r.zv! WW5 lvwrws .a-E I Jf V i,4,VW,tTA if 5i vs&m ' -am '' ;' .; u, J1- pppwwwi LtlgHE t; Vl ,WJfc . tt6' :!-" I S.V-. 12 H&? ' OYSTER PIE dOe ' 1 PAn luncheon, 40e. 1H30 A. St. te 3 V. M. V"- ft " " Ti if" if I H m S-gr.. I e aiy movie Magazine) K '? fl L ZNUMBERPLEASE?" SAYS AGNESAYIES 1 Lc(fIl Hll W:m Wlif TTItACTlVK t..r loams hew te be Bir rli'dBH QMBBJETi ' ''-vA "Helle Ulrl" in "Ileught and Paid R 1 E BBBEBB HR-elI i&- rer'" At ,cft ls Wl,,,nm 1)e Mm' BfK ' J I '-''ibs. (SlP kQt - - Af director, mitt in renr, Jeck Helt, her I r km wBSlS v. ,'SBw8a'F Jlfftm - I Boek Sale' ':!tWmwK$m- '"UH9 I . 1628ChestnutStreet - I - J1 TA' ilOrE VIA".S LETTER-BOX GENUINE TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS IN QUANTITY Hifheit Clet Mtrchindiiinf Service Attention Is the natural rlpht of the "Ileal Letttr" and the "Keal I.etttT" always Rots It Iloefn It ttera are Hi;AL LKTTi:n.S H00VEN SALES CO. 1037 WALNUT Don't Buv The New Beeks Jut te Itencl ml Tu Rent Them frrnti Wemrats Library rlrnn ritplf . tif nrw nemi! ir flr flr tlen nnil Hip most t.ilkfd nf linek. of Trmrl. Iltnr.. Illnsmiihr. etr. lire aimiillril itruiiintlr fur 'a in.ill rt'iitul. l'HILAI)EI.I'HIA HRANClf 13 Seuth 13th St. I Pat. lune 18 1I2 &msm "Ne Splash in Sink" "Positive Shut Off" Name "SAVILL" On Faucet Themas Savill's Sens, Mfr. ISID-IJ-n W.ill.irr St.. l'hll.i. WE SERVE YOU RIGH"I Owen Letter's Sens Imrfttt Ceal Yard hi PftHaiflpUa) TRENTON AVE. ft WESTMORELAND ST. WRITE OR PHONE N0W1 .. .. T3 11 C .IS7..w,J TT En Cell, rranKTOraSiaU Keystone, East 7754 Largest Old Boek Stere in America 'Always buy- BOOKS DAIIAUT ing books. We need everv ene ! . u LVW ""Z1-' HU Willi IJliV IU V Willi I Keep our shelves com plete. We de net urge you te buy, however. We invite veu te visit, and leek about and fnnl ga at home. But we de like te' hflvn wllllf- vnn nah fnt' IM...., wTiv we ii'ti trlel ( ,',.,.. t wny e aie glad te nav cash for Used books Oil every Sllb- Ject. Se please remember that wn .in, L. ,,..11 w'";"-1 l"" we buy, as- well as sell, used U00KS. Beeks lluut'lit. I.ibraiieb I'urrluiued Learys Boek Stere Ninth Street, below Market ivfy.? '$)',pe8i,e ViMmee i2:mx. ... . 1,1 llv TIKNRY M. NSKT.T I Waller C. Are jen trjlns te Ret tnolltnew wIie'h tn charge. Address Deug Inte mere trouble, aniline my real enln- ion of n let of popular people? I tlitni. ,w!V" Tfiri?,hiJiS " ""',,l.,;.rf",1"rt' - Kri,,cC:, .rr: """v. :'." things. F'rinstnnee. I wish some one' el would write his terii"i and liii titles and eliminate tlnt tjpieal (Irif llt.Ii Miiall-leun view polar, and that1 itrltntli stle of preaehlning IIKe a hnve reminded me of a flag. Mingy set- meti 111 a little enuntrv ehuivli with a .,..., nt.i ,.rM n.,,1 ii.'n ,.ri,.. utitiiwht eeming in through the windows ami! the birds singing e.ulde and I juM i naturallj fall asleep, that's all. , T extiressed m oninlen of tlie Ciisli ' ' ....... lluster Keaten has made entirely tee many pictuies for me ,e give you a list l,nn Mm iiwit TOmtil nnn. her., were " ...-. .....v ..... - ;;Tl,e 1'hM house." "The lleaf and .. '" V, '.something te Tliink About was a erj line picture and showed what Cecil Ue Mllle can de when lie wants te. Se ilitl "Foel's Paradise." Thanks for jour praie and your geed wishes, I5ut wheie de jeu get that 'stenographer with the golden locks" . . ..! Tt T .!.! 1...... r..... 1 1. ...... i u ii ; it t irit-u te mi.- hut-. iki.w.. 1 knew somebed.x who would come down nnd make a terrible mess of the golden locks anil my own fevv remaining gray ones, i .1. II. K. waxes poetical thus: Oh. Mr. Nee j, I think jeu're clever, really. And don't jeu think that Kodelph, with the p.iteut leather hair. Must make it awful gteaj '! When Agnes "fell" s easy. It must have been becnu-e she MUST and net heenuse she'd care. Then there Is Wallj . A champion of fellj , lie has the wife he started with, is he a millionaire? Oh. shades of Shakes, preserve u ! What "actors" new tin serve us; The hams briu.T home the bacon, while the artists get the air. Twe Schoolgirls I'm always glad te hear that it's I he "first time" people have written te me. It shows that I'm making new friends or new enemies and I enjoy both. Write I'ojethy Gi-h. cnie I). W. ilriilith. :tu"i I.engacre Hutlding. Tlun s Siiuare. New Yerk. I never noticed the resemblance between Viela Dana and IWt lirtell. De jeu knew whj? Ue eause I never go te see either of thtm if I can help it. It was Orn Carew who played "The T.itt'e Foel." I knew a let of girls In i he movies who are still plajing it off the screen. O. H. Olmstead - - Marien Davics is net engaged, married or divorced. Ann I dnubt if she will no any of the thrte se long as her pieseut arrangements cetitimie. I haven't heard of the I.j man Howe travelogues for a long time nnd I doubt if they are new btlng made. ...nrlU Ne. I've never seen Mae ...