Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 23, 1922, Final, Image 7

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1 .".'iSH
llBwid at 9 and 4 s45 Organ at 11
yi Chlmci at Noen
' WANAtaAitfEft'S' '
fill U J
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
. IV
1 S
One, Twe, Three, Four Days and the Wonderful February Sale
Furniture Will Be Over
,.. w
in Times of Prosperity
Friends Will Be Plenty
ft but in times of adversity, instead of plenty,
I jthere is generally but one in twenty.
J TT am nkn nrkn illuittlaJ 4-n Via n -flidtl1 Qtlrl
forget all about it never was a real friend.
One and one counts two, but a true
friend in necessity will rally le cheer and
help and some of them te an utmost of
endeavor that make one and one te count
February S3. 1921.
m yfmmfa
Uncommon Tailoring in These
Yewig Women's Tweed Suits
Fer young women of 14 te 20 years here is an exceptionally
cood-leoking new tweed suit of moderate pi ice. The long straight
cent is mannishly tailored and quite plain, except for self-strapping,
and the skirt is extremely well cut.
It comes in rose, scene Dine, mesi preen ana ennunn mown,
coats in most cases satin lined te mutch. Pi iced ?35.
(.Sremnl I'loer)
If Our $35 Spring Suits
for Women Are Remarkable
there arc geed reasons for it.
The materials are somewhat better than usually go into these
6uits; herringbones, men's suitings, tweeds and hemespuns; mostly
in tans, browns and grays, though a few arc in the brighter rose and
ielct toiler.
The work is done by our own tailors and all the sewing is with
gilk. This silk thread matches perfectly, se de the buttons and the
linings. Lastly the cloth being here in the house, any one who deques
a hat made te match her suit can order it.
(I'lrit rioer)
Younger Women Like These
Shiny Black Enamel Oxfords
Te wear with certain colored tweeds for which tan shoes would
net de, these black enameled oxfords are exactly right. And equally
correct with tailored suits of any ether material.
They are made en a mannish Inst, with a low, bread heel, extension
weltul tielc, and n rounded soft tee. The long wing ti, heel foxing
and vamp edge arc perforated and saw teethed.
In distinctive style and sound s-ervicc they offer a full $12 worth.
The sanie model shoe, in dark tnn Norwegian grained calfskin
for general hard wear, is $9 a pair.
(Hrst I'loer)
Women's Finest Winter Wraps
Are New Lowered te $100
Aljeiit forty in nil and ccry one has-been at least three times a
much and rome even mere.
Tlicic are no two alike, but they arc all either of ductyn or beliwa
and tiimmcd with one of the following fun. beaver, caracul, squirrel
or wolf. Tlie furs in themselves are handsome enough te mere thun
compensate one for the price of the entire wrap.
" (First I'loer)
Who Can Resist the Glorious
Beauty of Oriental Rugs?
Fer instance, a Mahal, n Kermaiisihah or a Chinese carpet
sue piece; or n fine, heavy, serviceable Mesul?
We mention these pieces in particular becuuse just new we
are showing some very attractive groups of just such rugs, all
recently unbaled and priced below prevailing rates.
Persian Mahal Rugs
klxl $157 12.7x8.7 $249
A? -MO 13.7x9.6 265
10t3x7.2 107 10.7x9.2 179
10.2x6.11 15 11.2x7.7 198
10.5x7 169 13x9.:: 277
11.6x8.8 ..
10.8x8 ...
"x9.5 .'187
10.Gx7.ll 355
10.5x8.11 345
13.10x9.6 ...: 495
13.2x10,5 575
Kermanshali Rugs
11.6x9 .$397
9.8x7.2 375
10.6x8.7 325
8,0 XeI ' .4e
10.5x6.9 290
16.2x12.3 875
13x11.1 675
12.3 x 9.3
15x11 .,
15.6 x 12 ,
14 x 10.8
Persian Mesul Rugs
2.6x4 te 3.4x7, $32, $38, $45, $55
Chinese Rugs
12.1 x9.3 289
J3-xl0.7 465"
i9 265
13.7x9 405
11.11x9.3 $295
Jl.llxJ.w ... , 9. . 367
1,1x10 ........ 43
13.3x10.1 395
19.11x12 965
17.2x11.3 4 585
" Xe ! 1G5
13.3x10.4 ,. 445
(Seventh Fleer)
ONE of the most beau
tiful of all the beauti
ful dress features which
moderns ewe te the
ancients is the fillet for
binding the hair the
bandeau, as it is known
today. Loek at the ban
deaux just received in the
Inei pensive- Jewelry Stere
wreaths of reld and
silver and ijayly colored
leaves and beriic; and
sec if you de net think se.
