mi M m f w . -U t rXC f'JBl r.vM.; l-ta IVI V re w f U ,' v is 4 , fci .""It tK if ? jT. M. ilSl : v i ! I iiar If-. 31 5 1 k. 44?' Wl m .. m- s mSryT ' tlatxl and " fe By HELENA Sartorial Responsibilities 'believe lliore'd n let 1 1-1 that Of cetirxQ, nti rcnlle thnt when we Mc." Nitd Virginia nbruptly. K nmmi ncr inuiriu eveiimp news impcr. rnvvn, iimi i ii iiiiv 1 1 "Vlint Men''" re- tip the head wiiltci' a turni-il l'mil iilwnllj delliir for (iftllnc in looking up from the n seat, unit tip tin- piigfs of "KlMi-nntl wnltiT thrrr- time- l"nll of tlu Henmntwluit 1 ttntild If 1 l'mnlrr-." '"-' n peer. "llrpsslni; tip." ordinary worm In it 'nn-.st.liiK up?" biMiieM) Milt." .Ye? I wns iust Irs In In looked rrmUnc nn nrtlrle . tlimiKhffiil. lu-re nlieut hew n mnn I "Anil it mentis we lu .iii-iirpfl lit) III ll tual war by wearing dress clothes itncver possible W-HFaul wrinkled n dNIninrul limp. Sir. "Oh, that : Heavens te Icl honey. Hat's nn old. old iih-a : and itV all Wrong, tee. That theerj'x In rn pn.-'ihIi'. lODK iifce." 5 Virginia (.lienh an eb-tlnafe li"ad. f "I think it mulit te work out splcn- 41Uy. Why. l'mil. you knew jeu netcr wwr your ctcimig clenics n jeu inn get out of it." is, "My iln-Hs Milt?" he asked. C"Drc.ti suit! That's awfully vulpar. Paul. Men don't call them dres suits ay mere. Evening clothes. This article ay " x Paul grinned. ""Sure, honey. I knew what it ny. TtJU.knnw I've been readitiB that kind of stuff for years. There was a famous ' rtiftrl- sfnvv nlieut flip Idea OUCe. Alie they made' It Inte plays and movie-. aud'J"sr te cet the little bit of refreshment extended It te full uem-1 lenptli. we'd irdiiuiril i-nje. at the soda feiin- and- "Of ceur.e." said A Irgutia brishtiy. '.That prei'. the idea i a ceud nn-." J"Geed for nethinc. T'U bet it" prnp ajtanda festered by the National AsmvI. atlen of SIcrchnnt Tnller.s or the ltctail ClethiiiK Healers C.ulld or " ' "Nonsense; It stands in reason. Of exmrse, it man feels brai ed up in a spiritual wi lt' a p"rf'-,l winider fUl Idea. I de wish Miil'il let me y.'t etl semp nice new- shk hose, l'mil. and have your evenins clothes pressed and wear mem "Held en ! Held en '. Yeu reallv .mean you want me te went- Viu at-.y old ttne we go nnywhere in the evenmsV" Bhe nodded soberly. "I think you really eticht. It will brace you up spiritually.'' j "All right, ma'am, just n you ay. Through a Weman's Eyes By .1EAN Is It for "Men have died and wertn have ten them, but net f"i- love " sat the cynic. Tet. the Idealist tells us: " 'TU love that makes the world ?e Ynnd:'' , , And I agree with them both. , It In love that makes the world go 'ieund. It is Ievp that inspires and sustains nt.that makes life wertli while. But that is the point. Leve makes us live it does net make nn die. Because love is gierityinc ami en nebllug. even love that is fulfillment N construct! iepi-lpfS et Wp arc better off for it, The "d'inc" for loc. tl." quitting and the failing and tin; wTeclting are, as wiiem h" wanted te please wanted an the cynic says, net for love; they are automobile and a sable coat. Se he killed for weakness, for selfishness, for cow- a man for tb mencj . ardllness. was it for low? Neve.-. - A young man with a widowed mother Ixivp will soften a brute it never te support committed suicide because creates one. It was plain, bestial desire. the girl lit was courting married some Luie does make the world go 'round. one else. Put If it were conducive te nil the That was net for lore. It was for mi-sdeeds that are committed In its name dtalrc. for selfishness. it would be mere likely re step this old , Bad he known real lore . would aleb of ours in its tracks and send it AMP given him a greater tenderness smashing down ihreush space! The Weman's Exchange. Te Remove a Vinegar Stain Te th' Editor of Werra ' I'.ia' nfir Madam Would jeu please te'l mm limv tn remove some crease nnd . .., t .n.. r.