mEK29 kmj. , n BfrTfJ 5fJ W77W H!P- n'mBF7i- '.A 1V1 i wfiKnWfiMiiM: : tflahcy tFynrie Tells of the Illness of Mrs. Barker Meller I in Virginian-She Speaks of Penn Charter's Dance at Bellevue-btratferd Tonight YTAVB yen heard that Mb. Barker H M.iiar Is 111 down In Ljnchburf, ', v. 1 Her son Is a student at the Vir tlnia Bpiscepi dcm " " - with' "flu" bout R wwk ,0 "nd WM I Tery 111 that Mrs. Meller went downy te Wm. Unfortunately, ahe contracted t.a rln in a very severe form. Barker ?.:'.. beett back nnd forth'. ' unehburg several times te see btt.,jfl, iinderstand .he is new en tMf tewsra r.w .....i ., ji The rip tnrougneui im ceunw wi Ktlly quita alermln, for Krtiis. feraffl of It develop ineuuiuMi i - w- theritlM in New Yerk say duff If la Seekad there, and it has netpMB sa tad here. , v, NEW YORK, by the wny.v'wwed a let of our old Ideaj ter-, the andeYllle partrfcvcn y th0 Spenqe S I (SatV tTUls Irwin's of Ne fork! you knewV. Perhaps we ptft imcthlni "eyer en.'them, and they did !.?u-J 'hnher were .repeating in Kh? revue things which we, had last " S ffttS the Town,", but They had 'that? "Pep an Olnitcr", . ?.' vi.. Tfn'Kurlnn Cexa and Ted-, Si." Browning danced here, andthe Sid the eight siren of history, which Mrt'-vVtervMatlier, Mrs. ee .-jDu ittetsrh!ate Mtrs, Du Bnrry and-tne rest, wcii, EriCiiw Yerk alamnae .of Miss Bute's Scheel 'wsrjt their BWens: ThWtf' he (reason- why; geed' thing k' great te have Newark" riMe than a year d"i j"r , . y , trinvTOHT' tha. school .set'.w.ll .na've.a 1 fine time. Penn Phart'Wdent,J .'honor" society,, wm-have ltst -jf snsssisass There are te be about 850 guests and 5... .r te have aU sort of novelties n , 7?.u. .j antartnnins. Tnbmwtn Since. Just befere supper, Jirte.b'he Memalds' Promenade" and tin tWa S FrX " TueH not'hSirde will appear in these neWties, but they "SJ? fcJffiPeWttr of tU mm Includes Earl Bartlctt. tennis .-.... tnini.m Ttnrld. soccer star: Charles K. Elliett, manager of the track SSi Themas M. Farr class prophet, j?me8 Gage, Gle? ub leader; William B Hewell, track captain; Henry w. fonts, president Science Club.; Guy :."' .Lm.ti, Btnr n chard Reeve. ttnnls! star; Klcliard Stafferd, football warn. "" . "' ---- iler clttsu. .. I SAW Ilelen Sewell en CttVsstnut street the ether day. She looked mart In a brown duvetyne .suit inauc with a three-quarter length coat and a choker of gray iex lur. xu eujsc u" . Mat was trimmed with the same fur, ; tone was the nebbiest model I have Men for a long time. It had a fetching bird of blue and green feathers at the tide. I hear, by the way, that Helen nd Henry Coxe nre te be married in the fall. nVlfP tnrirnt thft Mini tlftrtV thlS l) afternoon In the Belle'vue-Stratferdt ballroom for the Southern Indurtria'. Among these who will pJav-wlH be MIh Bertha Bensen. Mrs. William Paul O'Neill. Miss Eletse Dickey. Mrs.; Paul Thomsen. Mra.' Jehn Onbbel. M-. Ar thur P. Hucy, Mrs. Wllllsm J. Elllbtt. Mrs. WlUiam Carmalt Scull. Mrs. Ar thur Baugh. Mrs. Geerge Kcndrlck, i.d. and about 200 ethers. PVTHRR had te go away en arbusl nem trip, nnd when saying geed-by te smaH Geerge, aged five, he adjurei