Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 24, 1922, Final, Page 2, Image 2

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    Hurt by Trelley
';)- a . mill O- c
Mrs. Robertsen, Confessing
Deal, N. J., Plot, Suspected
of Conspiracy in Ohie
Aviators in Airplane Squadron
Rain Flowers en Dead
and Mourners
Mere Liberal Insurance Feat
-ogeunianis win de sn
'. Werk te Round Up Assets
of Defunct Firm
Is Proposed as Sub.
llll I lll I ll I V I m
: ;ii "fit T iv- WV v v w "Ata: 1 . "BwK s v p- " $ "SmL v BJJWVlfffc'. e . O vV
i K s v ss M i
I i
tt fr'v
Pr'nnk L. Shallow, of thN city, vns
named ancillary H-eMvet tedny for the
bankrupt brekcrnarc firm of S. S. Ilus
kay & Ce., by I'eilcnit Judge Thomp
son. The New Yeik firm, which failed
Wednesday, has u branch eflicc here nt
3803 Walnut strn-t.
The petition for the nncillary re
etiver was presented by J. Heward
Better, attorney, who ha been retninetl
te represent creditors! of the firm lierc.
Mark Hjnian was mimed leeelver for
the concern In New Yerk ycterdaj.
Mr. Reber "-nlil that no time would
be lest in completing an examination
of the firm's books here, and that ac
countants would bi ct te weik Im
mediately te round up available
Thp firm, n member of the New Yerk
)nellilntetl Stock Hii'liangc. failed for ,
Sik6000, and 1"""', ,1,iK!tS S1'" '
.00,000. '
Had Telephone BuMiiem ,
Rnskny & Ce. had n total weekly
r.ave01 nt S1
heber. and had 200 accounts In the
lt:i ni'nnriline rn .ui'.
local office, mid the total liabilities here '" ' P!".eu u.9 O10n Va" 1
will net exceed $100,000. The nvct '"I0 broe,cb studded with diamond nml
here are ni'. ns all assets were sent top"1 pearls. One et the pieces recev
the New Yerk office each night. All l jesterday is of this description,
trading wus done ever the telephone. ' e .police say she included in her
through the New Yerk office. ' confession n statement that she was
Altogether there were thirty-nine tele-1 driven te desperation by financial cm.
phones in the place, twenty-four in one , barrassments in her real estate business
room, where phene salesmen worked, and that he had planned, in addition
lists of prepcctn in pursuit of btisi-. te the "fake" rebcry of herself, Uwe
ness. There were thirty-eight em- teal robberies of New Yerk friends,
pleyes altogether in the office, all of owners of the big jewel collections,
whom have been paid up until toraer-1 Prosecutor Charles F, Sexten, te
row. whom the alleged confession was made,
Attaches of the office of Kardes & j cnid thnt she detailed btep by step the
Burke. New Yerk broker", who failed manner in which she had planned and
recently and hae a branch office here arranged the Saturdav night "rob
ot 1421 Walnut street, said today that bery."
the books of the firm here are in per- ' The recovered jewels are said te be
feet condition, ami reauy ier mc nc-
cenn tan ts of the receiver
One Thetisand riilladtlphla Accounts
According te men In the firm here
there are 1000 Philadelphia accounts en
the books, half of which iue marginal
accounts. It was espmlneil, however.
that only margin accounts were carried I
en stocks li-tcd In the New Yerk Stock I
T I .? .t.. .n:. 1 ...... !.. 1
rjQiiiiu cy ei liie OMire uviv tu.-v tuati
this ofiice was the only office of the
Arm thnt did business
dncss en n paying basis. !
and that it was often called upon te
help out the ether branch offices. Tl.cy
said that the Baltimore and Bosten
offices of the concern were the heaviest
losers. They claimed te knew nothing
of the affairs of the firm at the head head
euartcrs nlliee in New Yerk.
This office, it is nald. could pay off ,
its debts three and one-quarter times
Officials of the firm here ny that no
salaries for mere than $200 a week
were paid local empleyes, and that I
there wus enlv one man receiving that
Mim, while the ethers get less than
mn.Wlv fnrnishe.l nn.l ihirtv-live men !
and girls were emplejcd. 1
The hrm ilenleil It hail conducted a
i..i.t.. i. . i
leiupuuiie miMiit::?. r
rrL- l..i ... r tJ.l f. r I
lull iiiiiki'iiiui' iiiiii i.i jkimiii'v w l.i.
cuiary receiver ler tne nrm in tnis
... . i' ......
State. The appointment was made en
Hyman's petition, which asserted that
the firm held prepeity here, including
securities in trust, valued nt 1.1,000.
Says Residents Are Aiding In Dry
Law Enforcement
Philadelphia was praised tedav by
Majer Rey Hajne, 1'rohibltlen Com
mission, for the manner In which res
idents of this city are aiding in the
.upholding of the prohibition law. Mr.
Haynes passed threuzli the city en his
way te Allentown.
Accompanied by Arthur Hearle. First
Assistant Prohibition Director. Mr.
Haynes inspected the prohibition and
narcotic offices
When asked about changes ninde
ameDg the prohibition enforcement offi
cers by State Prohibition Director
Davis, Mr. Hnynes replled :
"Mr. Davis is in charge of the work
in Pennsylvania and has full author
ity te make any changes he sees tit I
have complete confidence In him and
would net think of interfering with
him. He is making decided progress."
Mils Alfreda L. Duncan, Overbroek,
Becomes Bride In Londen
Announcement was made teda of
the marriage of Miss Alfreda I.eui-e
Duncan, 'daughter of Mrs Alfred I'd
word Duncan, of the Chcrbroek Apart
ments, te Iticlmrd Harvey, nn Hngllsh
man, nt the Brompton Oratory, Lon Len Lon
eon. England, en Febnmr It!.
The marriage Is n culmination of a
romance following a meeting of the
ceunle en the Mauretnnia hist summer.
At thin time AUs DiincnnV sister,
Mrs. .Margaret Duncan Ferilek. widow
of Jehn J. terriik, met .Majei Ki luinl
.1. Terrington, te whom hhe wns mnr
rled at Brompton Oraierj August li).
