mmw?.vwm, t$nftfc, wmm'mmmMZTr llH.V-M ' nm 7 - 1 19 Tbart la ! war rfHOJ - lunt muttr ADVERTISING HflNn run'. MWriwa enable an aeeuratelr tttnmlti what It U Je '' 'IT ARTHUR XiSnttUiUnBi' SpraealOtU Baca M47 INTEIIOR DECOMTIM uneVr trienal direction of t iflYD EASTW00D-SE1B0LD Hlah-arad profeialenal Instruction for Iloma-Makara and Decoratera alvea tit Utile coat Ae frulta of yeara of atudy and wMlleal nptrlence. (Bend for folder. Tuition $10) NORTH iUlLDlNC, 1113 W. Ltaita Art. THE Y.M.O. A. OF PHILADELPHIA a ..; ACCOUNTS RECEIV ABLE, MOTUK LltH NOTES. MERCHANDISE, TRADE ACCEPTANCES 300CMJiaen Ave., N.Y. DO YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY? Of Course Yeu De Then buy them r high-grade motorcar at low cost by co-eperat-Inr with me In a simple selling plan that will requlre no tlme from your regular work andunder an arrangement that does net obligate you In any way. Fer particulars write K. De Rosay, 1246 Seuth 45th St, ALtO: Enameled. Tin Candy Bexes Stenciling and French Pen Painting Demonstration In FLORENTINE WAX WORKS for making Wax Jewelry, Novelties, Decorative Ornaments, etc. F.ffTJthlna for (lie amateur, atudent. nrtlil aad drafMraan, F. WEBER CO.. Inc. 1125 Chritnut Street iiiiiiiii'ifiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNUiiiiiiiiiii iiumiii The finest butter in America! Sold only in our Stores urn iiiumi Increases the action of the intestines Hundreds of men and wo men have already found freedom from laxatives by eating Fleischmann's fresh yeast. Doctors are new agreed that prop.reilmlnatlenpf waste matter should be brought about by feed. one doctor comes right out and states plainly that the Indiscrim inate use of cathartics Is one of the causes of constipation. Physicians all ever the country re recommending Fleischmann's ElJ V? becu it Is a fresh loea, rich In thee elements which p the Intestines healthy. Inene nes of tested cases, normal func' func' en we restored in from 3 days OS weeks. SUV YV te yur everyday rnlu KmP h UP and hew nor- mulysndregularlyyeurlntestlnes v J-J"r? h'8 Fllhmann'a --- umjiar tm-fell pack- ZiiTyjyww ispei. ftace a jvw'j.tmrwmmx- RtifiLEMAN FIT (MOT FREE INSTRUCTIONS f: Haw te Decorate UMP SHADES 47? OLD GUARD RRRRRK RRRRRrcV ? ''ty flmv &j($RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRB BaaaaaEMk Bi!'MnliliiiiH siiiHMP-rfiaRBH "JRRRRRRRRRRtS'iaRRRRRRRRRRff ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB 'RRRRRI aF5553E3aWirHaBBiB i f K Ll--y!jJaMyg1'ii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTRM BaaaaaHRjaafBaaaMBaaaar (.MSaaMHMtiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaal aaaafjRaaVBaaEBaaRT'' aaaauaaaE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV'saaaaaal l3fiBBBBBBBfflaBB9BBBBBBBBBvVlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB:flaH llylHHVitlHRH aaaaaaaaaaaBaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCBar aBttfRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBaBBBBBBa! PfsrjLBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&i MPsOaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTJ WHaafBBBW ?BBBBBBBBBBBB iP'.naBBBaEBWRRRRRl RRRRRJRj tr; YT 'JUmWlVfK WJ )BI jygsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, :HHHbSkL ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSBBBBUa '''lKSaQaaHP aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKafHRRl Svjjf 4ajavji.BRVR9C. Skaaaaaaaaar 'aaaaanaaaVRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRaRvV'' ';. flaaaWT-TJWy CjWm 'WRRRF "iRRRGRRSlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiSk '-; '"' nflBBBBBBaaBBVyRVlt i' ' vSaT iBBaaaaafllllTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamBV BPafiv?' 