Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1922, Final, Page 17, Image 17

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liA " IT, ifj lWt'X b n
lT Vfwa ;T3L"
ij. T '': r
pdgar T
Billiard Champions Made, Net
Berh,Says New Amateur King
Edgar Appleby Finds Read te Peak a Thorny One and
Full of Hard Werk Brotherly Rivalry Helped,
' Set Twe New Marks in Final
National Amateur Billiard
renl. clean -cut amntcuri
11 champion. Edgar T. Appleby wen
the world's amateur 18.U balk-line bil
liard cliamplenihlp last nljtlit, mid lie
von It under wraps. He didn't even
dke off bis coat.
Furthermore, in winning lip ect up
e'new records In n teitrnnmcnt which
S? bc" running for eight days and
which had all the world-famous nma
(tun as partlclpanlrt.
Tmini Appleby ran. the hlglicst run
JZ w t when he clicked off 12.1
Iheut Swing. He also t the beat
Mih average mark, better than 21,
Add te that the fact that he played
rtebert billiards delayed In that
irlpplng match last night and you have
the high Ushts.
Applause Storm
Wild M-ones prevailed at the end of
.. "'., ...i.. nerli- "(MO sneetnters
Kt a se 'andcheeVed a, billiard
Hlltrln have never cheered, before,
ffihv defeated Percy N. , Cellins,
rhlcage. a former national champion,
POO te 108. the widest margin of victory
In the tourney.
Almest the first te congratulnte the
reunecha Plen were his sister
E2X, rmnels 3.. who wn n strong
F'1 ..' fT
rrim fpinlnlnr nnrt of the
ramilv aVticcn in constant attendance.
K wm a long time before I could tear
m away from thm ..Lowering pralse
kll'"': fLn ffi Miecn ' onkcn-licnrted
Where he had been
, "the ptmc. he trrmbl JjB from 10
?tlCw. high tension he hml
CL mier was ever. He mopped his
in i,i , --
"""What a relten mln." were his first
mris "That straight carom I fluked
Jntethe tenth. I had it nlUewed up.
was playing my next shot.
Had Great Chance .
He was refcrriiig te Ills 124th at!
Itmpt te count In the tenth Inning. lie
!.ad needed wvcii at thnt point te run
Hut for "lie championship and nn aver-
M''I0t'S3si.ets like this, one'." he con cen
tlnued. "that keep a fellow plugging nt
Ihlii geme. Dam it. why de these feel
rnlsiM have te bneak in. i..i
P "Well." he reflected as lip dropped
Inte a chair, "I guess It's th ngs HKc
hat keep n fellow cvcrlnst ngly at It.
M you could make every shot just as
you wanted there wouldn't be much fun
n the game. It's like everything else--when
you beet the easy ones you stick
'""Toe bad you lest that one match,"
I volunteered, "or you'd have had a
rlwu tlnte through two championships
In two weeks." , .
He had wen the American champion
'thin two weeks bcfei'e for the first time
and hadn't lest a watch there. He
lest In this tourney te ndeunrd Rudll,
the Frcnfti champion, n bad lacing tee.
ptst Thing
"The bet thing that ever happened,
Muted Appleby of Hint defeat. "Every "Every
hedv has nt least one bad game in him
In a tournament. I was lucky te come
threiich the natlennl unbeaten, but here
that Hiking at that time was my sal sal
tateon." . ,
"Hew de you figure that?"
"Well, I get all the bad billiards out
cf mc in that beating." the new cham
pion replied. "Tonight I wns keen. I
felt like n million dollars, didn't think
' I could miss and I went right after
"Suppose I'd been in last night's
form. Gee, they'd hnve turned out the
lights and swept me out with the score
. -lards before I'd have finished."
Applebv snid that he had come te
hlay billiards "because it ran in the
family." It appears thnt net only his
fathar was a tournament player, but
1m his grandfather.
. "Iliit that didn't make mc a billiard
Mayer." explained the titleheldcr, "net
Jy a barrel of sour npples. RUllard
Flayers aren't born. They're made, and
knew. It was the toughest work In
Ihp world for ine te get any place en the
treen table.
Family Keen
"Of course, we always had a table in
Ine house. Tlie family played n let, and
liaturally I used" te tnke a poke at the
NIIr well, from the time I could reach
bp te the table.
i"Ilut I used te like outdoor sports.
ient in for football, baseball nnd that
ort of thing when I was In school. In
ellege I'd sort of made n speclnltv of
milk I piny en the team at Columbia,
there I'm n law student. I played here
In llin tennis interceUcginti's lust jear
ft Merlen. They dusted me off proper,
It appears that Edgar only took up
iMlllarrtH seriously about three enrs
PKe. It btnrtcd with hs brother Fran-
t"We arc like met brothers, I guess,"
e explained. "We nhinys hud the
stnily spots, and my brother was nutty
fbeut the cue. Up used te take lessens
from professionals, nnd was alwavs
llcKiiig ine at home en the green tnblc.
The Nursing Game
rigure 1 The American players in
i"e Interim I mini im.M.ni..,.,,, ., I.I..I.
