tvsl WMPB m WJlv'V mncD tei WUi"X9 s i t( ej. j i 'H; ' . ..',' iam . . j. u,s xv;. ... .. . w l Seme Mere About Sebastian Bat J 'IS ' rVftrOU will remember, dear iY .jl. auAv was telling children, you the iik n'ght about Sebastian Bat, the ."". ..M Mm. Brune Bati and . started batting around days In- ft& of nights ns nu b.-.f- ?Anf you 'will remember hew he fell i Au - .,. of wicked city sparrows iw,lB !..- f mln entirely when vA ?.? SV. Heet Owl came into his E JlKVrgCye"l rreVmberM UMtllUI --' - m l. .UniiM A!te" 8wlC'S Sebastian as he E1jIc hoei , 0 Cyen,ng nttcr WidX'.nd s'n'u te him :T Sebastian, Wsobastle'n replied: "Hew ceme 'te'',' .!.! nM. "Hew? Yeu knew '. hi&L' nld. "Yeu ought te be of yourself, batting around all .Mha?1' 0irt rrsnecteble bats arc home & ?. "ide down in their little whlte .it!. feSS! M?. "Hewd'e me"an 'Hewd'yc mean .v Ana di-u"-- ,'jaddrcmeanV "Yeu knew well .AND fcisie buiu, , U . ...t, wlint . m I mean, You're .nuui,.. . , hpnrf That'll unam .2!rnf mean. Ami that ain't all. SEKgan te hoot most mourn Mi r and enormous tears, big as grape-1 ft, almost. legnn te trickle out of ,l!tr large remffl eyes and splaisu nil, "JHI. !Lrr.'in nhni.tlnn very uncem-' WDHV :- . fertsble. He hated te get his feet wet. Worothy, take the razor away from A. I don't went te have te lisrpcn 'it again.) 1 "Well." sn.V8 Sebastian 'fully, "I didn't knew you bout It. Yeu knew I iu --.-- , . Ian Bat. theuclit- you felt that way ibOUt it. lOU Knew X UIUH t uieuu !rit.i.. miipfc hir it no way. A feller I, only a bat once and If y'can't bat Jfeand q little when yeu're young, when LETZ QUARTET IN FINE CHAMBER-MUSIC PROGRAM Compesltlona of Brahms, Haydn and Ravel Performed Before Association The Lctz Quartet furnished the pre- Em at the sixth meeting of the Cham Mii.ii. Assnnlntlen at the Bcllevnc- Stratford yesterday ofterneon before cne of the largest audiences that have J ittended uny of this bcosen's concerts, i The personnel of the organization has j changed lnce lia last appearance in this city, Udwin Bachmann, ns second Tielln, nnd Herace Brltt, as cellist, hlnr the new members. Their advent " . has undeniably strengthened the qunr-1 ter, cspccinuy mm ui .-. mm. who, in the slew movement of the Brahms quartet and in the trio of the Khero of the llavcl composition, showed himself te be net only n fine cellist, but a cliambcr-musie nrtlst of the first rank ns well; the two things re by no means synonymous. Mr. Letz's programs lire always ex cellent, for the rensen that lie docsNie eiperimenting in strange compositions tt the expense of the audience, and when he puts n composition en the nrerram. the llbtcner may feel assured . , that it h well worth hearing. He be- ' fin with the B flat quartet of Brahms. K. M7, one of the most difficult . ' el the master's works. The per- forraauce was mere than excellent, ud, despite the- difficulty of the composition, well-nigh nppreached perfection, the clnborate viola part, notably in the third movement, being uperbly played by Mr. Krelncr, with beautiful tene nnd great musicianship. ' The second number consisted of two movements from Haydn's I major quartet, Oq. 70, Ne. 0, the well-known large In V sharp major, followed bj the rippling presto. Beth movements were beautifully played, and formed an excellent centrnst between the intro spection of Brahms and the modernism el Ravel, which followed. The nttcr quartet ! modern French in thought, hut fellows the accepted lines of the strint; quartet sufficiently close In construction te be perfectly intel ligible en u first hearing, nnd, while the harmonization Is modern, it