The prices arc $4 te $10.
(Mulu 1 lour)
The time is se short and the opportunities se geed that the
imperative thing is prompt action.
Four mere days te cheese from the largest and finest stock of
furniture in the country at February Sale prices. j
What does it mean te you?
Are you sure you can afford net te take advantage of itY
The great sale with all its unrivaled advantages ends Tuesday
The time te act is at the earliest available moment there's no
time like the present when something particularly worth while has
te be done.
(I'lrih mid Sixth l'lnum)
The Fur Salen is keeping Us
incks of little animul setup's
pretty well filled with Hudsen
Bay sables, minks, gray squirrel,
tone and batim mnrtens. There
are little mink scarfs as low n:
$16.50, and Hudsen Dny sables
single skins for as little as $35,
and ether things equally inter
esting. ' '
(Sppeml rluert
Four Mere Days of the Office
Furniture Sale
Four mere days te cheese any piece of office furni
ture in our ste'ck at a substantial saving from the regular
price. .
That is the whole story.
(Tlilril 1 Iner)
Nearing the End of the Rare
Values in Mattresses
Twe days this week and two next te cheese from our entire stock
of mattresses, pillows, bolsters and springs at February Sale prices.
Hard te tell when there will be another such opportunity, ceitninly
net for a geed while.
(Sixth fleer)
YX7ILL mothers who
'? de net scorn econo
mies please note?
The Children's Stere
still has some of these
mussed colored and
white dresses at 65c te
$3.50, sizes two te five
years; some rompers at
75c te $1.25, sizes the
same; and sweater sets
at $3.50 te $8.50. FeiVner
prices were at least a
third mere en eac h
irtilril 1 Iner)
Very Important Is the Spring
Wrap for Miss Six-te-Sixteen
Quite as urgent as Big Sister's or Mether', jmd quite as
fetching, tee, if these firr-t Spring coats and cloaks arc te be
taken as examples.
Here are smait topcoats of hei ringbene blown and heather
tweeds; lovely soft-colored coats in the new rose and porcelain
blue tweeds, lined with satin te match; coats in the favorite sand
and fawn and tan colorings; slip-en coats with long fringed curfs
attached, and the most becoming long cloaks of a soft velvety
fabric like duvcyn, in nut brown, ladybird red or daik blue, richly
satin lined.
These are all compassed between $15 and $43, and the arieus
ages fiem six te sixteen ears will be found among them.
(fierend I'loer)
This velvety leather, in it.
rich, dull black, makes exceed
ingly hmdsemc bags.
These are in a new square
shape and are quite Hat. They
hae silk cord handles and
either sterling silver clasps or
little gilt jockey cap clasps.
All aic lined with gay silk
for centiast.
Prices are $6.50 and $9.
I Mil In loer)
150 Pair of Linen Pillow Cases
$3 and $3.75 a Pair
Of excellent, puie linen, cleiclj woven and finely hLin-ntctii.il.
The difference m pi ice is due te the grade of cloth.
Beth kinds measure 2-'236 inches, finished, and both are ei.
moderately priced.
S.I and $3.75 a pair
(Plr-l I loer)
Three-quarter hose, in dark
green and brown heather mix
tures, -with turnover tops in
brightly colored silk stripes.
They are of silk and wool.
Price $1.2!" a pai,
(llrM rioer)
These Leng Kid Gloves Frem
France Were Werth Waiting Fer
The many who have asked us for this particularly line French
kid glove in 12-button length will be glad te knew they are in.
The kid is exquisitely soft ami flexible and they are perfectly
In black, black stitched with white, white, or white stitched
with black, all pique sewn.
