Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 23, 1922, Final, Image 11

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    Er i
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i Mk.i-M "
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Li . . -J. it
-Mrs. Wilsen Tells of Household Methods
of a Careful, Economical Yeung Wife
Nothing Is Wasted in This 'Little Heme, and the Fortunes of
the Family Are Increasing Instead of Decreasing
m ..m 19!1. Iw Mrs. U..A, V?tts
dnirl'M' "'"'rtehtt rutrvtd
mHB mechanism of the home should
1 be run In a methodical nncl ceo cee ceo
neinleal manner, the housewife realizing
KS dignity of performlnKthe little
InmMr duties that often she feels nrc
menial I" " kl'igdem of l,,c hemP(
tha housewife Is tiuly the queen, and If
,he be n sensible weinnn. with n real
jr,ire for progress nnd n dependency,
... i... .wilnlne cnrB, then tne word
".'...,. iloes net w"
I, slic liercu
ul " .. .i....u imf iippmne lentuMUiic. 'iiur
f.T' r-d te dentil with her dally.
. 1t ih4Anlniilt tt 1'ttl
A truo-Dlue, nnAi:i - ,' ""
. A.' ':.. i.nl,u-irR for the lust seven
tel me etiltc recently that when
IhSmarried. her husband's w.lary was
HS.fi i sufficient for one; yet she do de
Jerailncd te nmke thl same money keep
.nil kiivc a tiny b t for n rnlny
? aMiny economies of the old-time
he5wl e were put Inte practice In this
Mt tie he nc, and as they progressed from
l.r te Vcnr. they htlll saved, nnd Just
Jh. mat BprW, the lad had nn oppor eppor opper
Snlty e curca small interest In the
firm wlicre h" Is employed. I cull this
&y a lad, for he is yet under thirty
''Thls'eunB liom-ewlfe proudly urged
n te Mnv mid visit with her for n
w ih iml net " ,,1,1,t"1 of 1,el,u
K& A mett" ImngH In this Ullclieji.
?$a"tfl Net. l-t Yn Want." and right
niid'r this i .'alendnr. with the duys
I lined in pencil en which nhe mubt
py for c"rnln commodities that cannot
leiPreallylathink the true success in this
homeis ydue te the fact that both he
lmsband nnd w fe net only plan the
K together, but frequently take
Srir basket nnd visit the shopping com cem
tnunitv. near their home, ubeut twice
week. Their motto is pay cash,
Seep out of debt, nnd save something,
If It is only fifty cents.
lii this 'home you will find many
irtielcs us they "ear tnken In hjnd nnd
If beyond repair, utilized for selucthlng
else. Wern pillow slips nre cut open
nnd thi worn part discarded, the two
strins toward the ends nrc finished with
narrow hems, nnd used for sneu cieu s,
in place of the paper covering that the
housewife usually uses.
Many ether economies nleng this line
kpen her riuitc busy, nnd her neighbors
are proud of her ability te find wn.ys
te utilize things thnt nr frequently
either used for dust rags or else thrown
After the stockings arc beyond re
pair, this little woman cuts them in
strips about two inches wide and winds
in bulls, ns for the old-fashioned cuniel
rags; nnd when she has about four
ball'', she knits u rug for the bathroom,
nr perhaps she will use it In the kitchen.
These rugs nrc really geed looking, and
are i-cwcd en n piece of ticking nfter
tbey nre knit. Doilies arc made from
worn table cloths, and a simple scal
loped edge made by crocheting around
the tiny hem basted In place. One
luncheon set made In the manner do de
scribed wns upprnised by n linen expert
te be worth fifty dollars.
This euhr vtemnn does net hnve the
temperament or ether blues, and she
finds time te belong te n club. Her
economic have net made her narrow,
but rather lme given her a bread view
of life with the lcnllzntien that, as the
cnrs speed en, she nnd her husband
will uchlew success, and will enjoy the
cpmferts mid pence thnt come with an
earnest effort, llconemlc conditions of
the word today, ninltc it vitally nn
, ii---
.Four Geed Werd
pertjnt Hint tne neiiscwiic aujiisi uer
household te nn economic basis, nnd
prevent waste ; nnd also take n real
pride In the fact thnt she con nnd does
labor nt the dear, sweet homely tni-ks,
for the comfort nnd health of her
The husband In tills household carries
his lunch every dny, net new, as n
matter of economy, but because the
wife feels that it is important that he
be pre ided with the right kind of foed:
m for this reason this housewife finds
btijiiig a whole hnm of moderate weight
n ieal economy. A small saw purcluc-ed
nt the hardware store, and n geed knife,
with liubbj's u'.sUtn:i'e ns n butcher,
made it pesMb'.e te cut the hum ns thev
desiie. I am gixing here some tasty
dlilies from this home.
