kSM -KBBflMsK', U e"Mfericaite te Fight b foreigners Shew Best Que t ' Werk in World's Tourney kstagefright Appears te Affect Winning Percentage, 'Bit Bes and tieudu Have shown plashes of Remrkaable Billiard, Touch llv JOK National Anatrar Billiard F RIBIiBB b only W i rever- i'. tmntcar billiard chamMeMhlp State $& " concerns the play ?J" ?... foreigner. M B v"" .T.. .11 V lint the - u.nv nil 11RK. HOW cenitt . VV'V ".. l !. .fnnd. rHewT tfwltirthclr' brand of tfrds" thev aren't out there In front for the title? t h.ve settled these queries In ray 1 mWdbv thoughts I put Inte a Pileus article. I alncerely believe tha E Bei champion of Europe, and vAmiri Itenuil, champion of France, SI net out there in front because of i?.t mlKht be called stage-frihf. It wbit ''" ,illlt thcy arc se affected. i net strange that they or ? Pi Entering Bi' , llcrVeus sys V . fhst it ' .llfficuU for even the victim te explain Hird te Say It . m. case they are as unamc te Jtfik? " ' SKwSlM ! Pfcct. The tempcra- islttst right for me, the tabic is SSsderfu the balls are true, the noo neo noe tonderim, I" M applause and P" 8.r?haRT fed like ileyfnii bllllar.lH Sdft I can't come te what is called ?.'"tr'.r1,,r.l,,c-" "fhave Placed Reed billiards In one B.tch ami peer billiards in the next. I ?,v found no trouble In phictlce te de , better than I expected te de ever 2J2 .The conditions c.uld net be bet ?,r Yet I am net consistent. I de net fc.i within 50 per cent of my best game Ken I seem te b. going nil right." Int Poundage, Se there you are. Bes would net say hlm-clf . but I can say it for him that the climate here taw net agree. l1i n in any tee well. He has lest fte Imls ever here in a very short Eme "and I think this lias considerable te de with his status. ..,, Hut in my own mind I nm satisfied thnt it all gees back te the pwcholegy of the setting thousands of miles from home, before strangers, in a piny In room strange te them and under the train of making a showing In a great championship. , There is no amateur capable of play fai'iip te his greatest form in n tourna ment such as this. They nre just net hardened te it us are the professionals. net immune te all the conditions that arlw , Net a innn of .them enters that brass-railed space without n nuivcr ttidentjn the shirt sleeves and a chnnge of color at the table. They arc telling what so-and-se does erery morning In practice rounds, or hat he once did nt home or in u lesser 'tournament. Hut that doesn't mean ....m... lfu wlint he does rizht in a Biitlcula'r match of this particular tournament that will count. Beit Billiards And new wc come te a peculiar angle of the foreigners. Net all will agree. with me, but personally I think the pair of them have displayed the best billiard flushes of all the entries In this tournament. . . ., It appears that either of them can play a better game of billiards than any of the Americans in the tusMe. If they had the American competitive spirit it seems te me they would lie en the top. Or if they were able te settle down te perfect concentration. The trouble Is half the time in the applause. .Vuturally, the gallery Is going te applaud the difficult shot. Sometimes, It doesn't reoesnlze the difficult shot, hut one it never fails te applaud Is the masse. . New this is bound te nffect the player who has net his whole mind en the , game. He begins te play te the gal gal lery a trltlc. He begins te pick the tough ones. " He plays n masse shot, n sure ap Basketball Explained -t- n" riiiup e. i.kwis Ornnltrr mid Vrfhldfnt of, the. Heard of AppreTMl llunketbnll OlTlrtula. Oiirbiff th game between West l'Mla ielpMa Mlflli .Scheel and Catholic High Scheel, t the VnivetsitV of