-..- - -. - - - - - Murraj s age given. And I den t knew wnj sue annum e.v t i"si" ". " can't be that old Address her c.ire of Tiffany Productions, HH West Ter- i tv. fourth streit. New Yerk. Address. I IIope Hampton I.'IO Hrnadway. New, Yerk, and Hetty Hljtl.e is") I.aUren i street, Hollywood. Yes. 1 believe in "geuuis" in writing. Hut you shouldn't let the word frighten jeu. RomemlxT "genius" is given te verj few, but mnnj are blessed vvitli verj estimable talent, and it is the talent thnt keens the world going round. I mean by thnt that talent spurs en te the hope of being genius and the energy thus produced is the eneiny that does things really verj well worth while. "Kissel" Of course, your nom de plume It a complete disguise. I couldn't even guess jour first name, could T? Address Doretlij Unlten, care of I.asky Studie, Holljweod, commercial one eh me. Tourist- That s a new Are j nu any relation te a trailing salesman? I can't give j,i .i. ,.r n tin. mmnK ,iii,.,.tr,, Geh! i'eeple are chnnglng jobs fast ,l"',""lll1? "'T-i !,,nR t,1"t !n ",'.V ,,,)., hiiek is II I hlnese pilMle with ,",. crossed out and new .., Inseited Hut it jeu want te get m touch with them, just write te "( ast iiig Diretier," such and such a sludle. I.aeky, Ilellj weed ; Metre, Hollvvveod; Geldujn, Culver ltv. Calif.: Culver sal. I uiwrsal I'll) Calif Ince, olljvveod: (iiiihtli, .Maiiiareuecli, .N, The Hurteii Helmes iilmes travel pictures see them every new aie still a live. 1 and then. Office nt Aeolian Hiilldlng, .!.". West Forty bCteniiW.Irecl. I. don't -lsters some time nce. I i en t think meii el 1 lie lJarner. bv Ilex liriicli. I : ", . . . """-'. I they are as wonderful as you de. Hut It "as in the part of the half-breed I L" I" "" ,J,,' ",, s r "? "V 0UT, but ,"J' 'don't get mad. I'm probably wrong. I thut the lirbt-namcd wen bis fame. ' ,c" n,In!f. '". f 'Ps tcr i'i?" Can d!en,n I And I lmcn,t denounced Valentine, . . . i , '" J. Jam Mix. is married. Lulte as much as jeu de. T think the ..nrTOled ReIer-Yeu knew, it's , f ) m. member ""the Mix 'household boy has a let ,.f talent, llut I don't awfully nice of you te say bucji friendly and I ey ave name 1 ; hci The.naslni th.nk he lias, really "armed artis-, things te an old man. It ...fte cheers ' Tem lavs he's ceW u, n,nV.' "1'LV ticaiiy jer. nuc no win; jeu nicu me up and fills mc full of lien and 1 1 honest. m.,,,,. ,...i.i .:. ". i' I !.(. llllll. EVENING PUBLIC Fairbanks at Ilnllvunntl ' 1 lini Turpi,, Acln.lrtr-Qi.it v'r kld- " i"-: n nn.i ri,:ha iae: lltilllll s. Vnt! he innrrle.l nm llbn Will Kesers. is one of the few men In movies who has the same wife he start- will,. She was here with him re- cent! when he was making personal, ,,l"t' ,l0" l '"11 a doctor; call an un nces in this city, if you had dertaker 111 be dead. I'm glad you're appearanet' ?'"' hcr "J'1'; Majbe oho had drops In , ,V "' -""""" "" uny sac murncii ! "lm A.M. H. Mitchell Lewis Victer Sutherland and Mabel Julienne Scott had the lendltiL- role, in the film ver- t t . ...... .. ..... .. CAinp 111 tnillll llt1i n hn.t rnun f utiflnr fever ten V'h,r,i ...?... ,"'S m.-V 'iMck liarthelme.; is Iwenl y-.U ...,.l !. t:.... f... 1..-1 ...i V iiii-i i 111" iiti -lieu iiiriifs inn, it's he's married. Uemember "Way Down ...i-ii. iii-inviMurr iiie gin wim piaycui tlie part of the ingenue the girl who I married the professor in the end? That ,uls Mary Iinj. She was (ami is) u dancer. She ami Dick met while the wire making the film, fell in love and weie married. And they ure appar- nitly erj happy, in spite of the fact .I.... .1 - !t V. .1 . I .. . ' iiuit im-(. art- niarrice. oemciinies inai tlees hanneti. ou knew . , , MJIdretl White writes: "I wish te say a little In regard te the party who wiete about '('amilli:.' I saw the nlc- tuie and will also sav I did net think genus equine was given se much adver mueli of Nazlmeva. I really don't np- Using throughout the country In "The prove of foreigners for actors and Four IUrsemen." Ht this w'eek when .niii-M-K. i in-) minim .tn uu our own Americans. I saw 't'amlllc' advertised a cenpii' ei weehs age wuu v. uira ivini- linll Yeung plajing it. (Vm jeu tell me where it is