& 4 JtfHVt I " v. icrAXV-. c ftBtlA, . WEBNEBDAY, EBRUBY' 22,lfe 'wf " !jVHa " TX. U. J ' ' V EVENING PUBLIC fLEDGERr-PHIEATH ifX. fcrw v ft1 11. e r art. fe- r V JI It aV $ J ? J1 I kfJT 1 rx ?M ..-I t"5 HTKAMSIIIP NOTICE WHITE STAR v. te ClUmneUnO SOUTHAMPTON hu.rfl fnAwl Mar. 1 Mttr. 25 ETmiki .Mir. II Apr. I Apr. 2J HK -I tvuTin ...! . .! 211 June 17 u"v. ji,.'.s'.:..:.,.,."'..7.. .Mt.i;BwfM fall) Ken. SI Mar. 25 Apr. 21 I.TIII Mnr. I Apr. l apt. zv IIFRKDIAN .. .11 jr. li ATIU rtpr. n uhy s Y. TO MAIM'.IRV. llIimALTAll. At.eniuA rvAri.iis ju uMu .radio m.m ten.) .. .... .....Apr. 25 tfs iJ ViLNT 1M1IBS KlililJ i?i y Frem New Yerk te Havana.. Jamaica. liJ flpanama. Canal. Venezuela, Windward and !'&''2Lfwnrd Manila. Vlrcln Islands, l'orte lllce ;iind Hermurta. .KTAi: 1ANTI0 (20,000 tern) Mnr. 20 ijji'iu ., V.23 aj cruie v un uoemnff 10 ny puri Ox Call .'' I'Hi.-t"'riM ir.ti.i'H Ji'u u.. J PHILADELPHIA I.IVRlll'nei, &tetTOWNIMYWAlK.AN Mar. 8 Sat ritii.Ai)ni.rniA mani urcsTrn IMA. .ilnr. 1 I UAiiAni.1.1 .iinr, z. red Star h rt Ji. T. iU 1' UltUUI lilt MUIVDWUIM 411' r n- vn V.I. 1ft Art- 1 RHIIIrll Hill' rir TfeBi' VKI.TI Pu Mnr. I nr. "9 June H ...Mnr. IB Apr. 3 J Mn 2T . .Mnr. 21 Apr. H Mny 13 m h'M 1 . i' h. i&. r i N t r 1 It Si f !l r-.KI.ANtl riM.M . finriiLAM) I'IIIIaiMJJJLiI Jllrt HI Jli tll.UJVvJ. illHAU AND DAN7.IO 8AMI.AM Cil ,ln,1 piiMMierni nntyl JInr. PIHT.ADKUMUA ANTWKrtP MArKlNVM Mnr. 11 MKLAMI Mnr. 22 MlKSISSII'l'I ....Mnr. 31 (f American line NFW TOHK Ql MlNlKMHV I IAhHKOKI) (I TOHK-Ql'KKNSTOWN 1IAMDURO 1 in ri ins) ti r. n (l)lrrrl) ..Mar. 1 SIAMIU'IMA (nle lurrnlnnn) tMnr, 29 ICall" it l'lnieulh Hnd Cherlxiurir. !MiiLAiKt.rin lUMiit'Ku SCYTIIIXN Mir. H I MMlll.lM) Mnr. 22 J ATUMH' TIUNxl-OUT LINK l'llll.APUI.l'HIA I.tiNDOV iiOTIIIAN Mar. 8 MAChlNAW Mnr. II MlSSISiri'l .Mar, 31 , iiei.i.M-Mr.nirA link ;. t'iiiiit)t:t.i'HiA nerTKHDVM nrCKEImii Mir. I CUIIIlf nK Mnr. 18 International Mercantile Marine Ce. 12(1 MIIXMKK1. 1.1(H) (KM! TO.NS Vniinfnitrr Ofllip. I III) Mulnut St., I'hlla. yrrlcht tWIrr. 40-llj llenr-n lllilg., I'hllii. r wjw w NEW YORK te EUROPE otiU.S.QevzrnmeritShips Sailings from Piers 1 and 4, Hoboken, Te Plymouth Cherbourg Rtvmtn America Mar. 11 Apr. 15 Lene Star State ....Mar.25 Apr. 29 Peninsular State ....Apr. 20 May 27 Je Cobh (Queentteun) Plymouth Cherbourg Londen Old North State . ..Mar. 14 Apr. 13 Centennial Stats .. Mar. 28 Apr. 29 Te PlymouthCherbeurf ana m Panhandle State ....Mar. 4 Apr. 4 Te Cobh (Quttniteunt- Bremen Susquehanna Mar. 4 Hudsen Apr. 1 May 13 Te Lehh (QueerttteunJllrimenDaniit Potomac Mar. IS Apr. 22 United States Lines Moere li McCormack Ce .Inc. Hceseie.lt Steamship Ce., Inc. United American Lines, Inc. Jfaneging Optratorafer U. S. SHIPPING BOARD Fer BoeXlet Addrtsi U S idles 45 Broadway, New YerU ewYbi'kte Seuth America griU.S.QevzrninentShips - Fastest Time SoRlede Janeiro. MonteTidee and Buttle Aires, finest shlp- American serrlre American feed American comforts. Sail- .Insrs from t'ler 3. lloDeKcn. Anesican Lt flen . . Mar. 2 Apr. ST Southern Cress Mar. 16 Aeolus Mar. 30 Mometi SteaffisbBUtifi 1 Wall M.. e erU tr rklladelphla rtfllee. Ditxrl IU4. mmntgint