Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 17, 1922, Sports Extra, Image 3

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m .. -.. x.. iUai. eu...
'plthelic ynarmes mew i "'
i' in $200,000 Estate of Ad-
. vertislng Man
2. ,
..-...,iU iipnnrsls' for educational.
ih' ..ii. .! fnllrlniKi iiiirnnscu were
Ha. In (he will of lllcharil A. Feley.
ted of the niclinnl A. Feley Advcr
hr; i...r nmt former nreddent of
(Minx nii' "w i
jjj Peer IUeherd Club who died Feb.
sTh' will, admitted te prfcbate tedny.
iiA Mr. Feley's realty holdings
jinewru 27.700 nnd his nor-
iHi ..rWitv nt $200,000 mid upwind.
'"The establishment of "Itiehnrd A.
Wr Khelnwhlpi" nt the University
MJKKi;' TliirSeloel for lien wn '
winded for In the filament wblcW
?L -.1 liftAnii nflffflU.
(fTtrcu u. ...... i e--.
J. milUgy IUI "ivn
.'. in f .Mr. Feley's real estate and
lkiicneld effects, tye bulk of the slick
'j the Felev ndvertlslns necney Mid
130 UUU Ollinglll- miv uuuvuiiti:u
iii widow. Mrs. U. Jennie Feley,
hvj testament stating:
i'i 11VI...A nrp liers bv rieht of the fine.
i .i LMin aim linu rvpr irlvpn inn nmt
. henctulncss dven when In the midst
','! troubled waters.
' A bequest of .$0000 and the Interest
". 118,000 were left te Mr. Feley's
'Mtbcr, Mrs. Jehn M. Houghten, while
ether DOUUCSIS were umui- u iwe sis-
twi. ether relatives nnd friend.
' Of the residue of the estate. 00 per
cnt is te be apportioned ah follews:
Fifty per enxi " DP distributed te
w'ch Catholic charities as arc deemed
.. wnrihv nnd needy In the .'udement
)tt the executers nnd t)f the Archbishop
' Oac-slxtn each te the Seminary of
'fit Charles llorreiheo. Overbroek : the
.Society for the Propagation of the Faith
lid the Laj men's Itctreat League.
, Temple and I'enn Aided
' onveniv ner cent of the residue is te
b distributed in this way:
1 The Archbishop of Philadelphia. IS
Ib 1.": nn, Kfltit . TVtiltiln ITtilrnrfclfv
iw,'.ju.: . it".: '.::;.. r.. ...;;v:
ttnia, 10 per cent: St. Agnes Hospital,
10 per cent, the gilt te be known as the
"II Jennie Feley Donatien for Free
,Bdi." ., ... , ..
Office rs nnu tin ecmi i n- i uirj
Advertising Agney, who have been in
the agency s service ten years or mere,
ire te receive 15 per cent, and ether
.tnrii ulie have served at least two
,teirs arc te divide 10 per cent, while
v. mninintn!? 10 ner cent is te be dis-
trtbutcd among surviving relatives under
the previsions of the Intestate luws.
The will also bequeaths fifty books te
"rte 1'oer ltieliard Club.
11 ... V . yr .! ..!.
Thi. will of Mary A. Martin. Jltl
..,"- -t eln wns nrnW...l fn.l.iv
JVUII '" - , 1 . ,' 1
..j .iiuneeii nt n n.iiu esiiLC in iiri-
loosed of a $S200 estate In prl-
bcquttt.H,t1.'SttCfr ha !,' etr""f
.. heniiests. Letters of ndministra
it. uere crnnted for the estate of
Rjchcl Martin, 2017 East IIuutlndeu
ftffitre filed for the estates
!Ma- W.'L-fi"'e!
tiri.v. Hi.i-u.i't ; iiiui.i ci. .v.F.iy.ii, !
llO.JHl.ert: c iiuiarine cuuiiiiilt,
'490.ei1; William M. Garden, S204.
(02.78 : Nathan C. Welnreleh. Sl'SS'J;
Ibwderc Slginan. .$l.'i,.p)0.0!. '
Judge Sentences Shoplifter After
Exposing Fanciful Story
. After Investigation exploded a fanci
ful story she told Judge Itegcrs re-'
wntlv, Margaret Ward, who was con-,
tided of shoplifting, was sentenced to te
y te two years and ten months te1
three scars in the Eastern Penitentiary.
When tailed for trial a week age, the
jeung woman suld hc came from an ex
cellent family in llosten and that she
formerly was nu athletic instructor
there. She pleaded le be sent home e
the would be away from tomptatieu.
Judco Itecers deferred sentence un
til the girl's story was Investigated. Te
day lie said inquiry showed she is
I plain, ordinary tlilet.
In the gill's npaitmeiu in New Yeik
City wcie found several letters lieni
mm known te be thieves. One from a
convict iu jail asked her te "clout a
.meerschaum pipe for mc us they arc
wft te get."
Te men caught in a store here witii
the young woman have been sentenced
t prison.
