hV : fe K w ! f Ii ' If. !&. S'? a r iH9 t.. rl & VP .$. I If v IWr m,9A6 B HaV5KX'S W . - t pii.e'A:,'' " ik iSSSebtien i tis;vfr v ,-- &k 4L OF KENTUCKY "HOROUGHBRED FARMS CLOSE TO $20,000,000 Haylands, One of Many Blue ments. Is Assessed at $190,500, With $927,000 if , . Werth of Racing Horses x ' B HOIJEKT W. MAXWKI.Ii ler lollop ICttnlng rublle tden" 'A CCORDIXO te our et best historian, who wouldn't knew n I sheet V or a bundle of racing done If they met them en thf street, n little blnl Hew from Indiana across the Ohie Klicr a few trnturlc nse nnd had n small blue-grass seed in its fentlurs. Ln tiding en the friendly llmc-teti soil of Kentucky, this seed took root and spread and, frail an It wns, drove away Wry eflicr kind of grass ntul thistle from it, path and brought Inte being 1" tnat section an !mlutry destined te link the name of Kcntuck forever with the thoroughbred horse. Thin Is the dope furnished bj the historian, and while there might be aernc discrepancy regarding the origin of the well-known and often-mentioned blue grass, there Is no doubt about the thoroughbred here. They arc In Kcntuck In large numbers and are worth million. In one section of the Ului' Cr.iss State there nic no les than forty-seven thoroughbred fnims comprising .1 total of 2e.SU acres, and arc nsesed this year at $(M)57.:ine. The therutighbrrd horses en thee farms hae been Messed at $7,SST.-I1', making n grand total of 917.S44.712. There arc millions of persons throughout the 1'nited States vhe have n fondness for the thoroughbred and the turf and are faith familiar with the breeding industrj. who will be astounded by the nbee figuie-. which were taken from the tax duplicates jii Kentucky. The figures were made public b the Kentucky .letkey Club te combat reform measures pending beterc the Kentucky Legislature, which sought te write en the statute books the law: "Theu s'halt net cendurt rme tniptlngs in the laud of llinry (.'lny, (icncral Breckinridge and Procter Knett. ' The bill was promptly snowed under. Again digging into the historical Muff we find that the Immortal Lexing ton, for twehc jear- the leading stallion of the world, hidden here and 'heir ?rem the British in the tlnjs of the Involution, was mused back te lite fiem ripple und nurtured en Kentucky -oil. Since that date the champion" of the tilrf bred in thin count rj, in the main, ewe their erlsin te the blue-gross ectien of Kentucky. yOY' only is that tme of the tuir hone the foundation of all geed A breeds of heisa but another astonishing 'if t it that saddle hones, eeaih herset. general patted and scriirr animals arc the bays of another great industry of tchich the thoieughbred is the show tdndew and the inspiiatien. ,917,814.712 Werth of Farms and Horses BUT let's return te the fart- and figgci, meaning the acscd valuation of S17.S44.712 en the thoroughbred farms and horses. We can bring In some mere clght-fusured stuff without pniislng for hre-ith. l'eihnps it Is surprising te note that "during the jear 1021 mere than S10.000.000 was distributed in takes and purses te owners of laee horses, and taxes paid te the State where racing is permitted and te the lVdetal tievernment totaled ether millions of dollars. All of which might be used for argumentative purposes. As for the breeding farms. Mis l-lizabPth Dalngerfield owns Haylands. rensUting of 3S1 acres, and assessed at ?100,eOO. Her horses are alucd at W27.000, making n total of SI .11 -.."00. Miss Uaingcrfield is noted for her kindness and fondness for horses 0nd has the great Man ()' War in her keep ing. She Is net Interested In racing, but earns her livelihood from