plajing new: I'd love te see it. "Alse will you tell mc the national ity of Tin-da llara and Sessuc llaya- kawa? I like them both ery much and am serrv that Tludu Kara isn't In pic- lines nn mere. I saw her In person and think she is lovely. "I saw The Queen of Sheba' and really oeuld't understand hew Hettj Hljthe could face the public nfter act ing in that picture with some of the costumes she had en. I thought she was a disgrace. ou certainly would have thought she would wear an after noon gown instead of an evening gown en the stage. I saw her In person after mviiij; liii- invLlirc. "I hope jeu don't think I m tee for fer waid. but I really believe in sajlng what I think. I'm crar.v nbeut your column and never mi-s reading it." (I don't think jeu're forward bj nnv means; quite the reverse. I'm afraid voii'ie a b't backward rather old- lashiened and net quite pregresslne with the trend of modern thought. It would be a terrible calamity te Amerl- Pnn rt 0f jn,is if foreigners were ixtiuded Ne cuiintry can grew artls artls tienllj if it closes its ejes nnd its minds te thu weiks of artists of ether coun tries. If we insisted en AU-American pictures, we would become hupelcsslv provincial nnd narrowed. Te the real , lever of art there is no such thlni? ns ,innnlltr. nveeet .. It ,le,.;" ..-, - .-.,.. . .. ...-...,., ... v tendencies, hut as seen as these ten- uencies u"cemc Known unu a pnreciatcu, Hew I Raised By An Ex-Child ; CIIAPTEIl VIII I Improve Their Iidurnlleii WHEN my parents married they were i 4,ui i ..i. .i,.. ., .i tjpieal happy-go-lucky, soft-sod- derlng, lovable dumbbells w hat they dldn t knew about fur- I niching a home and keeping house would fill four mail-order catalogues. After I took them in hand, of course, all this . hanged. Thej used te have their meal, at any old time. I demonstrated te their entire satlsf... lien that I had te eat regularly, which wnf pretty nearlv all the time Their furniture was all I irst Period the kind newljweds buv I when they don't knew nnjthlng abeut1 , T" DI.flDr.U te stnrt my campaign j- witn me large mnungany tecKer. with .he L.rire ninhnirnnv ii,r neuKi, inc.. used te sit in it wmie he , loom ht f, ms ,nw , -I eld me with one linud and rend Ii ..,...i ,i,.J.i... i.. .i. ..... ....' the ether. After n while we wnnltl t . f er a while we would get , il in his paper or book he in wobble and Id fetch im se interested ,. ," , v, , T. i i I . would let nm wobble and Id fetch up with a most .1 scenraging bump en the ? head from a ,nlii mnhegany arm. Ilefere I (euld crawl, of course, IN,, liad te put up with It, but as seen as l eeuld get around my first trip was mil te tlm kitchen, where I linil Mm 'grenf geed fortfne te find the hatchet. After that It wite but the work eUn LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, ' SATUBDAY, i tlicy beroine Intcrnntlenal. TIie Clam K. YentiK rrslen nf "Cnmllh'" enn be M-cii oery new niitl tlien in the vari ous nelgliboiheod Ikiiiscs. Keep wutch ' iiig the jilioleplay guide printed at the I bottom of thlx tmcc trlclit-hnml hIiIei 'every day null ,eu'll find it. Thcda Hani Is American : hcr real name, be fore her marriage te Charles Urabin. was Theodesla Geedman. Hayakawa is Japanese. I'll hnve te admit that Hetty HIjthc'N costumes were, well Hen OI sort 01 WOreilt. Were they? The kind jeu can put en with-a pew ,,rr l'"" ou knew. Hut gee! Didn't , "p ll,0K great: Any time 1 kick nbeut it s get mc .lerrj- I-ay Se jeu thin think lnts nf tliesn it nre jum n nue up. tiojeii' uec: invite jeu right new te Moe In any In ",I',11 ";, " "t them that I ' ,uu, be'" able te answer jet. There "ust u" -" Ami ini'ldcntallj T want ? PelOgl7t' le the wntur.s of all of . 1110111 fill till! lllltlll In ntIw n..u.l in riitji urutiim 1'... . f a ..ii .. .. ., . .'."',' '"?.,. ' '" l '?" ou new ew lie hat pein mfX'e'; one S!enI ' l ' "" '' . u '" imrt ene reason 1 never as-kt'i him I never mm him ' That's a geed one. " SOME GOSSIP ABOUT HORSE ACTORS AND THEIR FILMS TJOW about the horses of studio land? 1 We haven't had much news con cerning them lately. The Ixis Angeles horse colony, of course, was highly elated when the ii. wus ii'iirncu mat Hetiert Hosvverth had titled his sea diama "The Sea i.ien, ninny nerses were verj free In tlieir criticisms. Nene of the le"?)l animnls has ever seen a sea lien and some ill-feeling was caused when It was icarneti mat a whole school of whales was given emplejment In the Hosvverth jea drama, at a time when se many Holljweod animnls are out of