m I , I flHSHADMlW ' Mkcheir Market, Inc. It A 1" "' l"ii"Ynrr ''ri HOUSEHOLD GOODS " BTIXIAf. mis wkek Mabeisint in' $7d.UU V-,.,rl;i'"eu,l .enlVntK of i Iar SXewE , i:eryllilna rnust ti BeTd Merr ion aierag, . " NAVY CUT CE (UN GOONTZ IS ASSURED Chief of Naval Operations, Backing Denby, Replies That Is "Congress Jeb" .Orn DeHTNT Vocation Red1 Records gave Taken Philadelphia ' Hear Them Tomorrow BLAKEcBUnKAWir S. W. Cor. 11th & Walnut Sts. and 20 S. 10th St. Recerd 3041 Cem par Hull SHEIK Fex Tret 7137 TY-TEE Tex Tret 7159 the nbe Connerlsoil record and roll ulth etlir mnKen. "If j-eu'r net renwncca innnerizeu record" and roll AIIE Ui:sr we will cheerfully refund jour money and CAR FAUn. C0NN0R1ZED MUSIC SHOP 1 NOBTH (10TII 8TBELT Raazigysssi 1 t DYED A SWEATER AND SKIRT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Every "Diamond Dyes" package tells hew te dye or tint any worn, faded garment or drapery a new rich color that will net streak, spot, fade or run. Perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if you have never dyed before. Juit tell your druggist whether the material you wish te dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Fer fifty-one years millions of women have been using "Diamond Dyes" te add years of wear te their old, shabby waists, ikirts, dresses, coats, sweaters, tteckings, draperies, hangings, every thing! idvl. 60,000, NOT 90,000 MEN fly Hie Anrlalevl Vresn Washington, Feb. 23. After Ad miral C'oentz, rhlff of naval operations, had reiterated te th Heute Naval Affairs Committer today tlint he steed pnt en Secretary Dcnb.v's recom mendation for nn npproprlatlen next ear of $3r0,000.000 with 00.000 en IMnl men, Clinliman lltitlcr nnil ether meinberi-jfnvp wnrni'n? that the Heme would net he disposed U appropriate mere tlinn ?'J00,O00,WJ(P Chairman Uutler Indicated that the nppioprlatlen bill would ptevlde1 only for about 00,000 enlisted men, and Admit al Coentr. deelared rarefttl figuring by the department had shown the need of at least 03,500 afloat. "I sat as n member of the Com mittee of Fifteen nt the Arms Con ference," said "the admiral, "nnd 1 knew what the fiur-lgncr thought. In mv henct ftidginpnt 1)0.000 men Is the least yp Minutd have and T stand en Ikwl' (,ins,,v" 'ill" the numher te (.0.000 or r.O.001) trim's Its ieb." ltepieseiitatl. lliiks. of Npv Yerk, dcMM Ibing himself ns a big nay mnn, jleelereil that nfter tnlklng with mem bers of the Apptoprlatlens Cemmltte? he did nel bcllcc the new bill would carry much mero than $-'00,000,000. ."Cutting the navy Is mueh like at tending the funeral of my beet friend, but I believe the American people nrc demanding n reduction," he said. "The limn He put the neifennel has remc and t Is my idea that the enlisted total will be around 80.000." i Admiral Centi gave the committee a isf of fort v-two old Milps which would be withdrawn. After a running file of ipiestleiis hah man llutlcr asked Admiral Coent if the depiulment was icn.lv te Maud with the committee "te ndjuM the m v nfnr the 1010 ligure" In lnv of th' apparent determination of the Heuse te , le.Iuce the Dcnbv climate almost br I 1,!IH- The admii.il leplied thai Ss-rrctnrv , weiiby wn- the man te answer that nnil I Sir. Uutler explained tbnt a fuuher rc I licit from the Heprrtat.v would bi pie IrHiitcd within the nct few dn.. BEST COAL LAY ASIDECHURCH MERGER Evangelical Conference Delays Ac tion In Interest of Harmony Heading. !.. Kch. at. (Hv A. I) The iiurMInn of meiger with the Kvnngellcnls eiept into the proceedings' nt the opening of t he United Kangeli pul HaMciu IVniisyhania Cenfercnci tedaj. It was brought up in the form of a new plan, and In common consent tabled in tb(. interest of harmony in the conference. The tubjrrl will iionie up Intel . lllshep Maze, of l.e Alnrs. Iowa. de. Ihcred the anminl eplseepil message. A grand total of Sir.1,:i.'