otwreteri it U. S. SHIPPING BOARDS JOINT SERVICE WITH HlTO k d - . New Yerk te Europe LONDON t pirmeuih PARIS Bekt1 HAMBURG Zy Urce American-fiig steamert Sailing from Nu Yerk .. RESOLUTE May 2. May 30. JeM ST .f. RELIANCE May 16. June IS. July 11 Aim wrekly steamers every rhurkd-iy. . New erk te Hambure direct. Tet special cabin and thlrd-cUss paiienaers Fer rales and further intarmnlien applv te UM'lIil) A.MliUICAN LiNKs. inc. SO llreiidnuy. New lerk, Or Lern I steamship Agents. Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U.S.S.B.SS "Eastern Sword" Expected te Sail FEB. 24 U.S.S.B.SS"0PELIKA" Expected te Sail Lets Fab. or Early March AT COMXItENCE HATES Harris. Magill & Ce.. Inc. '425 Lafayette Uldc. Philadelphia "Lembard 6220-1 Slain 7S20 sj i Stere Hours, 9 A. M. te 5:30 P. M. Men's Suits tailored te order, $35i choice from ever a hundred attractive spring fabrics. This offer ends March 4th. Fer Thursday Gimbel Brethers MARKETt CHESTNUT t EIGHTH NINTH Philadelphia, Wednesday, February 22, 1922 Fer Thursday Furniture at half-last autumn's prices end ing this very remarkable February Sale. Women's Coats and Capes Tweeds, Tweeds and Mere Tweeds! Rainbow tweeds. Irish and Scotch tweeds. Cut In the very trick of Londen's latest! (Man just back from Londen checked them all up again says they're what Londen's ultra-smart women are wearing). Of Tweeds and Tweedy Fabrics at $19.75, $25, $27.50, $29.75, $39.75, $45 and $55 and Oh, if you can pass by that newest model at $55 the one pictured with its inverted pleat pockets set the way Londen sets theml And its in verted back set the way Londen sets it. And its raglan sleeves set the Way Ixmden likes them. An'd its crepe de chine lining! Swagger's no name for it! Or that beauty at $45 starts out te be gray ,but has these wonderful greens, and oranges and purples and white and periwinkle blue and tan and black all mixed in! Deuble-Faced Pole Capes Begin at $15 And $15 Buys a Beauty! Apricot "reversed" with tan tan with rose tan with brown. Clmbets, Salens of Dress. Third fleer. Tomorrow Five Hundred "Periwinkle" Ready-te-Wear HATS UOSM.lHn.vH Special at $5 About forty styles straw braids, Milan hemps, silks All in that inimitably perfect new blue Periwinkle. fllmbels, Third fleer. J Living-Roem Overstuffed Suites in the February Sale at $150 and $185 We hope there are enough of these handsome living-room Suites at half price te last during the closing days of the February Sale ! Shown in several designs, with coverings of tapestry or velour. $150 and $185, as te the kind of covering. JusJ: a hint of the bargains current during the wind-up of the sale. Easy terms can be arranged, with all the benefit of the low Sale prices. Glmbela, Sixth fleer. Savings Running Clese te 45 in the Spring Sale of China and Glass Very remarkable values in dinner services form the back bone of this Sale. It is international in scope, and there is choice of some 700 imported dinner sets, at $3.95 for $6.95 value up te $295 for $500 sets. 15,000 pieces of Decorated Dinnerware, at 10c te $2.50 three or four pieces for the price of one. 31-pc. Dinner. Sets, at $3.95, value $6.95. 