Sixth Man Sentenced for Murder of
Detective McGinn
Salintore Hattaglia. a New Yeik
luunsu. was sentenced te serve. nine
ln te twenty ears in tlie Eastern
Pmltc-ntlar by Judgn Terry In Q111.1- ,
ttr Sovlen- Ceuit tedm -
Ilatta-lin wn uniivieieii nf niiirilei- in
the second degree icccntlv for com-
Illicit! In the murder of .leseiih Me-
Inn, a deti'dhe, hhet te death while
endm-ting a laid 011 a gambling hour
In I'ass :111k axciuic near Christian
street a jcar age.
He is the sixth man te be convicted 1
in the slnjing.
Take Strongbox, Along With $50 It
When Cenrce Johnstone, manager.ef
e Aiacrienn' Storey Company branch
-hl.S Old Yerk read, opened the
"tore thi morning lie found that the
r,ie wns uiis-inp,
r... i
no tiiiind that the Iren sme
-umcil Wel'lie.l '.'ill iiiiumU m.ih e,ii-i-l..,l
..... .' "11. in iii nuiUi
wn ami iiuiikH
ntnl iii.ii 1... ..C .. 1 1 .1 .... .
'.P le tlie dour of tin
11 11 iruei, iimr enci.cii
ttoie leuld hi
The s,iV lentained about S.'O.
.i. - ,
wiiapaes In Bosten Forum Lecture
, Date Here Canceled
WlliiliM. n''ein d '" '.llis ,;lt-v b-v . ,,"
Ihert.S.rJ'1 '"'"nthat Inlu t'ehb,
l. " ii v; nun vin-ii nan 7. ,- --;- " ,. V
wen retain ed fiein 11 rear window and of " '"iner case before I . S. (oininis (eininis
the wlmlmv iiimni..,! .,,. 'im... ..,i- sinner Mnnlev teduv his indlirnatinu with
hn-ei- i ". iiuiiiiii-iKi unci iec- Mjottle ler .l..iU.
Cnl a. IIS!',1!1 '" lns'"" wltli In- Snssinan wu held under W.'OO bail
lecture'. i !' (""b Vell1,,,sl,,l ,:m l'(nnd Lotezla under ?ir.00 ball.
hi .liiu,.',Jg,.t.:...,.., .-
. """ rviiniineil ill Mll-Ul. 1
iM mi the I'eruiu preKrain in tiie '
"...e.iii ei .Musie new. That eiiLMBc-
'"Cllt. Iheiefni-e. ,u l,,., i.i,.ii.,i...i.
l")tiieneii ......ii . . 1 . r
1 ' iimuiti. AeeerilliiK te the nfermn-
UUIl riii.nl. ...I ... .1 . ....
Wei .eh. ... '. ."...: :":. ;" uuDU
a v naiini iiii-in r.
- - -
Tin. In,.. 1 r R0ERS
nileJ f"!','' ',"l'i,, ""lii today
or nt 1 1' m'"'1 '''.. Im ?-'""' ' I
r,in ii,. uiiwi;e (eiu-n, of Denver,
;.',' J" .i11'1' Ni'it iipilnst Samuel V.
In the 1, .- , ' , '"' u '"parimv
linn . 1 ' "V iireuicrs, nun ine
,"i Who were ferincrlv biinliers mn! I
reiters , Cdnrad,,. Tim claim wa
frnA. V" t,m',: I'-Tiwu-tlens. The de
'inimntK nn- new leeaieil in tl,i ..in-
Actress who faces a S50.000 suit for
alienation of affection. A few dnjs
age her salary was garnlshccJ te
pay a $5000jedgment In a ',)rel(tn
heart balm suit
Members of Commission Regret Re
fusal te Vete $10,000 Fund
Member of the Zoning Commission
expressed disappointment today because
Council's Zoning Committee blocked a
move te grant $10,000 that would
fiifitncc further work bv the commis
sion. The general principle which the com
mission has followed was te divide the
rity Inte zones, each with regulations
governing the location, size nnd use efi
Hitter opposition developed in' Coun
cil te nn ordinance drafted by the com
... . , ..,! .'
ii ibsieii aiicr several years ei moor, aim ,
nu references te tnc ccntiai business1
district were eliminated
The remainder of the ordinance was
referred te the Zoning Commission,
which asked the $10,000 appropriation
te carry en its work,
Jeseph C. Wagner. Assistant Director
of Public Works and a member of the
rommiisien. said It seemed ft pity that
Council referred the zoning plans back
te tlie commis-ien mic rctused te nppre-
prlate money for expenses. , , f
Mr. agner uid tiie commission s .
work would be "hobbled, and "added
mat netiung weuni ui aiauauie inr commission, as many persons as may M). Lnvis nniil there are fratcrnitle.
prlnting or for map-making. He said 1)C n.nuire,l. but such employments shall . . .... ... ., ... . ..!.,.. .....
his chief. Director Cnven, may call n'I10t eiCCC(1 thlrty ,ays and shall abse-, ' bat thinl. that the wild partus in
meeting of the commission
in u !
