WR&Wmw!)!! im Ftiu, -?a yy. tintfev.,ugdii ?$S& i,!rM,&w!Zr ff"TKj5fT. - 'l!fT' -' -, - r--r w THE; PEOPLE'S FORUM pN JLett te tfte Editor Si' Satisfied Either Way ' kSPLV . .' ... i..:.. ...Una- letters x- "ri ""V. 'Sh.'i.; hv a let of KES.SiJH-a.arfdlert who want the &"SL.m. nntl men of means "and money Ktenns! It is immaterial te r,pre. -- .--,. P. ""J.-.i'."; i Mt it or net. I was net Rf me jvi"" .,"., nn,l .vhen I re- Xi handcuffs put en them and toline the rerrl and ethers hav- Knme of our teat-known lawyer l"' .:i'..i i.m in no ce stations, se '.SffTenld net be taken in the army. Aw caliber of soldier la the foremost Ai'p2"e8,tb,0rnerni Bt i", Ik Air one, it--!. mInJ YfAftatH111f? 4 .- n. Bill 01 111111 1I1IIIU. . RJ.1 ffi. i ...imintiens of the reventecnth- 'Sif" MJS''J!LBt. TlvVT .. anni'ii uti:i s,ai.a - A. ileiise his statement, because I hap- JPVte Js fe Blame: Mistress or Maid? T ' employer of Flva Servant Te the sdtter of the Sventne Pubtte Ltdatr: Sir I am the employer of 'five ser yanis, Dccause I hare a large family and a big home te keep up, and let me assure you that the troubles in the U ..n le sone the Firrt Division en rlr Pirt of. 3017. and happened. M Iclpnte In America's first biff bat ?le."le battle of Cantiffny. U te cum te terellert rnst history. Alse I wish te 2,1 had the pleasure of rervln with J r departed ex-Preeldent'a sons . Since nnd one of them later aerved In SewPeUDla with the British. One ienTve bis life for hia country through kelnKstet down in an airplane, and bla Mv still Ilea ever there. Did he have a soft berth? Alse I linecned te co ever the top with the eresent Assistant Secretary of the Navy, hfoderc Koeeevclt, who happened tc U i a lieutenant colonel In the First Di Di vlilen. and I wNu te state the regular rrmy officers that, went ever with me rime from the richest families In America and the most of them new lie In the soil of France. Did they have n Mr. Seventeen-Months Soldier, get our needle together and get away from yenr socialistic tendencies. If you lad the chancn you would hnve tried te collect some of that easy dough and seu would be against the bonus. Se let these who don't want the bonus when it's passed hand It along te some peer ttrten who needs it, and these who rtant It tnl.fi it and put it te some geed me. Ard I wish te state I am a dis abled soldier who served twenty -eight months eer theie find don't hnve n nt, and I'll sny asaln. if they offered a bonus te me 1 would never turn it down, but if I don't get it I will never lis what I never had. Au rcveir. KX-REOUIjAB. Philadelphia, February 10, 1022. Why He Wants Benus r tn Editor et the Evening Public Ltdatr: Sir Just a few words te Geerge Morrison. I ce n letter in tonight's I'erum from him resnrding the bonus' question. According te Mr. Morrison, a man who wants the bonus or who will inept it Is net patriotic or does net Ie his cei'iitry. New, jnt-t a minute. "O. M." I served mere months l.i France than you iiiil in the service, and I want the benu. mill mere tlmn that. I consider myself jut ps patilejlc an jeu urc. Yeu snv jeu enlisted and were net !rfted. 'Ndtler wnn I. I cnllFted In the Marine Cerps before I was old eneush te teglbter. Ami :is te the Revolutionary War and the War eC 18111, most of the men, who i-ened in them cot a bonus. Net a etch bonus, btit land, which was bet ter than money. Hut today we de. net -bavi vacant liiml enough for half the CT-scrvicc men, n if each man was given only a few acres. 0, of course, most of us will take money or training or paid-up in surance. I never thought of the bonus when J enllstrd, "lther. I suppose you think jnett of us went in just se we teuld Roup? the Government for n bonus. But Jiet M. The reason we want a bonus Is sim jil) this: During the war the men who taj ed at home get bis wages (.anrt bonuses, tee), while we bes who had tbe.bnrdest end of it, cot the least pn. The bev who stajed home get big v.iges and lmd short hours, while wb a,et $1 for twentj-feur hours, aud )niny time 1 liuvn put in the full twenty-four hours and mere, tee, with out n rest or mere than two meals. Se "G. M." jiift keep quiet. If you Won't want tin bonus no one will force you 10 take it. Hut the most of us vant it, in I want li mere, we will get Jl. ' h. (1. HILTON. Philadelphia, Ftbruary 10. 