'llaBBBBBaBaWll WH V??4 ''H h'twHjff' saaaTi-r RaaTWk & ''aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVa Vl V V i- ifeiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHQCaaaaaaaaSI' : ' RRVRVsaRfW ll ii pwjrafcl Til , ... iTMrWf '1 'PT?f-'-'w'WRRRBBiHKsa ' v vCf vs ' -IsRRRKRv'iiRRf 'sVSRRRRHRRRwanaRRMf MML Captain 0. A. Maglnniss Is shown placing a tribute en Washington's , statue at Independence Square today following a parade by the Old Guard and the FenciMes v T Campaign for City Operation of Frankford "L" Launched Be fore' Business Men MITTEN IS MOORE TARGET A Rtrdleht five-cent fnre wns idvo idve cntcd by Mayer Monre InBt night In an nddrcss n the transit situation before the Business Men's find Taxpayers' As sociation of Frnnkferd In the Free Li brary. The meeting was largely at tended and was the first of a series of talks the Mayer will give en the present controversy. The Mayer attacked Themas B. Mit ten, president of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, and the mem bers of City Council who have blocked his plans te have the city operate the Frnnkferd elevated. "I will leave it te the 50,000 people of Frankford," Mr. Moero said, "te answer Mitten's 10,000 men drawn te him overnight en a premise, whether you want service or will be eternally controlled by ene corporation. The pcople nre mere 'powerful than nny corporation." After he had reviewed the entire transit situation for mere than an hour, a motion wns. passed by the association giving Iho Mayer a vote of confidence. "Pcople have never been mere In different te their own welfare than they nre today," said tlie Mayer. "They are ready te have anything put ever en them. They arc still pouring money into fake brokers' efBees nnd then are unwilling te prosecute the brokers nnd nut them in jail. It is time for thr Mryer te tell people things they ought te knew. "Your Frankford '17 has bterr built without scandal, and I want te see that it is operated without scandal. I have kept after Director Twining te finish up every bit of the T se that cars may run this summer. The Director has said that if the P. It. T. had uet thrown se many stumbling blocks in the way. we wouldn't have had 'se much trouble. "I spent two years trying te get mat brilliant una versatile president. Mr. Mitten, te agree te Kemetbing. I wish him, well. I would like te bee him succeed. "I regarded him, ns did ethers, as almost n biiper-mnn. That's one of his troubles. He is capable, but he doesn't tell everything he knows. Finally I asked him, 'Arc you going te keep the agreement or renege?' lie won't nnswer yes or no, lie ought te be nble because of the revenue brought te ether lines, net te demand that we give him the property outright, but that he pay us something en the $15,000,000 of the people's money invested. "We rather feel we have n cnse in theso proceedings beferu the Public Service Commission, en which P. It. T. must have spent .fUOO.OOO. I de net believe that this high valuation will be sustained. And wc lire coming te the conclusion that P. It. T. can get along en a five-cent fare. The seven seven ceut rate, granted by n higher body, netted P. It. T. eight million nnd odd dollars In 1111. "If you will Induce Council te pass the ordinances the Mayer has forwarded te it, nnd en which It is dickering, wc will give you n rule from llrldge htreet te Market, or slightly above Market, for a nickel. P. It. T. is a private corporation wnicn nes ucen given a stranglehold en the city's btreets. But wc still have the pollce power and we can use it if we think conditions aie tee un.iuM te the masses, "I linve asked for n terminal at Frent and Market btrccts. If we get it, we'll bay te ene man who dictated everything: '1'oVve get te ceme te terms!' I linve permission te ley cables, but net enrry power ever them. I'll ask that befere members of Council get back from 'Flerida. "It is up te you, the power behind tlie ceuncilinanlc body. If we get these tilings, wu'll be in n position te die tutit our own terms. But the cars, which cost 527,000 each, can rust un less you let Council give me tlie power te run them. De you think I'm going te spend $125,000,000 of the city's money for ether lines nnd give them te .umeii ter neiiiingr iet en your life." BOTH NEED REPAIR Man 'Recovers Stelen Truck, Then Drives It Inte Trelley Being tlie owner of an nutomeblle truck seems te menu bad luck for H. N. I.evlue, n tobacconist, of (1010 Haver ford nvenue. l,nst week the truck and $11100 north of tobacco were stolen. Police later found the truck nnd re turned it, but the owner was forced te pay a large bill for repairs. This morning Levine was taking It out with a lead of supplies for the first time since the accident and drove It hendlnnir Ante' a street car.-Tl ,tckiand. vine were cetisIdcrably.diiBaied, MAYOR FIRES FIRS FIVE-CENT-FARE GUN l&Mi4m LAYS WREATH 8EIDLEMAN CHANCE IS SLIMVARE SAYS Senater, "Resting" in Flerida, Believes $5000 Check Is Fatal Issue OPINION TURNS TO FISHER Dispatches from St. I.ucie, Fla., where Senater Vare and his political allies are "resting," quote the Seuth Philadelphia leader as , declaring that Lieutenant Governer Beidleman "hasn't a chance" for the Republican nomina tion for Governer. The Senater's view is that the $5000 check episode has definitely eliminated Beidleman from the field. While in Philadelphia Vare repeatedly said Beidleman had no real strength and that he would be en the defensive from the start because of his taking of thr 155000 check from Charles A. Snyder, when the latter was Auditor General. W. Harry Baker, secretary of the State Committee, is in Miami. Fin., today nnd expects te call en Senater Vare today or tomorrow. Baker is campaign manager for Beidleman and he will try te win Vare ever for Beidle man. Senater Vnre continues, how ever, te talk favorably of Harry A. Msckcy for Governer. There Is n feeling in informed po litical circles that eventually impor tant political, financial and business in terests will join te try te bring about the nomination of a man of the type of Jehn S. Fisher, State Banking Com missioner. Senater Vare will be sought after In that connection. The first move in that direction was made when Geerge S. Oliver, Pittsburgh, brought about a conference between Senater Vare and Jeseph It. Grundy, president of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Associa tion. That meeting was productive of no results, but intimations were given of another conference later en. It is regarded' ns significant that Sen Sen aeor Vare, in discussing the guberna torial situation, refers te the necessity of putting up n strong candidate for uoverner se that itcpubllcan Congress men can be helped te election. That coincides with the views of men affiliated with Grundy, that continued Republi can control of Congress may depend upon the election of as many Republican congressmen in rcnnsyivanla as pos sible. In that connection Senater Vare be lieves economy and efficiency will be n real issue In the coming campaign nnd that that phase will have te mean mere than a tncre campaign slogan. Because of the $5000 check, Vare docs net believe Beidleman can sincerely nnd effectively appeal te the pcople en n platform of economy and efficiency. Vare bays any ene who cannot make a campaign en economy and efficiency has no chance for consideration. The Senater said that since he went Seuth he has net been talking politics. Further Federal appointments In Pennsylvania will be held up until Sen Sen aeor Pepper hears from Governer Sprout, W. Harry Baker, secretary of the State Committee, and ether poli ticians new in Flerida, it was learned today in WnshinBten. It is anticipated here the conferences new in progress in the Seuth will pro pre duco agreements for the distribution of the remaining Federal plums. Democrats still held en ns appraisers of merchandise, collector of customs nnd in subordinate capacities at various points in the State because of the ab sence of agreement en their successors, shifts in Pennsylvania scnotershlps, or because their terms have net expired. Senater Pepper Is expected te fellow the recommendations of the State or ganization in all natrenairc matters. Appointments made or agreed te by the late Senater l'cnrose will net be dis turbed by his successor, HOWIE' LOOTED OF JEWELRY Thieves Get Thousands Frem North Thirty-seventh Street Heuso Jewelry valued at beveral thousand dollars wns stolen last night from the nome or iiarry a. scneii. :i().t North Thirty-seventh street. When Mr. and Mrs, Schell returned from the theatre they found tlie house In confusion, nnd one of the dinlng-roera windows open. Search revealed the less of a diamond pin, pearl pin, sapphire' pin, diamond bracelet, two jade ear rings, silver card cuse nnd French pearls. Four dollars in cash was also missing. Sterling silver In the dining r&eru was net disturbed. Thief Visits Oreen Street Heme Jewelry valued at S2U0O una ntniim from the home of Mrs. Geerge Huty, 1B15 Green street, by a thief who forced entrance last i. allot durln temnAravw absence of the iftiulr; . .S. WPrniWH. : jv . I e""T' -n a .,. i j Y. V .ftttV, traVijfL ,w l&i&i?t&Wl&W:WFWl. ' ' -"- w" -r vrvri tv - dLt?'.VJs',i?"'r.- v ii" f-y MSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBm.fcJ.: ' ' ' -- I I IS1 , r ra er R Fer the Out ? Deers Men's' IMPORTED SWEATERS OF HIGH QUALITY AND MODERATE PRICE In various styles with Byren cellar or V neck 14 te 16 1 HESE sweaters of pre-war quality are unusually well made and ideally suitable for golfing, metering, tramping and the many ether uses te which a sweater adapts itself. , Medium "weight pure wool in blue, letat, gray and brown heather mixtures. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION r m f mm Mm 100 VIRGIN WOOL IgJICJ ItHllU UUgJ ttflgJ CJ Eli gJ CJ RDKS Charge-Accounts InvitcdR "Mail Orders Filled! I Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request A' aw$i&&i 1215 Chestnut Street C CLEARANCE SALE OF C FURS HALF PRICE As immediate clearance is our object, cost and worth have been giilen no con sideration. When you see these Furs it will be at once apparent that the savings are quite without parallel. Early shop ping is advised, as the quantities are limited. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW FOR NEXT SEASON'S NEEDS A bmall llepeitit Will Heeerte Your Furchuae In Our Morale Vaults Until Next Fall. Payment te lie Continued Monthly Xhreusit the Spring anil Summer. U3 All coats arc length. Wraps are full length gj! Formerly New 3 Marmet Coats 100.00 44.50 6 Russian Peny Coats 100.00 49.50 5 Leepard Cat, Seal Trimmed. 140.00 '69.50 8 French Seal Coats 150.00 74.50 4 Russian Peny, Opes. Trim'd. 180.00 89.50 9 Natural Muskrat Coats 195.00 94.50 5 Marmet, Raccoon Trimmed. 195.00 97.50 6 French Seal, Skunk Trim'd. . 195.00 97.50 4 French Seal, Squirrel Trim'd 250.00 125.00 2 Taupe Nutria Coats 290.00 145.00 2 Moleskin Coats 330.00 165.00 4 Moleskin Wraps 350.00 175.00 5 Hudsen Seal, Skunk Trim'd. 490.00 245.00 5 Natural Raccoon Coats 400.00 195.00 4 Hudsen Seal, Beaver Trim'd 490.00 245.00 3 Hud. Seal, Squirrel Trim'd. . 490.00 245.00 2 Black Caracul, Skunk Trim'd 550.00 275.00 4 Hudsen Seal Wraps 600.00 295.00 4 Natural Squirrel Coats 600.00 295.00 2 Alaska Beaver Coats 800.00 395.00 2 Natural Squirrel Wraps S00.00 395.00 2 Alaska Seal Coats 900.00 445.00 1 Taupe Caracul Cape 900.00 445.00 1 Ermine Wrap 1200.00 595.00 1 Broadtail Wrap 1200.00 595.00 2 Natural Mink Coats 1 500.00 745.00 1 Natural Mink Wrap 1800.00 895.00 Extra Size Coats and Wraps Frem 46 te 54 Bust. (Bttdsen Seal is lived muskrat. French Seal Is dyed ceney,) FurNeck-piecesatHALFPRICE Formerly Jap Mink Chokers 13.00 Natural Squirrel Chokers 15.00 Natural Mink Chokers 25.00 Stene Marten