fc '5 rj , M srefftf CLOSED WEATHER Cleudy WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S ALL DAY TODAY M ?j v "Even February Must End With lis Gelden Opportunity VH t ? Ll k' f m ;'''x As Geerge Washington , v Wasthe Outstanding Unit of the little Celonies of America, forming the United 7 States, se is it that every city, State, nation has a J unit in its Governer and our President at the Capitel at Washington. . I In the early days Benjamin Franklin 'was the : unit representing the new nation of America at , foreign Courts. v ' Each family, each college, each society and every business has its unit. i i fIMA wxwint PAnfAvanMi at Wacihlnir4nn iinnn l,r J.IIC ISM. WI1.IV5, Oi TTOOUIllSiUIl, UJUU -Nthe foundations of the peace of the world, was ' composed of thirty units representing certain nations. The unit, therefore, gees back te one man, the character, conscience, intelligence and integrity of , one man. Any man may have a debased, rotten conscience, like that of Benedict Arneld, or he may ; be as far above all temptations as was Abraham Lincoln. The .scarcity of everything in government, statesmanship, business affairs, home life, Church and State, depends upon individualism, pure, honest, unbribable, as Geerge Washington. iSigfied Ftbmary SS, 1!22. jfmt New the Darker Spring v Coats for Wee Felk English tweeds, fine ceverta and fancy cloths have been cut into coats for youngsters of two te six and cut very much the hape e. their mothers', with flaring backs and raglan shoulders. . Tans and browns predominate in the colors, and some have waist linings, while ethers are lined throughout. If Trices $25 te 132. (Third Fleer) IrJ .ft i y Women's Levely Gowns for Pre-Lenten Frivolities Te th women who are apt te clenic in at the last moment wp re glad te say that the Little Gray Salens have just new a wonderful collection of distinguished and charming frocks for dinner, mm-cvening and evening wear. The materials are of Canten and ether heavy crepes, silver cloths, novelty laces and point d'esprit, but te nay this conveys nothing of their beauty. They are se novel in line, se original n combination, se altogether delightful in color, that the only thing te de is te see them. One frock of silver cloth she with green is embroidered ij irese' wJl'te a"d periwinkle blue beads; a gown with much geld lace has coral bugle trimmings; a point d'esprit very simple is altogether peppy scarlet. There are many gowns in black and black-and-white effects; many gwns altogether of white; many of the precious reds which suggest everything from Chinese lacquer te japonica blossoms. Prices run from $65 te $200. (Flrtt Fleer) White Crepe de Chine Blouses Ge With Any Suit k ery H'y tn 's tne reason why se many women are asking for wem, and they have the added recommendation of net easily mussing "nder a coat. ' Here are some brand-new styles, and they are quite interesting Btcause of their new features. All are marked $7.50. " niain-iauerea sntrtmeacl with a new cellar shaped some Puritan cellar. It fastens with a long, narrow bow of Orift i n nin like a b'ck ribbon. ,tr.ne& ht3.a T.l tu"vr cellar of small tucks, in checkerboard ribb ti g choker cellar turned ever te held a (Third Fleer) Think of Women's Coats Being $15, $25 and $35! i AL.The fct tl,at tney are Winter ceata and it is nearing Spring i the only way of accounting for it. But they are coats that a woman can put en right new and wear for some time, and then incy may well serve another season or two. t..u '1Gifln.d Ked Practical velour coats and a number of short learner coats in black or tan leather, especially nice for metering. AJ Jr re "'tvl "d velour coats, some fur trimmed. At ?35 are finer belivia coats, untrimmed, in black, blue and rin( Fleer) Weel Sweaters for Women at $10, Each A thousand of them) includ ing some of our prettiest and best styles which have been Lgglling se well that there is new left only one or two of each kind. ' There are almost 'all colors and plenty of the much-desired tuxedo and slip-ever models. Seme are exactly half price and en every one there is a substantial reduction. (Flrtt Fleer) A Little Glitter Fer a Hat Many of the present soft and simple, hats demand some glitter ing point, whence the interest women are taking in these rhine rhine Rtene ornaments in the Inexpen sive Jewelry Stere. Seme are of rhincstenes , nlene; ethers arc rhinestones combined with imita-. tien jade or jeV Prices $2.50 te $8. (Main Fleer) V( 1 T &!f,7A r ylLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLV ' 1DUFFLED embreidr -- ery edges en cam bric and nainsoek are in the White Goods Stere ready for use en children's clothes and ivemeji's lingerie. They arc 2y t 9 inches wide, and priced at 25c te $1.25. (First Fleer) SOME WOMEN PREFER INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS There, is a very sheer, Irish linen kind, with a dainty hand embroidered block initial. It is really a remarkable quality and the price is only 35c each or $3.83 a dozen. (Mnln Fleer) Would Yeu Entertain the World's Greatest Pianists? Who wouldn't! Especially if these artists would sit down te the piano after dinner antt entertain your ether guests