" OBBIIE . :f.f 'V-' v"' re v'f p.wqt'-'.?. rnfr a Wi' Wt tv y'rTi' ,yfc rS r r aTV i.iltiH F:f".t' see rage THE WEATHER Cleudy (enlihti Thursday rain and wsmtfrl' fresh sertherlr wlnas. TK.MPKHTI'WK AT KACII HQUB ' F7NAL Te 11(1 111 lit 1 2 4 I S I 5i74a 147 1411 Ifll IW 157 157 ISO I' yOL; VM.-NO. 138,s Bntertd at 8cend.'Claig MatUr at the Petteffle ai Philadelphia. Pa. 2 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1922 t..fcn.h.4 n.iiv tci-at nunday. SubacrlDtten Prlc, Tear by Mall. PRICE TWO CENTS t CepjTleht. '1P82. by Puhlle tdtr Company Under ttia Act of March 8, 1870 RA MA YIELDS LAST OF ITS DEAD AS PROBE BEGINS . . ' . , , I'M u".i e Philadelphia Man Lest Life as Huge Dirigible Plunged te Earth; Bedy Is Identified wTmtwtBffimmrm wmmah Thnt one hundred dullak& , - . ii. " X wRVPbBF a, BSBfttBW M BT 4S9P rsK . icuewmg mmc mragsr ... w . " i , , , mi i in a HONORARY DEGREES VIVORS TELL ILK TALES IDF AIRSHIP CRASH r,r. , penned Up, Escaped Only after Hele Was Burned .f . a Eft, Inte Cabin r BUT 4 OF 34 BQUIbS IDENTIFIED; 8 INJURED 1,1 . '!-VBy the Associated Press brfeft. Va Feb. 22. Completely ltd by jlre and explosion, me the world's largest scml-rifid dp and the pride of the American rttrWce. had yielded tip today the mtt the dead of the disaster which Ok nor yesterday wane miineu- erer Hampton Reeds, and sent f'dewnwnrd into the network of high- Mr electric wires that wrought her ((ruction. KRecevcry of the last body fixed the tU of the disaster, the greatest in ' history of American oerennutlcs, I thirty -four dend, eight injured and practically unhurt. lW the dead, thirty had been identl- although many of the bodies of st caught In the interior of the ship he crashed were burned, black- and charred almost beyond rcc- dtlen. IfTi-1 v,' Twe Commanders Are Dead' IHIwm dead included some of the air Tfte roost gallant officers and men, i lift containing the names of Majer Thernell, commander of the ship iter christening in Washington last ewr. ana captain Dale Mabry, stnander during yesterday's 111- WAf , "nitn.fretQ?Lanl(!lrCflM: 'station of the craft, tifnn -'tftr dawn tedav Mm ctpnrinv ihe wreckage of the warped and ffS'lkeletell nllil nt thn snnie llnu ritlens began for the official in- r.' PjiWer General Masen M. Patrick. Kef the air crvlcc, who came here .airplane jestcrdny na seen ns word .the i)fastcr wns flashed te Wash- ln, made a personal inspection of I Wreck flllrlllir thn lllfflit unit nMlnfml ihamedlate' illVCstliriltlnn. Tim hnnrri ilaaulrv tilll l. ........... .i M.i IH ".if u vtriiifuiu ul .iiiijurn .-j. cm iurj .loiuiben, jeiiu li. Juuctt and WPh T. McNarner. W- f Cli. I..I ., I'iis "uiw ncmeveti b":r v "K -'Bi injured et the asi u ftllrvtfnfa faMn . f ip-PUblic Health Service HeHnitnl nt L.y ,1 .,0 I'"Kley Field today Lir'ii " .' DOt" inicrvlcwwl by the HJfltlnir Ullin . Tim mnn nMn (.. I. mnnvnl ff... i.A i i.i . .. B? "If. ?.'Jer J. I). Itearden. Can- nailer .1 i(m,i ri.i.i....... rtj.'e&i!,erc,,nt m1"1"'' The beard of inu'stigntieu headed "by Xfkl t,unh0" ,lrit viewed the wreck ? ,m' U,Qn visited the hospital. RiieAew of l"'1 morning's inquiry W. . '."" KUI" i"nc e eeum net e nnv tiiiiiAii.nH, B n .n of.,,l"' th'rtyfeur victims, of "feni disaster were married and !hc,.n lhed wil1' their wives en N,r '""siv c inn. iieiimvcs me men m ni,ii. .. ... i Jjwy train and beat today and prep prep Wlens were belns nimln fnr h f... ,L,tn of t'1' U0,lIeH will be sent meir fernu-r homes for interment., Army OfllcFrH PmtxImi , Officers at Langley Held were still nt uu.1 7i ucl"l'i or the mishap thnt UMtl the (. Mii'h riwlilup In llll ...! J rpiJ(Jp"-Cil the craft te become unagenb c. Ini.uihiiiv .in.i.,.i 2KTr'. that tllc ''"luiry would take pee of reports that the bag of the $. constructed, in Italy, wns ret- wd te discuss such reports. M,a?.!!eT5i0Pm?