KJRMtJfIHHfllPrTv&J w. iUMiW7BHH1HMnKlBVin KKKmfKlmwwASM t&Lmmm BmnitlQtttmQ -- " " r-r--i , " I -y . ''"'"JB wsmmmKP, mmmWl i LMUr wmsa. .: rear1 I' w 19 IS Ml "11 ''I'll I I II -in :i K.?fflall Ua Ut JlLULIf Lit K. FORELKTONBANK iSay HB'Themas W-Perkins" Is Named! IRfjnf' e Take Full Charge of IBIw Closed Institution HkmIIpresident still ill fln'ttnl Uitimlrli ,t I i ' t 'n fV '' . F.flitnn 'Mil. IVIi ::.- TlieniMs VT ' ?rkln. e' Cliches tow n. Mil., tudn.v was appointed neiiiiaaeiit icccivu ei iih Second National Hank of I'lktmi, which closed Its doers .liinunr.v -0. fHc succcpjls T. Gorden Finney . n United States bank examiner, who wn' wnt te Elktnn from WnshltiRtnit Inst week te tHkc charge of the bank tem porarily, i Charles Stewart. IVdeial bnnk .-' nmlner. who was ptii from Winking- ' ten te take charRi of the books as snen a the bank rlePii. completed liK work Inst 11I5I11 and returned te Washington It is sinl that li feiini eidcnci of fersed rherks and nctc, limine eu-rd but i'eiiIiI no! Iiiiij liip m t" tlirminhi's nltlimigli Iip is said te Itnvt found n small iniiiiber (if u '1 ihivks. Agent of iIip DepiutniPiit of .liisiirn. sum. inened te Invcstlgntc this iil. 0f the vntet are still here anrl nt weik. William 'I'. Wnrbttitnti. presiilent of the bank, and one of thp rlehesi mni of thp county. sMll lies at the point of death in his henip Up had 11 vep Imd night with a sinking spell, his fnm llv all being siimmeiiptl t" in, bed-nlr This morning Iip nn rpperlPd somewhat intnievcd PRINCESS MARY'S WEDDING GIFTS MAGNIFICENT SHOW Members of Royal Family Prescn; Masterpieces of Jewelry Millien, I'rb '' The citv's pil ding gift te Primes- Mnrv wit pip i-pnted at Hurkinglinn) Piilnre e-ti'rd.i with grrat ceienimn All t In nllici.iK. including thp I.nnl Mayer. Sheriffs iml the Aldermpn. ramp, vvenrins tin iv full lubes and insignia of oilier. They were received bv leurt etlii :.i 1 n ml the Prince.. 'ith bpr finnec, i--I'ennt Lnccllcs. ami thp King and Queen wiip inceni CongraHilatlon CengraHilatlon CongraHilatlen were contained in a highly eriinmenU'd geld casket. The royal f.innh's gifts ta thp l'nii cess wpr" illsplnxpil nt a i en-pt mn in which all classes wcte included, fmin tin nebllit, te thp farmers ninl tin n xvlvs wlm lheil near thp rnal pstnti The King has en en :i m-rUnt. a tlar.i and n braeplet all of diamonds. A big sappbiip. einlii'led by larc" din tnends. w.is pieintpil bj the (Jiippii, te be worn a-- .1 breech. A diamond and sapphirp brneelet was sent bv the Prlncp of 'alc, and Hip tjiicen of Spain cap n ipwp'piI ring. The ispeuiit' gift is a splendid iipcklet. rensistiii" of a magnificent di-.-plav of diameiwis and sapphire-. Members of tin various Diplomatic ''erps aNe haxe s-ent Iwautlftil and cei ly presents. A great number of wed. didng cakes me lieing prepared, some of wbichi me masterpieces of the con fee t loner's art PREDICTS FALL OF SOVIET Fermer Moscow University Profes Profes eor Says End Is Near Forrester. Masi.. I'rb ":.. i llv 1'.) The nredictieu that it would net b leaff before ibc Kussina Soviet f.e . prnniPiil 'wen' lie bankrupt and ewi -thrown" was made hj