BM Wtm m Vj 1 J.4 :! te M" i K t It. w. h'? v. rl w, l'6 - i :-:t b K IS- K. I. fl v m ; nK&'M pIP VICTIM i HAD FAMILY HERE Irreant R. CMcNallv Lived at 1815 Stiles Street With i His Parents V HAD TWO CHILDREN Pershing Voices Sympathy for Kin of Dead Airmen Ccncrni .lehn .1. IVrslilnj, chief of MnlT. pxprefed fc.vnipath.v here today for relatives nml friend of the nrmy airmen who 1nt I heir JItph when the lnnt dlrlR'fele Tlntim fell nml burned nt llumplnii Itnnds Vn.. jctcrdn.v. Ocnernl Pcri-hliic came here from WnoliltiRten nml t-pnkc at lltr Universlt.v Day exercise of tlir I'ul rersity of Pennsylvania nt the Acad emy of MuMp t li ft morning. Ne formal statement as Issued by General I'crfhln?. MnMcr Sergeant Reger ('. McXnlly, one of thusc who Ien their liven In thp Jlenia disaster, was n Philndplphlnn. Jle lived with his parents, .Mr. mid Mr Ohnrlr.s McXnlly, when In this city. nt 1S15 Stile street. HI wife, with t'jplr two i-hi'dicn, Mnrgnrcl. eighteen months old. nml AVIIII lip veir old, weie with him nt Lnnglcy l'leld dnrins his lour of dut.v there. Mix. MeNnll.v. methpr of the dead ttnldier. Is prostrated by the accident. She received n letter from him Mon day, In which he ilcM'rlbed the altera altera tlens thnt been made In the me. tern of thp airship, nnd mid they weie uniting for the first fine dn.v before taking n trlnl (light. Sergeant Me Nally's father has been en duty in Ku rope as u field scciciarv of the Knights of Columbus, but is en his way home. Sergeant .Majer .lelm 'I'. McXnlly, brother of Ituger. lias left Atlantic City for llnmnten He i sta tioned nt .Mitchell Field. Minenlii. 1.. I., nnd ha been en furlough, visiting his tincle. Charles KlefT, nt 'JlTi Dorset avenue. Atlimtic Clt. ".My brother was one of thp firt I men sent te Itnlv nfter the Hema ' was purchased." lie wild, "and re- malned theie for mere than n yenr. j He returned te the I'nited States vtliciii the Itninn was shipped, and has been n member of lier crew since then. ' "When Ameiicu entered the World' War." the sergeant added, "lleger was -- i 1 sk attached te the Dep.n tment of the In-1 tenor and wns serving as a school teacher In the thinly populated plnees of Alii'Ka. He walked 401) miles te i Sewnid. ihe neatest tecruitlng station, nnd enlisted in the army as n prlwite. He wen e.ulj promotion, nnd when dls- ' chnigcd at the conclusion of the war, I mmeniaiey le-euiisteu in tnc.Mr eerr-,0llf ice in wnicn ne was Kren.y merested. One nian named Striker listed among lliedead is be lered te have been Walter P. S rjker. of Oakland. Ca if., a cousin of (.aplitiii Wallace Slrjker. of this illy, who is In the automobile busings , ,. , ... . ,,, An cv-eedingl, "teinpernmcntn ' con- U0 ?L.. n"y; ,;mV.nb,t Nl ' 0,llc cnuse of the'ncddent te the Rema no- lording te Arthur Heisted, associated electrical engineer nt the Iliireaii of Standards, nt Wnslilnglen. He spoke te membciM of the Kuglneers' Oub and the Aero Club of Pennsjlrnnlu last night. "Ofiiccis of the Italian nvinlien serv ice knew the piculinrlties of the ship." he snid. "I saw the Rema In flight in llnh in 1!1S. A number of officers of Ihe Italian nir set vice told me it hnd ev. hiblted man peculiarities In Its control synem from time te tunc." i .,,:,;:.Jikj:r,.',1! ,,1,,,.,,nT,Tlir,l'- ..,,.. .,,, nnu nn.- ,n-, Willi wieir M1I f ...... ,.t If. - f .. .. iifii i .-' -iiii-i ,M mn, arc en ineritatile step In the derelepment of aerial nnii nnii gatlen by llghter-than-nir machines, in the opinion of Cemiuandei Wcsterfclt, nt the nmy ard Survivors Tell Thrilling Tales I'enllnuMl from rar (Ini Heed Is en the iend te teem err from Might iliiurleK nt tlie Public 'llenlih Service Hospital. unnric.s uwerneK. sunerlntcndeni nf n-onstructien of McCook Field Davten ., one of tlie pnssenBCrs en the Hemn. was in n serious condition today at the rubllc Health Hospital, hnvlns swal lowed flames and is nKe surTerlni; fiem ihn nfltnl nf n b fiitiif. 11 1. 1 f .. 1 Mirvlven, nre epeced te ucever ' !," ,nK n!?,,p ,"rBh' '"ward tit" Lew. "Werk of Identification preRresed ',' '. '""'", li'"'1' "'"""!' "I1 V rTvv slowly last nishl. the officers ,,,,.1 me ''lbf7VV ,m"?.'x !rearl,1R- ,""' l"'l-, !,ir !,ir frem T.nnifl.v ilrtnllr.l t, ,m ,..'". , ciaft began its devv nnai.l nihil. . in if w( hiii iiiiun. titurr III 111 cemplctinR their examination short v ,. ''"'' , "' !". lli Wfere dajlisht. Ideiitifientlen ,' Tes! (.nl"n "le Mnbr. was pi ..tin the' tabllHhed by .seats, teeth d hair 'in ",,r.7n,ft' .i,",,1,1 F "evallen lever, audi home lustanccK. but even then her" ! "'m' "'"' " '. '",? "".''''S11'. '"' "rilliiu1 Averc four bodies which no one could ,"'Mi,,!,,r, "V ' "'"'"", Ihe Unma resitlvely idenlifv. ' ! ' "nl" l,l'fl ' ! !.' nw aid plui.Re seW.,a' seconds while Lieutennnt Hurt struggled Morbidly Curious Tlirenj with the lever A morbidly curious ihrens nulled Henllzlni; tliere was no eliance of about outside of the undertul.iiic 1'iRl"ln'' "l'' ' n(- he slieuie, nrdei. te establlhlimeiif far into die iilKht. One s,op l,ll',ir meter', line by one theyi or two ventured inside en one or nn. "er' ""ll'iiiiil, and the (.pied of Hie etber pretext, hut htnRKcicd out sa.siiini: ,ter"" "fls chei as new nnd pas-en-for breath n few seconds Inter. "Ikcis threw out ever.v possible bit of. There was one man who steed stele. 