work. r lorence uinr s liorse does k some ciiMitiennl juninlns in Tlmmna If luce's picture, "The Hottentet." which js jammed with sensntlenal hedge nnd water Jumps in which n score of hunters take part. Several of the iiuiiwi., ettueii U cow oey extras dressed up as gentlemen sportsmen, hnd some nan inns, nut no serious accidents oc ec lurred te mini or beast. Stahl used hundreds of horses 'in a cl'nii lust this week Producer Jehn M. ..I,,,. . " L - nll'lit -rlMim- Lfniin t.i- ',-. -it- I ;.Ti ,. r i ,, ."" ,- . -',"' Lri .., . .',' J "I01; I,y'a,ten ,',ns , Kmi.i . ,? , r"' f '" Th" i,,,tlitllle!."'llw "Tim IIi.triMifnt " t m,"."'' rv ... ,.t Dnnne" .Cn.nn rr Hi,.. .1.11.,,. l .l." " . .litiurit.-e lOliriieurH l.nrrtn " . . . ' ..'line n uuiji't .Mnny et tne nest horses in Iyes An- c,wi t,,ek. ,im- din "Tim " Mr hfr tI,rent' Bsn,nff for hnath hnath hnath Pl.otei.il y horses ,!, "Veu you beast !" she choked "Ne; t roles " needn't leek! I took It from him. !n'' s Arienn "ui,', I'remineii Florence Vlder's steenlechnser. Hum ter Kenten's wiilte lierse. which lini a role in "The Hlacksmith" ; Hen Tur pin's jackass nnd Hilly Hevnn's zebra which is new nlnvlnp. le "(In Pn'ml a two-reel cemedj, have sent a bag of nntu tn Itlll.tir'u ,nnrn ., 1,!1, fn.l.,l .. i,,. ,, .i i. i. ...i. m.. ' '!'. . ."V1 i".lLT.l "'..i:"e","r,,..v. 'V""e. . " .4';" "1" "UM ,f. utMIIK 'l'll, Ulll llliri Orel! ICraperarilV I cxnise.f from work at the Kenten studio. My Parents By J. p. McEVOY few minutes te convince my parents they i would need another rocker. V few dajs Iattr I turned mv ntten- Hen te the piano. It had riot been I tuned for tears, nnd thn nn1 it mi. was enough te wreck any sensitive nervous system. j enVe my parent nlentv of time tn i Iflic it tuned, nnd it was only after I rV", f'0,uin,-'(',1, ll'ey had no Intention fyd ?",inhn1ndab XLn Inff stoe 'lI'crepMtK enYwhUe 1 1 ,,. ni .,..';,, ', ."J, ""u ,w,,u ' " nd uewfljhc line. niinn'ei v .. 17 . G0IUM after m.v parents bought a new piano- a much better one, tee ani1 their appreciation for music im- 1'ivii.ii III i eilllllKl,, IMIl uvt'll lO tills eitj inej no nei reaii7e that it wrn, I who desorve the credit for this. nH well ' ft 1. y MiFiiniiiLliInn ll.fiU ll.iln .,.".,". " ".." '" '.".. r"", I for destrevln thn golden oak (lining, i I""." ."... ""' ,,'V. . ,'".. ,,.M.' p '". l"T'er, for brenk,B nll thplr fuddy-duddy in tatJnn icvilnnd china, for poking hole i ,i, ,,,., .. ,i, ' n I "" " luneii itaviiunii uiiiiiu, mr iieKing ueies i .i, ri,nrillIum ,, ,i,e ...ii' v.. i. ..." who made them what they are today nuti tuCri j m 11()t Wagging about It is ,.,,,,. ,luty t0 ra0 ,ir ui parcnt.s preperl.v nnd "I seed my duty nnd I dene 'cr.' Anether chapter Memoirs ne.( week. In Kv Child's PAWNED" HUH IIEOINH TIIK HTOBY Hawkins, nn old New Yerk cabman, unable te threw oft hla love of drink, pavvna lila little ynethprltn daUBht.r, l lair, te hln eldrfrltrt, Paul Vnla. te t brtniaht utt without knowledge of "'r real father until he can redeem hla Pledfe by ovprcemlna1 hla wenkneea anil redetmlnif hlmaelf, Twenty yeara later, a futlle attempt made by a yeun un known white man te alew away en a Jianeeng-er ahlp snlllnr ,from Samoa brlina him utvler the keen observation pr one of the paen;er. who fellows h in ashore and aateiilshes him by re. eallnir accurate knew letlae of hla former lire aa a San l'-ritnelsce youngster of wealth and roeU family, with one weak aput vanibl nt. l'erauaded by Iho ten J".,lve .Promlae of a pntsnire home te re !"' (he atery of his wanderlnaa since his tlleapiHatHnce from Bat.' KraneUre, the etrknded youth tells of tnuch'ns the ew apeta of fife In a va n effort te fe. i.,i.n,UiCc.r;"ully ,he t'llre 6t chanre. Na Mailed that the youth has no criminal receru, the mysterious passenger draw a up a strange contract, whereby the younger man agrees te pawn himself body and soul, Inte hla service. Gilbert I .Anna ii trie iRTirtture of the elder muir upon the written Iwnd a name wianhiw. dclV. "" thS h'(,v,f Ainerlca'S wealthiest chain of gambl'ng houses. .1 ha younger mn wrltee hla alanaturn aJ,lihm.nlf,YS ,nlf,bl requlrlnr "he fhi . .ft,he """ water te brlnr out the simple name Jehn nnicVt. in the Kambllng-heuse which Uruce "v'alta" ii a secret Innscler, he plays till ha la """I through th, management I. VhS A -.,M09 ,0. Vlivm llem valuables. nV,H p."iw,nbrikfr..,s 1 marvelously beau !'"' '' Tri,llln """ taxlrab. he geta 1110 . .brw.' w,,h "0,IT "Cited foreign" era, but flntla sanctuary Jtut na he keels cai) lhj