Dr. .Tesrpi, ,Af i'bldspin In mi aildtpss nt a cenfprpiice en Kusuiii nflairs at ( lark Liucrii tivlaj. Dr. lieliNtPln was fnrmerlv di di rrcter of tin Semlnar, of Political Kronemj at the rnlersily of Me-cow. and for manj .xc.irs pionemic inhiscr te MlnitPr under tin Imperial .e erntnent. "Te elt without producing n im ' Possible for een (lie richest ceuntix.' ' he snid. "The aicumulnled weiiltb of Ttussia lins iprckh di-aup'-ari I and it Will llt be 1'nT before the Soviet I !n frnmeut will he bankrupt .ind uv 'i thrown." , Dr. Stanislaus eaknisT. f.jt mrr assistant iirofp..ei of Tcngrephv in Kiel Commercial and iieeirapbic Institute and new a professional lecturer nr Clwk University, de lared that P5 per i ent "f Russia Is net cultivated, and that at present pvpr thing is rlpstrejnl and turned Inte a heap of i inns. M'NIDER COMBATS BIGOTRY Commander of American Legien Urges Religious Tolerance Indianapolis. Feb. L'.". (I!v 1' i - i A plp.a for i flici'jii. teleraiuc li.xs I ee i , innlL b Ilmifeid MacNidn natiini luminaiider of the American I,pieh. i j a letter te the Hitnr of 'I be IVeh -I mi published in Washington, D ('. ii i announced tndnj. "This ceiintr. '" the letter ijh ' mi, formed bj men who eughr religious lol lel france and it is that spirit which lni made It free, fine and worth living In I happen te be a Protestant and at tend a Protestant church, hm as a member of num. Masonic bodies, 'if which I have takpn a mere or less aetiM part. I have great admiration for tlmr u Institution, the Unman ( atlu.li " Church." . WOMAN TO BE CANDIDATE Miss Gertrude McKinney. Butler, ' Seeks Scat In Legislature ' Hutler. I.i.. lei. S. (Itv A V Misn llertrinle McKinney president of the Weman's Civic Club, of Riifler, and of the Northwestern district of the State ,' Federation of Pennsylvania Women, today announced her candidacy for the Pennsjlvanla Ileusp of Itppresentntives ( en the Republican tipket. , Miss McKlnnex's tilatferm Includes ,. trlrt enforcement of the eighteenth 3 liincudinenl, a lujdgrt s.stem, reergnn T 'ration of the State Dcparimeiit nml ,i reduction in tave GIVES HIS COAT TO DOG H ,Pellceman Aids Suffering Canine, eik Mrresis ena owner Chk-age, Feb. H3. (Uy A. P.) W. H. Clarksen took his three Husslan wolflieunda for their dally automobile tur but suddenly speeded for bome when ene of thn deg took a chill and bjmn te tremble violently. Policeman Rebert McCaull baited him and win u Ctarksen gave IiIh reuseti for specdim,, the policeman quickly leek off hb bun" coat and bultencd it tibeut the deg ,116 arrested Claiki-en. however. When the latter wiih lined $10 today, be (old the magistrate that it was werlii dial much te meet such a pelite policeman Lloyd Geerge in France Saturday IkHiden, Feb. ,.'I. (Uy A. P.)- i fPrlBie fllinlRtP.r I.leyd Cieorge will meet 1 iyPrtteier I'elncarc, of France, either at iiegne or caiais ter uisctissieu nt ions relating te tne ueneu (jui- anil the nrotieseii Angiu-rrcnch it was nninuiiiii'il today. Menl lAVill lcau Londen ntuidny ler Stere Hours; 9 A. FRIDAY IS COUPON y t(rrvNANT).y DAY Ne Phene or Mail Orders Filled from Coupon Specials This Docs Net pply te Other Goedb Muslin Underwear at Special Prices Odd lett of nfghtgnwns envel ope chemise?, drawers, corset covers, Hillie Ilurkes. Lace and embroidery ti mimed. M te S5.!'