r H. i fliSS. f' S. lit, r i I- mm ' m ttaa? iVBT, ft 2 ?A.T ' f: ":' n KM Ul'n't r yi VM&J M INEJN VATICAN I II pj Pontiff Deluged With Cen- jpJpfratulatery Messages Frem tlflclal meuaUla potte be erected In the Vatican gardens me bn tulgut indu gc in. Ms favorite pastime of tnoiintaln-cllreb ins. Afer enJe)ing the Jeke the pontiff seriously Raid: . "Alas, my climblnj days are ever." The pontiff also Inquired about a special breed of horses called "aera flnl," used only en the papal carriage TblH Immediately caused the report that I'iua planned te fellow up his action in appearing en the loggia of St. Peter's by drlring outside the Vatican. ' " 1H-,-i ' 1 - v tJ'S ifj. FARMER KILLS RICH MAN ACCUSED IN DIVORCE SUIT Kentucklan Enraged at Reply That Charge la "Black Lie" Somerset, Ky., Feb. 17 (By A. P.) Jehn F. Tedd, fanner, who yes terdav ohet and killed A. II. Wileen. wealthy land owner, in an attorney' ofBre here after Wilsen had denounced as a "black lie" Tedd's charges that xw-iTt ae had been Intimate with Sfra. Vsei, today remained silent concerning th caie. The sheeting occurred- during the taking of depositions in divorce pro ceedings. Wilsen had been named co 5Pendnt In Tedd's counter-claim te Mrs. Tedd's suit charging cruelty. Mrs. Tedd was In an anteroom where she could hear the testimony. . 1f.rV2u. wwr Intimate with Mrs. Tedd?" Judge William Catren, attor ney for Mrs. Tedd, asked Wileen. iim .-I EJT - "" f-? '- u&'Jw,.wT',-'-vrm Abeletely ae It'e llt-aa black a one as em was told.'. Before, there was time (or any one te imctitre, iuuu eaa wnipnea a pisiei from his pocket and fired four shots at Wilsen, seated only a few 'feet away. Three shots took effect, and Wilsen died a lew minutes later. Tedd surrendered and was taken te Jail. lie Is the father 01 tnrce cniiarcn. Wilsen has a daugh Hit, University of Kentucky football piayer. !atiV BfetiSs um fltctien of Mit'Snadty's Pcbue Litxii. A4vt . .... w. XaMntr and SwllFc r'.w?mK y $S&M fc WILL REPLY PERSONALLY fr ft.Y. ...- .-. Jt'ef ay me imerifl'eu ittm Jleme, Feb. 17. Plus XI hsi net Milled down te the normal life t a eme nentlff. rhlcflv because the RgEiimie apartment occupied by the late ;vPiedict--.XV is net ready te receive Vast - A crowd of workmen Is still re 'ftr. ewwtructlne the nnartment. changing tBe hanging!, and carpets and rear ranging the furniture. Meanwhile the Pepe sleep1! In what Is called the "little throne room," In Which Pepe Lee XIII died. Compared with the ether rooms in the Vatican it cenMrtererf email. nltheu?h It mean- , res about 20 by 20 feet and the cell- lIng I" fifteen feet high. As it adjoins the large papal library where Pius X and Benedict XV re ceived visitors, the chamber was trans trans fermed into a small throne room. A throne was placed opposite the window and en the fleer wan a magnificent car pet presented by Alfonse XII, Klnp of Spain, te Pepe Lee, having in Its cen ter the coat-ef-aruis of the Spanish tererelirn. The throne has been removed, being replaced by the small Iren lcd In which Pius sleeps. Tills Is rtiuUered by a screen, and in another narf'ef the room is a large desk at which the Pepe work and where be daily receives the Papal Secretary of State, Cardinnl Onsparrl, v i ana outer leaning Vatican officials. All the chairs and tables, and even the fleer, are piled with neatly docketed bundles r telegrams and letters from every fart et tuc wenu winch tnc pentin in aiits he must answer himself. "If it continues like this seen you will net be able te enter my room," the t Pepe smilingly said te Cardinal Gas , i parri yesterday. In order te save time he takes his meals in the adjoining li brary, being served en his predecessor's " desk. "I never had my meals in se spacious a room," be exclaimed en one occasion. Plus has had little time for exercise, and thin far has only been able te walk through the Vatican gardens once, being accompanied by Monslgner Plzzarde, Assistant