Panned Ham
fat ham In ery thin slices, cover
with boiling water, nnd let stnnd for
five minutes, lift and drnin, then brown
quickly in pan containing smoking het
drippings, lift te a sllce of nicely
browned mush, and sene with brown
pan gravy.
Dmiiice of Hum
hnvlng nhnut half n cup of the fat
part mixed In with the lean;
Kit onieiti, (trated;
Three-quarters cup of finely chopped
One cup of reld coeltcd cereal left
ever from bieakfatt,
One teaspoon of salt.
Three-quarters teaspoon of pepper,
One teaspoon of thyme,
One teaspoon of poultry seasoning,
Ope and one-half cups of very thick
cream sauce,
Mix well nnd then turn In a well
greased and floured leaf shape pan nnd
bake In n slew even for one hour.
Serve het with tomato sauce: nnd
cold, ns thin cutM .wltli potato salad ;
the balance Is used for cutlets, dipping
in egg and then in crumbs and frying
In het fnt. A
This recipe furnishes three meals for
this family at nn approximate cost of
about fifty cents.
Baked HI Ices of Ham In Cream Gravy
Cut slices of ham thin nnd then In
pieces suitable for serving. New place
In it baking dish a two-inch layer of
thinly sliced potatoes; sensen well with
Vinely chopped onion.
And a canned pimento, chopped fine.
New lay the slices of the ham en the
1'iepaied potatoes and cover with nn
inch lner of thinly sliced potatoes,
trever with two cups of thin cream
sauce; sprinkle the top thickly with"
coarse breadcrumbs and then with two
tablespoons of prated chcce. Bake In
moderate even fir ene hour.
Hum Dumplings
Place In n mixing bowl
One cup of finely minced cold cooked
Twe onions, minced fine,
Three tablespoons of finely minced
parsley, . ,
'7' ice hard-beiUd cggi, rubbed
thrnuph a sieve.
Three vupi of tccll-icaiencd mashed
potatoes) ,
Mix nnd form In halls the size of a
large egg; dip in beaten egg and milk
and roll in fine -hrendcrpmbs and fry n
golden brown in smoking het fat ; bcrve
with parsley sauce.
This Is a company dish, and la deli
cious. Ham Celleps
Cut cold boiled ham in pieces about
the size of a large cookie. New place
in a bowl
One cup of milk.
Three-quarters cup of catcr,
7'ire and one-half cups of flour,
One egg.
Twe tablespoons of grated onion,
(hie teaspoon of baking peicder.
Heat well te mix and then dip the
slices of hnm in this batter nnd fry a
golden brown iu smoking het fat.
Jack and Janet and Mrs. Plue
Jay seek te pet liltte Jay out of jail.
The little old gray man ,ays Blue
Jay must stay in fail until four
humans or forest folk can be found te
say a geed word for him, ,
When a Itlrd l'lays Tricks
K8. IJLUE JAY felt sere nt heart
because .Tudec Owl would net say
n geed word te help get Dluc Jny out
of JhII.
"He I He! He! Yeu need three morn
geed words besides your own," said the
llttle old gray man teMrs. lllue .Tny.
"And tin ee geed words nre liurd te
Jack nnd Janet were sorry for Mrs.
Dlue Jny nnd tried te comfort her.
"Cocky Keliln l such n cheery chop
I nm sure lie will help you," said
Just then they heard Ceck Rebln'n
joyous spring song. And seen they came
upon Cocky Kebln himself, busily gath
ering sticks with which te build his
"Geed morning. Cocky Rebin." cried
Mrs. Blue Jay. "Will you say a geed
word te get Blue Jny out of jail?"
"Is Blue Jay In jail?" cried Cocky
Kebln. "Thnt is jjoed news. Hurrah !
Hurrah! Blue Jny is In jnll."
"But peer Mrs. Blue Jny wnnts te
get mue Jny out of loll." satd Janet
te the ltebltis. "Cun't you sny n geed
word for liiuiV"
"Bine Jny tore my nest te pieces
last spring," sang Cocky Itebln. "I
am glad he is In jail."
"Blue Jny smashed my eggs last
spring," sang Cheery Kebln. "I nm
glad he is In jail."
