mkSL BBTRWMBHBMHllWAki"Jw5?fiwwBlreH 1T"53SBW UHMH'-J ",STAT',S3T."WIWIJWre "J.' I" Tfl?iK 'TSTMl.Bn,J?n in&FwJPP W - 'm fljEswr " ysw?i'..?y.z.' ' ,-,'""- rcw.vKSi &r,v W3W Zkvy,h'rvf ' " ' tTMT 'W? YHtjf- IrliSi .'' 'iX I ,. rtw EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIL; Esa 'FHBRUABY f Jf I-; J J M, I hm TA'. 1 1 iw ii in i i wi phi mi i mi emmiHsihmk & ' WiV $i '. tfri $ w ? V S' IP- Hi i e 5J f m- $ Ki ter I f f, t. i 1st. p 14' E 1 ,. t ?. ' CTJ 1 ft " rcr Wk if. V BKAL ESTATE FOR SALE city iwmmmmmmm Crawford Hemes Only a Few Remaining $6000 All Modern Improvements Hutchinson Street North of Wyoming Avenue BETWEEN OTII AND 10TH ST9. DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR. giBMwim Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme , Any.vhere in Philadelphia ' If ou want te buy b home come ami ee us; . If seu have IJ30 we will mak ou a loin te fay the balance en our heui PH1I.A. iemk building and develepjibnt CO., Roem SOS, Ke stone At.l Society Hid., B. E. ler. 10th and Lembard sts.. Phlla Telephone Oregon CO I. Office hours, l A. M. te S r. M. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Four-story brnwnstone-frent buines pro' pre' erty In th heart of the wool s i tlen im mediate possession, easy terms mint be sni.l te rlese an estate, escell-nt location and property for am (elthc wholesale , r retail! business, geed Prepertj Ter u druggist, grevcr i r sale of. cofTee nnd teas Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 1424 t pens- !' 1 2307 N. BROAD STREET ' Intend ni- te Watts rtr PRICE ONLY $27,000 Feur-s!ery modern brnwnstene fr it side yard dwelling 10 rooms 3 bath -'ixl " excellent prepN ami loot en fur it hum easy terms, InnneilLite pes.cs-l' " Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher i 1424 MH'TH l'r'NN SQT "'; . . iiiriii.rnnni.'H 2007 CHESTNUT STRP.ET larce let. rear outlet, eartl posse pesse posse seon, first mertKrtsu arranifid. alun steadily Increaslns a business mucs westMard en Chestnut st. J. t-TOOKHl'lttlUH Iifneite Bide ',tli and Chestnut t" inn n H.vvn nKMOvnn eni OfJ'ICKS TO OCH NEW UUIMUNQ 247 Seuth 15th St. M. E. CUMMISKEY & CO. Realtors liKMevnn Off'res te our Ne lt'illdln; 247 Seuth 15th St. FOLGER BARKER REALTOR CHURCH PROPERTY 19th ami Ureen SO 000 si. ft . suitable for mfg of an kind, garage. erlce tetlun. melnc pictures no restrictions. JOSEPH KEI.DMAN -CO Lincoln llldic 2317 DE LANCEY PLACE ' let :oieo ' Desirable Residence Very Iteasonable Trice MEARS& BROWN ,? , nulldlnc Lets. Factory site. Kte. !iii:rj,iiiii!1;iiiiii,:i:i:aii'ii!,i!,iiii!:ii:iiiii;ii'!i!!iiii:!i!ii!'!!iiii building Lets at Uak Lane We hae aeveral af the cheleest leti In thli hlsh-clai uburh which we nave ji't been autherlz"-,! te sell at the rlsht price: en Inspection will cemtnrA xeu of their elue sr RrjqTOR.q oak i.anp ernci: Oen Ftatlnn Phene f llv Brnnwi'iiwireiiMiimi Hnlne rrnpertlew nnil lterr iuhbiii FILBERT ST. NEAR Well leitd nnd In aithe n ichher- hoeii, let ISxtii: a business property with reil aiue. CIin.STNL'T AT 13TH wiin'raiciii1 wkst riiirKi.riu Cobbs Creek ,ieim!iuisiiii!iiii'!,iiiieii.iJhi!ii,ii g a m I3TH I 1 1 I ru. 4.-,3 a g & m Tiiiiiiriiii'.iii'i.riii'iiiiiiM.iiiiiiiiiir? i i)Ki.i'iu Sib 'iiiiaiii'iifjiviii'yiPiiiiaii'iiiiiK 1 ft s Parkway at 62d St. ill Three terv. sentc-Oeta hed ,'.