'l E v if . 1 1. !?; ' ! '. i I 'I I ' m K wr I?" v Vv ,. & - rA & i r rfvf Iv JU m. !H EiaUJH aaa&iiiaw r, , ', v; iV'H. WPWMyMiMA 'l "il '' I IN LtblUN UKIVt ir " mm i'& nt Heads Exerting PVilniiAtial CnAmaunr In imuai Mwutw, Mtmbarship Race Film Star's Friend NAMES ARE NEEDED j; mL. .,, Avyiw 'timi stages et tnc mcmecrsmp .wei tne American igwn in renn- X.iaewTeaam ie liiauc wir tirKniiitiiuuu iij T'yrF v.tJl , ft Kr:f1 '.''! '", .vRl, 1 tMS rvsr-j . M."' kJSv . this Stnte at the liMcl of the na na tiennl llt Iins et In. Department Cemmnndpr .Te. enh E. Themn- non will f iilt tnrfittnRSar- ranged by n score nf pods In the western part of the State this .'iftaaVlata nf the Hensrlmcnt are deter- .Mad te go te the next natlenn.1 win win feiJen at New Orleans October 10 te Wltn tne larcesi niemerrMiiii m nn.) and a greater memeersnip aaaaviaaHiBattVaWK .',' Hk BUIIHr '' tfl9H?i iaBaiaiaV NaaaBBm?''''JaBV BaBUs? .! aTgeaBBBBaaal H - VjH LaaM IkaWW ..aY t' ill ll II DEFENSE SCORES N BEN MS E Judge Rules Out Testimony Re garding Burch's Possessions Following Murder LOVE LETTERS REVEALED State yar recorded In l1 sA ratwrt from nat fcsaed Friday, sbewci the ii ns.vlranla tienal headnuartcrs, abewcd that Pennsylvania in the lead tn the drive, with 'MJM. New Yerk was second, with 31,446: Ohie third, with 24.126; IIH-SM- fourth, with 23,000, and Iowa h. vlh 21.8K.1. Vrmn January 27 te February 10 Dcane-Tanner ) International MISS .HUE COl'UTELL formerly secretary te Miss Mabel Normand and new manager of a California automobile agency. Mlvt Court clt say that Miss Normand has had only one real love affair In her life and that the man in ques tion, while a met Ien 'picture direc tor, Mas net William Desmond Tayler Cess eahl that Talor i 0,v Ia Anteles, Feb. 10. The defense wen a point today In the trial of Mrs. Madalynne Obcncliain, charged with the murder of ,T. Helten Kennedy. When adjournment was taken yesterday Themas Haley, hotel proprietor, was en the stand testifying for the State. Haley's hotel was across the street from nn ofllce occupied by Kennedy and it was testified in the trial of Arthur Tlureli, co-defendant with Mrs. Oben clialn. that Unrcli had taken a room 1n Haley's hotel nnd had thence watched Kennedy for gecral days. When Haley testified yesterday he was asked what lie found in Uurch'a loom the mernlin; after the sheeting. The defente objected u ml today Judge Ueeve MiMulncd the objection. At the trial of litirch, which resulted in ii disagreement. Haley testified that Hurch hud u woman visitor at various times, wlie shared liis vigil. He also testified tbat after the sheeting be found numerous newspapers, carrying full ac ac reuiitH of it. in Hurch'a room. It was this Inst evidence tbat was shut out -la ocean'", my first lefe 'afld yen, my last, are the only things that never tire me." "Geed .night, I loTq'yeu much." "X x x x' till Ged sings my weary heart te sleep." "Don't fear your letters will net reach me. Mr. O. understands this situation tee thoroughly and me tee well te ever open my mall." "Leve is all that makes this earlbly life worth while." "I want you strong enough te de what you want te de, or I don't want you at all." "We both should linve been big enough and square enough te have played square after my marriage. Mr. O. is tee big te steep te deceit, I am unworthy of him. I would have gene back te him, and' done my duty, but 1 listened te your love words, net your nets." "Why did you take me in your arms and tell me