Mr. nnd Mrs. IIarve will live in Fug
Prliener Ready te Flee With Loet
Caught In Stere
Tames (Jrtiiuly. n Negro, Balubrldge
tr'eet near Thirteenth, was sentenced
te ten jen In the Count j l'rlMiu by
Judge Bogers today after pleading
fullty te entering te steal.
Patrick McCuulc). a s'eiekeeper, of
Tweilty-thild and Pine streets, who
wan complimented by Judge Kegem for
his courage, wus the prosecutor. Mr.
'McCauley testified that he found the
e(endant In hi store February 14
with cigars and cigarettes valued at
25 piled up ready te be taken away,
flrundy was armed with a hammer,
and in struggling te escape btruck
.t...l..H ..n l.n l...ml ...l.l. I
wus suspended from the New erk Stock , him hew easy it will be." he nld dele
i.TPnniire rnp nmni vpnev. in r i uniitn, . . .... .. iiijili' wv iil ii iiiiri u ututuMi v .......-- ...
i i i i .- . . - - aU. ..r Axsnt sui tntirMiM rt tviii riff vii ni'Nst'v in nu
The trrm formerly Imd an office in , nile college m V te make Z! unconditienallyreleased. Judge Snider the superior rimrmn tne em -
. V1 lecni-.! In IUvne Court. ! thing out it mjself. I never gefn V r? WJS I ''' lh's iX and ms! .tal kuTl Inde-
it urniicii wun uuiinueMifi. cent irein .Mrs. Kobertsen or mm w"""' l" "" ",l-"""""'"",. .1 - i-. .i. r " Pirnnnl mh-nnced uuaintly neudent l'artv refused te vacate the
"-hen -he collected the insurance en the of State at Washington, net the State, nrKUIUents. the jury retired te a Hsrct i " s'I0Ut1; ' " in "'" -L1'".
Bosten, Feb 21 -Mark Hyman, of iewelry. First it was te be November of North Carolina plee te judge the matter thew In- " "J nnVuntll torrew
New Yerk, receher for S. S. Ruskny , 30 then December 4 and was postponed I , , , v ,. ,Z, lVv n I eluded being Countess Santa I.ula In, ment was declnnU until tomorrow.
& Ce., nctltiene,! Inte bankruptcy nt each time because Mrs. Robertsen was' aI,'il,, N.-,C" cb-", v',',? A' ' chairman: Mrs. H. 1. lcntlss
New Yerk, was nnnetnted tedav as, nn- net readr." Governer Morrison, of -erth Lnre- ... . . M x n e'Hnra and Mrs. Naaie steei Ce. Called BankruDt
AVi ."""' vl " " ' ' "" "'
SM&! .
W:.. rlr n Canten Street Heuse
jL'Vltlt flre departments of Koxberough,
uuk mm runs ei ncauymii ex
iled a small blaze at 2 o'clock
i tlMi home of Clifferd Mllaer. at
Ily the Atseclafal Press
Freehold, X. .?., Feb. 24. Fellow,
ing the alleged confession of Mr. Sarah
L. M. Kobertsen that she "staccd" th
held-up at her Deal Ileach home, last
Saturday night, the police tin.' today
seeking te learn If she in the same
woman who, n year age, obtained $10,
000 from nn Insurance concern for the
reputed theft of gems In Celumbui, O.
The police last night recovered Mrs.
Robertsen's jewel, which were sup
peed te hae been taken by the "rob
ber." She gave the authorities a note
te Mrs. Mary I'ellctrau, of New
Yerk, in whose custody the gems
were, and they were turned ever with-
eul "inner ucie. 'Lwe et Uie pieces re-
covered, the police say, correspond ex-
nctly t0 dMcrlptiens of gems alleged
te have been stolen from Mrs. Rebert-
son Columbus.
"" X'f.' v ..TL0"!
. . . . - ..... ....v.. ....- .-,-.
I" c ne1,m of n "'end here. Among
worth SIIO.OOO. although Mrs. Rebert
son claims their value te be S.'O.OOO.
They were insured with Llevd's of
Londen for $TO,000.
Columbus. O.. Fell 94 Mir A T
Columbus police last night said that
Mrs. Sarah L. Robertsen, who confessed
te "framing" n robbery at Deal. N. J..
lu w,licl1 s!l declared she lest S.TO.OOO
ltl nimls. liml r.iinrtml tlin tl.af. nR.
, '.'". I ';." tI"- -ifc " j' -
eiry worth miumhj here en September ,
lu-u- Jrs. iMOuttsen at the tlme
was n guest of Mrs. Jehn J. Jejce, wife
of a politician, and said she had been
robbed at the Joyce home by two men
who came te the deer seeking Mr. Joyce.
Freehold. N. J.. Feb. 24.-Pathetle. I
if net amusing, was the tale of Jehn'
Bailey, the boy make-believe bandit in
the cae of Mrs. Sarah
L. M. Rebert-
S""' " tea reperte
r estcrdav in1
the Freehold jail.
"It is n terrible thin? fnr n mim
i . " . ' "'
-.-''. 'vuii.ii: nun iur a young
man te havn some one enme nnd nre
man m eave 6
li... l.mi .. , . T. ...... v....