Pennsyl vania last Monday nlyht, three playei UTimmaued for the halt several times mid the lecrte did net call a foul. Why nett Three players In a scrimmage Is net always a foul. The third must charge In. Colleglate Rules, liule 15, Section 13, Personal Feul Chnrge In anil make bodily contact with an opponent, who !. cne of two opposing players having one or both hands en the bnll. Eastern League Rules, Rule 17. Sec tion S If a third man Interferes the rhlstle shall ba blown for u ucrlnimage. ilav a P;aUer ; return te the game i, he ice.1 veliiiitdillj mlthihdteiif IlKIIIIy lUlldcrM..',, l.'ellCKlsite Rules, Rule u, faectlen 4 A player who has left the game, except for disqualification for four persona! fouls or for ether disqualifications, may re-enter the gume once. Eastern League Rules, Special Haling (Thli rule wns ndeptcd, but docs net appear In the book.) A player may re turn te the name once, provided he wns lie dlMiuiiUIk'd. When and hew many times may a Uam call time out? Colleglate Rules, Rule 11. Sec'tlen '.' Charged tlme out shall be permitted only three times for ench team during the game, Tlme out can be culled only When the bait Is dead. (Official Inter-' pi etatlen made since juries were printed.) iuBiern i.ciicue ibuiee. uiu ,i, nrt- tlen 4 Ne team shall be allowed te step the game under any consideration mera than two times In one hnlf. A time out can only be chIIciI when the referee haB tha ball In his possession. ImmedlatB mil.stltutlnn Ih net coiiHldered . .i. ,. I am playing the tiuard and the score I) one deIiiI in our favor, one iiiliiute te Vlay. I am standing en the opponents' (eul line, hoMltie fhe ball in my hands, Ne one bothered me but the referee-, who called a eul en me for delaying the came. , as captain, vigorously but in a gentlemanly manner pi etcsted. Jr pciialterd me (i(ala, und the apposing eul fesser (lieiipcd both chances into ie Heni. iy team lest a name wnirh I think we had wen, Did I use iioed ijitlamtnt in holding the ball, and is it delaying the garnet There Is nothing In the Colleglate cr Eastern League, Rules which prohibits s player from holding the hall, The t ,.3 ii,- i!"iYVer y"lc" a l'.laycr '''"yiandtleynrdii nuld tha ball depends upon the aggres-1 ilutchlum .. -Ycuesa ei me oppeucnts, I'iniiiilily you wera nguring that while you had the "all your opponents could net score, m were cenect In this, us It Is the fundamental defense In any game "If the ether team does net score" you can not lone. The referee was wrong, and no second offense Is a question. Hew- MATRR Champien, 1Ub4 1915 plause wlhncr, figuring many times that if he makes it he'll get a big hand, and if he misses a long one he'll net leave the balls tee handy for his opponent. I saw Bea try for one, n long masse, which he missed, and left a set-up, where he could have made an cesy bank nnd scored tlic point. I have seen Reudll de the same thing, though I de net believe he plnys se much for the audience as he does for himself. Greatest Match At the same time wc have seen both the foreigners put en some of the best matches of the teuriiam'ent. The star act of Bes was the night he crawledanmateur championship nt the Manufnc- steadily up from behind en Francis Apl Figure t This shows n remarkable draw masse shot displayed by Kdeuard Itudll in the international amateur tournament nt the Manufacturers' Club yesterday afternoon. He put a world of stuff ou the rue bnll, twisting it for ward te the red ball and then pulling n draw that was geed for 1-A feet, very nearly the entire length of the table. .Figure 2 This shows one missed by Percy Cellins in the same match. It is u geed shot whether you make It or het. ' With his cue ball