!1.07 was raised for conference, feielgn am general mis mis lein by the Vailed Knngelical Kast I'cnnsjlvanln fVinfeicnre duiing the last j en r. Owen Letter's Sens WESTMORELAND ST. WRITE OR PHONE NOW! Bell, Frankferd2150 Keystone, East. 7754 , Mletitev.it. Pa.. Keb. 'S. (Itv A. Il'.i With 1LV minincrlal nnd lay lel- . - legates in nttemlnnce. the clghtv-thlrd WE SERVE YOU RIOHl 'nniiu-.il session of the Hum l'ennsyl- Mania lenrerence of I lie i:nngellenl A" ....;..!.. .. i i.. ti r.. ..... . nn itii ii.ii ii)m-iii'ii j 1 1 riin,?i'l V mill II teda;.. UUIieii I.. II. Saeg. r. of Nn iierlllc. III., is jiresidlna. Ills enis- Ufktt Ced Verif ia PMufelpMu fepnl iiiess,,., lm, e uf-inue te i hutch meiger. Dr. William (!. KIIIn, TRENTON AVE. & ,lf rSwarthmere. dclieicd a missienaiv nuujihs "'I" niieruoen. HONOR JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Historical Societies Pay Tribute te Sixth President Washington, l'eb. L'.'!. (ISy A. I'.) Kepu-iciitathrs of liiMerk-.il, putiietic "and ail iiiciptlps tedav honored the memer of .lelin tiuiin- Ailnms bv held- lnv'memiiiiul seni.es en the spot, new inaiked by a biene plate, wheie the ' gieat Mntpsmnn who became the sixth i'leident nt the i nite(j .-states fatnllr stiicken, in the C.initel. Senati.i- Caiawa. of Arknntn. deltv. eird n uilegy, desciibing"tlie hibt-t-xeiie 'of tbn stntesman h nfis which was en- I neled while In IiIk scat in Congress. Senater Caraway told hew Adams, nn. I der a Midden Mieke, sank down in his j seat when the speaker of the Heuse 1 was ntieut te negin a speech, and ex plained that the last words uttered hv Adams were: "Thank the members of . (lie Jleusn. 'I ins is trie iat of earth. I fTwu Lameness neglected often becomes serious and permanent and the longer you delay the'i mera difficult the re covery. Promptly treated with Ab- serbins, Jr. the joints and y muscles seen lnxa thulr n Bertness and stiffness. s o4bseibina, Jr. is made of ): ntresandta non-poison eus safe and pleasant S 1BW' I 92, si m hntii. a RSP- ".T.1 t mett druEsiiU' IS L.11. W. F. YOUNG. Iae. 3 C5ei Springfield, MuMchnaetta 1 iwrjuu. am content. 'MARBURG'S CONDITION LOW I Wounded Man Unconscious Bride Hastening te Bedside Negales. Ariz.. Feb L'll (Il.v A. P.) Captain Throdeic Mnrbuig, son of a former Minister te lWlgium, accident ally shot In the head last Fiiday nt Mngdalcna. State of Sonern, Me-., nc- online te icpeits fiem that place ie- I celled hue tediu. sllll was up. onscleus SINN FEIN LEADERS INVI1EDM0ND0N British Officials' Ask for .Confer ence With Signatories el Peace Treaty TREATY BILL DELAYED By the AMOflated Press Jnden, Feb. . The Krltlsh ov ev ernment lias invited the Irish signa tories te the Angle-Irish treaty te come te Londen for an early conference en the whole situation. It was announced in the Heuse of Commens today by Winsten Churchllli feeretary for the Colenic. Mr. Chuicblll made this nnnnunee( ment in icply te a questioner, adding that the Xlevernrnfent larked suffle ent Information en wbal occurred In Dublin yesterday te form judgment as te the peurse fe be pursued regarding the Irish Free State bill. , Austen uiinmucriniii. ".'";;; y leader in Commens, later told the Heuse, I that for the reasons given ey mr. Churchill the Government did net pre-1 nnaa In IIIUK 1111 COnSinerilllull ui Irish treaty bill en Monday, been planned. BURNS Copper Electric Washer Full "cabinet, noiseless oscillator. Slight advance whan Beld ...