1 "!l"n'1, '"" ",Pn J,P"d oveibeaid 1.1 ally by. never shifting his nosltien. n "la( "Hempi 'e ie.ic!i snfetj. due. He was Dr. J. II. Mnbrj. of Newpeit News, He wns looking for his brother. t.'aptain Mabry Iledy after hotly wns I Identified or sent back for a later ex- ' uminatlen. The Init bedv hreucht in proved ie be that for which he wns WBltitlB, Captain (ieerce D Wads, of Missis, slppl, numbered ainenc the dead, niir- i rewly csciiped a similar fate l'ist spring. when 11 captive balloon he was nlletlnz nt Hefcs Field in California, been me un manageable and the uiiuain Imped te safety from a height of 'J00O feel, it was recalled today bv Air Sen ice of ficers ut Langlej r'lchl. The balloon wns caieenlng pcrileuslv nt n height of l,"i.(IOO feet, when Cup'. tain Wntts opened 11 valve, which mused the gient gnu bag ie plunge like n plummet te cnrili. When about L'OOti feet from the ground the nrmj eHner realized, he te'd bnuher officers, thnt a safe lauding would be luipessihie. nnd lie leaped off in a pntiuhutc, making a fcafe landing. Statciiiciit of Investigator Majer (iciicihI Masen M. I'ainck. r,t head nf the iirinj nlr i-erviie, made this etatcineiit leuny : Frem Ihe testimony I hnve henrd se far. H 1 indicated that the disaster sras due te nn iiicldenl te the controls ,rcfulatlns the altitude of the Itiuna. 1 'Tlie sliii cniuc down, Mrlkln; hlsh- . ,, irnsnei irirriric unci, which cntiseu ,i tVtlw tire. There wiin 110 evplnsinn and s"(MV sssv "'! '' ! "ii" 111 ii- iiti i 'VTIlO Imiinl of. inve.llg.itleii s ''1L1.. nuil.,,. . f..T II ,1 1 Manuift 1, i.ii,i ., 11, ,n, nn in,- iiii-ii mm s-report win lie mane an seen ns iies- a vrr.v inoreiLM nves L'tit ion Iruj in a tie le determine, if possible. bb 01 ine terriuie disaster, which ,ful blqvy te he nlr t-crvice, IUIUC bclnc dens liMtH)f thou who Inifc their Airship Crash Victim JBjjs c l!"Jk aSWsf&ts-- Vci' fsWfcxTsT . '- "a; '- i 'Bmmmmm SKRKKANT It. C. .McNAI.LY Of 18tr. Stiles street, who lest Ids life when Rema plttngeil lives nnd for the comfort of the sur Ivers of this grent disnster." I hnve no lden what cnuseil the ae cident. aid Cap.nln Heed, chief pilot of tlie Hemn, In a statement gieu nit nt i lie Public Ile.ilili Seivlcc Ilespltn heic tednj "I doubt if It will ejer be Known (If leuffp, we hne our own iheeiles but we lire net ceitnin wlihh is cer icct Knew There Wns Trouble "I had Known that theie was trouble witli the control of the ship, and II wns impossible (e correct It after It wns ill sen vet ed. "The first Intimation we hnd thnt there was trouble wns when we saw tlie nee of the ship down. We went back te see what uiused It nnd found the control wns net working. "I'crj thing possible wns done te Mrnlghtcn the hhlp nnd get her en mi even Keel again. Captain Malirj gave' orders te shut elT all meters. The hist four weie shut elT The feiwanl meter wns running. It is ivtssible thnt the engineer was se thrown out of his posi pesi posi tlen that he retikl net -co the signals en his dial. "Prci'V rffnit in 'nl tlin Iftinin nn nn een Keel proved u-Hcvi and she I lie l.llierty wns running tine, he de pitched into the gieuud in n nose dle ' dared, "when we suddenly veered up and turned ever en her side iimd need down. 1 wns tee insnne te "When the -hip hit I wa- tlirewn '''Ink much of an thing." into the upper pan of the labm l' .Jeseph X. Iliedenbeck. engineei. wns 11(', was sinit in and cot out nnl when a e was binned Inte the inbin. Lieu- tenant Weill crawled out with me. Itnth nf tlu lifli! ti t'n ttlinitr-ti llnmtid In nf in m f.,n- "Sergeant' Chiiniiinii. who was nlse in the cabin cut n bole in the wail nml t.iu . uuiii. u i n mil,- ill tin- n.iu, nnu i. 0...1 i.,.. -i.. i ;.,.. .,.i ,tl ' ........., ....j". i-'-s"- ger who suiried tlie dl-nsterl crawled fireug, ti,t hole. ..Mv iniv m.-ollection is f being 'flireun from m, .,,, of , ,.ablll ,0 , thp ethr nnil f lenl)ljj ,.,, ht. U(.,,, i wIlPn. i Mlw ,,, fel..nnl." Captain Heed said that It was n plausible theory te bcllee. as hud been I suggested, that the kite be hung down nt , , of ,), i,,llnil M1 ll(.rtv n displace the balance and point the i slllp ,llt0 ,,, n0!,c ,Pt i . . ROMA COmiAKDEfl KILLED AT HIS POST Spfal Diinfrh te Ki ru e 'rili'fr I 'derr Xorfelk, Y.i.. l'eb. "'2 Inw-stlg.iN Hen of the einsli ,pf ti. iiiaiumeth niiiiv airship Hemn, in wlileli thlrlj -feurt mmi weiv klllcil nnd eigiu he,e .rtcln, nftemoe... iiijuicd near i"gan ted lOOnj fulfil I "no tlie ai rival nf Army ' efheers from Washington. it-nine ler ine ii'ater is mm ie ine ..n.,t f ,i,.. ,.i i ...,i.i.... .. i. i. i t.i r ... .!. .1, , ,., . ., i i'liurn 111 .