mm iv r? l?v lb Ur at lufU. i IN M W ft IitV w KLi. fu m r i tu Ks. m ti'ASy m M i 1,.; UK E5IN0L m r, v .iu: ..ju.. UUUIIIIIIU CtllU IIC-A1IIIIJ tinttAetinlH Ointment im ;r - -'" BT V.i PffTlN AND SLATE k 0 i ROOFING &m)jh m ,peuG jiiifPS ; iwiffl. r . p.fMi,rir' 55 ns4 W-IIUV t FRANK B. CLAYTON'S SONS N UT1I 8T. UNDERWOOD, NO. 5 49 Latest Medel MA Kit IIKFOKK nrFfcREU AT 11 KM I'KK'i: in PAW mKH TWL 'INK KA1t HI AKWTEK Tnennt flni.i i:nceNs.ntirn i 1005 Chestnut St. Will. Ill BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. 'ALSO: i Enameled Tin Candy Bexes Stenciling and French ' Pen Painting ' PemotijtraMen tn FLORENTINE WAX WORKS fer'makvig Wax Jewelry, Novelties, Decorative Ornament3, etc. Kirrrtlilne for llie urenicar. stuUrnt. nrtUt nil draftsman F. WEBER CO., Inc. 1U3 Clirtnut Mrrct m. . ... - J-rz BEEF STEW WithVegetables will tempt the most jaded appetite when cooked with a rich brown gravy and then seasoned with a dash of Lea & Pen-ins' Sauce. But don't forget the i 7eJhv275.000beetle - --C7 - '-i - I V uuent te Larlsbad last year Anl thv cnmi from n' or !- wer'il le rftl of rhu nn ri ciirme prjprtii for jiem IreuM" llicr and kllnev i.aie rlirumatitiin. cenm'vatiin t c i liiTtfti in Carlabad t.prudei spr i Famous te' cnturle New je j can obtain t'Tp naii e rrmedUs at jour !ru:g,s' ASK FOR THE CENU1SE Carlsbad Sprcdtl Wtttr znd iarlsbadfllsf bprudel Salt A gtnt s Carlsbad Products Ce. 90 Weit St., New Yerk SKIN BLEMISHES All who have used Beauty Bleach te lear the complexion of bhickheads and Jilmplea. and te remeMi tan. freekUa and similar skin discoloration, enthu- alaatlcally proclaim It a wenderrul bkin beautifler. Black Hnd White Heautv Bleach. tid In connection with lllack and mk S r- m FREE INSTRUCTIONS f: Haw te Decorate LAMP SHADES IjR rj. ii i-v. nt S1 am by t3BUi '' JMiiii um 9h' Safl r lWJ;i'yfll, IS fcitiltir"" Lllat irMf XJ KlT- V- . i ... 1 isrv?.'S White Seap, Is most effectl, will net R53ff harm the most dellcate skin nnd re - WMi mee 1 blemlshei in a surprlslnRly anon time, lour urugpim ian supply i .you Beauty Bleach 50e tha Jar. He.ip 1 I5e the cake. Ask lilin for both audi begin our beauty treatment tonight Send ,25e te Dept. SH.V. J'leugli. Mtm - Bbli. Tenn . ler 11 Heflllable I'ewder I'urf, centalnlni; a two weeln' nuunlv of the tmrt.T' twrfcet face newder Ulack and White I'vv '''Incense Klowers." Literature Klvlng ivit'L In Uetnll all information leKaniniK tne In uetn 1 all Information leKardliiK the beautifylnK properties et Beauty Bleach mailed you upon request. IITE BLEACH HMtiU r wt'-mrssa&G j' R?Je Daily Mevie Magazine THE 'MAC CLAN IS A BIG ONE IN THE PICTVRES F YOU want te get Inte the movie, ' re sec one of the Mncs. The Mackx In the movies nre a powerful, and welshty RiOiui. There's. Mack SMimtt, jueilucer of Ben Tur lin, Wily T3emi nnJ Mnbcl Xermnnil comedies and comedy-dramas, for First I National release. Then there's the si suntir Murk Swain, of Charlle Chap- i Im's company, and Ifaywnrd Mack, ! Bebby Mack. Hnjlile Mack, William I It Mick and Archer MeMnekin, pre- J ilticer. I The AIncDenald clan ! n