'ided ji-stcrdny seemed te excel In open
nine bllllnnls, but done work and nurs nurs
,.iUire '"'I'oiislble for all of the runs
I'Uue by the feielgnerM. i'he position
"" n run, heught by every billiard
hVpcT'.'n "'I', "trloiiaile," with the
W bulls bide by side and the cue
nil facing, a professional often runs
I ?.ier u'" iminiH befere losing this
',sltlen- ltnther tlinu run the eue ball
Ww ec,, tlie object balls Ary Bes inn
euily lu hlK lntt match eterday
Itcrnepii h driving the ball ngalnst the
"iig rail, ns in this dlugram. bringing it
poi-K te kiss the one ball and ever ..
iiiii y ,n"ivt' U 0Vl'r r'01' tl,y I'l'rfett tri-e
'""' "SHIM.
I igure 2 This shows another fen-
"e of niiihlng where a del lent a touch
keen I'je arc most essential If the
"'US' inn nut te be lest. The cue ball
niin",'V'1 m'retm ",0 ' f f'e object
"ins and comes te rest en the opposite
S "" I'lajed this shot live times,
efn'V0".0 8,idc "v'1. tl,ei f ether,
iSwr,l'fcJ,W drlv.0 ene,agalnit the
P" le try for a better.sct.iTu. r
Appleby, Holds
Champien IBlt nnd1018.
Pinal Standing of Players
w. J ran
Ktlcnr T. Anntehr.. 4 1
113 3t 0-14
lYrey N. Collin.... 3 8
Kdeuanf Renrill :l 3
in is 1-13
10 10 11.1
rranrl N. AptHetir. 2
13 1-i.l
11 14-
Anr Rab . . . -
I. K. C. Morten..
H 1-33
One thing led te another. It made me
mad, and T determined te go out for. his
hide. Se I get my father te take me in
hand seriously, glvu me lessens and
mnke mc get after It. I did. I get
better,, and then Tet nil steamed up
ever it.
"Finally I get fe going te Maurice
Daley's in New Yerk with my brother
for lessens. They had n championship
Inble there, and we used te take les les
eons every day. Five nnd six hours
every day With a professional ought te
get you making shots, and it did.
"It was a terrible grind, but I stuck
it out, nnd I'm all for the game. Tint
that h why I think billiard players ere
made and net born."
Finished Player
i iE'M,mApi,.lcb' ,s cnpnble of as fin
ished billiards' us any player in the
ieUTyL ,!I,s,.fertc ls W Play te the
Mcedn ball. He hlu .'cm right in the
E iiIc w l,ch ,s VV0 sure s,n str
billiard player. He has perfect tern-
JiSSLni,nt, tIl3 snmc- n"l h's best
days should be te come.
He started some years age with his
brother class cf which limited
Ws'teh?;"0?'"8 "mIcr C- " aSS
and ihi.. iMWt rc,t,rdH-,n that class,
wLn1 LdCTr bSFain" chniplen Iri
Tn.f 3 nvcrn89 between 5 nnd 8.
W d2r i1CnnVV ,lls .Mether finishwl
iJSKkef len- the wlnner f tee
It l Fr'n,?1 lh " car Ednr wen the
title, Francis being runner-up.
That was two short weeks age, and
new he is world's champion, n won wen
derfu record, I think. Edgar made
the high run In the national of 142? the
record. ,
Besides, the sports of his younger
dnys.nrfU tcnnlH lately, he is ri rac
v"irt8 li,nyer e'"1 belongs te the New
lerk llncqucts Club. His Is n fine
family, and you'll seldom run across a
mere modest, cleaner-cut youth.
A world's champion. and still In col
lege. But nt that his Lest billiard days
are te come.
It did my heart geed te see him
spring Inte notion last night. I like
ja-erC get-up-nnd-ge in a billiard
tacks. SitS in ,,IS Chnir as fh0UBh en
fc-U. Ulu m.iss 'i ,lnshes te the trble.
the teeth almost set, the fight In his
eye and concentration ruffling his brew.
Beads of perspiration stand out en
his face. They are breaking for him
Kverythlng, norve nnd physical, is
functioning. '
i. nh.' V'.cAth.py (19n,t miss mfny- The
ball is hit truly, the balls make music,
they go for cycrythinir fearlessly and
the old billiard fans sit back in their
scats nil beams.
Truly that's n billiard exhibition,
and Appleby gave It last nlirht. He
deserved the grand .goblet, symbol of
the world s championship. The (.ceres:
i V a ,mi,ch.fer chnmplenshlp:
Cep rlsht. 11)22. Tublle rdger Cripany
Defeats Haverford Scheel in Cage
by 36-29 Score
llilmrr ,
Kwlnir .
. . HaTrrferd
.forward iMve
forward Mellnet
fnter Ilrnn-n
merd. Htlflrr
ruurd Nerrl.
Rfferee (lelr. Ttm . IlI. nn ,
i't. Held el t'hurclilll. 3 Nerrln. 3:
Kulng; a, Heffman. Si htlflfr. 9 Drewn.
Km Ine 10 out of 13 S'errli. 7 out of 8.