- ,-n- III ,ll I lllltli I t.llil'U us part 01 tlie steering appnrntus, by 'survivors nble te tell the story tedaj C.iptnln Dale .Mnbrj, the nirliip's lemmander, died at his pest, the sur vivors declined. The elevating rudder huekled while Ihe Hema wns nbeu '!IIO feet in the lair, they snid. and thicv ihe airship I into n nose (Ue, fiem wlih'h the pilots . vvcip tumble te right ll. All their friui I lie rlTVts weie of no avail, and tlie i giant army dlrigibV plunged te destruc tien upon a iislc of scrnp Iren nnd n'"r.0"" 'eis neaped upon tlie grounds Tin. PUM-fitlm? niililr wns n li, ..,.,, ULi. nlinlfi,tn i,ij n,i.i,li,.l .. ,1.1 ....' .. ..,.. ....(h-. ..ii,i. I,.,, it, i in: i lift framework of the dirigible. When H huekled it fell down nnd ferw.nd. . . . ' 'pn"n illlnm L Itiley. stm.ij. "I'en his head en 1 emeni iuiviiik ami "HS ''" , ' , lh" ",m'r' " t" 1 Jiie, es.. L'aR;',fl wlth ,bn"' n 'eiatih ! , l"',,"f ,l1" "'""" "ns hecked "'I'1, f'-eeinei te spei Inteis wh,, wnt-lied "ltn haled h Hint the hie ciaft '"'k'11 .n""' '" 'est without sei Ions nu. "a- 'il1,1 ,," kn" ' "I1"" lelephene pine nun ien 111 ress nisii-v oltilge eleilrie wiles and the huge hm irashed down le earth, the Haiuevveik falling hcevilv upon tlie pas'eti"ets' uihlu and amid' ships, where m ai v all of the 1 rev. and passengers weie. The men w e crushed hcninih the weight of ihe twisted iiuiss (,f M, ,,.r steel sirdcis, and only ihire or fetn weie nble te diug theius,.M.. fi,,,,, ,. lien lh the wtei Lace. The liieiin in the llenn imiL the gieund tlanics lenpul uti nwi Ihe stiles, 'and In nnelhri ei uinl there was an explosion that shattered window paiic 'in buildings of tlie nrmj h.ue for blei ks aieiiiul. Then the whole wreckage buist into flumes. Speitateih wlie lushed le ihe h one heartl nieaiis and rlrs for help fiem men pinned under Ine wreckage, but 1 the licit 01 the lite drove ihein hni k I When thej dashed for iV .11 1 in 11 11 attempt I te recue the living, llnee or four men I dragged themselves, from beneath the , ruin and the ethers weie thiewii clear, I Onn man crawled out with his clothes a masr, of Humes ami crept te a puddle of wilier iieaihv ami tolled eer ami ever until he put out Ihe Hie, Anether lav inlinlj nnd waited for a twisted fiiigmenl of Ihe gns bag tn burn awav enough te llbeiate him Leng after dark Inst uli'ht. many hours after her fall, lite ship wn still n mass of Hames from end te end of her 110-feet hum. The fire fed en the 1.000,000 cubic feet of tan which bad digtfsdcd the, great bag for the. flight nnd made nil attempts at reictie work futile. The flame were finally brought Inte siiuinlflen by Hirer tire departments, lUlilcli fought them with chemicals-. Then ilertjlckn begnn picking up the wreckage, which confuted of scarcely mere than the aluminum framework and the Ax Liberty meter of t lit once proud Hhlp of the" air. Within the wreckage Iny the Iietllc, virtunJIy all charred beyond roc (ignition. IMInt Almest Unscrad-hcil 1 It n si ranee eiilrk of fate. Licit- tennnl Hurt, one of the pilots, escaped with only Might Injuries, nlmest tin- mrt. but his cemttaninn. Csntnln Mnbty, wns caught nndpr the wreck and burned te ileal h. Klglit of the eleven men who mini veil Inv In the I'ub'lc Ilenlth Hejpltal near the Hamp ton Hends navnl bnw today. One of them, Chnrles Dvverak. of Da.vlen. (V.. Is in n critical condition nnd it is fen red he will die. The eight men. some mere dead thnn nlive. Iny en liielr cots with binned nnd broken limbs swathed In bandages. Seme hnd their face smenied with (ream te relieve Ihein of their Intense siillerliu, while ethcis Iny asleep or t'ticonseieus with only their cieed eyes lsiblc. All who weie able te talk wete suffering from shock. Albert Floras was in the observers' pit en Ien of the bag. "I fe't the ship tilt up from the bark and start te slide down," he said. "I tried te go back down Inside, but i then I decided te come out forward i again, llj thnt time we hit the ground 'nnd t was tin own out en the ground." Florns wns burned en the hands nnd I is suiTcrltig from shock. 