geed-sized! e. The most prominent member Is ' me, umtiorine uneDitwiil, who is new niacins attractions ter First National release. Anions the actors nre Donalu ..MaeOenaid nnd Jack MncDenald. who '.tre both In Mm-rlee Toiirneur'i "Lerna Deene." and Francis J. McDonald and Wallace- MirDenald. Among the di tcrtnri tc Fitrrd MneDennhl and Slier v red Mae-Donald (Imp of th bcft known croup In p'e nun 'x tlie Mar(nar-ie family. Tliorc' Tlierc' Albi'rt .Mac-ljtiir-il e is In the raM l Jehn M. SUlil's "One Clrnr ('"ill". i(erfi Mnrijusrrli". Frank MnrQuiirrl? nd Mu: de '1; Mtvtittartle. Fer jeai MtirdeiU MPs with I'nhvrsal nnd ciinii f .iii' nun branched out i a producer McLean i' an old Scotch -IrUli natii wliicli li spilled in xnriein wny. tJr.iee .McLean, the netrexs, spells it one way, ilhtir McC'Inln nnnther, JneV Me C lean another, while It. P. MaeT.eai' ind the famer.i Deticlan MncLean. of tin Themas II. luce Rtudles, have v vctMen upon which they both tKre. Of the McCoys, we knew of enlj three William, Harry nnd Gertrude. all of thPir arthts. There are three MtUeiwIls, tee Claire, Melbourne and Nelsen. Clnirc is in Marshall Nrlnn' 'Tnied" nnd Melbourne In Katherinc MncDenald's "The Infidel." Nelsen was In Maurice Tourneur's "The Last of the Mohicans." There arc three MeKevwinn Ketnna, j the nctrcs. and Jehn and Hebert. betl. reducers. And a trio of McCiiiires, tei Kntlirn .llcumre. featured n aier In H O. Dulls' "The Silen Cnll" nni' Mack Sennett comedies; Tem McOulie he i in tniarls Itui it s. v. r . ils-lt.lllt ill- in 1 Ni I! Mcf! lire nr U'ftn- There sci ins M he mine iLeputu nim up: the MiQunde clan a'- tn hfi the i i-me should b" spelled Mubel Mi -i)u:ide insists that the cerrt iernien Is as the scells it. uhlle Mursn-ct Mc Wnde, who appears in Aultn Stewart' "Her Mad Ilaignlu." Is as imhI tlve that it .should be spelled ittli the u." in which she is supported by Kd n aril McWrde. the icter. e INr of "Maes" would be coin- ' I bte without the McC'Orthis It's t grand old name, datine back a thou theu tnml vears or mere. And in Hollywood there's l'redneer J 1 MiCnrthy. as I well as L. McCarthy and Miles Me- IC.iiihv. letli of them acterh. Fierv one knout Marc MncDennett. .eternii of the screen even before the Mary Fuller days. Marc has only one n.imesake. nnd that's Kddle McDer- tnett. cinematejrapher. iheie nre only two JleCennells. ten l'nrker .1 tli'.. actor, and Uuy JlcCer.nell scenario v.titir. Arid only two Jlcljaughlinc Harrv. ncter, and Rebert. sceiiarlt tf the MetiliN tccre's L.mrence R.. producer, and Barnes, who is new film inp: Maurice Tourneur's Lerna Deene " Of the AfeCIeskeys theieh Jutin, asM'tanf directiir, and Laiucnce. seen ie wrter Ith the Me('ulleue!i ihere's i difference nf oiilnlen rpL'.irit- vs the Hp-lllng. Philit. the actor pells it MrColleueh. while Ilaiph. whj has a inrt in Charles liny s "It S V I' ," sp'lls lu la't name Mcf'iilleugh 'And let's net forget the McKees, Scott and Haimend. who lnentlv was seti In Herbert Bosworth's TJlinil Heait" " Alister MvGrnil has no namesake, lie is new appearing in Mabel Ner iunnd' "Suramin." h