breeding thoroughbreds nnd selling the prduct for racing purposes. Hamburg Place, owned by Jehn I'. Madden. cuiiMMs of 2111 ncics and, with the horses, is valued at S1,Pfi7.."P0. The largest place In the State is the Xaltpa Farm, owned bj K. V Simms. It has 2700 acres and is assessed, horses included, for $1,072,000. Miss liaingei field, although ewninj the smallest fnrm, lends in the mine of thoroughbreds. There are many ether places weitlij of note. Edward It. Bradley pays Uses en $743,000 and Hal Price Headley kicks in en $1,110,100. Harrv Payne Whltnej's holdings ate valued at 3001,000 nnd August Belmont is present with $518,000. THIS list sheics the i a n ye of lalues and the stability of the people engaged in brcediun Ihoteughbrcds in Kentucky. Alse the importance of the industru te the Staff. Pennsylvania Net Backward F' MUST be icmembered that the thoroughbred industry by no means Is ton ten fined te Kcntuckv. That State is en! the parent, nnd In times when the breeding farm has been run out by adverse legislation, Kentucky has ever upheld the banner of the thoroughbred, and nursed tiic breeding Industry until It was revised In ether States. Maryland under the stimulus of racing has forged nluad as n breeding Slate In the last few jears, and new has sonic of the largest establishments In the country. Commander .T. K. I., lleis, the Canadian sportsman, has n big nursery In Maryland. Samuel ). Kiddle has a farm at Berlin. Md. rcnns)lania is net backward In breedin1; thoreiighbieds. nrdenheim. the fine. estate of CJeerge 1. Widener, is famed all ecr the country. Jeseph' V.. TYidencr is one of the leading heremen in the teuntiy and recently lias pur chased a stock farm in Ktntuckj, in addition te Ins nrtMties in Philadelphia New Yerk and New Jersey nre the homes of some great tlforeiighbrcd .firms, such as the Illldreth-Sluelair Knweras Kami. Harry Payne Whitney bas a farm at Bed Bahk. "Willis Sltarpe Kilmer has established a great nursery in New Yerk Sun Hilar Court, which is one of the lending studs in this or any ether ceitntrj. Sun Briar Is the kins of the court. Then there Is the Short Grass stud, n New Yerk institution of great proportions. Short Grass, an imported herc. is the lending stallion. . Virginia, Ohie, a part of Tenni te nnd California aie coming back as breeding centers. Wjemlug and Texas also are turning mere te the Industiy 8 of yore. There Is a strong mete te lewve lacing in California, headed by the Sprcckcls Interests. YEXTUCKY serins ec ns a ouceti'ori of pasting the nti farmets of rayettc County (Lcrtntilen), and there icere nnhj three .totes in favor of the bill.. That m the tictc of the men ke Hie an interest in the thoroughbred induttry at breeders. Covvrleliti 10H, tu Public I.'detr Company MISS IRWIN'S SCHOOL ' WINS ANOTHER GAME Unbeaten Basketball Team Defeats Germantown Friends, 36-34 In a hard-fought and exciting All All All Scheel League game at the German town Y. W. C. A. the firt hikvtball team of Miss Irwin's Scheel defeate' Germantown Friends, .1(5-34. The Irwiu team hac net hern beaten this yenr, nnd as they bate twice wen the championship e, the league, thtj hope te cnptuie the league cup this .tear. Louise Norris, of Irwin, cuptali' of the first team, played en the second tsarr, vmterilnv. while Kntherlne Kln:4 ' Played forward en the varsity. Mar- suarite Betle and Kntlurluc Itlngu Dlnved their usual ceed garre. Mis Beyle making ceen goals in th first lialf and five In the second, while Mls.i Binge tallied four In the first half and two and two foul goals in the second. The second trams of both schools also 1-Iaycd. Their same was all the mete exciting because Irwin ami Germantown Friends each lue a bg en the All All All Scheel second-team cup, and it was cnly nftcr n ions struggle lh.it Irwin waa defeated. 