,h, n.c '"', ."""rfi
fei our bWiii in Iuhiuks I if,- nhs '""U"" l Ull"k Mrs tt, JOU
Ml xcere.Pted' r-emniercl.il Sehoe
1 HMlHi
until nir
l'el)ru..iv '-" "0s tmleiitii lire n Ini'tteil te
tlin Inn ii"lv" 'lenlnu i-eurP in NiiiirMiand,
I'jiiimiii'n 1 I rn ic I s uinliiB , t,-,
mi: ti.i:.Ni;n ei t iioeze
Hid uiiitet m.niun Mnjur in Inn I'nluit
(Him tella annul liar lUht ukulimt beui,
no Miu;iizne Uuefen of nest Hunduy'i
i I'ublle
. .5 Pi
ibuuaby- &
forced the fair en the ma erUy of the
people and the majority never was In,
favor of It, ns they nre saying about.
ihn nrnlilliitlnn tnw .
1" v" ""'', '-."".-- . .xni.rl.l
WILLIAM t;. aiUJivj'"
Philadelphia, Februnry 17, 10i!'-'.
The Legien In Pelltlce
Te the Uditer of the livtnlnp Public Lttterr:
Sir It is most unfortunate that
these leaders of the American Legien
talked feel the sting of
' against the patriotic order
severel ,
The mere they try te hamper the !ev-
eminent, new in the big struggle te
te home workers, end went out of of-
leaving the country in a deplorable
llniinelnl condition, is no
reason wny t no
ex-service men should try te hamper the
present Government in its efforts te
bring nbeut n financial revival se that
we will be rid of the present unemploy
ment situation.
Ex-Scrvlee Mnn.
Philadelphia. Februnry 'Si, lOlil!.
Meney for the Benus
Te the Vdlter of the r.imlna Public Ledger:
Sir llelng of the people who hae
-uffered from the effects of the benuse
lien dollars. i ne weH. able te earn
Ir en ter VM,.H aml ,,t ,llC Pml WPre ,,.
iul?(..l -nl.le te nnv . l-ht lillllnn .Inm.
u . ,
ages te the Lntenle, and our country.
'J'he Entente were leaned nlwiut eleven
billion by this country, which Wilsen
should have Insisted sliniild he tnltrn
X- J.I. ,l .1 ...
..., wiui an mis weaitn. our
statesmen s.iy we cannot
. r "' ,w:
pay our sol-
(,iers an amount abeie .." per month.
I Seme bonus neenle nnd mofiteers m.i.i
mis mucii in n dnv. M here In it new.
we ?n ? Tlrey spent lr 1' they sp"i f
It, with whom did they spend it, nnd
wherever it is it should he laved. Neili
ing wrong in that.
W'e pa'il everjlK'dy el-e their bonuses.
Wliy have we become se peer thnt we
an- beggars'' We should ghe the bevs
the bonus, even if we have te tell
England. 'France. Itnly & Ce.. te
mine neiess. if net with all. with what
Or Piajbe thr .'in ; l llenn Feiil ti
pnv tlie bends in the nest ten Mar
II. cms- te be the nlj nan wlie ha
centidence iu the ullii.iate .uue of the
ceuntty and business.
Philadelphia, IVbtiiarj I,".. 11C
Don't Disappoint the Gumps
fe Ci" t'lliturvt tin ri'iime ;iih;. 1 rtij,
Sir Please hne tiie Widow Zander
tniirri Carles, becnu-e it would be er
disiigreeiible te b.ne I'ticln I'.m, dism.
lieiii the (iump family, after thev lute
set their he.nts en his millions fur such
a Ien;; time
West Pliilndelphin rehruaij 1, llH.'!'
Mevie Actresses and Publicly
Te Mi 1 i (i i et 'h li,, nj p, 7,i ; r,l j.