ning recently fin idied his tnsnseinent in Anita Stewait' The 'Wbtnan He Married " Mr. Mr. Orail ia a favorite af the Leuis II Mater studies, where he has appeared in Miss Stewart's- "The Invisible IVar." "Her Mad Baigain ' and "I'laj things of Destini ' rnenj the ether "Macs" aie Gladys MiClure. who is nppenrlns with Hleh id P.'irrhelmes. back Knt In "The Mrenth Dav" ; Dorethy McKaill. wh ' ad u soed part in "The Letus Eater" . ''lav MeAwy, "-een In "The Tiulh hour Husbands" and "The Pevil's (tnrden," nnd Wallace "IcCutcheen, i lm wis with Ceuitancu Talmndse n irtueus Vamp. ' WL SHOUI DN'T feiget 'be authors, either Themas McMorrew wrote tie of the stories for Marshall Nellan's B.ts of Life." nnd Barnard McCon McCen c lie i d the scenario and continuity for Si is Berk's "The Itusarv.' ainl ( 1 arles Ui s ' The Old Swlmrain' line lr s a great '-lan the Macs Among lh. nrtnru u linvi.n f .Tnlin d Kinnln. Billy McCnll. Walter Mr. 1'n.nn C.nrrv Afcfinrvi . r.nn'nn M... (Jreger, ( harle.s Mellugh, Burr Mcln te'h or ilebert Mcivlm. Ner hnve we se'd p. word nheiitMnn Ma'Lrren, who U Katberlne - aid s Mster, Ituth MacKay or Jane Mc. Alpine, rer nbeut llCtle Marv MeAUs- irr. the child artist We nl ever- looked three well-known director-pre- ducers. .ervni .Maciireger, Uenald MacKcniie mid Henry McHne. Ameni; tie nsslEtunt directors there s Hugh MiOluns. Jee McIJoneugh, Walter Mc I eed and Far! MeMurrrie. Kllnabeth MtC'effiy and P-verctt McNeil both ui'tr iienanes. while, Jehn McCrory and William McGnnn are well-known cameramen es. it -s rrctty tniiKh for the O'Sheas t O'Donehiies. wth a theie iia .n ,u nh , -i ' fllm . . Macs en the job In the film game. An 1 te mnke it worse, some of the pre iigent-i wne sreuc ine praises or tne stars nre Mac. There's MncArthur, of Mack Sen- -..,.. f...i n.tinn t an.A.MAM ir t ni l . .iiui;ii;iiuuii, ui j-iiuiijnn 11, . , ' ... i.r n i r iI1(.nv MeKennn , lnre B, Ktuu',,1 anti i.inasay .MCtvennn, who deei Allen Holubar s publicity. ion 1 ruy uii.niiiiiii asin iub .ia' Hun. ' sas Jehn McCerinlck, "it'n a 1Mttv stroll? arreatien of iinstsndin? :,,teii ncenle." ' lw0 n,lf!l lren" llirn c lartnlTLICi TCI I nr IT VIUU U muiiiue, 1 uuu ur II p...i,.Ln,i,.n 'Hlln filrl" nnri a, Conanenocken Helle Girl and War Veteran Reveal Secret After keeping the event n secret mere than Mx months, Miss Agnes Staley. Went Sixth avenue. Omsho Omshe Omsho hecken. and Francis McKvey. also of that plnce. today announced they were married in Philadelphia last Sep tember 4. The bride was fennerlv an operator In the Bell Telephone exchange in Con Cen Con hehocken. Mr. McEvey served in the Fifth Cavalry during the war, being one of the yeuneui and earliest recruits In the city. FOR THE FILM FAN'S SCRAPBOOK JBaaaaaaaaaKaVaaaF - aaaal BBBBBBBBBKBgT, , flB .B&'lBBlBBBVyBBB''''! aBBBH eaavflk 'KkaBlBH 'BtaV-. BtatK " ' :atatatatatati mBBVm BflKialflVBVBVBB Wk ' ' MlttiiiialBBBBBBaBI CAIlLYLi: BLACKWELL ir tcifJ be tjlnd te puhlirh the picluici of si;ci screen players as me suggcfttd & the fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX nr HF.NTtY ii., it