.'ieaa r)UST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE & It jy ;,cy Wynne TelU of the Night in the teyer many ueamijm i,owns Wern at Important Affair rtfMAY mcdi a strnnse statement, but r remera- d0. W with the exception e tnc who B" tiT,.,iipks) nt wnicn an mono pa pa tbe ere "Lgc e ab e te le se. At lnw ?? !hi- season, you re- ventt ""u Mm, Harrison Fisher member, M" .""' nf II illness, ,7nable te ryce ? -"--- - ,. pre- irf'fcem r ccivln because. 'of dlh of ber metlier-fn-law, Mrs. "I&m Wrt,Wiht Mrs. Van 11 And new, i rccelve bee tue Ru- Tim. because Mercer ,h,! SritWuW'h la n mourn mrn Mrs. 8flnVff JKHTa VVcrc Mrs. Jehn r Emlen Edward SiT?d'W.frji.''1- AnrnranUJalCTe "P i-, im beauty ot.the m rrercil aSSSSS".a JS-M; tl amber Hint.? , :: S' TUB season nenra 'Us end I fSrSSS " .r Mrt cS the winter, but the etrll?.r Pnd trains and draperies arc Paels . ioed deal, and the effect, is a fenr a geed ""' "u In mnny cases ?ift smarter? Wbfie the short Lkir tb Trerj young girl was per- Ff. nrHlv It only was pretty for the h,p8 p?.n' rlrl and I sheu d put an rttTJ "en'th-e "Ver"." A longer skirt SftSe'S the figure, as I noticed sesm3' fiance in skirt lengths is coming back, and I am glad for it. LAST nlgbt the dresses at the Mid inter nail-1 were beautiful. Mr. J KeBrt'eF Mitchell looked extremely til MnSk chiffon cmbrelderca with SiinMtencs. Mrs. Charles Edward In -rSJ5 wS e a handsome gown of Uack ff embroidered in Jet, and Mrs. Rush Toland had en a striking frock el v?i. ween brocade. Mrs. Arthur Em hl n'KSiW Jr", looked most attrac ?c iu a dress e geld and white bro ode, end Mrs. Sidney Keith were a becoming costume of pearl gray velvet. m James Starr were a very good geed looking sapphire blue velvet dress com cem com teri lthl silver cloth, and her daugh tr Lesan Starr, had en a pretty frdck of orange chiffon made with a panel of told brocade. VIRGINIA CAIITISIC, who was en tertained nt a theatre- party given bT hr mother before the ball, ldbkcd perfectly lovely in a French frock of white Bntln. embroidered white eilk nd rblnestenes, made with a round neck A fluffy bow of tulle was last-ened-nt tbe side of the girdle. Anether rtrlklh white costume was worn by Betty Wayne. 'daughter of the Jeseph Wn nes. of Chestnut Hill. It was-of Mtln brocade, with pnnels of silver lice en' the sides nud Mlver trimming en the bodice, which was made with a ew round neck. Helen Sewell looked unusually weil In tlie light blue that. Is m becem ng te her. ln'chiffbn; made with a bodice of (.equina, anil the skirt cut in four points, picetrd In ft deeper blue. Helen lnnys loekn fce well In evening clothes, snd.Vrr hnfr fclmw") up sef 'beautifully iindiT the 'lights In a ballroom. Dore tlit Redgers. who 1h the daughter of Mr?. Wlllinm II. Denntr, had en n rlinrralnglv ni:'lifnl fr-k of rose pink erepe de 'chine, with n girdle of roses In a deeper shade 1S.VW two attrnctlve sub-debs walk ing along Walnut btrcct the ether day and I nmt say I de like the sports liaU some of them me wearing se much tlih jenr. The two girls I saw were Sue Geedman nnd Virginia Carpenter. Sue were n stunning long cape of dnrk blue duvctyn finished about the neck .with a wide cellar" of beaver fur. Her hut uas n rnther large model et dark blue, trimmed with n feather. 'Virginia sero n rose-colored sports nit and grav file and her hat was n oft iperts model of light grey felt. It hid no trimming, but the folds in the felt cave n most finished effect. Sue Is the daughter of Mr.s. Heward Scavcr, seu knew. Her father was the late Samuel Geedman. She Is n sister of Mary Geedman, who enme out two jears age. Virginia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph II. Carpenter, Jr., and wen fame last summer ns "runner-up" in the junior tennis champion ship of the United States. She wen the Junier doubles championship with Ceres Baker at Ferrest Hills at the snme ( time. CHARLIE had n great way of de msndlng his rights upon all and vry occasion. Se when Mether ex ported guests bhe warned htm carefully that he must net nsk for things at the table until every, one el se had had nil they wanted. He did very well, and sat meekly eating what ns put before blm. However, inwitrdly he longed