rather un handily in the corner, he chose te turn away from the ether two, playing, a mnsse shot fn the ether direction. The shot mNscd bv a fraction nnd a speck of chalk dust. pleby and overcame him in the Inst run. I said nt the time it was the best billiard match' ever played in Phila delphia, both players ahining brilliantly. Bes gnvc a real leek-in en just what he could de when lie was playing the game for all it was worth. In the same way, Edouard Beudll gave his greatest exhibition last night, I think, when he defented the Ameri can champion, Edgar T. Appleby. He hnnded our champion the worst lacing of the tournament, 300-120. and there wasn't any fluke about it. It was real billiards. It was the first time I have seen real up-and-nt-'em In Iteudil. I said te myself rljht at the start "there Is the winner. ' It was a strange thing te any. tee, for Reudll had been beaten bndly in the afternoon by Cellins. The French man trnve his worst exhibition. I think. in that game, using the, cue mere like a rake than anything I can think of. But nt night lie was a different man. He missed a few but his general air nnd ability was unmistakable. It was the master in action at last. He could net lese. New hew nrc you going te explain a thing like that? A'mnn. bndly beaten iu the afternoon comes back at night and fnirly swamps the American cham pion, i lleuilll will go back te ins country without the world's lnurcl symbol en his brew, but he will have two ether tokens of the tournament the sculp of the European champion und the American tltlehelder. That is quite something. Copyright, 1921, bv Publle Ledger Company sure that you official. will have a competent Mr. I4wl will anT liaakrthiill qnm qnm tleim In jh Eenln Tubllc Ledcer Iuedii and tlday. Beets and Saddle Wynnewood hns the speed te be for midable in the allowance pursi! at u mile nnd seventy yards at New Orleans, nltheugh carrying top weight. Rlarnev Stene and Pudua should furnish the contention. The Tuke It from Me purse nt six furlongs gives Kddie- Rlckenbncker an opportunity for the first time In months te show his speed. Dartmoor and Tan Sen also nre in the race after a long rest. Horses well plneed in ether races arc: I First race Mechanic, Kastwnru Prln- I eess, Pattern. Second firnnny Lee, . n.gnli. Ornln,l. ThlrUamW, --"-- -" --"-- "-"; v .-, ul . ... I nixin .uerrinini, iiiciienrii, Walnut i ir.iii u.,n..,i. iTHi. rt..... .i . i i.ii.l. uiirillfi mil I'll, j. n (l, ddll 11 Arber. At Havana First race Pullux, Ifii imin, Stepson. Second DiverMh, Fic tile, Reliability. Third Currency, American Kagle, Twenty-Seven. Fourth Guvner, General J. M. (Seme!!, The I toy. J-'lftli Audrey A., Stanley. The r.iKiuirei', Hixtn iteet Sixth Geerge W., 'Pellu, Muysvile. Miu-dl-Clraa vltltera te New Orleana are expected te Provide new life for the re mainder of the nemnn, according te hotel manairera, who have been buv booking; rex rex iTMilleim for the laat week. The preapect la for a continuance nf fuat track condition for the next few dava. Havana Entries for Wedneiday iiru, .nnn t .m.m. ..... 1.. dulmlnr. jiurne 1700, 4 furlen: Pandlnr 107 Hlue Otl. no J!"""'"1"."" JJ2 straight shooter .no Carbnneii 110 Tender Beth tail Hecend race for three-year-eldi. and up. w"-. ?.'"'""" ""! '"- lunengai i crupauen .1011 Lady Levltt ins 1 Main Den , .107 Alarettn ,.'.:. ,.lle Automatic Tied ..107 .Mill Mark de Numle Trflr ft warmer I.ltlle Iluaa . . ..no white crew-n ..11 , . .IIS Proapere'a tlaby ,111! ...112 Mr Kruter 112 Allamaha .... j Thli ra; p",?,' Third race, for three.year-elda and up ard. elalmlnc, purae 1700, 0 furlenca: I'reckleaa 100 Ava n 107 I AffniunUy"".'