-.. ?0,c ."' lit,!-. ' "u" - iuiauusuu cjen- 'VIm .i. Wat.J l ,"(!, le" l'U(,d(,r of the SREE Vv h." " less than iMh. rt .n? nt . I- tu.Z i .." ,,"'"L ,lrp station lAu r.:.1"1" "erc was no flre en the .YeV,,.""c.r..J.V8.., W . . Wer ffni, 1,'.3"l'" siae or the wr geius i,0 u1 nlmest TerCB, yShlr1.!.lla..Lt,'0 ""ft became unman- i -. Ha hiii? KU'fkntui. A..nu .1. . ""neil, nenrrnu-iw .i.,..i tmekcStack of the central heating eurth. that ii. i n.- w exninwi,,. ..:.' V. ""'"ie cause or Week W. - .i u" h,,c" reree s te pwK the entire craft ami et i. .. .was contact with a net of 'Jaod.velt ta1' wire., less "than Toe r'plle n ' ",e. u,e "0,na "ashed into Kln'i'iHs, which r.the dlsnuVeV ,'.i '" "el responsible llble sheuw' r'T 8era,ethfn mere wd today? M b0 ,earncd tl,un I" Seek fin i..,. t n . . Tti. i ' "reUOWIl itlPa0tltnW,,,!c,,,,tl' Armv Bnrd of r In, ,'i d '". caused the .There wire ,...'" .V.w.ay. ipVBtMrrn,;r",nj KTafij-iTa-JS H the I,pe) '..":..' "."""' a been IW trlns li . ," xle"'n " Prev - I ",n8- Hurt WHM IIMllll.,..,! ., VU.Vi,, uilt, tVinUnu.j en Hi. M...-S: chnren nf They were RUINS OF THE ARMY AIRSHIP ROMA AT HAMPTON ROADS STBBBBiS w.-kuiers v'x jULSVBBBBBBBBHLWafffnaSBBBBBrtasBBBBK &Ftr7JMrLtUEKKmBOBBF.Kt jUHBLjkLv. Hb ' jW BESBBBBBBBlLmSBBBBTuLBBBlkitaSBBBBBBaV jKHJv BBBBHblfeiBBlBBBPL jHHKS 'kjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjHijBB -"SBBBSiBSBBMeaSBBS A iBW BlV tBBBBBH ' BH ( "'TH RECKITT DISAVOWS j " fnoie uy v. e. uerjea This photograph, one of the first pictures te be tdken after the aerial disaster at Hampton Reads. Va., yestenlay afternoon, shows the twisted frame work of the giant army airship Rema, from which the fabric had been burned by the flames which followed the dirigible's plunge te earth. The frame work of the- ulrplane-like tail rudder, whose failure te work Is said te have caused the disaster, is shown suspended en one of the poles which carried the high-tension electric cables into which the airship plunged and whlc,h are said te have set the wreckage aflame. Other pictures of this disaster appear en the back page HIS FLOW OF TALK WORTH THE MONEY Mr. Lionel Stagg Passed Checks Chiefly Arneng; Main Liners, They Say ,. V .., w -?"fcir-.V- HE PREPARER 10 EXPLAIN Tenth Lim 'rick Winner Is 7 Only Sixteen Years Old .tataiahBB MWMWMWMWMWMWMWMW BHBlBBBBBHX. tJXfi. 5!flBBBBH FVi BBBBBBLSBlCLtBsSJBBBr BBHtB'Tr ' Ha&- IBlBBBBBBrararaV" arararaVhtKw Bi Clayten Raudenbush, of 2864 Jasper St Didn't Really Ex pect Prize M' -.