arw "iTryrrFCl! m wjlI 3 Jr'tyS. rEim lw, m LEDCf FllSt i iWIEWSK PRffflaDfOR FAIR Executive Committee of Sesqui : centennial Leeks Over Pos Pes ' sible Location NAMING OF DIRECTOR URGED Mayer Moero nnd the members of (he rcullve Cemmltlpp of the Scsqtil rMtnnlal KxhibHien Association set Jut today en n tour of Inspection of the rtrleus fair site-". The trip wt lilmined nnd engineered ..nulctly tlmt the Mayer nnd bin retn- lire well "i ll"it- v0' '' nntoinebllc te Iha firH .'' bp ,MI", bpf"rC U,C new? B"' nniiuin The eleetlen of n s-lle is Mill te be nld, ami the Majer is anxious te get K prcllmln-rlPH wl.n On ih riVutUP Committee nre .1ebn I-rcder-S LcnlH. Alba B. Jehnsen, Jehn flrlbbel, Jehn H. Mnen, J. U. Holten and tie Mnyer. (Jet Director Sas narrctt telm U.i"Ptt. formerly director ,,nl f lb" l'.m-Ainericeii union PROHIBITION AGENTS START DRIVE IN SOUTH JERSEY Three Raids In Berlin and Ham Ham Ham monten Net $500 In Hum Three raids were mnde In Southern New Jersey towns by prohibition nRents today in what Is said te be the begin ning of n new campaign te put New Jersey n notch higher In thp "dry" list. The ptiicrs raided nrc tliixe of Mr. Mnrlc IMenit. nt Wet Iterlln ; Jehn A. nhltp, nt llerlln. mid Leuis l'ci'tlir-i. at Ilumtimiiten, MrH. Kleeiifs jiIike is en the White florae jilke nnd Is nmrli frrqticntctl b I'hlladelphlnns en (heir wny te and from the idiere. Liquors worth about ffijOO uere peized. Ne liquors were found In White's plnee. In thp raiding party was 'Harry Adams, n fermpr minister, who has en tercd the prohibition enforcement perv-ice. READY TO BOOST PORT Bureau te Be Opened Here te At tract Expert Business Hppresentntlven of ten local bunlness organisatiens met today at the C'liuni ber of Commerce and formed the "Pert of Philadelphia Ocean Truffle Ilureau," te secure a greater volume of expert and Impert trade through this pett and ship lines. The organizations ere the Chamber of Commerce, Beard of Trade, Bourse, Mnrltimp Exchange, Commercial Ex change, (ireeerH and Importers' Ex change, Lumbermen's Exchange, Ileal Estate Heard, Commercial Miiciitn, Expert Club. The Department of liarvps. DecKh ntnl liiili'H iilse wan was selected chairman, with Jehn Egan hceretary. The plan tentatively adopted contem plates the formation of thp bureau te get business for the pert of Philadel phia and te mnUe known lis advan tages nil ever the world. their openings for a year because, tney lid net start their organization work im time. "Once the foreign delegates In 'Wash ington hear that dissension has arisen in the ranks of these erganlzinc the imposition, there will be Jlttle hope of waring ine co-eperaiion acsireu. i wicerely hope the committee will very fliertlv decide en a director. With this nut of the way the vnrieiiB committees mn be appointed and the work carried forward in n business-like manner. Philadelphia is offered a wonderful op portunity. The exposition should be the tifff-i and bcM eer held. We in' Washington hope it will preve se." HE GOT TIRED OF GIVING GOLD CURE TO "SPIRITS" Twe "Necromancers" Who Get $865 Get Five Years Each Although he spent S8O.1 as n "sncrl Ine" te the VpiiltH," he never get the winged $10 geld-piece premised Viim by the Negro kiepeis of the elusic coins, William Mi'Dennald testiiied before Judge ltegcis today. His chargPN icsulted In "Docter" Arthur Phillip, Eighteenth Mrcet near jisinbridge, and "Professer" Adelphus