-7 bd. g g rooms, J taiM carae, excusne p features, few remaining. Q ONE 2 STOUT LEFT 1 AttraclUe trms. 5 Oler & Shapire, Builders Wm.H.W.Quick & Bre., Inc. I SELLING nErjlEsEMTATlVi: 8 S 40T1I .ST. S SAMPLE HOUS-ES OPEN DAILT B'j:3 ELLSWORTH ST CIO" COBUS CREEK PA1.KVT Take cars etith tjn r.nth r tn m 3 Tebbs Crtiin I'arKna wjlk wett J 1 blocks, s SIR. ALEXANDER. R'preser'a"ve I lBiiiiiiiruj!i!iiiinn."J!mmji Kia miiiniEiiij'ljn'Pj'ji.raL'HitMniiufliriKEe.TiBiiranim 3 NEW .: OPERATION 10 t Built at crea rlurtlnr m Vj s r0Bt of nutrial hi 1 "C S Hardwnid floors !hre Jifb tA line Art'Btl'Hlls deeent, 1 wuh beautiful rarer and laKiit illm In electrical fixtures fcliuati In the New Sherwood Section wire all hnmen are new park and plasreund 1 block te Urce Sample Heuse C720 PentridRC Strcrt. We llivlle seu te find In thin i homes te equal ihene for Jilje" Open dall from ! "' ' I letiniss by appointment, phone vooil veoil voeil land 3094 Take anv car iinini; west iu ii'mii i nii.w. jtl y south, or rara le ftMh 4 XVtv Woodland ave or Cries. X Ay . ter e , transfer nert'i r CkX te willows ave. i S -VV block south. !i 1626 N. 62DST I1ET1 ER IRAN' A NEW IIeflt Reflnlfheil TlireuBlmut I Ueilreiima Much rn J1UST BE HOLIi Wm. M. Knatz, Inc. (lOlli an. I irving st SHERWOOD 1710 5739 HAZEL AVE. (1 room', balh hardwood (lour het water heat, elec light llnlshed lumement laun dry, stone beards koeiI order ixv. ptlenil bargain Prld". ISSiiO LEROY SCH0CH 001 Oxford i-t lielmeiit OJOI Ml OOCD BARGAINH In Hemes or In- inenta irem uie up soma rtuucea I ftMtlA.w ,h.l. valit..... ttl&'-V' C .v KOFrUAN. 6827 Ulrard Av. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE WKHT l1llt.AIKf.t'lllA gpiwnDM jfflmi.a'EiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiriiiiiiiiaiMiiiiiii NEW HOMES THAT APPEAL Artistic brick, porch-Inclesed Hemes, terraced lawns, en bread Avenue (70 feet wide) in Philadelphia's Most Convenient Suburb. 54th and Arlington Sts., Wynncfield , Purchase New Lewer Than Spring Prices $8800 te $9300Varieus Types Original Prices Were $10,500 te $11, 000 Vi"?rl0r '" D10',t flea.'lnfr ennmel nnd malieeany, perch epcnlntj into IlyntT room tlircURlt casement doers. Hardwood floors through out, tiled bath ulth shower, het-water heat and large bedrooms, uarage with hvat Heady for Immediate occupancy. SAMPLE HOUSE FURNISHED 3 I'a ss north eer C2(i street (Par Ne. mreusn l-airmeutit 1'arls te untl south 1 J. HARKER CHAD WICK LAND TITLE BUILDING a Brasw EiiiiiiiiiiKe mil' nnreHiKiiini iiKiniii! Announcing OPENING OF NEW SAMPLE HOUSE 847 N. 65th St. JIST NOKT1I OP LAN.-DOUNi: AVE. Your Inspection Invited MOSS & TAYLOR Uullders of Hemes for Thirty Years Talte "I." or surfice cars te f!3d street, pass north te I.ansdeune acnue or surface, cars Ne. 41 or 44. Walk tue blocks uest. One fare. iiiilsiiii pa 3 1 ET Eg zt go j r3 5 B s a m is is m m. 3M T a N I 111 1 HE Sample Heuse'De Luxe, containing the best materials and workmanship that can be procured. A masterpiece a e b ei home construction. The few re maining houses left will be finished like our show house, which is located at 4625 Osage Avenue, in "Siegel's Artistic Section" Pine St., Osage and Larchicoed Aies. a 1 1 1 a e & S i ill alia 3 S fn S3 a Id ss a e m 3 46th te OPEN EVENINGS a g & m s P 'a 3 P R 5 i S 1 s 0 Baas B i s S & 3 ONLY ONE LEFT On Marlyn Read MOSS & TAYLOR itriLOhns or 1'OR THIRTY Take "L" or ,u-face cars tu 01J strfet. pasi nertli te I.ans'loune avenue or eurface ars Ne. II or 11. 