you loved me and beg te get a divorce?" "Why couldn't you let me go?" "Did you ever, try te make me happy?" "I never want te marry you unless you leve me." "Unless you come te me by the 15th, it will be the end. This is final." Elkton Marrlaqe Licenses Elkton, Md Feb. 10. The following were granted-marriage licensee here to day; Geerge Bchclbcr and Catharine Meyer, Antheny Fiacentlnl nnd. Amanda German, Jeseph Lynsky and Margaret Mcibaum and Jacob Tomarchle and Theresa Cerac, all of Philadelphia j Jo Je wph McCermaek anil Helen F. Davis, Trenten, mid David M. Hers and Anna M. Kshclmnn, Stroudsburg. Jim tHHIHiMWiViaHV -': ',-, ;. Patrolman Fires Seven Shots at Bey - in r ii -i Continued from race tint there, ca'me running' out et his place blowing a policeman's whistle. "Sflggcse, I am informed, drew a tevelvcr ant nt Its point made the pa trolman let the boys go. I am told Baggese chased the patrolman nearly two pquarcs before he could catch ui t0 n,m- . .. .. t. "Then my nephew ran. McCullough then drew his revolver and fired seven shots at him, Fortunately nil the shots went wild. .. , .. "T nm Infnrmnrf that McCulleUKh terrorized ether neighborhoods besides tbe ene where I live. I am tern mac ii was necessary for the lieutenant tr. send out details from the Twentieth end Fcdcrnl streets tatlen all through the neighborhood te round him up. They found him at last and brought mm In. His lieutenant suspended blm im mediately nnd ordered him up for n hearing nt 8 o'clock this morning. I am en my, way there new te appear against him. , . "Yeu cannot put it tee strongly that I am going te sce'that justlce Is done and that' this patrolman in punished It is outrageous for a man who is vwern te upheld the law and protect the cltlvns te act In this manner. I f-rmll apnear against him and I am going te go tbe limit in prosecuting Glm"' Patrolman ItcCulleugh's story, told te Lieutenant William Knecll nt the rfatlMi hoese, Is .rflterent from tfcat told by tbe magistrate. . McCullough said he had been -Halting friends in the neighborhood' of Twentieth and Moero streets', and bad been drinking. He wee off duty, be raid, and In plain clothes. Saya He Waa Attacked "I was attacked by a crowd of young men," said McCullough, when brought te tne station house, "and I drew my gun and fired all tbe shots in It, hoping te attract some ether patrolman who was- bleeding from tha net wnen rThe sergeant en duty at the atatlpn house received scvtial telephone cam from neighbors, who "W a drunken, lean was sheeting up the neighborhood. Sergeant Snell found McCullough standing at Twenty -fourth and M6erc streets, and took him te the station house. Ha waa net put under arrest. Dr. Frctind, district surgeon, was called te examine McCullough, and pre ueunced him' drunk. Lieutenant Kneelt rftA-L- v "Sj wemM ttrdtf'- him ua hefeML7 Trial Beard. .. Mcv.uiieuga is an overseas vaUhI patrolman; "' sTa " i - M Underwood letter; Back In ewtl Washington, Feb. 16. (By A', p daHatiiH T?Mf AfNWAA-1 .J a m . " .4gssfl minority leader, who has been inTM several days, returned today te 2 Senate. i,! rem January -T te renruary i' ifcane-tanner, uess rain unit iiijmr KW Yerk enrolled mere members than was born in lurlew In lhn nnd had two taar thp Rtate. 7540. Durlna- this sisters nndi a oretner, ucnnis Lcnne Marled Pennsylvania enrolled G2S0 mem Eleven States had enrolled mere than Mnper cent of their last year's member kfi. Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota. MN sam, Nebraska. Nevada. North Dn .kata, .Ohie, Oklahoma, Pennsylvnnh aM Vermont. i It will be necessary for Pcnnsjl vamla e enroll 5582 members during Tanner. He bald Majer Deane-lanncr, his father, wits very harsh te his ten William. SCRANTONJDELLARS RAIDED Burglars Carry Off Only Geed Whisky and Choice Wines Scranton, Pa.. Feb. 10. Burglars At ycjterdny'p session love letters written by Mrs. Obenchaln te Kennedy were read. According te the State's theory, these letters showed the mo tive for the slaying. The prosecution attributes te Mrs. Obenchaln the rage of a "woman r.cerncd." It Is contend ed this Is shown by audi passages as: "I wouldn't give two cents, for the rest of life if anything happened te you," written In 1017. in the early pnrr 01 me romance, nna you nre n 2Lttniat0veaFr'aZmber"l.irMarch bent en taking whisky and" choice wines ' coward, laughing at a bleeding heart." iTThU te an average ei ! afent "S ' only made a raid en the Hill, the city's written a short time before Kennedy --- - - -.... ..nr. ., i. .. ... i.i .i.i .,.. ,.. "as Killed. carted away. The finding of geld-mounted fountain pens and pencils with monograms, dropped by tne whisky thieves, lias fur nished a geed clue te the police. ' embers for every active pest. I fashionable residential section, last , , .. Tt. . n i night. Many cellars were entered. A Peet elcctiena and the installation of " , . . ., , .. : new officers arc new completed In the '"" of b0'8 ",n'1 Jups ,,et1'nc SiB pests of the American Legien in ' liquor, a let old vintage, were rolled tke Department of Pennsylvania, ac-1 jnt0 the yards, placed en truck" nnd earwig te announcements gciu te t u Ilaai G. Murdock, the Department Ad jvtast. These reports and tbe financial raturns, showing unusual activity tbat presages tbe success of the membership drlva new in progress, nre being tnbu lasad by Jehn H. Dervln. the new as sistant adjutant and Department Fi ance Officer, who took charge Febru-' ary I. , At the next meeting of the V'nltcr If. Gearty Pest, 135. there will be a "Igoed-fellow" feed. There also will be a representative gathering of the mem beta of the Veteran Cerps of the old , Tint Begiment, N. G. P. The pest I string Band will furnish the music and kelp celebrate a 100 per cent paid-up xaavaersmp. uemrade an usten, ckaJnnan of the Athletic Committee, ba plans for a Gcarty bowling team tat the new Legien League, and all hawlars In the pest arc urged te get in tae tryout. ''tka Stern-ricc Pest. 417. will held i leaissaetlng en Thursday evening. Feb- 23, at the P. O. S. of A. Build- Kxtracts from the letters follew: "I'd like te He quietly in your arms and sleep sleep till Ged sends me a better dienm." "Yeu seem se close te me; even when sleeping, I feel you near and you press my lips se hard you wake me up. "When I turn out my light, please come and let me rest close te your heart." "These mountains are tiresome. The BTKAMailll' NOTlfKS 8TKAMHHIP NOTICES Crewell & Thurlow INTERCOASTAL LINE Will Dispatch Frem PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR SAN FRANCISCO and SEATTLE S S "FELIX TAUSSIG" : : February 21 Philtu & Reading R. R. Pier 24, North W7inrre LAVINO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 cf tat. 1817 North Bread street. An Invi s-'' talsOB is extended te all former service I asw te be present. The principal offl effl offl ,earethe Stern-Price Pest, 417, are: Beat commander, Dr. Charles S. Sha- far; Merris II. Starr, pest adjutant;. Baeijamln H. Simons, finance