(nn ererie Tinwu-sunns t-u.e - , dreas? I have used pa-seline. nut it didn't de anv poed. What Is the cer- r.nt weleht for a (tlrl of nsl'.tccn ;cars rtet weiKni ter .t Kir. ui e wfce Is tlvn feet four Inches. V CONSTANT r.KADEt:. naite made of prepared chalk nvl er rtihhed en ih stains ami werlted .tuni lltrhtl- with the t'p of the fine aA. Will remove the spots This takes out both the grease and the and a.id pre. UCts the material If i- s ' '''- ca-.. oelor. A girl of eighteen, ."he is live. fMt fiJur Inches tall should weigh l'.'l Frem Mualclan mt Ktuer of Weiviti't Paat. Dutr Madam Can ou tell me where t Te th Edit': of TVema'i Pan mad what the address la of Mr, Leepold Pear Madam I wrote te j-eu about Stokewekt. leader of the P hUadelp hi a t.ve or thn(, pn)lx. uge nbeut neM,. aSerTraruse? I cannot And out any- whfte, se T am appealing te you torjeu hel. for I'm sura veu can if me With best wish' '- your Vi:r I am a warm sdmirei Heed IjiU A ML.Si''IAV A letter addressed te 1!-- el en ta care of tli.j Acndeir- -ft M.i.-e- we -"! reh him tf marked i. r.senal 11 ddress Is net given in any dlrectn- ies, and evidently hy wants- te keep It strictlj private. Of course, eti ran undersmnd that he would be vert- much annoyed with objectionable callers if overv ene tanw where he ltve. Mrs. CaniRe can be reached by a let Mr addressed te the Metropolitan Optra Cjbmpany In .'Jew Tork The Trouble With Curls T tht TA t et U'ei.n ' I'nc- ( Pear Mat'.in -11a i ' nil '""lil Ii-" 'r 1 " ' ' make mv '. i s . 1 1 . . - ''' daya. 1 at" ' -ed -f cut in .r . day. jAISO, Wll3t Is Kr.Oll for bl.'Hl.l ert-i- . X nm fair-coniplexiened. Wiv.it thai,.--eCreuBO should I use" MAltY 'i 'I would like te wish for you naturally J. Things YeiCll Leve te Make I f ingerie Helder l&EHjmnJ j&m u W'K rJL w mm: Emm a mmiiiiB 1 1 1 1 v. ' . 1 u n m. uvm aavs j rw z2jmsM li-W I ""r r - & ( ta rainti nine ue , , -.-. .wi-..., invei-le wheie dinweiit arc scar-e UlNUKltli-: HOI.HK11S art u solution te prelilein I (iv i -mail i -niireui MMvith s i ribbon, or ilbben and K.YI.-U tan make ii.m as oiniive I Ualn'.y e& :ou wish, or pium a1 u ctlcal. Cevei a hook with a kl-icw- t-tth end. Kcrew it Inte thu hoop. your iinsirie uirnuuu me iioep, nv It un In tlie rleseL A bunch tnowere iitiiiu. te tee uiiiuinao uiiiuinae UNOEHIU HULDUHS, epe - trteh te ilve them aB a Ut riiuxut. wLWi toJstec ym& V ,: : - - Vitgim 1I0YT GRANT ' out, nnd 1 wftir em. ,1 II hnyc h" i m- . m-i "-i-"i ran t he benslblc and have balcony seats when we co te the theatre any mere-. Oh. no! We'll have te sit right down In the fourth vow (if I he orchestra, e'- have a bin, and lli'it itii-iins till ci t lull's the cml. tld 'i- can't co t i the theatre like regular hiiinaii helni; in a sticet tar. I should in ii-it. We'll lime te hac a tal both wtv A real icnt lemnii I" cw-nini: i-lethe.s, ou knew, couldn't mingle with the common herd en a street car. That would be unthinkable." Virginia was en the vcrce of surren der. "And then, after the show, you and1 I can't drop in the corner drug frterc for a drinl; at the teda fountain. It would make me fiel conspicuous and out of nlaec. Ne. we ceiiluu t de tliat. v e il have te co te thu swullct place in town unu iiuvi- iiiiuks " i'ih wv uiuii i inm, tain f-r nbein thim cent- Vlisiula gliiKb-d. "Hut if ,nii wan; i.ie te he spirltnalh uplit'leil. an dear, I'm for it. Only don't bl.mie nn1 if we hate no meiiet te pu' in the i-a iue- bank after thi. r.rim: nil tin- dress Hilt and I'll Ix-ih-ek, nijsrlf like u lily of I in iiehl ' "lten't be sill . Paul. We'll b-nve the i-lnthes just wlni-i' thej arc in the clei-t." sjim p:ui.id and smiled ml- !i,i..,.'.,i. "I dull ' ce H'llJ you t'M'l- ou-lit that siiir in the hr-t pliu-c. Yeu ' He glared at her with mock severity . "Well, I knew ou were se crazy te liiairt me that jeu didn't uutice what I hmi en." he said. Slie Mlcuccd him with a Uu; ! romeri-ow The XlucKe e NEWTON Leve? Mum i e. wmild ha for ln e - niiiti.ri and Me c theus or h"r alie -vnat ll le'-rtien would mean te her. Ter tin-re i-s no one who has ever known real love wh has net been strengthened and made rtuer by it. Wherever it .tribes, it radiates. A man ran away from his wife and three children te elope with a vamp. Fer love? Ne. I.eve, no mutter for whom, would have made him a better man and se a better father no a deserter. A hepele.s inve might have saddened tin-- n m. bur it would net have eem- premised vuu liener ana nei-eui ,v mid 'hit - , and a rotten foundation. 1 l.pie -, a liter in prison who mur dcn - 'l a man "ter me. I he wemun fir. ! a r im- : jj.-: ..u. t b d-j .e "O I .'l-.-lli nve 'n fil 0'1 lll.tt - OU SA tl! ' i (re en t..irii-iK ll Oiten, If the wate k.-.-t.s en eeinins out. I3y havuit; It in.irtvlled you can ketp it wavy for 'I'm'' It "line, nut V ne-l JOU art- UOinS ,, yourself the best tlili.