by the hour. Yet whoever possesses an Ampice Reproducing Piane has as permanent guests in his home the greatest living geniuses of the pianoforte and can call en them te play any day or hour. The Ampice perpetuates the work of the masters and also brings whatever you like in the way of dance music and popular airs. In Philadelphia the Wanamaker Stere is the sole distributor of the Ampice, which may be had in the following celebrated makes: 1 Chickering Knabc Schemacker Haines Bres. Marshall & Wendell Any of these fine instruments may be bought en conven ient terms and we shall be glad te demonstrate them at any time. Yeu need feel under no obligation, if you ask te hear them played. (Second Fleer) CLOSETS "GROW" FIVE TIMES AS BIG The very minute the Space Saver enters. It's merely a sup- pert that fastens against the wall ' nnd an extending red with hooks for clothes hangers. Really fine for shirts, shirt waists or the lighter garments and five will hang where one was before. Price $1. (Fourth Fleer) RISH patterned laces f r e m Hang Chew, where the very finest handwork of this sort is done, are as remark able for inexpensiveness .as for beauty being only 90c te $1.25 a yard. Tte shipment is net very large, being only 1200 yards. Widths are 1 te 24 inches. (Main Fleer) There Are Four First-Rate Phonographs and They Are te Be Found Here Perhaps no class of merchandise is mere utterly worthless than r peer phonograph. Certainly no investment can yield the purchaser mere joy, satisfaction, recreation and inspiration than a first-rate phonograph. Here you can get no ether kind than a first-rate one, whatever you select Brunswick Cheney Senera Victrela and whatever style you may cheese from our great nnd varied stocks, embracing every available 3ize and model in these four standard makes of machines. Every phonograph is backed by the Wanamaker guaran tee as well as by that of a reputable manufacturer. And terms are se convenient. (Second Fleer) NEW FABRICS FOR SPORTS COSTUMES One is the softest all-wool epengc, in vivid colors and ethers of mere somber tones. It is 54 inches wiije and $5 a yard. The ether is an all-wool her ringbone cheviot, especially geed for Spring suits and the new cape dresses or slip-ens. 54 inches wide and $3.75 a yard. (Flrt Fleer) Women Ge Puttee-Less With the New Riding Suit Have you seen the latest type of riding suit for women a style brought here from England ? The fitted coat flares, and the breeches, being designed te make puttees or beets unnecessary, are fitted tightly from ankle te knee. Orders will be taken in the Little Gray Salen devoted te sports clothes. (Fint Fleer) "I Am Thankful Every Day for the I J.'huC w raa. ae..li a busy professional woman writes us. She adds that she had tried every kind, of shoe and treatment, but "suffered agonies" from her feet, until she were Anatemiks. "Frem the time I put your shoe en I have had no pain, and walk a great deal with perfect comfort." Thousands of ether women in every walk of life have had the same blessed relief from Anatemiks. It is important te note that the Anatemik is net a clumsy, ungainly "comfort" shoe. It leeks like any ether shoe. But its Btraight last, scientific arch, and heel that properly supports the weight of the body, make it a perfect shoe for all who must be much en their feet. Women's high-laced Anatemik Bhees of black glazed kidskin in three different styles are priced $1C a pair. X. B. Dr. Cele, who worked for years te perfect tlih remrkbU health hoe, will ba here tomorrow from U te 3, te adylia with these who wear It or wlah te wear It. (rim ritw) LEATHER HANDBAGS AT LOWER PRICES The Spring shapes are arriving in leather handbags and at mod med est prices, tee. This shipment brings black, brown and navy bags, mostly in polished pin seal or dull long grain seal. There arc many shapes and many sizes, from dainty little vanity bags te large shopping bags. Prices are $1.50 te $5. (Main Fleer) ' FLOUNCY SILK PETTICOATS FOR GIRLS Taffetas, mcssalines, satins and jerseys, with flounces nnd often-est-asked-for colors priced at $3.25 te $7.50. Sizes 32. 34 nnd 36 inches. (Third Fleer) Right at Hand in the Kitchen women want the tool that will de the work quickest and best. The Heusefurnishings Stere offers many helpmates, among them being: Apple slicer and cercr slices the apple into parts and removes the cere in a single stroke. Price GOc. Forty points of tenderness for perforating steaks, chops nnd ether meats. It makes them mere tender. Price $1.00. Grape fruit knives stainless steel blades, double edged. They have ebenized handles. The price is 75c. Paling knives with stainless steel blades that will cut even acid fruits without harm. Rub- bereid handles. The price is 40c. (Fourth Fleer) AGATE PENDANTS AND IVORY BEADS Priced. at $2 te $3.50. And the ivory beads nr -jlmest ns won wen dcrful for the-O.dncy being only $10 a string for the pejished sort and $20 for these finely curved. , (Main Fleer) "One 'Today' Is Werth Twe 'Tomorrows' Especially in the February Furniture .Sale The quotation from Ben Franklin was part of the editorial J printed en the Wanamaker page last Monday. Applied te the February