--- - '- it Lair vr;tl,' LIONEL STAGG Lionel -Stagg, author, lecturer and traveler, will step traveling for u while. Fer the present Mr. Stagg, who has several nems dc plume, is the guest of Captnin Donaghy, of the Ardmore police, nnd will be obliged te occupy part of a suite in the jail. After gaining, their confidence by representing himself us nil Interna tional mngnzlnc correspondent, Stagg is wild te liave passed or attempted te pass bogus checks en K. T. Stotesbury. Sam uel M. Vnuclaln. T. DeWitt Cuyler and Effingham II. Merris, the banker. Stagg was taken te City Hall today te be looked ever. Detectives found the author's picture nmeng the famous men in the Rogues' Gallery. Stagg is impressivn looking, Is six feet tall and has a vocabulary much longer than that. It. is the uses te which he put the vocabulary that aroused thn in terest of the pollen in the nutherVi brand of fiction. It is just'pessiblc Staeg will unfold an interesting tale when he en deavors te explain why he passed ,i number of checks, which, the police say, were net backed up by the necessary coin of the rculin. Captain Apologizes, nut Captain Donaghy said he didn't like te be blunt about it, but admitted thnt unfortunately he would have te detain Stagg en the charge of passing bogus checks, . The prisoner lind the knack of making acquaintances among these who had ponderous bank accounts ami wide-' spreading estates. lie appeared te lit in with 'the general environment of splendor. His sartorial equipment was the last word in the tailor's art ami a dash et iron gray hair, plus a monocle Continued en rare Flf trtn. Celuinn The BABY HURT ByTuMP Leapt Frem Window Like Older Brether and Is Injured Seeing his sevcn-vcur-eld brother jump put et the kitchen window, Richard Hclss, two jears old, tried te make the jump himself this afternoon nt the HelsH home, MOO Dlttmnii street. He fell sprawling uputi the Sii-lek sldcwnlk mid wns severely in ured. He was tukeii te the Krniikfei-d Hos pital, where it wns found Hint his face and head were cut. As there is fpiir that li mirht liavn frnehirel lilu tfaUjMiTrtUJ -nt, t' the hoi.' simply gees te show Unit gray nnd whiskers don't necessarily mean genius, and that it isn't n ques tion of age when it comes te capturing the $100 limerick check. Clayten Raudenbush, of I28C4 Jasper street, winner of Limerick Ne. 10, is iiy sixteen years old. mul his linn m. ccived four votes of the jurv. The completed Limerick fs as fellows : LIMERICK Ne. 10 There once was cop en his beat Who skid, "This Is hard en the feet, And yet I must say It's all right in a waj But I'd rather be under the sheet." The nine ether contestants who get en the ballet were : Rajinend Halm, SOI U. O I. IJulld iag. Edward Snndrus, I'nrkcrsburg, Pa. James Dacon, 0510 North Fifth btrcet. CnUicrine Sinimcrmen, Williams town, N. J. Uernnrd Dibble 720 North Fourth street, Camden. Snrauel RettchikelT, Atlantic City, N. J, Jamea Duftcy, 2413 Seuth Opal street. J. L. Dobsen, 0205 North Sixth street. BBWf ,"': 'tieafafafafaB BBBE f atV'MiriiBBBBH MfWA$2MWMmmmmw ' BMSw'4sfBBK9(7BBBBBBBBHr Wr-V s -'i ' VHtTbIiHBBbH mlHiy:mJV3mmm - -n BKaM'' '' MbbbbVI BBBBm' ? '-BHBBFv V"; BSBSBSBaV' '. VteitaBfliBaBBT' BBB'";' ' -iearBHvA' BBBBBh ' "' ' --BBBa "i H N tIbbbbbbbbbV Mmw v ' JP'WewW ( BBBT ifM "&?i$l'- w y r ' X'-sv r CLAYTON RAUDKNIIUSII 2864 Jasper street. Employed, by Quaker Hosiery Company Anna Ilcchtcl, 031 Afcwoed read, Overbroek. Clayten is employed by the Quaker Hosiery Company, nt Twenty-second street and Erie avenue. The linn is en the sixth fleqr of the building nnd after i-ulllng u broken elevator names which we dare net con Continued-en 1'aee Tent-two. Column l'eur 8-YEAR-OLD SCHOOLGIRL ATTACKED AND KILLED Reported te Have Been Seized by Gypsies at Baltimore llaltlmore, Feb. 22. (By A. I) The body of elght-ycnr-eld Clara Stene, who dlsnppcared after she left her home for M'hoel yesterday morning, wns