Se they traveled further Inte the
forest te where Fuzzy Squirrel was
looking for hidden nuts.
"Say! Say! Sny, Fuzzy Squirrel!
Will you plcat.0 soy a geed word te help
get Blue Jay out of jail?" begged Mrs.
Blue Jay.
Fuzzy Squirrel nerked his head en
one side nnd grinned.
"Is Blue Jay In jnll?" he chattered.
'That is ebed news. He stele my nuts
lust jcar and planted them In the lum
berman's cut-ever lunds. Kk ! Ek ! I
am glad he Is in jnll."
They saw ut once It was no use ask
ing Fuzzy Squirrel te say a geed word
for Blue Jay.
They went until they came te n
"Say! Sny! Say, Mr. Hunter!" beg
ged Mrs. Blue Jny. "Will you sny n
geed word for Blue Jny te get him out
e jail?"
"Ih Blue Jay In jnll?" cried the
hunter. "I am glad of It. lie plnjcd
a mean trick en me last fall. I was
hunting for deer and had sighted a tine
buck. As I crept up te get u shot
Blue Jay saw me nml.Bcreamed a warn
ing te the deer. Away bounded the
buck befere I could sheet him,, and I
had te go home without any deer
meat." . t
tTnt TTnt ITi, t Vmt nen what a
tricky husband you hove," laughed the
lllftn nlil trrnv innn nn Mrv.'BllIC Jny
Hew sndly nleng. "It Is no use looking
further for birds, beasts or humniis
who will say n geed word te get Blue
Jay out of jnll."
"Alns Alus Alas! T am nfrald
net," walled the peer little bride.
"Don't give up," cried Janet, feeling
very sorry for pretty Mrs. Blue Jay.
"What Fuzzy Squirrel nnd the hunter
said has given me nn iden. I knew
where we can find some ene te say a
geed word te get Blue Jay out of
What was the Idea Janet get from
what Fuiiy Squirrel and the hunfer
said? Can you guess. Tomorrow it will
be told.
could netbe InUssted
WhsYi-ijcni consider
Luxurious FabriCT
Superbly Tailored
u)ith Louseb exact
. ness inqenieuslu,
cambinsa in
Three neu) Medclf
-f SOUTH 13TH ST.C .
By Lee Pape
Mn nnd Mrs. Hews went te the mov
ies last nite and I stayed home because
I had te de my lesslns and pep stuved
home because he wunted te, nnd after
the movies ma came back, saying, O
nilljum, it was the best plckture, I
dent knew wen I saw Mitch n geed pick
ture, jeu uwt te of gene. Wlllyum.
Iwiv geed fites in it? sed iep, and nm
AW'Htcs, no, I dent remember cny, O
nillyum, It was eerteny n geed plck
ture, I wish ou had seen it, there was
the most bcnutltill gcrl In it and it
showed her llfe history from the time
she wns u little baby, eny of cerse the
same person dident piny the part all the
wnv threo.
Im glad te heer that, It would be a
grnte si rain en an actress,, no matter
hew Reed shu wus. sod pep. se I sulked
u geed picktyrc. did 1. I dent see hew
It could of bill se geed without n single
lite. "
It was the best plckture Ive seen this
jeer, sed inn, this gerls mother nnd
father get killed in nn axsldent when
shes only 4 munths old. Imagine that,
an erfun at 4 months, Irn. Haws and
I started crying ullmest from the very
start, and then the bnbjs wicked ant
abandons her en u doorstep se she can
get her money.
y dent she jeM tifke it away from'
her, inn. if she's only 4 munths old? I
sed, nnd ma Fed, Dent interrupp, and
then the cerl urn us un and the neenle
i.. ,i.i.. ,.... .. ,. . ... .;-.
Cf ..r.1.1 l-illm! I.nn, in in, nit illra "" ,""' "v." " "LT wern IIKO a
Due sufficient celery te measuie one ! "v,p,' s"rbil,' l.he ""op w" J' '." b: '
and one-half cups and p.uhell. New "hi ,, n"i '" ' , C iVT.1
and I cried like U babies, and then the
eung innn of the house runs away with
her nnd after u Oilse marrldgn he deserts
liitfWalrtut at I
ftiui srreer obfaes'uo the Sr.JomQsHeivl
Furs of the Better Quality
Reduced Seme cut one-half
Advanced Medels in ,
Charming Hats for Spring
inai.i; a i ri'.im muuv as
I'l'tcc In a saucepan
Tleee-quarlers tup of nater, drained
fient the celery,
One and one-half cups of milk,
Nciei lerrl tablespoons of flour.