The t new lower piice en this importation is $3 a pair.
(Mil I n I'loer)
A Miscellany of Underthings
Women's cotton crepe undergarments include two styles of white
nightgowns- with white stitching, price $1.75; of salmon pink night
gowns with colored stitching, price $1.85, and of flesh-colored bloomers,
price $1.
Alse white tub silk petticoats with double panels at $2.85; and
with double hems at $.'1.85.
New messaline and talfeta petticoats, nnvy, black and changeable
coleis at $5.50; and the snme things in extrn sizes nt $6.85 fei messa
line, nnd $7.50 for tatieta.
(Ihlril I loer)
A Novelty Canten Crepe
Used for Sports Wear
It la a Canten crepe with a satin stripe running through
it, giving the brilliant effect that 1b be much sought after in the
newest sports costumes.
The satin stripe makes the prettiest finish for the new wide
sleeves and it in effective in a sports skirt.
In rose, jade, giay, raspberry, beige, henna, navy, brown,
blnck and white, 36 inches wide and $3 a yard.
t'lr- Vloer)
New Corsets the Parisiennes
Are in Many Styles
Parisienne girdles made of pink breche with Bemi-clastic tops and
short bones, $12.50.
Topless Parisiennes of pink breche with insets of elastic under the
arms, and a moderate number of bones, $14.
A pink breche topless with elastic inset under the arms and long
skirt, trimming of pointed lace, $20.
(Third Fleer)
fERTAIN paper
goods napkins,
tags, paper towels,
string, confetti, stream
ers, festoons, shelf trim
mings and se en will
hereafter be found in
the Heuscfurnishings
(reurtli I lour)
Reseville pottery, noteworthy
for the cxtreme simplicity and
beauty of its flower bowls, candle
sticks and vases, is being bhewn
in the China Stere. Pieces with
the ordinary glaze arc in lavender
only; pieces with hiRh luster in
copper, yellow and lese. Pi ices
are $2.50 te S15.
(Fourth I lenr)
New Linen Toweling at a
New Lew Price 28c a Yard
The best nt the ptice in a geed while.
Woven of all linen, with borders in either red or blue.
The width, 16 inches.
We are also showing a pure linen toweling with red borders at
20c a yard, which is en exceptionally low price. Theso goods are
lGVi inches wide,
And, of course, that means
many varieties of plaids,
checks, stripes and plain colors,
such as women are buying for
their own and their childicn's
ill esses.
It is an excellent quality
gingham for 65c, one of the
best domestic ginghams we
knew for anything like this
price. The width is 32 inches.
(Flrtt Fleer)
ou may cheese from a great
finely of designs and color com
binations, for any style of fur-nishiiif-
and any room.
f'x 1 2 ft., S81, $105 and $120.
8.3x10.0' ft., $78.50, $100 and
6x!) ft., $5'J and $71.
!.12 ft., $65 and $!)5.
(! ciilli 1 lour.)
for every room in the house.
Naturally it's hard te keep the
air from wetting dry with the fur
nace blazing away twenty-four
hours a day.
That is, it'.-, hard without any
help, but there's an nir meistenei
that keeps the room alwnvs
health. One side m cerruirated
--e it fits between the radiator
sections and s-lides back out of
Priced accetdint- te sizes at
'l.eO, $2.50 and $3.
(Fourth Fleer)
Net difficult te choee mie n
the Baby Mere. Among ether
things arc new hand-painted rat
tles, tcilet i-et-, books te keen
a record of the baby's euiik
career, ribbon afghan holders and
such things. Prices arc from 50c
te $3.75.
(Third Fleer)
Made of the purest nigreuieiu
with deliiieUf results.
Twelve kinds of caramels the
ery finest, with centers of nou
gat, marshmullew, cocoanut, mo me
lassus mint, fudge; or plain,
raspberry, coffee, anilln, choco
late, chocolate nut and vanilla
nut. Each $1 a pound.
Geed gum arable gum-drop
new down te 60c a pound.
en Stnlr', -lerc)
make up the delicate bouquet
odor known as Charniu d'Amour.