found tedny in a clump of weeds nt the eastern edge of the city, her schoolbooks lying by her side. Sue hud been assaulted. Information previously was tel ephoned te the police by Dr. Geerge McLean, a friend of the Stene family, that n baud of gypsies had the little girl nnd thnt he was following them. The child was a prisoner in a closed car, the doctor's messnge said. Acting Police Marshal -Hcney and a force of police at once started in pursuit of the gypsy .band, whom they ever took riding in an uutomebilc near the outskirts of the 'city. The child was net with them and was later found dead. ORLANDO AGAIN CALLED Will Be Aiked te Ferm Italian Min istry De Nicola Declines Reme. Feb. 22. (By A. P.) En En rieo de Nlcelu. president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, tedny declined the King's invitation te form u new Cabinet te succeed the Boneml Minis try. Signer de Nicola told Ills Majesty he believed former Premier Orlande would be the most likely person te suc ceed in the formation of a new Gov ernment, whereupon the King . sum moned Slgner Orlande fer'a conference this afternoon, when it wns said he would Invite the former Premier te ns sume Urn task, PLANS U. S. MOVIE CENSORS Bill for Federal Commission Intro duced In Heuse Washington. Feb. 22. (By A. P.) A bill providing for cstnhlishmcut of a Fedeial motlen-plcturo commission with censorship powers ever all films en tered In Interstate commerce was in troduced in the Heuse today by Repre sentative Appw,,, Republican. New 3 HURT IN TROLLEY CRASH AT 6TH AND WALNUT STS. Weman Passengers In Well-Fllled Cars Suffer Frem Sheck and Bruises Three women were slightly injured when two trolleys collided tit Sixth and uainut streets nt 12:15 o'clock this afternoon. At "the dispensary In the Curtis Building it was found they were suffering from shock and slight bruises. ihey nre Miss Mny McKnlght, of Sewell, N. J. ; Miss Pauline Weiss, of iiei Jeidy avenue, nnd Mrs. J. Geed man, of 1035 North Seventh street. miss aicKnight wns stunned when the car in which bhe wns riding wns nlmest overturned when It was struck by the ether cur. Mita Weiss was stunned nnd later became hjsterlcal. Mrs. Geedman was bruised. IV. Reute 4 car going south in Sixth street struck n Reute 51 car ns it wns passing the corner, going west in Wal nut street. The Reute 51 car was almost overturned. Beth trolleys were well filled. The front pnrt of the Reute 01 car v.s badly damaged. NAB DRIVER OF STOLEN AUTO IN MARKET STREET CHASE Salesman Caught at Twelfth Street as Crowds Watch A sheit but exciting nice by n patrol man te overtake the driver of nn au tomobile said te have been stolen was witnessed by the Market street crowds ut 11 !30 o'clock this morning. The chase extended from Eleventh te Twelfth street. Patrolman Patten nrrVsted Lester Benha'm, u salesman of 5S11 Addison street, who, it Is charged, was driving mi automobile stolen from Jeseph C. Heymuiiii, a real estate, man, with of fices In the Wideuer Building. The car was taken from Fifteenth and Chest- nut lirpAAra vulaul... ..v.. -.-, J"..vUji, T-rr SAYS WOMAN A COMPENSATION FOR SLAIN DAUGHTER Brands Lawyer Who Filed ' Claim as 'a Liar and Faker' Values Kiss at $100,000 II 1 JO BE ROBBED Youth Who Held Up Dinner Party in Deal Accuses I -t. Hostess of Complicity '!(.. .v 1 -J. S0TH ARE UNDER ARREST By the Associated Press Leng Branch, N. .!., Feb. 22. Al leging, the police say, that he was paid .