1 Majer .1. I). Henrden. who wns in the control cnbin nt the time of the accl- dent, said the work of the eftieer in charge wns remarkable. "Lieutenant Unit nnd Cnptnlti j Mnbry were nt their wheels." the mnjer , ,,"""& V",VJf ",V"... might en the elevation lever. He jdled out, 'She won't respond," and 'then, 'Cut the meters!" One by en 1 'henid the moleis shut off. Then we i hit If the meters hnd net been shut oft" wp would have hit the Rtetind much ' haider. When asked if he hnd seen nnv J tlame. he said thnt he hnd net. I Injured en Ills First Flight i liny Hurley, n civilian nnd engine ( expert, wan aboard nnd In the fnll he i suffered n slight sprain of one arm nnd burns en the hand. I "It was the first time I hnd ever been up," he snid. "nnd when the Hemn started te swing, I didn't knew an thing was wrong. T thought she was acting h'1 right ; I didn't knew dif. feient. It wns net until the madilii" hit the ground thnt I realized he wns ' wrecked. She wns sailing along smoothly nnd she was coming straight I from the Lnnglcy Field. We were up only n short time when we fell." I hergennt Peek, nn engineer aboard I the Rema, said he was tending hi meter In the pert rear engine beat. i mi'iicu huuui me lace nnu nanus, lie aid : "I didn't see any fire. The shin Ium tilted and united in nine illtu IVImn I we hit the ground an "siS,ien f0. 'lewc,11, 1 wns pinned down ie thnt I ".""" ll01 Kpl mil. I He fnbllc wns i . . , nbere me jind the gitd-rs weie all ,,,,, , :,. ' ,',",V' , """" for the fabik le I bin n through se I could get out. "All the time I wns afruld that the1 nig gas em elope behind us would ex- Plede. As it hanncned the fire rpnelieil the fabric before the bis cxplocien. lf!nKf. nnd belierd the niicmft lit thnt it hnd net I could never Iihvc gotten out I"11"' ,u ll" lei fe-tl safe. nlhe. I saw one man try a jump. I ' don't knew who he wns or if lit AOlQ L fiWFR PflTAI RATFi a safe landing. We hit ilchl after that. iM5a LUVVCtl TUdlML 0 I t& Wc were tee low for nnybedy te make atxnfejump" tttr Mo;;efleff,'hVr;o,s MW lh, Il0IM nn nf n. i.n t .1- .,..... i V,' henid a man ye 1 thnt the cr.ift refused dn, bj the Inland P.iil Pie-s Av.o(dn Av.e(dn Av.o(dn te lespeud te the helm, tlen. One of the mechanics In Ihe eiew of 'Iheie lune Ik en four advnnrcs In the Hema, who wns rescued nhnrtly after l" " P"M' "ll. fai" our runner urehe nnil ,l1n n1nnrd illil nfif ll nt L Sin In nk ,t. L!. ..I.!.. , . . -.., .. ,, t L,I could see there wns no tire until v I 1.1. .!. I nil liiv.ruuiiu. Guine.v, renimnndant , rli,,i n T I olenel I. .VI of the army bne. who witnessed the fall of ihe Kenui, bore out (tint state ment. He said lie did net see any tile until after tlie big gas bag hnd landed en the gieund. One of the survlveis snid thnt the Uemn hnd n habit of sailing with n III lle tilt nt frequent Intervals. He euiil he hnd paid little nlteutlen te the Ini tial lift of the tnll of the ship until he heard ii mnn jell that the cm ft re fused te iepnnd le his lmnd. The survivors nl the hospital showed n peculiar curiosity about the appear nine of the scene. They wanted te knew wnl "e WIMK loeKeil like. As It was described they listened with Intense interest, asking questions nbeut the debris, "What beiame of the oilier liej.s Ihej get enlV" one asked. Wtien he wnb told that the few in the hospital were the enlj s'iivivei, lie gasped, "(iedl Awful!" lie ulilspeicd. henrselj . Akren. H.. I'eh. 'JL'. 1 j A P.) Mnjer Oscar Westover. chief the Hal loon and Airship Division of tlm I'nited Slates Air Service, left here for Lung, lej Held te conduct an immediate in- Rema Third Big Airship Destroyed in 13 Months New Yerk. Feb. 'J-' ( P.v A. P ) 'Ihe Item.i wiw tiie third big nir ship destiejed ill the List thirteen months. (in August -I. 1021. the ZIM' r, plmleil in Lnglnnd, killing foity feity foity twe, Ini lulling Uteen Americans (in Jnnuaij I, 1021. the It.,",. the til t aiiship te cress the Ailantii , was wrecked In a gale in Knglaud 1'efere tlie Clt-J disaster, the si i ate.! number killed in an an ship a i iih nt In peace times was iwetitv. eight, the till of the explosion of the In until Zeppelin L-1I, en Uitebe, 17, lill.'i III her niisiiip .niidenis fn lev, .lulv 'J. llll'J-l'ive killed at At lantic (Mv when balloon Akion, in wlihli Melviu anlmiii hepn) le cress the Atlnntic. exploded, Sepieinbd II. P.ll'l lMleen I.M m de-trudlen of X.eppel.u ,- oft' Heligeland. June ''(). i'.ll I -Nine leu in cel-lii-lun of airship and airplane at ii'iiiia Juij I.', till!) -Twelve lest llritNh nlrihlp N.S-ll fell Ninth Sin. Julj L'l. Illlii Ten ies when in1'! win II dirigible exploded nt Chimge ami fell into n Six of the gieal peace-time dlilgibles built bv Count Zeppelin, weie w rci ked in accidents. They were Zeppelins Is, . Ill and VI, and Deutsehliiiids I and II The (iei niaiisi lest ixty-M of the elghi.v -iliue illrlglbles sent out lim ing tlie war, tlilrlj -four of them being accounted for by the Allies ami the ether thirty-1 we wrecked. Rema Crash Victim i tk i m mi Ki X- f&'k Kac1l t. II-rbrt. CAPTAIN