'Walk ene block west, ijne fare. gi IMlWWMn I $15,000, VALUE $18,000 & (or I Ith nml I inhau 'I fnmi mil c vlili ikiiiIi I it Iv oil Urn, (In I 'it- 3 vater tieii lin- in till iinnil lir ih 3 raK" prlvi Kr Prlie In ml n an I f .uneunilinkM (annut le duphiuitu. a owner leavlnu i nv $11,500 Helm 1 Jl'iini fur inn e,i me rn . IlaiKlseni ' p-n hall II inliv mil tlri , ., lint nut r Uat billiard nn .S. ir (' arks Park $9500 f,-ter twli ( iin ti.ui lmr!ueil Mm , J lath f - ' " Miutif from iilth un4 .sprue , OFFER . 4II anil 1 1 II 7-! live lUll't lv Sie.-el r.xiluslve reslibnilil i-eetien 3 Mterv twin 1 olenlil hall M, 1 rn In ev ri ' "PL 45TH S. MARKET Will paper ami palm tu s sta'l new balh. Genuin suit and In- liuikaln. fimi) casn TAYLOR 5c SON J'Jm sSTl iimiiii i,i3i iiiiiiiiiiiS npiHikiie pink 0 r. 1,1th, elec, all lenvs,, vacant a r. and bath, laundry, het-water heat, dec. lights. ), 7121 Woodland Ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WKHT rilll.l)Kt,rIIA TO) te Arlington street, or drlre E4h nnd WMinctleld acnue. three blocks. iriniLimiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiriiiiiraitiiiiraiiraiiriii'iiiiiiiii 15 tl I a M S I E3 B 47th St. N & 8 1 HOMES ALSO BUILT TO ORDi;R a g st fel M lis S m ! rS M t-3 Sl m S a HOMES YLAR3 69TH ST. SECTION Mnule lerner Englliih reMUenee healed kiiisi.0 for 2 ca:s, lurgu llvliw room, pn fh plain dining 100m Urge Kitili. n flrelisn roeknr nnd gas range 0 nltliinl en" plece sink, ileuble draln- .nil" lum, eiimluil 1 large tie,). miiis tl'. l,ith and shower en f-rceml He. r 2 large looms anil hath en third fleer Him nml M'l.jriil ilners are hird- neil Ii 1 water ruat for rnine house, per Ii Is Inc 1 scil ha nlncr. I iloer, leHt.d, tvnry w mlevv ami deer III the 1 u- hi' lu lln.- per' Ii has metal w 0,1 her snipping includnl In sale price an nppei sirtens for all ilners and win- I wh 11I1.0 linen i-lisiles this ptupert) 11 n jeir old in ijAelli-nt ronillilen fir sale at the rid culeusly low figure of 13 600 iin I, sun b uppulntment nl runner lurtlculirs, J H Jlrrke, Jt il'Jth ami Mirket sts opposite ler m'nil Plune Latisdowne 12H'J Op,.n anil i i - 0VERBR00K SECTION 2017 V. (I.'d 2Mx2.".0 three sterv h. ml ih tallied slune dwelling hot het watei heal e ertrk, 1. rooms lll (mii), f'lla st new inedtrn home, kurage 7"CHI 1723 N. Edgewneil, med. i.rn (USUI 141 ,N .Mllll, llinililll, ((Mill 021 Atwood read, modern, garage, 10400, LEROY SCH0CH (SOOl Oxford st. Belmont M.l, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OKRMAXTOH-X New Colonial in Beaul What can give one mere pleasure each day than a vide te and from his business down Wissahickon Drive, through an ever-changing vista of rocks, water and trees a wonder change from the built-up feverish city. Net only arc these homes in the most wanted section of Philadelphia, but ,they are very unusual all-stene single homes with tile reefs. Real Colonial architec ture which signifies "Quaint Old Germantown." . In these homes are materials purchased from the leaders in each one' of their respective trades. Great care has been given in the planning both of the exterior and interior. Priced at $2G,500 with two-car stone garage. Located at Wayne and Westview Avenues. Three ways te reach these new Colonial Hemes By train, Pennsyl vania Railroad te Upsal Station. By trolley, take car 53 en 13th St. te Wayne Ave. and Westview. By auto, a beautiful ride through Fairmount Park up the Wis sahickon te Wayne Ave., then up Wayne Ave. te Westview Ave. Houses open today fpr inspection. JOHN H. McCLATCHY BUILDER OF HOMES Land Title Building ANNOUNCEMENT A NEW OPERATION UNDER WAY WITH SEVERAL STRONG ELEMENTS OF APPEAL TO THOSE INTERESTED IN A MODERATE-PRICED HOME. IN A GERMANTOWN NEIGH BORHOOD OF LARGE HOMES AND GROUNDS BUT WITHIN ONE BLOCK OF READING STATION AND TWO BLOCKS OF GERMANTOWN AVENUE. AN 18-FT. FRONT HOUSE, BUNGALOW TYPE, GARAGE, AND ENTIRELY MODERN. 