.' inender..1.::: ..:" Itamenu 112 lluferd 112 ' linn Thrush 113 lUvenaea, 112 ,,Uilll',v HO IVClllllllI .... . . . 0 Keurth race, the I.lttle Uutchet. purae 1800. for three-yen r-elda. AH furlenga; uiiuta ninnewaii iu. Lustre 10.1 Plnrnatle 101 Cel Chile 105 nnndel 107 (n)Rebuke 107 (aJQueaada 1(17 The Hell Call ...107 Coincdle d' Amour 112 (aKleldupple atable entry. Fifth race, the American Learlen. nurae (000. for three-year-etda and upward, 1 mile . . . 9.1 F.lmnnr U . . . . ..10J Marcella liny ...1(12 (lrayaaian . . ...104 Mayer Heuaa ...104 Tlcacey 07 102 ' Teney lieau Petrarch lea (lrayaaian 104 Illaek IlacKIa ...iu .Mayer tleuaa ....111 Frank W 104 Tlcacey 104 Hlxlh nice for threo-year-elde and upward, purae 1700, 1 mile and SO portal Delly C 08 Huz 10S Mary Ulrb 103 'Ureal Hawk .... 104 Sir Jack J0H Meduaa lull I ' faf ' r SALVIA m 1 It Out for bes gets lead en cope Morten European Billiard Champien Scores 198 te Lecal Entry's ' '126 in 23 Innings HIGH RUN 'OF-MATCH niMXtRD STANDINGS ' Wen f.. T. Apnlehr, Jifrr Yerk J I. SI. Collin. Mileafe, . . , S FriMtla i H. Annlebr. New Yerk.... J Rrietmrd Kiidll. Franne 3 Ar.r nn, Helland. . , 1 1. E. C. Morten, flilladrlpnU 0 TODAY'S MATC1IW Ai Mil P. II mp T. Annlebr. Yerk. vs. Vtrtr Cellins. Chicago. Ary Bes. of Helland, the Kurepenn emnteiir billiards rhnmnien. and T. K. Cepe Morten, the local entry, met this afternoon in their Inst mntcn ei trie turcrs Club nnd nt the end of twenty-third inning Bes was en long end of a 1118-1'JO score. Thn HtnnllpRt rrmvil nt the tourney WOS en hand te witness the battle, iakij tnnn worn ntvnv iifr tliplr StreKC. Onu with nothing ut stnke pleyeil mere or The- Eilrepenn champion has been sick for the Inst two dnys and was very nervous today. Morten has net winyeu for three days, nnd tlic long ne-enuu from the table caused a reversal In his ' .. a . . A I. a (jIV IA The local pinyer wen im urj.-ui, nC lected the black ball, mnde the first shot nilM then missed. Bes made four before missing in his first Inning ana then enip very weird billiards followed In the next three iniiigs. In the fourth Inning Bes get the bul s nleng the short rail in form of a triangle and nursed them nleng te forty -five be fore blowing en an easy kiss shot. In the eighth inning Bes Jumped the white bnll .off the table in attempting a masse shot and he lest a point. Again In the eleventh he mlscued after making one bnll and Morten, te keep up the geed work, did the same thing en Ills first shot. ... ., , The local player fouled in the four teenth Inning by touching the white ball with his vct in leaning ever the tabic in making a shot. In the twenty-second Bes again get the balls together en what premised te be n long run. He made 32 points und en the next try he mlscued. In the following inning Morten made the htshest run he totaled 47 before shot. His nrevl tnatA., urnttAtl invethnr en the fifth shot, and from , this point he nursed them te forty. The Inst seven shots were all difficult tries. Cene Morten, Thllndelphla 1 3 0 1 a fl 7 4 0 0 " A 2 0 4 l' 12 H fi 1 3 11 4T.12B. a De." HellnnilU 1 ,,. . ,. " 1 0 1 4 0 0 2S 13 0 3 7 27 82 11001 108, Edgnr T. Appleby. American cham pion. nnd.Percy X. Cellins, former na tional champion, will fight it out for the world's title tonight. Thev ure the only two in the round robin tourney who hnvc dropped but one match. . . . ...... Their match will be played, tonight at .S:in In the grand salon of the local club. Each has lest one game nnd wen three. Cellins dropped u mutch te the eunger rpther of the United Stntes champion, 'Francis S. Appleby, who trimmed the survivor handily. Edgar T. Appleby lest his sole re verse last night te tlic champion of France, Edeunrd