for mere iee vntcr, which did net seem te b forthcoming. New, among the guests as an elder lady, who seemed te re luira a grcat(deal of attention nnd who jyas asking frequently for water or "another roll" or "butter, please." Finally Charlie's thlr6t get the better of him (de's only four you knew) nnd se his small thin voice wus heard In no uncertain neccnts remarking: "Mnwy, iter Hint lady get's froe asking for (Ingi, will j en give me seme mere watei?" NANCY. WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The guests v.he will attend the theatre Prty and supper at the Jtltz-Carlten tomurrew evening which Mr. and Mrs. diaries A. Perter, of Bpilugtlcld ao ae nuc, Chestnut Hill, will glve In liener ; Mien Helen L. Hewell, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Rebert Sewell, of Ard naree, ityUnl, whose ongageinent te Mr. Henry Hrinten Cete, Jr.. recently was announced, will include Miss Anne Ash Ash ten, MUs Augusta W. Harrison, Miss Msbetli K. Uejd. Miss Betsy W. Davis, Miss Margdict .V Dallett, Miss Ellza Ellza enii Jeanes, Mr. Henry Hrinten Coxe, v! Mr' William Fleming. Mr. Themau i'!ij'n. .Mr. Henry P. Jiorle, Mr. Al , J"ddlc, Mr. James Fergusen und Mr. Saunders Mend. Mlsj r.llzabeth Rusiell Kvans Tucker, 5h!er et Vv- anJ Mrs- Henry Tucker, or JS18 Pine street, will ciituiluln a card S;y itf.her home en Memliiy uftcr lr.n.'i ,1.el)rAIU1'' " I" honor of Mies Henrietta Mncbennld Wilsen, daughter of ?l'nna2(1 Mf"- w- Reynolds Wilsen, fif. ., ,HPl'cd street nnd the Belleiue wLi ' wl'efi marriage te Mr. lis lis ten m""' ,8hakcM)enre, of the Welling t..' wlil .,llke t)lece In the Inte S)rlng tlie'lP '!?. M?' T,I.,,c.k.er' Ml8! '1'ncker nnd Jin nf.01 ' .Vr- W""1"" A. Tucker, will jl .Jh?y cV1cct te remain about n r touring the Continent. ii'.",VI,,.!lnla 'l0 Mernt Smith, delm ?"'u d.ulitcr of Mr. and Mis A "i , ,,- vnib1?.,.,.h' ."r. S,rlm! v"l'. Wi-i rn-woed. i1 ;.""'" lU,a liineheen. te b f Ke tn St?,,"!11,11"" ,)';1,lse WHy- e fficMltchelV:.MArthu, u.-laM .in.i.Pflirn. V"'.'S' I 1 , t - ,.... v nepuurn, of qr Midwinter- Ball Held Last chard Lee. VJIIaneva, who liave recently returned fretA a trip abroad. Miss Sarah Legan Starr, debutanta daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ht.irr, of Olney avenue, 'aermantbwn, and the Bellevue-Stratford, will Icave next week for St. Augustine, 11a where plie will spend several weeks as the guest of Miss Clarissa Andersen. The guests who will attend the dinner en Friday evening which Mr. nnd Mrs. Kayburn Clark Smith, of Vlllnneva, will give In honor of their daughter, Miss Elaine Smith, before the meeting; of Mrs. Charles Stewart .Wurte' Dancing Class, will Include Miss Emily C, Cookman, Miss Louise Wilsen, Miss Jane V. Geed, man, Miss Jesephine Rogers, Miss Caro Care line H. Norten, Mr. Nelsen Hesse, Mr. Merris Swope, Mr. Samuel Randall, Mr. T. Evans Dunn, Mr. Bayard McCaleb, Mr. Lester Lewis and Mr. Frederick Y. Ilryan. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Dixen, of Green Point, Md.( will arrive today te spend a fortnight as the guests of Mrs. Dixen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ptarce Crlsfleld, of East Gravers lane, Chestnut Hilt. Mrs. Frederick Jest, of, 1904 Pine Btreet, will be at home Informally after 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and en Thursdays In March. She will be as sisted In receiving tomorrow, afternoon by Mrs. 'Edwards F. Lelper, Miss Frances W. Lelper and Countess Da Trampe. The meeting of the Phllcblblen will be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock tn the Franklin Inn Club, , Miss Elaine Tayler. English, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Eng lish, , of 226 West Schoelhpuse lane, Germantown, who is spending a few days in Washington, will return te' her home en Friday. Mrs; Rebert Emett Hare, of 400 Seuth Twenty-second street, left yesterday for a visit te New Yerk, where' she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emlen Spen cer Hare. She expects te return the latter, part et this week. Mrs. Arthur Whitney Howe, who has been entertained as the truest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carter B. Slmenln, of 122 Springfield avenue. Chestnut