1922. Lincoln's Funeral Car (T II e I Jller of the Etciiln? Public Ledetr: Sit Referring te the picture, Abra lam Lincoln's I'unernl Car, permit me te infeim jnu that jeu arc In error ns te where it was located. When the Jiliotegrnnh was made the car steed en Tenth (.treet at the southeast corner of 'ireen street, directly in front of the office and residence of K. S. Unrley, the innVitakcr. who built and had charge of It, and it was erected under his su pervision In the Philadelphia, German own nnd N'orristewn car shops, north west corner of Ninth nnd Green htrccts. MOSLS FKURTMAN. Philailclphla, Fcbruaiy 14. 1022. Te Protect the Heme te Iht lilter of th' Licnlae fuhlln l.tAnin Sli Something mint no done fe pro pre ct the home, since the police teem finable te contiel conditions. Very few Jamilif"! hae revehers or any means M protecting tbeinscles when burglurs freak )n, nmi j t,py lm,i they tteuld Jisrtlly knew hew te use them. In thebc Junes of heiuc-brcnking, held-ups, etc., be Director of Public Safety should no tree thing possible te son that the Apuwhelder can help himself if he is attacked. The city must be in the possession of thousands of suns ami icvelvera which euM be UMd by families for their pro pre pro uctlen if they wCrc lent te them, nnd they should nlse be Instructed hew te jus them, either by personal lustiuc lustiuc Hen nt u point tlint might be designated, through the suppljlng of printed nattei-. home, se far as tbe servant girl ques 1 . m 1 ?enrnc.d are most dlblrncllug. 1 work harder than any of tny servants. anu they tell me se. Hccnuee I help them se much is one of the real troubles I have with them. I am en the job JSP we that nethlnif is wasted, and also Me that my heuse Is kept perfectly clean, and I give them all the spare time pos pes slb'e, whfle I never take any for my- It is my experience that the servant gins of today want big pay and de net want te de the work te earn it. iney are like many men employed, who are bent en doing aa little as they can in order te compel employers of labor te hire additional help. The presuit King eem te have caught the trend of mi- iimes. xeerc arc probaely net (we Otlt of fell Servants who An nn mimli J work in a day aa the inistress. I also believe that net mere than two out of ten of the mistresses but will treat their girls with much fairness if they find that they ere willing te earn their money, nnd I venture te say that the majority of the servants who have written te your paper complaining about the treatment they receive are deserving of nothing better, for they have net shown their capacity or will ingness te work. MRS.' W. I. B. Philadelphia, February 13, 1022. 8herter Hours for Maids Te the Editor of the Kccttejp Pubtte h'iatr: Sir I have, been reading with In terest the letters in your People's Forum as te who is te blame, mistress or maid. I think in some cases they arc both te blame. I am a maid and want te say there are people keeping help that sheuld'have te. de their own work, for they don't treat their maids with as much consid eration as they de their dogs. Seme really think the maid is 'only a piece of machinery, nnd never gets tired. Seme places you have a comfortable room nnd get geed feed nnd some you de net. I don't think an Inexperienced maid should expect as much wages us an experienced mnld. And I believe in u maid trying te give perfect satisfac tion. The madam should show mero consideration. I work where there are six in the family, with company all the time. And I can truthfully say I don't have time te mend mv clothes. The lady who said she discharged her tnald because she came In at 1 e clock surely did nut sten te think. She can get up from dinner tabic and go where she wants te, but the maid must cictn up and then get herself ready