Sir I picked up the paper estenhu
nnd this title nut mj eve; Nirmanil
.Minter niins I nder linn in Husten '
Tins js tlie price of publhitv 1 hnie
lead many interiiews and all lead ine
te belieie that the stars me afier pnb
lieni, some dishonest, some honest, n),t
mestU dishonest. Tlmt is lie pitv of
it' Peer little i-ltis' Ii. miLful, with
little or no taleni, nut nn abundance
of cliarm, after the will-et-the-w isp.
publicit) and public faier Tin j ni'n
their careers bj tee nun h publicitj, ami
publlcit that is net . Ic.m
Netice Mabel Nnrmnnd. M.uv Miles
Mlnter anil . vn (lerlii r Could nnj
tiling be mine disgusting? .s le Mnr
Miles Mint. i. I was m"r meie sin
prised in in life Hut the publicin
The !Vnple' I'nriun lll umie.ip ilulU
111 the 1'ienlnk- I'nlille I rrlcrr nml iilu
In the s,u,, n I'nhili- Irilu-rr 1 fttf n
illsriihslnit Ibnpli tnttirw will Or nrintril
ns irll us rrinitritet ncnis. nml gupnflun
ef grnfr .1 Interest will lie nnsuprril.
I 1)1 C T10N l,
Until NrM-n
Day Tuition. 3
Mliht Tuition 15 and 0
-tVrtenri tnr, nil, .,,
Our an f,-ll,
local mil, skilled
il"i.r,l,.c,fK.AV'i."":'! "
tendance clic i'n-
h., i s, rr..tiini .... i,..:.rr. ":".'.". .imn
b. tret.li la ur IlutmiM Admin .trii n in
r at thn lowest cost Daj , ,"e", n
ni. Call urlte or phene for ruin e"
-r nu.ln.., school, 10 ,S JOth hr't
U I?bIUe suaruny. tut.r uw. eVr ! Bbjkts
ciiHr.Mjr hi
.. i 1....1. i.i i.. .1 ..mhIvi. eiitii nririiiua
ui niethi.iN mm, timn
ii teaehlnc i m ihierfi
U'-k" Kirs th ;uU H
she wns nflcr turned nm t icr.
career of Mnry Miles Mli.ter Is gene
nwrj. She will never ue r e snm. In
the henrt of the fnns, I hope this will
be ii lessen te ether actresses tlmt tee
much publicity Is worse than none.
I hereby make n prophecy that In five
jenrd the movie world will be extinct If
Ihi-v keep up at this disgusting rate.
Lllher Hlyii, the "llnglHi tirlslecrnl,
tried .te defend the movie world, but the
fnns Ann w better, She Is afraid te icn
ii, .-Mil, v r,nn lin m the ceurnge te
tell the truth, and It will be the ruin of
t!m tMiitlrm .lrfltl'n lllflll.StrV.
ADA Ttnu.
Phllndclphln, February 1 I, HI---
Where's the Smiling Girl?
i nin-t 1
that tli
girls of today ler
"'''",'" "','. , time te smile
',',': -'' ' " "mnhlni;" through
"- . , - ...1llln,. x,,,,,. '.
l,i ut.,t,tti In it li n
V.i sb.riM nf the dear L'Ushtti: gild of es-
ierday who used te M-ilV. -'""'';, .n1"'
1 il,. l H' 'llil I -
Philndelphia. Fidiruarj
Questions Ansivered
About Twe Cardinals
Te II nitinr nt tlf i: rriiig PuWc LcAg'r:
S Will - .in Kn.d v nnir thn follnw fellnw
ln(f" omstlen b rubllshlne .t In the cel-
iimn. of the 1'eep'e S I erum
r.flnn fins tlTlpr III in- "in m.i ', , I
,.. i.. in i... .miil-d pujil nmnim
n'ntives ll tl esc inlliiren of tllf ik- el
1, -ether inherit iintMnc or will I' b di
vide 1 i,twn tlm two r?ni-ilnl.i "Isterj?
c ivtnt sfH'.'-uiiirrt.
Philndelphln. rvbrmiy '-' 1'J--' .