jilclan diet. J..." L' ".' "' s"ti nruiiant wne, new ever, is a drug ad- AND HERE IT CONTINUES "VrATOnAMAM" he enarlcd. "I ' quite understand that you took geed care of that! Who drove you?" "Hawkins." "Druuk art usual, I suppose! Drain tee fuddled te usk questions!" "That's net true," she cried out fharply. "Hawkins hasn't touched a. drop for a year." "All right!" snnppcd Dr. Crang. "Have it that way, then ! Ilelng In his dotage, he makes n geed blind, even sober. And se jeu went for a little ride with Mr. .Tehn Bruce tonight?" Claire Vcniza was wringing her hands as she glanced In an agony of appre hension at the wounded man en the fleer. "res," she said; "bnt but won't you " e "And where did you first meet Mr. Jehn Bruce, and hew long age?" he Jerked out. Claire Vcniza's great brown eyes wid ened. "Why, I never saw him In my life until tonight!" she. exclaimed. "And he wasn't Tn the car tcu minutes. Haw kins drove back te the corner just us he always does with fattier, and Mr. llrucc get out. Then Hawkins drove me home and went uptown te get father. I I wish they were here new!" Dr. Crang was gritting his teeth te gether. A slight unnatural color was tinging his cheeks. He moved a little closer te the girl. "I'm gliid te hear you never saw Mu Bruce, before," he said cunningly. "Yeu must huve traveled fast then meta phorically speaking. Ive at first sight, eh? A cooing exchange of confidences or was it all en one side? Yeu told him who you were, and where you lived, nnd " "I did nothing of the kind!" Claire Vcniza interrupted angrily. "I did net tell him anything!" "Just strictly business then, of course!" Dr. Crang moved a step still nearer te the girl. "In that case lie i must have pawned something, and as l.avergnn sends nothing nut nign-pricea articles te jour father, we shall prob ably find ipiite a sum of money in Mr. Urwce's pockets. Kh Claire?" She hit her lips. She still did net i ipiltu understand only thnt she bit terly regretted new, somehow, that she had removed the money from Jehn Hruce's person ; only that the drug crazed brain of the man in front of hcr was digging, had dug, a trap into which she was falling. What answer was she te make? What was she te With i midden cry she shrank back but tee late te save herself. A face alight with passion was close te hers new; hands that damped like a steel vise, and that hurt, were upon hcr shoulder and threat. "Yeu lie!" Dr. Crang shouted hoarsely. "You've lied from the mln- l,tP ' came into this room. Jehn Hruce "un I l Knew new wny jeu nave ni ways refused te nave anytniug te ue with me. That's why!" He loosened one hand and pointed te the figure en I tile noer. "ITnw lnnir has this been celni? en? ' Hew long hnve jeu been meeting him? Tonight ls nothing, though you worked it well. Hawkins te tnke jeu for a , little joy ride with your lever while I fathers away. Damned clever! leu left him en thnt corner nnd he's here wounded! Hew did he get wounded? Yeu never saw him before! Yeu never heard of him ! Yeu teltl him nothing uu ill Jlfllirrti ', mult t. iwn ttJt'-ii; ..' . .. ? . .. . . .1 . lft 11. .11. 1..' !... l.MA you lived no ceuiu eniy nnd tne pn- vntc entrance! Just knew enough about ' te climb in through your back win- "k " fevered deg! Hut. of n's pecsets will ee me money jeu gave him for what he pawned! Shall we . . , , . -.. , .. m, IOOK alld SCO nOW mUCIl 11 W8B .' Sbe tore herself free and caught at nnd nllt If tn the BR fn urn. thorn Ki, I fore you came te keep it away from ' yeu.,f Dr. Crang swept a hand across his eyes and through his hair with a savage, fcrky movement, nnd then he laughed I itnllintlerfltel V. "Wlmi linu tine im, nm! uvn Itiri,, twu vii 1'iuj Ml, tinj naun; 4,11111,1, I Hcd te jeu about your lever there. l sad there was nething: ceu d save n m. I Yes. yes. Claire, my dear. I lied." He knelt suddenly, and suddenly intent and professional studied Jehn Hruce's face, and felt ngaln for the pulse beat at Jehn Jlrucc t wrist. 