is nut tggrcsshc or. disagreeably ' The work makes many demands upon ihe plnjenj. especially in the preduc- ! tlen of unusual tonal effects, broken ' chords in umisuul intervals and similar , devices of the modern composer. All these effects were.flncly performed, and i the reading by Mr. Lctz nnd his asse- ' elates was the best that has been given I In Philadelphia, for the reason that It was exactly in tliJ nppnrent intent of the composer. The ensemble of the quartet li meet xccl!ent, and the tenul quality ami balance leaves little te be desired. A Short Visit With a Lasting Memery "I never knew whnt te mnke for desert when the maid's nwny." said Min, Martin ns she glanced at the clock nnd put n-siile her sewlns. "Let me get it for you." snid Mrs. Blair, who was visiting her for a few dnju, "I'd love te de it." Dinner tlme caine nnd Mrs. illnir, who hed insisted en making the dessert with utmost secrecy, left the table nnd returned with a rich, brown chocejute blanc mange. "Tastes even better than it leeks," said Mrs. Martin delight ed y. "Hew did you inuke it?" 'Why, it's l'uddlnc,'' replied Mrs. Blair mysteriously, "wonder ful puddlnc." "I Insist upon knowing nil nbeut It. Where did you get it. and what is it?" laughed her friends. 'I'll tell you. I slipped out mid cot it at your grocer's," snid Mrs. islair. "Jack loves cornstarch pudding, and if -thcre was one thing I couldn't make It was corn starch pudding or blnnc mange. Ihen I heard of Puddlne." Is it hard te make, or ex pensive?" Interrupted-Mrs. Mar tin. "Oh, no, Indeed. All you hnvc te de Is te add milk, cither fresh or endensed, and sugar, and bell for three minutes. Then when it's cool J ou have u firm, rich mound of 'lellcieus creamy dessert. And a J.'C box of Puddtne will serve nftcen people, or u 10e box for seven peeple.1' ,t'''r!' only thing is," objected Mrs Martin, "the children nre net ' fend of chocolate, nnd I uess us really 'tee rich for them uny- "Oil. 110." TKlnlmn,l f..i in It isn't tee rich. Why, It's se mire nnd wholesemo you can let 'mm lmu! ns much nn they want nnd It comes in nny number of "uers rosevnullln, orange, lemon -ana you can make nil sorts efl hlngs with Puddlne creamy enku "'"1 ple fillings, flnd smooth ice cifiim." m"1'!1."' !,p,,,J? ,l10 r'ase'" hinllcd w Murlln. who had listened tu heir coiiversuilen with intcre-it. I vote for I'mldliie. It ccrialn.) l geed." ruddlue cau he -Order a had box at your , today! .AUvcrtliemeut 111 arc you stein' te ule It. Imli? Answer me that enc, huh?" "Hcaren me," sniffled Elftle sadly. "But y'hndn't erteii be se wild. Can't ya calm down n llttle-newt huh" T71L8IE,M said Sebastian simply, for Hj whatever else he was Sebastian ns ccrtn'nly simple, "Elsie," said he, "leek at me." or a-B IL && Ascg3 JLM9g?fij AScA AS,I Wednesday will mark the anniversary of the birth of Geerge Washington, who, by his deeds, earned for himself the distinction "first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." The American Stores Company, formed, as it has been, from units long , recognized as the developers of the modern chain grocery idea in America, is today the acknowledged leader in the grocery field. We feel we may be excused the honest pride that is ours in the distinction earned by our years of service "first in quality, first in values, first in the hearts of the grocery-buying public.',' )WMrt would groceries be coating tedag were it net for the Aedo Stores? Popularity There must be some reason why millions upon millions of pounds of Asce Coff are sold every year. The hundreds of thousands of Ciscriminatlngt. housekeepers "who