officer. Te Themas Roberts Iteath Marine Past bad as speaker at ita meeting en Monday Councilman Itepcr The pest pases a resolution reaffirming its stand la favor of adjusted compensation. The qaarterly dance of the pett was given Tieeday at the Klttcnheuse. t V I Tayler's Oil Stock Reported Missing a9sattnid frjra Paw One amstlgaters. Previously Davis bad , qnesuenea only as te .Miss Ner- l's testimony. He corroborated Bar atatements that she left the dircc dircc ter'a home shortly before 8 o'clock en tb' night of February 1 and that Mr. Tayler walked out te her car te bid ber ajaad night. Think Woolwine Has Theory .Indications tbat Woolwine Is uew di recting the investigation along n line te 4Ttlep bis theory et a motive for the awrder were seen in the closely guarded activities of his investigators. They scattered ever the cltj en secret II n BLACK DIAMOND LINES REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO ROTTERDAM S S "STORM KING" (USSB) SAILING MAR. 14. TO ANTWERP SS "WEST 1NSKIP" (USSB) FEB. 31 SS "SUTHERLAND" (USSB) " MAR. 18 Fer Rates and Particular Apply Geyelin & Company, Inc., p. AB,nt. 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard S144 Main 7620 MALLORY TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Regular Freight Service Te BARCELONA. GENOA, MARSEILLES. NAPLES and VALENCIA SS "City of Eureka" (USSB) Sailing Feb. 18 SS "Wctt Laihaway" (USSB) Sailing First Half March Fer Rales and Particulars Apply Geyelin & Company, Inc. Phila- -"" 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard S144 Main 7620 Freight sailings out of PHILA DELPHIA the 6th and 20th of each month DIRECT, via Panama Canal, te Sah IJtege, Leu Ansel. San Francisce, pftklnnd. Seattle, Portland, Asteria, Tacnma. Vnncemer, II, C. S. S. LrhiPh February 20th S. S. Brush Mnrch 6th Team freight refflveU dulljr nt Tier 10 North (Feet of Vine St.) Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owners niuj Agents V. 8. Shipping Beard Steamers 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 Ions vestereav. rcnertlnc hnnrlr te . . r . . . . - ' 7 : . - nainsirict Attorney cy telephone. vWeelwlne declined te name anv of the 'aptnesses who have been examined in aaeret. asserting that but little progress has been made in the investigation. At tbe same time detcctrvct,. uith the aid of a girl sweetheart In Les Angeles hive set a trap for Edward F. Hands, former, secretary of the 'flnln man, Ought as a suspect in the niuriler case. Xa an effort te locate Sumls the girl, whose name Is withheld nt the request at. the authorities and who i nerkln; la tbe closest co-operation with them, has written te every point where she aalieves he may have zone Inte hiding. Questioned seen after the murder. when suspicion was first directed gainst Sands, the girl agreed te "tip" tie detectives an seen as she beard from htm. Since the trap wus set the plrl has worked industriously with the de tacUves te find some trace of Sands ami te locate him through mutuul friends. Tbe San Francisce police lest in terest yesterday In the utery of Chnrlc Carsen, retired i-en captain, that In kaew of two men whom Sand hnd em pleyed te "get even, with a Les 4aglea motion-picture director. Cur a, after telling his Mery coiieerulns tha Tayler case, declares new that he hBewa a man who can clear r.ttvM Arbucklc of -. - . . '. . . , Knew Our Prices Before Yeu Buy! Before finally buying equipment in either weed or steel get our prices. Then check, feature for feature, with any filing cabinet or desk made, and you'll discover this thing That for honest service value at a price "Allsteel" equipment is the most attractive buy en the market today a a Baiafa lugaaTaBte r ) tfaat.: Lut'irV4 ' v Y te Oherbeuig and Southampton AOIMTANIV ....b. 28 Mnr. 21 Apr. II IIAL'hi:TASI .