Pcddie Institute, of Hightstown, N.
J., returned a winner today against
Haverford Scheel in the latter's cage by
u score of 30 te 20. Melinet, of the
Visiting (lttlntet. Was the nutstnnillnv
star, caging six goals from scrimmage.
jjmug uim .imrriM pui en n nne teul
goal sheeting contest. The former made
geed ten shots out of n total of thir
teen attempts. The Peddle man missed
only one out of eight tries.
Will Come North te Train
niltlmer. Teb. 22. Ment , profetdlenal
IxiiebHll clubs se Smith 'or aprlnff training,
but the 1'arlinley. Vn . team or the newly
nrrfanlzrri Lantern Hheie Learu has re-
erne J the rule and nill ee North. It will
nnrt eprlnir practice In Ilaltlrmre, where ar
ranvrnieiita nae been made te use the ath
letic fleld uf one uf the city parka,
April A rrankferd HUh at N'ertheait
I llulr. Seuth Thtladelphla I Hull at Writ Phil
adelphia Central ) I lull at Uermantewn High.
April 7 Central Jllch at Catlmlle lllmh;
Northeast llleli at Frankfnrd ItlKhi Qer Qer
mantewn Hlgli at Wet Philadelphia,
April 11 Catholic High at Southern Utah:
rrankferd High nt Central; Kertheaat High
at Ocrmantewn High.
April 14 Oermnntewn at Frankferdi Weat
Philadelphia at Kertheaat High.
April 18 Southern High nt Uermantewn
High! Central High at Nertheaat; Weat
Ihlladelphla High nt Catholic High.
April 21 Cuthellu at Krankferd High;
Qermantnwn IIIkIi at Central.
April 2."i Central High at Weat Philadel
phia; Frankfort High ut Weat Philadelphia
High: Northeast High at Catholic High.
Anrll "H Hnulherii Illah at Central Hlah:
Weat l'lilladnliihla High nt Frankfort High.
I May 2 Nertheaat Hlah at FranKima
High; West fiuiaaeipnia jngn ui rranKiara
High; OerinanteHn High at Catholic High.
May n Cathella High at Central High:
Southern High at Nertheaat High: Weat
Philadelphia High nt dermontewn High.
May P Southern Hlah at Catholic High;
Central High nt Frankfnrd High; Herman Herman
teun High at Weat Philadelphia High.
May 12 Frankfort High r.t Oermantewn
High; West Philadelphia High at Northeast
May til Germautewn High at Southern
High; Nmthcaat High nt Cent nil High;
Cntholle High at West Philadelphia Hlh.
May 10 Frankfort High it Cathella
High: Oermantewn High at Northeast High.
May 23 Weat Philadelphia High nt Cen
tral: Southern High, at Frankfort High;
Catholic High nt Northeast High.
May 2l Frankfort Hlah at West Phlla
delphla H!ch; Central High at Southern
April IS. West "Philadelphia nt Frankfort
Ilouuten Field: in. Uermantnwn High at
Central; 21, Northeast High Scheel relays;
28 nnd 20, Penn relays,
May 3, triangular meet nt HduMnn Field
hetween Southern, Central nnd Frankfert:
flermantewn at Northeast High: 10, West
Philadelphia nt Central High, Frankfort
High nt Northeast High. Southern High at
Uermantewn High, HI, triangular meet he
tween Southern, Clermantewn and West
Philadelphia nt Northeast High fields 16,
Frnlikferd High v Clermantewn High,
Housten 'Field; 24. Central High at North,
east High; 21), Sopl.emoro meet at Northeast
June 1, Senior meet nt Northeast Field!
0, Junier meet at Nerthaast, Field! T. Fresh,
man quadi at. North. Jfjaldt 0. chetastta
championship ("quad"rt Nurthtut Hln
fc.T. Appby. New Yerk 14 23 TS l "R
W "-FWI.V U Total. 300:hl,h rln's!
12J; "S. 2S; averaRs. si a.e.
- Z-Ji.- Sllln. Chlcaee IT 0 0 10 2" 0 S
U. S. and International
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI IJaBBBBBBBBBaKilaaBLaBUaSB'L iw
eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaat BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBHaffiBaSflK ' IBKBBaaaakv
a iLaLaLaSBBaavi?' 1": vBMRBBVLaaBaaBBBK
The candidates for the Red and Blue nine had their
first outdoor workout en Franklin Field yesterday and
again appeared en the grass this fternoen. Four of
the leading aspirants were caught by the camera. Floyd
Stout Is In the upper left and Oswald Reth In the upper
right. Beth are pitchers. Bill Maher, the catcher and
captain, appears In the circle, and Mike Whjtehlll, the
foetbaH -player and first base star, Is pictured In the
lower tight
Philadelphia Basketball Team
Scores 32-te-26 Victory
at Annapolis
Vnvul Academy
Hlr.t forward..
Wllann forward. ,
Klemlnr renter. .
Jene Etiard...,
Cerrlruea cuard...