serve it with the dawn of every new morning sun, knew. mm asce fSfSW Coffee Tji dilltrtntt? wM,ww,w''w'WMMwwwwywwwwwrwwwwwwww Special! Fine Table Salt This Week Only! Wj;j,,j,,,,,,mMW,,,,,wm "Quality Calif. Oxheart Cherries Rich and luscious I Itegular Asce lb Oleomargarine 20c Quality through and through. b, Pears uarueii w Just melt In your mouth t Asce Cocea VtAh 15c can A nourishing beverage. Geld Seal V Fleur 12-lb. Bag - M Surprise the children with A Yeu 11 Wwy "Bity The finest 1I butter in America! Gbld Seal Carten EGGS eftwclve I W There's a let of satisfaction in being able te buy eggs you can be sure of like Geld Senl Eggs. They arc the pick of the nests. Strictly Fresh Eggs dez45c Every one guaranteed. CAKE SPECIALS. Fresh from N. B. C. Ovens Sylph lb Ogc Sandwiches w t.lttle brown rnUes with a delicious cream filler between layers of chocolate "Boeilles." Tlie dilution love them! Brown Edge lb Wafers 22c With real vanilla flavor, A Pan of Victer Bread Calif. Evap. Peicnei lb 19c Calif. Evap. Apriceti lb 29c Beit Soup Baani 8c Calif. Lima Baani lb, 12c Bett Kidney Beam lb 10c Beit Green Peat lb 10c a "l "aw 'I ii ii r' rP msmm'L Specials for Tuesday in all Our 204 Meat Markets FINEST NATIVE BEEF Whole Cut Chuck Roast, lb 10c Lean Soup Beef, Large Benes. Lean Beiling Beef, b 7c ta 5c Ib 10c Fresh Perk Chees or Roasts, lb 20c Milk-Fed Tltps.e nte soft nieatcd nnd New These prices effective in eurfMla., Camden & suburban 1'ipllllllllafllMllllliiMlllilMlllilliillili a llaU . a i -. . - - te their K est antl Innkerl. anil hllnv,i vn lere your daddy, children, It was some leek. sir. ' - -- rv- T .i tank. v "Elsie," said Sebastian (and that made three times); "I'm going te re form. Fer you." "Oh, goody I" .cried Elsie. "Yes," said Sebastian, "Just for you. I'm going te quit batting around days. Frem new en we'll de all our hatting nights." wasn't Elsie happy ! Wasn'tDaddy Bat glad 1 Wasn't Mamma Bat joyful! That night they had a glorious family icuutun. preaigai Dai nan Ana bum opened her eyes re IbY 1aK W IHH IHaaaaV HT hpa w The Father of our Country is a Proof of Excellence lb Asce Evap. Milk ct 9c "Pur U thm morning The best quality salt, every two bags you buy. Yeu Counts" in the Asce Stores Cocktail Cherries bet 13c Yeu will want a bottle or two for your Washington's Birthday party. n 30c can price, 35c. Alce pkg Sliced Bacen Sweet as a nut 1 15 J 30c King Wheat 15c A tasty, healthful cereal at a. bargain" price. Try It ! can Regular price. 33a Sugar Cern can 10c Tender Peas can 12$c Sweet nnd tender Decidedly nice flavor. 57 De Yeu Like Cheese? It you are a cheese lever, we want you te try our rich, creamy cheese, aged juit enough te give It the right "snap." And the price la only tSe per lb. I some cookies! Save Mere in an Asce vue&ap lb BUTTER We could write volumes about this exquisite butter, but one taste of the butter itself will convince you that Leuella Butter is a distinct achievement in butter-making. Richland Butter, lb 43c Pure creamery 50c asce Teas 'i-lb pkg, 23c; lb pkg, 45c Five delectable blends of quality. Orange Pekoe tydla Ceylon Old Country Style t Plain Black Mixed Minced Corned Beef, ,b "n 8c Ready te heat and, serve. Asce Farina, "kf 10c A nice breakfast cereal. Fer Your Sweet Teeth Teuraiae Chocolate O 5c ban 1 (c Ptanut Ban O for lu Nice for the children's recess. Asce Cream Mints, 25c Melt In your mouth I Bread Children thrive en it because it contains these elements most needed by growing bodies. Big golden brown leaves of flaky white goodness. Victer Raisin Bread ,oaf 10c With California Seedless Raisins. Aice Aauaenia . , bet 9c Aice Biting bet 7c Yeung'a Seap CUpt pkg 9c Yeuaf'i Seap Powder pkg 12c Fab (YYaikiig FlakM)....pkg He Lux pkg 10c Selected Cuts Milk-Fed Breiling Chickens, " Fresh Beef Liver, lb 10c lleasting Frying Stewlntf Chickens weigh from 2V4 te 3 lba. each. Made Sour Kreut. 