linn . 1 1 n M I rn nn viinmrnnn anri .nil i
S1000 te de enietliinz and
DneTM.OTCD DDnDt- ecniMO '
ber of letters charging that civil serv
ice examination mnrklngs hail been
raised arbitrarily nnd thnt pestrnasteis
i C.h.... f..Ml. t... Li...... .U.. . -
1 li.i'.niihi'l.l.. In lnnlt..), I ,t , , l,L ..l,rtr.. nf nttpmiltOll murder I WOmen """ U . " Bll'"'.'r" i ' it-,. UTy 111 1'Otf-tOW 11, Dllt ItS IlialU OlllCCS
Irregularities In Appointments as te the .hurge .f attempted munur j f the a(t exposition in ls.0. ' in the i,.nllsvlvania Buildin- this
Washington. Feb. 2l.-(By A. jv, pending ag.iinst . I .fa, their work should be surpassed I ,';. m lu.nsjnania iiuumii,,
Instigation of charges by Demeeratic ' ' na"n ""' L u ?a ! ' " Vnt eccafc en,- u t ,e The petition was filed en behalf of
Senators of irregularities in appoint- . " " ' " mraM." rhauiieN con- fJ1,p ",b0 piPrc.11 ih hP?, ' l the Alan Weed Iren and Steel Cem-
I ment of pestmaeis was h-xun today uthtr 1h h,',;0'lhan,I ., ! LV, " a d rrkny and Falrmeunt I'ark 1 e ' c-n-illtep for ?1!..".1; Rogers,
h a subcommittee of the Senate Civil J.1"1'" thu" thW sheuJ 1 le he, . hoi ,, b rheuen nn,i that some means , ; (. . , , , f S1,
Service Committee headed by Senater Governer Menlsnn. then; I h epe jeu ,, br f d ,0 denn u lha Sehujl- A0. nntl C rtrlg lit (ml Compan v,
, Sterling. w t hereafter request North , ( are-1 , , JDRke ,t ,irt;FCntfible for .' """..,, V ''for 15.
(. f.... .,....,.. i una cjr nnv oilier piru-ii i.i-iui; run: .... !...,i t hn immv viniers.
nruiimr uiuiiu ui-ciiti-u it iiuiu-
hn.l Leem ..lmenn l.r fhn I 'It'll Sln.ltJ DCIere 811.V Jllllge 111 any IereiKIl
Commission without regard te ratings
I'estmastemhlps of which he desired
speciul investigation were these nt
(iVnwoed, Paragould and Preseett,
Clarence Uiheeii, lll'll Berkley street,
wns M'litenced le two years in the East
cm Pcn'tiniian. and Jevph H". Gor Ger
mini, L'-ll Nert.i Eleventh street, te
tvn enrs m the County Prison by
Judge Kegi'i's tedin mi chnrges of
stcuing iiKckrles jlued ut SO 100 from
the i.uiurv of the Superior Knit-Wear
CiiMe.i"iin Eighth mill Wnlline
Columbia te De Sold Privately
Wnshinctmi. Feb. '.'1.- fBy A. P.l
Tin Shlnping Beard announced today
tl.ni the teamdiip Columbia, relin.
(iiiIsIimI eteriny t-, ihe Navy, Mill he
dispened of at n irh.ite cemnetltlve
sale, b.dfi le i !- .lan!i ... The Co
lumbia was the former passenger e.s
fel Uient N'urrheru II. S Alexander,
piesuleur of the Admiral I.lne, was
ready iud.i te mibmit a bid for the
' T(A1. M. ,,
' TW0 IYlen M
tlliclal Jeuther, here today. The two
men were working ut the car and were
believed tehuve been killed by the ex ex ex
plosien Twe of the wuieheusey were
des-tiejed and the third badly dam
aged Miner Blackjacked by Robbers
Malmiiuy Cltj, I'u.. Feb, 21.
Masked i ibbers springing from ambiiKh
atinel-eil 1 r.in.v ('evalcskle, forty-live,
contra i mine.1, homeward im.iml from
the lira per Cellier) at Oilberten today,
fracturing bin bkull with bhickjucks,
Today's Developments j
at National Capital i
Modified blanket reservation te
Four-Power Treaty, satisfactory te
President, adopted by Senate com
mittee. Vete te be taken tomorrow.
Charles A. Unwsen sworn in ns
Senater from lowe, succeeding Sen Sen
aeor William S. Kenyan.
Isslng After Exnloslen ddtr. The Itcv. 11. F. Hchlegel, present ' Tr,iiiTV CDtCUMtM
Bung ncr explosion ,..,,. ,,... ., ,h(. iH11, nB ,nhtriut. TR N TY FRESHMAN
I 'i-fmliipn ',',,, ,nii,,'ri ' A-'nnd n pronenmed ndvecnte of union, PflLLnWIIMR
1 l two men v.eie missing ntter a .i..-.,..i i... ,i, ii,. c w i..n..i rULLUWVIPIU
fiimr. i I'lkiin i.. i. i ii i ' .-.-- -. - . --
S 00.000 the . whirl, folleue.l ,,e ex- , "J" 1' ' , is niuhZ f e.
n Osiell lit a talk Oil' nf ne Mb .it , In. ' ' u..,.. c..,j..i iaiii
i ;.i.. t 111..1......1 " c. V. "."I . ", ' merger. iu..H uuEll. .....
t'iii ni iviiihim'i w. w,, mutiny i;i in ,
I M I 1AH flVf w AAtrrs WAB
On the left is Mrs. Kenneth S. l.ueders dresseil in an Interesting "hit nf old
L. K. Muirenl Is flashed as the "1022 girl." Then comes Mrs. Pennington II.
In the mid-Victorian period. The modem girl was under lire In a debate nt
with colors flying. Mrs. Sutherland-Brown supported the affirmative of the
Jr., the negative
Addresses Women's G. O. P. Club
In Chester
Finances of IVnnsyhanl.i are in n
most deplerable "mess" end a new sys
tem of appropriation within the revenue
of the State must be adopted If it is te
be placed en a solvent basis.
Tills declaration was made today by
! Jehn S. Fisher, State Banking Cem-
misieiier. in an amires neterc ine e-
men s Republican Uub of lie aware
Count at the Masonic lemple. ( hestcr.
The meeting was largely attended by
women who have taken a prominent
.....- --- ...
part in pregrcsMve nuu peiiucui uieu
ments ei uie ruuiuj uunng i iui
tun enrs.
'V'e must hac taxation. " Mid Mr.
Fisher, "but it must be equitable and
the least burdensome possible."
He told the women voters that their
! opportunities for bringing about geed
i government nnd improvements generally
I were endless and urged all te take nd
; vantage of the franchise.
North Carolina Asked te Produce
Evidence of Man's Crime
1 Hamilton. (Int., Feb. 24.-(By A.
1 1M -Fnlcs,. North Carolina witnesses
..-, ,, i.fre Tiext Frldav te
apprnr in person txiere iiexr fr"V, te
.'who is wanted in Neilina. N. C. en n,
,f - .f.. nnlm:t Atnttliew IIUlleCK. rCCrO.