Unde, Waverly street near Twcnty hret, being convicted. They each were i-cntenecd te live yenrs in the county prison. McDennald said Linde told him of the sold pieces, that no matter hew often they- were spent they alwnys flew tight wick. McDennald t-ald he gave Phillips w UN ii meiiucc te me "spirits.' Then Slid mere. Hut the mere he gave. n said, the meic the "spiiitn" wanted, and the next order was for ?l!00. Then tame demands for S100, upon the pay ment of which he was ordered te l.slt a ct'iuctiry. Then he had te biing in a Mite chicken with the next hundred and wash his fUce in the bleed. llnnlly he wiih eideied te get SUOOO. Hilt then, lie kiidl n I, ,,,.!,,.. ., ., f . Jernal heeietv saw him and told him te open his ec." "Thin did open my eyes," said Me ''0'm1,'l. "dKecilng that I hud lest The ndiiMsl denied thai they had re eelcd any thing fiem McDennald. THEN HUBBY WASARRESTED Wife Nabbed In Robbery Says He Told Her te Pawn Watch .. T!'. ,".tP,,J' f be theit of $1500 i i ,,"', 'welry fiem thn home of '"''ii 13. Hutchinson, 54(1S North Water strect, miiy be M,iu.,) through the nr- 'm- u0,lu,y " Mrs- Benjamin Wolf, of W beuth Sixtieth stieet, who tried te Pawn a wntch In n place en Market t-treit nenr Sixth. she told pelhe the watch had been - "" te her by her husband, with In firm Ions te pawn It. She was re-eni-ed and her husbnnd was arrested, lie whs held In SKMI ball In Central T, i V" " ."I'lclun of having commit cemmit ted tin lebbeiy. WANTS "LIVE" PREACHERS Dr. Jehn McNeill Admits Seme Ser mons Are Dull rmw.'llV;nn '"' M) (l11'' ns Preaching if. i! " f"rlu' iiip -"or my share in Venn "",,"B , bp se nllve ns preachliig the word of tied," the Rev. ?,'' ."'McNeill declared teduy nt the Jewls?,,T!e'Ve.00,'",lny ",CCtluK ,n th (JlV!!1' ,lml'''" was n great need will nV,iri,,uil'1",f .'" I'liil'tdPlphla ns well as IJiroiigheiit thn country. IIjp b'Li ll,,MKli!1' ","'"' deprecate" tiiit (I i eW .'Il,JH nn intimating I L '",,n" "ITVilnre the geed HiingH he leimerly piediiced." ml '"( WllCMI fcunday nillllllrS Mill Wn.T. iikit s'if'uCij, ig 1 pwnmi-lener fc'cneral of the t. i represented by Director Spi-eule. who Leuis rnlr sugKcue.i teuny i. v -."-lien of a dineter genernl should nrfcede I he cheesing of the site. F There must be haimeny among these Wflnlllnc the exposition or Congress Krelgn nations will shy ..way from fkV project. Mr. Barrett said. He is in Atlantic City for n few days. Ted that Ilprbcrt Hoever's nnme h.d been mentioned for the director Uneralship. Mr. Barrett sold he knows Sn .better man. He doubts, however, Sat Mr. Hoeker can be induced te iMve the President's Cabinet. "However if Mr. Hoever cannot be Mcured." continued Mr. Barrett "then he "but-known organizer in Philadel phia should have the place. This man Should be between forty and fifty years nf ncc. He should have HUfficlent expe rience In big business nnd organizing capabilities te secure the co-operation nf Ids fellow townsmen ns well as of the citizens of Pennsylvania nnd the nation at large. He should be of caliber te caln the respect of the foreign rep resentatives of such countries nn might be expected te co-operate. Tills co ce co neratlen of foreign countries wilt in mrc the success of the exposition, or mr it. T am quite sure there nrc Mveral men in Philadelphia who meas ure up te the standard." City Must "WaUe Up" Mr. Unriett said Federal, aid could net be spcuicd