bim: "Yeu must take enre of mother for me. Yeu will be the only roan In the house, you knew." Gcorjte was fcvo'ien Itself. Mether was really verj touched nt the little boy's Kellcltudc nni care. Imaelne her amazement, however en te'Hng Geerge that daddy would be home next day te have him answer. "Oh, dear! nnd wo've been such tt Um CUPlC-" NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Miss Lucylle Austin, daughter of Mr. Richard Austin, of Rex and SemtneU avenues, Chestnut Hill, will entertair at a card party en Saturday afternoon March 4. Miss Austin, who will be one of next season's debutantes, will be. In troduced at a tea t?ivcn by her father en Wednesday, October 11. Mr. H. Yole Delan, of 1809 Walnut street, will entertain at a dinner att tlw Bellevue-Stratford en Tuesday evening February 28, before the Hal Masque.. . Mr. Jeseph B. Wtdener, of L.ynne L.ynne L.ynne oed Hall, Elklns Park, has arrived In New Yerk te Jein ilrs. Widener at the Rlti-Carlten Hetel. The second of the series of four , mcea nt the Merion'Qelf Club will take placa this nvenlnfr. The comiplttee Ir eharge Includes Mrs. Matthew Balrd Jr., chn'rman: Mrs. James Carstnlrs Mrs. Edwin Filler. Miss Anna Fqulk and Mrs. nichard B. Norten. The marrlaee of Miss Grace Reirers d&UKhter of Mrs. Noh Heners, of 82 East Sixty-fourth street, and Mr. Pau' Tubby, which waa te have taken ,placr tomorrow In New Yerk, 1ms been pest pened en account of the Illness of Mr Tubby. Anions, the members of the new ccrn ccrn rnlttce of Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurta panclnp ClnsH will be Mr. I.elcettei J.ewls. Mr. Edward liuckley, Mr. IV" llam NerrlB and Mr. William Hacker The next meetlnir of the claaB will bf held at the UMIevue-Stratferd en Friday evening, March S. Tha nrst of tha series of three dancee be given by the emcers of the navy li& i the Paulding Club will be held On February 21. HftH8TEt!mun,1 " McCulleuBh, of 00 S?.u'uplftcnth street, aecempnnTecl bv & ,Sa'JlllcI K. Ucuves, of 310 .Seuth "'y-nrjt street, will cave today fe-i Vint tp New Yerk, where they expect w remain ever the week-end. n,TiS,nPC0Tea J- Harding, Jr., of 131 f-euih Twentieth street, nnd Mrs. Oecw H. larle, 3d, of (irayn larte, Haverford XiZ v vf l,n "Pnllng a few daya In rinr irIc. ftUcn.dlnS the a "hew, have leturned te their hemss. dQwnn?.lar .Scott' of Woedburno, I,nns. H11)1- 1h spendlntr n few days In ew lerk at the IUta-Carhen. CaTl0 rT Mts wh0 wnl ntte"a th8 crd 5 hi,,. '"'"V afternoon which Mrs i1UB .iry ,l:,lze'- f 16 Highland nve. "L1,!1! "'";. w' Klve In honet din ri U,uu't,'-1 Miss Mary c: Ellzey. Seann"rC,i,.a? , laabal Davis MIh: Min t-elnban. MIee Mary .HeurIi M 4 C.atrollue Oavls "Mlbs llett" Bu AdamRMry Owder. Miss lcrlnr IfaS Ba 8"?nn Ornham, Miss Agne- Sflm W' ?,,lsa, 9ntence Davidsen. MusV &1 "?,na?lli'. '8s Jesenhln W k P,'..i W3?.C"1 Yeunr, Miss Mell? MlsB pnli.Vw"8 .V1.' Krumbhaar. Mi?vu,y.L'Sr' MM Martha Mackold teSfcnS", 8tin' """ Dorethy Held. ,woek and Miss Susan aillmere.