51-pc. Dinner Sets, at $11.50; service for six persons, value $22.50. 100-pc. Dinner Sets, at $29.50, value $52.50. 106-pc. Dinner .Sets, at $49.50, value $75. $15,000 worth of heavy Cut Crystal half price or near it. An example Heavy Cut Crystal Water Sets, at $10, value $25. Lead Blown and Cut Optic Stemware, at 25c each, values 50c te 75c. Cut with dainty flower and vine effects. (iliabeln, Fourth flQpr. Sugar : 1 0 lbs for 54c If Bought With Other Groceries This is Philadelphia-refined granulated sugar; limit 10 lbs. at this special price. 50c St. James Coffee at 3 lbs. for $1.10 Philadelphia Sele Selling Agents Lord CaWert Coffee, steel cut, chaft remeed, 3-lb. canisters, tt OQ California Peaches Lenex reach IlnHes, also Mlced Peuclles, big Ne. 4 cariH, case, dozen, i -dozen or 3-cau lets, nt OQ can a&JC Delicious Bacen or f.it 24c I., e n e x lean streaked, sugar cured, at lb Cern Peas One carload Turlty Tender peas, also Sweet Cern, 18a value; In case, dozen; or 4 dozen lets, at 12C Hand-Packed Tomatoes Lenex finest packed solid meat, red ripe, bit; Ne. 3 cans: cases, 5.2S dozen, H.16, or 4 cans for Tearoom Coffee Heavy-bodied rlei-areina Coffee, "Quaker Mend," 55c alue. In 10-, 6- or AOt 3-lb. leti. at lb. ... SC Imported Herring New Helland Mixed, big $1.15 keca, at Preste Cake Fleur It. O. Company's belt raising; large packages, tit i for Sl.ie, or en each, at OOC Borax Seap Gtmbels White Laundry Seap, 10 cakes 05c, or boxes of 60 cakes ttO CC Carload Poultry Feed Park & Pollard's Screened Scrutrh or "Lay or llust" Dry Mash, delivered In any quantity vhere our wageni run; KrO-lb. JQ At , . . wuiTW bags, lit Glmbela. Pure l'oed Stere, Chestnut Street Annex, r - COMMERCIAL w STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA te ,, CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST and LONDONDERRY S S "Seattle Spirit," Last half Feb. Moere and McCormack, Inc. 444-46 Bourse Bldg., Phila. -Lemb. 0583 Main t-'I-t ti k HEW YORK-HAVRE-PARIS u FAI LOHH INK .Mnr. 4 Apr. 1 3&! HWIIIJS Mnr. II Mur O June 10 I A KIN Mur. H Apr. S Apr. ill fKAM'fi Mnr. IS Apr. l-i Mnr IU BOCHAMIIKAD . . .ilnr. -J .pr. - , June I UIIUAdO Apr. 0 Mil 11 J una 13 JEW YORK-VIGO (Spa-HAVRfi EA BOinne.VNAIS Mar. II TOUKi IN ALGERIA & MORUlXO I - fHIIInc from Herde lux or MurHlIlM r' Z Three and Your Wrrk Moter Irlpn , . m sjl'rlt ler leterestlnc drxriptlre lllrrulers iJ IIJ4-S7 Mulnut SI.. I'hll irieiebla 2 'Phen.. Wnlnut 0SJ1 , DrilCP NRAltnil V H A. 1 HAN LfvLSlFI a.s'v HNUMsir rani' i))nl dls'iluutlwr center ferten million jieaay marhei iur iuvuuu., in foi:feterlM, Booklets from JJerlanit. New lern, or .veiepnfent ill I I 9SGe May We Send Yeu a PHONOGRAPH Medel Slahoeanv. li li in. Mell, 1 1-i In. uWf, II IS in. derp. All ineJcls Uuve 78 li. 'urrtfablr. On Ten Days' Free Trial Send no Meney If Yeu Decide te Keep It Pay $1 a Week except en the costliest models we'll send en trial any model you select. 