te go out. There are very few maids who can get out before I) o'clock, nnd, as ft rule, they have a long distance te go and come There should be something done te mtnM ftiA tnntrl'ti hnn.i If la fhn Iftll of Pennsylvania tlint a woman should net werlt ever eight hours a day with one whole day off every week. I aver age fifteen hours every dav, seven days a week. Part of a day off every ether wVek. There is no werlt where the hours are as long as the servant girl's. And I am very sure that the majority of the working girls de net want social equality. All they ask Is fair treat ment and te be considered human. There are lets of maids who nave mere principle than their mistresses. The mistresses have the wrong idea in that respect. Recause a maltl thinks enough of herself te held herself up is no sign she wants social equality. I hope there will seen be n better under standing between mistress and maid. A MAID. Philadelphia, February 13, 1022. ts as e "rt4 elty7 O. O. B. PhllJfphln, Ftbruarr 19, ! Ws have nsrer heard the term applied, but It Is probably due te ths fact that ra was th predominating- color originally, mett et th heuMi belns built of red brick. Government Memerial Coins Te th Editor of the Evtnlna Publle Ledatrt Sir What memorial celna has the Gov ernment lined for. expoilllens? A. U McKAOE. Philadelphia, February 12, 1122. The following- memorial coins have been etruek at United Htatee mlntet .Columbian half dollars (illver)i Lnf ) eeuvenlr dot tare (sllrer)i Leulilene, Purchase Bxpotltlen (geld dollar)! Lng and Clark Exposition (neld dollar)! Panama-Paeine International Ilxpoeltten (12.50 sold)! Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition (Mlver' half dollar)! trviMi.w mmnrli( ilallare Cereid): Illlnnlt Centennial half dollars (illver); Pilgrim Tercentennial (either halt dollar;)! Maine Centennial (tllver half dollars) and Mlseurl Centennial Ullver halt dellan). ( "The Message te Garcia" Te f he Kdlter of the Evening Put(fl Ltdgtr: Sir I eheuld Ilk te knew If "The Stej i te aarcla'.' has ever been publUhed, either a a pem or atery: If ee, will you kindly sdvU m th clrcumetence which led te It publication? II. C, h. CheeteivPa., February 12. !?" , "A Mmat te Garcia" I th title of a fameui "preachment" by Albert Hubbard. It wee erlglnelly published In the Philis tine. It w reprinted In pnmplitet form. It wee circulated by million IhrmiKlieut the country and translated Inte foreign lan guages, Including Japaneee. The story re le.tei' TJeutenant rtean' fcit In da iitmrln iVKnldent McKlnley' inessase te General Garcia at the beginning of the v,r with Spain. Who Cart Answer? Te the Editor of the Evenlne PtiMfe Ltdatr: Sir Can any of your readers please tell m hew cold It will be when It 1 twice a eeld a 10 degree below ztre: and wife work. There would be a job for some ex-service man, seme father or some single girl if these married women were discharged. Such vacancies would Rut bread In leta of empty stomachs. iew, Mr. Employer, rid out the mar ried, woman who has a bread earner, and give work te an unemployed man. 8. li. B. Philadelphia, February 13, 122. Keep Flag Flying Te the Editor et the Evtnlna Publle Ledetr: Sir Is it proper for a public Insti tution (hospital) te have a llagless pole during the weekdays? If the flagpole stands there for the purpose of the flag, why is 1 llagless? When I looked up the flagpole te which I refer, I noticed tbe missing flag, dur national emblem. Then I looked en the United States coin with the written inscription in Latin words, "B, Plurlbus Unum." I took great pains te find out the mean ing, that ''Our, cause, it is just." . And I take a further step nntl pause te knew through you, Mr. Kdlter. when such a great benefactor nnd originator ns lletsy Itess, who devoted much time and theueht te create our national em blem, why this emblem is se neglected. It should be unfurled en every flagpole, -4(1(1 csDcclally en all public institutions throughout America, from the public schools te the United States Hcnnte. GEOUGn