.... ..nu... v .-.......-- -------
Iim.i in . i,.irttci m.Unrf kPTlT. TftlllY
" " , ''"'"': "r... :?' ,:"i.' ;
Wn'shi ren.lared tht-State of' North '
::.n1 "'-'?" .'',M '.?irU... L. "it ii;;.,,L. i
" 'i: r,: Z.
-mult--, jneii.e.- ...m' .--j - ,--"- .--
of the I'nleu in any way te honor n re-
qui-t from Panada. I am net going te
tr Neith Carolina's honor and integ-
Washington. IMi -M - I fly A P)
The (xti.lditieii from C.il'aila of Mat
thew Bulleck, wanted in North Caro
lina en a barge nf attempted murder,
is in the bauds of C.inadlun courts, ac
cording te State Department officials.
These officials -uid today that the
treaty between the l'nited States and
Canada providing for vxtrnditlen of al
leged criminals specifics that u prima
facle ciue of nn extraditable eiTciue
miust be made out by either untlen seek
ing a tuguie xrem u nee. me muiier
of reiiuiring oral testimony regnrdlng
the offense for whi'h Bullck is sought.
heweei ethciali- said, is one purely for
tne i anauiau court in ucciue
United Branch May Vete Tomorrow.,
Parent Church for Meraer
Parent cnurcn ter Merger
Beading, 1 eh Jl - ihe i.astern
renin) iMiniii i uuue uihuscirui v-""
terence may vote nuuerru uu uiihmi
- a 1 III" .IlIllltT .lllilL. L. lltlltllUVII, .....I.., ,, . . . ,lnnl . .1.. . -. ' ' . -.
with the i:angellcals. The pre- Gleat HHtnln and then began the work M'lNt'1iVinnKriiioU&a7,,,Mi M'lNt'1iVinnKriiieU&a7,,,Mi M'lNt'1iVinnKriiioU&a7,,,Mi
unienists of the body admit they are , of completing her. She was rechns- I'ffiS, ')j 'iiu"J."l!. liile i?e"r!h VtV
In th minority. The sentiment wes
shown in the election ier presiding i
Allentown, Fa., Feb. 1M By A.
p i At today's session of the F.iibt
Pcuiisjlvaiilii Conference of the l'von l'ven
gellial Association here tedny. follow
ing consideration of the new discipline
which Is te be the basis of union with
the Fnlted Fvangellenl Church, u
uiianlmetiM vote favorable te the union
w.ts cast bj the l.ri ministerial ami
la) delegates
Hi hop Secger nnneuncdl that four
if t'e inminl conferences of the ehurch
bad ii eted f.uervably en the pre
iin-eil union
nnu inni me expectation
. .. -
fs thai the whole church will stniid
sulldh for the ui'Tger.
Feiluul Prohibition Commissioner It.
A. ll.ijues will uddic.sH an open meet
ing tonight.
Receiver for Brokerage Firm
I Xew Yerk. Feb. 21. Fcderul Judge
Learned Hand today named Henry B.
I Hinder, leceiver. under 20.000 bend.
for the stock brokerage firm of Higglus
& Dius, acalnst which an inveluntsrr
bankruptcy petition was filed late yes
terday. The lirm' liabilities were esti
mated nt $100,000 and its assets t
Flapper Wins Out ;
Over Old Time Girl
Continued from I'ace On
and led off with a clever maneuver In
which she admitted the irtues of the
Victorian damsel, but added that the
modem girl had nil these virtues and n
few mere, which she then proceeded te
(Jrace of limb and body, se charac
teristic of the modern girl, she said,
are possible only because of the aboli
tion of the unnatural, constrained, un
hygienic, unbcautlful dress of the Vic
torian era.
The modern girl also has the virtue,
insisted Mrs. Sutherland. Brown, of
being perfectly frank with her faults
and foibles, whereas the Victorian girl
had them, but .-arcfully concealed them.
The girl today is independent, scorn
ful of gossip and all petty things,
and has u truly Spartan indifference te
pralte or censure.
In conclusion, Mrs. Sutherland
Brown said, if any one thinks thnt the
modern girl is locking in charm, let him
or her be confronted with a representa
tive specimen.
Medels of Beth Ferleds
Following out this line of thought
Mie summoned te the platform three
jeung Indies dres-cd in the modern
"fahien. as opposed te the three who
,crc arl)t,j j,, tne Victorian dres en
',the ether side of the platform. Mrs
"en! "" ".'J " i'. .iV.? V:a
"id. Mrs. t.wrge 11. RjiHnn nppeareu
one lurnisnen rawiieni i"""v ui ."
L...t, r i,.. nirtitnn
Mrs. Starr also produced material
ci" "(" " "-
I'lJUl L V uvi -...... "
.. .... ..
Wfa .-Mcintire.
Shortly thereafter came the verdict.
While awtltlng the decision of the
Judges, Mrs. .Blankenburg remarKe.i,
.,., . i Sesnui Centennial. inni
.... -.---,
Giant Liner Taken Over Frem cer -
manv Twe Days Behind Schedule
Vm. vnrli l'eli "4 (Rv A. P.)
' f --". --fc
Completing her maiden veynge across lnat jlP in,j ,,10i.n j disparagement of
the Atlantic, the 'White Star liner He- ii. Missouri and Kansas National
merle, largest twin-screw steamship in Cuard troops in the A.i:. F.
the world and the lxth biggest vessel The light against Miner Peck b pro pre pro
Mlent stenmed te her pier today while motion will be continued, benater Cap
sirens' of harbor craft whistled a wel- per, of Kniibas, mid.