$1000 by Mrs. Sarah II. Robertsen te stage the "held-up" in her home nt Deal last Saturday night, in which she said she wa.s robbed of a iandbng con taining ?."0,000 in jewels. Jehn Bailey, twenty jears old, wns arrested here to day en u charge of conspiracy. The bag t supposed te contain the jewels, Builey Gild, was in reality filled with white tissue paper, and the "weapon" which Mrs. Robertsen's dinner guests had described as "a penrl -bundled automatic pistol equipped with a slleiu'er," was actually a pipe case. Thn bag and Its contents to gether with the pipe case, worn turned ever te the local police. Bailey said he was approached Inst November b. u man whose name he gave, who told him thnt Mrs. Robertsen would give him !?."(MI te take pnrt in n fake held-up, ostensibly te aid in n scheme for' collecting burglar' insur ance. He refined. A week age Satur day, lie told the police, the offer was renewed and thn price was increased te $1000. lie accepted, nnd the fake held-up followed. He was held .with out bull pending an investigation. i. Mrs, Robertsen told the police she wns called te the fnnt deer Saturday night while entertaining dinner guests and there confronted by the "robber." whose face was musked. The man, leveled his revolver ut her, she said, and ordered her te held up her lunula an ,a l.m... ill...., I In ,ra. a. .11.. .... .1 . .. LU nit.'l Pill-Ill. I.K ll'll- il ll.UMIUIIII Bl, i burst from her thrlmt, she usscrtc and with the weapon pressed agnln-A .er bed, forced her te return te the dining room, where her four guests were ordered te put up their bauds und net te make an outcry. While the intruder commanded his victims te turn eer their valuables. Mrs. Robertsen said she tried te conceal the handbag containing her jewels which lay en u sideboard. The robber ob served her, she told the police, and snatched it from her. Gathering up the loot that had been placed en a table by the frightened guests, the intruder then backed out of the room and tied. Asbury Park, .N. .1., Feb. 22. (By A. P.) Mrs. Sarah H. Robertsen, who clulmcd te have been robbed of $50,000 In jewels last Saturday night, nnd who was implicated by Jehn Bailey In an alleged plot te "fake" the robbery in eruer te ceuccc insurance en the jewels, wns arrested today en a charge of con., spiracy. HOLIDAY? ASK THE MAYOR He Starts te Werk Early and Won't Be Through Until Late Tedav is no holiday for the Mnrnr He left City Hall at 10 o'clock 'and went te Independence Square te review the Old Guard of the State Fencibles. But the Old Guard failed te arrive en time, and after assisting u movie actress te place n wreath en Washington's stntue the Majer icturned te City Hall, Then he rewewed the Fencibles en the Parkway, and at 11 o'clock he simke nt the Northeast High Scheel. This afternoon he mndn an address in Memerial Hull. Fulrimnint Park, ami then returned te City Hall te meet Cap tain Rebert G, Woedslde, Pittsburgh national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Tonight, the Mayer will attend two imini vwviiiuiin 'BLOOD MONEY AN OUTRAGE,' HE TELLS J. J. REGAN, JR. t ,Y,l,.iam. G- Iteckltt. fnther of Mil dred Reckltt, who wan shot and killed n the Rosier advertising office, today repudiated a compensation claim filed Mr Jilm, and gave a verbal lashing te James J. Regan. Jr.. the attorney who filed the petition. ...uilr,' T?ecl"t says lie signed papers