1 Medel S2S1S5 Mahoeanv or Amtrcan Walnut, I.eula XV Period, iff 1-i n. high, it in. wide, ti 1-i in. deep. tse Efs? BCrbtBCrtatiB H W IB m Medel 10 Maloennu or H'alnuf. Adam '(Hed hi 1-i In. Mah, 19 7-8 in, icidc !! in. deep. Medel 30 $185 Mahoeanv or Amerlean Walnut. Italian Jtenaistanen Period, J J-i In. high, it J- in. tvlit, 31 1 In. deep. Secure a Phonograph New Medel SO $160 Mahoeanv or jlmertean Walnut. Oucsn nne reried, 1-i ineht hieh. 41 1-i irichew wide, ti I Incht deep. Uetal parti geld- Vtatta. GIMBEL BROTHERS, Philadelphia. n MODEL M). 0 (6.V-S1 weekly n.MOnr.I. NO. 10 M0 It weekly -t MODEL NO. 21 -00 St weekly n MODEL NO. S3 112511.50 weekly n MODEL 0. St 1150 S1.50 weekly n MODEL NO. 28 IUS 3 weekly n MODEL NO, 26 ISO S weekly n MODEL NO. SO SISS S3 weekly Date Ven nr renuested te deliver a Crown Phoneiraph model rhcclted In margin for ten days' trial In my house If I tle-i-ide te keep It I ngicu te mal.e monthly payments aa calltJ for In thla coupon. Otlierwlse Olmbl Brethcra will accept return of the Phonograph without obligation en my part by freight from out of town points or Olmbel delivery will call. I am te bs repaid any freight paid by me. ft u Xame C u , & Addreu Town Medel Si $150 llahevany or American Walnut. Adam Period Art deelen. 7 1-i in. Mah, S3 1-i in, wide, 10 i-i in, den, . -....! Medel 21 $00 MaheaanV' or Walnut, .euli XVI Period, il 3-8 . high, te In u'lde, It in. dttp. Metal part) geld-piatta. Phonograph Records, Four for $1.00. 10-Inch Deuble-Faced Records Songs, Dances) Comic and Standard Selections OlabU, Hardman Hall STenth floeri aJte Bebw Mert. Medel 1 5 $175 lfnhnnnttu nr AnxmrLiOM WalHUt. Leui XV Art d$$Tgn, 4 in. high, mm i i i M- mm m I'd Ammt 4 J" ?? WKK - 9-1 n 33?: ' " J Tomorrow Subway Stere Sale 2070 Women's and Misses' Dresses (565 Are "Samples") . BllM) jpafevy, ) I '' 'mmWj ljM Canten Crepe With Interlaced Novelty Braids ie Tricetine With Kmbreidcred Canten Crepe ie Tricetine With Chinese Embroidery Motifs ie Tricetine With Sunburst Embroidery no Peiret Twills Taffetas Reshanara Crepes -Brocaded Cantens Satin-Faced Cantens Lace 905 Peiret twills twenty five styles besides the sample dresses. Regular and extra sizes in whatever styles have appropriate lines. 565 sample dresses mostly taffetas, Crepes de Chine and Cantens some twills. 600 silk dresses mostly Canten and Reshanara crepes and brocaded Can Can eons. Peiret twills with inlays of taffeta. Canten crepfes, with interlaced novelty braids the ends flutter, flutter, flutter! $10 HalfPrice or Less Rese - garlanded taffetas. Reshanara with brocaded Canten. ' Taffetas with great motifs qf embroidery done in red, blue and yellow silk. Taffetas all ruffles! Tricetines with Sunburst embroidery. Tricetines the whole skirt and the sleeves, one mass of color-embroidery. Satin-faced Canten with nailhead embroidery. Beaded Crepes de Chine. Satins with lace te match. Geld-touched Crepes de Chine. Misses' Sizes Fer Ages 16 arid 18 Women's Sizes 36 te 44 Extra Sizes Mostly in Tailored Peirets 46 te 52 Tricetine Skirt and Sleeve Embroidery ie Taffeta all Ruflles and Reses ie Peiret Twill With Inlays of Taffeta ie Satin-Faced Canten Crepe With Nallheads no Subway Stere Aisle and Regular Section ii m fffidLS, TV r . J! in L. j .'! V4W "' mm .W,...:.;rtMt Jmammmk . ).. i. ',i ti MvJklJLitiM i'ji&kkL . -1 Jii&T-zAUSffi. itr. ,r T X-jM!i.iM.WJmmmmmm',. n.i.iA-ftA fm ovum !. e HHHaaHaaaHiX !