24-H4. Ieulse Norris scored fix c reals In each period, and her teammate. Kittv Pence, made two goals lit .the first half nnd ene foul geul in Ike second half. iti ' FinST TEAMS Mlu Irwlnrn ctn. rrinm UP' levla. .forward. . . 1. Hrevm . ittnav forward. . L Ooedman . Nerrli ..leinplnc witter. fi. JUentKfmry h tnrmn .alda center... .11 t'anbury M, Bailer zuant II lllllear , Head ruard U. hheemake- SECOND TCAMH Ml Irwln'a Otn Frlendi INerrla forward It I'earnn K. Peace furwurd C. Tflnunt ErlCKv. jumpini center... .v. luuicef'il 'e,..,....ilda center K .Scott; oft suard 1) CIIK lr riavla iruard C. llRrrli i ; (4aw Orleans Entries for Friday irirt race. purie J 1000, Dirte-ear-eld3, SH' furlenRi: Llchtenhelm Htraazer M0 l'l 1 18 Mary Maxim 111 ..111 Deurea wild , . ,.11D Paaietiarleut 111 mi 1IH Ud nn no m Alal. ...nn immeKaie LUMP tin Mun time mat lid rermiten rCUd ...... I In reretl tajer pey. ..,... ..no ., , keeaa raue, pura tiuvi, luurvcBimiu, P. 0 lurlensat ill, ,...110 'Cebalt a 107 - - "-- 7 w . t. ,,,.... fpxy" ' TiiYteVH WtfSMtfSW.?'' ' " W'reWaS vtil'U .'- jr'& of Kentucky Breeding Grass Breeding Establish horse - taring herse - taring uiitci. fluently the tacing Hill uas submittC'l te the Tt'imuln Tltarla liilrrl raie H furltincn 1 1 n 'Paul ""onnelly . JOT . .. 107 Ftnrk Hnv 1 in rurj JI0U0. thrci-tar-eM K mice K Furfnell TD Dur Utii frM KlniifS . Mlmcl" Min Kate Ilrummcl Oaleta ... . I-unt Trial T'nurth rac. 101 II . . .10' . 'it nirdl.i O . . let lmi llprrlnxlen . , !i fl' ninnneni llouie ..II.! 101 Klrlln let .en Mabel Curtis . ii( . cs Ailventuri . . , nil .100 Mettlo Iiralne 101 tirfi 1 1000. four ear-olds and up, 1 1-16 lnll-n t'li'iuma . .101 Padua ... let ihrlj I.e . 101 c;in ) ru . as 'irtinlp .111 t'aierlai swain ns 1, iv Oah'"3 .. .11 J Ttar Nuts .. 107 I ritih rait -ursf 11000 four-yeer-olds and i up !' miles ' Mai-tcr Jck . HI rvt d'Oi . nn. Il'tSwTlUn ' .HNi?Sik",W. In;1 slxlll rnce euro- il'iuv, leur-j na r-niua aril up. .1'". m"e",, ..... ,. . ew faithful v.ili.iii ' ' in- .i.i. "era " ' 2 .. 1 13 1 'hauler '.'... j?J .,..12? itrliu?!?? -; ,'."'' yur, 5100U. ttireo-jtar-eldn. I Current. Kvnt sftpnth rjc 1 mll and 70 Iremnaa , , . I'enaul . . .. Wr Rlmf Herme1n Velld Cell'en Praiis Tacki D'ill Vardm l father rlear ' i,h i.,.,i, run ,. 103 i" lnchnld .ins 'liari" . .. . 'is 101 Mldnlcht fcterift 101 .vi -t'luneiia . , (is TlfM Lark 10.' irrml Kemble If,, t.i 100. trdcit int AcprenlUe ilewania . lalmc't. Havana Entries for Friday First rare for three-' ar olds and rlalmlnt: pur $700 n furlenn Patuii ..HI Parlfler Keltnl HI At!iaren I.ady Inltv ..101 ("iiniern Olrl ... Falrenl IVarmer.110 Mr Krutr ... Little Bum ... 11 1 riirtlv Van ... Bevrlry Jam's ..11? Sel OlUei .. ., Ffoend raci thr'-ar.el,U and clalmln pur 1700 A furlenst. ok., a . inl xn.... e IIP . 91 .100 .105 llf .11: up. viola O en, i,t . . ..." ..iiiiiin ix ...10S . 110 110 , 11.' 113 . 11.' cUlm- 110 llueh Chimera . . 110 Mister JIeji . ..II" lllonlel . . 112 Svlllln 11J Hed fuur-'ear-eld and uu Mnllnern i Itunicau iviertnan Third M Inn nurn .-iO'I. ;i furlena-a Twe K I'M 'Wedgewood . Marlen Helllna .100 elidlan Fraai-uelu . . 101 MacCIamer Mike , 110 Waterford . . Tnraecen lle Jijallst . . l'eaiant tl'l American l,ial. r eurin i c thrie-iear-el(H and ud purae ISDO. 1 mlle ftl- leuancea, i c'aejar .., . The neil fall ' llutchlaen 'lacela (i7 Kleaner ,H fl7 Tomabel . . . 07 .07 . 1 0.1 . loe Meiiera . 