wmww.(m EIHMbBIiPHIAC1' TUESDAY, FEBBUABYi; 19 wv mfMaSmv'-'-'mtmtimh " iim LM1V III IIUvLfUlfbr .In the auditorium of the PhilAli.lnliin m w w v mm m m ftl lUUUULHI'L WASHINGTON MY ?c iMunlelpal. Event te Center en ' presentation or Kepuca , ' '' of Statue Wt tjfc j v w khitt SOCIETIES TO PARADE N ' I I , patriotic and hlnterienl societies In L'tM city are preparing te observe IfolMngten H llirwiuay lumurruw in a IrftUBs innnner. 'France tomorrow nn emblem which Vrti he known no the "Album Flag of jiayer iuuwi ... " ""i'7 ,-,. .... Ifliiuihpniii nt. nttililnm tvnlnti tat World War," uUnrgc Mlk banner, 'TO br 20 fret l' ,'zc en which are cm- -breldered the names of the forty-eight gtitts. and matter of a brotherly mid mlcable nature. It will serve ok u tvir te the nlmllur emblem Klven ta Philadelphia te Frnncrf lu 1017 imtnllnn. Thn memorial was obtained threush Ibe cffertR of Clmrjcs W. Akxander, Philadelphia's eldest newspaper, re re ertcr. 1'icsldcnt Harding lias ex , prtucd bit satisfaction at the Idea. The qx n which the flats will go te France I The flag will be raised above Iutle- I nndence Hall before starting en Its .jearney. , The clt's official celebration will enter about the presentation te the Ptnnnylvanla Museum of a replica of Heuden's famous ntntue of Geerge Wiihlngten, the original of which is ' In Richmond. Va. The ceremony, which, will take place at 3 o'clock to morrow at the museum, will include exerciics In the rotunda, In which hun dreds of public school children will pirtlclpatc. Mayer Moere will make the prccntatinu nddress, The tjtatue Is given by the children M the late Jehn Mcllhcnny. philan thropist, in his memory. It is u life- 'die representation of Washington, ittndlnz erect, with a con lrThlri-rlirlit .kind, symbolic of pence after war, and 5 thlrtecn-red fasces beneath his left jlund, representing the thirteen original SfUtM., tfsBawter Geerge Wharten Pepper and tMifrcssmnn Albert Jehnsen will be tftjt principal speakers at tee celebration rf'tne Patreitc Order Sens of America, Mich will take place tonight in the .Academy of Music. fk, Celebration Start Today f(?Tee P. 0. S. of A. celebrntlen started CfiHuerping, when the State sccrcta- ftfcs; met ut the Pennsylvania State Hkmp headquarters, 1017 North "Bread 'jtwjt. The national president, Gabriel H. Mejcr, of Lebanon, presided, while tMMttennl scerctury, Herman A. Mil- kr, of,Easten, recorded the proceedings. PjAmeng these who are attending ire Prof. William James Heaps, of frlaml; Geerge Astermuhl, of Del re; Geerge Smith, of New Jersey; A. P. YclvlnKten, of New Yerk; , rles Brunim Helms, of PcnnJylvu nl; Charles H. Dnvis. of the Com Cem mindery General; H. E. Scaburg, of .Connecticut ; K. R. Adams, of Vlr. Aula; Ilederick McKenrle, of Tacoma. fr-:C.R. Meredith, of West VI?- gnja; W. Z. Clark, of Flerida; C. G. lync. Ot LIS toil. fill. Kili-fi A Tl of Indiana: W. F. Ellis, of tiii..m! W. A. Daniels, of North Carolina; Gui F. Held, of Ohie; W. L. Ballard, of Tennessee, and forty ether State and national officials. The delegations arrived starting .Monday morning, and many of them hare their headquarters at the Lor Ler raine Hetel, Bread street and Falr Falr Beunt avenue, where the National Committee is located. CengresMnnn Albert Jehnsen will arrive here In time te participate In it banquet at 1020 North Bread street tonight lu home- of past president of the order. The program tomorrow will Include a aljht-keelng trip for the visitors nnil a patriotic demonstration in the eo ee ning from Bread and Spring Garden Jtreets te the Academy of Mutlc, where "J initiation of 1000 new members a III take place. The new "ritual adopted at . last ,m,lnal camp in Allentown WH' be exemplified at this initiation. At II :,10 o'clock the doers of the Academy itll )c thrown open te the public. Mr. Helms, chairman of the local committee, will preside, and ad Irestes will be delivered by Senater Icpper, Congressman Jehnsen. Mr. Meycr, 0-.cnr B. Wethcrheld and Harry J. Stene. British Veterans te Parade The British Grent War VctereiiK' Anvoclatlen will held h promenade to morrow night at the First Regiment Armery at 8 o'cteck. at which the guests or honor will be Governer Sproul, Gcn trnl Pershing. General Currle, of the Canadian Army, and Mayer Moere. fnerals Pershing and Currle will be made honorary members of the orgunl ergunl orgunl "tlen at Hint time. A great number of prominent citizens this city will be present iu addition te many well-known military and dip lomatic personages. Honeury degrees of doctor et Inws "ill nlv) be cenfeircd en Generals Per jnlng and Currle by the Unlversitv of tm s ivuniu tomeirnw at the Academv i n!. IT'''- . 