St. Jeienh'a
........ Oakea
Annapolis. Md.. Feb. 22. St. Je
nenli'M f'nlWe bnskctball team of Phil
niletnhin flpfentcd the second string Navy
quintet here tedny by a score of 32
te 20. The regular Annapolis team was
saved for Saturday's big game at West
The second string baskcteers of the
Academy were, eutplnyed by St. .To .Te
fccph's nt nil stages of the game. The
first half ended 21 te 13, in favor of the
St. Jeseph's made the first score, n
field goal by Johnny Onkcs and at about
Dm mifldlc of the half, the visitors had
the Navy in the hole 21 te 4. Dendy
was the heavy scorer, with four Held
goals, most of them made after clever
dribbles. Devlne, Onkcs and Crcan had
three each.
.Tiinr. nt the end of the ncried. Navy
staged n rally, with Barnes and Hirt
lending in the scoring.
Though the Navy played nt a faster
pace in the becend half, and had the
better of tlie score ny n narrow mar
gin, it could net overcome the early
lead of St. Jeseph's.
Oakes, Deady and Crean scored from
the fleer in the second half, while
Crean tossed successfully from the foul
line twice in four chances.
Barnes and Rhodes both shot well
for the Navy and the midshipmen made
a big effort te catch up, but were net
Deady played a particularly fine game
for the visitors.
Kanaaa Adept Wrestling
Ijiwrence. Kan.. Feb. 22. The Alhletle
Beard of the UnUeralty of Kanine has eted
te accept wreitllne aa a major apert.
October 18 West Philadelphia at Oer Oer
maneown, Cenlrel at Frankfort High, North Nerth
eaat High at Southern High: 23th, trl
(insular race, three dual winners and three
dual losers.
November 1 Novice race: Gth. West Phila
delphia Fresh at Oermantewn Fresh, Central
Freah nt Fronkferd Fresh. Northeast at
Seuthern: 8th. handicap race: 11th. fresh
men triangular race, three dual winner and
three dual losers; latli, junior Champion Champien
nhlps; 18th. freshmen championships; 22d,
senior championships;. 30th (ThanlcegUIni
Day), American championship.
October IB West Philadelphia at C.ermsn-
'.'.w? Hif 2.,,, Frankfnrd nt Nertheaat
H &' eH.'Mh' 0Fr.lnkrerrt.. I"1 t Central
hi 2Tth. Southern High at Oermantewn
N'eiember 2-Nerthena TTtvh SAii(h,m
High; d, Oermantevin High at Central
S'.'K!" i0"?.. Southern High at Central High:
llth. Northeast High nt Weat Philadelphia
Oermantewn High; 2.1th,
Central Hlch at
.erineasi men.
December B Oermantewn High at
r,,;nJr"l..H,.'lllu,,?"u,h'JrP "'' '" Frankfort
Hlah. West rhllndelphla at Nertheaat Hlah.
December B West Philadelphia at South
ern. Oermantewn High nt Nertheaat High,
Frankfort High at Central High.
Decemtvtr 12 Frankfort Illgh at Wt
Philadelphia. Southern High at oVrmantein
Hleh. Northeast High at Central High.
iP,ecf'"fc..,,r "T-aermantewn High at West
Et "'J" p5 a t"!1"." ""'horn High at West
Philadelphia High Southern High at Central
Hlah. Northern Hlh at Frankford High
December iriNrt,ihnst High nt Southern
!! " ,i"n,,r?' .ll,lf.:'. "' We' Philadelphia
Hlah. Frankfort Hlah at Oermanlenn High.
January Central a Oermantewn lttth.
Northeast High nt West Philadelphia Hlch,
Frankfort High ut Southern High.
delphla lllgh, Nertheaat High at German
town High, Central High at Frankfort
January 12 West Philadelphia Hleh at
Frankfort lllgh. Oermantcnvn High at
Southern High, Central High ut Northeast
January 111 West Ph'lndelphla High at
Oermantewn High Central High at Seuth,
ern High, rrankferd Hurh at Nn,ih...i
lfl . .rrrm" t -" ...
January 1
ii ii. inui, niiruirnai iiign at uermantewn
High: ITtli. West Philadelphia High at
Vntrnl II gh. Southern, High at Frankfort
High: 23d West Philadelphia High at
Southern Hlch: 24th. Fmnkfnr,i itfiri,
-"w-.i jyHF'BfMr
"Three-Fingered Dave" Gees te
Cleveland Club
Dave Keefe, pitcher, wns sold te the
Cleveland Club this afternoon by Man
ager Cennle Mack, of the Athletics. It
was nn outright sale, and no players
were invelved1.
Manager Mack announced thnt
"Thrce-iingered" Dave did net go te
Cleveland in connection with nny ether
deal. He said that this sale was Inde
pendent, and' that it had nothing te de
with any ether .previous dealings.
New Orleans Entriea for Thursday
Flrat race, purae 11000, maiden two-year-
eiaa. a lurienn:
L.adv MenmAuth 101 TlnA,1y.n
. .1011
. .1011
r zrj: r '-.-.
IfKI Rnn.,hiiiim
.uiiureu i.orraine.ieu jviiss uiay
Tayler Hay ....112 'Dentarla .