Milten It. Medary. Jr.. nn architect
nnd member of the commission, said
'Council's failure te authorize an appre-
Dilation will make the work much
i" """ "; -"--- :. ;,
innler. Most of the members et the
" ... ' ' 1.. ,...e k,rl. IH.. ,.,...
VAPIIHIU.-WM"" '- '-...B ........... .......
pcllMtlen. The ethers are city officials
w!'? ",wlvc n fxt, ,my f"r Mr work '
...ui. tin. i.nnnnlnlnii
A ,.- n.
Bin i0 incerpvmic nMwiiii "'
fered In Heuse
Washington. Feb. 17. A bill te in-
cortehe'NaVieim, Aeclati.; rf
American AVerld War -Mothers. In which
several Pennsylvania women nre lead
ct-s. was introduced today by Chairman
McFndden. of the llunklng and Cur-rein-.v
Mrs. IHanchc Bellak Is one of the
incorporators and Mis. Itli-hard Rewan
Is en the executive beard. Uetli are
named in the bill as representing Penn
sylvania. "The puipe-e of this corporation, '
Mr. McFadden said, "is te keep ulive
ami develop the spirit that prompted
world service, te lnnintatu the ties of
fellowship iberti of that service, und te
ii-ist and further patriotic work : te iti-i-uli-ate
a seii'-e of iiidividuiil obligation
te the community. State and Natien :
te work for the well'nic of thn army
and navy: te n-ist In any way In
. . - - . -.. ,
titer power men unii women wm sen e
IV " . ' . ' : I- '",....". ,
' Wer'd War; te fester and promote
friendship and understanding between '
America and the Allies m the v erid
Aute Bandits Get $5000 en Crowded
New Yerk Street
New Yerk, Feb. 17. fliy A. P.)
Seven meter bandits held up two mes
sengers of the Pacific 15 ink today af n
crowded point in First avenue, ne;r
the (Juei iiiboreugh lSrldje, shot en" of
"'"V"1;'1 e',ml vU" tt ' ' .m""
!',- f The crime eceurred within
hfty feeL of a pollce statieu.
, V'SVN w"'u 10l,u1e,, f1'0"' ,tI"1 l"m,U,
"f ',of!l tiessenge Ulehard Kahrsaiid
Jeseph P. Ilyiies when they resisted
ll"' in win pounced upon tliem from
tnc rtinuin:: uearu or an auiomeoue.
Knlii-H then re-or.'ed te hi; lists until
he w'ns shot in the back.
Police Captain Corcoran. hearing
the ropeit. leumlcd a corner hurriedly,
lut the ,-cmii mnn were dilvlng off. He
fucd, nnd said lie theusht lie hit one
of the men en the ntnnln.T beard, but
companions grabbed him as he toppled
Detective Angered by Intimation in
Rum Arrest Case
When Police Detective! Adam! was
asked if lie had been an Austrian sn.v
iliii-iiit- the Wei-lil Wni- nt the lienrliiL'
. . . . - . -
se si-cat
tlmt he relumed te answer,
pll.tu mill
This caused a hitch in tlie proceedings
until the detective angrily shouted a
Ailanii and Detective Mellen obtained
the e idence en which Leuis Sassniau.
a saloonkeeper at Seventh and Lom Lem
bard streets, nnd lih bartender. An-
. ... T -i..t.. i-.l ....
IOIIJO l.uie.lll, eiu urreiieu "11 nil-
el-.urse of Wolutlen of the piohlbltlen
'"n!:,.,, .,., ,. ...... 1....1
beiiBht'whislcy in Sassninn's place at
thirty-live cents a glass and a pint
"- "- -- -
Fatal Accident in Atlas Powder
Kiant at uana ing
, , ,. . v 1. 1 .-
I .La 1 likiii.l i-tiii f- X. .1. 1 eli IT
nk prrTweV... ;...; ,....
, ' . 1 1 . 1
day when the ilyu.iiiilte pacMu house
"f the Alias Powder Winks at l.andlii','.
X. j., was destroyed by an cxpmle...
Tlie two men killed Kred Alpaugh.
of Succtisiiniia. and Kugcne Umni f
LodKOWeodweio said .te lme been the
only persons in the bulldinc at the tlioe.
The bullillnj: is an isolated unit or tiie
powder weras and wus uic only siruc-
,...-.. nffeele.I.
The Atlas Powder Works Is n sub
sidiary of the K. I. du Pout du Nemours
Powder Pempany.
Would Comply With Council's
Request te Eliminate Tests
in Salary-Raised Jobs
Keplving te a tarl attack made eni
ltn members by Ceuncllmcn yesterday,
the Civil Service Commission today of
fered te exempt from promotion tests
the holder of several jobs whose salaries-
have been raised recently. .
Dt. Hublcy It. Owen, chief police
surgeon, nnd Scth M. Van Lean, dep
uty chief of the Bureau of Water, are
the principal officeholders who would be
nffeetcd by tlifr exemption offer.