Hill, for a week and wan the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge It Earle, 3d, of Grays lane, Haverfc-rd, ever the week-end, left yesterday for her home near Pitts burgh, Pa. Mrs. S. Naudaln Duer's Thursday afternoon dancing-class wilt have a bal masque tomorrow In the Rese Gar dens of the Bellevue-Stratford. Mrs. Duer's Friday evening dancing class will also have a bal masque Friday evening. Dr. Sae-Ke Alfred Sze. Chinese Minis ter at Washington, and Madame Sze are the guests of Mrs. Jehn S. Muckle at her home, 2023 Walnut street. Miss Elizabeth F. Cepe, daughter el Mrs. Walter Cepe, of 200 East Jehnsen street, Germantown, who Is spending the winter in Bosten, arrivea neme yester day for a week's visit te her mother. Miss Anne Thomsen, of Wlllewbank, Bryn Mawr, Is spending a few dnys In New Yerk. Miss Margaret Toegood, daughter et Mrs. Granville E. Toegood, 7141 Crcs helm read, Germantown, will . entertain at a bridge party and shower en Wednesday In honor of Miss Elizabeth Burrell Luck. Dr. and Mrs. Themas Klein have re turned from their wedding trip and will be at home after March 15 at 1717 Pine street. Mrs. Klein, before her wedding en Saturday, February 11, was Miss Jesephine Tomllnsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas M. Tomllnsen. Mlsa Edith Nelsen Page, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Heward Wurta Tagc, et 1013 Clinten street, who will be married te Dr. Isaac Stan-, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Starr, of Chestnut Hill, en Saturday, April 22. has left for a visit te Bosten, as Dr. Starr Is at the Bosten Hospital. She expects te remain about three weeks. Mrs. Geerge R. Slnnlcksen. of the RItz-Carlten. and Miss Hewell Lloyd, of i.uiiauuriucKen, wne nave Deen in Vir ginia Het Springs for several weeHs, linve returned te their homes In t"us city. Lieutenant and Mrs. G. L. Cempe, of Coronade, Calif., wlie arrived en Sun day with their small daughter. Mis? Jean Cempe, will be the guests for n month of Mrs. Cempe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gustavui W. Bergner. nt their iiviiiu iii .rijiverienj. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rufus Scott, of New erk, formerly of Germantown, are spending several weeKs nt the Rltz Rltz Cnrlten In Atlantic City. Mrs. Geerge Magnrec, of Qulney street nnd Pcthnm read. Germantown. u Bjjcnaing a rertniglit In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fischer, et Mcrcnantvllle, N. .1., have announced tin engagement of their daughter. Miss Geitrude Elizabeth Fischer, te Mr. Paul II. Lngle, of Ellzabethtewn, Pa. GERMANTOWN The Real Estate Beard of Philadel phia gave Its third annual dance yes terday at the Pclham Club. Mrs Edgar Sheppard, of 42 East lulpohecken street, will glve a luncheon ;?.9.a?'- Among the guests will be Mrs. W illlam II. Wilsen, Mrs. McCabe, Mrs. Barnes. Mrs.' Jehnsen, MrH. G. Kelly, Mrs. Phlllcr, Mrs. .Taceby, Mrs. By-rail, Mrs. Hunsberger, Mrs. Caster and Mrs. Shuman. Mr. Peter Davis, of 325 Winona street announces the marriage of his daugh ter, Miss Jesephine Frances Davis, nnd Mr. Hugh McOee, Jr., also of Ger mantown, en Saturday last In the Im maculate Conception Church, of Bnltl Bnltl were. The Rev. James V. Farrell, C. M officiated. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss A'dele Cellins, of Forty-ninth street and Chester avenue, will accom pany Miss Harriett Spreuln te her home It) Springfield, Mnss. Miss Spioule has been visiting Miss Cellins since March 1. Dr. and Mrs. Hewaid R. Rowland, of West Philadelphia, aie spending a few weeks at Atlantle City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn P. Murdoch, of 5423 Cedar avenue, nnneuncn the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Allce Virginia Ieo Murdoch, te Mr, Edward Wiler, son of Mr. nnd SIis. Alficd I) Wllcr, of this city. Saturday afternoon, at a bridge party, Mrs. Charles Pennington l.ulicns, of Parkesburg, Pa., announced the engage ment of her daughter. Miss Helen Pewnall Lukun8, te Mr. .nines Carl Snyder, of 5207 Chester avenue, Phila delphia, The wedding will take place later In the eur, Mips Mary K Flynn. of West Phltn Phltn delphla, entertained a number of guests at her home en Saturday evening l.iht In honor of Miss Edith Heuncu. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Tne "Moter Mlnstrelettes" will be given by the members of the An Yeu Like It Club of St. Matthew's Mundn bchcel, at Cllrard avenue and Eighteenth stieet, tomorrow evening Thoxe taking part will ba Miss Ucrliude Clay, .Mln IMlth Tilpple. Miss Ethel Fletcher. Mls-s Virginia Thuiluw, MlFn Jeanne Davis Miss Ileleii Hallewell, Mlfcs Hetty Foehl, Miss I..I Hun lche, Alls! Dore'Uy lior lier lior rewes, Miss Mai Ien llilenn, MIsh MihIk line AVIIIIatiiH. Miss Doiethy J.alchten MIsh Miriam Vegdts, Mica Mnig.uet Edgar und Mrs. S llerger. Musli-al selections v. Ill alue be given by members of the Muhlenberg Mandelin Club, Mr. Daniel I. Muiphy, of I'lC Nrrth Tuinty-dist htHi't. uiuieuiu'es the eu gageiuent of his daughter, Miss liiith. arlne Mnilcllne Murphy, lu Mr. Fianli X. Merris, of Malvern, P.i, A Valentine puity was given by Miss Margaret Armstrong at her horns, 5U0 Nertli Biead atrett, en Tueseay eve. E$3 sw.1 ra.'.i' v' : r ? 71Tiai '"UUJCiJ Returns E?renV Abroad Iliote by rhnte-Crafters. MISS JANE S. HEPBURN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hepburn, of Orchard taa, Vlllaneva, who with her sisters, Miss Mqrle Hepburn and Mlsa Louise Hepburn, has returned from a stay In Europe nlng last. The guests Included Miss Catherine Conden, Miss Allce Rafette Miss Delercs McCnel, Miss M&rgle Keane, MIsh Mnrle Baumgardner, Mist Peggy Graluin, Jlles Mary Ledge, Miss Emma Ewing, Mliw Peg Wllklns, SIlsi Elsie Sadawl, Miss Stasia Yeung, Mlsr Helen Cenncry, Mr. Charles Rnfette, Mr. Jack Carsen, Mr. Paul Frallev, Mr. Tem Ternan, Mr. Jim Kennedy, Mr. (lemg( Frez, Mr. David Northrop. Mr. Die Northrop, Mr. Joe Olasser, Mr. Jee Mc Mc Gewon, Mr. Vlnce Coonahan, Mr. Ralph Caskey, Jlr. Donald Becker, Mr. Jim Fergusen, Mr. Frank Donahue, Mr. Edmund Graham and Mr. Jeseph, Bur Bur geyne. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W. Beckhardt, of 2330 Tiega street, wilV entertain at a dinner and dance at the Roosevelt Hetel en Saturday evening In honor of their silver wedding anniversary. There will be about 100 guests, thirty of whom will be frewi New Yerk City. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. J. W. Uusch, of 2S0O Seuth Eighteenth street, vtlll entertain at a luncheon and brldge party this after noon. The guests will include Mlsa Mary Merlz, Mrs. Ncff Lntng, Mrs. Wil liam Temllns)n, Mrs. Fred Rebblns. Mrs. Walter Samans. Mrs. Frank De Lancy and Mrs, Charles Shlsler. The members of tha Beta Chnpter of the Delta Sigma Alpha Screrlty will held a reception and dance en Friday evening next In the ballroom f the Aldlne Hetel. The Entertainment Com mittee includes Miss Peggy Moul, Miss Mae Waddlngten. Miss Edith Beck and Miss Florence Glllln. Other members of the sorority are Miss Gertrude Chattln Miss Cecilia Teffnrd. Miss Mary Dug dale, Miss Elizabeth Campbell, MIbs Elizabeth Carbarns. Miss Claire Llvezey MIs-j Dorethy Davis. Miss Lillian Hey and Miss Mariette Dlmen. Miss Dorethy Kills, of Watts and Mlfllln streets, entertained recently at her home In honor of Mr. Themas Bar ford, of Talahassee, Fla. The Ceyne-Sleak Pest, Ne. 354, Vet erans Foreign Wars, entertained at a supper recently at Its headquarters, 133j East Pabsyunk avenue. In honor et, the past adjutant of the Llscutr Pest, Mr. Fred R. Watsen, and Depart ment Inspector Mr. L. R. Montagu.) Their own officers Included Cemmandei Bernard McColl, Senior Vlce Commander Tailored Suits Tep Coats Habits EssT ' ' sissisisisisisisisisisisisisi I lilt '' WfmM R -':' :W?IM sitwv' ' 4-,, s"i; ', ( '?. i"su " 1621 f)cs(tnut Street Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Flowers are Blooming en ,Hats N(et for many scabens have flowers bcc.i se much in evidence en Millinery. Noted for the quality of our flowers, we are prepared better than ever before te serve you. There arc VIOLET HATS se realistic Small Hals faced with brim of solid flowers. Larger Hutu carry a great bouquet en brim. We Invite Your Inspection Women's Heavy Silk Hosiery With Lace Clex, Black and Celers, ,$2.75 pair This quality would be ?I.S0 a pair but for bIIkIi Irrcgularltlei In the weave, such ns un oeoaMnn.tl heavy thread. They are heavy silk and full fnshlencd throughout; the shades aie black, white, and corilevun. Women's Pure Silk Hese at .