Thn estnte of thn de. e.ned brother would
lie ilUliled lt.li. three enu.l nhares unil-"- .hi
.iriuinMtiinri s nimH K.v h "f 111. slsmr"
would rereli" or,i share and thn thlnl sham
wen U ee tu the children et I be de'easm
Our First Railroad
Te tlf I'.iltler of fir I'. -n(ij PiibHr l.ulurr'
,r :,t, nte nh.it ins thn tint rail
road thai vas run ir this clt
V. W r.
PHln'Ie'.phie IVbrunr. 21 12
'lh first rn'lreil &i "tie 1 tu thn 'nrrv.
inc of ..enpi In this city vi tna' from
Ninth nnd iltwn stri-vts te e-ninntewn
Vhn tl-St (ir ! ufnlnj li l,,Jr"np,iw nr
trmer.nd tl" in.d Jun H I sSJ 1 r .It
months the run "rn puilfd by her'H,
linn n lor'imeiive -rnnuf k tumd In tlm rit
i Mitthl.is Ililduin w,k inm urrd and mucin
itn ll-si trip en r the reiil Nmimln-r 1'3
Unfore tin conFtruetlen of this r illre.id n
rend Mm In tin- nt,urn of bu Mini- from
rnlutr.bin rii.. 10 rn neeinn a. A
,1ml nnnnert-d Wist ( Vi I With tie
m i
lirnnrh was nempli t" I into riui.ii' ilthi i
wiii mtitd .April, lsll
Who Can Answer?
-,) II, r I liter of tin
Sir l"icne rut
, 1(7 I'lilllli
ciu-t le-.
I en r
of tl." I'-"1
I ,rutn
aniiver it
A hiv. in.' . h
) 'Rr ii 1 " ' r i
llht nnlirs-ei 1 ii
uier -ue jet lb1
IP VOlnit lllliT r":iR. r ' "...." iJ'iiiilliln IH rniln 'hnkevTicnri.'a "
niui,nu" vmi e ler I nem : '
. i . ... n
black wmm urn
"EASTERN DAWN" (U.S.S.B.) - - " APR.
Fer Rates and Particulars Apply
Geyefin & Company, Bnc
Seuth Fourth
Lembard 5144
rVtALLOFiY mmm Um, Snc.
Regular Freight Service
S S "West Lathawaj" (USSB) . Sailins First Half Marcli
Ter Rates and Particulars Apply
Geyelin & Company, Snc, ?'."', A".nt.i
10S Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia
Lembard S144 lam 7620
Peiifiw 4F'Cbl
a en
it ir 11
: Mm iu
M .lull li
AlllllAMA . 1'rli. J lur
ll VI tlllMl M'f l,r
'N k " '"llimiu:1
v' I. v t Oaunn ' 1
wirneMA W1""
si Till V pr. 'JH Mn 41 .Inm- ll
it i ?-
s- V te lloeton Oueiuieun ui I l.lvri
IV llll ''",r I'nssi liters tin1 1 1 Mur
s. v vj 1 I Inn i ' i h,
is.M.l V r. ii
s i i tin Its'
.Anr. H ll.n I' .Inn, id
I.iiiu n i i r ,i, i, ),, j .
... Mmli I
' , , S, v. !' 'f r.l
-It M,tl ll-1' I '.fam
I'atrm, lu u.un,
i iiiiriiu.1 -!'
Htnl rnesle
in .IIttnliH.1 Putr.iH 1' ri u
. I I ul btut tin. n.,
"' PI l'.uil.ll HeMI
V VMM l.l Mirth 11
Cuniiril nml Aniliur triimh!i l.lni-
rHkeiiirr Dlll.e. limn Wnlnnt Nr-t I'lilln,
Irflaht IIMl.e. lliinr.r lllil; I'hll i.
M.VV VIIKK HI Itlllll Kit Ml
V l.i I'l) mouth, lliiiiliiitni'-siir.M( r
l(nil.tiii Vlur. II Vnr. I'i Mn '.Ml
, Vmteril.iin Al r. 'J.I V'f, 'in .I'iih t
Coord rm Vnr. I If U .lime I e
l;nllra.4m iur, .M.iy U Ju.ie 17
I PWT 0ct, 1531 Wklrat St., PWU.'
en yard high and ene j-rd wlile.
wns tills ilene7" m. "
l'ldludelpliln, 1'ebrunry S'-'. 1022,
Can Any One Selve PrebUml
Te the JUllter nl llu- Hv ntnu I'uhHc Lcdettf
HIr A Iniln ittni In dully from Han !''