r -,-He.. "I,, mr letter of Febrmin 1t;'. published in tlie'EVKN- stnif work en n picture with a setting imj 1'i-m.i'e I.Fner.n. 1 didn't intend te In Lnirlnnd in the dins of Hebln Heed hit you se hard. Y,.u mi that eunnd Ijanhee. The tentative title Is ,!.!' .....i-.i. ... I. ,..,., , riiie; "The Spirit of (hlialr.i. Most of the tierhaps. jeu just became one and don't knew "it. "or ,!r,en, and will net nd- mlt it, or ptefer te be ntled n le- lieucr. OeDbiiltliiR Wel..tcr I bud that a critic is one who reviews ' 'Tis also wry true that nerv in dnldual is entitled te an opinion of hisca're 0'f 'y'ex studio Fifty-fifth street or n. That's why nrrj one of us I , Ttnth nvcmie Xew Ynrk City. ' furnished with a separate needle. "I take my stand right hen- and Albert P. Kenhete Serry, but we new that I did net. directly or make if a rule te answer no letters I tectly. admit that ou were nt n critic ner-mnnllj Address I. W Griffith, by the statement that 'nearlj all i lines h'aie a sense of humor, and thoe thai hnien't aren't, because J lime h'iiu quite a few of your answers te letters, ami have found tliat tlure 1" pieim of humor snunkleil heic a nd there, in I h luimoreiis it is net necessary la nl .ways talk or answer nnj thing jokingly I mnv be wrong, but jeu 11 have te - show me. (Ir-r-r-r. ) "Some of your rciiews leave me dls- , satisfied. 1 like jour review of Iett Compson's "The Law nnd the Wumnn" because it didn't take In nil phases of the picture, like in Marlen Davies" III Ides' Plav" and 'Orphans of the Storm. In the last two named J en nau I n word te sav about the tnry. direc- tien, photograph). nLting. itc . and ! the nre what 1 call a perfect renew. or as nearly perfect ns can de nau. "Itftvuiref thev nre. veur worst re view is HM1 per cent better than the best any ether Philadelphia newspaper ( can give u. and te me you nre n poed dramatic critii . "Sav whnteier jeu please about thl' letter, 'but I call it 'quits' en this sub- i ject, and will write you nt n later date en a subject mm h mere inercstinj: " (Vew, that's mighty nice.. Se ive'll shake hands. But I wasn't n blrpeeied bv what sounded like a slam. Ira net quite se narrow as that, though I may seem pretty grouch nt times. I want t people te disagree with me. And 1 want them te feel absolutely free te write in nnd tell me te When leaders step disagreeing with me it will make me bclicie they hae stepped thinking for themselves, nnd that would destrej . mv respect for mv fellow -man. Or else I it' would indicate that the things I write aren't worth the tumble of con cen ttadlctinit. Perhaps thev renllj aren't I'll he glad te cet our next premised letter . . . 