-. ., ONLY $l.SO WEEKLY Free home trial. -Phene for circular and full particulars or call today. JUDSON C. 1108-10 Walnut St. BURNS Phene I'llbert 4B-10 nnmu At.. 1IIV HATIIU1IAV r.4S2ifl- SKS?.i,t-.l .nfis'eS."c',h,.,.Ur. Treete.. IHrH.lH.r.. Kerrlrtn. ft 1 fl ftv tl iwxvS'smi-b MWMMHMMi x-ace ascie imwMMmimsimmmmmm i JKLJM, k S.HaHL'i7v W wmwfzx-. ' ,h. ' t'j.M l,- rrr- -i .rfiM Miii. BABV . iH 4ill iVM t u ml sTuhESCq. Hill II BM . JHBHHlll M II ' Tl'MMMlim mi mil II . an tnwm f h '" ""- 4, - Anether Opportunity Roasts of Beef 15 c lb. the bad I Dublin, Feb. S3. fBy A. I'.) Mlchnel Celllnx. head of thp Trlsh Previsional Government, today re ceived the following cable messngj from .Tudgc ltlcliard Campbell, of 11 Wall st i eel. New erk: 'Vnepilnv'a develoements loekln te unity give us new hope and dispel the gloomy loreneuings in ncw natches. Yeu must linng tegeinrr I Meats te Please Yeu Pleased te Meet Yeu At the MARKET STREET BEEF CO. These Special' Prices for THURS..FRI..SAT. Rumpt ' Pin Benes Belars Klitaa nf Rnuarl w.w- - . . ... M at Our Beef It from the Beit Native Grewn Cattle Mosey tan Buy New it tke time te eat fresh -eggs. Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached Use them any vray you wish. We guarantee each and every one, or your money refunded. Strictly Fresh Eggs in Cartons, 30c dez. Best Creamery Butter & 40c lb. Olee or Nut Margarine, 3 lbs for 50c nnc separately. i-... ". . -' rMBraaewvaiwni Mr. Cellins today reccivcti an in fluential deputation or businessmen from Cerk, he urged the prev slenal ministry te expedite nnnncini nr mntrements for rebuilding the SPCtlen of Cerk destroyed last year by Crown forces. Mr. Cellins premised, en be half of the Previsional Government, te ' de everything possible te meet the wishes of the members of the deputa tion. . ,..,,, Satisfaction is felt In Seuth Ite'nnd eer vesterday's surprise decision of the Ard i'hels for n three months' adjourn ment, nt the end of which the people will be asked te vote en a constitution as well as en the Angle-Irish Treaty. I This opinion Is net unanimous how ever. Many heartily indorse the con vention's gratification at the preserva tion of the Hinn Fein's unity, but some staunch supporters of the treaty arc disappointed and Inclined te ngree with .Tebn MaEntee's declared opinion that "the agreement was clearly a rrpub-. llenn victory." , One question much discussed in some nuarters Is what is going te happen te the treaty bill new before the Imperial Parliament, which it is contended Is shattered tb a great citcut by the Ard Fhels' decision. , The correspondent of the I reeman n Journal writes: . "The fact that the leaders of both parties were able te rle above their differences and seek gieund for agree ment may be taken, one hopes, 0s a geed nuguiy for the future. le a lera's attitude toward an nppcal te the preple at this stage bieught the question of a general election te the forefront ns the main issue nt the pri vate conference. "One may Imagine tbnt Arthur Griffith and Michael 'Cellins wete net convinced by argument that this was either an unwise or undcsliablc course, and they had. It would seem, te sink their personal views for the sake and In the hope of unity. "The new agreement will certainly take nwav the slightest estigc of justl lii itlen from the effiecrs of the Seuth Tipperarv brigade whose piepl.uiiatieii against the Dail and their own general hcadquarlers i.iused a sensation jc tcrday as u step