'Trctty near the limit," he stated coolly. "Internal bleeding." He threw back his shoulders tn a strangely egotistical way. "Nei many men could de nn) thing; but I. Sydney Angus crang, ceuld: na, ha! In ten nilnutca he could be en the read te recovery hut ten minutes, ether- ' " exactly the length of time he has te live." An Instant Claire Venlsa stared at him. Her mind reeled with chaos, with terror and dismay. "Then de something!" she Implored wildly. "If you can save him, de It! Yeu must! Yeu shall!" "Why should I?" he demanded. His teeth were clamped hard together. "Why should I save your lever? Ne damn him!" She drew away from him, and. sud denly en hcr Ttnees, burled her face lu her hands nnd burst into sobs. '"I'I, If I 1,1.1 Im i.ii,i. ,,-ll.l." h,c cried out., "Haa thnt frightful btuff a . ... Are you no ienger even human?" trnnstermed seu inie an llDSOIllte ticiid? Muslied, a curious leek of hunger in his eyes, he gazed at her. " "Pin devilishly human in some re spools!" His voice rose, out of con cen con trel. "I want you ! I have wanted you from the day I saw you." She shivered. Her hands felt sud denly icy as she pressed them against her face. . "Thank Ged; then," she breathed, "for thU, nt least that you will never ?. . . -wen i ii - ins vice rese'hlghcr, t-r.. I -nkiL tPI'd 4. ....' . t, FEBRUARY 25, An Unuiual Remance of People Whose Very Being It V Pledged te De the Bidding of Others By FRANK L. PACKARD Auther of "Th M'raeh Man," "Frem Ntw On," etc. Cepvriaht, toil, bv Publle Ledger Company t. rffaaK8egBHgs.". llifli He had caught her fn his arms, his lips were upon here. Bite strug gled like a tigress trembling with passion. "Won't I? By Ged, I will I The one thing In life I will hnve some wny or another! Yeu understand? I will! And de J en tliink I would let him stand in the way? Yeu drive, me mad, Claire, with these won derful eyes of jeurs, with that hair, these lips, that threat " "Step!" she was en her feet and in nn Instnnt had reached him, and with her hnnds upon his shoulders was shaking him fiercely with all her strength, "t hated you, despised you, loathed you before, but with that uinn dying here, you murderer. I " Her volce trailed off, strangled, choked. He had caught her In his arms, his lips were upon her. She struggled like a tigress. And as they lurched about the room he laughed in mad abandon. She wrenched herself free nt last, and (dipped and fell upon the fleer. "De you believe me new?" he panted. "I will have you! Neither this man nor any ether will live te get you. His life is a snap of my fingers se is any ether life. It's jeu 1 want, anil jeu 1 will have. And I'll tame jeu ! Then I'll show you what love is." She was meaning new a little le her self. She crept te Jehn Uruce and stared Inte his face. Dying! Thcv were letting this mnn die. She trleil te readjust the cloths upon the wound. MlO heard Docter Prnne lnnl..it I,. again. It seemed as tiieuirh her soul w-erc slnkitig into sonic great bottomless a bjss that was black with horror. She , . ,,0,t, ,lnew tMH -Tehn Hruce. She iinti tern uocrer Crang se. It was Use less; te repeat it, useless te argue with a drug-steeped brnln. There was only one thing that was absolute and final, and thnt was that a man's life was lir',8 Vvny' nml a ncnn'. n Inhuman llfnd who could save him, but whom Pleading would net touch, steed cal lously by, net wholly indifferent, rather gloating ever wJint took the form of triumph in his diseased mind. And then suddenly s,e seemed se tired and weary. And she tried te prav te Ged. And tears came, and en her knees she turned and flung out her arms im ploringly te the unkempt figure that steed ever her, nnd who .smiled as no ether man she had ever seen had smiled w .1.. ,..... .-. . . ' in. iiuj ei wtvi, ter anything,, jeu nave ever known In jour life that irnsJ n,,re and sacred," she said brokenly, "save this man." He looked at her for a moment, still with that sardonic smile upon his lips, and then, swift in its transition, his expression changed and cunning was In his eyes. "What would jeu give?" he purred. 'Give?" She did net leek up. She felt a sudden surge of relief. It de based the mnn the mere, for it wns evidently money new; but her father would supply that. She hnd enlv te ask for It. "What de jeu want?" she naked eagerly. "Yourself," said Docter Crang. She looked up new, qulcklj, startled' read the lurking triumph iii his ejes,' t riioTeri.AYS MiSn&fA J early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre cemmmV y J in vnni lnnallt.v nhtnininer nlpfnroe 4-lnivMirrVi Vie C.nnu.. r pany of America. A DOl ID HD ft THOMPSON BTS. ArULLU MAT N'.r. UAILY JACK HOLT In "TnK CAIX (tr THK Nemii" ,nPAnIA CHESTNUT Ttel. 10TII ARCADIA in a M. te litis r. M. EUGENE O'BRIEN "CHlVAl.K(irs CIIAH..KV . cTrtD FUANKMN i OIA'1" AVUl AST UK MATINKB DAILY DAVID POWELL In "Till: hKY PILOT" . . TinRF K f I 1 1 1V1 V IX l- BlfcT ft UAI.TIMOP.E i;v it 'te Sat. Jifat. mil i a pc DCin WM.l.vvc s-. In "HI'.VT FBKK" RLUEB1RD Uniad ft Susquehanna Continuous 'j until Harry T. jlerey nnil