10 J 01 Fifth race three.jear elda and Inz nurbe 1700, 1 1 l'l iiiIIeh up cljim tin 10" 10 1 Hely t. .. Hi Miinlremt Hue 10.' IJnt V. O, McCllntecU Salesman 10", 'Sele Cerk ,, Jw AlfieU Clark Altec .110 .MrAdeii 101 I OH 110 B'xth rate four-jear-elda and up claim Inn. purae 1700. 1 mile and .11) .i.irdu, The Unuulrer . let 'Keran . , ui Marcella Hey ,,10 'Fnater Ilmbrey . Iinl . inn, i iiu' ..113 Teny'a Beau . ...tOfl Oelden Chance) Trf. v eiunv, i . i 'u linn - Apprentice allennnre claimed. KVMlGHRiriBH SB? ' i f. '' A.WWWS EVENING PUBLIC t Edge Hill Gelf Club Starts Cam paign for Cheaper Came. $25 Initiation, $25 Dues SMALL GREENS FEATURE' By SANDY MrNIIMACK Till' lln.t gun of the war en ex pensive golf has been Ihed light hcic In Philadelphia. A golf lub has been formed wh'rein en '"ilk down ,2.1 as jour Initiation fee and thereafter dig down for the 111111 of S"J per month ns dues, in ether words we new have a I club In Plilladelphl 1 whose prime object I Is 10 knock the "up" mil et upkeep. I All of which Introduces the lMgc Hill Gelf Club. Geed fellowship and med- erati fcs are lis guiding features. The lilub is nbeut te make lis debut and that !'J stuff ought te enish evet for the big- nest unlllllL' list In Ibe city. The reason the dub is called the lldgr Hill Gelf Club Is because It i nt IMgc Hill. It's right across fteiu the Nerth1 Hills Club nnd will ecup. tlie nine-hole , I course and the clubhouse which was I used by the Cediubroek Country Club I last spring during the ronstiuctlen of, their own grounds en I.tiirkiln pike. 1 The latist elitb was formed by 11 group of real gelfcix und links enthu siasts who bellexe that golf is becoming tee much of a mil man's game, thnt there is tee mtiili waste In the minimis traiien of the ncrage golf course and thai It is hlghh possible for a geed 1 'club and course te be 11111 ut 11 minimum of cpensc ptexldcd business methods 'are introduced Inte the administration. !nsngn,cn h eln ctne ct ctaelncnciicnuu ViUs Mart I 1 The club is off te n fljln? staif. Owing te the fact that it has but nine li(de, the club will maintain n member ship of but l.'O golfers. Applicants for membership will be most carefully co njoined, net only as te tlnlr culinary qualifications, but also as te their will ingiicss) t0 go along oil the basis of "wlint the club can nffeid." J. rrnnklin Meehnn. who eat. sleeps and thinks golf. Is feundei of the new iaeement. lie is known tlueiiKli local golfdem for his inleiise interest , In junior golf, for the Installation of .geed speitsmanshlp. ceiupelitic spirit and skill in the .euth el 0111 fit j . nnd new he has taken up the latest angle "cheaper golf." ' The club ptopesps. te hau' besides its I regular membership 11 special class iwhlfh ma piny evci dav e cft Sat urdnj. Siindiijs and holidays. This I latter class auteinatlcnlh lmemes nn applicant for icgulnr membership as seen as there is 11 Micniiey in that (lass. It Is likely that juniors will haic special privileges at this club. ' The Initiation fie et S-. is imme diately invisted and becomes, p.ut of the sinking fund ns u permanent nsset of the club. Ihe early dues for full mem bcrsliip nre $''.". In describing the new cnture. Gelfer Meehan says he is being asked en all sides hew n club inn be run that ehenpl, On sudi oicaslens he dears his threat and becomes eloquent Simple Feed "Ne eieiisc rltibheiic or icstaur ant will be ninliituitied," he will tell ou. "A cup of toffee and sandwich will be about the limit. Shower baths, lockers nnd erdlnnr teinenitnccs will et course be maintained, but no housi heusi housi ferce. It is n dub for golf nnd goit ers." rurtlicrineie. the pruning will ex tend te the collie. 