$1.45 a Pair or 3 Pairs for $4.00 All he Spring shades - lirev. Nude. Tan, Navy, White and Black Thin Is suiely u wonderful v.e.irlng socking at a very special mice ' Women's Fine Lisle Vests, 3 for $1.00 Women's flneUsle Vests nie Indeed 11 bargniu nt this price: they ceme In nil slse.i fiem 30 te 44 and nre either regular or bodice top. Imported Dainty Waists, Special $2.95 n.iluty llttle dimlv waists with Peter Pan cellar nud tiirn.nxer cuffs. Alse with Tuxedo cellars. They come in Rese. Flesh. Coeen Uiuciuld, Tiuigurine and (ire. . """' "-open, Fine Imported White Washable Cape Skin Gloves, $3.00 Kind at $1.50 Made of the finest quality Imported Cape leather, soft and nllalii.- ix gleve that gives belter servlce Hum nny ether kind we knew ubiut A white glevii that nu ma wash en our huuds. It la niie ,I.i fertune te llnd thorn at half price. ,l ls ,a,e 0U1 Eavenson's Original Hard Water Seap Twelve Large Size Cakes for 60c l.iivunspiiH have been makers of flnn f,eaps for thrce-auart ccutiie Thulr linrd Water Seap makes bushels of eiVa iiv "J",1,1 ,'w"f, umiunlly Hun duality. The cake Is full 4- el "ize ilellghtful ly nerlumed with almond odor. Kheuld you never m i:aenspu'H Haul Water Soup, we would suggest your siiendln n sauiple cake. Yeu con eaMly prove Its superiority. mien uruering py mall neia 100 r Wf.ittf 4fM frrar PHIEAt)ELPHL4 J, Schleslnger. Junier Vice Cemmandsi A. Zardus, emcer of the Day J. F. Wll lard E. Sloek, adjutant. The marriage of Miss Berdle Kush ner, daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hleam, of Seuth Philadelphia, and Mr. J, H. Greenberr will take place en Sun day evening, February Jtt. ' .ALONG THE READING Dr. A. If. Funke. of Kaaten read. Glenslde, has raturned, from a. fishing trip at Bt. Lucle, Fla. On his way North he visited hi brother, Dr. Jehn Funke, at the Emery University, At lanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stroud and Mrs. Stroud Oreenfleld, of Cleverly avenue, Jenklntewn, have gene te the Pacific Coast. Mr. aUd' Mrs TTmiatn ' McLean, of WilliamMewn, Ma., who have been visiting Mrs. C. B. Tayler, are new In Washington for the remalpder of the winter. , Mr. William II. Leeds. Jr.. returned te the United States Naval Academy Preparatory at Annapolis, Md after spending the week-end wth his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Leeds, of Oak Lane. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry .Kennedy Cart right, of Celd Springs Farm, near Beth ayrcs. are receiving congratulations en the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mra. WsIy, Miller Caskey. of Oak Lane, are spending some tlme ,J at Lake Placid. N. Y. A recital was given en Monday, Feb ruary 20, at the Beechwood Scheel, Jenklntewn. The selections were given hy Miss Marian W. Ouihee, violinist, and Mrs. Ward Ryder, pianist, and Miss Elizabeth Cernell recited. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smylle Herkness and Miss Alice Herkness, of Rydal, are at Miami, Fla. FRANKFORD Mrs. K. M. Hllles, cf 4280 Paul street, announces the marriage of her niece, Miss Emma H. Dcgnan, te Mr. J. Mor Mer ris Jack, of Kennett Square, I'a.. en saturuay, KeDruary n. The Phi Kappa Upsllen Fraternity will glve a pre-Lnten dance tomorrow evening. Air. R J. Krleger Is the president of the fraternity and Mr. E. Atlee Bucktus is chairman. A reception and euchre party will be given en Friday evening next nt Slieldkneeht's Academy In aid of the Mater DoIetso's and St. Rocce's chapel. Miss Louise Spanagle, of 4722 Penn street, will entertain at bridge en Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Falrhurst and her daughter, Miss Edna Falrhurst, have returned from a month's stay In Car Car Car rlzonze, N. M where they visited Mrs. E. C. Menree. WIS8INOMINQ Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Matlack. of Cottage street, are receiving congratu lations upon the birth of a, son, Rebert Franklyn Matlack. Mrs. 1. Wilsen and her daughter, Miss Gladys Wilsen, of Hewell street, nre spending a. fortnight at