1 p !? (, "The Bnttie Imp" was r leased four or five jears ace bv the Laskv company. Sesmie Hayaknwn nlnvl th.. lead It was a wonderful picture, and T should think the cempanv , mild reissue u wuii inunt. """"' de think Famnl would mal-c geed screen mDl.rlnl nnd 1 "ill vei'V Surprised " TlM Amateur Gentleinnn" and "The Bread Itlphtrnv" hntc net been filmed At tn tliiv mav nessihl.v hnte been ei I in Knuland. though l' doubt it. n th i 'author's popularity in the Cnlted State nil es j would hac led te thei Se jeu think thee an' their importation sweis nre (lie most Interesting .part 01 tne new- iThanks very Kindly Frankljn Se, here vim ate back ajjaln, are you, with that line about AuneH Ajre'1- pjainc with Tem Mix? t I'm glad jeu named the picture, because I haie the ast here before me, and will sav that the following women plaed in "Trailin' " Carel Hellnwav played Jean: Kva Neiak pliued Hally Tertune, and that's all thete mm, there wasn't any mere. He 1 alwe you te stick te your expressed deter- initiation, only make it a nice old, white shirt. They cost money thc-e dais ou knew. Tiiese picture letiuckts will be cared for except the last named which, because of a recent scandal, we'll with- 1 held. Jean Gorden is a newcomer; T never saw her before "The Queen of .Sheba" and I've written te uet mere1 details. Held your herse1, am) I'll hae , them for you. 1 ... I "Deug" The pictures I listed re. centlv were confined te lait year's showings, but I certainly ngree with jeu en the subject of "The Honer1 Sjstem," which was an excellent pic ture, net exactly subtle but full nf real, 1 Mire-enough heart inteiest. I'nfortu I'nfertu nately I didn't see "Half a Chance," which also. 11 s I remember, dates back a enldeinble period I think you mean Marguerite Ceurtnt, net Courtier We'll try te publMi her "pig-show" seen, These scenes in the "The Sheik" wete taken in California. David Powell has n leading pnrt in "Three Live Ghosts." which will be shown here seen, and later In "Leve's Hoemernng." both taken in England. "Deug" Fairbanks is net making anything at the present writing. He is in New Yerk with Mary, who la tied up in a lawsuit. As seen as M NSET.Y he returns te Hollywood. "Deuir" will companies of nnv importance have nr - Jer for t ic Pr hlcl, ou mention. Ihis is .i ni w antl rapiuij ,b::;'1,'nin- l,h" of V"U"V Mrs. A. K. Address Mnrv Carr, i ' . 11 ... i, ..if... Uill. . I. MainarenecK. Leng Island, Dnuclas Just another foolish rumor. UeiiuhiH. for. as far as I knew. Jackie u hard at work, theueh 1 den t Knew the name of his picture. Tuee stories ' of the deaths of film people are quite VH'i H )": SI P THE "MARY JANE" A very new and Springtime wear. We feature it Leather. Specially m Winkelmait Styfe in Qualify Footwear 1130 Chestnut St. At Twtlftli I ' 1 1i i T Ti nr "i " y nuti ljplt, r int'iff . "iji yr J w7. , :. . J73 iijZIJMdW ,,1,,y, ''nUruKiiiiisiSiSSJi NtT!??"1"' ' "" -., irrim j Letus Land E, OR a quiet little meal or a delightful Saturday night Dinner Dance you'll find the air of refinement at Green Hill Farms Hetel as seductive as lotus. Lincoln Highway at City Line r, Miles from Philadelphia City Hall Uncommon Sense By JOHN BLAKE YOU never Journey through the city or through the country, for that matter, without ebserrln hundreds of people busily engaged In scrapping their time. Seme of them nra dumping it care lessly en card-tables, till 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. Others are throwing It overboard en dull books, written merely te entertain during