The commission In n statement ex
plained that promotion tests te which
some Ceuncllmcn objected were required
by the civil service law. It also stated
thnt Council had net been adequately
Informed about the facilities depart
ments have fei? obtaining laborers for
emergen ;y purposes.
Explains Stand
The statement fellows'
"Judging from the reports In the
apparently have net been adequately In
formed by the city departments as te
the method of hiring laborers for emer
gency work such ns snow removal.
"in any event, it Is evident that I
there is a misunderstanding. The ui- J
rector in the case of snow removal, ns!
In all emergency cases. Is at liberty top
employ laborers cither from the civil
service lists or he may pick them up .
wherever he can find them.
"It Is net ncers'.nry te go through
the procedure of certification In nny
way. In ether words, there Is abse- J
lutely no red tape te It. It Is a ques
tien of employing the men just as a
private contractor would employ them.
m.t i,,.irv- rt. i,i.- uii.vif.vii
J. uis cinuse of the emergency cm
pieymcnt of laborers has been In our
-..i... Rillne f,n in-e-eiinMi.it Krri..i. r.i
went into effect and the departments
arc certainly familiar with it.
Specific Previsions of Law
"The specific previsions of the law In
this matter :ic as follews:
II II.. .,.. ..t ............ ...l.ni.0 11- lu
Il0t practical te secure laborers from
't1L. appropriate labor registers wkb
,sufljccnt nremntness. or lu case the Ti
ir In eusn tlie nst '
7s tcmperatilv exliaustcd the appoint-1
i nmr(.r mnv emnlev
A', SUUjCCt, new-
PVPTt tn tlQ Mibscquent approval of the
iiitidy cease as seen ns appointments
.. I... ... ..!.. tfn.. lw. 1,ili.i. Miirltitfil u ' '
IJHII Ul1 UinUU IIUI.I H.V. ..MW. . .t.. ....
After quoting' this prevision from the
rules the statement went en: .
"Itefcrring te the promotion exam-
iimnuiin nun. ijivni .. ... j,vi;'--,
t,.i,.i..i ...,.t ,.nneinliv tlmse of Dr.'
inatlens that appeal- en tiie "PfVi"1!
;"""- 2"V1. T-": i' ... .U : I
sottke'Sir charter and rules -tip- '
nltc that wherever an advance In sal-
i nAii .....i i, i ii ti i.rinii. nip iiriivi- 't
avy exceeds u pev ccin ec cue -ai- phvsiciau of Phlludelphhi and a dele
ary for which the examination Is taken, j ,aie at tl0 reiitVieuce. declared thai
the commission mu-t held n pronietlon . nmu). fraternities, bei-nuse of c.Miava c.Miava
ixnmluutieu. ) gtnit'c, liave gotten Inte debt and sub-
il,u ! fine fnp Prnmntlnn I jecteil members te all suit- of lllljll-t
flitch nrometlon examination, of '
ennrse. Is euen only te these In llne!HVcul 'l"K!l..1 ".'".: ..V. '... :.."
' I! " J T cnffirs "nl
They arc ncer open te eutsidcts In
"Sjt be Med tiirt.,1- that the j
SSaffi posiXVisS'lfiid'enb-
n innii ns eLctiiilcd by the tncumbciits.
but the lonimissien was given te under
etiind that seni of the Incumbents in
the case of these promotions old net do de
slie exemptions for the reason they dc-ti!,-...!
tn ve.nln their elvll Hcrrii-c status.
'Hewcvjr, this whole matter has been The unoccupied second Heur of llil!."
itcclvlng the stileus consideration of Seuth Fifteenth surer wn- damaged by
the commission : Its de-ire te arrive, iji-,. this afternoon, txe llana-s tlircut
at a common sense and fair conclii-leti i.nitig the real ctate office of llasil F.
nnd yet ucl within the Hit of Assembly ' Hnldlne en the tir-t fleer of the build
which mevides that un increase In si,il- t,lg
my beyond the limits fixed for the grade n (.mpleje Miielled smoke at 2 P. M.
shall constitute promotion. nlu investigated. The wainscoting nnd
Meanwhile there has been no inter- ,,,.i ,,f Hie llniiilnir we're ablaze. Fire-
riiutleii in cither work or pay. n- all
rnoiieii in citnvi n.i; v., in... . ii .in.
t,j(; mm 1Iltehc,, hllvc been continued '
in their work by the commlss.en at tiie
, , , salaries pievidcd by Council.
l .......i.iA.i i... '.,., ll " '
Frankford Weman Barely Missed
injury, in iip...ii v. ...
A hothouse ewncdby Mr. and .Mrs.
Samuel Smith, 3717 Meadow street, j papers, started a tin today in the home
Frankford, was destroyed by an ex- j f jew.pl, Phillips. 71."." State read. Ta Ta Ta
plofien and lire this morning. L.uny.
About 0:30 o'clock Mrs. Smith went. Xfter several attempts at thawing the
te see that the hothouse wus piepcrly pipvs, Phlllipn let control of u blaze
heated. Soen uftcr she returned te the . tjmt ,ad Ignited tlie woodwork near
house the beilei exploded. The damage the pipes and sent iu an alarm. Fire
, was estimated at SS00. companies were hindered in reaching
the home due te the slippery pavements.