Which Regan, presented te him under a misapprehension, nut knowing thnt by se doing he was making a claim for com pensation. He thought Regan hail come te him ireni the Slnte Workmen's Compensa tion Beard, net en, his own Initiative ns n lawyer, ami that the papers he signed were a formality required by the "I wouldn't take compensation for my daughter's death ; it would be bleed money." Mr. Reckltt told Regan to te .uy. Regan hns desk room in the North American Building suite occupied bv llnrry A. Mat-key. chairman of the workmen's Compensation Beard. i Mr. Reckltt, enraged by what he termed n deception practiced en him, called the young lawyer "a linr nnd n fnker," and told him he bad been given no authority te file the claim. Regan tried te soetric the father by stating be called at the Reckltt home. 42. est Cumberland street, solely en Iiis own Initiative and that he did net stnte lie represented the Workmen's Compensation Beard. Father Assails Lawyer "l"es you did. you told me yen did, and you gave the same Impression te my daughter Edna," Mr. Reckltt re plied. Regan was asked whv he gave Mr. Reckltt a curd which bore Mr. Mnckey'H name engraved en en side and lils own written in Ink en the ether. "It happened that I hail none of my personal curds with me," the Inwye'r explained, "nnd I wrote my nnme en the buck uf Mr. Mat-key's curd se Mr. Reck ltt could have my uddress." Continued en l'ace l'lftefn, Column Six BHKilBBft BBBBM1' " ',73BBBBI WMmm' SSS 'wm. BaVaVaHPisKV' tr""'': B& BBBBBJK-'t'VftW'"' ,: i ..-..'- Bav.BBI BBBB.i.;&' ' VBBBl BBBBK i'?' p.'-yf,. .PjJJJJJJH BBBIBJBJBBk ''""BfaTaTaH a;.:- 'yVtfJsmmni CONFERRED ON TWO GENERALLY PENN Pershing and Currie, of Canada, Guests of Hener at Uni versity Day Exercises WASHINGTON'S IDEALS ARE LAUDED ON H& BIRTHDAY i A stirring plea for friendship between the peoples of Britain nnd America. wth mutual understanding and geed wll, ,v!is delivered in the Academy of Music today ey r.cncrnl Sir Arthur W. vu",l principal of .Mr.t.lll University and icn(jPr 0f Canada's forces in the Mr. General Currie steed en the same plutferni with Gencrnl Jenn J. Persh ing, nnd the leader of our own niiiite m the conflict overseas joined t.ic two thousand persons who packed the Acn J5, '" J" npplaiiM. which greeted the eminent Canadian's speech. WIFE SAYS HUSBAND TRIED l?r;erSV.t WviWt TO SELL HER FOR $1 0,000 &"?&?& , !?'Rh J" ' . .F l'....l.i .... . .' . . ""' ..."... e i """'""Bien s iiirthilay. Unflcrw-oed & I'nderwoeil MRS. ALMA C. SMYTHE Who has sued I-elghten C. Tayler, secretary- t the late Senater Pen rose, charging he assaulted her in Washington and kissed her against her will. Tayler has denied her allegations Offered te Man Linked in Miscon duct Charge, She Avers Newark. N. J,. Feb. 22. (B A. P.) Mrs. I.mmii Topevits testified to day that her husband, Jehn, offered her for Falc for $10,000 te the man with whom he accused her of misconduct. Topevits, whose wlfn is suing for sep arate maintenance, told Vice Chancel lor llnckfb it wasn't se. His version was that he mentioned the sum as n reparation for injuries lie believed the ether man had done him. He said he was the slave of his wife, doing tin; washing, cleaning the kitchen and taking out garbage. Viscount Grey III Londen. Feb. 22. (By A. P.) Viscount Grey, former Ambassador i., ... . ."" ." "'."""'V- 'L" rcccir- ... I..,- .,iBree uocter of I.nws. seated t r""50 of 'i1"1 