." ;r,uc 50c $2.95 ItlmhrN roniien Urn.' sitninl llfnr Silk Pctliceats 'I'ttlVetn and t-'U jcrsev. lllack ami .-ireet color' SI value at . $2.85 r.lmh.U. "Cmutnn 1) n . ' .fieml flour. Cotten Petticoats Ulack tleweicd and plain colors. Pretty flounces, .fl.'Je and CO 91.30 values nt vOC l.lmhrU, "Coupon ll," .frenct fleer. Linen Cellar-and-Cuff Sets Bremley style, embroidered in Bulgurian colerincs; also white and black. 7C Sct SI value at . . I OC l.lmlifN. "Coiinen lliv, ' I'lrst fleer. Jumper Guimpes Made of net and lace. '7C Kach $1.30 value at . . . ' v tilnitif. "( oupen Hi." Ilrt fleer. Women's Tweed r- Real Filet Laces Various patterns in 1-inch te 1-inch widths. Suitable for col cel lars. culTs and trimming". ftOc te $1.73 values at 20c,e95cw fiimtii'M. "Loupen liir, ' l'irt fleer. Fine Chiffen Voiles I'tlie w lute. 1 1 im he v ide l'Aeeptietial value 94.arl' nt fC liiniliU. "Coiinen 1)1," finml flmir. Fine Dress Ginghams I'retly patterns in checks and plaids ..2 inches, wide. Enough for one days OC iard s-ellinc at U3. Iilmlrl, "Cotipen rtaT." Flrt fleer Splendid Values in High-Class Rugs SJfi.T'i for ?:::;. 3d Sanfnrd Seam less Worsted 'lapctry Hiirs. -17c ! I -J feet. Ml. 73 fei $16..0 luav.v fnnc.v ic-ver-ible Weul.and-I'ihre Ittig-, .-i.p O.slli feet. -S.Tl.7r. for iMO.eO best Seamless Velvet Rugs, size 8.3x10.(5 ft. Linoleum 93c square yard for SI. 50 heavy figured Cerk Linoleum (4 yards wide). SI. 10 square yard for $2 stand ard Inlaid Linoleum. Carpets $2.50 yard for $y,50 high-pile A Mttinster Carpet (geed variety). (ilmbcl. "Ceuiwn laj." riflli fleer. Hundreds of Men Will Welcome the Renewal OF THESE SEMI-ANNUAL SALES OF Men's Spring te Order at The war put a slop te these sale-, and subsequent labor and oilier conditions have prevented till new. Over a Hundred Fabrics for choebing suitings that go into $5U te $70 buits te order. And our risk as te lit and your entire satisfaction. Uintbel-Kuarantced at S35 the suit, made te lit YOU. Heady for Easter. filinhrle. Second fleer. Special t'untem Tullerlni FrctieQ. Metb Street Side. iV- M. te 5:30 P. M. Gimbcla arc holding lite most important sale of China and Heuscrurnlshings that Philadelphia has known in years. Yeu who have lived in the country knew the luscious ness of some forgotten apple that had the whole tree te itself. Werth finding worth having. Natural Mink Animal Cheker Scarfs All fine dark skins. (M 7 ?A $25 values at V v fllmbfts. "Conpen nn?." Third fleer. Women's Blouses Of Georgette crepe and crepe de chine; light and larK siiaucs. $3.03 and ,: . $i.5e at ... Iittnbi t "( ui'Ptii 111?." Ililril llimr. 150 Middy Blouse 3 Made of e;oed, hturdv galatcn. All-white or with blue or red trimmings. Slightly t-hop-ieilcd. S2 and $-.30 values J1 at Vl (ilnibfU. "Ceuimiii Day." Ililril fleer. 