Get Stelen Goods, Gets Three Years') The damage te the home is, about
Ceorge W. Walker, u Nejrre, till S
Christian strcnt, was scute'need bv
Judge Hegers today te three years in
the Ciiur.ty Prison for receiving stolen
goods-. .Walker was arrested following
the entering of n fraternity house of tlw
Fnlverslty of Pennsylvania, und the
less of a number of overcoats. Walker
ilcuied the theft and explained two coat-:
lie admitted pawning had bceu pur
chased from .1 friend.
t:.Ti:niKNcn un.smus te ce.vnix-t
wiru unewiNci manukactuiikii iiav-
HANDi.n MnM, aoen enciANiznn. no
ruahekari.k erirn will nn re
ri7Hiu. aciu no. marrikd. 11 .-.31. i.i:i
What time
de you want
your photo
engravings? That's the
time we'll deliver them.
The Chetnut Street
Encrwunc Calm
702 Chestnut -TRfiET
( :
DlRECT-MAIL Advertis-
ing will help you get your
share of new business.
Tub HeLMt-y Pittas, 'PjuMieri
1 315-29 Cherry Slrtet
1 m. m
BBaMilLWJ7iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK y 7SBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaaELH'
mmrrf'i ,
mmmh Mm-MU:$
rr:.3--.Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam2":r ': ' . J S ,.," j ' ' ' :-T
-.;. t ,;;; ammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim'? "' -'BUllllllllllllllllllllllllllB i.'y,9ia:i
h ,-Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - ,,Taw: ' aaaWiaaaaaalaMI
imSsm ";:.; ';A.BaHkaWw:Msa
rL u . v s. m ' m -ii.swrnmatm
BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamjL i t s , v vBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV. . ''jn9iBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM
BllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBBnaajJakuut , W:-J4M,J - .- m
isiiiiiiiiiDlaHIIMfiZiHViBBifrr '-m
These two I'lillndelphia misses, galoshes an' everything, didn't seem te
mind the near-zero weather that nipped Father I'cnn's nose today
Tufts Delegate 8e Says at Delta
Tau Delta Conference
College fraternities "used ns a vehicle
for home brew parties and midnight
orgies" are harmful and should be
abolished. Albert Davis, a delegate from
Tufts College, Bosten, declared tednj
.. . ... .
"l " ""; et "'; r" "."".' '
"i mc utiui mu jvuuii liiivuiii,. iii t
(he Ilcllcviic-Strutferil
n- iui """ '";
1ii.f tti flw.kn Cm! tarti'lt nr.lnl' (lull fll'i.
.....L .fi, I"""' niuviimi ...v.. - ...... i ....
,,eriv eignni.el and have no men with
Iiltsli ideals at (licit lienils.
.. i,uvIs Ufclurpil that when 'rn-
teiiiltlcs are. properly conducted they
tei nines arc. lireperiy cumiiiciuii im-y
-.':".. ... i..:. ' .- l 1.1 ....i
creuic ll N l ll l .i.ur...l. .......5 .y.-
,,. ec , a s re eve r
""liV. Jelni A . ltelanl. u widely known
,1.... ......ii........ ... nv l nfii i
i criticism. Tlie-i!
'"" ,'.'L71 XS""n ... ...r'..
3 " W whode ueY undeVa,nJ the
vnluc of thn f,.uiernity. lefusc te give
J Trk.ltWu
vclep sc.ielar.hip and .-baracter.
neiarii sum
Real Estate Office Threatened Be-1
fore Blaze Is Extinguished
,., rhei-keil the flume.-, before the
men enpcKeu me jiaiiie.- ucnm
"-.end either te tlie real estate office or
ti. tilird tloer. also llneecupicd.
Tacony Man Tries te Thaw Pipes
Afe Caed
. uttt,npt ,0 tmw (rOMn Wutd
j,jj,cs n in3 home, with burning news.
Etchings Prints
Water Celers Paintings
1320 Wulnut Street
'-.fpRS eiurnHirunU Sr.-
IS Inexpensive Silver
Coffee Services - Meat Platters
Rel&Jl PJhes " alad MixinpSc
Muffineers - Casseroles
Appreciated Wedding Gifts
CHAS. W. EMERY & SONS, 1304 Diamond St.
PrIce-CuttIng te Meet Foreign Com
petition Is Favored
Manufacturer.-, jobbers and retailer
in all lines were urged te bring prin prin
dewn ns sharply as possible, se ns te
meet feieign competition. In uim of i:
scries of resolutions nas-ed lufinv b.
.!... n , . . . ... .. ,.
' ''" " " .iii' hen
... iihu; .l-iiiviiiii.iii, iiire a
milling its aiitiunl convention nt tin
Cenimeri till Museum. '
Anether resulutieu eiiileiiineil the
-eldlers" bonus, though urging tlml
ctery euro he taken of mniuiled ve! ,
Officers were elected tedn :i- ful-lew-:
I'ri-ddcnt Krne-t .leliuniieseii. of
Italliiiiec; vice pie-iilent. Hugh F Me
Knight, of Pittsbiiigh: -ccend mcc
pi-e-Ident. It. Frank Antrim, of ('.lin
den: third hn. pre-Idcut, Jehn A. Dit.,
of Clarien. Pn.; secretary. .Shaien 1..
Jenes of Pltt-biitgh. and treusuici.
(. h.irles W. Scaiboreugli. of Plttsbtireh. ,
A embers of tins." K.ccii(ive Cemmiltic
clcclcil weie Hubert J. Murtav. of
Heiiesdale, Ph.; :. (J. Slocum." KM KM
weed City. p Ceei-e C. Itiewi..
Piinxntnwne.v. Pa., y. Wairincr.
Jj-ange. N. J.. Hmry 1. Kaiser. p,;t.
ndelphia. nnd Charles l!0!;ur. Hani--Inn
The following were iliesen delegate. delegate.
te the utseiiiil Itctiill Harilwuic Con Cen Con
entlen te be held la Chicago in June:
J-. A. .Mitchell, Philadelphia: Fiaiia
Ilcgner. Sewiikley. Pa.: Thcodeie ).
uiainc. Hnikeiii.'icl:. N.J.
resiai superintendents and Business
Men Like Change
The i-uily-mnil deliveries hate been
se siicies-ful heie that Pestina-ter Kemp
iineuiiced today that thej would be
continued a a iieimanciit service of the
Philadelphia Postefficc.
The delherics 'at 7 e'i le. I. in the
ineniiiig were lir-t made through a tes
poiled of thirty days.
Mr. Iv'inp said Hint he has received
report- from the siiperiuteudcuts of
!hlrt.r--ecii substations, all favoring the
continuing of the curly delheiie-. He
lias al-e ieceiveda letter from the
(Hm rd Aenue Huslnes- Men's Associa
tion piaising the Innovation.
Exceptional Facilities
S. E. Cor. 11th & Chestnut
Salesrooms and Office Space
Albert M. Greenfield & Ce.
, ! H I Ml.
- ;
The 1900' CATARACT
Waihes All the Clethes Thoroughly
WHY? Bcuuusu all the cletlies uic
l;cpt iu ceiihtunt motion by the exclusive-
TION. Dees nny ether washer Imve
this water action ? Nu, because it
is patented. Theie is only one
fliiine Diiliiinnil IH0II for liiferniullnii. frfe
ilrmnit-lrnllnii rr hoekjtt. Al.11 i-iim im. inriil-..
,sult brought by Mrs. Florence h. Mnn-
Parent of "Sunrise Bride" Cetsvllle "gnL"Ht T1he,nn",,' Mn"vlllc. 3v-
w '" p,,u" son of the nsbestes king, hns recem-
Evidence in ElktOII Against . mended that the petition of the libelant
Intoxication Charge
- i- i m.
i UnccUil Dhpaleh '"-i I'abiu. hulacr
, fcUilen, Md.. I eh. 1.."My
dent want money. b.t she does wn,,
her geed name, nnd I'm going te get
It bnck for her," declared Mrs. Jehn
Lnertle. mother of pretty I'cggy T'lJell.
whose liusbnnd of nineteen days hns
' sued te have his marriage annulled en
the grounds thnt he was drunk when
lie wns wed,
I'eggy eloped from I'lillndelphia. when
the show with which she Is new ap
pearing in Italtlmerc was in that city.
Her liusbnnd Is Jehn W. Montgomery.
of New Yerk, enlled the "hey banker.
111 '" 'V'.' "'' anil enrrj inn en hm- ciiiu; i iismmi , j;(itii Kocketeller .McC erinlck today le
ery s mother lias -ihini. 1 said "jeu ute brenklng Merencc s fused te renllim or denv reports pub-,
lencc here, te take hcnit.' He said thai he knew It and Hvhri here quoting her Ixtecn-car-eld
is suit. I'lie veunglti,,.,! he tepllcd. '1 cunt help II. I can't daughter Mathlldc ns saying that she
leiiiig Montgomery
tnblMicd a "residenc
charge of her son
iiustmnil asserts tiie wedding toeK place C nnv different. I have get te run
ns the cliinnx of u "part.." and that around. T love tin- chickens nnd 1 have
he hail been "dated" te go through te de It. I m1ImI film the nest dnj
with the ceremony by ether youths und nn, begged liint te top usecintiug with
their maldensef tliQ idiot us when lie; ether women for Fleieme's said' 11"
was "stewed.' .Kald lie couldn't. '
New. the two mothers ate in town, t - -
one bent en getting the marriage dis pUII A URGED TO SOAR
setved. the ether equally dete. mined te r n' U"" " JiJn? leT,.,,, r-e
show the world that her daughter mar,- AWAY FROM DEVIL'S WILES
ried for love nnd net for money, nnd
that the only ijitoxlcatlen front whkii
the bridegroom suffered was that of
romantic happiness.