until Congress is given .insurance tlmt the people of Philadel phia reallv the enterprise. He mild the Government could net be ex pected te appropriate millions for ex hibits when it linn no assurance that tb city and Stnte will de their share. "Therefore, in the spirit of co-operation," he concluded, "I say te the lieeple of Philadelphia, 'Get busy, the lime Is short.' Pour years is none tee long te organize u gigantic exposition like the proposed one. Yeu will re member that the San Francisce nnd the St. Leuis expositions had te postpone i I ii i i ' ' jii ' & Typical Conversations By J. P. McEVOY Fhe-Year-Old and Thrcc-Ycar-Oltl anil Mether GJMMI3 dat. I won't. It's mine. Play with your own toys, Olrume dot. Went. Don't! MAMA! Whnt'a the matter? .Tunyur's taking my dell. Play with your own toys, Junier, nnd let 'Dorethy's alone. Mp wnnt tint. Me, mytelf. Nn. you tnn't bine It. It's mine Gltnnin d"t. I fight ju. Yeu won't neither. . Will. tee. Fight yu. Sec? (Punches sister.) MAMA ! .TUNYUrt'S HITTING MK! NOW, Junier, step fighting your sis ter nnd piny nice. Me play nice. Me want dot. Me, myself. Yeu can't have It. Cen, tee. New don't be sn".v, Junier. 1 light yu. tee. HpeV (Takes punch nl mother.) Here. heip. lleliave yeurcelf. Where de u learn te be se rough? Mp Jeck Demp'y. See? (Clenches fist nnd squares off.) Oh, se you're Jack Dempsey, nrc j ou? I3ss. And you like te fight, de you? I3ss. What de you pxpect te be when you grew te be n big man like Daddy, if you kppp en fighting like this?? Iceman. AN ICCMAN? Kss. He'd mnke a funny Icemnn. wouldn't he. Mn mn? I Den me lie giirbudge tnnii. i Tep-hee-liPP. (This from sister.) Der'fy lnfling me. Mnmn. T hit her1 en nose. Mc myself. Yeu wouldn't hit Dorethy en (lie nose, would you?? LV. Hit yu, tee. Me Jack Demp'y. Mn genna be big garbudge man. (Grabs armful of Dorethy's toys and makes off with tlicni.) MAMA! Loek, he's Inking nil my toys! Goodness, me! Wntchlng two child-, rcn is like running n madhouse. Over a Thousand Cities and Towns When formulating travel plans it is well te remember that the Baltimore & Ohie Rail road reaches directly from Philadelphia, with its own rails, ever 1000 cities and towns east of the Mississippi River. And remember also, that the two Baltimore &Ohie stations in Philadelphia may be quick ly and easily reached from any part of the city. Our Central Ticket Office, at 1337 Walnut Street, right in the heart of the business district, will gladly check your baggage arrange itineraries make Pullman reser vations and relieve you of many travel re sponsibilities. Just telephone Walnut 3602 our agents will de the rest. The address is 1337 WJlnut Street just below Bread en the North side of the street. Baltimore Ohie Railroad 182? first in America First te Service t922 s '.r.if - J ' '-, ! OyCyl 75 STORES ll w&w&ym What would you be paying (or hoi today, if it were net for Aimer Steret? i' A BUSY PORTION OF OUR NEW WAREHOUSE Carload Purchases Mean Greater Buying Power and Mere Savings, Which We Pass en te Yeu! xi6e BATTERIES BKJiMa HT11 RHPRRB Only one kind of battery economy If ever there was a case of "penny wise, pound foolish," it is when a man gees price-shopping for a battery. There is only one way te economize en a bat tery, and that is by buying the best obtainable. The difference in original price between an Exide and the cheapest battery is nothing com pared with what you save en