500 Lingerie and Tailored Waists All-while and colet-. Slightly shop-i-eikd from handling. Ml size in the let, but net in each style. cnr $2 and S." values at . . . vU Iilinlut". "( oinien 1t ' rirt flour Children's Winter Headwear Hats, bonnets, caps. Of velvet, corduroy, felt and vcleur. Fer heps - te G years. (J1 Values up te $3. At V Illtnlirl. "Ceiiiwn l).i." Vcend fleer Dresses for Children 2 te 6 Years t hantbray, gingham and white lawn in pantalcttc and bloomer styles. Broken let.. CC 111 a 11. iiiv (ilinlirla, "Coupon li.," sfcenrt fleer. Cap O le-duics 1922's Spring Favorites Coupon-Priced $22 Cheese cither the Suit composed of tweed dress and matching cape: nr Suit composed of skirt and cape. And colors you just love! Ame tlivst. orchid, porcelain blue, corn, te-c and gray. .lust unpacked. nd si.cs ,Tl te II tilmUfl'. alen of Ilrf. rlilr'l fleer I In the Notion Stere Fancy Hound Silk (iarters 30c value Rp air Kleincrt and Hickory Sew. On Hese Supporters i C Tair 23c value at 1UC Ucadv-Mnde Waim Linings 30e value OC- F.ach 35c ,:" at Mtirlnstic tiarntcnt Shield- -yOc value Rr ''a,r C.M.t . SIcrccri7cd t rechet I et- I ,. ; ,'.' j 10 Da,ls ten. $1 value at, be. of Or out. Sanitary Aprons 35( 50c value at All-Linen Huckaback Towels Hemstitched. ith deep datn abk holders. Seme have damai-k border all around. Sie I8"1. Spcchtl value 7C '"u''' at "- lilnilirlh, "C enpuli ll.i -rienil lluu Turkish Bath Mats I luck, closely woven qualttv. Slight imperfections. Pink, blue and gray. Size 22x110. d OC $1.75 value at tJ)X.6tl OlmlifU. "Coupon t)T." fUfeml fleer $40 and $45 Fleer Sample Sewing Machines at $29 Cheice of Demestic, Singer and "Free." All in perfect running order. Terms: SI. 00 "Weekly OlnilcN, "( iiiipen Pay," Teiirtli flour, Suits $ 35 Gimbel Brethers MARKET- CHESTNUt:; EIGHTH NINTH COUPON DAY AT GIMBELS 1 f Misses' Twe-and Weel Jersey Suits Coupon-Priced . $7.75 Were $10 le $25 Styles and colors that have "sold down" te the smaller sizes only mostly Us. Navy blue, brown, and a spt inkling of lighter colors. Fifty Winter Coats AH-Silk-Lined Coupon-Priced $7.75 Were $19.75 te $25 Hig cellars. Smart sleeves. Belted. Mostly tivelis. Mostly browns, and blues. Sizes as you find them. (ilmhfln. "Coupon I'm," Siilen. of Pre". Third Meer. Men's Rice & Hutchins Shoes All tan calf high shoes; welt ;??: $3.50,,air r.lmlnln. "Coupon 1.t." Seronil fleer. Men's Heuse Slippers Seft brown kid and all-felt models. S3 value djl AC Pair filmheli, "Coupon lliiy." Serend fleer Women's Shoes Mostly low styles. Odd lets and narrow widths front our 8 Zadc;: $1.50,,J,ir CtlnilieU. "Conpen la.' ." f i eml fleer. Women's Lew Shoes Hrekcn lets front (J0 f A Pair our $10 grades. At PU Cilmbrln. "Coupon ln." !rcend fleer. Salesmen's Samples in N Women's Lew Shoes Sizes :;':, and !. ?ll values (JO CA fair Cilmbel". "Coiipen liar." second flour. Women's Heuse Slippers Mack kid with tilk twisted pompon. S'J value QC Pair at VDC r.tmliel.. "C-oiinen liny." -rreiiH fleer. Marabou In brown. At C-, Yard I.lmlirl. " oupen Hn., ' flrt fleer. Chenille Tassels Fer fancy work. If Kach At Ad- I.lnilifl. "( eiipun Ii. ' I'lrnl fleer. Colored Weed Bead 45c Girdles at, Each (ilmbfl. '( eiipnn Hm. Iirt (lour. Black Spangle Bands Straight rows, li'. inches wide. Less than half A(r Yar(1 price at "" Citmbfl". "roiipen Iray," I'lrnl fleer. All-Silk Reman Stripe Ribbon A vaticty of choice coloring.. 