uudil, before one of the largest audiences of the record breakers which huve sat In en the tilt ing. And Appleby get the worst trim ming of the trturnnment. Rudil wen. 300 te 121), in the first hulf of the eighteenth inning. Th" win ner plnyed the best hlllnrds that has i,.n ulavn.l Iii tin, tournament. He failed te count in only two In- 1 nings, tile first and the fourteenth. After the lust failure he ran ItiS points in four innings and was the victor. Twe Navy Crewa enN Water Annapolis, Md.. n. 21. MaldnK an tin. uunlly early dtiirt. Richard mention had hln Naval Academy Hnt und aerenil ireuii en the water eterday for u iihert iipln. The arlty wan made up as fellows! lw. Qui. lasher: 2. IllcM: 8. Klniri 4. Ielle: . SinlKirn; e, jonnmeiii i, i, i.vnc, rrnwlcy. New Orleans ntrles for Wednesday First race. 1 1 000, two-year-olds. 3 fur- inni.'iu nmikhtnr.lnn TfuEhltl .in .MitJiirle'Moen ...i"" TV"-11;1. ' ' Reile H 110 Jesephine C. .. ,.,. n n ""-,' '...., ... ... ,.K., ,...107 . 1M.1 SII.B Hair. ...... JO" !JIV"!l't ,,-, "; -Hle Leluhtan ..l"l Anltii lliiiiipten SuperKlnrl.1. ....me Uav Venule ... in 1 0.1 nn,r..lm..,i les Auntlu i:i" ", Heeend rate, nurae $1000, three-ear-old and upward, fl furlenBa: V.lMte 1 "0 Hlo Weed Ill MliS. DUle " Mldnlsht hteriea n liark lliy ...... Hi Dloclctlen .. . ...104 Pertlluht lid l-ady Mildred ..101 lime "SSiia . . . . . 10:i 'The Colleen Hawnlnl 1'iul Connelly ....) Complimentary ...04 Kert Chm chill ..1011 Icen " rhir.l rune, nurae 11000. handicap, three- yeSr-elda. 0 furlenBe: 11 Jehn Merrill JOrt 1 1 1 llel ..... t'"J 111 Piihim. rarlnut.... Il'l lO.'i Jalte Ilercer 101 Knnt Uraaa . Sveetiv The KranclKcan liriniunt Hay . . ..110 Fourth race, miran linoe. three-ear-elda nnd upward, 1 1-lfl mllea: Ne.ldiim 107 Idlprery Kim ..,.JJ iiiinnJ , I)y ....112 Gourmand 110 l'lfth rae, purae J1O00, rour-year-eiua, i ; BeU.rJrilJHC-WI. islder. ....!' lliilsneur 10,1 Tedy in 1 1 U....A .inim nil, (u.MuBtcr Juili ...inn itiiln de C.iue ..;"' llotheratlen ion HUli Hear IDS Durnay 105 taXJ. K. Nah entry. Sixth race, purxe tlOOO, three-ear-old. . .it.. ii.til 711 vtinlrf I mini '.', ." -"-.,, .... .,, .,., Itn, " Milt uh. ,,.,,. ' - Mlaa Crcstw c.cnlh rupe. purse 11000, feur-j ear-olds ..n.l niLnrilB 1 i inlleril Homeward Tleund, 101 "Attorney Mulr Itejal Duck Iia Irfeacy Anna tlallup . . . .101 Jluonee Flrate McOee .. .107 Warai.w Coraen 100 Knerlnlte .... Current Kents.. ion Mark Wewt ... BhePevll JVg:,'.1.'"" ''lner. i-?.y k .. :1. ?,. V ". ; inn ION tll'l 101 101 10s 112 110 ApprentUe uliewaiiLO of S pounds claimed, 8:30 A. M. te 5 P. M. nf H10 teurnnineni. wnen ' innn me """" ,....r ...... ";----"---,. ... ,. ... ,. " - . t..n 1 trh i nur inuniin riiii. t-iiiii 11 iii i rcwii eus high run was w. . rieni i.erhu. ..vr ....... "" ",.?"."" ,;.,,- .,1PV sm..1,1p tl.! fW. hv irMtiiie t 10 bals'wlie leeks goeu, nnu iiui.i..B..uu.., ,.,.v.j ...... ;-, ---i:;: --";. Kate Hrummel..llia Matihca Mary...iu Hertnla Keml.le ..110 Conaert IJ7 Mabel Curtis ,...107 llrare Fester ....101) Lucky Olrl . . T 'Miracle Man . . . . J2 Field Lark 102 'Pullet . . ., Jg2 ( Crcatwoed .. OU Mllll's Luck 102 ii,n Minaer . .. , Gelf Scheel Expert Instructors Jehn J. Rewe Geerge F. Griffin Themas Grlbbln Marsha . .