toward anntrhx. The Freeman's .leumal edlteilally savs the people at large wjll ie(eive the agreeinent with relief nnd joy equal te that of the delegates te the Ard Micis. The Irish Independent rejoices that the black (loud which lind seemed te piesnge that the lendern were heading' for hostility is "lightened for the me- I ment nt least," adding: ' "Fer. if there is net complete recon ciliation, there is nt least mutual for- bcarance; thcie is a truce te discord, and above all a possibility for ultimate agreement." The Irish Times says : "That the Previsional Government s fcll.J difficulties nie numerous, formidable and urgent was pinved by the D.irgain ' stmck yesterday. It was manifest that the Previsional Government wanted a period of truce se badly that it was willing te pay a heavy price for Mich1 relief. "Griffith and Cellins secuie. or hope' te scpiup, temporary freedom from open attack', from ,thn dauger of snap vote in the Dail, where their majority is pre carious, and from the threats of the mutinous section of the Irish icpublican armv. "On the ether hand, De Valeia has defeated Cellins' plans for an eailv election, strengthened the iase of the treaty's enemies In the Imperial Par- liament and cMiesejl the whole settle ment te a new chnpter of accidents rurthcimere. he has taken the framing of the Free. State's Constitution out of the hands of Us first Parliament. That Is perhaps the most impeitant nnd most sinister feature nf the new situation. , "If the neonle'H sanltv rejects a constitution which Great llritain could net iatlfy that very sanity will kill the fiml hi n i'itiinl fniiiUHnn Ills bride, who is enl nineteen jcais' tieniv, ter m-Biymnu jjensiit tien mu;t ild. Is due te imie in Tucson at mid-1"""1 ', Vl1 , t0811'01"-, lhe ulmle ulght teiiight, en leutr te Magdulena husband. fiem llaltlmeie te lhe bedside of her Cuticura Complexions Are Usually Healthy The dally use of the Seap prevents 'legging and Irritation of the pores, the usual cause of pimples and blackheads, whe the Ointment oethea and hula. Cutleuia Talcum le delicate, delightful, dialing, aVxJfii.'fSttiaM;, r:lil?12' i I K3K2-vfl,?"lP Jaaawf rMasf GIVE KIRK TIME TO PAY 1 Chester County Tax Collector Given 1 Chance te Replace Funds West Chester. Pa.. Feb. L',1. Geerge M. Kirk, fninici- tnv collector, i who admitted a shortage in his fund of liiiieugh money of R-t.15ii.fi0 n few days uge, has been given until Saturday neon te icpay the mnucj . It Is said tlieie aic piesneits that hp"ma bP able tu 'de th-'s threimh the nsslslanie of fi lends. 1 Kn nudll lias shown the figuies for fer meil given te be .etied anil se far i he heiidint; imnpanv holding his bend hns made no move In Hie matter. Ills bend Is for $ 10,000 for borough funds am) a like 3uin for these of the Si hoot Jlteind. . Pleads Guilty te Forgery Charge New Yerk. Feb. til. (By A. P.) 1 Atlliur 10. Olsseu tmlny pleaded guilty le a chnige or feraery in tne sepeiut da gien in the theft of 1 8, 000 fiem (lie Mptmpnlilan l.lfp liisiiinnce Company lasi ,lulv Piesecutlng ntlerne.vs told the Coin t OImeii, by fiuglna I he names of nrllrlHls of Ihe lempaity. had nt-cu-mulutvd !?1-I.HI0. which he had tic posited In safe deposit boxes for his old age. . -- mi:mui.M' te hi itai.e iiii.r. rini'ie v. Iult l' written ntsrtierUt. nu Hia efcimlnn nf HuffBle Hill's AHnhriri-. lilrh nlll si'l'Ml In 1U Mnln feotlep p ntxt fcundsy J'uWJe l,d(r, 4dv, finmevveik of Iiish nence is uravely doubly menaced." ind PACT BILL FLOUTED, SAYS LONDON POST Londen, Feb. 23. (Iy A. P. i Londen newspapers seemed puzzled to day ever the