-.-.Apr. 4 Apr. 25 Stay 18 11KHFNOAUIA . . N 30 June 211 Jillr 11 ""y ij Hullfii: Plymouth. Cherbourg anil Ilamhurn uirnvIA May i CAKONIA Apr V Y te QupunHHi'Mi """ i.ivori'eoi Ai.n NI.V . . . . w. . en. iii Apr. i hCYTHI.V ... .,.!. ItftVIA -''..-'"T .. . ................. ,...., I lii...! Y e j, OnlOll. rfu'-.'imn' . ii win. v.ii,,'u,i SCYTII1A .. Mjr. 22 S V. te l.ondeniir ami lllaucew ASSVIUA Mar. 17 . AI.OKUIA Apr. 8 Mar 12 Jnni. II) N Y in Halifax, Lonuer ALOEHIA ew Yerk te Seuth America en US.GevemmentShbs Feb. ?.! Anr. 20 Mnr 24 .Mnr. 1 1 Lonuemlerry and UIhukeu ..ilnrch 4 w' slaaaiitrr charge against him Ju con i..vtaa with tbe death of Mrg:r..a l(a '3.y' :" ItOSCOi! the man nee- one. ligatien et Carsen a story about continued, however. ' .'.Woolwine's investigation et report" that, bootlegger dellvcrin; liquor te taa. Tayler home had heard tlic shot and saw a woman leaving the heuse 1ms hewn the story te be without founda feunda tJaa. The se-called "bootlegger" was a 4 man who denies ever having sold auer and who says be heard the story (ead band. Taa theory that blackmailers may bit killed Tayler was weakened when mmteeC It' was discovered that reports Tayler ,iim $2500 from the bank the day be fiira the murder and redepeslted It a few haunt before lie was Killed could net n firmed. Checking ever luyler's icceunts. investigators were un- ta Unci any trace et tnc Jixwu. it I Tjuunii. uewi'irr, itini Ltiiur iiv- 1 VliHju, ins siuary ier two weeKS, bank en tbe day lie wa.s slain. rmatien concerning Tujier's early bis family has been received (juin. Ireland, the Informant -Oeasaa old. coachman, Office Furniture The General Fireproofing Company Philadelphia Branch, Bulletin BIdg. Complete Mil en DUplay Viireluue Hleck for linimilliil Delivery ' "K(eril I'lllni: Flrrnroellng unit Wntfrnroellng Engineer" llelt hprucr 8537 Keyilenc Distributors -Itace 2704 Ine. III.KAKI.V nitOH fitmdrri. N. J. UKR-MKU A COMPANY niruntun, 14. DK.F.MhH 1 COMPANY VUlkru-llarr, Pa. H. M. KVANH PnlUvlll. I'll. R. I,. I'OOHI) II ItMTIKK CO. Wilmington, l)l. n. if. (mtii iu.vnr:nr A'lrnteHn, Pu, H. I.. HKYMA.NN fOMPAN K laten. I'". CMAH. II. KI.INK Yerk, Pa. MXDOIir &. 11AI1D l.une otter, l'a. OFnCK KQt'IPMENT COMPANY lliirrleliuri.'. I'm, a. pemi:kantz A COMPANY I'llllnilplph I. I'll. s.nre company or n. .i. Trrntnn, N. ,1. ii. c. hii.ni:ii llriMlliig, I'n. -IIWKH S KNAVr.lt Xtlnlltlr Cllv. N, J. SMITH PIUNTINIS COMPANY WIUhMiiKpiirt. I'.l. -I'NCFilt HTATIONKItY COMPANY t nrler, P. IIO.MIJ OKMI K. YLfNOSTOWN. OHIO N. Y. le New lledfnrrt, St Mlchaeln. Mben, i Olbraltur. MipIpk. J'atraa, uunrevnlK i and Trleste I ITALIA , Mnrch 21, Philadelphia te fllbralmr. Patran & Plraeun I ItlVKK OBONTKS . . .......... .March s l'tilladelphl.i te Londen , VABDULIA .......... ... .... ... .March 11 . 1 (nnnril and Ancher 8temhln I.nn 1 Paitenger Otnce. 