The luxurious liner crossed the ocean TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES
with her 200 passengers In seven dajs, Jehn Weiter. no N K.'lien et.. nnd Ida
twenty-thren hours and twenty-three itur-Urum. ise N. I'Viten n
,l.e vn dni'i. Onnep than her ex- Jimeili ". Walker.. 1S01 Wj-Tinnwoed read.
p,(ted schedule, 'her tpeed having been
sine iclieil y Ftreng winus nuu rencn
sens. The average time wa 15.75
The Homeric was built at Danzig te
lly the imperial Ong of the Fatherland,
but when her hull had been com
' Lurepe went te war anu spine
. cftrve
j wer et tlle nenmcr that the Germans
i',i.. ih. .me,.,
Lnder the roparn - reparn -
s turned ever te
cnlled the Celuuiula
.inns terms she was
tencd the Homeric
1.1 T t
Be Examined
te Ascertain Mental Condition
Hartferd, Conn., Feb. 24. (By A.
,, ., r .. ,,.' . . . i llama ni . ". -"" iam.nnn utt, and
I j Geerge Mulligan, eighteen jearsl"". u. llamlium 42s:i Kiankterrt je
old, a Trinity College rrcshman, who, je'un, . ..T"'0"' . '-2-V, i,uQ',l!lJ?,M et- "
eiu, li -irinu) un-)se rri'muuuii, wnu ,
was arrested early twlay when he would I
net answer ouerttiens regarding a lire1
found In bin dormitory room yesteriiu),
will be examined ns te his mentality.
City detectives who imd .Ml Igun
in hand for a quiz sold nfter the Court
proceedings that he would give few
direct answers, und some were he vaime
ns te have little bearing en the ipies-
Mi.nu Mn ii n ivn rinni in aiihmi iiiiii
' ..;..,.i " i.;.... . r i..i. ..
oil uiu ici;iiiii.ui nuii.1- w ,....si. ii
the pence, in ttie course ei nn invcsii invcsii
gatlen by the pollen In the sixth m)s
tery Waae at the Institution. At a lute
hour Mulligan hud net becurcd bend.
Thieves broke into the cellar of the
residence of Benjamin Lyen, a broker,
2302 North Park avenue, last night
and carried off about $1000 worth of
liquors. These included some line old
wines, brandy and yhlsky.
miAnrai rmX WPSJi you abk
- loektnf for isj JS'L.TVr c,nnM
y. i'.n'.lf-,Ti,- " V
I'hlladclphln." In the center Mrs.
Way wearing a cestume In vogue
the TCItz today, nnd came through
resolution and Mrs. James Starr,
Bluecoat Admitted He Was 'Greggy'
Frem Toe Much Liquor
Frank McCullough. n patrolman of
the Twentieth ami Federal streets stii
tlnu, was dismissed from the force
today by the trial beard of the Civil
Service Commission.
McCullough was accused of firing at
a group of eung men nnd boys, among
them thirtccn-yenr-eld Fdward Carney,
son of Mnglstrata Carney, Februnry 15.
Several witnesses testified te having
seen McCullough In plntn clothes point
his revolver nt the boy and then fire
nt Mrs. Margaret Kelly, 1805 Seuth
Nineteenth street, when she begged him
net te hurt the youth.
McCullough tnid he had had ncveral
drinks of whisky. He admitted being
"rather groggy" nnd. he said, when he
get off u trolley nt Nineteenth and
McClellnn streets he was attacked by
a crowd. He baid he had fired te at
tract attention.
Riotous Members, Stamping and
Shouting, Force Adjournment
Teklo, Teb. 21. (By A. I'.) An
attempt te fix the blame for the throw
ing of n live snake en the fleer et the
Diet resulted In nn uproar in the lower
Heuse today, causing n temporary sus
pension of the session shortly nfter the
the resumption of debate en the Lniver
a etiti,i,i t l.nnimr.iev -n. i,i
' today against the Naglc Stce'l Company,
, ,.... ' ,. et- Pottstown's lendi.iL- in-
m.,,.u. ;i.i..ii,
4. ilf- .MlilMlil- ilM I i'itllil. illill l.'liil
i Army Nomination te Be Reported
I Washington, Feb. 24. (By A. P.)
i The nomination of Majer Rebert O.
Peck, of Chicago, te be a lieutenant
' colonel was ordered reported favorably
, t(p(,av ,)y fhe SM1lt0 M,iltnry Committee
i by n vote of 11 te I!. Last jeur the
Senate retused te centinn lils lirtt nein
luntien after investigation of charges'
, jXn w' Ow"ni. 'nneNnudttln t1."nn(?0i:thei
jonnaen, in., "' " ,"',
"'1; r.STOr?mr.r" ana
Henrv W'l, Jr . Hreart nt. and Olmrd evi ,
urni Kuth It. bame r. ills Hprlnu Uarden
I Kdcar L.. Jotmien, mil) I.'llJwenh nt., and
1 1 Wry ath ism i:iihwerth nt.
Charle It Ixizear. Ji.. Hntfl Xnrmandle,
. . . . i lis in 1MJII w iiii.
Anineii) .'jei - .i, tuui a ,
i Aiini lleff.1. ISIS IVrnen nt
...'-'.,. Ifnh'fr, Will iiminnrl r
iifrirj v- ;--iy:---..;!: liv''-'". " i m
Tfti... ! C'nnnell. .uui s.
rrani'ea j. ..eiuj-i. .....iiiruri, i'
, ThninuH. Ilelhlfheni
n. I'u.
Jeufpti A. HernAiii ,- OJth. and
Marin MrCarth. iuklen, I'a.
Manuel A. reunnan. H.en .Seuth at and
lless fcrlmurtr. SJs Harn el
William O Ilroeka Vjterbury. Conn., and
' rnrll A. I'U'iicy. ,w.i. .. nun ri
Ijldward F Helt. 232 N. Kith m . ami l'run
ce M I'ettrm JOJ'i N. Kmnklln at.
jenn . ., -j --,. u V. '
"r'J" Jl-MVdeJl'rn 32 li rV-lluuVr at.