Atlantic City. STRAWBERRY MANSION Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Scher, of 312C Clifferd street, formerly of Balti more avenue, are being congratulated en the birth of ft son, Arneld Irving Scher. LAWNDALE Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lacey, of '124 Rising Sun avenue. .. a .ii..liili.a An... ving a da gratulatlens upon the birth of a daugh r. me icc.viiik wii" ter. Mr. and Mrs. Geerge F. Themas, of Taber read, have returned from a six weeks' stay In Flerida. Mr. and MrB. Rebert H. Barclay, of 7129 Rising Sun avenue, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter. DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. Leuis Ress LlttW has returned te Screggle, her home near Media,- from visit te friends In Catensvltle, Md. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Haines Llpplncett, who have recently returned from a cruise te Flerida In their yacht, liae been FOR IPinEOIATE IUEAR AND SPECIAL ORDER era of a. eamy lather lze und in you never have tried g iic for for postage, ; WEDKESD&Y,' entertaining Mr. James Roberts, of Baltimore, ever the week-end, A card party will be given en Tues day afternoon, February 28, ,ln th Media clubhouse by the League of Women Voters. NORRI8TOWN The marriage of Miss Nerma Truman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amcf E. Tru man, of 621 Corsen street, and Mr. Walter C. Stevens, of 9S3 West Mar shall street, son of Mr. and Mrs. MeTrle Stevens, of Kulpsvllle, took place en Saturday, February 18, at Elkton, Md. The Rev. David Lecherbre, pastor of the Methodist Church, Elkton, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Stevens will live at 621 Corsen street. Miss Alice Qulnn, of 1.103 De Kalb street, gave an Informal dance last Fri day at her home In honor of her guest, Miss Betty Kuhn, of Spring City. There were thirty present. ' Miss Helen Weber, of Swede street, entertained the members et the choir of the First Presbyterian Church at n miscellaneous shower en Friday In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M, Rowden, who were recently married. Mrs. Rcwden was formerly Miss Eva Airy. MOORE8TOWN Mrs. M. Barlew, of Atlantic City, has eV' announced the ensraarement of her daughter. Miss Helen Thelma Barlew, te Mr. ir. li. aoeaenougn, of Moercs town. Mr, and Mrs. Geerge A, Spooner, of Oak avenue. ' are belnr cenaratulated upon the birth of a daughter en Wednes day, Feeruary is. Dr. and. Mrs. Alexander Macey, Jr. of Rlverten, have left for a trip te the Mediterranean. They will be gene until April 20. BONWIT TELLER t, CQ Ohe Specialty Shep cfOnauiahenb CHESTNUT AT 13tm STREET Vests itself With that inimitable air of chic distinction by selecting A VEST OF SELF FABRIC TRIMLY CUT and patched of pocket AND A STRAIGHT-LINE SKIRT That has allied itself te the in fabric and color, is priced WOMEN'S DEFT: LJUjjk jfMjJ im BONWIT TELLER & CQ CW Specialty Sftep cfOnatnaLenb CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Distinctive Versions in WOMEN'S SUITS OF THE NEW SPRING TWEEDS . 39,50 Blurred Vert, Kasha Tuecds Glen Legan Tweeds I Basket Ttcceds I Hemespuns English Tweeds I Dundee Ttcceda i Hewitt Tweeds i Scotch Tweeds OTHER MODES OF TWEED 29.50 le 95.00 IT WEEDS that run the gamut of new Neaes and yi interpret themselves in the most enchanting of color ings; some showing a combination of color in checks or a blending of color in blurred pastels and heather mixtures. Sports models and the fashionable three-piece costume effects. SUCOXD FLOOli iPEBBUABY 22, 1922 Knedel M'uller Miss Helen Marguerite Mutler. daugh ter of Mr. Charles Muller, of 4118 Perm, grove terrace, wilt be married at e.au o'clock this evening at Calvary Luth eran Church. Forty-first street and Mantua avenue, te Mr. Luls J. Knpdei. son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Jacob Knedel,;of 390Z Olrnnl nvenue. ine Iasier vi i church the Itev. J, MIten Twcedale. will efllclnte. Mlsi Muller, who will be given In marriage by her father, will be attended by Miss Anna Marian Haw. kins, of Penngrove terrace, and Miss May Meyer, of 2S6 Seuth Fifty-fourth street, this city, ns bridesmaids. Miss Janet Emily Best, the bridegrooms