7 inches wide. R(t art' SI value at '. "UC I.lmlirl. "I ei'lMin l , llrt fle( r. 500 Dezen "Whilmance" Sheets Ke-enfeKcd center where the wear if the haidct. tfjl CQ !5i7.eSlN90inche-. At plUil In extra length 81 x Q" 'JO 00 inches. At pl.lO Single-bed size 63x (1 CQ 00 inches. At $lO0 Unbleached Sheeting Muslin Geed, durable nuality. !16 inches wide. ISc value (Jjl OP at, 10 .vards for . . . $li Ticking Uld-fasliiuncd blui .u 1 v. Inte .stripe. 8-etince the eight ti td by the L. S. (ievcrnment. 18c :?:q 39c Blankets Have been en display. Less than half price at $2.25 ,0 $9.95 Bedspreads Odds and ends. Dimity, ('ro ('re chet and some Imported Mar seilles. Many half price at $1.75 ,0 $4.95 ItlmhfN. "Coupon II ijr." ctmiil fleer. Fleer Lamp With Silk Shade Mahogany-finished stand; silk or glace shade. Fer clcc- M C tricity or gas. At Pt) Table Lamps Mostly electric a few for gas. Very unusual values (ti C lilmlirK "Conpen lliv." Tlrt fleer. Union Taffeta Umbrellas Silk and cotton. I' or men and women. Silk caM-i and (PO "71? intere-tiii',' handle-. At VlO Cilmhf l. "I oiipeii I In;, ' riml flour. Women's Colored Silk Umbrellas Unmet, navy blue, green, Pretty handles with cords, rings or leather strap. O 'JJT $6.50 value at $OI0 .lmM, "Cem en Djy." Flnt fleer. Three-Piece tJ3m WyiW eaten- - Lm HH -J vJ Women's Ready-te-Wear Hats Made cnliiely of silk or entirely of straw or a combination of silk und straw. Trimmings of flowers, ribbon and cmbreiderv. Black and colors. flr At 95c (.Inilifl-. "toupen lliu," I"lrl fleer. Children's Tarns and Caps, at. . . . tilmlvrU. "Cinipen ll,i. 25c I'lrnl fleer. Women's Ready-te- CA Wear Velvet Hats at ,UL I.lmhrl!, "Coupon llnj." Vlri.1 fleer. Ready-te-Wear Hats Of silk, satin and silk-and-straw combinations. Black d and colors. At vl lilmbrU. "Coupon ll.ij ." Third fleer. Women's and Misses' Sports Hats In Milan hemp braid woven with white wool; wool trimmed. All staple colors. (tjl nr At pl.D I.lmlirl. "Coupon liny." Third fleer. Women's Washable Cape Gloves , Strap-wrist style in tan and gray. . d1 AC ?.1 value at ..'. J1JJ (ilntbrl. "Coupon li," rirt fleer. Women's Gray Mecha Gloves One-clasp. SI. U5 value at $1.15 (ilmhflN. "Coupon ll,i," I lrl fleer. Women's Suede Gloves Tan and beaver. One clasp. Rl.."0 value at $1 ninibeN. "I oupen lln.," I lr fleer. Women's Duplex Gloves White and colors. Strap-wrist style. Of. Sl.'J.I value at GlmheN, "Coupon Hay OJC l'lrl fleer. 51 -Piece Dinner Sets Xeat lore border decoration; each piece finished with geld line. . 1 5.05 value tfA AC at f $V,Ud -liiinljfU, 'I diiikiii ll.i. I'liurlli Hen-, Imported China Dinner Sets IUU piece-. Huinl decoration. ?5J.50 value at $29.50 iimbl, "Coupon lln." I'nurlli fleer. lOO-Picce Dinner Sets Decorations of 18-carat coin- geld. First quality. 537.00 value at $25 (ilmheln, "I ehiiuii lln,," I'nurlli fleer, Men's Cleth Sports Hats Of tweeds and pole J1 A C cloths. At 1.40 Men's Cleth Caps Of tweeds and cloth CC mixtures. At DOC (.ImbrU, "Coupon liny," I'ir.t fleer. Women's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Plain hemstitched. CC At C for OOC Iilnilirln, "I oupen lln." I"lrt fleer. "Lenex Linen" Writing Paper He of 100 envelopes and pack age of 102 short?, of writ- JkAf, ing jiapcr. 