unexpected outcome of the .rd Fhels convention. Seme con demn the arrangement by which the Irish cloptlens nie pit off for three months, while etheis regaid it as a mutter affecting principally the. Iilsh thenjselves. The Tunes sa.vs the uuexpccled de de cliien disappoints the support) ts of the Angle-Irish ticatj and believes all these who wish 'lasting peace In Ireland will regret it. The Morning Pest seys thai the Irish lepubllean nimy controls the situation, that the postponement fl6uts the treaty bill new before the Imperial parliament and Is n victory for Ramen de Valera. The Dally Chronicle, the government organ, thinks It a gieat snertflce for Michael Cellins and Arthur Griffith te wait three months for the popular mandate and a great les,s in Ireland, that its constitution should be made by the Dsil Kireann Instead of a parlia ment elected for the puipesp The Dally News sujs thp, agreement is n trlhutH ie the practical cemmun cnsc of the Irish people nnd a genulnp movement toward the unity and geed will. Tim Westminster rhuetta' think t If the two psvtlte In, tl Hin,n Fein mu rat shed With tin. aaieeinent. nutHlile (observers eugnt te wrlceme It, te still further cut your living costs Wc arc firmly cstablishine in the minds of mere people every day that in the Asce Stores' ' ''Quality Counts and Your Meney Gees the Farthest" Analyze the items belewevery one of them. Study them carefully in their relation te Quality and Price and you will realize that your dollar has greater purchasing power when spent in an Asce Stere or Meat Market. Very Choice White Potatoes W-pk (3 lbs) 8 !2-pk (7lA lbs) lGc; Vi-bu (30 lbs) 61c Dry and mealy. Very nice quality "praties." Cook like balls of flour. We sell Potatoes by weight, because this method insures you receiving your full money's worth. Big IrlSalt 3RFZri0c Special! If tlaA T)-..i r t ..... Value; Regular Gp bacs, you really get one free with every two you buy. This Week Only Finest Sugar Cured Skin Back Hams, 20c lb. Best Half Smokes in the City 10c lb. Lean Sugared Picnic Shoulders .... 15c lb. Best Country Scrapple O lb. OE Freth Ground Hamburg Steak. . O for fciJC Our Stere Are Open Friday and Saturday Until 9.30 P. M. One car ticket brings yen from almost anywhere; end you save from 5c te 15c en every pound you buy at the MARKET STREET BEEF CO. 5221 -23-25 Market St. 5939 Market St. ff I- r. A Jw ! Mnnrlnv fvttsenincr NwinaMAre y IQOH 1 U VUI r ass iiivuuw w v .. w.ijjw Wca dozen Drep in Price of Eggs The mild weather of this week has resulted in increased activities of Mis. Hen mere liberal supplies enable us te make this drastic reduction in our already low price. 1 &z J t rrdm53k Si Ml -5t r ZMmWiKmAsi -V?fJYm fttf'6Xi Geld Seal Eggs :;r.,ve 40c Big and full. The pick of the nests. Our el till tee iu((0il 10'M Strictly Fresh Eggs der 35c Net quite se large as the big Geljl Seal Egg3 but positively ficsh. ' I Elllplnllallallal IB I IliiiailfflTll -i mi . RhJJJH jw Vnimrrttm fleer Itcinti Pitt AlaintlStdt DrawtriAcun- Hit xlikdttn On,t0 Dtr 8 Frtmt italhhiHnftll Luscious Fruits at Lew Prices Calif. Oxhcnrt ucg. price uuc, Cherries cb. 30c j SiiL Pears Fine flavor. Haw. Sliced Nice juicy slices. I Reg. price U3c. big can Very delicious. 30c Pineapple llT 16c fS Peaches n. uiuffi, unjuy.ieic nesscri. tall can 16c Oregon Plums I1 ir ran Haw. Pineapple mcil rnu Calf. Evaporated Peaches ,b 19c 25c 1 Calif. Sunsweet Prunes ,l 12c, 17c Calif. Yellow Peaches can 23c, 29c Calif. Evaporate Apricots " 29c 22c CencnUi Attr fremt prUtttii kj Inmlalittt t ' Victer Bread Big Leaf Right from the glowing eens te our Stores come these big brown leaves of goodness. Victer Raisin Bread le 10c With big fat raisins. 