4 HOUSES OF 1 1 SOLD PRICE $6500 CARSON BROTHERS DUILDEHS OWNrcilS 5601 ii:.nniHinun;H'iini;iajuiinmi;i:iiJUi'uu:uiTiuir:iiiiri!raiuini.inirnii.ii ini'ni;ii:ii;;ininj:jjrnjnjjii:;iii:iKjr!rirjjJiriJiiinw nrrniJJiiiiiUTJiTutTirjjjaniiiiiiiruitiiiiiiiiMriiiamiiirmiiinn wkst i'nii.Arn:i.i'HiA "iwiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiQiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiifflvii.iiiirii! .nuraiimmniiiTimimniimai 4812 BEAUMONT AVE. Mth and Haltlmerc) Mederate-elied 3-story twin house In an atlracthe location nnd reasonably priced. Contains 10 rooms, bath and toilet room. Harduoed fioera en ser ser eiirl nnd third floors. Electric 'lent. New acant. 4749 SANSOM STREET rxlern 2 flter : containing 7 rooms anil bath; Inclesed perch ainl carike; het-untpr heat nnd electric llchta. ti oak floors; cur.cnlent location. 39 FARRAGUT TERRACE One square from 40th at. eleated station. Has 0 roenn and bath, hot het wnter heat and electric light. Prlce reduced. 5027 LARCHWOOD AVE. New belns cempfetely renovated. Contains H rooms and bath. Lame Irv ing; hall. Het-water taeat. electric llvht, Ras kitchen, rinlshed entirely In white and ma'.iecany. 4316 SPRUCE ST. Modern KHznbethan residence, with attractive Kurreundlnca: contains 10 room and !! baths (4 renma and bath en eecend fleer), nttrartlve heated Bun parlor epenlnc Inte lllns room. 4634 LARCHWOOD AVE. Mescl built. Thr'e-ster aeml-de-tached residence in reatrlcted nclBli. borheod, containing 10 rooms. J bathi, het-ater heat, electric lleht, hardwood floors. Inclesed perch. Extras Included. Wm.H.W.Quick &Bre..Inc. 8 S. 40TII ST. Member Thlla. Real Estate Beard wuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuriiiniiiiiiHtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WYNNEFIELD 1 EXCLUSIVE HOMES ONLY 2 REMAINING g All Stene. cenfAlnlnsr ft rhnmh.ri and f S baths: modern in every detail with 5 large lets and separate atene carafe K tn ' rara t"3 for - cars. $23,000 The, houses reuld net be built to day for the nlieve price, nnd will net he duplicated In the future. The location Is Impossible for duplica tion In the suburbs of Philadelphia. Only 1-' minutes via nute through Talrmeunt I'arln and surface connec tion te Market Street "i." via 64th Street cress-town line. 54th & Wynnefield Av. Daniel Crawford, Jr. BUILnER -- Overbroek Hemes ONLY 2 i.Brr LEBANON AVE. WZ''1 PRICE, $13,500 Three story semi-detached. Incleved north. Ilvlng-roem, dining-room, break fast room, kitchen and outside shed en first fleer. Second Peer has 3 chambers und bath with shower. Third fleer has 2 chambers nnd bath and storeroom. DeUuhed brick garage. In the rear of let McDevitt &Mullin 03d and Lancaster ave. Overbroek 4S'J3 OVERBROOK SECTION Seml-dnlaihed n slilence, lint. water heat . living room lilx2tl, 5 bedrooms and 2 baths, an up-te-date. home, built when nu received a whole let for our mumy and still chenp at 111.000. Franris T. Lambert "3.X- 3.Jt. ..... rf. U. eiij If you have a heuie. te fell In Ov Hit It here. I'.rbroek, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE tlF.RMANTOWN Hemes Quaint Germantown Thene Otn. 0750 (After 7 P. Jf. Chestnut Hill 03:3) GERMANTOWN AVE. wkst rmi.MiKi.i'iHA II l"uT 'III "II .1 I imi'i'iiiiiiiiMiriiiiiiiiiniiij nn for Yourself .inn" )ee Why we hae sold se rapidly the pastil two wppk. H NEW SAMPLU HOUSE NOW KEADY Rusk's New Hemes ON 54TH STRF.RT -' tnunre Seuth of Ilaltlmere ae. t e Have l)nl a l'ew Left. r, u ON WJLLOWS AVE. j" (JUST AROUND THE CORNER) j 1" . J,e ,ln', "ct our terms and price i l, before tlcy are cone. j AGENT ON PREMISED OR I- Ai-V? - HARTLEY, 1701 N linmi) ,!,' U n.i ii uiii I n ii I m ill n 1 1 ii'ii m iimiiii i n n 1 1 ii i mhii ii i ii is ij,' fiKKM NTOWX j ATTRACTIVE PRICES I 3in...MATI,AND pTT-Jf"drn house. 