Furniture Sale, it is the mestV timely, true and effective editorial that could be written: "Old neighbors of Ben Franklin, with whom he loved te ' chat, said of him that he often hurled 'hurry ups' at them, saying one 'today' is worth two 'tomorrows.' " New the February Furniture Sale comes te an end next Tuesday. It will be a great and really helpful sale every day up te the end. The best guarantee of this is te be found in the goods that we have here. But they are se excellent, se attractive, se diverse and in teresting in variety and se geed at the low February prices that there should be he such thing as. hesitating en the part of anyone who wants some new furniture. Se new we "hurl a 'hurry up' " te all intending furniture buyers. We want te tell them that while every day of this sale will be a day of opportunity, "one 'today' is worth two 'tomorrows.' " (Firth and Sixth Fleer.) A FINE NEW UNION SUIT FOR MEN Frem the waist up it is made of a fine open-mesh cotton cloth, sleeveless and with V-shaped neck. The drnwer part is of geed, stieng nainsoek, cut full and well reinforced. This suit is bound te be a favo rite, especially with golfers. Price, $1.50. (Main Fleer) JTANDLETSde you knew what handy little night lights they are? They are English m a d e, non - explosive, non-dripping little af fairs; and they may be had in the Lamp Stere for $1 apiece. Every bedroom in the house should have one. (Fourth Fleer) Summer Bathrobes Are Readv te Meet Men's Pleasure Coel, comferable for the hotter days that are coming, sure you live. Mere than a comfort, they're a convenience. When traveling they fold up se small that hardly any room is taken up in the grip. Most of them are pin striped in a variety of colors, although some arc solid colors. And the prices are unusually attractive, a madr robe being only $6.50; Russian Cord, $8.50; Cotten Pongee, in the natural cder, $10; Tan Mercerized robe, $12. (Main Fleer) Fer Gelf, Men Like Oxfords With Spuds te Help Walking Nearly every golfer has learned what a help they are. Right new we are able te talk about a strong bearded calf Oxford that is familiarly known as the "Pinehurst." Naturally it's tan, with the saddle at the instep, and rubber soles from which the sturdy rubber spuds extend. The price is $11. (.Main Fleer) New Axminster Rugs Arriving keep our stock of these goods full, fresh and attractive. Axminster rugs are notably durable and are made in pleas ing patterns nnd rich colors. 0x12 ft., $47 te $50.50. 8.3x10.6 ft.. $44 te $32.50. 7.0x0 ft.. $28.50 te SH.".. 6x0 ft., $21 te $S2.e0. Special 0x12 ft.. $35. 8.3x10.6 ft.. $33.5.0. frtentli Fleer) A New Umbrella for Short, Bread Men Short men don't like tee long an umbrella. We have for them new an umbrella two inches shorter than the usual kind just an easy height te carry, either open or closed. At the same time it has tw extra ribs and a broader spread than the usual umbrella. This shorter, wider umbrella is of geed black American taffeta (cotton) with tape edge, en a tcn-rib paragon frame with hardwoeel hook handle. Its price is but $2.50. (Mnln Fleer) SCISSORS THOUSANDS OF PAIR AT 50c And most cvery size is among them, from the three-inch em broidery type te the popular seven-inch scissors. Many have the magnetic points that are uch a help in picking steel pins and needles from difficult corners. (Fourth Fleer) Cheese Office Furniture at February Sale Prices While Yeu May The oppeitunity te de this ends Tuesday. That should be enough te say te any business man who knows the nlue e time and money, which in this case mean one and the sum thing. (Tlilnl Fleer) Better Cheese Mattresses at Once The Sale ends with February next Tuesday. That will be your last opportunity te buy mattresses, pillows, holsters and bed springs at prices averaging about 20 per cent lese than regular figures. (Sixth Fleer) Spring at Hand and All the Heuse te Be Cleaned What a Time for a Vacuum Cleaner a rug going Pye that runs easily like a breeze, se te speak cleans clear through and will take the dirt from the bare fleer as well, is te be the greatest help. It's surpiising, a friend of ours exclaimed, hew much icallv can be done with a geed acuum cleaner. It isn't necessary te use a broom at all, even in the corners. Then the walls, the draperies, between the lndinter sections and most all out-of-the-way crevices also can be cleared of dust in a few minutes. Of course, every woman has come te realize what a help a vacuum efsweenm ThVJTT R?Pc'tttc em from the strain and labor of sweeping. Thst it cleans brighter nnd cleaner also is well realized. But most women are apt te overlook hew the vacuum saves the rugs away W W'thUt friction ntu"y de net wear the rug fromT1bei!tnhr0rerfilCCtvic vacuum iIcancr8 llcrt for y" te cheese irem, nut tne most liked ones seem te be: Royal, $55. Superb, $70. Superb Junier, $57.50. Cadillac, $50. Kvtra attachments for an.v type $12 and $12.00. ' (Four jrlli Fleer) Mil II i X Jaw. I (i Bnck lit I iffff Wiffl LAW 'mm t H Mfl &? ll,V msi '-Ot'.J I .ii ffl L$? .'J3 ,& m "M fe '& ;4 a 'Hi )l A'A 4'. J ' 1 V-t . V Jfc' 'm e ,w mv, ' .WV t z. Va 'M A &SM & 4 . si,. s&MM vi , 'i , L&&m$$MiM r ' tf ft2 ?P"