DALE MARRY Who wns killed In the explosion following tlie Renm's nose dive rs- lei day vestlgntlen Inte the cause of the Hemn disaster tedn. He wns nceempanied by Mnjer Perry Vnn (Mrnnd. nslstnnt chief of the di vision, and Majer If, A. Strnuss. He wns te have been a passenger en the Rema en jeterda's (light, but changed his plans and enme te Akren te con duct test (lights with the new 170-feet nrmy dirlglb'e airship, built here for the Gniermnent. Mnjer Wpstnver withheld official com ment pending tccelpt of official details. The Hemn was te hac down te Akrjnn next week, nnd wns scheduled te mnke flights te Chicago nnd Mi Cook Field, Parton, members of Mnjer Westecr's stnff snld. News of the disnster reached West West ever when he landed after a second successful flight In the new dirigible teda. The blimp was In tlie nlr two hours. It is the first dirigible le be equipped witli a gear tinnsmlssien stjstem for piopuMen of Its propellers and te b I'liilt with nn nit -i lest d car for its crew. The srstcin. n new inreiitien. iertnits rerersing the propellers te fncilitnte landing nnd make possible ihe throw ing of both twin meters behind one propeller or the throwing of both pro pre pellets en one engine In case the ether is crippled. These, according te the nvlnlien of ficials here, net only add safety te dhigiblc nnrigntien. but will permit gi eater maneuver ability In the aL especlallv In landing. They will be used en all armr nnd nary ships te be built he:e by the Government, it was &aid. Itellexllle. III. Feu. 2'J. illy A. P.) I I olenel ( . ( Hall, commander of the nrmy thing field at Scott Field near ueie, hud been said last inht the Rema dieiliiled te at rive at Scott lie near tutiite. A Inrge Field ill hangar, costing SI, 000.000, is tinder i roiistriietien nt feett Meld. Colonel Ilnll nddeil he hnd flown the Rema en its trlnl trip fiem Lnng'ey I Fi'-M te Washington. l. .. two months! 'Press Association Wants 37 P. C. fiIC-t en Second-Class Mall iSiraririL'r - K i.m.,.1 C. l'im.'Jir- were i... s" iiiuI-i ltis iicistnl inii's sinie .lulv. . tllti. ll ! I I .1... i"i-, uri'uir-. iimini'ii "in, nun nir I I iwllll I HOI'll Ulllllll 111 l'l.l"l lllmlll per lent beluv existing r:ile, which uiiigf finin two ieiits a peuuil in the til -t and -eeeiul zeni's te ten cents in the eighth one, "The present postal nle en second. i his, mall matter wen t nailed ns u win levenue inc.isine te meet war ( pciisc-t and in their tliial oper.itien, linve win I. fil a linrdsliip uimii the piiblihing indilkli.v as ,i whole," the lesoliilien siali'd RAPS SENATOR PEPPER Head of Veterans' Bedy Opposes Stand en Benus "P.cfive we are thietigli with Scnn- ter Pepper we will take the pep out . of I'epnir," declnied Itebert !, Weed-I side. e Pitfsbuigh, national leminnu-l der of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, , In an addiess a' a men Ing of lint or- gnnUntien this nflernoeii in Majer Meeie's icieptlnu loom nt the CilJ i Hall I Hi was iiicnssing the pinpeed sol- diets' bonus and the smnil taken bj Senater Pepper in opposition! ' le sin h legislation. Stlllman Enters Appeal IVugliherpsle. N. Y.. Feb. TJ. - ( llj A. P. i Netice of by James A. Slillinan's uttiiincjs, finin the euler gr.inieil bj Justice Meru'linun'r up- pointing a Cniiniliun c cuumissiener le hear testimony in the dlveice case at! Montreal has been (.crve.l en Jehn II, Mack, guardinn nd litem for (iuj Siilliuiiu, nnd .Toliu P. Ilrcnn.iii, nt- tuniev for Mrs. Silllmiiu. A henilng 'is sehedulul In the divorce pierecdlng 1 iiel'ure jtefeie Daniel J. (ileasen hcie toiiieriuvv , hut it was stated that this would he iiilieiirncil. ; Approve Funding Nominees W.ishlnsleii. Feb - illvA. P. i Ncini.iintleiis of Sc i laij Hughes, He letniv Hoever, Senater Snienl and lien leseniiiilvi' lllllteu, its iiie'iilie.'s of llu ulliecl debt i ef Hiding einiiilKslun. wen reperteil fn,vniiililv tednj bv the Senale I I'inance Ceinmiltce. Seme Dillie.'iiilli ceuuniltee meinliiis mid liiev had null been consulted and pinmiscd le criiicie pieccduii' in ciiiinii lien wllh the up-' pi iiituieiils. Balloon Expert Aids In Probe Dajleii. O.. Feb. L'L' ( llj A P I M. n Cerbetl. Iiilletiu cxpeil attached le McCook Field, left Daj tell tills afid' afid' afid' noen for Langlej l'leld tn aid tin nlr seivhe I'enicl in Its Investignllen of the Itemn ac'i'Ideiil. Itecerd of the several Mcl'e.i'j Field iikii I, Hied in tlie cnHi show thai pearl all were mauled nnd have childien,. Ne ainingemnits fei their funeral have been mude, as etlicinls an awaiting verd en the leliitu of ihe bodies, Willis Lauds Four-Power Pact New Vuk. l'eb 'J'J. illv A. P i Senater Willis ieh u Wnshlngien's lllrthiiay gathering in ('inni','ic Hall In daj 1 1 111 I the tieaties which came mil of ihe Anns! enferenie innsiliuteil "(. gieule'l guariintj of peine and geed tin. derslnudiug uiueng the nations tlial tin world has ever seen. I niler Ihe feui. Power pact, he said, there Is no yielding of sovereignty or surrender, of Inde-itadencv. mmmk ggBPiH-gggB gHR , s J"ly' SgHHHHIIIIIH iiiHgiiiiiH ElllllSP- Rngl;gllftjgfl v IW.