I.llaa Tlma loe Antonie ...
Jennie C 100 Hambeno ..
Illusionist loe Patrolman
Carmen Pantages 100 Amels .....
Second race, pur se $1000, four-jear-elda
and up, 0 furlengs:
Mickey Moere. . . . 10(1 'Murphy
Midnight Sun ..1011 'Jeck Scot ..
Jehn1 Umma ..109 Annette Teller
anaylvanla 101 Mlaa Kankln
Chief Ilarthel .. 05 Klrah
Plain Will 103 Machlavelll ...
Ace of Ace ....Ha Brlatew
stn 10B '11181 Official
. U7
. an
Third race, purae 11000, four- car-old and
up, e furlenaa:
Orleia 100 'Panaman ....
?,''"".. R.eek 15 Applejack 2d .
JiV0",.1.' .L,aBS 9 Columbia Tenn
War Nete 120 Camouflage ....
LLclalre He Cel. Tayler ..
TIckllh ins Diana .....::
Monastery Kit Sagamore
Hellocresg 10U
Fourth rnce. purse 11000. four- ear-olds
and up. l mile and 70 yards:
g,rpg loe Olnger 109
Botheration 102 Plmllce 104
r 110 Biff Bang 100
Balgneur 104
..J1?' TS0- ,Pur 'USOO. four-year-old and
up, 1 l-ie miles:
Attorney 100 Brotherly I,ove ..113
iy?in,de C"" xe- 'Padua loe
Biff Bans in "Tantalu 103
..S.,x.!h r80;. purse HOOO. three- ear-old
and up. 1 mile and 70 yards:
Ma,' Maxim .... s .fy nesl tot
Delly arden ...105 'Oraas Tree Ill)
!"? -, .03 Plunella 04
Fat Trial 105 Bullet .101
Compllmentary.. 04 Hickory , un
Censul ya "
i JnTOwdTsrvisr:? ,1000' tt-"w.
Field Lark 100 'Luckr C.lrl en
Kverbeld m. 'HernTed.n .V.V 04
Weather clear track fast.
'Apprentice allowance claimed.
Havana Entries for Thursday
Tirit race, for maiden two-v car-olds. Cu
ban bred, purae S700. a furlenga; ' tU
P'fX" ,8nl,a ...1 Uenna llella ten
'Wherlcera loll (a)Den I'eludi . 11-
(bHIavan. ISIeetrlclla Slbeney ....... ','. t S
(aKanelle Ure.. entry, (b) Stelnhart en-
Secpnd race Ihree-j ear-e!da end upward
claiming;. pura 1700, 0 furlenga; uw,VHru
ej-ma. j toy Mary Krb
Sfleur nu llandlemar
2r Up lift Mthellclc .
...a is
Hi: '??'"" "a Drapery ni
Thornbleom 115 High Olymnii. Ur
Third race, three-year-elda.
pure 1700. a furleng:
!PI1 05 'Naemi K
Levelleit 85 Aleae ,..,
llyerea Inn Pa.iu
,?'? ?.?rlnfvr S MJa Kraulanil ..100
Uelle IVrack ....102 Lat UIN .... 105
Tac way 103 Athgarven Ill-;
Fourth race. fnur.far..lri. ., .
claiming. pura ITOO. eu furlenga:
atarien iieiuna ,.100 Wodgewoed 101
T.v . vfvr J" mn
Count Uerla . . ..no -Tiieim .Seven"
American Kagie 112 Fickle Fancy ..
i.Airrmni. iiui'easant
Fifth race. thre.ear-nl,l, nnd upward.
claiming, pure $700. 0 furlerca: """
aprlngvale 100 Sun rte0 tee
Article X. JOS Oalleuberry ..... te
Ed. Oarrlaen .,10.1 Chlnceteaxua lea
Flrat Cenaul . . . . lOfl Pelar Cub ... . .' ! le?
Teney llcau 107
Sixth rac, fnur.)ear-elda and upward.
c.ln'Tjn',.r.ur.,e ve.i- l '-,ft e1":
'lelden Kllnt ....102 J. t stone ....104
Jacebe.n 112 Hecnlr ....". le5
Approval 100 Oegoed iioe
Seventh race, four-ear-e'da nnd upward,
claiming, purae 1700 Ui mllee: """"
.,T" " .'A5 :''"! -... W
niacord-.v::;:."ieS nanurvs. . rK ' ieS
Hill llunley ....110 McAdSe ... :;:j,8
llulaer no Chimera ... ..no
Marauder 112 Meadovverth .... ije
Cenatantlne 112 "
T.ApI.entlef lewanca of 5 pounds claimed.
Weather clear, track alew.