'I lie gelfeis out Iheie aie no llleeis In mormens tei races for gieens, n targt t te tatch nui old shot that's semewheie up theic. "We'll hnw small gueim and meie intncate appieach shots." cplnlned Proprietor Mtchau. "The falrwas j be full width, but much of it will be eml-reiigli ; that l. en the sides and in-between shots. This will material!) redute the cost of maintenance. . "The clubhouse has been repaired and repainted. The gri ens were left ill splendid tondillen 1 Cedarliroek and thc hac lucn ,p.idetl and put in shape bj the members. M1c11 Snow (rOCS "A geed Mutt has been made aim us seen us this Miewiug spell dries up we expect te get our dub off te u lljlng sea son." "Hew docs one go nbeut joining wait te be asked?" Mr. .Median was asked. ".Ne. sir. Wc aie making n drive ier the 1 , al enthusiasts who aie fed up en 1 expenshe golf. We lire going te held n lieiise-wiiiining in Mutt It and en the 1Mb anil -"lh of that month we will lie glad te met iiiimhic hi IMge 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . f show th'in 111 emul If the w ml her i O. K.. wt'll nil ph gelt. 'Ihe Ki,f public Is welcome in that time. I'lanl, Tniler. In the Land Title Building. i secrctnrj of the dub nnd he's him new receiving uppllcatlnns, ilcsidte this blamed winter weather." , Se that's our latest club and it tie scnes prescrlty. Scraps About ScrapjKrt) rnt Hnidl,.. Feulhnrirh mH,Mv,lf!h, r(r i ilu n le I.e. )ntimj UruJIei lin, Iral nanin la Itexy ilp t .irln would Ilk" , rethliic better tlitin a iikciIiik with Temmy hra"- C tileU Alltiinn. of rli-mrrr.iiv- Itn li , jiut te lad ca.t Trmlde Iiallj , te GOLF IN NEW CLUB FOR $2 A MONTH V5'!lpHa riilcl it ." ier v men.ncn or.""'": '" 1'HU 11.1 uiiunli i "Ull" a let i I'alli . nnu n nan of the bantams In ih (in "lr-t tip (in ' lllik I'erri leathrm Iclit of "out' ern it n Mini in i Krn rim 'liuJIbe , id insht. lllirn "s iritiiiK iiii mi'eta l t unit i i', Plill Saltadnrr nnd lee Tip it vili n eii ii a Iext u flRbtei ajt-tn In tb li.xdlnir I at UioNtiientl nn .Tturru nlnht s,liiirr .ntu lis In from c nlllernlM uliefij null I anmi run in lila last inHtrli ni.atnt Ieiiin I'ciimlly Juck I'ern nnd .llininv .M. nde l'i rreet lii a bintatn lrul In tin, m ml i'r,. 'lima Pteiltsarde Johnnj nee t Uantn lledieri '.m Ilartman . leunt; SherloeK and llubby Allen l'rdiikle JulUn, Charley .Fenea manntter of "I iRhtlim leinmj' Itjan, ltnun ardunl MeKi-iieri aa tn rennajivini i 'niunueinen, i in J'liin. felplila Ile la trjliiu' te rllnili a matcli for hla chari,i) ltti I'anitv Kramer K 1 1 IVll llims. Je. O'D'jiuieUer Mlds" s-mltli i IIelib Xtirinn. 12 1 cenn"'iei v Ith Hertil enarlera temp.in llllh Infnilrv Ik Liu'I, ,Mi I'hlladeiphld It "eiiri ,'ike te ,-t inuiln.1 ''J neetlng llh Mlckev Welctit J?n I ll'iMe MrCuiin Is '"'tehcd Inr two buuta ttn In four di. lie fnr-j IMIIIe firenn ni the lid rambrli temnrr w iiU'tl. and Irnmi; hocre '' r..n.l3., ulnh, u. ilia rill .1. nh. .... ion i"iiuj .,,,fc ... ' ,:"v ' vjincr icamhrla matihei nr' Willie lriKuven n Jee Aui-ntla. InhniiJ llauln a Tummy Mc- fann I'ettn 1 n-Wi r. I'lltv Uukju, und ijeeric) DjI 1". Jnliiinv Miilene, eune sherlcirK. Ut"sl .'nulh Plillidtl ii rrelu'-t loeka Ilk" a reniri If ),,,, i,,, n.aUInK H''1 In "11 "f h miitelien in,., breaking Int'i tlm IIHlc f Id V tin Hljui, fin Saiurdaj ninlit .Sherlmk lll in It", en 1-nrl llurtman ut tl.n Niitnn m n in,, ui ile n-ellnia te UK Je' Tlplltz I'lnl .--tthiideri I ael-te A mlildlfttflaht nmlih lifiwccn ( nrr llaubr and Mli ke McDoneuah Is vehed uled for the wind-up Sittunlut I'Ulit u, the Auniterium I'uiiaucipui.i jn cuiiiir i, Mike ICearns la the rinil. Prelum: WII1U Ilia iIm Themas . wtitir jsetsen , Johnny Han v. mmmr Fenem, ani Unnn Tuy vn, SH W.Wi.'