- vlgS$lgH iHllll& 'j "IJglw'glH gCCCCCCCCCgv. -t i w T. agCCCCCCCCCcB ggggggt At'' gggggH gfgfgfgfgfg4' f -?. tf gggggVf-fV1 ggggggf 'fu" t ggggggfl gggVT7! irSgHglggggl ggg - .vjgmiggB gfgfgfgfrv syi jgfgfgfgi sTEgftrgSSSCggi K "'$.'' gSBfgLcgVJgV JC T3 ifrOi': iTH it &&'&&& mM Victims and Survivors WiMhlntten. Feb. 1!2. (Ily A. P.) The air service Issued today a list of dead jn the Rema disaster with home nddressrs an follews: Slnjer .tehn O. Therncll, Sidney, In. Mnjer Walter V,'. Vniitsmeler. Free- I pert, 111. t.aplnin Dale Mabry. Tampa." Fla, Captain Geerge D. Walts, Indnnela, Miss, Captain Allen P. McFarland, India India napells. Captain Frederick .1. Durschmldl, DerV. ('enn. First Lieutenant .lehn R, Hall, KingHvllIe, Me. First Lieutenant Wallace C. Hums, Uinnden, Miss. First Lieutenant William K. Itllcy, New Yerk City. First Lieutenant Clifferd Sinjthc, Chicago. First Lieutenant Wallace C. Cum mlngs, Snrlngflcld, Ten'n. First Llcutcnnnt Ambrose V. Clin Clin eon. Savannah, tin, First Lieutenant Hareld II. lltne, Bridgeport. Conn. Corporal lrbey It. Hevron, I'lwoed, Ind. Pilvate Jehn K. Thompson, llcntons llcntens vllle, X. C. Privnte Marlen Hill, Xewlen, III. Private Gus Klnkslen, Louisville, K.v. . Master Sergeant Reger R. McXally, 1S1T, Stiles street. Philadelphia. Mnster Sergeant .Tames Murray. 709 Greeny street. Xew Yetk. Sergeant William .T. It)nn. IfiO or 100 Gonever street. Rroekln, X. Y. Staff Sergennt Kdward M. Schu maker lied Rank, X. .1. Staff Schgennt .lames M. Helmes, 215 Twenty-first street. Ashland, Ky. Sergeant V. C. Heffman, 451 West Fain street. Katen Rapids, Mich. Mnster Sergeant Gerby, Raymond City, W. Vn. Teehnlenl Sergennt Lee 51. Harris, Langler Field. Vn, Stnff Sergeant Leuis llilllnrd, Cold Celd wnter, Kan. Stnff Sergeant Mnrlen '.. Renll, La Plnte. Me. Sergennt Yarborough, 2028 Hclnm street, Sclme, Ala. Private Thcten M. Blakely, 501 Sev enth avenue, San Frnnelsce. T. X. Harrlman. McCook Field, Dnjten, O. Civilians Wnlter W. Stryker. McCook Field. Jtebert .1. Hansen, McCook Field. William Q. I.eughlin, McCook Field. Charles II. Shulenberg, McCook Field. The snrrivets with their known ad dresses fellow : Charles W. Uw erach. McCook Field, Da Men. O. Walter A. McXair. Bureau of Stand ards. Washington, l C. Majer Jehn D. Renrden, 1)00 Elm street, "Washington. D. C. Cnptnln Walter J. Reed, Scnrsdale. X. Y. First Llriitennnt Clarence II. Welch, Pnplllien. Xeb. Master Sergeant Harry A. Chapman, 1020 Frederick arenue. St. .lesepli, Me. Corporal Albert O. Fleres, 140 CJiiirch street. Xorfelk. Vn. Sergennt Jeseph M. Illedenhach, -III Kast Market street, Akren, O. Uninjured Ray Huiley, McCook Field. Huwen, Ohie. Fiist Lieutenant Byren T. Hurt. Jr., 10S West Seventy-third street, Xew Yerk, Sergeant Birden T. I'eeK. 2,'!0l Ln fnjette avenue. U'erre Haute, Ind. ROME MOURNS DISASTER ! , Pre8S Expresses Profound Sym- ' MthKg A.k. Details ? XArr wp of I he ItnUan nlntien t-enlce. cnblc.I i condolences Inhabitants of Heme today were re icnlllng the American officers who came j te Italy te try out the giant dirigible 'and trnnspert it te Amcrlcn. Kvery one I spoke of the .splendid flight the Itema made f i eni Heme te Xaples nnd return I with many guests. Including former American Ambnssnder Itebert 1'nilei- weed Jehnsen. I Thernell Sen of Iowa Judg: I lies Moines. Feb. 22. City A. P. I -I Mnjer Jehn G. Thernell, Uemn disaster .victim, was ihe seu of District Judge 'A. It. Thernell. of Fremont County. lie , wns one of Ihree I'nited States army officers who went te Itnly te supervise I the packing of the shin when it wns iiiiicliiised by the I'niteil Slates in 1020. The C. J. Heppe & Sen Central "The Heuse that Heppe Built" is net our stores imposing and well-appointed a3 they arc but a Heuse of Confidence in the minds and hearts of Philadelphia. Every stone in its structure is a fair, square transac tion. It has been fifty-seven years in the building. It is being added te day by day. Cheese Your Victrela Here Under Ideal Conditions We can show you every style of genuine Victrela that is made. Conditions for hearing are almost perfect. Competent salesmen are here te offer suggestions, when desired, and you cheese your records from a3 complete a stock as can be maintained. A Few Heppe Victrela Outfits Victrela Ne. IV, .189.30 pilth ill 10-Inch double-fate record! Pay only SOe weekly Victrela Ne. 30, $3. ',.30 nilli eli 10 lath double fine rccerdi fay only