1 i'-'i n0ndr'e,r,y': '.WRi J Kcnlr?,tc8,0,4o'!"n,Ilen lZ ' I 5'i?l! C"S ?T--Me.Iern l,n,.,e. B , "mi-, din nnii inundfi . i.".nnn? P,,'r'"l: opposite Was" Was" lneten Lane Station. Price JGU0O. rani IIELPIELD AVE Three-slerv corner house, with 8 rooms, bith and laundrv: itaa and elcctrlcltv- Price eC000.WlnBOhOCkl"B stat1""' 2(1 WESTVIEW ST. Thrce-sterv twin house, with fi rooms and bath: het-wntrr heat: attractive outleok: convenient te Carpenter Station, en the Pcnna. Railroad. Price J7000. 100 1 E. CHELTEN AVE. At tractive 2-story house, with 8 rooms and bath: oleetriuty and het-water heat. Price J7500. 2'Jl WINON AVE S-ml-d-tnchcd none and brlcK heuse. with n roerm nnd 2 baths: pas anil elertrlclty. steam hcut: third flcer la nrranged for nn nparlmnt, convenient te Chelten Ave. Station, en Penna. Railroad. Prlce 5S7BO. nitr, M'YNE AVE. rineiy built twin lieuse. with 12 rooms nml 2 biths: het-water heat, uas and elec tric light. Prlce ?12,0O0. r,20', WAYNE AVE. BlaMcr-cast house, rne of a ralr. with 10 rooms and bath, let .', 17.1. with carage en the tear. Prlce f 11,000. APPLY TO l"5 mil A MORE EXTENDED LIST or PROPER. TIE Kelt A1.E Oil I OR run. Vel!SfiiVi7c5uIr.!f:Sl.,i:GA,,D GERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY CHEIIEN AND OERMANTOWN AVENUES IIIUUIIIIIIII! ll'IIUI III! West Side, $5250 416 W, Penn st, Twe sters. d looms and balh, het-water heat, bis and electrlcll. Let 131 fret deep Near Cjueen Lane Station en P. R R, Im Im medlate possession. Examine toils). Bungalow Tpye, $10,500 Attrifttivn twin nll-ptnn) hung-ilew home Near Allen Lum Matlen. )Vnnslvanlu It. R. Seven rooms nnd balh, het-wnler bent, gas end clec trli'llj. Hardwood tloers. Stone llru llru Iilne,, Excellent value. Phene or wrlte for rhelce listlncs. Phene Oermantewn 0030. Smith, Dalgliesh c Russ 6001 HERMAN! OWN WE. H I $35.60 PER MONTH 1 actual expensrs plus 11) nienthlv for building nml lean dues, fash, $1IM0 j AT PRICE & BOYER STS. I 0 ROOMS, MODERN: 16X1)0 OiM.N roll INSPKITION I APPLY ON PREM1SEJ1 OH TO ROBERT KILLOUGH Wajn. and Buval at., aarmantevrn. REAL ESTATE FOR SALS rKNNHVt.VANIA WVBtmBAW Suburban Realty Fer many years our firm has specialized in handling high-class Suburban Residence property and Country Estates. Our Suburban department is only one of the many departments of a well-organized, well-established Real Estate Service which we offer te our clients. ' ' The better we serve you the better we serve ourselves. Which sounds like geed preaching, but is merely geed business for you and for us. fitone-nnrl-Btucce detached horn. Inclesed perch, center hall. Itvlnr room with open fire- place, etc. j 4 cnom cnem bem, 2 baths and Haverford BlAenlns nerch en " accend fleer. 3 bed ., . . . rooms and both en third. Modern conveniences j large let. Price, $23,000. This Is a charming home with geed value at the price. Charming tene detached home In the beat section of this beautiful, suburb. On tire second floer: Master chamber, Stenfnn dressing room and bath Oienten )n Bullc 3 chambers. bath and maids' room. On the third: 2 bed rooms, bath, billiard and Btere rooms. 