1,l",h k'n'Icrs wlu stx-ak at , the Alumni Day dinner In the evening ' M t'ie Bellcvue-Strntferd. I There will be a pnrmle of American I Ugieu pests n.ul Old Guard of the Htate tenclbles tomorrow morning, In compos,.,! 0f ex-wrwee men. will take Mrt. Hip parade will sturt at 10 A. Hr.iU' r.',"' ,lf "mrcU hvln: "an.' Ureadnnd Huce Mreett,; south en Bremi nni"ml, Un,.c "t!.,,ct- The column ..... ..v .cv.vwru ni L-Jty nail by Mayer Moere nnil his cabinet. The (icncrnl Muhlenberg Society. UMdren of thi'Aiiii.rti.nt. 11......1...Y.:.' ..uiuuuii, Milk-Fed Stewing Chickens 32 lb Pull of nutrition satisfying.. and Milk-Fed Breiling Chickens, lb. 40c At all our Meat Markets iyqtivM. it jga-fyfl . WV-ii y m . F,cnf'l,, Association, Fifteenth uiui vnerr? wrecw. rocniientas, Frank lin,, Lincoln, Barbara Frltchie and the ate war will nil figure in the presenta tion. There will also be a musical pro gram. The Historical Society of Frank-ford will dedicate n new, sign pest ut -:J0 tomorrow In the yard of the Frnnkferd Presbyterian Church. Henry 8. Borno Berno Borne man will make a short address and the Bey Scouts arc expected te attend. The dedication is part of a systcmixed plan for marking the old King's Highway, new known ns Frankford avenue, te perpetuate Its memory. A S)M ASM Jrl fftl mamb.Iaa W il. .. k AT- enel Campbell Pierce, ferme rector of St. Matthew's Protestant Episcopal Church, 'Eighteenth Btrcct and Glrnrd avenue, oetclnl head of tlie-uravcs Iteg Iteg istratien Service in the war,, will take place at 8 o'clock tomorrow nlclit nt 1222 Locust street, under the nusplces of the Philadelphia Chapter, National J26-128 Furs Reduced Entire Stock at Clearance Prices Every item represents genuine and substantial savings in fine Furs an opportunity te purchase really worth-while Coats or Neckpieces at prices way below regular. A few of the Coats are listed: Mele Ceat' 36 inches long, reduced from' $365.00 te $260.00. Brown Marmet Ceat, 36 inchea long, reduced .from $155.00 te $100.00. Raccoon Ceat, 36 inchea long, reduced from $360.00 te $245.00. Hudsen Seal (dyed musk rat) Wrap, 48 inchea long, reduced from $1200 ' te $700.00. ' Leepard Ceat, trimmed with aquirrfcl, 38 inchea long, As a Washington's Birthday Special We Offer an Unusually Fine Greup of New Spring Hats at the.Lew Price of $6.75 We h.ave made up a group of 50 Hats te sell at this exceptionally low price te introduce the distinctive creations of our own millinery workroom. Ne two are alike! Nowhere in Philadelphia Wednesday can you find Hats 'which represent se much style charm and intrinsic value,-at se low a price. Come and see them. Knit Underwear Incomplete Sizes in Women's and Children's Undergarments at Clese-Out Prices Women's Merode Weel Vests and Tights (knee length) reduced from $2.00 and $2.25 te $1.00 each. Women's Merede Cotten Combination Suits reduced from $2.00 and $2.25 te $1.00. Women's and Children's American Hosiery Ce. Wool-and-Cotten Shirts and Draw ers, previously priced from $2.50 te $3.00 new 75c each. Women's Swiss Tights; wool in black: silk-and-cotton in white; reduced from $3.75 and $4.00 te$1.9S. Women's Swiis Tights in white and black, reduced from $6.00 and $6.50 te $3.00. Remember, these are close-out lets all sizes in cluded, but net all sizes in each group. ' Women's Dresses A Special Purchase $18.50 1 Every One Werth Much Mere Suitable for business, for the matinee, for afternoon calls and for informal evening wear. Taffetas, Tricetines, Canten Crepes, also several new models in jersey. Sixty dresses