- FMoiti"!:-"el,t.Vn Mtrschilsker will spend a fortnight .Mrs. ren Mesch-. slsker entertained at luncheon yesterdaj In hner of Mr. .Ocerga Oleffner, of New Yerk, who i Is visiting her. Mrs. Bandelph Sailer, et Petharn read and Qutncy street, aermantewn, will give a, car4. Party-'en' Wednesday att att ernpeil, ' February.. 92, , In 'honor of hoi daiSrhter,; Mlaa Nancy Sailer. "-Atf l4fireitln' Anrll weddlnsr will be ; that. of Wis Carolina F. Farren, dauirh. .tac nf.Mrs. M. J. 'Farrenlef 1620 Snruce stifeeC'anjli-Mr.Roy.Evten Reller, e. Londen., :. , , ''j''Wlll'lain.GreenheW. of' .the Sat terlee Apartments, -entertained at,lunch bf-MlSri .(3 tell Marie Murphy, dough-, ter.ttfMr and .Mrs" Jeseph D. Murphy .eniragemeet' .recently ha . been 'an 'an 'an .houncedife 'Jits CharleaW, "Cayln, 'e: Northweoay.'Pai' . f , . Mrs, O.aeuldVMurfln, wife of Captain Murfln,' will .entertain at. a small, luncn- eon and card, party at her home In '.the navy yard, today' In. honor' of Mrs Prank Tv watreus, wlfaiof.Cemmnndai 1WAteUs, Who' will' shortly lea.Voter m, western' coeat..' 'Xweive guests will at tend. -' i' t l Mrs. Tjyttleton,.Taiewell Waller, ei JGOO.Seuth 'Twentieth street, will en tertain, at a small luncheon tednv h.' tern the card- party1 at tha Bellevue- 'DBntAail 4a. tuk44 A AS i..a em Heme for, Destitute Children. , '..dERMANTOYVN "" , ', Mr. and, Mrs. Euene c. Plachter, of Germantown, will entertain a Ave i hun dred party of thrce tables tomorrow. ' avenue, will entertain the members of her bridge- club en Monday evening. 'Amonr-the membem am wrra rhnrtr.. , Meller. Mrs.' Jonenh Mnrlln. -Mrs Tntm uninten, airs. ca. eiaCAair,Mrs. Edgar uuiuperi, iurs. xaarry naose -ana Mrs Frank Williamson t - "Jilss DoreUi'y Mills, of' New Yerk was iUib guest ever the week-and et Miss HaxerCeflln. B07 Hansbury street. MlBS-. Frances nilknv. nt Onn T.n. Maner, entertained at auction- bridge (Saturday"afternoon In her honor. -M,rs. Charles Whitman, of Seymcrut ,and Merris Btrcets, gnve a dinner of ten covers en Tuesday last In honor of her sister, Mrs. Jamci Breull. iHr,,A; HcndrickBen Dennelly, ei 6135. Merris street, and her daualiter sailed, last week en the steamship Lap lander for Paris. Mrs. Dennelly's sister the Marquise Wellmarl. who was Miss Amanda .Hendricksen, accompanied her The Cedarbroelt Country Club enter tained the club members and their rrendent a luncheon and card party en Wednesday last. .1lJV,Tnemas Armstrong Williamson, of McKean avenue, entertained at four tables of brldge en Tuesday last HBBBBBHBaf siiiiiiiiB"M'-'vli' ;,y '4b!bkssiiiiiiiV SJBSSSSSSKjBSSKaIj mke'. yj S tSBBSKALsBBBBBuBBSSBBBSHsQuSBSBBSwlSBBV BBVSJyHBS. . . igBCX EQBSSvBSBP9bSBbV BSBBKv Biib BSBBHBSHsSuBSsiBSBBBBBl P ),y2WTSWSmKfStmSSm C.'k" v'&WSmSmmBmWry'' WVSm BBw J I VBSBBfluBSSrSaBBBSSSBBBsl BSSSJBJf T1 - SA-MSgSgBSJBjwSSSMijSgSSSSSSSSSS MM, JOHN O. FliATT 1 Mn.PlftlVMMlM Mary On Page. Her marriage took place at St. Peter's Church, Third and Pine streets. Mrs. Piatt la daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Heward Wurts Page Photo by J. Mitchell Billet. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA " Mlsa Gertrude Cell, of 2605 Seuth Nlnetcenth street, recently entertained at h Valentine party. The guests were Miss Abble Lennex, Miss Katherlne Bastien. Miss Sylvia Newborger."Mls Anita Segerty, Mls- Nerma Cellier, Miss Jeanette Cell, Mtas Bertha Cock ier, Mr. Ocorjre McKeen, Mr. Martin Geckler, Mr. Geerge, Lennex, Mr,- Efl Efl irene Losteret, Mr. Jack Delaney, Mr. Francis Delaney, Mr. Carl Lam In and Mr. Paul Lennex. , Mr. and-Mrs. Harry rO Scull, of Ventner, N. J onneunca the engage ment of thelr daughter, Miss Ida Vir ginia -Scull, te Mr. Jehn M. Bach, of this city. A vaudeville nnd reception will be given in St Themas Aquinas' Hall, Eighteenth and Merris streets, en Fri day evening, February 24. Mr. E. M. Stephenson Is In charge and will be assisted by the Jovian Club. The en tertainment Is for the benefit of St. Matthew'a Church, National Park, N. J Miss Edith Mac Qarrlgle will enter tain the members of her sorority, the Tau Phi Sigma, at her home tomorrow afternoon. The members Include Mrs. Jehn L. Lecher, Mrs. Karl Brandt, Miss Margaret Malr. Mian Henrietta Mplmnn. Miss Mar!& . McClurc, Miss Margaret Mccausianu, miss Irene U Krlcger, MIbh Lenero McCulleuirh. MIsji Franeen McCulIeugh and Miss Marie M. Me Kann. Mrs. Jehn F. Carr, of 426 Fitzgerald street, gave a surpnsev party in Hener of her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Carr, last Saturday. Among these present were Miss Agnes Carr, Miss Louisa Carr, Mr and Mrs. David Hatch, Miss Emily Merrell, . Mlscs Anna Merrnzsl, Miss Helen Merraiil, M'se F.llzalxith Hendersy, MUw Allce Crow Crew ley. Miss Marcclla Crowley. Miss Marie Judge. Miss Margaret Weeds, Miss May Thornpsen, Miss Emma Gayner, Mr. Geerge Herrgott, Mr. Ellwood Reading, Mr. H. Mess, Mr. J. Donald Fenten, Mr. J. Murtha, Mr. Daniel McOlnnla, Mr. William Lennex, Mr. Jehn Judge, Mr. James liecu, Mr. unai-iea srewu, iur. J, Hcsscr and Mr., Hatch. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The marrlage of Miss Cecilia 55e!da Baren and Mr. Samuel Mastreft, of WIlkcsBarre, Pa., took place en Sun day, February 12, at Apelld Hall. Mlis Dorethy Shultz was) the maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Yetta Seltzer, Miss Sephie Seltzer, of Haiti;, mere, Md. ; Miss Anna Chelt and Miss Getrrude Flngerhut Mr. Samuel Baren, brother of the bride, was best man nnd the ushers were' Mr. Jack Kur land, Mr. Nat Armen and Mr. William Kantcrr. The flower girl was Mlts Marian Llcberman, et Washington, D. C, and the pose boy was Master Woodrew Wilsen Gersteln, of Plymouth, Pa. The bride waa given In marr!ag by her father. Dr. Newman efllctntcd at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. MantretT left for mi extended trip through the West. Upen their return they will live at 202 West Thompson street until June, when they will move te their suburban home. iTftAWMRrtv MANSION .Mrs. Abraham Stern, of 1826 North Twenty-eighth street, have been spend Ing several days in Atlantle City. Mr. and Mr Canter, of Atlantle City, were the guests of Judge and Mrs. Wil liam M. Lewis,' of 1914 North Thirty second street before they left for Cuba. Mrs. Harry Dareff. of 1813 North Thirty-third street, has returned hem after a short stay In