Marien D. holt. ips i:. Walnut lane,
l -." ,." itewnacVn. eats I'hiiiceiic .r
,0 Namule, 3021 iiuiBrjde m . and
and 1311k.
ahem m. ,;;r -ffiS S;;
1 l'Y a nnr. feiiinKdaie, i'a. no
chark ,"K.'!1,ft4?viI,xu';ilnyl "l- a"a an-y
I ,, 'J',"!' j"ne, 2tu". TrVun at . and itese
D, jireik". Oynwya. Vu
nam nvi(ivi"" ' - - ..v imim
Hi st
l.umet. "?... nn. i
. jftme8 lt wan, ervn .mm
Jamea I-. wan, iirvn .iuiWr. i-,
B Leu. Ilrn Muwr, T.i
nieliard Oray. r.O N. 4ltli at
and I.ydia
and Mattle
I'hllln ft. McPevltt. 4.i2l .N. furllale st,,
and Mlnnl" O. Whulen 810 Hlllalde uve
James II. lurne. 1S3S Kmlly at,, and
llereiice Williamson. 1033 i;. I'asejunlc
Harry Qren, SftOri Orkney at..
OelUberff. i!83 . 7tU at.
Jamea Jaclcnen, JT2J H. 11th kt
i.v.i iraiicy ni.. ana naaie
and Iiia-
LClla 1 Cleel . .... n. i . ill bi.
Alliin 1'. Wolfe. Jtlthardnen I'ark, Del.,
and Martha M. Au. r.:.3T Jefftraen at.
Ctiarlea It. K-klal, 1321 N, Ui at,, and
VlrUn A. JlrKav. 17H.H h. IMil at.
Jeaenh A. Klnkade. B128 Hazel ave., and
Maria Hreltli. Naruroek Park, I'a
Clarence J. Shaw. Camden, N. J., and Clara
M. Jarkaen. Camden. K. J,
tleen H. Brauti, 043 fr, 16th at., and
Marv . 3Nr'rl. " N ltn t,
Ilvar.l T. Maher. 203 H 00th nt,. and Mary
rs spun "J j Imp. icrifinan. 1023 N" N,." renVA;
dwoed- r-hrUilan M. Haur. 72S .V Shedwlrk xi a,,i
. . tt.....i Mnli1lwrfr. ir.'f) N Menl,.!! i
Annii I! ItepMe. 1M'4 n Herman !.
By the Associated Press
Newport News, Va., Feb. 21. Busl
ness activities in Newport News ceased
this afternoon nt fl o'clock when telling
bells marked the departure of the fu
neral cortege of two unidentified victims
of the Rema disaster from St. Paul's
Episcopal Church.
Its route marked by thousands who
steed with bared heads, the precession
moved te the Casine grounds en n bluff
overlooking the .Tnmes River, whete
military services were conducted.
The humming of airplanes eicrheau
mingled with the dirge of the hells as
the bodies were placed en the cata
falque of sod. A squadron of machines
swept In from the enst and flowers
rained down en the coffins and the si
lent mourners. The fliers were from
Lnngley Field, friends nnd companions
of the dead.
Prayer follew'ed the aerial tribute and
as the breezes wafted "amen" out te
sea there came a click of rifles being
lended nnd a volley was fired by a squad
from Lnngley Field.
Then "taps" and the mourners were
silent ns the bodies were moved slowly
hack te the undertaking establishment,
from whicfl place the men who gave
their lives for science nnd their conn cenn
try will be sent this evening te their
respective homes.
Funeral services were conducted .by
Chaplain Samuel J. Smith, of Fortress
Menree, nnd prayer was offered by the
Rev. J. E. De (inffcrelly, of this city.
Attorney General Jehn II. Saunders, of
Virginia, eulogized the dead in u brief
Flowers were piled high ever the
caskets as the bodies lay in state in the
church today. A number of little girls
formed a special delegation, each of
them plncing a roc en the bier. With
them were hundreds of men nnd women,
n steady stream filing past for several
Washington, Feb. 21. (By A. P.)
Tin; Remn disaster and possible neces
sary changes of ulrcrnft policy resulting
therefrem were understood te have been
discussed nt tedny's Cabinet meeting.
SJeerntni-r Vnll. nn enterini? Ihe meet
ing, said Congress would lie asked for
nn appropriation of .s.j.uihi.uiki ter pre
ductlen of helium gas, the nnulnflam
mnble ens used for dir!clblr. The Sec
rotary took with him into the Cabinet
fng'T map showing gas fichis in
isylvnnin. Ohie. Indiana. Kansas
nnd Oklnliema. which, in addition te
.i. rr !!. .ii.t 'f.,raui, i.nii,,m
Condolences en the Rema disaster!
were received today by President Hard-1
lng from King Albert of ltcigium.
Bedy of Sergeant R. B. McNally te
Arrive Tomorrow
The body of Sergeant Reger B. Mc
Nally, wh was killed in the explosion
of the dirigible Rema, will arrive at
Bread Street Station from Norfolk, Vn..
tomorrow morning. The body will be
removed te the home of Charles H. Mc
Nally, 181i" Stiles street. Funeral
services will be held Monday morning
nt 10 o'clock, from the Church of the
Uesu, Eighteenth and Stiles streets.
Says She Fears Her Sen Will Be
Punished If She Talks
William Fclsmeth, of KMI! North
Alder street, was held in ?1500 hail
for a further hearing en n charge of
breaking the safe of n grocery at 11
North Nineteenth street, and stealing
Fclsmeth was arrested en the story
of Mrs. Mar Leury, of 172.S North
Warnock street, whose elghteen-jear-
old son is new awaiting tilal for house
bi caking. She told the police (hat
Fclsmeth had given her son ills lultien
In crime, nnd that they hud performed
several burglaries together.
She refused te testify today, saying
she had been told that If she talked
her son would go te prison.
KAISI.'K. Mrn. IDA K.. wl'lew of tlia
Inte Max A. Kelscr anil mother nf Mrs
Mllh T, fimltli of Oean city, N". J , rl
2a, I0V2 Rnl.itlXAs nnd frlenj mm low
ImIj', from 7 te li o'clock Hundnv nvnlnu
('"sa. it hiwn&
f:1"'5!;''";"- '"iin
rite or iier eiittr. M
IPn nf All urn iimii r. .
the neinn cif her brother V S. O. Flnh-
I'lnrr. IIiimtsie-I. I'a . nn Merulas, at 1
i m intermMu v.ien pmeine.
l-Mi:itY At tin Ma(entlp llnlel. lhll
en Feb. 24 1022, IDA W . wife of Taptaln
Jthn V. i;mir Xctire 01 funi-nl latr
rei.vn.i.n. -rob si. m-jj. makv a .
widow- of Jamea C'elvill. Min-ral nrvlc
will 1h held Mnndnj, 2 I" M. nr It. R.