It is one of the best-liked of all
Queen Mary perfumes, and will
be found exclusively here, at
these prices
Extract, $1.50 te $5.50. Toilet
water, $.'!.50 and $5.50. Face
powder, $1.50. Compact face
powder, $1. Talcum, 75c.
Oliiln 1 lour)
$1.25 A YARD
In the soft line "Fiench"
weave which is such a desirable
weight for Spring. The quality
is remarkable, indeed, and ale
the width in a r-erge at this piice.
It is 12 inches wide and comes
in navy, brown and black.
Hrt Fleer)
Fabric Suited te Mq'dcil
and Medel te Size
Fer months we worked in' advante.
All the dependable cloths examined' and the
best selected. ; f
Each cloth, in each pattern, .tried and fitted
te the model that it suited best. r,
Each model created with a view of the man!
who would wear it.
His size, his characteristics determined hew
fashion should be adapted.
There is the secret of hew this selection e;
Men's Spring Topcoats
1 1
I ft e
fills the needs of every
While the topcoats are
designed te conform te the
needs of individual types
none of the season's dis
tinctiveness has been lest.
The loose, flowing lines
are found in each coat.
Neat-fitting cellars with
the coat falling in a drape
from the shoulders.
Single-breasted and the
button - through t y p e.
Gene are the fly fronts of
ether years.
Celers? Light. Grays,
mixtures pale and rich,
the faintest sand, tans,
browns and then the mere
staple shades.
In fabrics, men are
cheesing homespun or
Prices start at $35 and
go up te $60.
(Iliird I ler
Mere of These Madras Shirts
With Silk Stripes at $2.50
And they are ween madras, tee, which means that the colors,
delicate as they are, will last.
A little while age these flints made their debut. And hew
men did take te them!
The whole let was gene almost in a twinkling.
Xew another let is here. Just as line, just as Springlike; in'
fact, just like them.
It seems that you hac the whole world te choere fiem, se)
Miried are the colors and stripe arrangements.
A Smart Oxford That WillHeljfi
Men Keep Pace With Spring
Ki.glish te the nth degree, th.K biegue la-t.
A breffue, yet net extreme. It's plain and neat and snappy
a.- any man car ask.
Tan. of com se. in lieauleci calf with the dull finish aieund
the soles.
The price is ?13.
Mnm t'loeri
Special Prices en Ajax Cord
and Fabric Tires
.Moteri.-t. who knew 1 he importance of buying geed tues ler their
c.ii-s will find tin m here in our av-oitmeut of U S. lieynl CenK, Good Goed
rich ceids, Diamond cords Kmpin ceids and Beacon cords.
And they may like te knew that we have received a fresh let of
Ajax cord and fabric tires at interesting prices:
VJ 1
$13.28 34x4 .
IC'20 32x4i2
22.!):, .'!3s-4'.
20. It; :J 1 x 1 --
20.10 .TixP.
".".OU 301'..
''I III .lllllT. )
Anether Carload Is Here
The Famous Wanamaker Special
Fer ears the most favorably known refnguiu
ter in Philadelphia.
And iU leputatieu lies solely in its qualit;,.
Built for service and net for price.
Only the best materials are used in construct
ing the Wnnamnker Special and it is built nftci
our own specifications.
Despite this superiority it is net an ex
pensive refrigerator. At '
These 50c Handkerchiefs
for Men Are Unusual
Fe' one thing thej. weie made te sell for much mere than tins and
we considered them a geed alue even then.
They are a closely woven nice quality of Irish linen, generously
large and they have the foreign stitching. Fer a practical handker
chief of this kind, they can hardly be improved upon. By the dozen,
Mlnlu rioer)
38.57 i
89.15 !
10.08 4
11.51 ,
it is icgarded as probably the be.-,t value te be had
in any lefrigerater of its size.
A convenient tpe for a small family or an
apartment, being 33 inches wide, 18 inches deep
and 48 inches high.
The ice chamber has a 100-pound capacity,
w'lule the feed compartment and butter and milk
chamber afford ample room. Net u soft pine box,
but hardwood in the golden-oak finish.
(Fourth I'loer)
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