Lokeweod, N. J. Mr. Sydney J MarkevlU, of 2207 North Thirty-third street, has returned from, a trip te Bermuda, NORRI8TOWN Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, of 760 Haws avenue, will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary today. Mr. Brown born In Lancaater-.Ceunty In 1860 and his wife In Monecon, Ireland. They nave reur cnuaren, Mrs. wiuiam h.oed Mr. William Brown. Mrs. Jesenhlne Wayne and Mrs. Jacob T. Heet There are seven granacniiaren ana six great, grandchildren. Mp. AnA Mm. TjArev T-riifmn. nt 1Q t'WAttj n.l -- tM WM.Mna nnti. gratulatlens upon the birth of a daugh ter, Dorethy Elizabeth Dugan, en Fee- niary 10. Mrs. Geerge O. Glass, of the Hamil ton, has gene te Pittsburgh, Pa., where sne win spena several weens. VVMT IHILAD1LPHIA A quiet wedding, took place en Wednesday morning, February 16, at t o'clock when Miss Marie McMenamtn, of 8617 Mount Vernen street, became the bride of Mr. Edward Gallagher, of 1723 Beuth Fifty-fourth street. In 8t Agatha's Catholic Church, Thirty-eighth and Spring Garden streets. 1 iMr. and Mrs. Gallagher upon the! return from a wedding trip will be at home at Fifty. seventh street and Springfield avenue after March 1. .. .-. .-II. T. -Bi.aaAtl SUM Chancellor street has returned te her Heme rrem Hartiera, wnn., wnere dim had been visiting for several daya ft. Mm mm A A.rtM IT1 aAtlfMM WtVtSJfW Ttflla Ham, of 4026 Green Btrt, announea mU MJWMsijktant r9 4(laltfl 4 All P1 tall. Mlslsl Martha Jean Williams, te Mr. Heward Bryan Herdeg, eon of Mr. and Mra Franklin Jeseph Herdeg, of Oewanda, N, Y. Captain and Mrs. Walter O. Leng, of Brooklawn, are receiving congratu lations upon the birth of a son. Wlnslew Nlelaen Leng, February 11, In Liver, peel, England. Friends of Dr Franklin' Lane, of 192C Chestnut street, will be glad te hear of his recovery from a recent illness. Mr. Themas Evans and Mr. Lewis TI, Parsons left en Wednesday evening, February 16, for Palm Beach, where they will remain until some time In March. SSBBBBBBS SSBSBJBBBBJ BjaSJ-S SBBBJ Specializing in Coats, Suits, Drestes tmi Skirts V Law ,-Bp? Am aBHBfafli tLasaWssBlB .BBBSBBBr BsU sswsmmammmmmesswmmmmmmmmmmM Me&es tf Distinction eni Originality ..t:im r euen von M .Tndrfyj?.1?. will leave next m 1222-1224 Walnut Street IIMIIIIIIMIIIIIMlffll Closing Out 3J Coats Dresses & Skirts In Our Final Clearance Spert Coats Of Chinchilla, Tweeds, and plaid back Coatings; also a few Pole Coats, sizes 14 te 40. Warm op te $35.00 $15 Fur Trimmed Spert Coats Smart styles In" all wanted fabrics, trimmed with Raccoon. Warm up te $69.50 $25 Fur Trimmed Tep Coats In wide range of colors, fabrics and furs. Warm up te $85.00 $39.50 Fur Trimmed Coats & Wraps Smart winter models, trimmed with taupe and platinum wolf, mole, beaver, and caracul. Wara up te $125 $55 Fur Trimmed Medel Coats Individual .In style; of the very finest fabrics, furs and workmanship. Warm up te $295 $145 Street Dresse A wide variety of most attractive styles, colors and fabrics. Wara up te $39 0 $18 Street Dresses Of Tricetine, Peiret Twill, Canten Crepe and Crepe Knit; all sixes and colors. Wara up te $55.00 $25 