,. .- . -., .. .,..11.. tmtti
New Yerk te Hum l"rnnclee, the Jeiirtt1' -
ciitln seeii dnys, II nV many Irnlm, WlH
n irnveicr mcui In jnurneis from en.
11 nticlHru te Ne Yerk' U I.. O.
riilln.lelpliln, t'elxiin-y 22, 11U3.
Poems and Songs Desired
Lecates Peem.
Te ihr iMlamt the lUentm, I'uhllc Ltttetti,
Sir- III lenTv In "II l t '" iiium' ln"
llm tn,,lAM I . .. ,..... ..1 -j ?
v-",'nj n j ii fiii ui .tiiii.'ju i ui'runrr mv$
let me hny tlmt tlie Ikicim "IIiiie llenrd" rt
le found In J a Uiilliind n rnmplftii pet
Iral unrbit, n "Jllttir Huei-t." jmges 18 tl
le HI. in ' airnPMvl Pheavej "
.MIHH i: .1. (IWU-Nln
rirlitr' rn M.H-
ruury is, mn.
We i innut reerlnt thti.
I HI 1111 YVi
r net fmnlllar wild tli third
Ihiii ou r, iiucnt
l ll'll) ll lec.Ue ll?
vnn jeu five any ..
"A Child's Soliloquy"
Ten,,- ,,i, e the ;, , , ,,,,,. Lritgtr
rn.:.r,T, .V,'"." "'V "r" thr ",KH ""ked fur
lid ml mjh JJeilAi'i: t wnns
1'l.lladelphlu. K-bruary H. If..-.
I Iniiff te Id, ijrnr mellier,
)ti the ren nr.il fmrunt Bra,
"'" tb bright. I.lue ykK ubew my hcd.
..... ,,,.- .nmiNwy CIOUJS ttlllt PUlm;
inn brlBhl, brlsht nunahlna
'11,1 I tlnd my tdst.r Mid.
i'er 1 m surj i-hn must be ene,
And h-i I fini Icr mother,
We'll en 1,,n nl mn.
I'll trll her hew we hue mourned for ht
All 'he time tlmt he s been ren-.
Then 1 shall bs ilellKhtpd
Te heir h.r speak .main
Altbuurb sb" c.m't return te us
Te nsl her would In- In wihi
Se I'll put m) arms around her
Ard leek Inte her njns,
I'll remembei all I said te her
And nil her swict replies.
Then I will nk thn cnccl
Te talie ine b.icl: te you.
He IH heir nm slew ml "tend.
Down thr ius . ttv ntler bhl"
Ten 11 erlj think dnr mother,
Tl.it Iip be n out te lilnv
And fell ns.'np. Iwn'.ith Iho tr.
A sullry summ, r di"
ii, itn. -i n i.in
iMl'lMi 'r V'l
eCIiANI e rollew
i .Aiiisv; ni iith pirn c.
phut rP n.iinvii
p. V. GIOE & CO., INC.
,i m:ki. (.i:mn
I.uiiil.nril "I0' V '' H131
Plula. Agents
Slveet, Philadelphia
Mam 7620
1 Dixie SfesmshJe Lines!
Bristel, Manchester,
Glasgow -U.S.S.B.
S S "Eastern Sword"
Ej.pecteU te Sail FEB. 27
U. S. S. B. S 'S "0PEL1KA"
Expected te Sail Early March
1 IIM'I.KI Nt i: ftVTIIN
Hruriss, Maijill & Ce., Inc.
IJ'i l.ataviUe IIIiIl'.. IMiil.i.li.lnm.
g limili nl ,-.".'l I Vfali, iMt
T" i .-"vniBrfrnvnHH
e i i-HiTmnir umt.9
S S "Seattle Spirit,"
La3t half i'efc,
Moere and McCernack, be
444-40 Bourne Bid,, PhlU.
tlu-ir nap-;-""ru""ni iMKin n Urcmn. ad v, rcii J,
tiewb. OSBj Mala 7513
1 '3
, j i
1 1. vt iHva jmV ,A
,',, r:,ji!iL
' .-. .'.trtX Art