.Mf.V 1 W'i.v?) JilSJLM aaMta'j' - afta - at " w Farms, Comprising 25,831 Acres, Has Value of f De Ve HetAerAaeZfZl f a.Z.mtAt.me ZIVTr n C Had Te 0R f frib TwY TH 3oeo ei.D V These I WMBMBefR whcsj y6P' vvc lfll Tetues op te vwerk FASHIOSJ WlNTCHiWSBsJ Trie TrIB WATM6R WAS HAO tJWe met TJATeiR OUT I TmE OUD w vse.t te riAvc J( days Jim I ae Cecb oer old of Tmesc, !, no awe t pomp I BIU f y V y eeT j pump froze UP .0 WOODed TliFUNNy TO "'rf.r -iT r J Z-ly JX rl "The Hardest Battle of My Ring Career" ny CAl'T. m1;, Y HAUDi:ST battle Is net hard te emember. I don't think I ever will forget It. I wn stationed nt Manila. P. I.. about Ihe cars age, and was lon len sldeicd nil expert nt fencing a 11 d bnjenet cvcicises, both of w h 1 c h pastimes were ull the rage nt the time there. Hexing seen was added te the speits program, and a fistic camhal was planned. 1 was CAPTAIN 1.UI1 HOl'Ull asked tebecntcicd, After u let consented. It was a of nersiinslen I new game te mc as I had never had en a boxing glove in my life. IhMng a little leeiy about stepping Inte the ling, I gained some confidence after watching two or (line ether bouts go en ahead of the time when I was te nppear. These fellows nil gave me n laugh the looked awfully funn tleiindeilug around In the ring. I be lieved I could whip the whole fleck of 'cm. .1 luui caiiir. 1'iiiatc Heb Hart is. of the nrtillety, 11 as jc lectid as my opponent. HY unit four round and eirry one tin re uat ulld about our sct'te. They 11 anted te tcu another 'eici llutris match and ne nrtc ;r matched for ten rounds jet the of tuning neck. 1 was a pi hate then in the infantiv, and inj leinpanv and llains' butleij started a laplil-fne betting campaign. Twe dins befeie Ihe match I hail th' misfortune of hnlng two libs fr.ic tuitil and when I mentioned my lnjui te some of m buddies they snlckeicd and licensed mc of trjing te run out of the match. That hurt me mere than the broken ribs. I decided te go through with the bout. I thought if 1 could conceive 1111 ) . Let Fatima smokers tell you TyiccrrT & Mycts Tobacco Cn.V' Fie. 3 1? fc 't 4 -T1 liWiPSlifl OH, MAN! ..!. r.t. 1 DOB UOPEIt" Idea of seining Harris fiem the in- jurcd ribs I would be all rlglt. The night of the bout came. Net only did 1 scare Harris, but nlse a let of the spectators. After 1 etching our Instructions, I ilucw off my bnthrebe and twined mound my neck was a pet siiukc. It was ns lmrmless ns a' kitten, I knew. Hut, mi, eh, nij : ou should bnc seen Hairis! He tut tied ns pale ns the white ti links he were. "Y011 can't fight with that thing en jeu." he cried. When the lefcice came ever I explained te him It wus m mnscet. If nnj thing eicr acted like a chnrm, that snake did. M opponent was se senred and stiff 1 hail no trouble getting the decision. Hut, if eer a man suffered, I ditl thiouglieul that thirty minutes. lAcry mnie I made hurt me und 1 wna glad when it wns all ever. When it cns time te gel paid some one had 1 amoescd with nearly all of the rerciptt, and no get exactly a dollar ami forty-five cents each. It iias a long time there after before they could get me into another boxing larniial. JlmmT llunlen will Ml nlmnt the Inrrlnl liiittlr of hi rlnir rumr In Nuturdnt'n ttlltleu of the Ktenlinc l'ublle Lrtlvrr. DISCUSS FOOTBALL RULES Coaches Agree Few Changes in Grid iron Laws Necessary New Yerk, Pcb. JO. A scoicer mere of prominent gild coaches 11 ml officials in the.Knstcin district met with Walter Camp, dean of the American fall pastime und member of the