2-car garage. Man's room nnd bath : large let. Early exami nation recommended. Stone Colonial residence, with slate reef j living room, dining room. furnished Suburban Heme. $17,000 uen, Kuerten, etc. e bedrooms, bath. Btoreroom and nmple closet space. Doreuglt water, elcc. light, gas, Ideal boiler." 2 ' acres ground, drlveway, garden, fruit trees and chicken run. Qarnge and stable a tl 1 e I n beautiful estate, view of surrounding coun try splendid. Will sell furnished, S17.000. Your Real Estate Problems are Our Problems. The most individual firm of Realtors places its staff at your disposal. WM. H. WILSON . CO. 1617 Walnut Street TACONY BEAUTIFUL HOMES! PRINCETON AVENUE (West of Terreadale Avenue) OEBMANTOWX siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBeiiiHiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiitiiiiuimiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiajffliiiraiiiijraiiiiuiii'i ! $15,000 Tar 3-sterv house, with trarace for 2 cars. Near Queen Lane Station; Twe baths; electric light. Let 71 ft. wide. DETACHED West side of Oermantewn. Ter Jlfi.OOO we offer this well-built house, with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths en 2.1 fleer; hct-water heat, electric light. Roem for narace. ' CORNER PROPERTY 4000 Pulaski ave. 2-story house, with fi bedrooms, 2 baths: garage; open fireplace; electric light. Lincoln Drive Section Modern 2 j -story house, with ga rage, rive bedrooms, 3 baths, hot het water head electric light. 113,000. Complete list sent en icqucst. G LYNDON PRIESTMAM E R M A N T 0 W 6007 GERMANTOWN AVE. 'Illllllllllll Germantown Realty Several Exceptional Properties from Our List Are Suggested Belew SEDOWICIC PARMS We have several very desirable properties In this attrac tive section. List sent en request. 212 E. MT. PLEASANT AVE. Semi detached resldence In excellent condi tion. 11 rooms. 2 baths; let 33x211; prlce MO.r.OO 621 E. JIT. AIRY AVE Detached stone residence; (1 bedchambers, 2 baths; hot het water heat; cite: let 03x170, Prlce 116.600 N. S. MANHEIM ST.. east of Greene st. Modern. 0 rooms, bath. Price, $"600. EMLEN ST.. north of Jehnsen st. Semi fletuched stene Colonial residence: U txdrenms, bath; modern; prlce M2.500. JOHNSON hi'., west of Germantown ave Seml-dttaclied lesldence; 10 rooms, bath; let 23x200; prlce JSfiOO. DESIRABLE COUNTRY SITES B. B. Lister & Sen 6012 OERJIANTOWN AVE. imiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii A HOUSE IN LOGAN, ONLY $1500 CASH "MAKE IT SNAPPY" Will sacrifice a beautiful home In Legan, en a wlde street, near train and trolley, Crawford built home, stone, front. (1 rooms ami tiled bath: hardwood floors througheut: electric light: hot het water heat; In perfect condition, Complcte roomy kitchen, 2 big windows, giving lets of light; porce lain sink with dralnbeards: cabinet sun range and a roomy dresser. All tiled bathroem: built-in tub and shewer: medlclne cabinet and ex posed plumbing. Large dining room, with closets, open fireplace In living room. Easy te finance, no extra money for placing pnrtgage: prlce $7600. Taxes for ear paid. Jl 4111. LEDGER OITICK llllllllll us; OLNKY BAUER-BILT "ALL-UTE HOMES" WITH OARAGES $6300 FAIRHILL STREET fvuxibiikd BAun.i: nevan IUJ V. FAIKHILL BT, WALTER S. BAUER, Buildtr RIAL MTATE FOR SALS PWNNWYf.VArtM WVWPItWAW jyrjW On Bewman Avenue, convenient te station, a stone-and-plMter de tached home of charm ing design. Inclesed M. perch with heat, recep IVleriOn t0n hall, living room, "-"" etc. Pour chambers and bath en second fleer; 2 chambers, bath and storeroom en third. Electricity, het -water heat; geed sited let; restricted section. Geed value. $20,000. Stene, detached home of modern construction. Central hall, living room with open fireplace, dining Lincoln Drive jri. lauS " In basement 3 ' chambers and 2 tiled baths en second fleer. 