80c value at.. "tC (ilmbflu, "Coupon Itnj." I'lrl fleer. 1000 Bexes Initial Stationery (30c value t A at LUC Gluibrli. "Coupon lliu." 1'lrat fleer. Candies at Special Prices Asserted Glare Fruits Si value j? A. Pound He at OUC l.iiiiniclud Tin I till Ly Uencs tilled wilh line checu- tn He lates. At OUC Asserted I'hocelutes. At Pound Hex, 9Qp Asserted Hard Candy. At Pound He, 1 6 Glmbcl. "Ooupen 111," Chttluut Htrret Annet und .Sulm.y Hter. Ne but the There arc last ones and twos of all sorts of lets of goods as fine as any the whole new let brought that we group and sell out en CoupenDay for somewhere about half price. Chinese Shantung Pongee Natural Lamboo color. e1 inches wide. QA 'art 51.50 value at OUC OlmMt. "Coupon liny." Sereml fleer. Silk Muslin Fer linings and slips. In all staple colors. QQ ar "ll inches w ide. At 0C filmbel". "Ccupen lluj ." Srrenil llecr Prophylactic Teeth Brushes Handles ate "seconds." A I 18c cacl,'m,:! fer---50c fllmhrl. "Coupon liny." I'lrl Heur. 50c Set Boncilla BcautiBcr 25c Cake Boncilla Shampoo Seap The two for lfi CilmlteU. "Coupon Hay," 1'lrit fleer. 60c Jar Elcaya Vanishing Cream 50c Jar Elcaya Celd Cream The two for iAr filinlitU. "Coupon llu.." I lrM fleer Green Olive Oil Castile Seap 2-lb. bar, 7fe value. A(it At W- Cilmbrl". "C oupen Uuy." I'lr.t fleer. Het-Water Bettles 2-quart size. Guaranteed CC S1.50 value at UOC (.Imlirl. "Coupon III." 1'lri.l fleer. Band Aprons of Figured Percale Yeke cfTcct, finished with white binding. Twe pockets. OCr Specially priced at CD. (ilinbrln. "Coupon liny." I lrt fleer. Cever-AU Aprons Of blue and white checked ging ham. Tape tic-back. Aftr Specially priced at Ol lilmbeN. "Coupon llay." I'lrnt fleer. Women's Beacon Blanket Robes (Cotten). Tailored model. Floral and Chinese patterns. Size.- .il te .10. fl1 AC Sli.OD value at J10 (ilnilrN. "Conn in ll.i.." srcend fleer. Pictures and Frames Manufacturers'- fleer samples, short lets and specials. A won derful assortment. Less than half pr :c;c 35cte$i at ilinhrl. "Coupon llaj." I'lrnl fleer. Frames and Framed Pictures Included in titc let arc hand carved frames in antique geld fin ish. I. ess than 11 OC te (tP half price at.. PxLO J0 Clmbfl". "Coupon IIiij." rcntli flour, Blech, Hcywoed and Whitney Baby Pullmans Fleer .samples. tQQ CA S.'.O values at OOtOXJ (.luiliflu, "I imijmiii llii," l'liiirlli fleer. Whitney Baby Strollers Finished in white and cream upholstered. Fleer jA tC samples. $15 value at. Vt.UO C.lnibtU. "Coupon n.iy," Teurlh fleer. Large Swing Horses en Stand In three sizes. Regularly S0.50, 'SI 1.50 and Sl.,.,r)0, at $4.75, $5.75, $6.75 (ilmbfU. "C oiipen Hm." I'eurlh lliiur. Silvcr-Plated Flatware Sugar shelK butler knives, bouillon .poeiH, egu spoons, celFc spoons, chocolate spoons, pickle forks, honey spoon., children's knives, cheese scoops, nut picks, ice cream forks. 