Afternoon Dresses Of Canten, Remalne and Jacquard Crepes, Tricetine and Peiret Twill. Mostly one of a kind. Wara up te $65.00 $38 Dinner Dresses Individual models in Brocade and Chiffen Velvets, Lace, Beaded Robes, and Embroidered Canten Crepes. All colors. Wara up te $165 $65 Spert Skirts Including a number of the new "wrap around" effects, plain and pieat ed styles, in all wanted materials. Wara up te $180 $8.50 m m EMI HI BONW1T TELLER , CO. AeJpedaty Jlxep efOriqlnatimr CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET THE NEW SPRING-TWEEDS CHOOSE VERSATILE MODES IN MISSES' SUITS 25.00, 29.75 te 49.50 Hemespuns 1 Glen Legan Tweeds I Basket Weaves Rugrvoelens mxi Tan Periwinkle Heather Shades Blurred Pastels BELTED SPORTS MODELS' BOX COAT EFFECTS MANDARIN FLARED MODES THREE-PIECE COSTUME: CAPE & DRESS COAT & DRESS THREE-PIECE COSTUME Specially Priced 29.75 Ceat and Sleeveless Dress of Homespun Wk I s fc r MISSES DEPT. II i B MBSSS V "P aBr 0 aslaJBBBBBBBBnJ Cellejriate coat and sleeveless ' drer-s in tan, blue, rose and lavender. FOURTH FLOOR Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 BBsWBjMBMaBJBajBJBBJBJSJJSSJBJBJBBBJBBBBBBBBBBB New Spring Hats Most people are gettinff tired of their Winter Hats nnd it's n Jey . te see and wear the fresh new hats of the coming season. Many have gay, flower-trimmed brims, ethers are smart with flaring quills or bows of wide ribbon. Yeu can have wonderful cheesing here at $8.50 te $15.00 Women's Pure Silk Hosiery at $1.45 Pair or 3 pairs for $4.00 This Is a wonderful opportunity te purchase a geed wearing stocking at a special price. It comes in all the spring shades made, White, Cordovan, Russia Calf, Navy, Nude and Grey. English Weel Hosiery With Silk Clex in All Heather Shades, $1.95 Drewn, Blue, Grein, Orey and Purple Heather Mixtures In fine nil-wool Caalimere Hosiery. They nre full fashioned nnd hand em broidered Silk Clex in contrasting colors. They cannot be duplicated nnywhere nt this price. Well White Muslin Petticoats, $1.00 Just Half Their Fermer Price Geed quality Mualln Petticoats with lace flounce and ruffle. made and cut full size. The quantity Is limited. Tweed Sports Skirts in the New Shades for Spring, $6.75 The colors ere Tan. Blue nnd Cumel. They are cut en snorts lines with pockets and slight flare at the feet They are very smart for immediate wear. ,..,,, Un Air Embaume; Large Size Compact Face Powder, at $1.25 Bex Delightfully fragrant Is this famous odor of Rlgaud, Parts. The large sUe Compact Powder is usually $1,60. Fer Friday and Saturday si.SO a bes. All shades. ' Allen Quality Hairnets $1.00 a Dezen; 3 Dezen, Asserted, $2.50 Allen's are Justly famous for the quality of their Hairnets. The Rllppen Cap Shape Hulrncts come In small or Inrge sizes. The straight nhape In extra large size. The colors are btandard and come in every shade. White and Grey Hairnets, 15c each; a desen. 3PORT SUITS nkrediDitK,' Correctness te be found enluP ' in (garments Ttofee thismce 99s 12 Medel? 