tt tccekly Victrela Ne. 80, $110 with $10 worth of rtienJi I'uy inly It.SO weekly mMj&m ft J i t - AIRCRAFT PROGRAM JOLTED. KAHN SAYS Insists U. S. Continue Its Ex periments Despite Rema Tragedy TO KEEP PACE WITH WORLD Uy the Associated Press Washington, Feb. 22 The disnster te (he Rema will he a serious setback le development of llghtcr-than-nlrcraft In Amcrlcn. because the Natien Is deeply stirred and will net forget. Chairman Julius Kahn. of the Heuse Military Affairs Committee, declared today In a statement. "The destruction of the Rema." he said, "with the terrible less of life, is ft terrible shock te nil these interested in aerial navigation. The Rema wn thp largest llghtcr-vhan-alr craft that this country owned. "He nave made terrific strides In recent years, especially regarding the development and use of helium gni. This gnu Is nen-inllnmmable. It Is hoped that we will be nble te secure enough of this substance te fl I all of our Pigiiicr-than-air machines. "While I realize that the whole coun try wilt be deeply stirred. by this acci dent. I feel that these who perished In the destruction are but martyrs te the cause of aviation. The world probably will continue nlr flights notwithstanding the disaster. "The chnnces nre that efforts will be made te prevent recurrence of such n calamity. I feel, however, that se long as ether nations of the world con tinue experiments legnrdlng flights In the nlr, our own country will have te keep up te the rest of the world in thnt regard. The thing is altogether tee shocking nt the present time, nnd It will be probably several years before we can get back te n normal basis. "I feel confident that despite the ter rible disaster te our officers and men the matter of aviation will still continue te be tnken up by these of our officers who ate in the nvlnlien service ln order that the United Stntcs may be able te make progress in the nrt of flying nnd keep abreast of the improvements which nre mnije by the various coun tries of the world." REJECT LEWIS PROPOSAL Operators Refuse te Held Joint Wage Conference j Pllsburgli. Pa.. Feb. 22. P.v A. P.) The Pittsburgh Ceal Piedmers ARMiclatleil last night i ejected the in- ' vital ten of Jehn L. Lewis, prccidcnl of .!, f.,11.,.1 -Vfl., V,1,J ,,r t inn l,ti . Hiirti .uvt tttiini "i ...., for a joint conference te discuss a new wage agreement. 1 lie reply te air. Lewis' Invitation follews: "Answering jour message of this date we will net ng.iln enter into n four feur Stntcs agreement. Therefore it is net necessary te meet te fix n date for such n ennferemc. When the men of the Pittsburgh Uistiict nre willing te meet with us te ncgntinle n scale of wages which recognizes present conditions nnd eliminates the check-off, we will meet with them," Columbus. .. Feb. 2J. -Illy A. P.) Operators of the Southern Ohie soft eenl Mellis today notified President Jehn L. Lewis, of the I'nited Mine Workers of America, that they "must decline te I be repiesented nl the Cleveland meet-I Ing." MOTOR CO. RECEIVER SUED ,' U. S. Claims $6,000,000 for Unau- I therized Depreciation Allowances Washington. Feb. 22. (Ily A. P.)' Federal District Attorney Davis, nt Detroit, hns been insiiucted le piepaie for the lillng of n claim for Sli.OO.OOO in the Federal Courts theie against the. Detroit Trust C'ntiipiinj as a icceiver for I the Lincoln Moter Ceinpanj, If wiiii said today at the Justice Depnitmeul. The Lincoln Company icccnllj was pur- chased at a icceiver s s(ile bj t lie I'erd Meior Company. The claim. It wns snid, wu, for mi- nutlierized nllevvnnees for depreclntlen nnd jirespectlvc profits en cnntinds for Llbeity meters during the war, nnd wns te be filed, officials added, as' n iesu of the complete nudlts of oil wnrilnie iilrcrnft centincis new being made liy the Wnr Department. Founded Heuse that Heppe built Inaugurated the Une - Stere 1 117-1119 Chestnut The I RsH 1 JUBw I' Victrela Ne. 90, $133 wllh $10 worth of record! Vau only tl.TJ ttctkly Victrela Ne. 300, $203 lth IM worth of triurdi ray only tl xceikly Victrela Ne. J 30, $373 wllh $5 wurtb of record! fey nl U.U weekly i ? 