Marlnea Trim Muhlenberg
The U. 8. Marines defeated Muhlenberg In
a hard-fought game en the latter'g fleer
last night. The acere waa 25 te 20. Th
Marlw w-ere trailing nt the end of the
rkr,teha but came forward with a jruah In
the final period, with 8telman In the role of
fe'kuhlenl!';.: tt"a "Ut P"fJ a nn ' "
"Babe" Ruth at Het Srjrlnea
? l?n;rln. Ark,, lh 22, "i,,he"
Ruth. Waltnlet and Carl MajV Joined the
Sfct-JSl B'K.'S5-it " Vnnk
ra aeaUlatai ni Minai ...- ""'iTr
ciimbwTd7i,irsThvFiiii Kni vtyss s
armv "ei
or :lMTftaM-c.liibvat,th. MtWTrw"
riigjii II i I m r "
Amateur 18
General Welcomed by Students
at Basketball Came Quak
ers in Frent, 12-8
Ituntilnsrr . . ..
I'enn htnte
, . fenvnnl. .
.forward. .
center.. .
. . .cuard. . .
. . lunrd
General Pershing paid n vNit te
nelRhtman Hall this afternoon and saw
the Penn quintet in nctien against Pcnu
"Hlnckjaek" made liN appearance
near the end of the first half nnd tlie
game was stepped Immediately while
the Red and Pine undergraduates guVc
America's war here the famous locomo
tive yell.
1'hc general arrived in time te pee
winter lliintzlnger, the flashy ed nnd
Pltie forward, net n field goal which
placed the Quakers In the lend hv vj.k
The figures remained unchnugeil until
uiier inu second nail started.
I.st seiiben the State College eleven
defeated the champions nnd the Ilt.l
rind llltie. wns out after lcvcnge. Tliej
State rallied and cut .low n the lea.l te
9-7. However, n foul hv fiiave nmi ..
field genl by HunUlnger while tin.
Center County collegians were scoring
one foul placed the sceie nt 1l'-S before
the gong sounded ending the first half.
Genwithim Wins
in Havana First'
Continued from race One
Time. :.le 1.5. niu rinie i..ei.i,. ui
anu i.arneneii.
arilivn lilrr t .. .. .
. .. ' " "--. -.....d,,b Jiiuuirr
upward, claiming, puree $700. (1 furiin!
1. Automatic R(d. 110. IluriiB. K-l 3-1 8--,
2. Altninaha. 112. Demlnlck. . .1-2 even !-
j. tair ana warmer, lid. .Te-
elah ri'2even 1-
Time. 1-21 l-.V l.ady I.evltt. Sain RoeeT
.lareiir, ....in. ienuiixie, vv ntt i'ievvii I.tt.
tl Ituss, I'lospcre'a IJaby uud Mr. Ivruter
altin ran
TIIIRU IlACn. for thrrc.n.,r-eUl and ut
rlalmlng, puren J7ne. tl furlenirx
1. Ilameau, 112, Hunt.. .. -l-l s.-, 4-,
'.'. Hlendel. 112. Cerey.. .. 4-1 s.,-, a.-.
3, I'unrlual 107, Hums . ln-l -i ".i
Time. i:17 3-.l. JVrecklesa. Ava It. IfufeTd,
Den Thruch and Hedman ulau lan.
riltSiT ItVCi:, for tuo-vear-eld. ilaim
Ing. purie J 1000, 3 fui lenKH
1. iiugnie. i in. u Turnei even 2-.1
2. Itenle If , 110. Unit;. 1-1 s 1
,. M e- ' ' ,ll(""'i'' -" i s. 1. 1
,..'",'. '! 'V.V. . '" .'"." W?.?M ' -MirJ.iri,. ,
...w.i, ,,v. n-n-iljf, ..llliu IIIUiMllUll II1H1 fiU.
luritiiirlu iiImi inn
SECOND HAC'i:. fur tluee veai-nliN ami '
upward, clalinlng, rure lloue. n fiirlencK, I
1 1'erliiKht. loe (.M.n . st a-i 7..-,
S. lllue Jmn.,101.. MitJer-
3. Lady Mildred, 101, l'mlei" 12-1 ,i.'l r,-: '
Time. WI4 l-.l. I'lnt.i Ollln Weed. Mai" I
Rle, .St..enKen. MIh DI1h, Mldn Bit Stories,
back lfay. nioclellen and The Colleen lluvvi
alen ran.
thrreIel.Vea,r.r.,:i,u,r,!."e ViSSSl" Sii'i- '"
1. rae I'urteut, mi. Martin .in 1 12. t n.i
2. svve.;i.y, 111, fm.1 . 7.- 1, .-, i.j
SIVIj "m '"??,.. ,-" 'j.dt.V'jiJ.r3
rill. Helt. Tie rienciwan and Jak 11. Y.-ei
ale ren.
They ntld zest te all that fellows, besides being a geed,
substantial feed m themselves.
t 1 V specialize in the famous Bobbins Islands anil Oak
Islands, though carrying all ether popular brands.
T.inTiUiiVi',K.K,:""V0. W11 seml ,l hauel of itettl.liia Island or Onl;
IslnnU ejaters te nny hotel or rcstaurunt. I'su one lusUetful .mil If
s,ra"ijnu,Kwe,,s-.eif,wu den'1 wa,,t ,he ,ett ,ctum t,,Mn ' U3
Sele DUtrlbuter for the Fiimen. llelililne ltliinil tl.vttrra
- 2 Balk-Line
Meadowbrook Athlete First in
St. Menica C. C. Street Run
in Seuth Philadelphia
Themas PnUcrtnn, of the Meadow
brook Club, wen the first minimi five
mile run of the St. Menica Catholic
Club tlirniisli the utrccts of Seuth Phil
adelphia this afternoon. His nctunl time
wiim 22:10.