Academy, and seated in boxes, orchestra chairs nnd eu she;ViniV,',T th0, -''h "est dlstin euibhed citizens. In a compact little group j th(. first orchestra rows" t .deiBraduntc and graduate- stu.lents of the Lnivcrslty, dressed in cap and gown, ,i wearing the proper heeds Emiii!" .'" r",iPts of diplomas and degrees in course. I-auds Washington's Ideals In no recent celebration of Univer ,TayMl"1SrW? great or se brilliant a . ?J'L ttndb, as that whidi today paid honor te the memory of the herele dead and te the living presence t.f the greatest military heroes of. thin couuUW ceuuUW nnd Canada. The spirit of the day's exerciaea was embedleti in General Curric's declara tion tiint "Wiishln-rtnii's Me-.lu .iii i:.... te the I'nited States, wus taken I u!Jen "in earth. The men and bejs te a nursing home today, suffering from kidney trouble. His plijsiclnns said his condition gae no occasion for anxiety, but that absolute rest for several dnjs was essential. BASKETBALL SCORES Penn Fresh 10 2030 Peddie Institute . . 20 1535 Teme Scheel 5 611 Haverford Scheel ..15 1429 St. Jeseph's Prep. . .24 832 Germantown Ac. ..12 1325 Navy 13 1326 Swarthmore Prep . . 11 1223 Penn 12 State 3 j SOCCER SCORES Phlla. F. C 4 Bethlehem j CUNARD LINE' HEAD RESIGNS LIVERPOOL, Feb. 22,-Sir Alfred Beeth 'today resiiraerT chair manbWp of the Cunard Line owing te continued ill hi u? Sir Themas Redevn, deputy chairman, will succeed him tU' who went out from mm- ...M.,t.- ..-.1 mine te dl" en foreign fields far their principles during the it-cent jenrs of w triu irngeiiy 0re siniilur te htm in sjuru. j uey, tee, J jK would another of our lime liberty or SSSS9m PELLETIER ASKS VINDICATION AT POLLS BOSTON, Feb. 22. Jeseph C. Pelletler, lemeved fieni office ns District Attorney of Suffolk County for misconduct by decision of the Supieme Court yesterday, was a prospective candidate for ie-elect!en today. In a statement he criticised his removal as unjust nnd said "unless government by the people is nt an end, next November they will make their decision." 700 CASES OF BOOZE SEIZED ON M0T0RB0AT SALEM, MASS., Feb. 22. Seven hundred cases of whisky nnd gin, valued at ?70,00q, was seized by Federal officers aud local police in n inid en a stranded Gloucester motorboat in the harbor here today. Four members of the cicw escaped by Jumpluc overboard aud walking ashore in the mud. The captain, who wa ill, wus nnietcd in his bunk. GONWITHIM GOES FAST Beats In Tender Seth te Wire Opener at Havana Havana, Feb. 22. Genwithiin nnd Tender Hcth staged u great race In the opener 'here today, Genwithim nosing out his rival at the wire. Paudine ran third. FIRST HACK, for mMn i,.v.,.m. claiming, pure $700. 4 furleniti: 1. tienwlthlm. 110. I'lckl. !!.- a.. , a. Tender Selh. 120. Demlnlclc 7-5 a.s l.V a. I'unuine, 101, .McUraw.... 0-1 L'. 1 even Continued en I'uae heenteen. t'aluina Vht TO SUIT KVKB1V ll 1 au.e ..n.... 'zzzr" Ti".' W.W, J 'IWJIHI.NM1, Sftmf .oeMttltlnif the ArartniMt . FIREMAN SEVERS ARTERY statesmen, death." "And suri-lj nbeve their gnncs, with the Anglo-Saxen i,lenlK of Washington te strengthen us, ue shull remember in the future only the common cnim for which cur riu e lwis iikt.