6' Ueld Seal Oats pks 8 c Rich in itamincs. Very healthful. Four Unusually Big Values King Wheat pUg 15c You'll like this ccical ery much. Try it. Asce Farina pksr An enjoyable breakfast cereal. 10c Minced Corned Beef 18c Ni-c s ith poached eggh for breakfast. Ne 2 'Allitccl" Silt ( jhl usivei y Safes A t Interesting Prices Cheesing a fireproof safe becomes easy when you see the many in terior combinations you can secure in "Allsteel". ,Thc underwriter's laboratory label guarantees that the "Allsteel" safe is fireproof, and that's most important. The price is low enough te make a visit te us really worth while. Come in or phone for a salesman. ifirll tiwMa lgs" asce Coffee ib 25 Rich, rare aroma and mellow in flaer. lt a rare ti-i any price and uendcrful inluc at 2ec per lb. a: Tailc the am ere nee Asce Evap. Milk 12 9c "Pure as the morning dew'' JSjjggSp lb Butter Every pound ceiU.uiih cicam from 10 quarts of finest butter in America! 47 the milk pine rich ! It's the Richland Butter Ib 43 c Puie t-rcanieiy prints. asce Teas ib "Kg 12 :-lb pkg 3c; Ih-pkg 15c l'ne delectable blends te cheese frem: Orange Pekoe India Cetlen Old Ceunlru S title Plain Black Mixed m&Oeee H Office Furniture The General Fireproeiing Company Philadelphia Branch, Bulletin Bldg. CemnlelP line en ltl.lii Wnr.liuu.n MerU fur Iminrillulr PrlUrr.r "Itqinnl Fllliiu- 1 IreproelliiB ud Vatvrirnnllni( r.iiRlnri'rit" Il.lt Spruie 8837 KfjsteiiB Unce S101 Distributors . K. AII..INTIO t'll, .. .1. . .nil UA3IPBV. ,V. J. Ill ciii:Ateb. i-a. . r AMi:vruu. l'A. . . aMiUl .. . IIAKHiaill'HO, l'A. l.lNC.tNTKn. l'A. I'llll.Xnr.I.I'lllA. I-A. I'OTTSTll.M-.. l'A. RFAIUMI. VV. M KAMI IV, i'A. ritKMOV. N. .1. . . VH1KF.N IIXIIKK, l'. Hil.l lMN0lir. I'V. Mil MINI1TON, lM Miiu. n, It. II. (.1 111 IIIMII.KV IIVNt-K A UN AH Ml I.KMil.Y RIUH.. In.. I'KNCKlt Kr.TlllM.H IIIMI'IW M. i.. illlM,l rilllrAl t "I'K KUMPMUNT I ll.1irN MMllllir A II Mill ii. i'. NM.vAlilK l.K.l'Ml.ll I IVV AK1 rOMI'AN OK N. 4. Ill r.Ml-.lt A CIIMPVV V'TM rniMivu ceMrN it. i loeiin'jritMTt in: i n' -i fi K.n; Rich Creamy Cheese II. 25c TeurAine Chocolate 3 --n' " fc Peut Bart '"" fnr Asce Yellow Cern Meal Teddy Bear Suiar Cern cUe 8c 10c Cocktail Cherriei Ace Sliced Bacen Ace Cocea . Alie Macaroni . . Ace Spaghetti bet 13c . . phi 15c 1 ;-lb can 15c . . pk( 9c pkg 9c Aice Threaded Codfish .. .pkg 9c Dainty Cakes Hern the N. B. C. Ovena Sylph Sandwiches 1-ittle brown cakes with rf rich cream filler in the mid dle. Try them jeu'll want meic! b 28c Brown Edge " Wafer With real anilla 22c fla or. Aice Catsup . , Geld Seal Fleur Aice Oleomargarine ...big fant 15c I'.' Hi 57. Tender Peas . 20c 122C Ralston Breakfast Feed big pkg 22c 2-Min. Wheat Feed pkg 7c Asparagus Tips can 3Sc My Wife Syru. . .bet 14c, 22e Beit Kidney Beans Ib 10c Best Green Peai lb 10c J Meat Specials in Our 204 Meat Markets Milk-Fed a Chickens lh 35c FINEST NATIVE BEEF Thick-End Standing Rib Roast lb J8c Lean Beiling Beef lb I2V2C Lean Soup Beef lb 7c Selected Cuts Standing Rib Roast lb 28c Milk-Fed Breiling Chickens lh 40c BONELESS BREAKFAST BACON Whole or Half Pieces ...lb 18c MILK-FED COUNTRY VEAL, 11. Cutlets lb 48c Lein Chops lb 38c Rib Chops lb 32c Rump Roast U28c HOMK H HCK, VULMiSTOWX. OHIO These prices effective n our Phila., Camden, suburban Stores fc Afrai Markka jwaiii'Wfflwiwwtwiitiwrjii " mu'itiitwetai'ffliiiieiiii.iuiiiiuiii ' j& - i ASCQ rjaaaWrJiiATit , It "! W SiV '.Wi m IH v c mi g,aiLiAi " k : n ' !,.. r RSVk;,iiy IftWnK-SI'Ai I