4t 10c SCO! aaaHnaMRnannVaaPBai nanttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttnn taBaa, turned! They kllledi-the' fatted wain. .And round and round' the? danced singing: "Ain't we get funl Have wa net1 amusement I .Het deg! Het cat! Het towel I" And that's the end of the' story. uwan te Deai Sett Himself Afire, Diet of Sheek Senates, Pa., Feb. 20. David Griffiths, seventy-two, qn Invalid, died or shock at iapiume today when a match ignited clothing wrapped about mm in a cnair. uis wire was seriously eurneu quencning me eiaze. 25 daw" 3 10c Five Cent Bags for really get one free with Aice 8c Yellow Cera Meal, pkg Best Quality. Fresh milled. Stere 47 prints. 12 'rlb pkg TWO BODY BUILDERS Asce 9c Macaroni pkg 3 Pkgs, 25c Made from pure ingredient a strictly high-grade product. Geld Seal Pr Oata Illch In vltamlnes. brain and brawn. 8c Build Big Leaf & Hawaiian Pineapple.. llet can lie Hawaiian Piaeapple. . .ated can 22c Calif. Sliced Peackei. .tall caa 16c Calif. Yellew Peackci.can 23c, 29c Oregon Plaau big can 25c Calif. Samwttt Prunes.. lb I2c, 17 lb 25c 40c Ib 32c Stores & Meat Markets icrn , , ' jvmmmmmmmmn ii Economy Women's 89c & $1 Flannelette Petticoats In Regular and Extra Sixes at 39c & 69c Gray, blue and pink stripes, Have drawstring at waist, tai lored ruffle bottom and scallops. Ilegular and extra sizes. Women's $1.00 and $1.50 Sateen Pantalettes, 69c and 89c Made generously full of geed quality sateen in all colors. Have ruffle or deuble rows of shirring at ankle, forming a cuff. Women's Pretty Silk Petticoats at $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 In Regular end Eutrm Sltee Messaline, radium, taffeta and combinations of these silks in pretty plain shades and change able colors. Fancy or tailored flounces. bNELLENBURflS Economy Basement Women's Pretty Nightgowns Economically Priced at 89c Seft lingerie cloth, daintily finished with lace and embroid ery. Women's Dainty Envelope 7Q,f. Chemise ! Elaborately trimmed with lace, embroidery and medallions. Rib bon or built-up shoulders. Women's Sateen Bleemers at.... 59c Elastic at knee and waist. Tailored style. SNELLENBURflS Economy Basement Children's Beach Rompers Specially Priced at $1.19 Made of ex cellent qual ity c h a m bray. Charm ingly styled and trimmed with stitch ing, white cellars and cuffs. As Sketched. In pink, J diuc, green and corn. ,.es 2 te 6 years. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Girls' $3 & $4 Gay New Gingham Dresses Te Sell for as Little as u$1.45' Fine ginghams in stunning plaids, checks and plain colors. Innumerable pretty models, trimmed with contrasting colors, ruffles, sashes, pockets and rick rack edging. Sizes 6 te 14 years. Girls' $3 te $4 Velour Kiltie ftWrt,..$2&$2.95 Stunning plaided and cheeked velour of geed quality. Cleverly made with full box-plaited skirts and straps ever shoulders that can be adjusted by nickel buckles te proper length. Sizes 6 te 14 years. Misses' and Girls' $2.00 Jean Middy Blouses (j-f AA at, Each JXUU Nicely made of Jean in all white or with colored cellars and cuffs. Choice of regulation or co-ed style, smartly trimmed with braid. Excellent for school, gym and sports wear. Guimpes te Wear With Kiltie Skirts at, Each 79c $1.00 Pongee color and white; also organdies in new shades with touches of color. Youthful Peter Pan style with plaiting around cellar and cufTs. Sizes C te 14 yen;s. Misses' & Girls' $2.00 J- Bleemers at J) J. Geed quality sateen andHen rietta cloth. Made full with band at waist. Girls' $2.00 Middy tf- Skirts at $1 Geed quality navy blue cotton serge en bodies. Fer wear with middy blouses. Entire Stock of Girls' $10 te $15 Smart Winter Coats, Reduced (J5 te, Each pO Popular belted models of warm fancy cheviets, veleurs and heavy mixed coatings, with self-cellars, button trim mings and pockets, Sizes 6 te 14 years. t .byEUENBUROS Economy Baaement anflnHaTHal nnnnnnnSanV AannnnW Basement STORE OPENS AT 0 A. Snellenburgn L J ENTIRE BLOCK-M7f?KETtl!eHTl STREETS L J Down Cemes the Price Even Lewer en These . Women's and Misses' $7.50 & $10 Chic Cleth Dresses at $3.50 Nothing Like Them Ever Offered Before at the Price in Philadelphia! 9 Charjningly made of wool poplin in the fashionable straight line style that is be coming te every woman. Silk braid, bright contrasting colors, silk embroidery and narrow belts add further smartness te these frocks. Twe pictured. Women's $15 te $29.75 Extra-Size Silk-and Cleth Dresses $95 t. $75 Slenderizing long-coat effect styles in tricelette, silk pongee, serge and taffeta. Attractively trimmed. Women's $25 and $30 Fur-Trimmed fl1C AA Plush Coats at tDXU.UU Short Bperts models, with large fur cellars. Smart styles that can be worn with or without belt. Women's $4.00 Blouses d- Apr Tuck-in and overbleuso styles of tricelette, JjA!0 Georgette and crepe de chine, prettily embroidered and beaded. SNELLENiJURJaS Economy Basement Women's $3 Geutil Corsets at $1.45 Pink ceutil with medium bust or girdle top and long hip lines. Well boned. x Women's Brassieres 39c t0 $1.59 White trimmed with lace or embroidery. Re-enforced. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Extra - Linoleum - Special $lte$1.50 Genuine Cerk A Qn Lineleums (Remnants) tOC Limited Let. Up te 100 Yards of a Pattern. Mail and Phene Orders Filled SNELLENBURflS Ecnmy Basement February Furniture Sale Swings Inte Its Last Week of Splendid Value-Giving! $20.00 Five-Piece Breakfast $11.95 Roem Suit Includes oak finished drop -leaf table, reuml or square-, with a letrs and four oak chairs with co nuare )bblcr seats $13.50 Rell- EdgeFelt-and- Cotten Mattress, 56.95 45 pound s. Pure cotton uml cotton felt In one or two pieces. All regulation Hies. S15 Metal Bed, $7.95 Continuous pest with 10 fctralght tl 1 1 is r upright. 1 1 regulation sl7e $10 White Metal Crib, $9.95 $20 Imperial Edge Cotten Mattress, $9.75 60 pound's. 7 Inch border. One or two pieces. Covered In heavy fancy art ticking. fc Heavy Ti-Inch continuous pest, 40 Inches hlBh, safety drop elrte operated liv the feet and all-steel sanitary link sprlnc. $25 Bureaus $14.95i $16.00 Couch Beds, Com plete at $9.95 Each Solid ealt, Three deep drawei s. Oval F r e n e h plate mirror, Us Si Inches. Drop-alde style, All cotton double pad te lit. J Jf V J .' V U " rmrmP ffiafflW pni M I . j N. SNELLENBURG & CO. iA c Specials for Tuesday M. CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. 75c Working Men's Gloves & Gauntlets at 25c Three styles from which te cheese. AH made of strong leather. Useful for rough work around garage, home or garden. Just the thing for bricklayers, motormen, elevator operators, railroad men and janitors. Nete the saving! Mail and Phene Orders Promptly Filled. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement $22.50 Bex (-1 Q QC Springs fDlO.VO 63 of these spiral bprlntfs. 4 times tied, cotton top cov ered In croed-Hxnilo .11.1.... Fer weed or metal tied u,hA n- Jeb state which. $40.00 Brass Bed Outfit at $22.75 $4.75 Dining- Roem Chair, $2.49 A 2. Inch Coin nlul pout bed. with ten 1-Inch filler upriBnu; provided w I t h fill - steel flprlns and soft e r v etrenu ealc sent Jf Jm perlal leather. top mattress. $12 Mahog any End Table, $4.95 te $3.00 Oak I Costumer for $1.19 $25 Library Rocker, $11.95 $7.00 Parler Table, $3.69 Overstuffed. Ceverad n brown Imperial leather. :4x24.nch pe. lahed oak top. .SJELLENJlURfiS Economy Basement w nvYn I 111 II I a I nnnnvC"1! Inannni ft iBnTmffll TCnnriM9aU V M ' :s Werth-Wmte Savings en Beys' Clothing Beys' $6.75 Novelty ' OJ. Suits at HiK Made of all-wool blue serge andl Knit cloth ,ln the popular Oliver Twist and middy medeln, with white braid-trimmed c611ar and cuffs and sleeve chevrens. Wen derful values! .Beys' Norfolk Suits at $4.95 Mixed cheviets with full-lined knickers. Sizes 6 te 15 years. Beys' 2-Pants tfJrT ApT Suits at P VD Extra geed quality cheviets in liffht and dark gray and brown mixtures. Full -lined knickers. Sizes C te 17 years. Beys' $13.75 2- dA AC Pants Suits at. . tyUD All-wool blue sercc and mixed cheviot suits with full-lined pants. Beys' $5.50 te $10.00 Junier Overcoats at $3.75 and $4.75 Button-te-neck and bcltcd-all-areund styles. Beys' Mackinaw Coats Re duced te $3.75, $5 and $5.75 Extra geed quality blanket cloth, with shawl and convertible cellars. Beys' Knickers QK Mixed cheviets. Sizes 8 te 16 years. ' SNELLENBURflS Economy Basement February Sale Offers Twe Splendid Values in Aprons at 98c Greup 1 Women's Bungalow Aprons Of checked gingham in regular or extra sizes. Neat mod els generously cut. Greup 3 Women's Princess Aprons Of blue-and-white ging ham or checked percale, prettily finished with rick-rack braid. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Women's $3 & $5 Jaunty Worsted Slip-Ons Underpriced at $1.75 & $2.50 Worsted i n plain and fancy weaves. Have long sleeves and Dutch necks. Popular for wear as blouse with sports skirt. Women's $5 Tuxedo Sweaters, $2.50 These popular models are belted and trimmed with brushed wool in tan and brown and navy and white combinations. SNELLENBURflS Economy Basement 100 Pairs of $12.50 Pure Lamb's Weel Blankets Substantially Reduced At $7.50 Pair Guaranteed 100 pure lamb's wool. Rich plaid effects in all the desirable color combinations. Deuble - bed size. Exceptional values ! ' 400 $5.00 Bed Spreads $3.00 Satin-finish spreads in pretty new Marseilles patterns. Hemmed. Full size. S00 $3.98 Comfertables til ( , , . , Silkeline $1.69 rreny siiKeune covering filled with white cotton. Screll stitched. Full size. $3.50 Cotten Blankets, Pair. . $1.95 Seft wool finish nap. White and gray with pink and blue bor ders. Full size. $5.00 Weel-Nap Blankets, Pair. . $3.49 Fine heavy quality with soft wool finish nap. White, gray and tan, with stripe border and ine- hair binding. Full size. STeTZ3nBJRu"S '-'conemy Basement $1.79 Slx90-inch. Garden City Bleached Seamless Sheets Advantageously Marked At $1.10 Each l his famous sheeting known for its wearing Blenched, seamless itnd wanted 81x90-inch size. is well quality, in the Bolster Cases 3 for $1.00 Size 42x72 inches, with wide hems, 28c and 31c Pillow Cases Finished 23c Sizes 42x36 and 45x30 inches. SJJeLIenBupcS wr imt ',rr ,-TfrWWi m , V V !i f tl :m 'JJf. IP: . irf &t i m BW m?.w sivs?. 9&i W . m- mu I A "&$c&K$irr . ixmismri rv, i, -, 1 Hue.?' . t WO..J trM r'-styMi.r-M'i.iAiF:ififM .. 'n&vrwry ti'vi'Wi tAUftrj. . .. . A sMite,,,,, .'f f h8lm ;W m$&mL 'HiLlV- r,ua n ' t J5viK.. ' - . ,:nM'tAiit ,-if ' " "Jy - jr N. atJELLENBURG 4k CO:i 1,51 :tim, k v j. -1-a: ZiMm