Ninety-four harriers pet away at the
crneU of the rUarter'H pletel nnd 8lxty 8lxty
feur cresved the finish mnrk. Patterson
hopped off in the lend and made the pace
throughout the contest though he wns
challenged nt various Union.
Johnny Mny, who Mnrtrd from
rprntr-h, was the thlrtyfeiiith contcjt centcjt
iint te linisdi but lie wen the time prize
his netunl tfnif hcltiK Ul :"-. . , ,
Tlie tenm Jirize went te Meadow broeu
with 2H points. St. (Iregery's. Kcrliii
nnd Enterprise failed te enter , full
r.lapsed Artual
Time Time
...24.ir, 22:40
...'.'4:.1n 2 J '."n
...24 IT, 2.V1.1
. ..24..".0 23' III
...24..M 21 .12
. . 21 '.12 2 1 .02
.. .24 ,1,1 2'l:.KI
. ..2.1IHI 241.KI
. ..21.1111 23:211
...2.1:10 22:10
...2.1.12 23.37
...2r,.2i 2:l.l
... 2 1. .1.1
...2.1:27 24:27
. . .2.1.2H 21 :I3
..2.1 nn 24:.ki
. 2r, .i:i 24:3a
..2,1 1.1 24.3.1
...2.1 '37 21.02
. 2.1 .IS 24.13
...2.1:39 2.1:10
. 2S:4U 21.10
. . 2.1:11 23:11
. :'.1:I2 2.'l:.12
. . 2.1 13 24:4H
. 2.1:4.1 23.11.1
. 2.1:17 21:17
2.1.18 2l:4
. 2.1. Ill 23 311
. . 2.i:.l() 2.1 :ue
. 2.1 ..13 21,. 13
. . 2.131 2.1.111
. 2C.03 24.0.1
. . 2U 07 21.52
Patterson. Men dew brook . ..
1)1 Suite, Meadowbrook
Siberf. Meadowbrook
(JlllcM. unattached
DhvIs, Nativity
Dllks. Nntlvlt
Vcnxer, St. MnnbaH
Miller. Natiiltv
Milliliter, unattached
Mjera, MeitdeM brook
Veenran. Nativity
Scott, unnttnclied
Tayler. Nntlilt
Hepburn, Nntlvlty
Krndley, Nativity
Fnilerwend. Shatidhar.
Ilrailv. Khanahnn
W, Hitter, Meadow tiroelv .
Williams, Shnnuluin
Mcltenry, St. .Monlia'e ... ,
MtClcmmy, St MiiiiIch'r . . .
McOurkln. Natiiltv . .
Ononeulteh. Nntlvlty .
Klnnleiv. Nntliltv
ShHrkey, St, ean nf Arc
Kenvln. Shunnhan
Werthlngtim. Meadow brnek .
Lord.' St. Menlca
Jncknen. Tendew brook. . .
While. HntcrprlHc ...
Ilefirdmnn. MendmvbreuU ..
i Morrison. St. -Menica's .
I )n liter. Knterprlse . .
(Iray, l;nterprls
Team Score
Meadow brook ..
St. Menlca'a
St. Jean of Arc .
52 1
Scheel Five Smothered
Yearlings, 30-11
Tenn Treali Teme Scheel
Tarmaek ... .forward erinBllen
Vurlcy forward . .. Jrnnkel
Pevle renter Clark
KneiiiH minril i.."',n"
Kalin iriiard.. ... Therna i
Rrferre (JflRei. Time of perledn 20 mln-
rield a-enlK('iirmii(l. 4: ll.irley 2: Ilnr
ker. 2: Knea. It Mrllrun. 1. Feul aeala
Ferd. 5 out of : Clurk. 3 out of 3; TheninM,
3 out of 7: C'nrmnrk. 10 out of 1,. Siib-Htllutlon-ller!.er
for Pnjlet McOrnn for
liehn: Fertl for Vermillion.
Penn I'reih defeated Teme Scheel.
.10-11 In Weightmnii Hall this nfter-
i nnen
This match was the preliminary
i .. t .n...A... I.nhi'nnn din I ,. I
te ine nniiiiiii iimie-i w"-1" i
vef-lty of Pennsylvania nnd Penn
Heth the fre'hlei ami Mnr landers I
plnved n defensive game nimet through- I
cut the half. However, seieini times the
lied and Hlue- hid forwards get the
bnll down te within sheeting distance '
and cnged the leather. i
A fair-sized crowd was en haiur when I
the opening whistle sounded for the'
preliminary match, but the attendance i
continued 'te grew nnd n big delegation
was there by the time the big battle get
under wav.
('nrninrl: was hlch scorer for the I
freshmen uith four field goals and ten
out of seventeen fouls
Teme liti net
score a Held goal.