Hrlnshuret A Ce, 1021 Arch at. Intcrmi-nt
renn-M 24, ef ap.irlt fpier MAIHl
I.l.NT. CiltOVF.n, wtfe ut Jehn .1. Feul and
daughter of .lo.e 11. nnd Kathnrlnn !refr
Intermnt snunlai, 2 I1. M. from at
rcsldcnce. 1323 Ilntler ',t at Hely Sepulchre
CemilPrj. Ne flour? I
.r.0X-r,lV1;. -3 '-yui.YNO S. rex mr,
of Jacob It. 1 e and daughter et ClemMitlr.n
A. and Iain CharuM It Straughn ll-'lallifa'
and frlenda Invited te nerWcia en .Mendm,
2 30 I', M.. at hr ninMier's residenre 1M 1M
mends and Henfall niea , Drexel Hill, Uea
war. County. I'a. Inteiment iirlvmn
widow of Xaler 1'. Hullveck. Hrlnilvea
and frlenda Invited te fervieei ,tendu, lO.Se
A. M., et her late residence 2') 13 N.
Heward it. Interment private, areenmeunt
Cemetery. Vliiwlnr hunday evenlns.
.IACOUH. Feb. 22. CATltKniNK. ijaueh
ter of Peter and Nellie Jacobs (ne Carrell),
need 1A jeara. nelatlMa nnd f 1 lendi Iniltwl
tu funeral en Monday, b 30 A. M.. from hr
lata reiildence, 1403 a. Allleen at. Solemn
maaa of renulem at the Met Illesaed Haera
ment Church, 10 A. M. Interment Heli
Croaa Cemeten'.
hu'banil of ih late Jianettn I.ausijInK.ir (n?e
IeiJild) ftg J 04. ItelatHeB and frlenda,
ftlne IjO(1k . V I', und A. St. I Corinthian
ClMPtar 11 A St.. Ne 2.10; Mary Cem
marderv. Ni 3(1, Jv. T , I'hlia, Conlitery
I.u I.u Temple. A. A. O .V, M s.j IJnU'lit'i
of the Iren Illn,r M It. and all ether nr nr
Kanlzatlenx of which he wua u inemtejr
late reBldenre, 2I4S . Frent at Interment I
Sreunt Vernen Cemetery. Vkwlng .Sunday
SKJUUI2 i en. -.1. 1U.-2. nt ItUeralde. N
J . lllCHAHU A.. Iiuiiiand of Mlllan Sliiere
In hla mill ,ar. . llelatlvea ami frlenda
alHO all HeUellcr; of which lia waa u mem
ber Invited te funeral Tuiaday. 2 i i
from his Inte residence, 320 Delaware ave!
Jlleralde, N, J. Intcrmrni prliate. Frlenda
may rail Mendav pvtnlnv
NOBTOJ1. -,1". ,-i. nt Milten, Wis,
A()Nlh T.. widow of Jehn It Norten. Iri
hir SJil ycai. I inieriil at .Milten en Thura-nn-.
Interment ( tdar IIIU Ceineterv. 10,111,
Saturday merula, at 11 o'clock.
3 prilWAiaV.. F.b. 21, HENHV O.
SCHWAUT.. .K''1 SS. rialatUea and filendu
Invited te funeral ervkes at hla late rvsl-
dence. ISl- " i" . ifenday 3 !'. Jt, 1
precieeiv....... .'... .'.uiiuiiiviii rmeierv
V Pl-A1IMI;K.- -On Feb. 23, 1IIJ2, MAItY i;
KKKb, wife ."' Adam A bpahrner, naed tin
years. Itvlatlvea and friends are Invited te
th eervlce en Miiday nfturnoen at 2:30
o'clock, at her late residence. 118 N. 4Uth t.
Interment at Northwef.t Cemeitry. Frlenda
may call Hunday evenlna from 7 te 0 o'clock.
bHOilU. r ?''. y. .MII.I.Y. wife of Jo Je
aeph M. Hherb Iineral wrvlcca .Men i!
1 M.. Kedron uve.. Morten, I'a. Interment
Mt. Merlah Cemetery.
I.YNN. At Ilrlatel. Ta,, Keb. 2.1, J02"
WILLIAM, husband of Jena Lynn (nce JR-
CraUeni, ' " n'murei and rrlemlN
DTIKXISI' nu 1 idfinu. ana auite. rooms, I
(., APPly 6M Drl IlulidlnV,
are iilBU,'y0 ,,', 'n " . ,,,.ru,u nlB intu
residence. 121S Iladcllffe at.. Slen.. tl A. M .
Belumn rciujem niaes t Mark'ii Church,
in A- M. Intermant atMartCa Churchyard!
Hecter of St. Mary's Iteinan Cath
olic Church, who was Injured by a
trolley today nt Fourth and Alar
liet streets
Deaths of a Day
Was Member of Delaware River
Bridge Commission
Themas J. Jeffries, vlce president of
the Cern Exchange Nntiennt Bank,
member of the Bridge Commission nnd
a manufacturer, died suddenly yester
day at his home. 1808 De Lanccy
street. He was sixty. three years ed.
Mr. Jeffries was a member of the
firm of Jehn & James Dobsea. Inc.,
carpet manufacturers. He Is survived
by his widow. Mrs. Mary Dobsen Jef
fries, n daughter of the late Jehn Dob Deb
son ; three children. Mrs. Albert II.
Rescngarten, Mrs. Hareld Resengnrtcn
and Mrs. D. Pearson Pearce, nnd two
grandchildren, Albert II. Rescngarten
and T. Jeffries Rescngarten.