-v.Ol.,'M(ii.vW 1 E. World's Amateur Billiard Title Here Injured iPerin Star BASEBALL DRILL Battery Candidates Werk Out in Gym Under Direction of Dr. Hinchman Baseball hw started at Hnvcrferd College. The battery candidates nrc practicing dally in the gymnasium. Haverford- has seven pitchers nnd five 'catchers, all with some experience, out for the pitching staff, and these men nre all te be given a prc-senen training in time for the opening of out door practice about the 1st of April, two weeks before the first games of the sensnn with Drcxcl nnd Stevens, both at Ilaverferd. The hur'ers who have reported in- fliide "Tat" Brown, who made a -fine .wine Inst sensen: Bill Hunslcker. uVllltv man of nrevleus seasons; Brad- deck-Rogers Jerry Arneiu. n nuiKPr . . ... .l freshman nint T.nnirstreth. who last season " needed only experience te develop into , e -Ieumv twlrler. is nt iiresent in Cull fernln, but is expected back In college in time for the beginning of the base ball sensen. ... , , Dr. Wnlter 8. Hinchman hns charge of the pitchers. He has had success In turning out some star huricrs in New Englnnd. . . . There h going .te be some keen com petition for the catching assignments this pring, for the Scarlet and Bluck seems ta have the best bunch of re ceivers that have reported for years. Merris and Htilme nre six-footers, who leek geed. Know-Ren, varsity man last vear, ought te be better than ever. White and Sehulzc complete the catch ing force. Milk-Fed Roasting Chickens 32 c lb Seft-meated, weighing 3 lbs and less. Milk-Fed Breiling 'Chickens, lb. 40c At all our Meat Markets iiniiiwniafflM ROOF REPAIRS of all kinds made by expert me chanics, Pheno us your troubles. Frank W. Tayler & Sen 259 Se. 4th St. Itoefera alnce 1870 . OVERSETS DRYPUBtii te leek like new. An exclusive process that safeguards against Injury. Special methods of hand pressing. Clethes delivered en Imngers In dust-proof bass. Phene: Poplar 8580. We call anywhere In Phlla, or suburbs. Anten Dorfner&Sens Cloaners A Dyer 1324 Girard Ave. f tw Lessens $1.00 4.7 '?yWWAi'''MT ' New gBL'-,r - :",. ''4 '. gllllBiig.jlllllllH' t,,P tlic EMIL BOSKNA8X nAvrnruKU m d ... ti... f',,1, nn unfn win, vnrNirv pm vnirn in, 1113 iii.iiil- i,,nn iiil x i-iui. msslng en a long.cellegtnie expert, c ... -.",.-. ""';" nT. ,'ncn te his cow en .-' Stenton Country Club Clearfield Country Club Philadelphia Country Club Worsted Sweaters Shaker knit from pure lamb's wool V-neck pull-ever sweater $8.00 V-neck coat sweater 8.50 Shawl-cellar coat sweater 12.00 Smith & Bre. BENNY DESSEN TO REPLACEROSENAST Veteran Forward Out of Penn Line-Up for Rest of ' Season PLAY STATE TOMORROW BEN DE8SKN, former Southern High star and high scorer en last year s -.i t.ii. . .... tnk venr'Si.""'. vai-ih. , """ ""--. "..- n.n. n.iu w riw. , . '" ",,. .....I iresnman nve. win iiemi no '""" jn way down stream before the oarsmen pest for the Univcrsitv of 1 """Jlw" I wth tbelr hc,ts tomorrow nft nft fer the remainder of the sensen acceru crnn( nifi t0S0".'.. radTta,PnS'wlir replnce -'hrei varsity eights, n lOQ-peundcr Red nn.l B ue. lessen ?"!,"& n freshman crew will receive In- Rescnast. who suffere( a broke n wim t t th rf T, r,.,nl,nipK n his left hand In the Unrtn.euth game ,.,,,,,.,, w, , practicltiR en Inst Saturday "f'ht. ni1Tldclnn tl,c rowing machines in Wclghtman Ilnll Dr. Frank B. "aneeck, PS'?. . mimIw the guidance of several old-tl.ne In rharse nf flip eulntet. ntinelinccu. nut p i...i.. ir.i..i, ,i.i "."7- .i iiJ.n.ti.i..rM nn n bus- ketbnll player for Pennsylvania arc ever. In. ether words, the brilliant, slippery fitrward will witness the re-, malnlng games from a vnntnge point in the stands. He graduates from the Dental Scheel In June. According te Dr. Hancock's nn nn neuncemnt, Rescnast frncted the radius, one fe the two bones of the left forearm, which will take some six weeks te set. After thnt n rest would be necessary, se it Is out of all reason te expect Resennst back In the game. "The lean of lteacttaat.h n Hrvere blew te the tram," said Kddic Jfc Jfc A'JcneJ th.1 morning. "He ii one of the best lerxcards in the Intercol legiate