Itules Com Cem inlttee. in order te get the suggestions of officials anil coaches in regaid te pos sible changes for W2i!. Ah wns predicted by the coaches at the time of their meeting in IJiceuiher, the consensus seemed te pievall that the present cede wns nil and miihcitnt for the present needs, and that few changes In the rules thcniKehcs were cither rctiilrcd or wauaulcd. tijagx?8PfpiewlfesMS FATIMA CIGARETTES WWVfer Q O ' Ai'i '.cia mm INE Red and Blue Asks for Dates With Majer Leaguers During First Week in April d1:, WALTKK CAHISS' University Pennsylvania baseball team may play the Phillies and the Athletics early in Apiil. The authorities nt Tcnn liaie asked the managements of the two major league flubs for dntcs and as jet lune net lecclvcd n teply. The games nie contingent en the re turn of the two teams te this city. Iteth nre expected te return hcic nreund Anrll 7 nnd as there is net nn Inter- league scries scheduled It is expected thnt the tennis will piny. Tin ec jenis age the Hed nnd Blue, then coached b lte Themas, plaved a series of tin ee games with the Phillies, which the major leaguers wen. Prci- cms te thnt time the Phils plnjcd games with the Unhcis!l teams during riiemns te.itning legimc. n nen Cen nle Mack, of the Athletics, held his annual spring iWitning nt home the .MaiMels plnjcil the Hetl and lUlie. The Inclement weather of jesteiday with the hea fall of snow made It Impossible for Dr. Cnriss te start his Dntteiy ctinillilales ter the U2U season Willi 1 r.uikiin 1 iciii 111 its present cencilium ami mc usual mud that fnl fnl lews a fall of snow Cnriss Is doubtful if he can get hl.s candidates under way for another week. Law son Itobcttsen, conch of the track team, was forced te cull off prac tice isteidny because of the sppPrv condition et the beaids. 'J'he muni wceklj meet will lie held I'lldnv after non, the fcaluie of which Is a scratch mile einl fti the four classes at the rnhcisltj. The depesters figuie that Hebble, nnxleus te get a Hue en Ids iiillcis Is holding the eicnt te sec what times the treshnien can make against the nrsiy men. Points will count ns in cress-country and the lirst-jear men nrc the biggest fnierltcs te win tlie eicnt. IttAVi A'S AND PHILS MAY PLAY PENN N Always hithtr in price thou tthtr rurHsh Blend tlgaretUs but- Just taste the difference t .. W.TfflMfVKr ?1 ,u ' " BBTIW'' SUGGEST HONOR BOARi FOR COLLEGE SPORTt 1 Plan te Make Every Athlete With Special Vigilance en Professionalism Would Help Athletics, Says Rice By GBANTLAND RICE Hie Other Side of It We have Had our Bay of Ihe open way Where the palm, palmetto and pine trees cay, Where the tun sink) loie en the North' cm snow And only the rugged come and go, Where thin and blue, ushcrc ihe herons flVt The camp smoke drifts te an open sky. But there's still Remance and the thrill of Chance Where the city icaits tclth Us song and dance Where the gunmen ply mth an eager eye Their busy trade as the bullets fly; Where the hooch you pour deun a thirsty threat May bum its tcay thieugh an overcoat. Oh, city life, icith its toil and strife. Was once as dull as an old bread knife: lint new it's rough as the movie stuff Where the bandits yelp, "Lay en, Mac- Duff!" And r:c yearn for the peace of the puma's lair, Of the rattlesnake and the gritily bear. The Student Guard of Hener THE suggestion has been offered that each college or university hai en student gunrd of honor tontrelllng ath letics with full power te act. The plan might be well worth trying. The council or gunrd might take In the president of each class nnd nil var sity men who have earned the celleglats letter. . This council, of