K. UALUNV. Philadelphia. February 0, 1922. Theatre Laws and Fires Te (he Editor 0 the Evening Public Ltdgti: Sir Seme jcars age, after a cry disastrous fire In a Chicago Theatre, in which many lhcs wcre lest, the Fire 'Marshal's office here in Philadel phia ordered all theatre nlslcs widened. Evidently they have- forgotten the mat ter by this time, as I noticed the side aisles, for tbe fourteen rows, in one of. our' theatres, have been entirely closed. Is the Fire Marehnl's office watting for a fire in a theatre before getting busy again, or is It the result of influence by the professional politicians? SAFETY FIRST. Philadelphia, February 12, 1022. Questions Answered Philadelphia. February 9. S. 1922. I., n. 'S. VT. A." B. H. Sothern, the actor, ws born In New Orleans. December , 1R59. HI father wa Edward A. Moth Meth cm. the comedian. "E. T B." Old Olerr nd the flir of the Kiret Volunteer United States Cnal. the rteuxh Ttldr. wer draped en Co'enel lloerevell's coffin, but wer net burled with It. "T. J. a.". The following aie the l Ametlcan generals! Uljasee 3. Grant, Thlllp II. Sheridan. William T. Shrrmsn, Jehn J. Pershing, Tnaker II. Pl'i (emer gency) and Peyton C. March (cmrgencs). Poems and Songs Desired The Deerlng Murder Te the Editor et the Eienlna TuBlIc Ltietr: Sir I should like te knew the date of the murder In this city et Christopher Peer ing by Anten Trebst. When was Trebet tried, the names of hi lawyerr, etc.? Was Mr. Peering a. property owner at the time of hi death? A. I.. 8LAYMAKEH. Philadelphia, February VJ, 1022. Christopher Deerlnc; and his. family were murdered en April 10. I860, by Anten Probst. We cannot give details et the mur der, etc., but If Jeu will call at the llbrarj of the Public I.cnqrn you will be given ac cess te th flies of the papers of that period which will gle jeu a cumplete account. Defacing of Coin Te the Editor et the Eitnlng Public Ltdatr: 8lr Are there le. iivaliist the dfaclng of United Slate coins? Kindly gle me the address of dealers who buy old coins, and whero I can get catalogues, G. V. W. Cumden, N. J., Pcbruary 13. 102.'. A person can de with his own coins as he pleases. Just as long as he des net try te pass them and defraud any one. We rannet print the names of coin dealers, but jeu can find a list of them In the classlfled section et the telephone directory. Indians In Columbus' Day Te the .Editor 0 (fie Evening Public Ltdatr: Sir What was the Indian population of North America when' Columbus dlecev. ered It? C A. D. Philadelphia. February 12. 1022. Ihere could hav.) been no authentic cn mj of the Indians In 149.'. A Government expert estimates th number of Indiana at that time at 1,113.000. Philadelphia "Red City" Te the Editor of the Evenlne 'uMc Ltdatr: Sir Why Is this city ficauently referred "My Resary'' Te th' T dller et the Evening Public Ledger: Sir T will nppreclat' It ery much If jeu will make n tequest of your. readers for the poem ".My rtesary," containing the fol'.eutni; tines: "I cell her Rotary, because Thre ere many mood of her; She Is net like a single stone. Cut many leads told one by ere." 1 O. O. P. Camden, N. J. February 12. 102.' Ts. I knew must fallows will! Want and tried It one myself, sir. Though you e I'm single still. 1 A you strolled along together. Saw th purple moonbeam pour All their radiance en th waters A' they rippled en the! shore. F. K. Philadelphia, February IS, 1922. "Courage" Te the Editor of the Evening Publle Ltdatr: Sir I am anileus te find a poem which tart something' like thliS "Whatevr mar your life. nlse abere It. Whatsoever bring Jeu strife. Hiss above It." MAIIT T. HOL1IKS. Philadelphia, February 11, 1022. COURAOB RISE ADOVU IT By J. A. Kdgcrten Whatsoever mat jour life, Rise above It. 