in sizes 34, te 44 at $18.50 each.. ,HsnfMr-i'-i - n i)l? ' lfr War Mothers. A musical program wilt accompany he service, ' In addition te Washington's Birth day tomorrow will also be clcbratcd as American History Day t byf the Knights of Columbus, in, connection with their .Natien-wide campaign ,te hdve the' school history texts inhered te remove certain alleged inaccuracies and misrepresentations, Rebert G, 'WewMdc, 'national' com manded of the Veterans of Foreign War,., will be the meat of honor, ut a reception tomorrow' afternoon In 'the Mayer's 'reception room;' te which all members of the society are urged te come. In the evening fie will, make u flying trip of lnspctlen of the vurletn. pests In the city, where celebrations will be iu progress. Fire Damages Weman's Aute As n result of crossed wires nn an an an 'tomebllb owned by .Miss Helen Cnlvlu, 1215 Locust street, was suddenly en veloped in flames this morning. The damage was about $200. reduced from $420.00 te $290.00. Black Caracul Ceat, trimmed with squirrel, 38 inches long, reduced from $390.00 te $265.00. Hudaen Seal (dyed musk rat) Ceat, trimmed with Persian lamb, 40 inches long, reduced from $650.00 te $440.00. Black Persian Lamb Ceat, 40 inchea long, reduced from $750.00 te $520.00. Women's Swiss Silk Knitted Combination Suits; low neck, no sleeves; sedd regularly at $10.50 te $12.00 new $5.25 te $6.00. Women's Swiss Silk-and-Cotten Suits; low neck, no sleeves; sold regularly at $5.50 te $6.00 new $2.75 te $3.00. Women's Swiss Knitted Silk Vests; low neck, no sleeves; sold regularly at $3.00 te $3.75 new $2.00 te $2.25. Kayaer Italian Silk. Corset Cevers; hjgh neck, long sleeves; sold regularly at $5.00 te $6.00 new $3.00 tee&nut Street. VlfflHra mg mmmmmm. "" V tT t aflfeaHaat 'IMTHEN Washington and Lady Wasfimgtey, V resided en Market Street above Fifth, and Philadelphia was the nation's capital distinguished visitors from abroad marveled at the extravagance in dress of the American women. "Nowadays, however, te be dressed in the height of fashion one need- net be extravagant. In fact, moderation is the rule, as evidenced in this1 New Collection of Silk Frecks at $25 Canten Crepe Dresse3 of the afternoon type, in beautiful styles, some plaited models in leng-waisted effect, and smartly trimmed with braid, ethers with blouse and gathered skirt and trimmed with silk embroidery in an uttractive pattern. There are soft Taffeta Frecks, very smart with their leng-waisted and surplice effects, tiny ruffles, ceijl tucks or -quaint embroidery. Crepe de Chine Dresses, Special, $18.75 and $20.00 In navy blue, brown and black. Attractive styles with Paisley silk trimming, or embroidery trimming in smart tunic effects, or a plaited model with rows of open silk stitching. All with fashionable long sleeves and crushed girdles. Tailored Cleth Dresses, Special at $15.00 Peiret twill, tricetine and jersey, some with smart embroid ery, trimmings of flat braid or lovely ribbons. Straight-line styles with round, collarless neck-Hne, and lace vestee or coat models with cellar. f&-- Strawbrldec & Clothier Seoend Fleer. Market Street When Spring Beckens, Women Think of Tweed Suits And for these who are thinking of Tweed Suits, at $25.00 or $27.50, there are some beautifully tailored models, with slashed seams, mannish cellars or Tuxedo fronts, some belted, ethers en straight unbelted lines. Blue, lavender, rose and tan. The Finer Tweed Suits, $40 te $67.50 Herringbone effects and checks, Dent tweeds and Mclresa mixtures. And in such lovely shades heliotrope, soft gray, rose, green, brown, russet, tan and Copenhagen blue. Bex coats and belted and unbelted models, in various styles some with checked skirts. Fine Tailored Fine tricetine and twill servative models with finely tailored lines; models trimmed with straps of self material or made with plaited peplums; some with the new flaring sleeves and ethers flaring from the waist-line. Three-piece Costumes in this group also. gy-- Straubrldse & Clothier Second fleer. Centra j iiij) rpHE quaint Furniture of Washington's J- day with all the grace and beauty