a se-called idle hour. Most of them ara scrapping it by just standing around. "Standing around" thera you have tha secret of a very large proportion of the unsuccess In the world. IN EVERY village, In every city, even en tha farm, men hurry home from their work, hurry through their sup perhurry te change their clothes nnd walk briskly te seme rendezvous where loafers are gathered together. Then for the next succeeding hours, they stand in Idle talk, or gape nt passers-by. . . ,, . , . And In the meanwhile Time, which thev might be manufacturing either into dollars or Inte the machinery which common, but like Mark Twain's Jeke, "greatly exaggerated." I. N V. V. Yeu just bet I like I.ila Lee. I had n long reference te her in the Mevicgram column t-everal weeks age. Rhe's n very plucky little girl who has fchewn her grit and her ability nnd deserves new the stardom that she get tee seen (through no fault ei ner ewni hefere. We'll publish her picture seen. Yes. that was a bad break in Ihc Lure of .Tade." False back drops al most Inevitably show up en the screen. Se you thought "Itcputatlen," "Gypsy Bleed" nnd "Passion" the best pictures you saw during last year. I'm sorry te say I didn't see "Rcputntien." And you elvft honorable mention te eilan s "Dinty" nnd "Feriury." eh? Interest ing! As far ns I knew there are only two Fnrnum brothers, Vn lllinm and Dustin. Come again. K. A. 7.. Sure I'll referee that argu- mnl hotwien Tnll AIlll VOUT "SWCet WO- man." That was Betty Compon iUin plaved In "The Mirncle Man." Aa that your guess or our wife s. loll her I appreciate her interest In the Letter Ilov. "SOULMATES" HAD ONLY $4 Pair Arrested In Reading After Twe Months' Wandering Heading. Pa- Feb. 2.1. LenvlnR their heims in Oleau. N. Y.. just nftei Christmas. Chester A. Cotten nnd Mrs. Paul Sadler Mere arrested here tedav by llnec Itendins constables. "We nre soul mates." Mrs. Sadler told the Xcrs "We have net ""' wc i tt0., w fp cmlsC, ,lcvclep-4rndtL couple te Ha net heen iietiierins e be let alone?" the nrrest. She Hnrrisbure. where she found that they had ceme te Itcad lne. The woman is but twenty years eltl nnu" fluite attractive. Her husband l- expected te be here today nnd press cbnrges against Cotten. Uhe pair was nearly P"""8- ;an h ' lw" ''' ragged ?1 bill. Mrs. Sad said they had just shared their funds. Fermer Ohleans te Dine The Ohie Society of Pennsylvania will Rive its annual banquet tonight at the Hetel AuelnMa. ine principal ad- dress will be by President Peirce, of Kcnyen College. youthful model for in Black Patent priced 59.00. h r II PHIIAOEIPHIA'Sf nod bMutiful HOTEL I nrnce Mnrnrli, Mr, OmrbroeW, riillu,, Tit. 23 G ill Don't Scrap Your Time later en might make dollars,, is pouring out into tee ocean of apace, utterly wasted. Itccrcatlen and rest both nre geed for men nnd women, but most of us get about ten times as much of both ns we need. Taking out the average working time, and time for sleep and meals, there nre five or six perhaps mere heun left every day. Net mere than one of these ought te be spent in absolute idleness. And every hour beyond