Secretary of State. The Pepe was moved te laughter by the suggestion circulated lately that ar- After-Dinner Tricks Open FAB package tilth a press of the thumbonerangedot. T V i agaal "iS'gg BlaWMaaalaW lj tz-;5 .7vi, fjVjPgMggHMigjgVjHggggggggggggV .Z . ". aTaaKBslr I Pour FAB flake through neat opening -. . -n jiJmBSi i?. 4, 4 r ir vj" jyYi, Just r" Helle!" te Levis (rniui, HEumviniiun rOW BLANK BOOKS lnf LMN-LNf iepL i ally .equipped, with a lrs nleck et jjoeM'Lcar Ledftra. iQHk' b.b.nnmmi mm. BBBBslMalaHKVm ;lHn atXIHgLLm 109s Transfer Binders, Hlnf.uoelcf, coiumear sneeu, 2 to-ise cei umns achi Lednr. flteetit. Mlnut Beeks. Special forma for nrceuntants. Special Leeee Leaf Ledger coraurey einaing, red back and corners, 200 sheets and Index cnmnlete SVtXllU. HARRY B. LEVIS STATIONER 702 Arch St It Casts Lett ea Ana St Open Every Evening a -L. s e OO Ve Spfcl. 8 Race te Thirty -One " Procure a large numler of sinill eanln er slips of paper and number them from 1 te d. Lay the card en the table and allow some one te take nnv numfmr card he pleases. Then you cheese a card and lay it with his, he takes an other and se en. Each time the total en the selected cards Is added. The person who draws a card bringing the total te thirty-eue or mere Is the win er. Every time you draw a card, select the one that will brin your total each time up te the following numbers: 3, 10, 17 and 21. .If you de this, your opponent cannot win, as each of thetc key numbers controls the one following and, finally, the last number, 31. Oepyrlxtit. 122. by Iublle Lder Cemrnnv Hew freely FAB flakes pour from the opening of the new One Thumb Tep package! Yeu will prefer this convenient package te the ordinary package with a tern, spilly top. The new FAB package closes tightly when net in use a tidy package waste-proof and prac tically dust-proof. I Perfected wash-bowl flakes in a perfected package. COLGATE & CO. Est. 1806 NEW YORK PvXSalsfli HffiJkjK4J7SW aWULltU The new COLGATE wash-bowl flake SMMMmMMMMMStSMMMMSMMMMMMMSMm .-.... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi aBBBBBSBBBBBm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsK. rtta U. (AT OFF. SAFELY WASHES FINE FABRICS .bbbIsbbI aW bbsbbbb1 bisbsbbbI sbb H twkmaw VSttW jraaBBBBBW VbbbbI af'eW BViHSJJEcikHhBBVHL bLbibbbbbt9bbbTbbbbbbV Founded in 18C5 The Heuse that Heppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 C. J. Heppe & Sen Central Stere 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street ii rJt3 Wm 5- ill! er9 wsm.h: v. nshiV w mm L nsw. w Rebert Armbruster the famous Philadelphia Pianist SttjS" rlt. . pw whose recital at the Academy of Music Monday will attract a host of music levers, has endeared himself te the musical world through his brilliance as a soloist. Yeu can have this young master as a permanent performer in your iheme if you own (Bfe due-Art REPRODUCING PIANO Mr. Armbruster's beautiful interpretations for the Due-Art are technically and artistically perfect, The Due-Art offers you actual reywl3 of the world's greatest pianists. Paderewski, Bauer, Tlefmann, Gabrile- witsch, Ganz, Grainger and many ethers make rolls for the Tliin.Arf. -"" The Due-Art Pianola-Piane is made in only six pianos '.all en sale at Heppe's, namely: the Steinway, Weber, Stock, Wheelock, Stroud and Aeolian. Prices $750 up. 'f-fCJJ, 'phone or write for full particulara. Uptown Stere N; W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. Our Business Is confined te the Bale, exchange, jvntal nnu repair of pianeu, playcr playcr Iilanes and talking machines for cash, charge or rental payments. Our Agencies embrace the world-renowned Masen & Hamlin, Henry P. Miller. Weber. Steck, Udeuurd Jules, Hcppe, H, C. h'chemacker. Marcellus and FVan etsca Planea : the Steinway, Wener, ateck. Wheelock. Stroud and Aeo Aee llan Due-Art Reproducing Pianos and Vlctor.Vlctrelas. C. J. IfEPPE & BON Florence J. Iltppe. Pretftrnt (Se:i et the rounder. Why Heppe's for USED Pianos? "Aren't the offerings of nl! piano stores practically alike?" you ask. Ne! The Heuse that lias sold, and is celling, the grratest number of the best piunes built must take in ex change pianos that are far bet ter than the average. Prove Preve thiB nt Heppe'a. Try Heppe's first. Full value guaranteed if you want te ex change within a year. Seme Specials Hardman, Upright Piano Piane Ebony $185 Jacob Bres., Upright Piane Ebony $145 Dehr Bres., Upright Piane Ebony $165 Cable & Sens, Upright Piano Piane Mahogany $185 Steinhauer, Upright Piano Piane Mahogany $135 Bosten Piane Ce., Upright Piane Walnut $195 Schumann, Upright Piane Ebony $165 Bradbury, Upright Piane Oak $185 Leenard, Upright Piane Ma hogany J.. $195 What De Yeu Want te Pay? There's a VICTROLA at Heppe's for the price Seme folks think there are only a few styles of Victrelas, and that they are all high priced. These people have net been te Heppe's, where there is Complete Victor-Victrela Service. At Heppe'a there is a Victer Victrela for every pocketbook. Whether one wants te pay little or much $25 te $350 there is a genuine Vic Vic teola awaiting inspection. Why net find out for yourself? Ne delay in delivery, either, from Heppe's. By selling thousands of Victrelas every year, and many mere thou sands of Victer Records, we keep thoroughly familiar with the popular needs and are ready te supply them. Heppe's sells Victrelas and Victer goods exclusively. Yeu therefore get the best when it comes from the Heuse that Heppe built. Why Net a Heppe Victrela Outfit? (Belew ara but a few) Victrela Ne. IV, $29.50 with six 10-inch double-face records Pay only 50c weekly Victrela Ne. 50, $54.50 with six 10-inch double-face records Pay only $1.00 weekly Victrela Ne. 80, $110 With $10 worth of records Pay only $3 weekly Victrela Ne. 90, $135 With $10 worth of records Pay only $1.7Z weekly Victrela Ne. 300, $265 with $15 worth of records Pay only $3 weekly Victrela Ne. 130, $375 with $25 worth of records Pay only fs.7S weekly 1019-21 Market Street The Greatest Clothing News in the Paper Today! raH XHir ?P MIHlum $500,000 Stock 11 B4nd 1 and 2 Pair Pants Wixm&7s&ffl TWmw JSMWSMMMMMMF ,'lJXJf Evervthine is tagged in plain figures, showing the former sell ing price and the present Half Price. This is Mr. Hill's Annual Clearance Sale, in which everv earment in this larere store is sacrificed se that it will move and move quickly. New is the time te buy that overcoat you will eventually need next vear if you care te make a saving that will cause you te remem ber the Hill Ce. for years te come. We beast we can Fit Any Man, whether he be tall or short, stout or thin, or just a plain regular. Every Garment In Our Stere Vz Price Suits and Overcoats 2 g. Suits and Overcoats Beys' Clothing AT HALF PRICE! $6.00 Suits, Overcoats $7.50 Suits, Overcoats $10.00 Suits, Overcoats $12.50 Suits, Overcoats $15.00 Suits, Overcoats $17.50 Suits, Overcoats $20.00 Suits, Overcoats Beys' $1.25 Pants, 63c & Mackinaws, $3.00 & Mackinaws, $3.75 & Mackinaws, $5.00 & Mackinaws, $6.25 & Mackinaws, $7.50 & Mackinaws, $8.75 & Mackinaws, $10.00 Beys' $2 Pants, $1.00 m Suits and Overcoats a Suits and Overcoats mtw' IIP' film 1111 ii 11 II Men's Trousers AT HALF PRICE! The Largest Stocks in the City! Entire Fleer Devoted te Trousers! Men's $2.50 Trousers $1.25 Men's $3.00 Trousers $1.50 Men's $4.00 Trousers $2.00 Men's $5.00 Trousers $2.50 Men's $6.00 Trousers $3.00 Men's $8.00 Trousers $4.00 Men's $10.00 Trousers $5.00 fL Suits and Overcoats Stere Orden Accepted Isrgut Mtn' and Boji' Clothing Stert in Philtdflphia Bm l-SB fe WM SiW Open Evenings Largttt Nn'$ nd Ben' Clothing Sten in I'hilai'lphla W''iy stee. 1Q19-21 Market Street f ' ' -- i ' il t "6 h41i .. f it Jj a.i fekt.?jrf.atei.h,i..,.....-..J;...i,fl..,.i yA '' ij ti&iMf. 5-V 6&$ .Vtfftt tfe2MJtv. jtnHt. u.S&M& - jMxtet&teJitiiibMtifa M.4rJ ,., ' . rt K,x I'M tkMM .-. J