1 C lfach At IOC filmbrb, "Coupon lliu,' 1lrt fleer. All-Weel Navy Blue Serge 51 inches wide, (tjt QQYurd S2.50 value at . pl.00 I.lmll, "Ciiiipeii lln." vrriinil fleui . All-Weel Prunella and Crepe N'avy and color. cl or" ard S'2.25 value at .. tjl.0 l.lmbfU. "I iiuiniii lln." srienil fleer Coupon Coffee Special blend, !l."e grade -- At .'! lbs. for 72c Or 5 lbs. for $1.15 Coupon Blend Orange. Pekoe Tea High grade, half price at - ." lbs. for k...!)Uc Or 1 lb. at ...' :i.-,c 1500 Pieces Boneless Bacen Lean or fat- OOI Lb. sti caked. At... Ctx2C Selected Eggs Cedar Lane Faints, dozen OQ in carton, at 0fC Preserved Red Cherry or Raspberry Imperial Brand; 75c value; limit, 6 of each. QQn Jar California Large Meaty Prunes ISc value. en At. 'J lbs. for ...jyC 2000 lbs. Wisconsin Swiss Cheese Thoroughly matured; G5c value; in 5-, 3-, 2-lb. cuts Oft Lb. Creamery Butter Clever Leaf Hraud; 1-lb. n prints. Special at 4C Cilmbrl., "Coupon lluy," Chftnul Mrret Aunei. Philadelphia, Thursday, February 23, 1922 lolling hew long Spring may flrt with 'Winter, new Spring Fashions catch the eye. """ Superior Cord Tires at Special Prices Guaranteed perfect. 4-lnch at $19.75 4'i-Inch at $25.95 e-Inch at 829.95 ClinlirN, "Coiiiieii lln." l'eurtli llenr. Beys' Macktnaws Fine, heavy all-wool blanket cloth Mackinaws with patch pock ets ami all-around belt. Ages 8 te 10 year.-. Sle value J'7 OjJ t.lnibrls. "teupi'ii ll.i," Third fleer. Beys' Junier Suits Of all-wool blue serge and fancy mixtures in several models. Ages :j te 10 years. IQ fC $7.50 value at J)O.UO I.lniln-N. "CeuiMin II iv." Third fleer. Beys' Norfolk Suits Fine quality cassihiercs in neat gray ami brown mixtures. Coats arc mohair lined. Several models te select front. Many with extra pair of fully lined knickers. Ages 7 te 18 years. Aft 7C S20 value at Ot.O ('.ImbrU. "Coupon Hut." Third fleer. Beys' Overcoats Broken sizes ene and two of a kind. Ages 3 te 10 07 Of ears. $15 value at . . V 0 CilmbfU. "Coupon I In ." Third fleer. Auto-Strep Safety Razors Just 250, priced for j-q clearance at 0C Consisting of a razor, 1 strop per and 0 blades, in khaki case. (.Imliil. "I oupen Iliy," rirnt fleer. 500 Pairs of Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains- SKT $1.85 Regularly ?2.75. They're thrcetpiece pairs, tee! Valance included. Prettily lacc-cdgcd. $32.50 Cedar Cheste Storage Size Coupon-Priced $25 18 inches long x 20 x 18. 1000 Remnants of 25c te 45c Curtainings at 18c a Yard Mu.-lins, scrims, marquisettes, and madrasscs. 'Km White Shaker Knit Sweaters Pull-ever stvle with cellar. Uegularly $9.50. At ... $7.95 Sweaters, Broken Sizes, Fews of a Kind at Half Price Seme Shaker-knit weave with cellars and pockets and pull-ever style. Asserted colors (all wool). Value $7.50, (le nj Clearance of Beys' Sweaters Uib weave with cellar. Value $:s, at $1.45 lilmhrlh, "I eiiiiiiii lln." Ceuilli fleer. Coupon Day in the Subway Stere Women's Waists, net and lin-. Indiitn Head Pillow Tubing, gene, embroidered and semi- 35c and 39c. Useful lengths, tailored models, Sec. i ,-:.. ,, . . , ,:, ,.. , , ..'