niece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C, Best, of Wyncote, will be the flower girl. Mr. Frederick A. Brecht, of this city, will be the best man, and the ushers will Include Mr. Charles O. Mul ler. Mr. Kelgfrled Unger and Mr. Jehn Knedel. brother of 'the bridegroom. A reception at 2502 Olrard avenue will fellow the ceremony. Upen their re turn from a wedding trip. Mr. nnd Mrs. Knedel will live at 6917, Jeffersen street, Overbroek. Tliey will be at home en Wednesday afternoons during April. Three Artt Players Tl rrl.MAA Am, a ttlnv.n nt Phllfl.. L ur- iiiicu ' m ,...v..' . - . delphla will present four one-act plays' nt tlie I.lltle rj nenire en i-riaay eve ning next. Thn plays Include "The Will e' the Wisp," a legend of the Meers, by Deris Halman, In which Mrs. Itebert Oetten. Mrs. James E. Oledlilll and Mrs. William Hhulr wilt act: "Over-ruled," by Bernard Shaw, In which Mr. Henry C. Sheppard. a member of the Plays and Players. Miss Catherlne Spencer nnd ethers will take part : "Suppressed Desires." a take-off en psychesnalvsls. by Geerge Evan Cook, with Miss Florence Gledhlll, Miss Cntherlne Spencer nnd Mr. Wayne Wll Wll en ns the neters : and "The Guest." by Lern Dunsany, with Mr. Henry C. Shep pard. A sK"Ctai feature will be a dance " A JAUNTY SPRING CAPE FASHIONED OF TWEED And Specially Priced 39.50 Kasha tweed in exquisite colerings: orchid, rose, rust, tan, gray and Copen fashions these youthful capes that bear the cachet of distinction, character izing fashions sponsored by Bonwit Teller 6c Ce. cape above 10.00 THIRD FLOOR Pastels, Heather Mixtures, Cinnamon, Orchid, Cern- flower. Rouge. aaERFECTION of tailor 1' ing is a feature of these smart modes of youthful cut: The belted mode, the boxed, semi - fitted and pinch - back models; showing slit and tab pockets, narrow belts, inverted plaits, novelty buckles. "3! by Miss Idelms dartman. Musical regram has also been arranged, wltn Mrs. Needier Jehnsen as soprano aole. 1st, 'accompanied by Mr, Rebert call bralth. Needier. PAMKER'l HAIR BALSAM. KiMb wDliKKST-HMitiiiurnai RMttnt Ctr uulteGMuiruMll zz - - - - - - - - I lrwC1n- Yf' ft TlMHIlflTJ Permanent Hair Warinf EiHrt BtMci Htaii, 125.60 RpUI prserss f w srsy klr niRE. L. llEwntn 25 SOUTH 82NO ST. Ope Kfts. as. Wsd. Bl. lt-lTa Hairdresiing Marcel and Hairdrsss, 76c Shampoo & Scalp Treatment, $1.00 JENNY SELTZER'S SALON 0J CHESTNUT PHONE WAL. 7147 ROOM 204 WRINKLES REMOVED I JUST put Wrinkellne. n harmless TcgeUbls jelly, en your face; In 10 minutes wash It off; fine wrlnltles dis appear; deep lines soften; sagging and double chin lifts up; face becomes round end firm: skin tightens and whitens; net expensive; sold en approval. Free DemenstrntlaM Write for particulars. IRENE PAULMARD 534 Real Estate Trust Bldf. PHILADELPHIA. PA. rilll.A 'H I.CATJlNO TIIKATrtES DinECTION OK L.EE & J. J. yilUIWRT CHCSTMUT ST. OPERA. HOUSE SHUBERTvaudwiie OAILY MATS AT 2.15 "EVtS ATfi.15 I AMOTHER SMASHING SIS BILL Tt MUSICAL COMtOV TA CHARLES PURCELL1 BAMisTta st LtRevtMmn smriemtantm i MHLRBIRT KINNeVfrMSKTHA SHtlSY I ANB OTMtBl STAR ACTS Imclumm 1EDINI &-CUCKOO " g 'SPANGLES I THt tATKT AND MtRSIBT MVUL.PSESEKnDir JtN Bt0INI.CtATOROfCHUCKlH2r IN 7 SCENCCOMPAriyf SO PfOfLt I SAM S. SHUIIEDT '" :1 Sharp anUOCNI M.T. WED. A ti.XT. HOLIDAY MAT. TODAY 1 EDDIE CANTOR f 'MAKE IT SNAPPY MJITN ASHIMMtRINS SHOWtlt OF STARS '3 AND 75 DAINTY DIAPHANOUS niVINITirs WALNUT Evenings at 8:20 Waiainften't Birikdty Mitfnet Today ALMA TELL, McKAY MORRIS "Everynne who rad this book will nnt te - th? play." RECORD. w ix MAT 1 1 "l3AT MAI L MB UKUJIUV MAT Ilia WMKKW rjJY HODGE .N "DOG, LOVE Positively Last 15 Times IVKM . KVE.MNfiM AT StlR LYRK HOLIDAY MAT. TODAY IN A TURKISH hv AVtRy hO.0O0.CMIlTlANMCVt BROAD iiei.iimv TODAY DAVID BCLASCO prf Mnis AVER NORWOODS FAMOUS WITH A COMtW DtSTUHHMMO gUfiSCO CHS7 GARRICK JJ!TV& TODAY TREMENDOUS TRIUMPH! GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS in the hniranm Mu"lcnl lilt THE O'BRIEN GIRL 'MART H nin Mffi-At, SISTEIll FORREST THEATRf 'IWIi'K DAILY a and S 1 LAST 2 WEEKS D. W.Griffith's Dramatic Epic SWPHON'Y HHCMKSTIIA GEO. WHITE'S SCANDALS Murch ACUtKMY Of ML'SIC ihfniK March 6 t 8:15 Only Appearance, Violin Recital HEIFETZ Tickets NOW A?r, STK1NWAY 1'IANO USED 55t Annual Reception Catholic Pkilepslrisa LiUrsrjr Institute Academy of Muiie, Monday Evtninf, Ftb. 27 hubncrlitent SS.eu. Admltllna a (IrntlrinuD , und The l.adlr Addrs f'4birtpilena te Club Heme 14U Krrh turn Auction aal of Imit at th rcli utrwt ddrr. Hnndm. Ffh. IS. 8 . . ORPHEUM UTliiantn ii a Cl.alitn UP.rnE.UITI Matin.