' . ,,,,,w
Oermantewn Academy Defeats
Swarthmore Prep, 25-23
A field goal by Pagan in the Hesing
minutes nf the game wen fur (iennnii (iennnii
tevvu Academy ngaitisr Swart limine
Piep lliis afternoon. Pagan's shot ear
lied almost the full length of the Meer
.mil broke n dendleels. The final sc ere
was J.-i-y.'i.
t'rale and Denreu weie hisli cereis.
endi with eleven point. Crate bad nine
foul and one field goal, while Deacon
(eiitrihiitcd tin co two-pointers and five
. .--
, .umiiihiIuvvii
i,et lllllIIIOVV II
Mil" defeated by
leeently nivl the ietery
was n (emebnek.
Beets and Saddle
(imiiinnud appears best in (lie feature
at Nev Orleans tedn. a pui"c race at a
mile nnd a sixteenth. Slippery Hltn and
lt gene Pn.is and Xcddnm are the only
ether entries.
Herse well placed in oilier uiees are;
1'it-st nne, St. Angelina. Hnghie. Anita
Hampton; second. I'titt ('hiirchill. ll
..lnil.iii. Stevensen: thitil. Supnnp
l:;0'llrilliunt Hni. Heb: fifth. High CenV,"
,iarse .mini, vuii eon ; siie. .vinienes i
n, (Miniline. Ilennis Kemble ; ev-
.,' '..,. ., . if . . .. ..... ...
enili, ill, ill lite .vnvieu, uirsin,
Hnann has (we ptirsp taees for the
Washington lliithdnv beluln.v crowds,
til' Iitth' Hatchet nnd tlie American
Legien. Horses which seem best at the
e'u, .- rn
f "lmn em" ".r. ' ,
1'lrst race. Straight Shooter, far-
'"I""". Vl ZTl Wr i""1
farmer. Mni'U ile :uiuie, Altamnhn :
tliird I the l.lttle Hntchet), Cnmedle
-JjAinniir. Iiiesndn. Stonewall : t.ftl,.
Manclln Ite, Inuey Itenii, I'.lcuner S. ;
sixth. Mcdllsn, I'ariil, Delly C,
Billiard Champienshi
Bexera and Prometera' Arraated
Plynn. of
a Incal h,Avvttrfflihl. ntul Jim
I'ueble, Cel., were arreatad hrn
hv MhArlrr Millh. fnllAtvlnir n ten
aat nieni
follewlnir a tenreun1 box
Inn ImiK. Th. nrnmnlera ntan were arraated
The Dalit wbb declared ft draw. The eharae
nanlnat the mn nu prometlna; and ena-aa--inv
In ii rjualllallc encounter. They v;r
relented nn t',00 bend. '
The New
I 118' "Q " JaaQa '
VBr Medel 47 Q jnBl,:,4
i fjf
you knew this OLDS
LIGHT "8" as we knew it
4-Pass. Tpuring knew
5-Pass. Touring for a
Coupe, $2145
Sedan. $2295
F. O. B. Factory
Yeung fellows
who want their
clothes te be
unusually smart
They are the kind who helped us build
our big business who are helping us make
it bigger every day. They've tee much sense
te pay prohibitive prices for clothes no
better than the suits we build te measure,
say, for $30, and tee much pride te depend,
en ordinary ready-te-wear garments te
give them the appearance of smartness
they like and deem necessary. They pay
us $30 knowing that suits of similar style
and quality cannot be duplicated elsewhere
for less than $50.
OurCustem Made
Suits are Beauties
Think of a hundred differ
ent fabric effects from which
you make selection many
of them exclusive. Be sen
sible let us make
proud of.
Our Topcoats
are Snappy
Of course, they're differ
ent. We are tee proud of
our name and reputation te
have any customer leave
dissatisfied hence none does.
2 prs.
"My w h a t handsome
material" .said the wife of a
customer yesterday. He
bought two "of our" suits
instead of one.
Philadelphia a largest exclusive
Men's Merchant Tailors
Open Saturday Evening Until 9 ffl
Lew Sehuaa Dafaata HarrM
aadU, Feb. !
leaner, euttlucced
fcaadU. Feb. JL. Lew Bahufp,
uiiiuanea riawper ttarris.;
I town, in eiani
eiant r
reunda htra. Teunc
- 1 of rhlladelphla
uhm jimmw
as hundreds of ewneri
it, you would arrange new
demonstration, and ex-'
I I'niiaaeipnia, jn lewr rpanna. filar
I Vmmtnn aiuf .Willi Cluprv. ar V
I heied elabt reunda te a draw.
Inf Philadelphia, otilhexfd Te
am elly, in iant reunaa.
penence a newthrill in riding
and driving luxury.
This LIGHT EIGHT is the
talk of experienced motorists
everywhere, and THE buy of
1922. 'Phene for demonstration.
Poplar 4997
Ce. 800 N. Bread St.
you a suit you'll be
Chestnut St
i arOCaHl i AB
unrra. f;i.fri
x i'
l 4SS
I: A
j m
. .V
aaaaaaaaLHBaBLll&agidBal t, . O lVf.,V . U f IBtmXakJ, . t.