2 bed rooms, bath and storeroom en third. All modern cenveniences: 2-car stone garage ! tiled terrace ; front perch. This Is a geed loca tion. . Convenient te station, this charm ing detached suburban residence Is nn Ideal home. LI , brary, r e c e p 1 1 en n..Unel room, dining room, UVerbreOK eta. en first fleer; 6 " " """" chambers, 2 baths en secend: 3 cham bers and bath en third. Large let, old shade, 2-car garage, central plant heat. The place of your heart's desire. TACONY Semi-detached, perch frent: 7 rooms and a modern bath: sleep ing: perch, laundry; hardwood floors, het-water heat, electric, gas kit chen, maheftany-and-whlte finish: sarnse privilege: larse let. addi tional ground If desired; exceptional value. Sample house open dally and Sunday. JAMES W. ORR. Builder, or ALBERT P. FINNEY, Agent, II and Petter Streets Reached by meter via Boulevard te Tyson St.: one fare by trelley: Ne. 3. 4 fend B transfer te Routs SK te TJ10 North. (Conven ient te Penna. n. R. Station). OAK LANK uaiMfl EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE STONE "lleuse: 7 sleeping rooms, 8 baths: large let; garage; Dest neigiiDorneoa. Convenient te train and trolley. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDCJ. iBii:EiJE!i!tiiiiiiiitirairai:Kii!Hiiiraiii?jaitiiraiBii'iiiiiiiriM'iii'i PENNSYLVANIA StinL-HHAN ai.ieiraciiiiiiiaii(Ti!i!ii.M8iii!iiii!iiiiiiiii;iiBi;flHiiiiiiiiii OAK LANE MELROSE PARK The Best in Values and Locations $37,500 All-stone dwelling, garsge: large let: ene of the best homes In this de lightful Melrose Park section; right off Yerk read and surrounded by beautiful homes. $15,000 Beautiful stene-and-brlck resldenca at Oak Lane: well situated; 10 rooms and 2 baths: In excellent conditien: front and side perch: let 40x140. Of fered at a new price. $16,000 An un-te the-minute Melrose Park bungalow, 8 rooms and 2 baths; open fireplace, hardwood, floors, gas and electricity; let 73x123. Specially priced for gulck sale. Y'.h!"? ethers In these sections and shall be glad te submit full par ticulars. TOagJtsonge: yPtAlT0ltgy Oak I-fh office, opposite station. Phene Oak Lane 330.' SiIWMIillllililMllllWIM muiiHijiiuiiuii'iininniuiimiiiiujmiiiirniiimTiuimia'jiiuniuniiu.iiuriirauiHu.uflt: WESTPELHAM I.i: 2iSn,M?,?!CIN? FAIRMOUNT PARK IieaUtlfUl StOne Pllnnlal !. .mi?f "d- -nslve view, with direct h.ii iili-.; . "ur": writer entrance ..': '..'". re.?m' "."" room, den. h-V. ii tiVf.,1 i . master cham bers. j baths: also 2 servants' rooms and bath; third fleer a master cham! heated by het water. Beautiful old shad, and shrubbtry.'ever IH acrSs. i'liffliifflrjjiiiMi NEAR STRAFFORD STATION T.'V."!',,.0.r6' itone-and-stucce real, dence of 18 rooms, a t'le baths- vinee heat eleclrle light, hardwood 'fleer. weriT..8eunili D?utlful shrubb?". well-kept lawn arsl garden: 3-car ii. rage; possession May j, ' c,r " FLOOD & QUINN, INC. 10TH AND rilERRY m mmmmmmmmmmmumud BROOKUNE 8 mlnules ride from 00th Braridrriew ' sing . "r'e.ii'.'l1' .'LVlD statien: let "50x120, IhFw Tereh lly!SSk!, le with open,' dining room," ikrgJ'brtrC' fast room; n se a Urge kitchen ilfi. , " dry In basement; 1 liT).' Jaun. sfes?as33si mbckb. Jr.. aeth mZAii..c:?".':- y- n i7,i?Z," iT.TI "rvt. (11030, j. t LiEi-niiL E-AHE NS CQ -I iiiiiHiiiinwiiiiiiii 1 ItHOOKUNK N " ESS BSBWMW RIAL R1TATR FOR i PKWNBVI.VAWIA l!Hii rteceptlen foyer, living room. din. lng room, kitchen and pantry very large mister AP"taient Shudnser8roenv,Deh r iw.e.'nt 2 ba'bs. back for Rent &":)" mS i Excellent deer serv. ,C0.L . 