League and a dependable player from the ttart. Hit lest iclll be greatly felt in the closing dags of the campaign, but I think that tn Hcnnic Dcsscn tec have a capable player iche can fit in teith the teamwork like a veteran, "nc will start In the rcmnlnlng games nn the schedule nt forward. That will leave us Label (ieldbintt as our nrst substitute. He. tee, fits iii with the , innmwerk and is n cannble performer. ! The remainder of the schedule finds us i Dr. W alter Curlss, coach of the base meeting the best teams in and out of-ball team, expects te secure the Dono Deno Done the League, and wc will have te drive j van & Armstrong Held ter the Benn harder thaji ever te win the title." home Rami during May and .Tune. The Tomorrow nftcrnoen Penn meets Penn ' Held rill be enclosed and will hnvc nil State nt o'clock in Welgbtmnn Hull. I the facilities of a big Icagnc.park. Ac- T ..uf v.nr ! rnnfni- Pnilntc r,,ll,...lntie COrdillg te UOVter (,nrlhs. 1 IlttH' IlC-eU (surprised the college basketball world ibv handing the Red und Blue n 1-pelnt defeat in one of the best games of the season, ii wu" v" i;,- h.-vim- wv- . .u ll.. l.nlM. ...!.. l..u 11...... iinnn : Wfv 1 neon inai no win iiirl- iivu ciKiiii en hip iJBimi ''M- """'""'' "'iff jg..ig rVhite kJwL w m 3jer25 f . m e ii'i ., -v tk3&w !M iijirtbHrvv.i -. .t w it l i-i' nTHjn w i i. i - . j ima r , it i i ii iiiiiii i ir j - ---- ? TT speaker says Indians De Net Need Nursing m I Dallas, Tex., Feb. 21. Trls Speaker arrived here today te pre pare camp for the Cleveland Amer icans, who will train here this spring. Trls wired the manager of u local hotel thnt It was unnecessary te bunch the Indians 'en one fleer. Tffe Texan said he will net have te keep such n close eye (In his players, cxplnluing thnt Ills team was nindn up of "real men who de net need nursing." Thc ice is almost entirely out of the ..I. a. -.......i.. fnf.i thn DOatllOUSC. WlllCll Will DC SIBriCU OH IV" "u"""1" "e uru hhmkuiib mil" """ year. With the opening of the new boathouse, the facilities for handling a big squad are such that Wright contemplates keeping almost a hundred varsily and freshman can didates en the squad for work en thcrivtr. This number is the largest in the. history of rowing at tha University. Wright is trying out no fcuer thnn sit men for the pest of stroke en the vnrsity beat made vacant by the In eligibility of Captnin Mitchell. Mod Med holt, who stroked the freshman eight last year; .Matnsen, u memeer or the first- Media High Scheel. 13 te 12. Tlic fall year eight until he was disbarred in the rc 0f flfrnld Miithuei te make foul Peughkeepsle regatta by the stewards, throws count was disastrous for hN there; ( Immbers, a member of the var- ' team. He made only two out of eleven slty Inst year until stricken with np- chance pendicitis; .Telllnek, the former Contrail The playing of the lnnkv Pleasant High Scheel oarsman and member of i vm,, lads there were two of them and the varsity lust year: Berie. who wns ni. .:.... ,. t i. im, ,,,,i,,,n. years age, nut who did net row last year uecniibe of illnrs, . id Willliinn. the first vnrsity substitu 1 ist year, are the six men from nmeiiK hem Wright expects te select his stroke. premised the park for the eight home games Penn must play miring May and June, wnen i-reusim ricin win uu in um i' v -- Carpentler and Ted Lewis Matched lindmi. Feb. 21. KM Ted Lwis, of Ilnsland. has been slenel for it match with CariH-ntler. the French .hamplen, te be held ut the Olympla en May 11 erever ueu I iA if -i i2 iXMiimOf -,.v.