8Cble5, 14-44 at Mlawt''3mWn HP' J&UAeC&J L 153 Seuth 13th St. irivem PHILA.'S LEADINa TllEATnKH DIRECTION OF LUK & J. J. HllUunm METNUT ST OPERA HOUSE sPlflirksTIVff1 THL VUOALDS BEST SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE DAILY MATS AT 2 15 - tVtS AT 8 13 SiOS ItU I EQUILM IIROH. FRANK 4KR0MP 8:0(1 I SiU tat I EVKItKSTS SIMIAN CIKCL'H I 8:2 3:39 ' GE0RG1E PRICE Telse 3Ki MABLE W1THEE & CO. In NAT.I.V, IRENE & MARY 8:33 BRENDEL & BURT" 9:01 0l33 ' "ERNESTINE MYERS & CO.1007 4iO EDDIE DOWLING i,0 4:1 i (JEN. MJ 1.A VINE 110:43 WALNUT tefXrtrtfrrrfll Evenings at 8:20 Mat. Tomorrow 50c te $1.50 wnn AIMATELL, McKAY MORRIS iketOT,5Tt.? TI"3 Ke. Bull.tln fSHUBICT LAST 2 EVES. Last Mat. Tomer. $2.00 GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES ITK Seats New EDDIE CAHTOR 1 IN A MPPV PlffKliN KVIIf triUWKLIiNK "MAKE IT SNAPPYI VITA A SHIMMUIK 5K0WIR 01 5UR5 MD 75 DAINTY DIAPHANOUS DIV1NITIL9 AKLPHI-1 " U .!Z 7. . SEATSl SAT MU ISQ WILLIAM tse SPECIAL MAT VASMNtfONS lMtK1 unnr . deg LOVE TMt PKIlAOtlPelA INQUIRER SW. "DOS LOVf IJ A lAUOMf tM Of RIM. MtFJIT AND A OtCIDtD TRtAT inV'turkish bath II XINETKBNTH AKD MARKET 1t A I. TO It P. M nOBBRT Z. LEONARD Pre MM A I. Uftllfl A'VT ITIHE. mUlMVAI Xi TN HER URTEflT OORaEOUS PtCT "PEACOCK ADDED COMEDY" IMNOVAl Wf J HAT IT WITH Oftl ttan.Mww pah . 01V1IL.E.0 EIIORT 9N ATTT D'PCnElfr TONIGHT 7:HO ntM n .Iff o'clock MAE MURRAY IN PERSON Next VVekHOPH HAMPTON Appwsi P.fKenally nnd In "STAU-DUST." -rf STAN TOR! m m Wfe IPS1 tfiH r ivufl . PUt-.lL ' WTm , WM L'i3J1 m hSb ! RIXTEENT'' AND MARKET LAST 2 DAYS REX INGRAM'S A TefTncAPOCALYPJ CAST OP 12.500. HEADED DT Rudelph Valentine .SY.MPHONV ORCHESTRA Limited Engagement, Cemmendag 1 MONDAY NEXT Firat Time at Popular Prices THi: AMAZING bl'ECTACU: m wie4ia KARDOU'S DRAMAer LOVE Massive and Gorgeous Beyond Description A production that se far sur passes every creation of Uia screen that there is nothing with which te compare it. Tmrmm ,l'!Wr 1 fl?W 'T.C iCTlil LBJ IS.hA m n -I BROAD ana CHESTNUT 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30. 9:M LAST 2 DAYS Cecil B. De Mille's r.ATnsi1 i.iTxi'Riefs production SATURDAY NIGHT KARLTON CONCERT ORCHESTRA Limited Engagement commencing ivienaay r IT'S L.VUOIITin. TlilKl rtRST prf:si:.tathin JACKIE CC0GAN thk nir vn'npu tn "MY BOY" An Original Story DAI Art? 1-T'i & MARKET STS. milljriVEi 10 a m mi''"" m..' "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" Story liy Kannla Hurst ADPATlI A ICTH & chestnut' tlr&iviri, n m te ii-.i v. St. ETHEL CLAYTON 0 - ;,., IT.nTfW. K 0T1I II market triuiviun, HAM - I'-'S V M. ''Ten Nights in a Barroom" n A niTDI STH & MARKET WHllULi i( M. te 11 it T 34.7 WALLACE REID rkk" m ; i TH & MARKET .., jri. .11 I'l'lJ. REGENT 17 MARY MILES MINTER GLOBE" GARRICK Last 2 Evgs. & SAM II. HARRIS Prcents WELCOME STRANGER with oneRon sidnet NEXT WEEK HEAT SELLINU Gee. M. Cehan's Comedians n tha Whofem Muilcul lilt THE O'BRIEN GIRL (MARY"? UIO ML'SICAI. SISTER) FORREST THEATRE TWICE DAILY. 