Mrs. Fncrtle, a handsome woman of
forty. Is from Milwaukee, where her
father for many jcurs has been lire
marshal, and where her husband.
Peggy's father, is city veterinarian, ag.
She called, as -non as she arrived, en
the Tlev. Daniel F. Lockerbie, theuged
"marrying pnren," who performed the
ceremony. She was crjlng wlien -he
entered tin; room where tin; minister
"no brave don't give up." -aid Mr.
Lockerbie comfortingly, "we all bine
(jed te meet."
Mrs. Fncrtle dried her eye- utnl s.,t
down. Mr. Locket hie assured her. and
put his statement in writing, that the
wedding party has been ertlrely sober
when they came te his house.
"Mr. Montgomery had net even had
a drink." -said the minister. lie told
Mrs. I'nertlc that lie would "held him
self bound te her ns n witness wherever
ill- tes-tihienv might be rciiuhcii."
William Malum, local iltneur. milled
his testimony te thnt of Mr. Ioi:ker Iei:ker
ble. declaring solemnly thnt there hud
been no sigu of druukenue the day of
the marriage. Then a visit was paid te
the coiirtheu-c. and the lecerds con
sulted. .Montgomery'- signature. Mrs.
Fuel lie pointed out, was as "steady
and as sober as a judge's "
Mr-. Fueille then visited Jn-liua
Chi Ien. a local atternej . and retained
111 in te handle the case. He will lile
an answer te the petition for annul-
incut by March 1.".
nnnRPS FRPP RMS Rl ll IWfi
' ' - ww ..wlw. ,.
Commissioner Benn Puts Problem
Before Full Beard
Whether a molerbus epeiated b. n
theatre for the cenveniciue of lt, pat
rons I- a common curler must be i!i -elded
the eiilliit Public: S-ivici
Ceiniui ion, Ceiniiiis-iiiiicr 1 e n n
tatcd tnduy lit a hearing.
Jehn M. Diew. who opuiite- a lm lm lm
borween Lan-dewne and Sixty-ninth
stieet and chaiges liftcut ient- fm
each passenger, complained against I hi
Klljegairy Amusement Ceinpnn.i
which runs a bus bet men the suir
The company runs a rnolien pieiui"
theatie and offers free transportutieii
hi Sixty-ninth ureet for residents .
Lansilewiie. A theatre ticket, beugiil
mi the bus. entitles the heldei te Ire"
ildcs te and fnun the showheusf.
Diew has a certlliiale of public
'oinenlenie for his bus. Tiie nmu-i
incut tnmpnny lias no certificate.
$55 $50
Themas E. Manvllle, Jr' Simply
Had te Run Around With ''Chickens'
Pittsburgh, Feb. 17. The master ap-
I pointed te hear evidence In the divorce
be granted.
The pnlr wcie mariicd June S. 1IMI.
in City Hall, New Yerk, by a magis
trate, in tlie face of n threat by the
eung man's father te disinherit him
If he made the former ihertis girl his
jw,fCi Af, t,ie s,1QrrJn?r, Mr. and Mrs.
Manvllle came te IMttibtirgh whe.c he
p, ,, , , ,,, f , .
' .-There Is iie woman I love ns mu.h
ns Florence, but I enn't behave mj -
self." Mrs. Mnrearct Davy. 120." Ueeeli-
weed Heulcvard. declared Mnnvllln told
her when she attempted te'effect a rec rec rec
oncilltrTlen between the wife and her
husband, when she was called as n wit
ness in bidialf of Mrs. Manvllle.
"What did j un de that for and win
nie you rtinuinc mound with women
ReviVallst Says Many Human Eagles
' u.'h...,.
i-'ve in rienneusea
l'hiladclphiaiis nre eagles who ln-i-t
en living in hen houses, the Hev. Jehn
McNeill, of .New evk. declared today
at the mlddnv evungellstic meeting In
the Unrriek Theatre, held iu unmeet Ien
wltli the cltjwide levivni of the I'rcs-
bvterinn Church.
Dr. McNeill said l licit evet.i one could
sour high en the wing- of faith, but
that iimny kepi dangcreu-l doe te
the ground. Fnitli, lie tlieught. w.mld
innke nil men and women eagles, tee
high Up for the dot II te reach.
"Who ever heuid of any one sheeting
an eagle'?" he u-ked. Then added :
"They ate tee high up for the sports
man. Hut the-e wlie could be eagles
and yet live iu lien houses are within
easy reach of Satan."
judge and Others Warned te Desist
Frem Liquor Prosecutions
Meadvllle. Pa., Feb. 17. (Hy A. P.)
Judge Albeit S. Heck, of Cnllilcr-pett.
who ha- been u i-tiug Judge T. J.
Pnitlici- in holding Cilniliuil Court this
week; District AttntUC August Delp
and ether attaches of courtroom Ne. 2.