13110 Walnut Street, rtilln. I Freight OWee. Itnnre lllilg.. rhlla. EXPORT Transportation Ce., Inc. Oriele Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te LONDON, HULL & LEITH SS "CAPULIX" . . . .... Feb. 18 Fer Information and rutes apply te Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. Agent Lafayette Building, Phila., Pn. I Lembard 6304-5 Main HldsJ COMMERCIAL w STEAMSHIP LINES fc PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST and LONDONDERRY SS "Seattle Spirit," Last half Feb. Moere and McCermaek, Inc. 444-46 Bourse BIdg., Phila. .Lemb. 0585 Main 7513 r attest lime te Rie de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenes Alrei. Flncit ihlpi- American lervlce American foedAmerican comferU. Salt ing! from ricrs. Hoboken. Huren Feb. 18 Apr. 13 American Legien.. Mar. 2 Apr. 17 Southern Croas Mar. IB Aeelut Mar. 30 eMumen SteinfflwuflCl S))uU at.. Mew etk Uv raaaaelphla Offle. Dteiel BUS. Hsnagmt OserMtt frr m VU. -S. SHIPPING ROARdJ Dixie Steamship Lines I PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U.S.S.B. SS "Eastern Sword" Expected te Sail FEB. 24 U.S.S.B.SS"0PELIKA" Expected te Sail Late Feb. or Early March AT CONFEKKNCE RATES Harriss, Magill & Ce., Inc. 425 Lafayette BIdg., Philadelphia loreonra ei-i Matin 700 t n AMERICA UNE V FLORIDA By Sea JACKSONVILLE (Vl Bsrannab) Frem PHILADELPHIA IVedneUay, 8sturdit7. S I. M. $34.38 ,- - -- 1 AMERICA UNE NKW lOKU 111 lleriKHDAU Via flinieuUi, Uuulegue-Sur-ller N. Amatenlam .....if I). IS Mur. iia Apr. SB NerUia Feti. 2JI Apr. 1 Mar U paw ...........nar.ii apr.ii hum s- 461.88 t M .llgt tlllil luairtlUIll .11 1 iirtittiml i. llutut Intlutlrd. ktru rlnrr fur lrem crude Deck IIoerih. Tlckftg ceed ii return mil II May Ul, - rrnniii miifi luiymnniif n car. ririi. ' iu"f nr ,rpnPU,) Msrckiati lc Mmcri Trtni. i? ail evtrhtard en the Baltlmert & Ohie "Taflr afcetif eon een eon ranianea," udd na irmrelltig PMlmduU fliantewn. TAa train 1st me off at Wajm Junction. Then I am, practically horn. And if I xrant te go te my orflee, or te Weat Philadelphia, branch, the Baltimore Ohie Station at 34th and Chaatnut la Juat m atene'a threw." An Important Facter in the industrial and civic life of Philadelphia The Baltimore & Ohie Railroad renders a very definite service te the people of Philadelphia. Extensive freight shipments pass constantly ever its rails te and from Philadelphia industries. But of equal importance is the ser vice it renders Philadelphia travelers. Frequent train schedules are main tained te ever 1000 cities and towns east of the Mississippi River. The Baltimore & Ohie Chestnut St Station is easily reached from both the business section and West Phila delphia by surface cars and the Market Street subway. The Wayne Junction Station is convenient for Germantown travelers. Our central ticket office at ,1337 Walnut Street, is virtually a "Travel Bureau" where you can secure helpful information about any trip. Telephone Walnut 3602. All Baltimore $Ohie through trains have parlor and sleeping ears, ateel coaehea, and dining eara serving a wide variety of the market's best' products. Fer your next trip out of town drop in at any of our convenient erlcea and let our Agent arrange all the details. He'll be glad te help. Baltimore Ohie Railroad 1927 First in America First in Service 1922 A geed narriG Ooese Brethers Sedan ",,, ( iEVv "8..ite JM. m - Kueincan i.iir aaan Factory F. O. n. TH0RNT0N-FULLER AUTOMOBILE COMPANY P-rkway, East of 18th St. Phene Spnict lQA0 i i JLM'5r ' ?W ! . mw luwr v ' .... li sjBtaaBaBSiaMBBBaaaaaaaBBaBBBaBaaBaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBiiaawn .' .. - star is June If IMbss. U Waaaa U. na ' ' t, j iTtnfirK. nt ' U t....i I P4 - K V WJ-,".! .,, IV. J:V.'. r . vrgjZiW A3StM&&! ztfmM&i&m TTS?TmTmTmm mmm mmmm "" ' mmm - "ff avapaar w