Chokers 30.00 French Seal Steles 40.00 Blended Sable Chokers 50.00 Natural Baum Marten Chokers 70.00 Cress Fex Scarfs 70.00 Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers 90.00 Dyed Blue Fex Scarfs 90.00 Platinum Grey Fex Scarfs 90.00 This is but a partial is reduced te one-half iiiliuiiciiiaHiiiRPwrcmswfir Agents' Other Classified Advertisements en Pages 19, 20, "K'-riK. MVWMHHBlBlBlBlBa1 . T i . r. . a,. . .T Ak IflsK , , ylt. ' I aaTSall M a J'vft, ,- NOW AT 170lCliCfltnutSt. Cerner 17th St.. Philadelphia New Yerk Boeten Chicago San Francisce CJm-Ml-ll-M-'l"l-'l'-MWW.- 2VOJF 6.50 7.50 12.50 15.00 19.50 24.50 34.50 34.50 44.50 44.50 44.50 list. Our entire stock former selling prices. Orders Accepted IIIIIIIIIH 21 and 22 Atw-vi,.. ... . jaa''. j.yja.L.., Mftpft STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Stetson Hats for Spring! $7.00 A new let Just received, in shapes and c e 1 e ra that distin guish the Stetson Hat from al 1 ethers. Seme models at $10.00 also. McGregor Caps $3.00 Seme rakish, some sporty, some conservative all good geed looking and well made. Sample Caps 95c Te leek at these Caps you would think they were much higher in price and they were. But these samples are ready te go out at 05c. Rtriwbrldse Clothier Second Fleer, Market Btreet, East J Sale of Cotten Dress Goods 28c a Yard ONE-THIRD TO ONE HALF UNDER PRICE COLORED COTTON GOODS Galatea, two - ply Suitings, Beach Cleth, Pana ma Cleth, Etamine Cleth, Mer cerized Pongee, Middy Twill, Mercerized Peplin, Mercerized Rep, English Prints, Plain Voile. WHITE COTTON GOODS Rep, Peplin, Linenizcd Suit ing, Basketine, Beach Cleth Suiting, Middy Twill, Twill Suiting, Mercerized Batiste, Gabardine, Novelty Skirting, Panama Suiting." COTTON LINING FAB RICS Twill, Sntine, Fine Twill Satinc, Pocketing. Strawbrldge & Clothier Aisle S. Centre A Remarkable Value Checked Gingham Morning Dresses $1.95 Of checked gingham, en slender lines, with low placed waist line. These two features arc notable alone. There is a soft gingham sash, white pique cellar and cuffs, and large pearl but tons en tlie front panel. One may cheese from blue, yellow, black, green and lavender checks, combined with white. Alse at $1.95 An equally pretty model of striped gingham with panel front trimmed with plain chambray. Alse chambray bands en the white poplin cellar and cuffs. Straw lir.!g A C!ethlr Third Doer, Kilbrt Strt, Welt Weight-Control FAT.THIN OR JUST RIGHT YOU'LL BE INTERESTED An interesting, worth-while publication in pamphlet form in a convenient slip case. Twelve lessens by Eugene Christian en Weight-control for Health, Beauty and Effici ency $1.95. Straw brldgn & C!ethlr Sfrend Tloer, nibert Street, West '"5 The "lmerse" (Electric) Water Heater Just attach te electric light socket, plnce lmerse in the water te be heated, turn the switch nnd presto! lmerse will Beil n pet of coffee in ONE MINUTE. Hent a pan of water In THIRTY SECONDS. Beil a glnss or cup of water in TWENTY SECONDS. Fer travelers, for physi cians, for the home, for the nursery wherever het water is needed quickly lmerse is Indispensable. It is the most practical electric Water Heater produced, and it costs Only $2.75 O0me in nnd see the lmerse actually perform the marvels claimed for it. trawbrldge A Clethltr Bawmant ...,.., r 4 mr .r !uj ! Jr i ' i -few -RlteSrViRgliWYl'lV The" Sports Ceat Suits are Here $35.00 They strike Spring's smartest fashion note in Clothing for men of geed taste.. Sports rule the fashion world this year in alL apparel and these new Suits, with their clean-cut belts and semi-belts, norfelk and seml-norfelk effects, con form fully te the style ideas of modern young men as well as these men who leek and feel young. Of tweeds that fairly breathe the atmosphere of "Benny St. Andrew's," as well as fancy cassimcres that will be "at home" in any office. Tailored the way