'n exclusive apartment near 16th and Locust! r Sub lease at a sacrifice. Exceptionally well - built stone . home near station, west of thl It I nN v illwa niinay Willi r.9 trolleys en street. Queen Lane fift bM?.nennthi Tffili' bSrs0ln a3 bath en the third. Modern con. venlences; goed-slzcd let: south. western exposure. Priced very low for an early sale. $17,000 ii.a. .. ...... k... ...... "" This property Is In a restricted section. Reception hall, living room, dining room, "itcnen, pantry Jenkmtewn UlTl and clothes room t. l en second fleer ?u.5am5fr5 ana tnl room en third. Modern conveniences; u acre of ground; very' wcli-hmi, stone detached poultry hesUand' fruit treea $12,600. a bargSiiJ DKKXEL HIM. HIsMllRMlMHKIHlIlffi ALL5T0NE HOME 5"U,,'ul,?i,.A7f lern, in Drexel Hill central hall, living room. 'Wi room, breakfast room, kitchen 5J outside kitchen: .erenj fleer. 3 bid. rooms. 2 baths: third fleer, a bS rooms, bath; neus Is strictly medeS .Vt "..i1"' ,wl" cnnce for a 82wn."oe.PP'y newi h0" HARRY W. KOCH DREXEL- HILL. PA. . ' ...... .u LS'.L,Y HOJIIvs One 1UI bath" ii(iRu5?,XhK,Sr"-..! ns "4I 'i.??. and. -sleeping" rTcI n.a.aVS nieaern. sia.oeo. and 1 en let .mLV'i roe.m- with ileuble garit.l j is: " ." ..wv,, iue .ineriuase. sin . flflth Bt. ' w.sei nuuu Ul-I, sanAVHij..l fine .--.. MAIN I.1XR Radner Hunt Section Attractive atone hnu.. (Mwt. em), (table and garage; OH acres: many fine old trees, ery man situation, command ing extended Mews. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST DLDO iiiimraiiiiiii3iiirjiiiiiiiiiiiirjiipiiiirafflHiiii!ini MAIN LINE "1X7E HAVE some very choice leti " for enle In fine locations. Alse land for development W. GORDON SMITH Overbroelc 8700-01-02 HiiffliiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiEiiimiiniffliiiiiiniiiiiiwiiiitfiiiiiiii MERION iiliiiiiiifflUiiiiiiljiiliilliililiiiiii:iliiiiii!iliBlil MERION gXQUISITE little stene Colonial --1 house with nice lawn nnd gar den ; near station ; nt mederat price, W. GORDON SMITH , Overbroek 8700-01-02 ga ami m huhhi mtfiHitia un unmainfiaiJi aaum uari n d nai njinmnnji aKini KQ8F.MONT STONE AND FRAME RESIDENCE and garage: 18 rooms, Including 2) nams. lavatory and O chamcersi sleeping perch: alectrls llsht. het- water heat: large let: well planted; Immediate possession; nnisnen in Willie: price x.'o.ueo. HIRST & McMULLIN .WEST END TRUST DLDCJ. . RYDAI, IlUHssf ATTRACTIVE ALL-STONE If PnlAnl.l nn.,... n.,l( l.tlllt nnil WltQ every medsrn cenvenience: near train m ana trolley; price f.'u.uw. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDQ. ffijmaHaxMmamtiiareMiirjJiiiiiniEiag VILLANOV flENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY IIOJ1E -r....i..i. . .. .11. .Inn. hftUSS. V"",""." " "" ,,"".;;:-". containing in rooms, e paw". chambers; garage for 8 cars wltn man a roem: s acres ui i. and woodland. An unusual op- , pert unity. HIRST & McMULLIN .WEST END TRUST BLDO. NEW JEK8F.V HlinrBHAN' MAI'I.K SHAIIK DON'T FAIL TO SEE BARLOW & CO.'S One-Acre Farms $5 DOWN BUYS ONE fcC MONTH P PATS TOIl It WRITE KOR FREE I'AMPIILKT f, CALL AT'KOJIE OPTICE, DA1ILOW BLDO' MAPLE SHADE. W.- -ri.sts..e p.. y---- ' 'V 1 Sf.frji imimkkLAihim HJ&fiA;