Funeral services will be held Men-
l dnv nftcrnoen from St. James' Episco
pal Church, Twenty-second nnu wal
nut streets, with interment private.
Mrs. Margaret J. Gassleln
Mrs. Margaret J. Onsslcln. widow
of .7. Jeseph Gnsslein, who died
Tuesday evening nt her home, COS
North Thirty-fourth street, will be
burled en Monday morning following n
mass nt St. Agatha s Church. Mrs.
GasMein, who had been 111 two months,
was prominent In Catholic charities and
was known cspcclnlly for her work for
St. Jehn's Orphan Asylum. She Is
survived bv three children. Richard T.
Deener, Mrs. Jehn A. Matthews and
Aloysius It. Gassleln.
Jehn G. Dannenhauer
The funeral of Jehn G. Dannenhauer.
$ ,! ' Sf,i,lsh? Xf m
"rt Fourth street, after a hrief 111-
'" V MnVAr nZX,
neon at 1 e clock. Mr. IJnnnenhauer
""' '. ' nth "crTn?pfJ.ru, JJ;
? '. ff " "! nV"C" V f r '!
". - ".7 "' "
Nelsen N. Trout
Nelwn N. Trout, who died nt 2223
North Sixth street Wednesday follow
ing a protracted Illness, will be buried
tomorrow. He was well known through
out Masonic circles and wan n mem
ber of the Trinity Reformed Church.
He Is survived by his widow and his
fnther, David Trout, who is ninety
three yenrs old. Funeral services will
be held nt his former home at 2 o'clock
Mrs. Ida W. Emery
Mrs. Ida W. Emery, wife of Jehn W.
Emery, former Fire Marshal of Phila
delphia, died today in her apartment
in the Majestic Hetel. Death fol
lowed a stroke of paralysis Wednesday.
Her husband was a police captain and
Inter Fire Marshal in Mner Filler's
administration. They recent lly cele
brated their forty-eighth wedding an
niversary. Mrs. Emery was a member
of Grace Baptist Temple. In ndditien
te her husband, Mrs. Emery is sur
vived by u son, William.
Pearls '
Important additions te
the collection of
Indian Pearl Necklaces
and Necklace Pearls
Jemesy - Silver - STAnennrr
1 fJBB
ss Maaa d
1 u
Net the least of the gratifications we
have derived from the already estahlished
success of our new Savings Departim it
is due te the matter-of-fact mannci in
tvhich hundreds of persons previously un
known te us have opened savings accounts.
It would seem te indicate the feeling is
widespread throughout the community
that the First National is a geed place
for- savings.
Savings uepartment
First National Bank
of Philadelphia
By the Assoclatel Pre,,
WeAhlnpInn tvi, n
te flnnnce the ,Ai,ti-.'.. ."'.... m'
tax was rejected tedav I.
- ... :;.".?" u"""" "y n Mv
subcommittee of the Republican
tne (ptd,)
hern nf H, If ...... i mB'
Ts nnd Situ,
----- . ...., ....uunu ,,
The preposition
was supported hi
B 1 'J
only three members, RepresenUtlm
Longworth, of Ohie; Watsen, of P?
cvlennln -...1 T1--1 . ' ' l '
e.,... .,..u, nnu iincnnracii, of Ncw t- !
sey. It Is understood thnV there ll
several votes nnd that the Cnn.j "
sales-tnv plan was one ei 'lie fflfe fflfe
en which ballets were cast
Representative Houghten, of v
jletk, ncwiy appointed Ambassador V.'
Germany, made a new bonus reSJS'
te the committee, under which TO
understood the cesh payments U,
be eliminated except in the cse 0? W
and needy veterans. A mere Mkj2
insurance feature was said te M
&.Mjh s P""108?1' wl"d' apparent
favorably mpresscd some taml en ,
The soldier bonus would tend"'itm
tiiiui vi iiiu nnrinn." mi. ir i . .
tax be used te provide necessary ftjff
Senater Moses, of New Hnmnshlr,T
Senate. "" t0,ay ,n
"I have hitherto ndveeated ncii .
tax," said Senater Moses. ''mZ1
tcgrnl feature of our fiscal sj.te" A
I de net wish such a tax te be mS
j ,v ""' i'"i'ie are carrj.
Senater Moses said there had ben
an 'engulfing wave" of public preS
against new taxes te pay the bonus S
expressed hope that there seen m!A
be n further revision of taxes anfi
balancing of the budget which wool
v....w.v k..u umiiiri 10 meet the bentn.
Princeton Head Asks Jersey Sent
ters te Oppose Bill
Princeton, N. ,J., Feb. 24. Jd,
f.rler Hibben. nresident nf 1,i ...
University, is opposed te the soldier;
"Jims uiu. nnu nns written a letter te
Senators Edee and Freliiurliiimvt, j
New Jersey, urging that ther sUai
against its passage when It rcachei tbt
Senate. Dr. Hlhben states tlmt h i.
speaking for 15000 Princeton men wIm
served in the World War.
"I hnve just been en a trip throeh
Seuth Cnrellnn. (Icergla nnd Flerldi,
and I mndn innulrles In order te diseem
the attitude of the ordinary citizen d
our country concerning it. I nnd a rj
striking experience. I did net meet I
single person nn where of any kind k
favored the bill.
"At this critical period financially Is
the history of our country and of nV
world It M'cins te me a crime further b
remove the realization of financial gtl
billty nnd te remove It indefinitely bf
the "increase of our obligations te the
nmeunt of sewrnl biilieiu of dollars.
7000 Cases Reported, Generally
Mild In Ferm
Hcranlen, Pa.. Feb. 21. (Ily A.
P.) After nn iincMlgiitlnn of health
conditions in various puits of tli" citT,
Director of Public Health Dr. I'. H,
Wheelock today climated that tlim
are 701H) cases of Infiticnz.i In Serantca
in mild form. There have been verj
few deaths from the dNcase.
Twenty-five, policemen and twenty
firemen are confined te their Iieusm
with the malady
I f
. '1 .
,.,, ...Mm
. jf.'V.'eS''-rre,i.
'I ,..frJi-A-iiv.JK
UlS. ..a