'Whatsoever brings your strife. Rite above It. Whatsoever give your fear, Whatsoever make you eer Frem th path of duty dear. Rise above It. Whatsoever chech your growth, Rise mbe'X) It. Be It selfishness or (leth. Rise above It. Whatsoever bars J our soul I'rem Its kingdom of control, Keeps jeu fiem II10 final beI. Rite a bene U. In jour past has error been? Ille nl)0e It. Tie net stav unto J our sin. Rise above It. Set your face unto the dawn, Cry jour motto, "Onward, enl Neer mind the thing that' gene! Rise above It. De you met th knocking crew? Rise abote It. Prove It false by what ou de Rise above It. Give out love and atrength end light. And the carper' petty spit All will anlsh out of sight. ' Rlsvabee It. Naug'K without can keep you back, Rise obeve It. In jeurseilf Is all the lack! Rise above It. There Is nothing that can mar Life for j-eu but what you are. If there's any Inward bar, Rise above it. De the master. Quell the beast. Rise above It. Till the voice of self ha ceased. R,e obevo It. . Thl Is truth the sages taught, rrrnn tbe aeul of being caught . Evil rests within your theutnt Pits above It. &445&&T75 STORES!' Whtt wekli you be paying (or feeit teity, if it were net for Aimer Staff? Our Banner Week! Your Most Saving Week! Banner Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11 J fJJ " P X for a poem containing the M. B. n " asks following lines: "Fer death take tell Of beautv, ceuraie, youth. Of all but truth." A Special Introductory Price is made te bring New Friends for ALMAR BUTTER There is no better Butter made! We Guarantee Every Pound we Sell te be made of Pure, Rich Cream Pasteur ized. J J. It is packed in -lb C prints for your ,IW,1T. added economy ID and convenience. Excellent Table Batter ATBROOK. BUTTER 39c lb.. "W. S I-" a'1" rer th p0'm containing ih following lines: SO Was I" "And Ged within the shadow Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ltdatr: iv." ,?,,S . ifussell ILewell's poem Sir Fur n 'eng time I have bc-m trjlnc TnB Pr,nt Crisis" te nod n reem. which gees something; like i this, nnd maybe tome ene of jour readers "W. T.. R." asks for a poem containing can upply It: I the following line: "A stranger's feet has Jick. I hear you've srene and done It. 'crossed the sill." -Tsslff I Hlnilll'ii BURNS ELECTRIC DISHWASHER Makm Eveiry Day a Holiday Hie only dlshncsher we hav seen that attnslly washes all pan and dishes. The water I sprayed, net splashed. Is automatically filled and emp tied, n water te lianrlle. wend for booklet or phone for free home trial. V.anj Washers Uteore Irenere Royal Cleaner CASH OR TERMS JUDSON C. BURNS 1101-10 Wilnut SI. Oean All Dav Saturday 3051 K. Bread !t. 159 S. 82d St. Cnmdte 426 Federal t. Wilmington Chester .-Trenten FlnrrLhiir NirrrUtewn kOpen EvininfiMaaaHMMaS Fbene Filbert 48-10 Delaney's Pure Catsup 9 c bet. 3 Bettles for 25c Mueller's Macaroni SPAGHETTI OR ELBOW MACARONI 11 pkc SPECIAL QUALITY California Prunes Medium Size 10 fb Size6 15 kC 'lb ROGERS Fresh Packed evaporated g. MILK9' CHOICE TENDER PEAS 17 Loese Breakfast COCOA $b LOOSE PEPPER 25lb CALIF. ALMONDS 2Kb AlfVAR TEA S Blends India Ceylon Old Country Oranre Pekoe Black-Mixed "1 r ncy Wh,te Fat 7 O 1 O 121 Mackerel 'C& 13c iphln nnd knew held-ups in tlint I lUe in West Phlladcl many Instances of l.t nn ,1 l 1 . ,, .. . .... "v-uuii mm nave Deen "pulled en ' en tbe main thoroughfares, Wtu no police Wui!" tix v,c'n,ty t0 8lve Protection. , , .."',' u" "i"wi n inuii who is com ? relied te go home every night about mid- i sin ns iicui up en rifty-sccend ren hetween the elevated, from whlrb M alighted, and Sprjiee street, and both times he was relieved of all bis meney ml bis jcwelrj . If this man, or If men Jno have te go home nt that hour of the DiKUt. Merit nllnueil In enrrv rALnlrFii Ii, for their protection, there is nt least n J Fll?ee that there euld be many less seid-ups of this chnracter. W. I-. WATSON, I Phlladtlpbla, February 14, 1022. Unemployed Men frleKiiloretheKtenln(;PuWloIifrfflr.' BlrThe business men of this coun try who employ married vremn should Ms thcte women. Dees your busband Jmb work new? If their nnewer is Tee,1 cllwhnrge them nt ence. I knew t many Instances where befh husbnnd will, appear dallr e lifter, and also Jlj I'eppl' Forum n the evening Publli lssVbSSi Hi fe-flfrt. JLtiJW it The messages r, better ' you failed te