of pest and scroll Colonial effects, and the severe comfort of the Windser patterns is well represented in The Semi-Annual Furniture Sale These are just a few of the many interesting values in Colonial Furniture presented in the Sale a timely list, net alone because of the day, but , chiefly because the artistic simplicity of Colonial interiors is well adapted te any home regardless of size. There are many ethers. Pest Colonial Bed room Suits $393.75 A beautiful, old-fashioned Suit of 4 pieces, with all pests and frames of solid mahogany, and all tops, fronts and side panels veneered with genuine mahogany. All drawers finished with glass knobs. In a design exclusive with us. This Suit consists of full-size pester bed, large bureau, chifforebe, and vanity-dresser. One-fourth under price. Screll Colonial Bed room Suits $380.25 All pests, standards and frames are of solid mahogany, and all tops, front and side panels are veneered. All drawers nre trimmed with glass knobs. Consists of large bureau, full-length vanity dresser, chifforebe and full size bed. One-third under price $380.25. Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets &16.75 This graceful and handy Cabinet is designed en 'he lines of the one used by the first lady of the land and is mahogany flnishel $16.75. Gate-leg Tables . $29.50 A quaint and attractive mahogany Table with two drop leaves. Others at prices up te $ut,uu. p-- Strawbrldge, A CjetliUr Furniture. Third Floeri D.dttnl, STRAVBRIDGE Suits, $40 te $100 cord in black and navy blue. 'Cen I, Console Tables $38.25 This Table is of genuine mahogany with carved rope edge, carved pedestal and base, and has a lift leaf for greater utility. Exceptional at $38 25. Highboys of Mahogany--$202.50 Of genuine mahogany, it is expertly made, with glass knobs, ball-and-claw feet and torch top. Special for the Sale $202.50. Colonial Corner Cerner Cabinets $180.00 Of mahogany. It has ball-and-claw feet, a cabinet below and glass doers above. Decided value $180.00. Drep-Leaf Tables, $56 Gonuine San Dominge red mahogany is used in this Table which is reduced for this Sale te $56.00. Tilt-Tep Tafile, $30.50 Made of, genuine mahogany with carved rope edge and ball and claw feet $30.50. Windser Chairs $10 These severely graceful Chairs may be had in a number of variations and prices, from n saddle-seat, straight Chair at $10.00, te a rush-bottom Rocker at S20.00. aim ueauinv, reurw Fleer. East S.J T .il Royal Worcester and Ben Ten CORSETS Here in time te be leisurely selected and carefully fitted in advance of new" Spring gowns. Medel 847 for Full Figures at $7.50 Pink brocade Corset. Jew bust, long hips, well boned, three pairs of hose supporters. Medel 892 for the Slender Weman or Girl $5.00. Topless Corsets of pink brocade, lightly boned, free hip space, two pairs of hose sup porters. Medel 857, Elastic-Tep, for Average Figures $8.50 Twe-tone pink and blue brocade, all-elastic top, long hips and well boned. Ktrawbr due A Clothier Third Fleer, Market Street, West Blech Baby Coaches, $41.50 Pullman Coaches, in new Spring styles, of half-round reed, In white, cream and gray; with corduroy - lined heed. Reversible gear $41.50. BLOCH STROLLERS, of full round reed, in white or natural shade $29.75. Strawbrldue & Clothier Fourth Fleer Beeks About Washington The Story-Life of Washing ton, Wayne Whipple $2.50. The Life of Geerge Wash ington, by Henry Cabet Ledge, 2 volumes $7.50. Geerge Washington, by Woodrew Wilsen $2.50. The True Geerge Washing ton, Paul Leicester Ferd, $2.50. The True Geerge Washing ton, by E. S. Brooks $2.00. Geerge Washington for young people, by A. Russel $1.50. Strawbrldge A Clothier Second Doer. Filbert Street. West Breakfast Coats of Corduroy Reduced for Quick Clearance pl.ifO, ."D, fie.tti Seme of wide-wale corduroy, ethers embossed all bharply reduced. In wistaria, Copen hagen blue and victory red shades. Leng Corduroy 'Kimonos, New $8.75 and $10.00 Graceful models, daintily lined, reduced te close-out prices. Str-whr'de A Clothier Third Fleer. Fillwrt Street. West Axminster RUGS Under Price The Department of Lower Lewer