Itathljn Wllllunn "A MAN'S HOME" In r-.T-- A rsAY A V Urciid Snyder Aver HABHAKA CA1TLKTON In Thfe Child Theu Gaveat Me" CAPITOL 722 MATtKKT ST. HI A. M n IlilB P. M. BETTY COMPSON n ktHP I-AW AND TniS WOMAN" COLONIAL c,n ft Maplewerxl Avea. 1 " md I. M. WALLACE REID In "BENT rHKK" . .nllAI IMT l!i JOth ft OlrarJ Ave. KAlKlVlWvJl, TtV't.' DAILY CONWAY TEARLE In "THU MAN 01' HTONK" f"T-Il OT IlIUATitK llelew Hprut e 56TH 3 1 MATI.Vnr. DAILY r,nVKBM.I'B Mlllllls STOKY "A Tale of Twe Worlds" greaTnerthern TrT-i w A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KINO ABTIIl'U'8 COUHT" IMPERIAL Z, (10TH A WALNUT HTM " i:vgs. 7 4 0 BERT LYTELL In "THE 1UI.K KICH" IARlTfiN CHESTNUT Above UncUD NAKLIUIN Dlv. II'IA A.M tn11:30P., JACKIE COOGAN in --'i uui" j &22 and with n sudden cry of fear turned away hcr head. "Sly myself!" Her lips scarcely moved. "Yes, my dear! Yourself Claire I" Docter Crang shrugged his shoulders. "Kdlnburgh, Londen, Vienna, Paris. ilegreeJYem everywhere im, ha ! am I a high-priced man? Well, then, why don't you dismiss me? Yeu called me In ! That Is my price or shall we call it fee? Premise te marry me, Clulre, and I'll save that man." Her fare had Install vestige of color. She steed and looked at him, hut .it did net seem ns though she any longer had control ever her limbs. She did net seem able le move them. ' They were numbed; her brnlu was mercifully numbed there was only n sense nf Impending horror, without that horror taking concrete form. A voice came te her as though from some great dis tance ; "Don't lake tee long te nittke up your nind. There Isn't much time. It's nbeut touch and go with him new." The words, the tone, the volce reused her. Realization, understanding swept upon her. A fnintness enme. She closed her eyes, swayed unsteadily, but re covered herself. Something made hcr leek nt .the upturned face en the fleer. She did net knew this man. He was nothing te her. Whv was he nleadlnir "with her te pawn herself for him? What right find lie te ask for worse than death from her thnt he might live? Hcr soul turned sick within her. If she re fused, this mnn would die. Death! IF was a very little thing compared with days and months nnd j-ears linked, fet tered, bound te a drug fiend, a coward, a feut thing, a potential murderer, u man only In the sense of physical form who had abused every ether Ged -given attrlbute until it had retted away ! Her hands pressed te hcr temples fiercely, in torment. Was this man te live or die? In her hands was balanced n human life. It seemed as though the must scream out in her anguish of soul ; and then it seemed as though she must fling herself upon the drug-crazctl being who lind forced this torture iipenlicr. fling lierse.f upon him te batter and pemmc ice lilt at Tic in hideous contentment at Tier. What was she te de? The choice was hers. Te let this mnn here die, or te accept a living death for herself no, worse than that something that was abominable, revolting, thnt profaned She drew her breath in sharply. She was staring at the man en the fleer. His ejeluls fluttered nnd opened. Gray eyes were fixed upon her, eyes thnt did net seem te see, for there wa n vacant stare in them nnd then suddenly recognition crept into them nnd they lighted up, full of a strnngc, glad wonder. He made an effort te speak, an effort, mere feeble still, te reach out his hnnd te lier nnd then the ejes had closed and lie was unconscious again. She turned slowly nnd faced Docter Crane. "Yeu de net knew what j'eu nre do ing." She formed the words with a great effort. "Oh, yes. I de! he nnswered with i mocking deliberation. "I knew that it 1 1 can't get out ene way, I can an- ethei and the way deesn t matter. "Ged forgive you. then," she said in a dead voice, "for I never can or will! I I agree." He took a step toward hcr. "You'll marry mc?" Ills face was lired with passion. She retreated a step. "Yes," she said. He reached out for her with savage eagerness. "Clnlrc!" he cried. "Claire!" Siie pushed him back with both hands. Net yet!" she said, and tried te ' stenuv tier voice mere is another side ,he hnrcnln. The mice is this man's life. If lie lives I will marry you. and in thnt case, as you well knew, I can say nothing of what you have, done to night; but if he dies, I am net only free, but I will de my utmost te make veu criminally responsible for his i!cnth." "Ah!" Docter Crang stared at her. His hands, still reaching out te touch her. trembled ; his fuec was hectic ; his ejes were alight again with