send paper IF you had bad business last year - DCttwi and printing if you cut down your advertising last year, Yeu have no right te complain. better "Customers didn't buy," you say. business But did you give them the proper urge and invitation' te buy ? They certainly did some buying, and perhaps, if they had received the catalogs and booklets which you, failed te send, you could have received mere 'than your share of the business. Seme firnas increased their ' output of printed messages in 1921 and kept orders up te normal. Geed printed matter is a most pref- WARREN'S itable form of sales effort . . STANDARD S. D, WARREN COMPANY, Bosten Warren's Standard Printing Papers are sold by - 1 111 J D. L. WARD COMPANY PAPERS Lembard 6800 Philadelphia Main 170ll Baltimore " Washington Richmond Wilkcs-Barre J jdJjJtBkte Specimens1 of printed things that have ifffiJsKr . helped sell goods acne en request, EbjltirKl Paper I C0FFg Iff m wcn fu" tSJffl We are se certain you will like ALMAR COFFEE that we offer te refund the full pur chase price if it fails te coma up te your expectations. This choice blend was only placed en the market, under our brand name, after, a most careful selection from the best the world's coffee markets had te offer. . Almar Coffce fulfills nil the good ness its delightful aroma premises. It possesses a rich, full body and yields 40 cups te the pound. In a word Almar Coffee, worth 40c lb advertise Almar Stores. If you try it, you will always buy it! is sold for 2ec lb., te Just try one pound! NATIONAL BISCUIT LEADERS PINEAPPLE CAKES OQc rilled with Marshmallnn ami etSY topped wltli lilng. tcrv Taty ismst-aw VANILLA BARS 28c lb 75 ' CANNED VEGETABLES Almar Tomatoes med. can lZVzc Almar Tomatoes large can 20c Almar Maine Cera ...-. can 16c Choice Crushed Cern can 10c Almar Fancy Peas can 25c Choice Tender Peat can 2Yzc f DRIED FRUIT Calif. Evan. Apricots lb 29c Calif. Eyap. Peaches v...lb 19c DEL MONTE BRAND Seeded Raisins 11 oz. pkg 18c Seedless Raiiins 11 oz. pkg 20c r j CANDY SPECIALS Gum Dreps b 29c Jelly Eggs lb 15c Chocolate Cocoanut Eggs lb 25c Stick Candy jar 15c Vs. CANNED FRUITS Calif. Apricots tall can Calif. Apricots large can Calif. Peaches can 23c, Calif. Sliced Peaches tall can Calif. Cherries tall can r 15c 25c 29c 16c 23c L Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple can 23c, 29c J Trrzrrrrr-. v. rire mil a r . v -i Williams Buckwheat Fleur ...pkg 9c Williams' Pancake Fleur pkg 9c Hecker's Buckwheat Fleur .pkg 15c, 25c Hecker's Pancake pkg 15c Aunt Jemima's Pancake nlur ISr S.Aunt Jemima's Buckwheat pkg 17c J " FISH FOODS Beardsley's Codfish pkg 1 3c Banner Threaded Fish pkg 6c Pure Codfish, in bricks 19c Neva Scotia Herring, bunch of 3 . . 19c Eng. Smoked Bloaters each 13c Armour s Red Salmen can 25c y r SOAPS AND POWDERS P. & G. Naphtha Seap cake 5Vfcc Fels Naptha Seap cake 5V2c Babbltfs Beit Seap cake 5i2c Sweetheart Seap 6 cakes 25c Thrift Seap Flakes nlce- ir - Octagon Seap Pewdei- pkg 7C J (75) TReat &pcial. j Yeu never need te go any further than rcshest Meats at the very an Almar Meat Market te lind the Choicest lowest prices. This we guarantee. v-,101u:st' Round Steak Rump Steak Sirloin Steak 221b 24cib 30cn We Sell Only the Finest Steer Beef. CROSS CUT ROAST Belar Roast 20 c lb Ne Better Quality at Any Price FRESH KILLED MILK FED FOWL Average Weight 3 te Vi lbs. 34- PURE PORK SAUSAGE 18c lb Lean Soup Beef, 7 c lb Best Made Scrapple, 1 Oc lb FRESH GROUND Hamburg Steak' 13c lb fl!Ve!rh PUDDING 17c ll Ne diiappeintmenlt. We carry a complete tteck of everything we advertUel There's a spic-and'span GREEN Almar Stere in your Neighborhood! I I msm .T,-,rai H Wl i v cK: x. .si wtfis'l . -y m . BTi ' 1 i ; 75 A V 75 .m $&Cfofe PBilllllliIIUUIlllUaiilllllllll.l!Ulii!; STORES! ?! wa.mLMMjsjitsi . L' "f'T"! imrrvpf will sss CT ' - ri. i inwfr i . st-" rsr: W'T'wmpvI!! ( ii- v 1 Afet4 x '. .- . .., a ,. mm i&S. ,'A .Vt. aw I Til.'.'VC -tWj i:WJtK: A Ui-iiWA ikfc ii,- nMtm 7" '.TiViiim? t llMtiViJVi,-i U.j j" STB'i? (.v.ra-.j Htexx , -fifJfl . rvVi c J