. . , Fine Mercerized Table Da- .,," """Si1 s ,,,h il1"1 lMW I mask, 72 incites wide, 05c. Value Women's Storm Kulibcrs, 35c I 75 Weel-and-Fiber Rugs; i x ':"1'- 12 ft.. S0.75 and SO. Were $13.50 Men', Shoes, Sl.b5 and $2.83. and SIS. He.v.s' Shoes. $1.85. ' Seamless Tapestry Brussels Children's Shoes at SI. 15. i Rugs worsted face, 9x12 ft., Cheker Scarfs of stone mar- $12.50. Value $20. ten, opossum, dyed skunk and New Precess Fleer Cevering dyed black opossum, $5. Hejs' and Girls' Weel Coats and Slip-en Sweaters. $Ui5. Bejs' Overcoats, $1.75. Werth double; 3 te 17 years. Women'. Black Cotten Stock ings, 0 pair for 55c. SecendR. .Men's Mali' Hese. 0 paiis, 70c. Maniples Women's Swiss Rib Nests, 20c. Women's Union Suits, icgu- Inr and e.tra-suc.-, 15c. Sec-' eucls. Clearance of Steu-ins. Petti coat h, Corset Cevers and Draw, era. 18c. Value 50c. Clearance of Pantalettes and Bleemers, 18c. Instead of (55c te ?1. Fancy-ten Blankets, full-bed I size, half price at $3.35 te $5.95. Subway Stere Clearance Women's and Misses;' Wiijter Suits Coupon Priced, $7.50 Were $15 and $20 Some fur-cellared. All nicely lined. Mostly veleurs and serges. Broken sizes. Women's and Misses' Winter Coats Coupon-Priced $5 Spoils and dressy styles. AH lined. Some with big fur cellars. Broken sizes. Girls' $5 te $7.50 Serge Dresses Coupon-Priced $2 Hcgulatien and atralght-line effects. Mostly navy blue. Broken sizes, but nil sizes 6 te 14 in the let. Cilmbeli "Coupon liar." Nubtruy .stere. ' wm Fe Friday NoPhene or Mail Orders Filled from Coupon Specials This Hees Net Appl.v te Other (ioeds Men's Madras Shirts New goods in very attractive stripe ctlccts. ti nn At it-l.ZU Cilmbfl". "Coupon II 15, -r,i fleer. Men's Plain-Celer Pajamas Silk frogs; white and colors; all sizes. dl in At 1. lilmbH". "Coupon ll.iy." nr.( fle,, Men's Silk Knitted Ties Beth crochet and accordion stitch. Seconds of $1 and ?1.50 kinds. At 1 35c or 3 for $1 Clmlifh. "Coupon n.iy." 'lrt fleer. Beys' 5hirU Of percale in nifty stripe ef fects. Beth neckband and 70 cellar attached kinds. At'OC (ilinhrln. "Coupon t)," flri aetr. Scoupen2' .(remnant) H 3 I.lmbfli. "luupun la." Uphelibrry Sterr. llflb fleer. "" i Men's Imported Cotten Heie Full-fashioned; double sole; black only; sizes d': te 11. 50c and 05c values OP Pair at t,OL. ilmlifl. "Coiiiieii Dy." I'lmt fleer. Women's "Eiffel Maid" Union Suits Sizes "4 te -10. Ag $1.3 value at "OC I.lnihr. "Coupon n.ir. ' Clr.l flour. Women's FuII-Fashiencd Silk Hese Lisle top and sole. Ulack, African brown, nude, pole gray, Russian calf. Sizes 8J& te 10. S2.25 value fr-i bqjPalr Iilinbrln, "Cuupen Il.u ," l'lr.1 fleer. Remnants, two vaids wide, 25c sq. yd. Value 65c. $1.25 for $2 Satins, .'10 lead ing colors, JO inches wide. 2000 yards Curtain Scrim, white and colored effects, Gc yd. Value 9c. i.ic i' aney riaiu ami mi men whirlings, I8r yd. Black All - Neol Mannish Serge, 50 inches wide, $1 yd. t Flue Lnugcleth, 11c yd. Vaid wide; null lengths el Ihc grade. Traveling Bags at S2.49. Spe cially priced. Handbags a a d Envelope Purees, at 5c te 85c. Slightly shop-soiled. Odd Leis el Wash wneus, PcrcalcH. Cambrics und fling ham Checks, 8c yd. (itiuhrh. "t mmihiii II.:,.' Milinnj slurr, m i' mL& s r k mmsMrh V V it.Jx w SKVt tTrrfstir