all geed Clothing should , be tailored faultlessly and painstakingly. Leng trousers, of course but we have the material te make up Knickerbockers te match many of the Suits, should men want them. Yeu will wear one of thc.e Suits this. Spring for nil smart men will wear them se plan te see them seen. We plight add although it is hardly necessary that these Suits represent the best Clothing value of the Spring season at $35.00. Our Entire Stock of Men's Winter Overcoats Reduced Net a reservation has been made every single Winter Overcoat has been marked at a reduced price that will insure speedy clearance with savings of substan tial character for every purchaser Overcoats $17.50 and $24.50 Ulsters, Ulsterettes and Chesterfields of fine all-wool fabrics at one-third te one-half less than original prices. Overcoats new $37.00 "Alce" and ether popular plaid-back coatings thick and warm in texture, and handsome in pattern. Plenty of smart belted styles. Overcoats $44.00 and $59.00 Londen-tailored Overcoats and Overcoats from Hart, Schaffner & Marx and ether leading American tailoring houses. Chiefly of imported fabrics. These clearance prices are about wholesale cost. Our Finest Overcoats $67.50 Luxurious Overcoats of Crombie, Worumbe and ether lux urious weaves. -i Strmvbrldga & Clothier ."fcend rioer, Eait A Remarkable Purchase and Sale of Axminster Rugs Te-morrow we shall begin the disposal of close te 700 Rugs, from one of America's foremost mills noted internationally for the high standard of its merchandise secured at a great price-concession which brings them te you at One-third te One-half Less TJtr"t the Regular Retail Prices A number of these Rugs have minute imperfections! Perhaps r slight irregularity in design but nothing that impairs appear ance or serviceability, and of hardly any consequence at all in view of the remarkable savings. Eifttecn different popular sizes with one or mere grades te cheese from at each price. Rugs 9x12 feet $21.75, .$24.75 and $33.75. Rugs 8.3x10.6 feet .$24.75 and .$31.75 Rugs 9x15 feet $33.75 and $42.75 Rugs 11.3x12 feet $33.75 and $42.75 Rugs 6.9x9 feet te sell at $19.75 ' 13 Other Sizes, from $15.75 te $21.75 Past experiences in the presenting of values of this character lead us te advise EARLIEST POSSIBLE SELECTION. -- SirawbrWUe i ethier Keu th 1'loer Vieit Woven Madras Shirts Going Fast at $1.35 Which is Only as it Should Be Fer This is Their Wholesale Value We haven't seen such fine Shirts at such a low price since the war! And you would net have this opportunity new if a depend able manufacturer of ours had net needed icady cash and been willing te make price concessions te secure it. Patterns and colorings are woven clear through colors arc fast, of course. The mnterial is of an unusually fine weave, the Shirts are all brand-new nnd well ninde. There were 4000 in the Sale te start, but they won't stay long en the tables -at ?l.:i5. J - 8trabrlltse A Olothler Kan ttii llieluh Stifet Desirable Dinner Sets Under Price Complete Dinner Sets, in desirable patterns te grace homes of refinement, are in the Semi-Annunl Sale at reductions of about one-fourth from prices already notably low. New is the time te replenish your Chinaware supply and if perfection and quality, as well as worth-while savings, nre desired here is the place te buy it. All these are one-fourth under price: American Dinner Sets, 51 pieces Sle.00 te $18.00 American Dinner Sets, 98 pieces $22.00 te $34.00 American Dinner Sets, 107 pieces $37.00 te $41.50 English Dinner Sets, 107 pieces $50.00 te $00.00 China Sets, 98 and 100 pieces $28.00 te $150.00 French China Sets, 107 pieces $40.00 te $250.00 Btrawbrldie & Clothier Uaatmsnt STRAWBRIDGE. MARKET STREET EIGHTH L 't v5 T affA bbKf'iv9h RVacrtr4 & CLOTHIER STREET FILBERT 8T1ET 1'tlif! , m fZ. saawBpBjjaBjspiBj 1 . ' ,vr,: K ft n VI ft VI 1 M M ') J '11 m lii