that one Is wasted forever. WASTING time is worse than making mistakes. The ralitnkes ran be remedied, nnd if they nre profited by they can be made lessens. But the tlrae thnt is scrapped never can be salvaged from the ocean of eter nity into which It has been dumped. It is geno forever. Yeu can de two things with your time: use it actually te ntid te veur income, or te develop the qualities that will add te your Inceme bv nnd by. If you de one or the ether of these things you nre wisely employing the capital that nature gave you. If you de neither of them you are scrapping jour capital nnd no man of intelligence ever docs that. Coturteht, 1311 I LADIES' DEPARTMENT w 'E SPECIALIZE Original and exclusive styles for spring. 4 1 rilOTOPI.AS . tmiu . ". "-" xw......,. vi mWiv,u, iwitvu ta fytanuu, early showing ill VJp AVWVi.T pany of America. ADfil I r 52D ft THOMPSON 8TB. AGNES AYRES ' In "THE I.ANK THAT IIAI NO TCUMMl" ADrAHIA CHESTNUT Bl. 16T1I AKALIA 10 a it. te 11 is i. u. EUGENE O'BRIEN In "CHIVALROUS CIIAKI.KV" T'e'rv-r FUANKI.IN A G1IIARD AVB. .HO 1 Ur JUTINEB DATL.T DAVID POWELL In "TIIK PKV riJOT" BALTIMORE ? tfffi$Z BETTY COMPSON In "Tim T.ITIIIMIINjSTFIt 131 I lI7DIDr Ureail S. Susquelianni DlUn.DirL' Continuous 2 until 11 MARION DAVIES In "TIIK HUUIK'S I'l.W" BROADWAY nrmiVvV HAnnAIlA t'ASlLl.TON In "The Child Theu Caveat Me" CArl 1VJL, 10 A. it te 1115 P. M. BETTY COMPSON In "TIIK LAW AMI TIIK WOMAN" -l-H rt1 A I Gin. & ilaplewoel Avi. COLUlNI Al- 2 30, 7 ami U V. M WALLACE REID In "HKr VHKK" faIrmeunt m,w,Sa1s WILLIAM FARNUM In "I'KKJl'KV" Seme DO 1 rl 31. MATINnB DAJT 1 AI.MTlll CAST III ! "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH ! GREAT NORTHERN ? 'yVWSl! I MAY MacAVOY In "MORALS" VlVIDITRTAI eOTJI & WALNUT 8T9. BERT LYTELL In "TIIK IIILi: RICH" iADITHM CIIEBTNUT Abev lltlOAD iUL-lUIl ply. 11 ae A M. te 11 30 P.M. JACKIE COOGAN In "MY HOY" I IDCDTV BROAD It COLUMBIA AV. LlDC-rl I MATINEB DAILY PEARL WHITE In "A VIROIN PAItAniHK" 1517 WALNUT ST. Spring Millinery Designed of the v e r materials and exquisite colorings. The prices are as refreshing as Springtime itself. Delightful New Frecks Our display includes every charming Spring Creation each one mnrked at a decided low figure. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET in Tweeds, Camel's Hair and SUITS AND TOP COATS Huddersfield English Tweeds in Suits and Coats specially designed and mads for our exclusive sale. CAPES AND CAPE DRESSES An unusual assortment of smart styles and fab rics for Spring wear. HOSIERY New importation of Camel's Hair just rece'ived. Exceptional quality nt moderate prices. Alse n fine Hand Clex Silk Hese in African Brown, Navy and Cordovan SPECIAL at $2.35 the pair. SPRING HATS Tailored Hats of every description Peanut Straws, Silk Turban, Silk and Straw combinations, etc. Priced moderately. d TYROL Attractive shades for Spring. Fer service and economy noth ing surpasses this wonderful fabric. Prices start at $17.75 the suit. WAISTS AND SHIRTS Designed nnd Tailored in our own workrooms perfect in fit. Fabrics of every sort. Made te measure or ready te wear. Mann & Dilks U02 CHESTNUT STREET i'iioTeri.As The following theatres obtain their pictures CTAMT.klV rnmnniiv of Amni-ine ti.VtinVi ia a of the finest productions. Ask WWkMallllli S It-1. U J. lU LlllUUtll L11U ORIFNT" WoeiJIanfl Ave. t 2d St. 1 VIMCl'N 1 j, VTINC13 DAII.T I KATHERINE MacDONALD In J'JI VI. I) LATCIIKKV' , OVERBROOK C3D4leaD ! NORMA TALMADGE .ln JJTIIK MON ON 'I Hi: HOOK" PA1 A PC l- MAHKKr BTRKBT r-L,Avn 10 A m. 10 11 15 1'. 