In which liquor ca-e- ate being pre-edited,
have received .-. threatening let
ter lii-enil-inc bodily harm unless thej
'desl - t in the prosecution of these charged
with liquor violation,
Se fur there hate been si liquor
eases tried and -lx widlets of guilt '
llmve been retniued. Today another
case is en trial and iiuilgc llecl:
and the ether officials laugh at the black
hand letter, which tliej state rc-cuible-a
peer specimen of a threat. The let
ter was net signed and. wa- poorly
Pays Penalty for Speeding te Wed
ding in Motorcar
New Yerk. Feb. 17. flh A. IM
Harry I!. Fi-licr. of Mount Taber. V
J., a bridegroom and "broke." tuda.t
wa- sent te city prison for the week
end for speeding te his wedding.
Magistrate Sim- lined him .L'.". but
when Fisher -aid he had ju-t returned
from a hone.meou iu Canada, and was
out of fund-, the magistrate made tl.e
alternative two un- iu prison, instead
of tiie customary ten du.
Fisher wa- urn-ted Februar, 1. a-
he wa- speeding te the Fmbassj Hetel
te be married.
Tomorrow is the Last Day
of this winter's Great Sale
of Suits and Overcoats.
$45 and
closing at
uniform price
v 1: 11 II V ' s
SOME MEN "live in the future"; ethers
"live in the past." Take our advice and
LIVE TODAY! Net once before has
there been an opportunity like this.
AND IT ends tomorrow night. Just
listen te the prices printed above. Can't
you hear them say:
"Believe me, the man
who gets us for $28
is a I u c k y scout,"
Perry & Ce.
Kith and Chestnut - "
in Clethes for Men '
---v T'jjm
Father Says He Has Ne ldet
Where the Rumer
Hv the Associated Tress
New Yerk. Feb. 17. Hareld Mr-
Ccrmlck. of Chicago, teiiny declined te
make any statement In regard te tli- n
refWt that his daughter Matlillde waa i
engaged te a Swlsr riding master thren
times her ngev
"I cannot be interviewed.'' lie said,
"but I will say that I haxcu't the
sllglitc-'t knowledge, of hew or where the
rumor originated." "
ClileHge. Feb. 17. (I! A. I'.l Mrs.
would inariv .Mux ()er. ferti'-clghl
.years old, lidlug teacher in Zurich,
I Kwltxerlnnd. Mrs Mi Cot inick's secre
tary gave out the following statement:
, "Mr-. McC'erinick has nothing what
ever te say concerning these reports
cither one way or the ether."
Mi-s Miitlii'dc Mct'erniick. according
te the puhlMied reports, was said te
lmc obtained the iencnt of her father,
Untold McCermlck. te the marriage.
and te be planning te ionic here from
New Yerk te seek her mother's consent,
Mnthllde's liubuud-le-be is a scion
f fnmij noted in Itnslc. Switzerland.
Though he makes Ills living through the
medium of his Zurich tiding academy
. js nmaleur pnlnler and "devoted
. tu the simpler, liner lh!n;s of life."
Methods of Charity Solicitation
Caused Complaints by Public
As'ist'inr Sunerliiiciident of Police
Kenn.i tedr ordered Chapter Ne. 1!.
Disabled American Veterans of the
World War. Heom i.01. Sh'ibcit Build
ing, te step Its present inethbus of
collecting laeii" .
It is n-seiti'd that disabled veteran'
weie sent te all parts of tlie city, some
in mount at", le .-k for contributions,
taking with then c.ids which would
be mtuuhed loshev. the umniint of each
ift. Tl'Cse -eldlers received commis
sions and nl-e prize. for successful
wink. rtii'iian ditcctcii the cam
pu.gu. ('eiiiiil.iii'r- ,Mie einde and Kenny
l.ad tin effii i- of tie cluiptc- visited bv
iJeectiMs Vece and llrindlcy, both
etei.iiis or' the war.
Cards i an led b the cx-seldicrs when
ihe selicitul mono showed that the
elhcei-s of the chapter nre E. II.:
V.'tiglf. c inimauder J I". McParl
ildge. i iiii'iiiruiici : J. J Hlaee,
tieasuie": .'iml C 1. Luiiff, litJutuut.
Written in Washington In 1905, Is
Addressed te Corener New Dead
A letter tceched nt the office of Cor Cor
oner Knight this morning was written
in Wii-hingten. D. ('.. seventeen years '
nge and addressed te Coiencr Themas
Dugan. new dead. Where the letter., "
new old nnd must, bus been will prebV;.,.
abjv lemain u mvsterv.
The me.st piebablc theory piopeunded
In the Cei ener's etiice Is that some one?
In lliinikl! ha- established a new rec
ord for i-ui r,Wng ii forgotten letter in
his pocket before mailing it. The sup
position is based en the fact that the
only postmark en the envelope is
"Hroekl.Mi. February 1(5. WIS."
Hie date nt the head et the letter is .
.May . 1:111.1. it was written in
Washington b 1'. D. Ilassctt. Jr.. 1)27
N street, N. W. It lead-: "He kind
enough te let me Knew if a letter sent
j en scleral das age lias been received."
, Vi
.a: ' a
t ' 'I,. 4 'J
4 itr k-i
,4 S .