- Today s 13 , ORPHEUM PLAYERS in "Step Lively, Hazel" ! ACAIIKMV OK MVHW , MI'.TnOI'OI.ITAN OI'HISA CO. 0- N. y I KK.II. 38. I lill.M t"U, Had 1. fend 1 T H ".,, . Moriiuenl ' ' nckm Afld. and tpp,.' 11 in Chantnut hi, I DUMONPS "..VfcjB;-... Sjjj1 U?K MbWJH '. a fless) SBsiflB JABJELfnl M William matt i mm mm amrmn lATU " I rnj l r rm m . s imi fYMtr' Vwjr.. fl cr ijvti"j i" i MrMtlaa mrnUr Ommmuv NfNTNTKAHK riHBT NATIONAti WMK HOPE HAMPTO With James ft' m Star-Dmt Suf ftUl hy Faanw Huni't wl ' ADDSD HOL1DAT PROLOQUB WaikiaiteaCrsulif tke Ddswan Wllh ElMtrleat And Benla EffaU hixteSIth MAKKrr 11:30, 1JO. SiSO, B:80, 7i0. t8 . Sardeu iaaatrtal lava at7 At anurias; at it U a a pre ductien, there is a jrippinf plei( or great iDieresi. Unparalleled iplender anal magniflcence make "Theodora," at the Stanten, a screen spectacle that can be written about only in; superlative!. Nothing like this long heralded production het hitherto been seen here, and il may well be regarded as the last word in the filming of gigantic, breath-taking scenes, combined with beauty of rare and exotic, appeal. North American. Bread and Chestnut 11.30. 1.30. 3.30. 3.S0, 7 JO. 0U10 FIRST NATIONAL WEEK Geerge Washington Was the Father of His Country JACKIE COOGAN "MYBOY" TO ALL PHILADELPHIANS Tin: Kirva a whizi DAI KCV 1-T" A'AnKBT STS. rALAvCi in a. m. te n :ir. p. m. WM. S. HART "THAVELIN ON" LARHY SEMON In "TIlC SAWMILL" ARCADIA TO Eugene O'Brien ft CHESTNUT 51 tn 11:1.-, P. M. "CHlVALUOUa bHAKLEY" VICTORIA ?ANT,!,e6,RPKSrT ANITA STEWART JfS t.AIinY fiKMHV In "THK HAWMILL", lAi 1 V1j in A M. te 1 1 .15 P. M. BETTY COMPSON Zh nrrENT l7T" MARKET KEiVjEin 1 KIR8T BHOWIKO CHARLES RAY " y GLOBE iUNLPEK. & MARKET 11 c II CONTINUOUS ''tniRVH.I.R Tremendous Bill This Week m MKcneN nenne me.flt AldinF UM. v EEK ONI.I CONTINUOUS 11 A. U. TO 11 P L AGDORGE ARLI55 JWj lrRO.M EARL DKRR BICOEHS' STOnT IDLE HAND"" In t lie SATUHUAV EVENING POST "IJxcefdlnclr difficult te flml a plrtura a nnlf and nt th Ama tlma e n- ttrettlne as thla etif ' North American. NEXT WEEK THE MOST weNDunruL pictuhr in America FOOLISH WIVES Or and With VON S1ROHEIM THE MAN YOU WILL LOVE TO HATE" B.F. KEITH'S- Ll'llllllll GERTRUDE HOFFMANN AM) HER AMERICAN HALLKT MISS FRANKIE HEATH IN HON'O HTORIE8 Ee PRESSLER & KLAISS- -Blsechs A LU via mm RAE ELEANOR BALL & IRO. HID Sl'RROI VDINU SHOW I W. C. Fields' "Family Ferd" with ii m mahkinu a re B MIKIWS TUIIAV i HHOWiT 1 (04:3(1 AND N P. M ?!umiiiim"iiitiiiiiiiiiiintiinijiimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiii,imj JIKTROI'OLITAN OPERA HOUHBj 4tU Annual JeTtnlla l'radupia CINDERELLA WK1INKSIIAY IFTI'RMKIN &m fMsSSSjsftl r TrmmM nw-v 4 , ', i Slur Asstart ia Periaa At 3:30 7:30 0:30 $jSgSf Matt ds9ssm Coleital I 'aSLVs IbbbbB I ai TBB I Spectacle l biJbbHI I Ter TBtV' ' 'arBBVS' aBBSBH Carlten k S WaA Q &&r ft-HKUARY 2 WW,: WAMIINOTOVH IIIKTIIDAY Tlrktla at lltl Chtatnet HI.. Ma U t MM r d. nt .Mimic. Ihuri ., rrb. K3. at Sill ALBERT COATES NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Final Concert Deaat CandufUr Tltkfla at Afidfmy and llrnea'a ACADE.MY or AID8IO AFT.. FEB. 21. . eT- ACT CCU ! . T". IIV-' CONCERT OV MUSIC FOR PIANO MRHM1MIMAII tJHm m ...Ma A A . . -:- - w..v a , irA. . ?mm""rTZ'm??'r.r,w'r wi-&x M'i IM it AV "-.' .1 '-EV pm mm Sta" wvvyj S fe w mj. M et li c Hi T(1 1 A3 If? w Al S7 ' il fill 1l ?n a hib ex f boa a sti a a ! 30 lift .tn til tta. mt d 310C hn K grit In IV srf c I ' no ' rf "fl 9l 1 an A tot ili sd; a. nv v a rcC ; t I ux iii tat 3 ll? .ii iiif IT c a' 3 .V t- jaa.Mfi TA wjf. --JSS1 w M WAia 1 - f.tU jt?t I'M! jt.yr'ifta.z, i'Wf7.5r;r BatlraV. V. and Toe.la. th. N.u,i.. CASINO ysfag f . ' m& T?$mvmMmMmm ... Ti' M.Kt'X i.w. '- .riFHaHbdWir ' ; ,.eM. .. j?m W!,l. . i''.Trfr'i.Jriri . A&iVSiSZi. f 1 '"ii ftaWr i f Ti laWi- "V" f '; 94V:wr V 'IK I '-V- r ..'