course, would have te nblde by all present regulations, such as the enc-yenr rule, class standings in the way cf study, etc. But It would be the custodian of in tercollegiate ethics, keeping especial watch ever any form of professionalism. The honor' system, employed in this way, might get quite a bit further nleng than ninny faculties or coaches seem te hae gotten. As cacii toetoau anu enscDan player would be n member of this council or 'J&ffll STETSON I 1 irPfjfliTHB 'n a at meana he III jlB right atyle in the right j '"Vl jr Kk quality. la that hat v j nJJw you've been wearing Lii ready for replacement? l J j ee e newSpringffl JOHN B. STETSON COMPANY v' I Retail Stere 1224 Chestnut Street ' William H. Wanamaker FEBRUARY SALE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut Street Beginning Tomorrow Morning HALF PRICE for all Winter OVERCOATS pVERYBODY acknowledges L that William H. Wanamaker bas sold the best overcoats in Phila delphia this winter. Wc have sent out thousands of overcoats this season and can well afford te let you have all that remain in stock at half price. We make this sacrifice cheerfully and are very glad te give te our customers the wonderful savings registered in this exceptional offer. $15.00 FOR ALL $30.00 OVERCOATS $17.50 FOR ALL $35.00 OVERCOATS $20.00 FOR ALL $40.00 OVERCOATS $22.50 FOR ALL $45.00 OVERCOATS $25.00 FOR ALL $50.00 OVERCOATS $30.00 FOR ALL $60.00 OVERCOATS $35.00 FOR ALL $70.00 OVERCOATS These figures are precisely half their true worth, and they include ALL OUR WOROMBOS ALL OUR AQUASCUTUMS aw 2HS 5?JSaGN OVERCOATS ALL OUR HURLINGHAMS ALL OUR ULSTERS ALL OUR BOX MODELS ALL OUR CONSERVATIVE COATS v..uoese yours JA WWtOS!. T $17,844,71 a Member of Ethical Council guard, tne .cnances or any one crackwl the amateur cede would be remiErJ Ah a ruin If la nnlv th .- V!ret-1 a rule it IB only (he man ..l. ri . . " aicaufirsi v ... al.j m : iT . . ."Wat utuig waicuca irera xne OUtSlcJ 1,n'J feels the yearning te outfit hls tuirtl Hew It Works mAKE football nnd golf. The feet, ri J- guard or tackle doesn't- figure tkui he has been disgraced In any Ws ,73 Is caught Illegally holding or bleckla watch him. The golfer, acting a his own nftvjfl Mnl iitnnleA trnnn'n tin m.m..1.i a V.ee sraced beyond nil measure ir i.. 1:1 caught moving the ball or net ceuntm. 1 a stroke. He he rarely ever does. At lean Ul.r'l nxcrage in this respect is extremrtvl uigii. -m The same man mlaht censirle,. t k.. ,'a orable enough te held playing football'?! or break any ether rule If he could tit 4 by vlth It nnd then play golf or tennV? sinctty ey ceae. LiiniencK ei ine iieslu t' .t. hiii viiv eauicr namca uiu iim Ifut Gibbens retorted M ri. f... ..i,i i.. .t ... i jitu imn ivtii or innartcd, I'll make him leek like a sub. deb." Cobb vs. Speaker a iiKuriu ten desires te ltnew; Jr- whether Cobb or Speaker is ratiiia ns the mere laluabln factor en a bVlr'l club, every nnglc being considered, if Cobb has always been the ereiteril batsmnn and bnsc runner; Sneaker the V greater outfielder. , I One nns been tne game's leading im nnnli n,Bnt fliA i,1.mh ..- fensc. V In managerial roles Speaker has ac4 quired mere of the laurel, with roetM rime nnn Deiier mnierini te work wlth.'i Se comnnrative values here have vat it be proved, although Speaker's side of ltf' is pretty wen aajusieu. Tt, Giving a fixed opinion en n subject's nun as manv complications attached, is tee mucn nice a guess. cwvrtehi. jru. vin ;;ieht ittstrvtt.: iH as early as possible. vl S "r - 1.1 Iv-. , ill TJ- .v,tfnddd 1 ,. 4. Ji&&&ay I - M4v.W: j . .Vr x't,Vti("i -v t r , & u i&te? w EM&iftfca KK'ii A -