-; te de Is what V()U I)U bn jUnBi evrn tiwusl t. !s a bother Held a cloth -Tir.)ht with ery het HjiUr 0ci Uii lllac.KlwartHi aR(, ,rt.iU ,,,,,,, ltll ,, ,,.,iln,,. facldl 0,jal, wme, 'S ppileil w'th v.j-!r .a.er in,j !L ;; ,ft ' is. .-ill" I'.lisn ' III eniu .llrr. I-'e'.low tli-" niri i tie'is rj- evvn.-.t; and -se .--old or. nin the ii'.ti mernlnr Vi ij w'l l-. i te .isU v 'ut shad.- r-f en,..? t.. ii. vi-l-cn -veu t.re hujlm: I-. 1 .-en-j.ee i'if-. h-- all or"i and v.tne lie", end te, prrsu-' who in- waiting en ini i an t-'.; en bt.-t aheut t're particu lar fhade or the particular kind jeu w a n t Cemes te Column Again '-air and followed u arts ii Th.inl: Th's I- HI 1,01' i. s-lei 1 n.rt M list; dies the nane Mj! ' i i ..s , n- .t; i,..tcd "i of .l-iii. ' tnd h. -i !"'. a people ta; ( ir-a If .IJ- bad .'.-I. as ser.i" hat d i:s If mean " 1 ella'S MABEL ' I The nanc') Mabel is of Latin origin. , and me.st fortunately, means "lovell." Thlnl; a minute'. When you say ever 'te ynurjlf "June June" aren't the ' nev words that poi Inte your rnlnd ' tin "'eiith of loses-" ' !'. ila de " iid for 'ears it is trui 1 ', ( . 1 si,Jei,.il UOplCeS I i u UT t.f'e'l of I"" - , - - I , B of . I... s I - -li' -IS' -CJ.1 . , e ., ..Ill" . M It's ' .i- i i! I -i . i l -'iis'-i te tS '...111 heu'ls ,t W I ISe 1.1 til, f'J. lit-.s i eas p By Request STAMP laNOl'AGK At right ancle.s in the upper right -hand corner "Iapci'I immediate replj " At an ancle of forty -live decrees ,i the upper richr-limi'l corner - i'r-'i nli oil 'Olli -ll' I'll l.'llll I'l.sl ISc' l u e - e ( l- I" ' II f' i,i i I lie 'll'llf ; "1'tpi-i i tin t". ' ll l.''l' ati.' I ll i v'i Hiie-haU' im-li from the upper left hand corner -"He careful iiew jeu replj." In the lower right -hanii corner "Itewnre." Tearinc the stamp In half, leniini; n slight white space between 'Triendship ended." Ti'iirlni; In the upper left. hand (erner "nu hne In-. ken mv heart." Twe cine-rriii stamps ,n tin. uppi r Icfi-hniid corner "Veu ha.e :i rttal," Twe one-cent stamps placed one b i vi the tithi'i "I will call te sic you tonight. " Twe one-cent stamps reversed "I - - i,i-i,i- .. i 1 1 tmi thlnklns of you. ' ' - C .PjA s J.. fllTT ' mnn ll Pease 7e'Me Hfca te De Hy CYNTHIA Write If Yeu Wish Te Hear-Cynthia t am remlnc le.i'0'1 for niUlcc. A ma" 1 Knew lh Ick in tlie lte.-plt-.il imU Irii I'een -nice i'hi;lst maK 1 Ii.im- net seen lilin fl-ice before I'lirlHln.i se will it - i lull te wrlte him a no i- wl-'ilms him a Kpecdy re :0vcr uVT. IN lOtHT. Qu.te al1 i. slit tr write. What Is Leve? I Df.il Cynthia T am a Kir! of elght cen. ltecently my parents ami I liave eiiurrelcil ever what tlme t slieulil come home at night I .say It o'clock Is a repectnble hour. What Is your opinion In the matter" , , Alse, wlmt Is the medium height for n Birl of eighteen ami wc!i:lit? At what ... i!ilt Is .( k.H fill. t in.- l hi keimb wlili n fullcjw roe two nn Hi" Si-u-r.-i tiiecs Ii" ha-' iiski-il n s f i- s,,,ub te ii any, hut I ref'i-'.i' Mt tlimuhts nrn hIw.ijm el bin- t'u'UKli I v, wi-.li "t'liei liejs. When i (j" fit witli eik. fellow 1 e.'iu e.'iu uei l.eep fieni 1'itiiUlT p of tlie iu'. who h.l .lk.l te h. ir. sleadt t)f all lll bev friends, I like hltu hes-t Cynthia, can it be that 1 leve him .' '"an some of veur re.iders tell me Just what lwe 13? WitlTIE. Terhaps tlie reailers will wrlte their ideas of loc. Yeihir Kirls should be In by 10 o'clock at nlRht, unless they have been te the tht-atre or a dance. Aver airi hclBht and weight, about tle feet live anil I.'j peutul;. They Squabble I .1" i rthla -T am M-vent-cr and 1 hav. li.nl" inv llrst real hrnrlnche. ruM! abmi' four tiierlhs ape I was celmr te IllK1'. s -IkieI, mi cn while a. e -oel I ' tut out a gre.it (leal. Part lei and drt-ie-.-i and newsi In flic I was tee inin.1i for liaxlng jioed tinie? Thui I met a fe'lew who seemed te be a nice tiian (.- .-r jespri He tool rile u'lt e,c'il Tien s ;ulO l!'( II liskcd iue t-j ma-it li 1 1 I'ha' i- in due time Well, r stalled p"inp with him am! since lie filled up my time se mm-li 1 It ft school, r. thing I shall always ' i.-rei .since I was in my last year. He l Is iiiui-h nldei- than 1. about eight year-' illffemnt-p. and he l-.t-'- sewn hi' wild' i .its T am younger than In- and often i-.u. in bate iri'ed t.m-s and mil-lii-ilcied happiness I bad when I wus ffnliiB te school. I ha(. In" n gelr.g w'th him tVmr ineiiths and the only reasons fm- our itigunien-.s arc I Ulte te d.U'e tiv clothes and n.y home IJvcu theugti ir 'is mt the luinnlest and prettle-u of places. is mi home. Then should he nec respect il and these in it.' Wha shall t de'.' 1 am se unlmpp:. . I really ee bin et I wlh he would trust me and belli me te s.-ttle tlev-n Instead of alwavt, p-l'ing me my defee-.s U'tn' love me. I don't doubt at all. tie often tells me hew geed and true he i will be when va are man-led. ' He-t can we step tl Is en.a.-it an-l unnece.ssarv s,,uabbllm. ".ci s-n-n things: t i"iit wis'i te ni.u ! '' seral vcars ln-.i I U.itiK 1 an t- : "lig lint It see-in hMd te g. e- l-!ng in it horn Cat s al'tats cn-isv B ui.r.-ip- pln.s I would rather ml mnr-lfld I new euni? ns T am and h 1 app with; the nia.ii I let- than te lii hi it p.act- i where iwace and content are unknown 1 rral'.v don't knew- my own mind. 111 1 veu help me. dear Cynthia.' I T DON'T KNOW. I . The eniv was te step sciuabblinn if1 te step It' If he mi.ir-r.ls- de net an-sw-er Yeu are still -e-.inc, perhaps ; mt w :: chance ;our m1' d Thev De Net Leve Each Other Ik-ii- i-sn'h'.a "nee I wrete s en tha' I dld'i' h'-'.iet-- 1- luc. and alter T was -.cased a "l'-1 ,l l K",'c1 "' let. i aid later cn-w uid t' him ar.U I theuc'.l- I loved l'lm. Well fsnthia it is all en ir erete.iidial te love tr.e f"l tluct- scars hecause In- themtlr I had money Vhi-never that subject eanie up and 1 told him 1 didn't have ,, puins I sup sup pew.' he tlieUi,ht I was JekliiK. ah we a'.wns- paired it off with a laiiKh Vbctil surn weeks before the wed dln'i? 1'- asked mi people te lend him mene . H' il'ur.'t nek tot i a r.i-e e- hi- wrote saying :I i v see h. s e'. pui-i ; w A t l-r p ii e e-.f 1 I' 11 R"inS ".'-' 1 IjiCSer hli-i. s .liid I KtiO t -u.i .it-ep'is ha i' 'ncr; Ii. ' ! m'.l r- lather ' as 1-ee . e ,t n r f' isi) tears and at t b-ethrr and .-t.ter and in- s It In ii; t" i what we l.- '" M' moil ii bcus and djdd. helps- all he can. s- I- a ttw word's JO'J can see the 11 we are In 1 wrete and told him, but he seemed t' hate n heart of i-en He :-a!d if li didn't get Heme menej he w-euld have It- put the wedding off for two --ears Thun I wroie that tl.e wedding weirtd he when I wuntt-d It or ner That was the end. He answered that 1 H lne f"i- me h id grown se't told and that w. d Ii. st pan iN'e none-.. U-ar C nlhiti, 1 Imi- tiiiA.d that l here isn't .in j- lute I- is menej and p oil tool-is the In- s ;i"-l t;lt of tr-dat .lie attf There s nhu-it etic -it e( t--.-r- te le . eli. luiiie w he .1 s mi . i. i ,j . -i'i n . . . I.!.. lie In-oke if li re ik i'i. i .all I still lute Ids ring and I 'ant feel as though m engagement Is trulj broken it is two mer.ins uireaay. drendy. What shall want te be back te when ci sa 'there I tin" I den t ctr him Vimi ara tin iaf i'its U nn rnl lnve RpniPmlitP vnn AiA tint really Ime this man yourself tn the l.pplnnlni? There Is uch a thine as r-ai love, ftua It ene of the most beautiful -'latienb in tlie world. Checkered Careers De It in Flannel J IS.t (OKI.N.M. I.OWL When Kiplin-; speke of "the flan neled feel nt r lie wicket" his harsh sentiment could net hnie included the itlanneU.il wie woman at I'alm Bench. Te wear tlunnels at a resort ii. in fact, a si uiptem of extreme lucidity of theiiKlil. I'laiti'd wliite tlnnnel skirts, for insiaiiei . fei winr with sweater or with one of the new ihitit,M) slip-ens In mile "i- !' - tln-c -nc at the summit of fr-iur.il i f . M ii i im 1 1 -. I.ereil career net -d in --I in, hi t i'ii i ii- il,i jenr has ee- I- 'i-i i.ited it 'li in i'nMiil. and here te an liewlii;; a i I'd and white In '.'-I llunnel muiiii"i wit.i -elf-frlnKe nnd iilnlled witli hialdi'd red leather. Red. by the way. is seen everywhere as concomitant of J. ...I' .' Il l .ll. .'IIJIll.lll. Ill R sneivv rohert frock nml wrnn. and tha no ...nn...nl..i.t. nt .1.- passion for red iiillllnn-y is witnessed I en ll eld s. r ffT A-i . i TTTsWs's u llV i nil i I WW it I5l r That Best Spring Suit- ' JkiiaKvk "at ''aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa''aaaaa- aVrf aHA HaBBlLLLLB '-taHaaivHiiiK siflsEaiiiiH ' r IwiBiaH I'lu.'n bv Central f Thi? is trmictbing of r variation from the sport -nif that we hce fe mueli of cter.vwheie, witli Its braid trimming. Its Idas pockets und its whole cut and .style. And In n way it is a relief f see. en se different "The Marriage Gambler" Bj HAZEL DEVO BATCIIELOB opvHei'if. tail. ly Pii&llc T.cdarr Ceinru'iv 1 her having marrint A'irf.- Tracy v ithe.tt leiina I im. m nnlcr te pre i fut nm fien i'itiiiii.7 h!i life through inlat nation for Datsp ( astlcteit. a horns girl, t'urel 'nicy fluffs hrrsclf xttnnyty nltr'n-ted lJ Jervts Uritten, who (i Kr-d te hav ing his (fit with icnnirn. Carel and' Rrittan are in tin' (nut of n (ihig te be given for charit'j nnd arc thrntcn constantly together. On the lay that the play in te br piren A'fcfc leaves town, presumably en huslnrsi, and that night ftrjtten eifr.i Carel te go iTfi; with him. She is thecttcd nnd hemtird and realize suddenly that htr frdiny for him hai ben noCi neCi inil b'i' infatuation. t IIAITFU LI The Sudden Light Arri:H Brlttun had left. Carel wept at i'rst like a tiled child. Curled up in the big librarj elwir. she cried her heart out, but v.-lien she had cx- ARE YOU WONDERING Whether tleie will he a-new serial as seen as this present en" is finished en Sanmlat ': Well, there will he. And if you think seu have enjejed HAZEL DEYO BATCHELOR ltrfnre tins ; -m II hi 1 !iif ,"-iu eidn t "knew tin- Imlf of '. 1'ur in tl.c 'DELUDED WIVES" Tins .lerer writer is nr hop best Jti character study and the rcnlistic por trayal of a sieuian's innermost feelings In perple.itt , in rorrew and In joy. .ludith Carlyle is nn cntlrel.t new type. You'll find out about her in the lir.st chapter of the serial en MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 hansteii h'-t- tears t'lenslits hesan te nn-1 mi en hei . I la i hem '-.ad the e lest few t e ',."' Wl-'-te w.u ii. vaunted pride hat ' e laid nl'e t,-d if . sol' t-i drift into a ji'ii.it."U which had culminated in the seme tonight? Fer new that her eyes i wer(. nDee,l she realized that her feel- inB for JSrilen had never been love. "'"tbed In helpless agony at the mrraerv Ot liiS Hrathllla? OTOB tl UfV he Minddered awnv from the tbeuffiit thnt lm had h-ld hnr b hU anus. Witli iev fitipnr nril ii?ninNt. hnr hiirnii.; ch.-eks. I'atel Mfted her heaO f a i ! '.im'.eil abe it th ren'n. f inlj a i- i , ii it"'s as" liriMeii l.-'d been here, Ie linil -i.tii 1" 'ii le i- ind sudileni 'l 'e in .( -h In nir ( no; ri alici. t!. t n ii was ' ii jii.- rid "! '. s! N'cV M r 'as i . ' If only he wej-e here new mi t'ia' she could tell him thu truth. Sic wanted te ubu-1 herself before him. -he wanted te tt-11 l.im hew unwerthv she was. It wabn't that she had actually dene any. thine wretitf. hut .she blamed hert-clf just as much as it slit- had. With tear-reddened eyes Carel's gne , wandeied around the room, it seem'sl uiilje.iia'. It let and (!e-, the air was s-uffei nt'r.'. aid then -.uiM-nilj ht real- I i ! -h i' ' I L i .i'n.'ii; . ' i- ' . Iltii" r Mir spiai.;; ' nil', 'lie t:i . .' tl.i In- It loll" llewers was 'I i e fin ' ' -il 'I nisli.ii-; la . s ,, pulled inn -tejuti (! idosseins r h i cewn, the Water dripped thorns cut eruellj into her flesh, but she wns hardly rnn-v-letiH of thla fact. There were threo tall vas-esi filled with I th roses, nnd CVtrel went from ene te the ether, piillinir out tbe tlewera. ruth- i lessly uratterinj; the pcarlet petals everywhere, hhe unfolded a newjpape.r nnd made a bundle of the flowers, which she cirri'd out t'i the kitchen. When -h" returned she il-inc the windows a" open, nnd lenti.ti-; hm. drew in loin; h-eatl-s of tin- oei ne-l t mr ' l el,, T'I liJK ; te III - -M -i ' e I.'"' i lie tt.i hiteiii, I- -in j'-'t let . Tin room ttus ii ner -. 's ntic't wni't. nnd Inr bran felt clearer Ajraln hei thoughts haped te Nit h. nnd llke a tlah shc"'sav him as he had been that memlni;, w ith hli eyes sunken Ir. his Icen dark fare, r.nd tired lines around his mouth. She suddenly felt to ward him n tenderness that whh almost pain. A lenjing began te grew in her te jilllew his head against her breast. Rhe wanted t be near te him. Suddenly with a ! it!" crjt she lenped te her feet Lij-ht In an n te iieui- in en her. "I love h'ln!" si-e -iid nlniiil, "1 !ec him, I I'vehim!" I was intnxicatinel.t sweet te s.it i sjj0 wint'd te repent the wnrds eiti- -i iid ever. She wanted in ip ess-.blj in stiiiid face with Nick, and villi hei- e-,t-s upralicd te his, say the words te him. , In linanlnatien hhe ceultl see his dark i .1. .. ...a).. .....". ' ... .. .. " . . fnce obeniro. she could we the llrlit that would lenp lihc mnelc into his tjrti, ind then bis rms would close Z?M .?: F Adventures With a Purse OF COURSE you have Keen the new sports dklrta with the fringe In place of n hem. Probably jeu tee think they nic very smnrt. Ccrtnliitj ihey nrc go lug te be worn n geed bit thin spring If "lie can judge from idgus. Well, one of the shops In having a special mini icrsnry .snip this week, and, one of the interesting features of (he sale is sport, skirts of tweed in vcr.t attractive pnt terns and colors for .?S.".". Tliey nrc (the new skirts with the fringe bottoms. It will pay jeu te slop in and leek nt hcm. Fer the woman who loves deners but who finds herself in nn np.irlinent when n garden Is net possible, I In- bulbs might prove a happiness hrlngei'. 1 de net knew anything nbmii these bulb-. enu only tell you what I s1(w. lint If .ten de want te knew mere ab'tit (lie mat ter, perhaps you will de a little In- i vestlpiiilng en in- own side. I shv hyacinth bulbs and daffodil bulbs. Thcj come In a little cardboard be which is se decorated that it can be folded into i an nvtlstlc little jnidiniere te held the blooming flower. The prli-u of jour choice of bulb is 10 cent-!. Fer names of shops ni1dr Weman's Paw Tdltcr or phone Wntntit 8000 or Stnln 1601 itetwwn the hour of 0 nnajl. Women in Canada The appointment of women judges for the trial of women offenders Is b-ing , urged by the Secial Sei-vhe Council if Cnnadn." , When I-adv lleaverbre'ik addressed the Canndian 'Club of Londen, the ether night it was the first time that a woman ever had spoken before the club during the centurj nml mete of its existence. 1'nder the Napoleonic cede still in force in the Province of (Quebec, a woman can take no legal action, t-nnnet mr.ke u gift of property, or go into irnde without the c nsi-nt of her hus band. A Grewing Concern The National Federation of Business and Professional Women Is new- repre sented in forty-seven States and has a total membership of I'.S.OIK). around her and rret!d' . confidently, she would give him hnr lip. I She eiespd her i'"s with the ecstnsy I of the thought, and then witli n little s(nb of tialn site efifd them and looked i nmiitid tTn mom. Nick wns net there; I .1.. I.ml Lut Ut- 1.en tti(-tMirh hnt hlttM foolishness. He ml'tht never come hack se that hi could '.iin' into his face ami say these words te him, and even tf he dhl come birk, she was certain that he no longer loved her. Tomorrow A Straui-e Intrusion First Things The firt women's- auiiliart te a eciint.v farm bureau in Wisconsin hnO jutt been (rgatii7t"l in Wnnkesha County. Th" Ladies;' Library Association of Kalamazoo, Mich., organized in 1S5-. wus the earliest society of its kind In the T'nited States founded and main tained by women. About the Princess A- .1 testilt of the lute wn" there will be cniiip.irntli els few icprescnlatites of t'eutineiital reynl'v til tl"! nminc veil Hmg 01 1'iiip-e siiir . In Westminster Abbet. where Prin cess Mary is te be wed, is the tomb of I th ou ' bef at ,hr ; euntebs of Lancaster, a famous and the first bride ever mnrncl Abbey's altnr. Her ninrriaee In 1L'70 te the -second son of Henri III wns the first royal wcddlni; within Westminster's, ancient, walls. The Suit of Kasha Cemes te the Fere f COKINNK LOWIC The kiiHha reffietcr for spring nemg te huve quite nn amount of bunliiPHS ahead of It. Fer nuth tlie Itiislm i-rrpe nnd tli" iiluln kashn linn jh pri-illi'tcd ii ircnu'iKleiiH vegue tlilh -pi-iu;, l-'mrks of thi lntter nn efti'ii (i.nililiiril with the liand-loemi'd Hedlrr fitlirh-s, pnr tU'iiliirly tlmsii oinbi-eiilcri'il in IVr.slmi dn-lsi, mill ilicri- nn ninny ntlii'i- siir tcssful I'erms of imlit iilu.'illziitlini, AheM) wn tin slum in1; n cult f mn kashu with u liitt'il 1'ipplu bur), iimi lentr, punela luiuglnK at the sides. Dpep loops of Bclf-niatcrlnl nt the front closing of the coat nnd stitching of black tillk contribute the remaining Lit of Interest. M. 4i,A ' i 'r 'TV itiii 3j ri lly WHATS WHAT tljr HELEN DECtE 1 ' I -al!rT I Where up thinks nis Hener or ins "SI. C" writes te WHAT'S WHAT: I pr,)p availed he Is unforgiving nnd tin "As I come of well-bred people, l-. , nentllnB. h,. br0 H!hi "P ,'?.ruf V iVi i r. e.,t If the conversation starts te go the gift of u worthless set of 'etiquette books' presented te1 me en my birthday In ii tiliitlK. What de veu think of uruii iu ii ri IIIIU4W...-..,. i'y---- -.,--. , liils unnecessary hurting .f a pi-rcen t sensibilities'.' .Surely I was de no JS'W "UPHemiI intcrlerltj te tht ...... ... .. ...i. . i- ..., .niimi- 1'iouaeiy imp rt-iitiiu i lauiivsr. i ...-.-- than malicious, remaps biic may in i....n lm-eii into but nc the obseieid "etiquette hooks," and In a lit of false, ,nd se It gees en until there is a economy passed en her bad bargain In. nnHt-v little quarrel en hand which can the guise of a gift, fcople '"crerti- net be put aside or forgotten until the bly stupid thing-s: the humorist who . ,' pictured a woman losing her valuable n0" ". prtWaMtt'illl nn In the ether tank Is also net overdraw probabilities. Stevenson X handicapped in n qunrrcl, but for was at the height of his fame when nn out ire r differenl reason, some well-meaning acquaintance sent nn l4 a" ,nest lovable character. Vlmnni .MI lilfnSu'lfi'L rV,t""ivii m "l imagination Is always busy, in a lie did quote, as he did. the eld sajltig, ,l.i.j1,lutn, ;., i ,.... "I can manage my enemies but Lord whimsical, ranciful waj. .,,,.,. deliver me from my friends!": and write J lie fun that he gets out of life is te the relative, expressing the cliet-iful net t he kind of fun Unit you can hear, linmi Hint, thanks te her gift, your- or see. or nut veur hand en. manners may snow- some improvement, before jour next blithday. Majbe she'll sce the point. Read Your Character ? Wilj I'liittipi Tin Voice n-uigr ll". is mil' hut jeu can try en flic fatally in tin next npartment, if the walls arc thin. Yeu don't have te hear what they are saying te tell In a general wny what bind of -iceiih thej- are. All you need t.- hf-si- is t!n tone of their eiccs. Detailed explanations of the mean ings of various types of voices lia been given in pretieiis articles, but for quick wrk. for rough-and-ready anal jsls, you only havn te separate voices int? four einxsifiratiens, representing four distinct tjpes e people. Firs' of all, note whether the voice ii high or low in tone. Then note whether it 1b loud or Heft. I iiie nign, muu voice denotes a person , of the mental type who Is Iacklnir In self-restraint . a thinker, but mere than likely of undisciplined nnd ineffectual themrh"'. , The higli. soft voice indicates the thinker who has learned hew te think te geed pui-pec. The low, loud voice Indicates the non- mental tvpe (practical rather than theoretical, of vitality and cnergj, who la expending thnt energy nnd vi tality uneconemlcally, and who upon occiifcien can he lneensideratc. harsh 0" even brutal. The low. aeft voice is the voice of the practical, level-hneled man or woman who Is likely te act and think tn the best adtantnge under varjlng condi tions. It is the veice of a self-ic-htraincd and cuVlcnt person. Tomorrow Ti.irlit I.ip- The Question Cerner Tedaj's Inquliics What'Tveuld be au iiinusinc. in- terctlnB partv for St. Patrick's Day? Why is it w rene te held a rus by one end and shake It te get th dust out V Of wiujt matciial is an c-quisiti It dainty ever for a diess hr talile mndeV Hint heavy should a Kit I" win. is ft em twenty te tweult -font scars old and fieil f t rleteu indies tall? Describe a prrtt- w.i.t tn make the straps ter a ribbon sildle en a silk negligee. Of what u't-ncral style are niiiut of the spring mntcriiils? Yesterday's Answers , The .strunKe old custom C the lirideKioem kiekinc the bride lin niedlntcl.t after the mnrrini;n cere cere menj in order te make her realize l'.'l- aub.'ei tieii Mill ju-evnils ainein; tliu pia-aul i !a of lluuyurj . . An cipj.illj str.uise fashie.i, ni a fail in Van5, is tint of wra UK tlic galoshes tin neil di wn nt the top mid tiitiippi'd witn a ' of jinclini; hells. , If nn old sheet Is dipped in bluing and laid ever the linens in a hope chet, it will keep them from jcllewinf; before the bride wants te use them. A ftirl of from fifteen te nine teen, who is four feet eleifii Inches tall, should weight 11(1. Chain stitel'iiii; of inn mini inakiui; a lar;e )i'"k dt .ikii mi u hi own weteii ilnu-e (.