Stir te dissolve the llmir and bring te
a bull. Cook for the minutes and add
7'ite tablespoons of butter.
The piepaied celery.
One and ene-quurter cups of diced
evoked ham,
0ic erien pepper, minced fine,
'I luce-quarters teaspoon of pepper.
Heat slowly until si aiding het and
senc en toast.
Hum 1eaf
Sunk stale bread in cold water and
then when wilt picas very div ; rub
tliieugh u siee and measure one ami
ene. half cups; pluce in a bowl and
One and three-quarters cups of finely
chopped cooked ham,
her In a strange city without a cent In
tier necKits nnil net u sole she knew.
Well, well, jeu iniibt of injeyed that,
sed pep, and ma sed, We did, we sim
ply cried, nnd cried, and then she gets
u job In the chorus and the mauuger Is
a married man and tries te make love
te her but she repulses him and he dis
charges her ami she's all nlone in nn
even stranger city without eeu money
enuff fe pay her hotel bill and she's
nut out in u terrible snowstorm at mid-
i nlte, It make-, me cry te think of It.
j It makes me cr. le heer it, plense
I spine me the icl. wnts tne iim of being
j lucky enuff le miss a series of uxsldents
, if 1 lnue te heer nil about I hem aftcr-
weids? sed pep, and ma sed. New jest
for that I went tell you ubeut the best
part of all, i went tell you about her
deth scene.
Wich .she dident.
4fter-Dinner Tricks
j)3 f
Ne. 03 nreaUIng Weed With Taper.
Ask some ene te held u few small
tiWgs of weed between his hands. Tuke.
B number of loose puper strips, and
Mile that jeu will bieuk the twigs with
ue paper. Held the htrlps in the right
Qnnrt Suit M,de of KnBlli.il 4Q
Tricetine and Peiret Twill, $40
Peiret Twill Dresses $25
Tweed Cape te Order. . . .$35
Girls' Suits" ;:, LUe"r$3S
Flannel Suits $45
Suits te Order "'J," $25
Formerly with Lulal lilensl
905 Walnut Streets
JUST put Wi'lnkollne, a Imnnless
vfgotable Jelly, en your fare; In :i0
m'.iiutiu wiisb It elf, line wrlnkle-s ills-
1 .. II. ...j unllnni t-iTi.l... ti.wl
lin, I I I I T , ',.".'" "I I". I If,!" HJipCIH, llfrjl IIHl'n utf.vll, r4m,,ft ..I, .
liatlU. Ullll hill!" tlnmi ilm.Mi n i.,i I n.i lltn .i..i.i.ia ehlti llltM nn. fiia hmenti.M rrillml
..!.- . . .. V."". "" "" UUUUIU v... ........ ..,-, ... ;
Hi" several lilacs Miilileul . jour last
downward uroke v.111 break the bits of
The twigs uie really broken, but net
by the paper. As jeu make the last
downward stroke, uulekly extend your
ferctinger underneath tUe paper strips.
'I he forefinger striken the twlga and is
responsible ?or their destruction.
OepvrUM, ntt. tv AitHe U9 ,Cenfi
" r
5 reasons why mothers buy
for children
Ifyasen e.l
The only Children Garter made with
the patented rubber cushion clasp,
which holds stockings firmly between
rubber and rubber. Saves wear and tear
en stockings and means less darning.
Your dealer knows the ether reasons.
25c and up
depending upon style and size.
Complete satisfaction assured
or your money back.
7 earrtrt
. tiaciT .
wsaerr- 3"
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Sten
. ' i
mi firm: hI.Iii tluhtcn.s and wiilteus: net
expensive , sold en approval.
I'ri'n Iliiionatriitlen
Wrlte for particulars.
2024 GrMB St.
Ne mere expensive
than ordinary brands
WHILE your grocer oaks you te pay no mere for
Berden's Evaporated Milk than for ether standard
kinds, he sometimes pays mere himself. The extra
care taken te safeguard this brand of milk mekes it actu
ally cost mere te produce it.
In Berden's Evaporated Milk, you get pure country milk
with the cream left in. It is entirely pure, and of high
nutritive value. Ask jour grocer for Berden's.
Berden Building
New Yerk
Maktrt alie $f Bsrdtn's EaU Brand Milk,
Berdsn 'i MalttdMUk and Birds' Ctufictientry
evaperat0 nnnHPHHH
-, ;a ' . .,
A New Spring Hat
Is an Easy Tonic te Take.
Surely the pleasantest cure for Winter ennui is a Ray
Spring bonnet!
Charming new things have come flying in thick and
fast. Hats of bright cardinal red, hats of bobolink tan and
periwinkle blue adorned with pink rosebuds.
A smartly tailored dark brown hat has a flaring bow
of brown cire ribbon.
A new turban has points of hair-braid en all sides.
Nearly evexy hat has a touch of gay color and what a
treat it is after the drabness of Winter!
Excellent cheesing at $8.
, (Market)
Cress-Bar Scrim and
Marquisette for Curtains
25c Yard
As Springlike as daffodils and crocuses arc the pretty new
crossbar materials for curtains! They have wide tape edges
and need only hems at top and bottom te make delightful Spring
Marquisette is in white. Scrim is in white and ecru. Each
is 36 inches wide.
New Window Shades, 60c
Geed water-color shades, fully 36 inches wide, with spring
rollers that really spring. In white, terra cotta, two tones of
green and two of tan.
Oil shades arc 75c.
Between $10 and $16.50
One Can Cheese Nearly
Any Kind of a Gay
Spring Freck
Here are se many different styles that nobody would
want the job of counting them.
Frecks of crepe de chine, frocks of Canten crepe, frocks
of taffeta and a dozen delightful tailored modes in tricetine
or Peiret twill.
Decidedly Youthful Are the Taffetas
Frills and ruffles, scalloped skirts and simple bodices
such is the fashion rule in taffeta. A nosegay adorns the
waistline of this frock, slashed sleeves distinguish another.
Most of the dresses are in navy blue, black and brown. A
wide variety at $15 and $16.50.
Peiret Twill Frecks at $13.50
Seme have elaborate embroidery forming a deep border
en the skirts, ethers have flaming red vests and facings of
Canten crepe. A half dozen charming new models at this
price alone.
Spring Heuse Dresses-$1.85
Twe pretty styles:
One is of striped or checked gingham in pink, blue, green, gray
or lavender with a bcalleped white pique cellar, cufTs and pocket.
The ether is of gingham in lurge pink or blue plaid with plain
color cellar, vest and cuffs and has a wide sash.
Materials are the kind usually found only
in mere expensive
The Always Useful
Serge Skirt
is here in two geed styles that
many women will be glad te get.
$5.90 for a plain-taileted skirt
of fine Ficnch serge in black or
navy with two pockets, button
trimmed, and a narrow belt.
$10.75 for an attractive box bex
plca'ted skirt, with the pleats
stitched te the hips; black or
navy. This skirt tits unusually
Beth in 25 te 32 inch waist
A New Oxford
for Women
It iu designed te wear with
Spring suits and tweed dresses
and is of dark brown grained
leather. It has full wing tips,
brass eyelets and many per
forations. Heels nrc com
fortably low for walking and
soles are of substantial weight
nnd welted.
Dainty Silk
Camisoles, $2
A camisole of pink satin with
a top formed of pleated Georgette
ciepe nnd creamy white lace. $2.
Household Muslins
15c Yard
These muslins are in a fine,
close weave, bleached or un
bleached. 36 inches wide.
"Deris" petticoats are or
whlte nainsoek. The "Deris"
model is double from just be
low the hips te the lower edg
and has clastic in the top.
Dark petticoats, in flowered
and figured effects, are made
of a lustrous, durable cotton
with a rustle.
At $2
Regular and extra sizes in
excellent black or navy blue
sateen petticoats with deep
hemstitched ruffles.
At $3
A practical petticoat with
top of a well-known trade
mark cotton material and a
changeable taffeta flounce.
t . ! 1 A ' . .$$?
lentrai Aisie uppertunmes
Naw Linen Neckwear. &1
The continued popularity of sweaters and severely simple itbdM
lurns uie speuigm; ei anenwen en new mm nuvi euh m in.vni . ,,
J.J1USU Ytaw ui VI coin jr mien i-maii . ..., " v
tucks edged with cheeked gingham and with matching cuffs present a '
new and pleasing solution te this difficult problem I - tf.
Novelty Girdles Are Different at $1 ,
Combinations of leather and metal links that are extremely inter
esting. Brown, tan, gray, green, red or navy with nickel-plated links r1
and split leather tassels. .;
Ribbed Cotten Underwear, 50c, 60c
Regular or extra sizes in combination suits that women will find,
very comfortable indeed.
Bodice or built-up top and loeso or tight knee styles
Brushes of Many Kinds, 10c te $1
Teeth brushes (a few of them are seconds) , also hand scrubs and
hair brushes in a number of sizes and styles, are te be found in this
low range of, prices.
Black Sateen Petticoats, 85c
Geed ones of heavy black sateen made with knee ruffles a geed
"buy" for such a smalhaum.
Bandeaux in Many Styles, 35c
Pink ones mostly in a collection of broken sizes marked a third
te half less because of the incomplete assortment. Many kinds and
styles te cheese from.
Women's Underclothes, 50c te $1.50
l0c for bloomers of flesh or white batiste with double clastic or
single clastic and ruffle at knee.
$1 for envelope chemises of pink-striped voile or whlte nainsoek,
both daintily lace trimmed.
$1.50 for nightgowns of fine white nainsoek made in sleeveless
style with attractively fashioned tops.
Corsets for the Average Figure, $2
Pink or white ceutil with rather heavy boning and longer skirt
than the general run of corsets!
Capes and Sports Coats
for Miss Springtime
Prices Begin at $15
That is a small sum te pay
for anything as delightful as a
flare cape of herringbone tweed
in a mixture that blends te the
softest tan! Very smart arc
these capes and really warm,
Other capes, many really
beautiful in their gracefulness,
are of gabardine, Peiret twill
and vcleur in navy, black and
lovely tones of tan, brown and
blue. Many are really cape
coats and almost all are full
length. $25 te 65.
Smart Tweed Coats
at $25
Geed - looking tweeds with
leather buttons and mannish
patch pockets are in tones of
brown and gray. They are fully
Any number of rough and
soft tweeds at $25 te $45.
Pole Coats
at $16.50
Three-quarter coats can be
worn Tuxedo or closed. They
have three box pleats in back
and the belts have eyelets and
leather buckles. The lines are
youthful nnd the raglan shoulders
one. In Sorrento blue and brown.
'Sfl 'f ft'j $3 '
sflflfiaaVVT C
are becoming te almost every
Linen Damask
$1.90 Yard
Pure Irish linen, full bleached
and 70 inches wide. It is of
substantial weight in lily-ef-the-vallcy
and carnation pat
terns. (Central)
Turkish Towels
Special, 45c
Thick, absorbent white Turk
ish towels, some with pink
borders, are specinl at this
price. They measure 22x44
Dear Little Peg-top Rompers
$1.10 and $1.50
Twe styles at $l.lu. Tnc one
that is sketched is of pin-checked
gingham in green, blue or brown
with white linene waists. Just about
300 of these, in sizes 2 te 6 years.
The ether style is of sturdy pink,
blue or green chambray. It has a
becoming little square neck and is
trimmed with white. $1.10.
Story-Boek Figures
Hands of story-book figures in
color adorn the heavy unbleached
muslin rompers, thnt nrc sketched.
They arc really-truly button-en
rompers, as the waist can be de
tached. $1.50.
Sailor Rompers at
arc of heavy navy blue gingham
trimmed with white braid. Peg-top
llttle boys will thoroughly approve.
All are in sizes 2 te G years.
Demure Little Dresses at $1.25 and $1.50
Of sturdy chambray in tan, pink or blue, with feather stitching
for trimming, short waistcd, with white cellars, nnd ene style with.
sash in the back and smocking in front.
At $1.65 . tjj
is a fetching little dress of checked gingham with just enough hand
0 v4 $i.ie
. s:
sailor rompers arc new and
embroidery en the cellar for prettiness.
V 1 V An P4 A M
Regulation uresses at $i.au te $4 fwiM
All in rlnrk riltiiv nf linnw i-nfrnna. mnitflv Ui-alAati in wTiUa nt.MMir-'l?S
, , . W,"-P "" I-' . w-"" -, ww. j ..M.t..i .,. r.a,v MVM.W '
wun laccrs ami seme wun tics. At $4 is one styie in White.
All in 2 te 6 year sizes.
Women Are Asking for
Dimity Bedspreads
incy are especially popular just new and here are some (6
kinds, they are all hemmed. 72x90 inches $2m
63x90 inchei $2 81x90 inches $2.1
White Dimity SeU
include the bolster roll and spread, have cut comers and art M
eiiw incees . . . .
.$4.80 90x100
1. . C-viJjl
. m
tf. . VV . .. . 7M&& fciU
.j,vfn fflffiWLtw,rawi 'sVJrvg
Mi-Ill"! 'Aii- iJCA-ITi
, i .(,
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te!) , tdyiMm