Priced Fleer Coverings has available some very geed Ax minster Rugs at the following prices which, by the way, are lower than such fleer cov erings have been sold for in many years: Rugs, 6x9 feet $19.00 Rugs, 7.6x9 ft. $25.00 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 $31.50 Rugs, 9x12 ft. $33.50 Neponset Art Rugs, Special Rugs, 6x9 feet-$4.90. Rugs, 7.6x9 feet $5.90. Rugs, 9x10.6 $8.90. Rugs, 9x12 feet $9.90. Geld Seal Congeleum New tile and hardwood effects 70c a square yard. iatrautr.dKp A Clothier Fourth Flw.r. Filbert Street Men's Weveh-Stripe Madras Shirts A VuWKN( Y yfxSsL MTOOvtnW iPS erinw i are just the sort favored by smartly dressed men of SfilfiSfi,1""1' They bld - We believe thissfc the lnwpst nrir-n fm- wMnli CV.;-., nelrl air. hfnr tfe uVe. t - ww w vtw TW & CLOTHIER 1 V" "V SOME biographers assure us that Wash ington once threw a silver dollar across the Delaware River. The modern man might rise te state tfiat a dollar went further in tlwse days than new. However, dollars go further tlvan in many years, in this Clearance of Men's Clothing Our entire stock of Winter Overcoats and thou sands of Suits are in this great clearance event all marked at substantial reductions from original prices. 'In fact, dearance.prices are the lowest for which such geed Clothing has been sold in many years. This is a remarkable opportunity one worthy of the atten tion of every man who has a holiday te-morrow : About 500 Men's Suits Reduced te $25.00 Te-morrow And of these, about 200 Suits have an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS. They are of "Alce," "Wickham" and ether fine makes chiefly worsteds, with a geed representation of blue serges. All sizes and proportions. Overcoats, $17.50 and $24.50 Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Chesterfields and ether desirable styles of Alce and ether geed makes. Overcoats, $37.00 and $44.00 Great warm Ulsters and smart Ulsterettes of handsome plaid-back fabrics, from nationally famous manufacturers. Overcoats, $59.00 and $67.50 Our finest lines the products of leading ArUerican and English tailoring establishments. Fabrics include heavy Scotch fabrics, Mentagnacs and ether fine weaves. Fur-lined Overcoats, $100 Half and Less Than Half Price Lined with muskrat, with black broadcloth outer fabric, and cellar of Persian lamb, natural seal or beaver. -- Strawbrldge A Clothier Second Fleer. East N the same year that Washington assumed office as our first President, Jehn Jacob Aster laid the foundation of America's piano industry with the importation from England of America's first pianoforte. Jf rantfe Paeen Player-Pianos Trace their manufacture in an unbroken line back te that first Piane and the company organized te handle the first Piane business of this country. And since that day Francis Bacen Pianos and Player-Pianos have always steed first. First in design and beauty. First in quality of tone. First in soundness of construction. First in value. We are sole distributors for the Francis Bacen in Philadelphia, and have Pianos from $350.00 up, and Player-Pianos from $550.00 te $1600.00 for a Reproducing Gra'nd. A small initial payment secures immediate delivery. The balance can be paid in small menrhlv amounts. ;r-. Straw Women's Winter Coats at Radical Price NOTE Any man will be grateful te you if you call his attention te this announcement. About Present Wholesale Value for Shirts et litis Fine Grade- A remarkable opportunity due te a great price-concession en the part of a dependable manufacturer who had immediate ncrcd of cash. The madras is of unusually fine count (number of thrn.lfiM .n trio innM 'PVin ,.,,... i . . ""v" "" le m-y Strawbrldtfe V"? :i Ai r bridge A Clothier Fifth Fleer. West Reductions 5-yStr.nW.rldge A Clothier- buend Fleer. Centr $1.35 te-day-they arc woven w - ? n fuiTte u: ui... i . . ul ",1B 4ty nV8 W9ti A Clothier East Mers, HW. v.iii Tfl M n m M Mlll 1 es ',2.5c "M i.i ri n ' t r ; i wi 'm II M VI i I, f ' 1 , h m 'm r. 4 IMmSiiMmmkmmmMi. "' -" : M?M a w,,n . w ;?ii',ri , t i s j&ifzWjLtfiFj&nm , "V. 'i .'i W-ttftrfS&i -uir irnnrimwrn i