1. WILLIAM S. HART In THA KI.IN' ON" REGENT MAMKAsrMB,,ieri !"" CHARLES RAY In "TWO .MINI TKS TO GO" niAl Tr UEHMANTOWN AVBNUB IMrtt IKJ AT '1 L'l PKHOCKUN ST. SHIRLEY MASON In "I.VI.H MMT. KJTK" SHERWOOD "& ffi eA.Ti LIONEL BARRYMORE In "HtlOMKKAMl IHI.I.J QTAMI T7V MAItKKT AT 10TU JlrtlNLLI 11 a. It I J 11 11 r. M HOPE HAMPTON In "V1AK nrvr1 QTAMTOM MAHKCT Aben KITH e 1 -i 1 jw u au a. it te 11 in i'. ii SARUOf's I'AMOt S UOMAMT. "THEODORA" 333 M ARKET0SA!K fl'JftT'S Special ('nut In Kiidiuril Ivlpliiis'a "Without Benefit of Clergy" VIPTORTA MARKET ST. an. 9TH v iv 1 jiif 11 a. ir. te una v. n ANITA STEWART In "TIIK INTlHHILK l'KAK" f RAMT lO.'J (HrarU Aa. irat Sat" INfUI 1 c wHltr Wallncff M Orifaii MILLIXM FOX 1'IIKSE.N'TH BETTY BLYTHE QUEEN OF SHEBA AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. AMRASAnnR Halllmera A. at B6th rtlVlDrt03MLUIcontlnueiis 1.30 te 11.20 Fer Te WrtU Only 1. W. CillirFITIl'.S "WAY DOWN EAST" wermantewn matinee daily RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "THE CONQUERING I'OWEK" Hats Geivns i newest $ 18.50 and Upward v "'fliiHIteiwI) Tyrel Weel Fabrics. WOOL SUITS new atvlea in k..i;f,.l j PIIOTOI'tATS through the Yiinn4-n f ."aVlllM)Mff Kuaiaincc ui "iSi.T"m for the theatre f tAan&i UkUlliC V LJUI11" fc. wwriwir ' A OThe NlXON.NIRDLlNGEHffl THEATRES U BELMONT C2D ADOVE MARKET 1 30 and 3 00; C SO ta 11 CONSTANCE TALMADGE Hi "MAMMA'S AITAIR'' fPriAD COTII 4 CEDAR AVBNU VEJ-frtrV j 30 and 3; T and 9 P. M. TOM MOORE In ".MADE IN HEAVKX" COLISEUM ""ai'ne8?. CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "W.DDINO DELI.9" niMRH FRONT 3T. OIRARD n JUMD'J Juml" '"no en Fmnkfi-rit "t,"i CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "WEDDINO BELLS" I TTAnCD tST LANCASTER AVB. LLAUClX 2 80 te 4 30: 7 te 11 P.M. LIONEL BARRYMORE In "neOMERANO DILI," I fir! 1CT f'-'D AND LOCUST fcTREKTS L.uutJei jja 130 a 00 nv aaoteit JOHN BARRYMORE In "THE LOTUS EATER" NIXON "DANDMARK?T3.T;na. Charles Chaplin in "A Deg's Life" Er Tonight IIMiwn 8 and S0 P. M. MISS HOPE HAMPTON TIIK HTAK OI' "STAB DUST" Will Appear in Persen at the Nuen RIOI I B2D AND BANSOM OTS. MVUL1 1 30ndSfl!l8 tellP. M. JACKIE COOGAN In "PECK'B HAD BOY" AQTU CT Theatre Opp. "L" Terminal 07 1 rl O 1 . J! 30. 7 nn 0 P M LIONEL BARRYMORE In "nOOMERANQ BILL" STRAND a,rn,IMrin.A?,.vsM,"S LIONEL BARRYMORE In "HOOMEUANO DUX" JEFFERSON 29th ft Dauphin Sta, MATINKK WAIU1 AGNES AYRES In "THE LANE THAT HAD NO TURNING" PARK" RJDO AVU. A D DAUPHLN 1 S:43 te 11 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS la "THE THREE Ml'UKETEKM" t 1 T h m&&: i,.L. imldmM, fi4Ujft, KiOft'; tisnaS&i&&i , 1 T