- AiiiiAitieMmimamuamtimntr,u, i. at Manufacturers CM CLOSE PELNNIHBE MEET Pleasantville Wins by One Marker Frankford Cepfc by Twe-Point Margin ALTOONA MAY FORFEIT Threp fast games marked the second day-'s piny In the Penn tournament nt Wclghtmnn Ilnll, Thirty-third nnd Spruce streets, last night. One of these bnttles was wen by a margin of one point, while another wns raptured through the medium of two foul goals. The ether game was n rutin way for Cellegevlllc, but Just the Milne tt was n fat game. It was rumored last night Altoeini High would net be en bund for Its scheduled gume with Central High next Saturday. While tills rnuld net he verified, the news was received from geed sources und Is believed te be au thentic. TI,e nnenlnv i-ame nf hu nreiiiru' -nk scheduled between the Wet IMillmtel- nhlll High Scheel nnd Pettsvllle High Scheel. The giune never was played, nnd Went Phlliulrlphla moved into tin1 second round without having been forced te glc buttle. Pettxvllle iulled n Reading High, meaning it forfeited te the Spcedbeys, because it had a game Miheduli'd for Iat night. Plnniintitvllle Til trli Kolinel flnfmilnil Trlnlcan scored a nulr of field coals and dropped three out of six free throws into the net. Helmes and Field, the lanky youngsters, each scored u field goal, but their mnlu asset wns their great fleer work. The next game nlse wns close Siilcsinnum High Scheel, of Wilming ton, was opposed te Frankford High Scheel. Siilesltinuni High went into th" lead early and didn't nllew Frimkfenl te score "n field goal during the first period, which ended. 1L' te (. in favor f Snlesiniium. However, In the second half Frankford staged a comeback and wen the content. te L'u. iuuu. .w.., ...... ..- ll! 11.,, Ill,, inflltl f ,,.... ll.tn,.. 'I I lllllltl. I11 111V: Jlllllll ,11. t,'l .11 I..II.M- i Inir home the baron for hi quintet. It XV-H I)is r,.miu.knble foul sheeting "thnt ' j,.i,t Ills team ill the running. Iiebln . ' i , (UtniMi .fnnt miirl if,,n liin, , ,0,11 ,1,p, nneon-leot IllurK tltteen tllll' land made twelve points therefrem. II "iiTTiTi GAMES IN Jkm T.W-iei--; 8 II1 KANSAS CITY, MO m Tonight s Schedule in ,W renn juw i , J WW uamiicn Migu vn. mr)i irrevn Mlvlt. .5.';! 7 :30 Chester High vh. Cellf)! vlllc High. 8 :30 Allcntewn High vs. Ner lAivn Tf Itrli. iM J ::50 Ablngten High vs. IladnerJ Ulirh. ' ''1 nNe tallied a pair 'of genla from tlia s l0cdllegeville High defeated Woodbury High. -18 te 2H. The work of H. Sterner wus the main factor In ON legeville's will. He tallied, twenty-two points. . . In this battle O. Sterner made hU appearance. He is less than five ft tall. Still he nlayed a wonderful gOMtt, mid showed that they tiinkn basket) Tfi legevlllu. He scored a held goal. , ;' . Kniiili wus thn outstanding star for. s Y'A Woodbury. He made twenty peiHH nnd kept It in tne running an vne unic; 'IVn of his peniln resuiicu irem icwi totes, while tlic fieni scrlniiiiiiKc. ether ten were inadei itit Becker Plnehurat Winner 1tntlliri.t. N, v., Knli 21. Charlton U) Hirker. uf New ern. vrtrrun -. I tHln of all tlie Tin Wlilstteg. wen tha MOD ,11,1 uiiiiuhI mnlers chumplemjuip yXTm ' .;,ni Ht I'lnfhurBl with a tetHl of 8-ei-. Yerk. 170. for the thlrty-nlx IieIpii of play. IlecKWl '',, .."fifieSfcdM""??1 Vb. Mf'aRSBnl ,r Altoenn. who inrl-I-ntnlly captured JJ prn for thi lipt nt cere of the day H t'ini " ni-ii 1". "Mfiatis ism yevrI Tfime tmtisHffYm m,mmm, - m - . Save time anal; energy by using thcYellewCab Loek for the name Yellow Cab Ce: en the deer cfth cb you teke Poplar 8600 Ai! wm t -f"A rrr m a A JbaiVLI. 'JJA fmFi' i 1 ex ' - !T1 3ft '1 T S, 71 ' 13 eC,lf WllUl 2 Jrftt , srp:, u ei i wmMmvm aa vbt a vKTv wwya ft c BBsVX LLsMt m "Hi M 0' if! HO .1 l't ( ll If ll i't ft i (IH ( 1 VJlf : 111 1' $ wrt i IH m,XSt V'" m:i "' usatfefiBk Ill Ml Ii I i 'III ibi l j