1 1 .1 . FISHING CRAFT WRECKED ON REEF; SEVEN LIVES LOST Captain and 8eamari Rescued After Hours of Suffering Galveiten. Tex., Feb. 22. (By A. p.) When the Merinn Line steamship til Orlcntc arrived in tn'h pert today from New Yerk she brought the story of a tragedy of the en In which seven men lest their lives after hours of Buf fering and only two survived. The men were the crew of the fishing schooner Caldwell II. Celt out of Pencsceln. Fin., which was wrecked en ft reef dur ing a gale en February 13, near the Tertugan Light, i . , ,, , The Biirvlvera of the disaster arc Captain L. A. Smith, master of the schooner, and Frank Brooks, who was picked Up by a British tramp nnd token te Xew Orleans. . Captain Smith reports thst " of thr crew stayed en the deck of his Kchoener for several days without feed or water, but later en they dropped off ene by jne and were lest. Brooks floated away en n booby hntch and wntj picked up bv ft trnmp steamer and tnken te Aew Orleans. ; Secretary Hughe's at Hamilton Hamilton, Bermuda. Feb. 22. (Ily A. P.) Secretary of State Hughes nnd Mrs. Hughes, who are- In Bermuda te visit their daughter, Hllsabeth, who Is spending the winter nt Honeymoon Cot tage, called at Government Heuse seen nftcr their arrival., nnd were received bv the Governer General. Sir .Tnmts Wllicnelm. and Lady Wlllcecks. A ic- ccptlen by the Bermuda Trade Depart ment Beard will be given at the Prin cess Hetel en February 24. There will also be nn Informal dinner by the Gov Gov ereor General and Lady Wlllcecks, HELD UP; LOSES $30 WATCH Jeseph Xevnck, 217 Xerlh Eleventh street, was held up early today near his home and robbed of his watch, vnlued nt $20. A safe reliable skin treatment RESINOL 5oe!hinq &nd HeAiinq ftesinel Seap iently . cleanses ihe closed Eeres. Resinol Ointment eals the inflamed spots and blotches Try thenrv a. w.eel-s,- and sAretcK your skirv. improve 5-t abeuFWusic Tlie music lever who doesn't play, the student plajcr-eompescr, I he master musician, can all find nt Campion's Ihn Kind of book wanted. Technical, cultural, or pilmarj', if It's about music, jeu i an KCt it hcie. nn -PlOtt -JL SELLERS JBOOKJL SELLERS 1313 Walnut St tJHBsssHVHHMItHBSJi ;! in 1S65 1'rice System in 18S1 Stree: Uptown Stere N. W. Heppe List: Grand Pianes: Musen & Hamlin Henry V. Miller Weber Stock Kdeuard Jules Hcppe C. bchemacker rives begin at $093 F (Ml u WW&Sf i iv ivwrir mmmLwmmLwmmm.Wk CHTT ra Upright Pianos : Masen & Hamlin Henry F. Miller Weber Steck Kdeuard Jules Heppe H. C. Schemacker Marcellus Francesca Price begin at $390 r JC5P Mail The Hcppc Rental-Payment Plan If It In net convenient for .ten lc maLe full pfl,,,t nl pjirihsfp. jeu imiy rent nnj nlnne, plnjeriilnnu erVleir.di iluil we el niirj nil rent will h t)llel levviinl the nUr. ihnne price. Yen are fren in I C. J. Heoee & I ""' I U Pianos I I I ium nar" inr inairiiincel iciuru it tt an; time. or HIIKIMIHII xitihwwv i ;rei ft- )&& i ' ." v- ' !ST T7- Full Drew ft Tuxedet te Hire or Sell HARRY LEIDNERW' f-'tnlnti Helps te break up.celds ra.-jg en, put plenty of Blean'a Liniment en your threat, chest arid back just before going te bed. It starts warm, tingling circulation that keeps ths cold from "settling" nnd helps break It up, while its healthy, vapors sooths and clear the lungs; and threat, Jen' I rub don't bandage Just let It pens trate. All druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40 Slea Liniment fi . ,i r- .. 'Hjevir a v ItS r VnmJ It NE" 1 DtniNE Grews Thfck, Heavy Halr'cJ 35-cent Bettle Ends all Dandruf, Steps Hair Coming Out Ten minutes after using Danderint j you cannot find a single trace ei dandruff or falling liair and your Ecalp will net itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, i fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all ever the , scalp. Danderine is te the hair what 1 fresh showers of rain and sunshine ,arc te vegetation. It gees right te I the roots, invigorates and strength- 1 ens them, helping the hair te grew long, strong and luxuriant. One ap- filicatien of Danderine makes thin, ifeless, colorless hair leek youth I fullv brierht. lustrous nnH lust twlca rs nhiirt?ant. Advt. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. KssssH&V. m- ' ' ' sH wiW'sH' ' WvLtfmp-''- '. 'ssssH The DUO-ART is far mere than a mere " PlayerrPiane' With a player-piano the operator must put expression into the music through modulating devices. The DUO-ART Pianola-Piane playa any player-piano roll, it has controlling devices and you can de all with it that you can de with any player-piano. Buts- . When the DUO-ART Pianola-Piane plays a DUO-ART Recerd you simply listen and ENJOY. It reproduces, of itself, just as a phonograph record does. The minutest phrasing of the artist is repeated, because it is absolutely registered in the Recerd. The DUO-ART is made only in the Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stroud and Aeolian Pianos, all en sale at Heppe's. Prices are from $750 up. This Coupon for Full Information . Sen I r.''" cit' ' ctietnnt st. irhi, , - UMlrpion - eth,riiiimp.oRin.. - UMlrpien - eth,riiiimp.oRin.. - UMlrpion - eth,riiiimp.eRin.. i'"'T Witlieut any obligation en my part please send full information about (mark X below)! 1 Player-Pianos ' Victrelar I , .....,, ,1 ..,. n m ii S I I :i ii Led. 2-ati-aii . - - r, - -r J ;, fe b r 3l .''Trr.t J 17 ' sj. !?. rt .-r Mi-A . 'fr$tfi4j V'rf' l7e H,.. it. .J, 5fV 'iSfri