-ns .strn--. , Bled." j In concluding his speech, 'which was en the general topic of "The Anglo Angle Anglo Saxen Ideals of tieerge Washington," General Cuirie declared thnt we would have a safe guide in solving the prob lems which in future will arise be tween the two nations if wc "alwuys remember that faith Is better than doubt and lee Is better thou bate." Uiatien for Canadian When General Currie finished speak ing there was a rear of applause Tim fact that the bed of the academy was gheu eer te lnitcd guests, instead of te the students ns en Commencement Day, was responsible for the absence of organized cheering. The stiideut In the upper galleries, bnWeer. made up for this lack bj the thumb-i.- of their hand clapping. The Kiting generals reached Phila delphia last e cuing. Gincral lVrshini. wns the guest eter night of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1' Housten: General Currie and l.adj Currie spent tin- night at the home of Mr. and .Mis. Jehn (Jail wnlader. General Pershing was met nt the lilt tollhouse Club this morning by the Flist Cit. Troop, under cuuiuiaud of Captain Weed. The historic erguiiUutluu, in their tall beai-sMn burble:, ami skin tight white In cei lies, w 1th Shining bouts nnd brilllantl fregged coats, wen their usunl meed of aduiiiutien. The troop lined up uleng Walnut street in RIttcu RIttcu heuse stpinre. As (icuernl Pershing's car drew up en Mils urtival at the club, the troop saluted with a Hash of subeis, which the general returned Mii.irtl. lie en tered the club with his host, Mr. Hous Heus Hous eon, and it in i 1 1 1 it r aide. I'crsliing Rcxirus Troop tieneial Pei-sliiug remained m the club but u shot 1 time. .s he left nl 10:i"itt o'clock, lie met Majer A. .1 li-cx"-l Biddle inst entering The gen eral stepped en the steps, nhnek hand and chatted u ineuieut. 'I'lieu General Pershing told Captain C. B. Weed, ceinin.iiider of the Citv Troop, that he would icviPw the troop inter. Geueiul Pershing's uutouieliile wns surreiiiideil by the troepi-is en the brief run, bj wnj (f Chestnut street, te Bread and se te the Acadeui) uf .Iii.f The troop lined up again outside the stagv deer of the Academy en locust street, wln're also the member of Peiiu'rt Reserve Otllcers' Truinlug Ceris, in full uniform mid under their commanding elhcer, were wulting for biui. Gencrnl Pershing Inieily t'entlnueil en I'utr Twe, Falls Inte Glass at 49th Street Blaze and Is Hurt Seriously Walter Grlner. n fireman of lJnglne Company Ne. Ill, seered an artery while 'fighting a blaze at 710 North Forty-ninth street this morning. He received n deep cut In his wrist when be fell into some glass. He was taken te the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital, where he is said te be in a serious rongltlen due te less of bleed. I lie tire, which was of xlndetcrmlneil or lain, was In the aWnn.rJElL .S'"?' MIL m IV...U nZu" t -". Vt llieill l-t fiuiue 01 WYW JSSalkTMICkSr. Data. !. mtA Inspected t'tilu-na T ROBS 'LEFTY' BAUMGARTNER Thief Gathers Phllly Player's Prizes With Loet Prlz.es which he wen for his prewss In sports were among ether things stolen from Ktniiwoed (Lefty) Buumisrtuer, 11 pla.cr en the Philadelphia Baseball Clubv by a thief who robbed his home. Mlli Viwtl, Itrnn.l iilru, I... lCr" ,The visitor- took a geld watch ji senicu te uauuiariner WMkUMi, lies wen iimr nwc c s.1 n $ 4.J 'I n r M I -i 1 y ..? . m 1, - : ' .m 30 sad .- r v aaa a.-a,i.t Vk&mv rjF . f w YZ& -t-SiVK' . . i. fSJ5 W , f-tr 'ASlt' aTaTaBBBBBBBBBBMBBBMBMBMaHBiBBBBBaBBBaBlBBBBBBB "it? i r,vvr.,i..?,s,A'2:' '.?m: fcVs;?.4 xwjmiiJwRmt sZ 1 .i" r.r t. t'ji f .- 1 tiifuj . -?.'.: 'J r.-il-,TyYHK.ri