feverish hunger nnil then suddenly the man seemed transformed into another being. He was en his knees beslde Jehn Hruce, and had opened ills handbag in nn instant, nnd In another lie had forced something from n vial between Jehn Hruce's lips; then nn instrument t was In his hands. The man of a me- rilOTOl'I.AYB The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STAMT.RY fYimnnnv nf Amoviie iiiVi.'V. t ,. i- LIRFRTY uaeAD t Columbia av. IJ.llrV 1 I .MATINUU DAILY WILLIAM DUNCAN In "() DKIKNHK" ORIFNJT Woodland Ave. at ll.'rt SL t.ir. l MATLSni, DAILY .MARSHALL NKILA.N I'RODITTION "THE RIVER'S END" OVERBROOK 03uA,v:.!j'lJe5 CHARLES RAY n"THlMIINJLH,IHKLI." PA1 ACV 12M MAItKKT STTiEET WILLIAM S. HART in "TRAVELIN' ON" REGENT MA""" .10.0., TH CHARLES RAY n "T10 M1NUTICS TO CO" RIAI TO lB"MANTOVN AVKNUK IA.I-V1-. 1 J AT TULI-nilOCKlIN UT. NORMA TALMADGE JnTHE WONDERITL THING' SHERWOOD "mat"1-1'- CONSTANCE BINNEY InJIIIOOM ANDlOAni)" STANLEY -mai"t atTetji .J 1 4Yl"L,E, I 11 A. M. tntl'ir, I, M. HOPE HAMPTON hlJ.'HTAR Dl'hT" STANTON . ,MA"KET Above 16TH u,nnl v-'1 ' 11 .10 A. M. tn 11 .30 P. SI. SAKDOU'8 FAMfll'h ROJIANCK "THEODORA" 333 MARKET. KT"nEKT THiiATiii: . . . J. rVC ' " A. .M. tn 11:1.1 1'. M SihtIiiI ('list n Ruilvivrtl KIhIIiik'h u;il..i d c -,! .. ""'"' ucncin or Clergy ' VICTORIA MAmET ST. ab. OTII ANITA STEWART In "TIIK INVISIIILE I'lllll" I . W A rJ s Olrarrt Ave7 Mat Trt.la. WI.I.TAM I'OV lRIrvr3 BETTY BLYTHE In THE QUEEN OF SHEBA I AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A Ambassarlnr i'JIinere Ava. at nutn ruilUdSSdUOr Cnntlnunus 1;30 te 11:20 Tndar unil All Next Week I) v. (irlffllli'a "WAY DOWN EAST" Germantown &0AT,SD,A7LnvAv RUDOLPH, VALENTINO , la "TUB CONOI;iilN 1'OHKR" ''' 'Vlt l' 't ,. WSV-.V ?yiPaRslS ;j vE-L'. ' V" W" ment before was gene; one k,', Angus Crnmr. of mnnv ,1...... ?'' slenal, deft, immersed In his work i! tnken the ether's p ace. "Mera i.J5 An extra basin !'-e ordered I cuuS Te be continued Monday THE ADS OV THE SO'. You'll be amused b cemDarie. t. time ada" with modern adveftisem.iIS? Soefhinq &nd HraIS FerR&shesM.d Ctaf! HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIAL THIH WEEK np0,r:nx.cT. S75.0Q Just received contents of a ,.. residence. Everything must ba IJ regardless of cost. Hli Morriien Storage, 5229 MarL.i c. . .Open Kigs. Del, awn. Vne d,,, J BIRD CAGES In the .Mid-Winter Hetln.n.- .... Standing and Hansing. lleautlfu ly TJT. Decorated. Very practical11 Were Sfl.00 te S3(nJ)0 New M.73 te S31L80 A. L. DIAMENT & CO 1515 Walnut Mtrert and at Btrafferd. l'a. Jehn S. Trower's t.ermantewn Ave. -.nil fV1fra Are. :RESTAURANT:-. We are retendlng our dull. anil Sunday delivery ii NORTH ;HNT.(l1v-..d Fancy Caket lc. nr..-.i ffSSSre--gsyTO7CTg8$ Have Your EYES EXAMINED BY A Reliable Optometrist J.E.STRECKERCO.,Inc - 3017-27 Ruth St. (Kensington and Orleans) Thirty ears' EiperUnce A DREAM PALACE- The faint odor of Oriental In cense $125,000 worth of sump sump tu.eus tapestries and rugs from the Far Kest filled with the seductive strains of soft, wlrd music : bright with the glow of myriad Jeweled lamps a:i com cem com blne te enchant the senses. Danciag Seven te Nina Ten le Oil Tuesday Evening, Feb. 28 will be "CARNIVAL NIGHT' Tables may be reserved by ar plying te' Head Walter, ex' phe ling- Spruce 0100. CAFE L'AIGLON CIJ3STNUT at OTFTEENTH rnOTOPLAYS 171 TheN'XON-NIRDLiNGER LUI THEATRES' S8 BELMONT C:d ABOVE MARKST s-V5TJANCE TALMADGE in "MAMMA'H .UTAIR" CEDAR 00TH CEDAR AVEKCl C! 1'80 anrt a: 7 and P. I n.ll.l-11 INCE PRODUCTION "WET GOLD" COLISEUM Market bet' BOth ? t-ONWAY TEARLE In "THE OATH" JUMBO ,0NT ST. ft aiRARD AY' j wjmuv- Jumbo June, en Trankfera "It". CHARLES RAY In "JstRAl' IRON" LEADER 1ST LANCASTER AVI. i-4-n t-rv i'.ae te an 7 .e ii p. I LIONEL BARRYMORE In "HOOMERANO UILL" LOCUST .I"11 AU 1-OCU3T STREETl l,uv.ImIii MlitH iae, son kv oaetoll JOHN BARRYMORE In "THE LOTUS EATER" 1IVY.M C2D AND MAIIKK-r ST3. tllAVlX 2 1.1. 1 .10 M CHARLES CHAPLIN III "A IKMi'H LIl'E" RIVOLI B2D AND HANSOM STS. . i me a. n. i.i i.t UP. jackir cnnr.AN (J III "I'ECK'H 11.111 HOY" AQTU CT Theatre, On. "I." Termlatf ""iiuii " ii 7 m i V. LIONEL BARRYMORE III "ROOMER INC Ulll" STRAND l,"r,nBTMn ?P ,V,T2 LIONEL BARRYMORE In "HOOMEHAM1 HILL" IEFFERSON -Iuf?r?R KATHERINE MacDONALD J In "TRUST YOUR WlfE" PARK" RIDaE AVE. DAUPHJ"1Jj ALL-STAR CAWT la IOLHAN ? "The Ridr xf the Kin if RESJM m i H "i niitimrPUilX. cenMar r J JAMaie J.JI-1 .-'.""'( 44V f 'I .Ji.Vw,'vjt,J!,j iiW te u vTnA K i.'AM .Srte??A"