-in- an ap iiiiipriati' t"tii 'i of ti inn, i ie et;ii i iiia- - v.eil i . nml 'i I llilll - b. II II' ss II,', , s , I'll- ii" ler a I nrren '-li t i ,lilnni loin. .iik a Mr .in. i .'ew i the Inn I. ii," nt eiicc iisi fill and decorative. G. Washington's Coffee is Refined from Coffee Beans It is .il-c-ulutelv pure coffee Ner a substitute. Ir dissolves Insranrly hen u .iter is nddcJ. Each cup made te order re suir individual taste. '-ciTer pet or V. d. m tSc vup at 5101111JS HV " '"' mJfcfa m MJJS at cu Ace - f J ORi tfS&Jiik Twe Men Who Are In a Quarrel With Their Whe's One Has Ne Imagination and Toe Much Pride, the Other Can Sec Beth Sides of the Question and Understand Them TIIIJKn is the most Intere-dlng con cen Irast lit the characters of two of the best 'pliers ibis jenr. imp is a mnn who is preuu aim sen-1 cf-nieren ami iinii. i Up linn no imagination. Ills jokes are ponderous, heavy things, laboriously thought nut and f mercilessly Inflicted upon his family. i..fc i.f... te tlAn.n.tMM... ngalnst him. if nn creetis into the nrgunn v.stud sweetness char (Ill llllrii-isillll IM-.S gunienl. if his wife's nges te whining ,.em,,init , ,. , nothing te step It. ,. , rvmn, of (act. I ,( ,IinovllWe fet. Mm t f l.Ia.lc of J nnrtlilm? Imr a reinnrk that is mere --,. ui .i .1 i- I . ill iiisubiti-iiuh- umii um enu bin nuuviii ie unu casaiitliess. It's just In his hcml mid his heart i nnd it conies from "in-Ii things nn alpleasuic and tun out of one cicnliu favorite book, n delightful friend vhe,wilh his friends in- one iide nn h has iimu-ilng mannerisms, or iu being I bicycle than tlic oilier man gut out e' understood in an idea or a whimsy. , all his pride and his triumphs. Your Teapot- will demonstrate why II uAIiAIjA HAS NO Largest sale 6002 Market St. 60th and Havcrferd 5(5jJ70)t'n Friday Ii Until -1 '1"C Save en Eats! Choicest Quality Meats Steak Meats 19c lb. RIB CHUCK HAMBURG ROASTS ROASTS STEAK Beit Cuts Beit Cots Freili Ground 16 12 12V-, Boneless Bacen ! 17c lb. REGULAR SKINBACK PICNIC COTTAGE PURE I HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS LARD 8 te 10 lbs. Large C te 8 lbs. 2 te t lb. (Mb. package' 30 25 14 27 15 Legs Yearling i0 7 29c lb. YEARLING LEAN RIB SHOULDER CHOPS YEARLING YEARLING French CHOPS 25 22 18 Lein Perk Roast tf 18c lb. SHOULDER FRESH HAMS Wlielc 27 SHOULDER PORK Blade Shlc 20 iu fUKK K Picnic .'.1p I 16 h Om ll I! All Yellow 0C j Stewing thickens -3te4ib.. J4 MADE IN THE CUP AT THE TABLE P pcuolater needed. the t.ihle Ne waste O. Washinsten s Coffee is always me-t delicious nnd most economical Every can unrantccd toglveMthfnctlorv Measure the cost by the cup net by the six of tht c.w Boekltt he. Stnd 10c for $petal trial tin. O. WASHINGTON COFPfE RfNNI.NO COMPANY, 111 Mfik Ama,Hn lit, FF EE 01NATED BY MS. WASHINGTON N HHi.l3t&). 'JM WtMi Equally Helpless TTIS wife Is net vwpi-i : she Is npld A A enough, but she (e-irt take tht IreublP le be sweet. Mm is just dull. - Xethlfitr tlint lir r hiisbiiml does plensj. ncr Thev nrc no Pnlliply diiTercnt tint it is i Impossible for them te b linnnv together. "' But lie tries te understand her: m., te get Imr way of thinking because, he knows that it Is impossible for her te understand his wny of thinking, A. though he cun mnkc her out urv And Hint is the reason Mint im .,.-.. can step her whtn slm stnrts out of r lie can set) both sides ,'jf the (ineMlnii His argunict is ,-igl,,. , ,. k, m,'g .' lie re.tllr.cs tlinl sin- iliinbs she is in nml Mini ll Is nni in I ,.nl. n ... ,". liunj iiiiirreis wini nun. . i V. i , i""i te iuek unu nn- liiiiin-r iit-epij- enough evet. le see wny siip. is wrong. And se he ennnet go en : he is help lets; If be tries te turn the ennversa. Hen she comes hm-jt te it: if he keep quiet it makes her mere angry. All he can de is say. "Oh. well' Serry " and gel away :ts seen as pej! slble. TWO types of men. exactly opposite, yet eneli equally helpless, though in an entirely dlfi'crent way. in n nuaml, Tiip first mnn nlwajs wen Ids ipini--' rels: tin' ether mini ulwajs lest them. But the second man. wilh nil hU troubles and he hail pjciiij sui mnri N EQUAL; m in America. 4219 Lan Theatre Bldg. Darby caster Ave. POT ROAST Lean 10 STEWING BEEF Lean Brisket 7 CR0SS-CU1 ROAST Lcin 20 SLICED HAM 43 LOIN YEARLING CHOPS 32-38 SHOULDER BABY LAMB 22 BREASl STEWING YEARLING 8 Rib End PORK CHOPS Best Cuts 25 FRESH SCRAPPLE 10 FRESH SAUSAGE 16 IN 190 &z,-ikd; fi t&M SK.f vMrfiB.M.WWIMa l-Vf'-v'i ,",'.' ite