the Exide in longer life and freedom from repairs. And the inconvenience you suffer from an in effective' battery can take most of the joy out of metering. Don't deny yourself the satisfaction you will get from owning an Exide. Yeu ewe it te your temper and your pocketbook te have a battery that will give uninterrupted service for a long time. Yeu will find such a battery at the near est Exide Service Station. EXIDE SERVICE STATION Factory Branch 671 Ne. Bread Street THE LONG-LIFE BATTERY FOR YOUR CA Visit the nearest Exide Service Station am 1 ''- 75 SPECIAL for this Week only PEANUT BUTTER Made of Finest Virginia Peanuts! Regular Price, 10c WILMAR Jkf t GLASS Trpmpnrlnns T)rnn in F.aa Prirec I M mf. STRICTLY FRESH rlin I lc IN SEALED CARTONS HI .1 -X m IJa. Every Egg Guaranteed 1-1 VlVllJ Mi V OOZ. U00SE FRESH EGGS Big and Meaty 35c dez. r 75 J- " Z ALMAR BUTTER . Is Positively the Best Butler Made! Wrapped in Convenient U lb. Printi ATBROOK BUTTER Inm-ln. 4JC10 47 lb Big Mealy POTATOES, & SfL-l P I I C run n rtn-v l-r-e. r . . inuitc v,rusueu ,urn 1UC auulw rresn-facked Fancy Crushed Cern rJn l2Y2c EVAPORATED MILK . . 71?!. - i.i. AL FANCY FAT MA 1 JHHS cei-nt ' - I MACKEREL 9; ni'wnmm Wntnw mike of bitter? it In your car. von can he confident of kllfal repair work, fair prices, and re re FDentlblc advice at the near cat Eiide Service Station. MT N jTOgl 7C&13" ALMAR COFFEE 4re Yeu Drinking Its Rich, Delicious Flaver Will Suit the laste of the Whole Family! ALWAYS FRESH ROASTED 25 LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Beardtlcy Codfish pkg 13c Banner Codfish pkg 7c Pure Codfish Mb bricks 19c Neva Scotia Herring 3 for 19c English Smoked Bloaters each 13c Gorten's Codfish Cakes can 18c Gorten's Fish Flakes can 14c Dexie Clam Chowder can 13c Imported Kippered Herring, .can 15c, 25c 175 DRIED FRUIT California Prunes lb 10c, 17c California Evaporated Peaches. .. .lb 19c California Evaporated Apricots lb 29c Del Mente Seeded Raisins. . 11-ezpkg 18c Del Mente Seedless Raisins. 1 1-oz eke 20c r Armour's Red Alaska Salmen can 25c Fancy Pink Salmen can 12c Oil or Mustard Sardines can 5c Beeth's Canned Shad can 15c Finest Quality Shrimps can 15c Finest Tuna Fish can 10c, 15c, 30c Almar Macaroni pkg 9c, 3 for 25c Campbell's Tomate Soup can 10c Almar Cracker Meal pkg 10c r j V DRIED BEANS AND PEAS California Lima Beans lb 12c Fancy Marrow Beans lb 10c Whole Green Peas lb 10c Yellow Split Peas lb 10c Fancy Soup Beans b 8c J' w ALvAft TEA pkg 12 ". 5 Delectable Blends J r NATIONAL BISCUIT LEADERS "V Spiced Wafers . Chocolate Puffs 18c lb. 28c lb. r HIGHEST QUALITY R IN PHILADELPHIA llaltlmera Autometle Hliep, 537 lUUImere Ate. llelln'a Harare, I.ongaliere Van Itjke Mm, .Telin Clufclier, 6110 Wulnut St. Harrv J. Celeman, 824 N. Itreud M. Davlee' llnllery I'.lectrli' Ce., I80H W. I'aaayunk ,yt. Krle Ae. Aute Hupply Ce., Inr. 7tli A Krle A.e, II. II. Rruy Cu 881 K. (ilrnrtl Ar. Kdw. Ii. Iluwklna, 8030-41 Cireene HI. 1'rank O. I.eaer, 110 V. Tnlmr Itil. Munayuuk Iluttery it AcicNKerlrn Ce., naker A (lay Hta. Meelirle I'loarterf, 2037 il Iluiitliiffdnn St, I'red I. McCarthy, 4S1I I.uneuater Ae. Northern Iluttery Ken Ice, 431U N. Itreail Nt. tienrire I'. htlnner. 1103 . HrnaU HI. The Kleilrlr Muruui llnllirj ( u Oil -it N. Ilruml HI. Cliurlrn TritKiintn, 100 N. Via SI. L'nlteil Iluttery terlce. Sit N. Maraliall Nt. XJnlTemul Sen Ire Mulur Ce., 1407 loett m. ltanani&Lr nnm Sil it Wnlnut Sla. Mmer Weber. 