0 AND 8fV LAST WEEKS " D. W. GriffiWs Dramatic Epic PYMPHUNV UIHIIE3TRA BROAD Last 2 Evgs. Mt. CHARUES DILLINGHAM lVcnts The Irish Players Trem he v Tritrc Dnl'ln tn The White-Headed Bey NEXT-WEEK SEATS SELI.INQ DAVID ItEI.ASCO Preenta THE GOLD DIGGERS Avery HopwneJ'B Tamem Ceineilv Iter 2 Yr. nt l.Nceurn 'Iicatrp New Y IAMB DlSTINOrWHEDnHH scep A SAME Tn.1i 'CA-IT JL'NIPER d MARKET U te 11 "evrtjjtTOU9 VA"D'""" "" JOSIF. ROONFY & COMPANY H JACK ROOF AND GIRLS 'p BROADWAY P.:,?" Mabel Taliaferro (Herself) Mar-hall N- lan's "RITS OK T.'FE" ALDINEitt"! -"" " lrH. II. & m. n. rit 11 A. M. Contlnnetu Showing II P. SI. I. LAST TWO DAYS J ; "A DOLL'S HOUSE" HE.MUK IHhUN MASTERPIECR AJrteil AtiMPtura-CARLO rEHHETTI. I'h In "i lTMirlti llarltnnn ') NEXT WEP.K fifurcc ArlUs. "The ICulInc Pn-klen" K EITH'S THEATRE DE LYLE ALDA ', WITH FPU MID TIERNEY AKD.i''' J'tlUi? WW.... WW. w wl. .Inn. Deyle & Cavanaugb Evtlye ' (IIV OMJt In "MARRY SIB" i-iiANKLIN & CHARLES: ' UROWS'ING. OTHERS 4 I1ESME and AL HERMAN K n SHOW-. WASHINU HiN -. HIIITIIDAT 1 no! i I 30 ami N 1'. M Sat en Sa' New "' Nl'AT JIOMIW NH.IIT. ITII. 20 "SSlil.r VND-MIOW.YCiL'R DIMPLK" " ( 1 I 'I ! Wi'P t ) hi"d at i COIJS 1)AM1N KOtlMs. a .S. 40TII 8T. . Slel.l ' vni'- v UR11IES)THA, DIME! NI .T.:;z HAND Entertnlnt'd ilurttv Int. rmlfflnn Lv LOLA I'OltTl'R. wfi'-knewn olerod lnur, wba anp for V ter Ucvenl new Ujlti en Keith's Circuit anil JAI K HAM ON. wU knimn Pn"n St"" ami linlieiiiq ilancer. IXINT lllR(.r.T THE DAT!: ITU. SO The Ilrft tirtv liuli a ntei.nK hall wjll t nresrntfd w"h ltmtm ''''''" THE pniLADELI'ni.V FORUM vnnei s'fi s that iti:cAL'n or THE St DDI N ILI-NESH UK i JIH. IUVIN s. com? JIKTKrOI4t.S OPERA IIOUSK 4th Annual Jtnenlle 1'rinluctlaii CINDERELLA K'SfS." FEBRUARY 22 WAXIHM.TOV'S IIIRTIIDAY TlfUrtn nt Ilia C'hfktnut M.. Oilc (a SI.SO EVELYN NESBIT NOW I'L.UIN.1 AT THE BAL TABARIN CAFE Nrw Yerk Avr. A Iteirilmtlk ATl-AXTIi; CITX. N. .!. flRPHEUM Oormantewn & Chelten srt -w4T Nri, , ,. ,)s ORPHEUM PLAYERS in "Ten Nights in a Barroom" 4 A drift '& ya'it- V" Todar no T.I'C-ri'HE. Etl'lIEDPLED I' vif.TtT AT THE ACADEMY OP UAH linlN POrtri'ONEII I' DATE TO IJE ANNOUNCED nn Tn. MUKIC!. VTIT. A LATER. Mm Monday Morning Musicalw HAM-ROOM IIKI.I.KVUJSTIIATFORD MOMMY nil. SO. P. IS . SI. MARY GARDEN MH'KAMI TlrUrt n llfin'r'n. 1119 Clifntnnt W. "" " AlADIJIi tlK SII'NH SAT. AFT., FEB. 25, t 2t30 CONCERT or MUSIC FOR PIANO KSAriJluiAiliinc?k- JM; nnvumnmisvrr J;,fe licppn-K a Acaj. Eex Ofltfcv m tT'; AIVJ Ticket" new rtirtlnn METROPOLITAN Teniihtgi Mae Desmond TV, 'Miracle M3k TlrURtH at nn etllcf nn.l Cllmtit' " ' Jriti DUMONT'S .ivSl EMMETT WELCH Min.lwb'.Wl Batlre "TWO ORPHANS OK THE BTOHlT fM 1 1" TMVERH1TY MUSEUM. Hat., 3T5TSIl. I llluatrutril lerturs by Jenrph HtrYU2SA' M mitt. - iiiiiiiiin kid iiijii.i.1 1'iiiiiuiafi i t i 7T . mmms fkl. -OHIOIN OV ISARLV UtlHfu ?"& .f-. tkecAOii 'i -W. ---SBH5aSBBSB Vnwuw imTC MsuriM'm ' own Centaj I a .. . ' v 'I - iV . . i r . . i. i. I I i . . .,'11 ;& J, i r T7I" . ., ., jmm . v JxmM&u& : f:i.. .'ilt &:&!&&. X..'ftsti:..r..Mf ... iwm . .. ..u v a . i - r .. ,, ...a. t en l i yi. i " tt jr. i i .t i ..' t .'.ffiSifert ft J.i V I nsM$mmmmM jkiffij X rnm -vMiiz 4, jmmmmmMmm 'xK' : 7 iiFmrisiiiffli.iMtir mure t- - UIT1. t.lil. lii. JIVtHa ' - J fl"l'l'lA''rlll.1 iuHf l.MHta1l'' .., tvt ,, HUlUlgWUt V whlre the: