frAra mwm mMi:m mmxmimFmm .i rfc;m mmm'ffmFfmriArti ' 7r ; m r i ViW wj-Ar?5P ,jr. ,c 1 . runn .,? 'fiijTi vriZ? Evening ptjelie ledgerPhiladelphia, Wednesday, February 1922 l a& -1 J' bH . M 4 MAN'S WAY ByRUBYM.AYRES, "Auther f "Th Fortune fynfer," "A Bmehtter HiubanJ," etc. I UO?vrifft MWWW0 vy vrnvvivr ncwifDyir eynaMraitv, . MttM IMlllV tCJtH" ;- - -VTL.i. ". 7J"Jr y V0? an4 Id Ml SS hinrteHtly w ww .' nvi itlalen. kit Mcretery, (n a ! "it mi ham. A emt!ifl Bremnit, mrt$f , Mm. An ' l"M """- hi 0rpwi I imiMir e a lOrtlltit, Imiis- wHe hat a (are, u. n livrrnv u " -" .. if Jib VjM-MAIf -llaMl. HlJ'Initanh e a nearby fceult l etfflf mtl Lultn rrrnaiai a unarm It dwilept ht had Irtitieit 'j-". 10 . an (its vii ob num ewiv . Amum narden. but icvtiep ItaU L iii h Meetn tellh Wnt. qv "XT SSbn with ,1.1111. p... . ie a ! nw. HIM Mm. Diw( trceutt in itfelr i la Jh row! ma IU1A Sill "V".." .r.. i. Aimtfit. htervHH Iht a," OiW e irtw ,Sr horns K?) uaiEiif rates. Me. lai(v Ji7 by fferdm. nf ermer iwer. .? Mra rrt. ' t. le buy Mr wwdniy out- "e."." Kr.'." .:...... filiiiitwatrifabtt te VeHy. yubftidt trfrnfy' aipTari: dliVraityiu,h rrii huttena no nae ".r y,'l!w w"lh a pll e utihepplnett. fe.. lum met it rrfiMTiNiJEa Ki; wn" " . . . ii .t. .tl ,'!. "leu jnew.- me """"' HfUn btlTSl 01 cllinn:iii.v. -- - Tllttle bli JeftleUM bcceuse be- toil tayM next deer be lenjt." u (ertunate she wen net loexing i'Vm. or nc weuiu nuve w-i un: mil mil. ,.N f tnft. ! in mi mcc. """"":,", ""?' ftabW. ami peer .rn. rcrnuiu iy,e J, tills morning. Ob, I am afraid IWTfrnaiu , ?,,::- ,,,, (ntD I arm uruiiiisu .... ..w ?Tf : fr.i.i lir- in." he aald. ijten waa n little Bllcncc; Jnne come Imt m'lBtrcbs wants you,' Miss ill aprenf tip. . V!l must go. De you miner ' one lu Inte Lis iravc face. "I wonder haawrrew will ever reaiiy come, aim fc-'JT. i .... la I4m Mil ftat.1 n lilDipUIHVOiy, or - J"" - L If lealc her hand and held it. E"tM course It will come," he us Id M auddtn emotion. "I am going te mu tbe happiest little gin in an r.ii." ftiuln beast when only the low hedge iJbM. him from bia yeutu ana tnc IVHiinhe loved. CHAPTER XXIII A Strwia Wedding ., MsUy eke that morning with the : ... .., , , 4. .... Her weauing ny ; one went iu n- l... anil onenrd it wide te the dewy Mrdn. bne aisseu ner nanu in vnc JJreetlen of Maner Dyk; ahe wmi JtM if Jehn were awake tee, and if kl were as bnppy nnd excited as ahc. BM WIS arcsKCO ana uopnniuire uc uc te Jiim'ii aleeny head had left the ull- tewi tba morning seemed te fly. , Tktre were the bejB te dress In their rauiuanu Clean ceiibtb. mrs. i-ran-aM fa dreu nnd te nremiade thnt Joemey te Londen would net kill tflr ke'et her temper wonderfully aWvih It all i she never had a moment IsVYbIcb te' think of herself. It wna Inly when Mrsi Ashford arrived that I TtnemDereu tnai anc was me unut. iheyw Have .been tee center ei Isttctl6n. . . .. iTBt) vicar is very crpas wiui ir. Rlrdtn for net being married here, or 'At lull In . .hui-nh ' Mf' AcliCnr.t fnlll M6II. "But nil the same I am coining ap'te tee you safely married. New, mv iHt, run along and rett, or you'll be reni out. Leave your motber ta me 'U manate her yes. and the boya."teo. Tike Jane uitli you; you muut want HM one te help you uresM. Melly nccr remembered hew she get Irtaied at all; the time secuuid te tiy In a whirl ; It waa only when tliey ri all in the train and en their way te Londen that she began te think. What a mudilli IK hail hwn ! Sim laew that people in Little Helpten munt bt.tllklnt about her unconventional weddlef, but she did net rare; 8he sat beside her mother, and tried net te leek at the boys; they looked se uAcemm6nly clean and Well bchuved. She loved tliem all se much ; bow the would miss them ia the future. She made up her mind tut she would always have at least en? of them staying; with her at Maner tye. Mrs. Danicrflelil nm tcnrfnl And ;Snalnlecnt. oeiy your ecar latner naa dccii Ujrii she said ever and ever again. lam SO ill and inrnnahlrv T aluill nivrr OjiBaae te apt thrnncrli thn nArpmnnl Without breaking down, Melly." . !'pn, yes. you will," Melly assured Mheerfully. "U will be very short, nUAhthnnptftp tlmn U UA l....n l.k ... caweb?' " uu uuvu " " . s tee excited te be critical ; 'H.AarulV renllril Minf ahn u-nu . li! ,bcht '" ,he K'niple cloth frock "" "i" in wnieii iie liaa chosen 'ec mnrricil. Jehn Ilardi'ii met tliem nt PaddliiL. 'I. He were an unllnnrv lenncrn mill a Seft felt hilt, but Whnrten nt IiIm LWas Immiii'liliilc In n t nil crut nnd y hpat; hr. Krliincil at Melly iiur ISlT flllrl klirm!.' I.i..Il. He had nccr been merp surnrlsed In life tliAn wlicn he had been asked te belt mnn. VI haven't a friend In l,e 1vn-l.l t w te ask." Harden had cxnlalned trwnedly. "And it's only a matter after all; be if you don't Wharten did net mlmi ut i,n ,. that hn looked fttr mnrn IILr. !, iroem than Harden did. ne,t 'n he least like a wcd UCent for Wlinrtnn,i ullb k. e...1 inch of flowers which Mrs. Danger- I -m' ,trar s '" toxlPiibir-Wlierton Y7"'-" ' c nieuy nnu ner II, Vll '"' Ja"n ,,n'1 th0 b0yS -. MBiiiunj pacheii into n tnira. Men looked out of , the window into sirect; no wa very pac; wan n 1 11 nu. 4.i i.. iL 1.1. chek -.- jvinuiK hi 1110 aB,'t:!'RLB.t' n1"'" . '"?!. think it J wi...i.. ..1 Hy, though thcre wns net a cloud v y, una they both knew It. riDn una 1,.,n n, .1.1. . (OdO(; he theiicllt it Wll tlin mm. w,y. arettlusc mdrrlcd he had ""r",i ,: he felt rather sorry for I1' IIHIC Or Ue. He roil d net tand Harden nt all ; from time e he looked afc him with puzzled ' registrar's efDce was In n aide iiJJSi net Rarl,tfulttriy cheerful r a urehing gathered around the deer V. ' ""v lne cal" Pulling up; I r1 ". weddings, but tJiey (0 Htnre Ull llm unnm Tl... . I loudly en Wliarlnn'n ernv kinitu y Innl. It . .- .1." . rt. ' : iUij 'v ! iiucu i.nni ne was Lridegroem. P reglhtrar himself was a mourn. S.f K0."'' '.'? ?,L"1 "J Melly. 'rkij . " . '" B'1 """ii. im tern 1.09) H tO BtOn tallllllV ! IlA nfTr.rn.1 "Danierfield chair. I room waa dingy and smelt of old luu1 tih?r? WM .empty jgretr Tr GUMPS Waiting at the Chutch ward phe could net remember the ac ttial ceremony. It'wSs se vacua and unreal, but there came a moment whetv she awoke from her trance, and feuml her mother kissing ber and crying, and the boys demanding te see ber ring. 8he raised her eyen te Hnrden's face. He waa net looking at ber, but Wharten was, and thtre waa something in his expression that made ber feel na if she wanted te run away and cry ; he looked somehow "aerry," ahe thought. "And se I have lout my only daugh ter." Mrs. Uaugerflcld was wiylng hys terically. "It secina only yesterday that she waa a little mlte in white frocks nnd a blue, sash the prettiest little thing you ever saw, I assure you" this last te Mrs. Ashford, who was vainly trying te seethe her. , Melly bit her lip te keep herself from a hurst of teara ; ahe touched Hardcn's arm. "Oh. let us get" she said in a whisper. v He turned at once, and presently he and Melly were driving away. Hhn planner! Iier hands nervously in her lap; her heart waa beating up In her threat; what was be going te say A.. t... I.. . . .HAM.lAl.tHMV tA t.l 10 ner, bnq was ivuuucriiij 1 nc uw hardly spoken yet. This was the wonderful moment ; she was his wife. Nothing In tbe world could undo that fact. She .thought with sudden heartache of the church nt Little Helpten, where the sun shone through the stained glass windnwH and butterflies flew nmena the graves in the quiet churchyard. She wihiiue buc uau eecn married mere , bdc wished, eh. she wished a th6usand things thnt come crew dins te her brain ; like hits of gossamer, touching her, and yet always eluding her, never letting her quite grasp them. A sharp turning in the rend flung her against Hardcn's arm, and for the first time he. necmed aware of ber pres ence, and looked down at her. "Well, my little wife?" he said. If the Words were. an, effort, Melly did. net realize It'. ' ' "Oh," she said with a sigh of con tentment. "I am se 'glad it s all ever r uten't'yeu?" He laughed with e sort of relief and slipped an arm round her. "It was rather an ordeal," he ad mitted. "And new we're just going, te begin a long holiday" he put a hand beneath ber chin, turning her face up. "Mar I be allowed te kiss you?" he asked. She raised her lips unhesitatingly and' kissed blm with all her heart. "I'm ob, he happy!" she said. The luncheon pasted off merrily enough ; Whnrten wes.the lite and soul of them all; be made several funny little speeches and Kept the boys in fits of laughter; even Mrs. Danger field condescended te nut her handker chief away and smiled ; everybody waa looking cheerful when at last, It was time for Melly te leave. "I shall be back seen, very ae6n," she said ever and ever again as she klnscd the boys. They objected te being kissed, as a rute hut this waa a great exceptien. "And I'll bring you ail lovely presents," she premised. But there wan n Itimn In her threat; she had never realized bow well abe loved tbem until new. 8hc was elad that Harden had agreed te a honeymoon in 'Londen. Londen was net very far from Hclnten. and she could run home if she wanted te;H ajie whispered te ed that ahe would have them all up one day seen and take them te n theatre. She kissed Mrs. Dangerfirld many .times; she even kissed Jane in the general flurry and confusion. Harden looked en' with a smile ; it was nil unreal te bin.; it arcmed im- nntHlhlft that nttcr this afternoon tliere would be no getting rid of Melly again that she was his wire for tue rcn-er his llfe and hers. He wns relieved when thf goedbys were snld and he nnd Melly v,ere heated In the tnxl that wax te take them away. The boys Hwnrmed round the deer; he knew that Ned had tied a whlte shoe te the bark axle. Wharten wns distributing confetti from a bag which he had concealed In his ceattalm. A generous dose of champagne had made him flushed and excited ; he called loudly for three cheers aa the taxi be gan te move away. t A telegraph boy daahed down the steps of the hotel and after the taxi. The driver stepped. Harden took the yellow envelope from vifear! mmdSL rmwmH .MPIHHaVaaH II B4MHH aAfHBMHHH TWtaaHBHBCZir WaaaaaaaaaaaMl f SgPHBH KW tstOtM-VliTWr WM A tcAttyttc teAA- r wkt te tAL t ceuLb rlt tM6 MUttC- I HUM Ttatc n urriM ru WkT ivmmu. avtt veretc ) 00, "te gD- M6HY AS ErT AHAW-rVM, .. I.TTT H3 1VU. aWTt II -aVvSS.. m. L JSar -w l. ufffrn Wf T f SOMEBODY'S STENOG Where's Pimpe? There's Pimpe! Cott right. 10-2, by rublle Ltdctr Company SSSSW 5.S5iAr,?S the bev'M hand and enened It "Congratulations, I suppose," be said. There was a moment's silence, then the paper fluttered from his hand : Melly grabbed it up and rend the message. wiinrter watcning, saw tee laat cnnvnlnlnn that crossed her face saw the way she looked at ber husband j.then with nn effort uaraen reused himself. "There Is no answer drive en !" The cab started forward. CHAPTER XXIV Disillusionment Melly was Marin at Iter husband's facp. She htlll held the mesHncc in her hand ; he forced himself te meet her CJC'" "Mr. Fernnld Is dead." she paid. Her voice was almost expressionless; her fnce white. Suddenly she leaned across and gripped his arm. "Why dens nhe teleijrapli te you?" she. naked shrilly. "What does it mat ter te you if lie Is dead or' net?" Harden tried te Inugh. lie wan cursing himself for his momentary Iesb e( self-control. He leaned forward, nnd. taking the fnteful message from Melly, he crushed it Inte n pocket. "Why arc you looking se tragic?" he usked. lie tried te put hta arm around her. but she shivered from him. There was a sort of frightened leek In her eyes. "She nccdnit bave telegraphed te you! What's It cot te de with you?" she asked him again. "Oh, leave me alone, leave me alone; I am net a child te be put off with excuses and excuses. I knew all along that she liked you ; I knew that she hated it because veu wanted te marry me." Hhn steu ped, breathless and panting. "Did you want te marry me" ane asucu tragi cally. She flung her question at him ; it was impossible te avoid the cartnest- ncss of her eyes. Harden tried te answer. At last "Let the pnst be, Melly," he pleaded aattntcdlv. "It's ever and done with: wp nre married, you nnd I. Fer Oed'a sake don't let us start like thin." Mhe hardly nenru mm. u seemed as if the suspicion that had lain dormant In her heart for weeka bad sprung suddenly te life nnd real existence. A hundred little Incidents which had passed almost unnoticed came crowding back te her that day in the woeda when she had found Lilith and Jehn together; the afternoon when she haif seen blm standing looking Inte Lllith'n garden with audi sad eyes; the night when he bad conic from Lllith'n house and panned her at the gate. Hhe hnd been a feel net te guess before a feel ! He misunderstood her silence. He thought he had convinced her that everything was well. He tried te draw ber te him ; but she resisted fiercely. "Oh. leave me alone leave me nlenel" She hid. her face In her hands: she waa thinking fastdesperately. She felt aa It an all-enveloping cloud bad umwBf IS fiOlM' TO STAf IM. THE OFFICE VU,TH ME ' THE LITTLE DEAR COST AAE S0O ' I SB Or AN AMT T r SAUSAfiE IS 0HL F0RTV CEAITS A POIIAIO '. t ' -rJ tMJi. aaaasaasaawajasaasBaisMsasj i i i i m. s , HERE. PlfAP' MHEffE IAE.TOO, rwi I ASKH&U LIE A FRltAib AlMT I HAV IN IT rTUBBfib I hi On ME? ITS BAD&fcXJ6H TO HAVE A SVLAIQ6 WteTTM 9 0,000 - BUT I '60T Te LISTEAJ TO THAT ALU bAY ' HE'S ALWAYS LOST - 1 VOU SOT TO LOOK rW ni UJlTH A RWE- OOIHU3M&: 1 diuea BOSS GOT v L a... X . . .n X U mppp ChMl&k FOR A U WPe! V ifet Lrl- I rt,E&, IA COLLAR IAi 9) ffi n,?pAM ,M sH"' "aV 15AV aSaaT S P 93 aaB f 'rY' IVVW H . ft ' VlTWN . BBBBBBBBBBBBBl 1 XI I ' - T BBBBBBBBBBBB1 -V t JBkak- l, m iJ A--iA.T,wA.wra- s- fir The Yeung Lady Acreaa the Way PATHETIC FIGURES By FONTAINE FOX Tbe young la'dy across the way says the prohibition law isn't en forced; en the high tscaa and many saloon passengers arc still being hooked. aaHyfl J552V yyPaWJv mA f s0 At& it Yj4A 'QlS ?rr- mcw srs " W" 'TZ&m frlfi OIHU Wrie riHAUUY CAMB. OOT Of frfe TftUtfHeNft SoeTrf Te firiO HerS6LF UecKlO DP IH THE VRO& SreRB AKO TW6 PKOGGlST SONC HoMer THft MIGHT. iS SCHOOL DAYS Wf , I TAnW -leu rmwxzzm- m VMWMX&Tg5&Z2Z&2PZL k0, mfswm9mmm. m Kv6WMmma w! deht new fM MmJ&7iWM&. its -feftauMJt IMiaKAauS Wk mmnafmamfk a.a's; mi". if1! HHmBIXIhiii PETEYAt Palm Beach jee such CeaURED 10OKIMC TeePte Mernc-'JusT LOOK ATTHAt 5ll?t iw&ste rnvs-sJMiims-s, WMfaXKmSJLn I Iff jjPV pv i I wKKrft' y,TS3Sbjfs. yssA. J BBBBBBBBBBBBb 1 1laBP'EBBBBBBBBV BW SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBbB B HKIt aWJ9agft ilk. lSLv Lm I JaaBBs6aV BfrSaWj sWUSCmE sbVsbbbbV TfATs viHscr CALL CtASS - Fet? OMCE WE AGRBE- r ED - GASOLINE ALLEY-Get Thee Behind Me, Saccharine! felt aa ic an au-enveieping cieua auddwly.ldeiMM up ktr, Mhu out Mjm&i&u'fi .: A Jl fc ,siissssssssssssjsaaaaaBBBBWSBBBaawgBaaBjBaMBaBaiWBBaajBjB ft diB,''TrrWT JL i 'jSm i W I awajaJT 1111 a iIEt"ji''II I. wmn e I I OlET WELL , t'LL STRONG 7- d f Sidneu Smlth-m fj - v 1-r ifr.UtXA IB&amSi&iamA Atm. X&wUiL. $kZeT By Hay ward By DWIG tenivr. w w "' MBM UJ W SW -r- . ., I , - a a.ahJ aA' CtX Vr 5eCHm rwn "- Rwfr wa. zrS' uw SygOVrt' POMD, h Tb cent Hdm. Tar,ra)lJ 5y C. i4. Feifiri CIAS5- I SHwieSa-The HIMOTe I SAW HCff 1 5AiO Tb MVSEIF SHe LOOK 30ST Li HE MY HawkukeJ Back home : a. Voia f t"iiflr CO ON MV AtfAlN TOMOrffOwJ j 7- an 1 r -tftt - iMrai ti wtew. vtiBiftSaa tmmmiWUHalhJ? i JW.; . se. Lil.i'i.."' mx;mi Jfl ' K f f A ... u ji' t ',,'.-:-iJkt.W SSSB iv it r- t. - - Ti -iLjrnHiTtiBn' "i ' i -'-"' 'rirwmrwmmmm Bfrtt-fl TJ- I ga rM itff MbMbMiITii iTiilifli T f '' t i tl- Ifca fl'aMBBBr L- '' ' - " "' - " - ".' W.S ' 2 tt . Tfl"'..'" ' 'TfTP,'B1