33i Tlnen SIk. PENNSYLVANIA IIriilewn, Miller Katterv Serilre Alteena, Ilend .Nawtif .'Mutera Ce. Ambler, Ambler Moren llnlter. t-ervlee Station Arilmere, 41. M. I'utlen te. Itellefentr, ,1. I,. Algee Itethlehem, 14. II. Aute Supply Te. lertvlck, Arlle M. Mnellniiiill llloemabura;, W. Warren Nhutt "" Mur, , Junea Neul ( arllile. Slamlnril Moter Supplv 4'e. Theater, K. I), KUwnrda Ce. 4'lrarflehl, C'leurnelil Aute Supply 4'e. 4'llften Ilelichta, (ruuferil J. NeUen ( nnteae, TIib llallrry Herrlre Ce. niikhoherken, M. I-'. Moere (.urate Darby, Ailillnun I'ettrr, Jr.. Ce, Doylratenn. MeLauirlillii llullerj ben lee Ce. ''".".''Illllj Hnlterv Service l-ratlclDe, Deuglnui , Meuery Kreeluiiil, l.eulmrdt llres. (irtlsaburic. The Klrclre Merhanlenl Ce, Hurrlaburir, Tenn Klectrle Ce, lladeten, Lcnbardt Urea. Ilentidnle, (Julbranaeii'H (iiimKe lenklntenn, Steln'a (Inrace 1'iinruater, i:lde Ilattrr.'i A Icnltlen Ce. I iuihiIiiIe, Muurltc KrniiMe I uiiNferil, Cnrben Iluttery lllectrlc Ce. I ebanen, llnrlin llulter '-ervlre, Inr, l.ewlahiirs;, Hj mer'a (iiirnge I.ewiHleun, Arllmr 51. Dunn I eik llmen, II. N. 1'rederleba Ce. Media, (inrner Tire & llnllery Shep MIHInburr, The lrederlrk (laruie .Ml. Curinel, inner Iluttery Klectrle Ce. Mt. Je, i;. It. Itehrer Norrlatewn, The Montgomery Sleruge Iluttery Ce. Ne berry, Newberry llallrry Sen Ire Millien Ten Arable, .lucliNen llrelhrra riieculxtllle, The Sen Ire Shep IMItsWIIr, llnrbey Duller herlfe. Inc. Iteuillng;, llnrhry llallrry Srnlie, Inc. ItlilKnnj, ltlilavnn llulik Aute Sale. Ce, shnmekln, ft. A, blimle Mieiiandenli, The (illieen VulcnnUlnr Werk. 8blppanihur, 0. W. Thruah Slate Collete, snyder'a Curuee Sunhury, A. II. 4 11. I. Culp streuilahurr. 1'. II. Shlreman Tunkbunneek, llnrlaeher Ure., Warren, JamrN C. Irlrk luynr. Suburban Iluttery Sen lie Went llethlvheiii, llnjmend K. Ilrewn We.t Cheater, Went (beater Huttery & IMertrlc Ce. Hllkea-llurre, Ollllfun Ce. Mlllamapert, Illoem-IIarper Ce. erkee, I. C. & M. O. l.andea erk, Kalpb r. Ntauffer DELAWARE M ilinlniten. Ullmlncten Sterace lattery Ce., 830 Tallin II St. NEW JERSEY Aabury 1'ark, Sternge natlery Inn Atlantic City. Albert D. Mannlnr Ce. Itrlilceten, Cehauaey llnllery Ce. Ilurlliis-ten. llrnjuniln (ieldy Mllhlllr, Aute l.lertrln i:iiilpment ft ltepulr Shep Moereatown, Harrv H. l'eir Oeeiin City. Ilrurkle Aute Serrlee I'ltman, MlrhueCa (iaruge Trenten, Helme.. Ine. Wllrtwoeil, Yeunc Sen Woodbury, Ilulcblnteu Mater V. tl J- Meat SpeciaUu LOWEST PRICES ROUND OOc RUMP c mkluiin or STEAK lb I STEAK LO STEAK 00 The Quality of our Beef cannot be equaled at these prices! 28; "V. c lb Average Weight 2l? te 3 lbs 32fk FRESH KILLED FOWL LEAN BONELESS I LEAN SMOKED PURE PORK BACON 1 Cc lb BUTTS . . ORc lb SAUSAGE 1 Qc lb Narrow Stripi I Benelesa! USJ , The Very Beit 0 Cress-Cut Roast . . . 20c lb Best Made Scrapple . . 9c lb Belar Roast 22c lb Lean ia,t Perk 1 1 Clq Frem Fineit Sleer Beef Only Half SlHOkeS f VII v Ne disappointments. We carry a com plete stock of everything we advertise! There's a spicand-span GREEN Alma, Stere in your Neighborhood! Miaiiuiiiii ih r M 75 STORES V j. mm 'j'. v'f. :iV A' J.TW iVK.rY TRitti'e-fi. V'M. 'A 'T. tl w MSfr 1 Jl !. 'I'Ifl 751 M,1 :s Ml a a m i" k K-? 7 i 4, .. m ,j 7M Afll j Sri 1 B , ,? AtifiA A s.l BS&j satiT r&?&ite LAMAfi Im'iiuJM AT-WC'-Jl S'iMVi i" 1.3 t .ss , r.i:'jrL:auwmammammmc vx i ; wmtxjM V