fiPTW !K3ft PSiSOmtfwwPS Kssr&& T rf-"l fi LW w sv JHSwlwKdici Jf vHi7. . TllTtTnliHi ". " r , it i i ' iffl .:W .Art 1 En? m V i-"rt I l u K. I Lm m '? t'j-i I&V M I '-. 4 M&&. tlPi' r. MM tft-f r.A 4. .? IW Sfe Daily Mevie Magaxine ii. FOK TfE FJXM 4 v E' 'V-'AV'- iatillaaaaaaaaaaBaBTaV. N fecial V3; ' Hb. aBSBPIlr taaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaBBBV raBPfflJ jnaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaBM. flisv-i 4 JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBV ret RB KLfiij. 4BTaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaTF':JiBTaBaBaBaBaBaBaB& V YbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbYt&' V bl J i&mmmmmwKimfri 7 " ybbbbbbbbbbbbVbbk & . iM'mmmmmW Bt aBBBLLBLav f$fyiLi'tij' '$TY!ti&&n!E mi ''' ifABaL MmE f If BalBBBVbaV BBaBK. SHIRLEY MASON We will be glad te publish the pictures of such screen players as are suggested by the fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX By HENRY "Elaine" Yes. Mary I'iekfenl can 1 de thnt if T wrote for n paper, could I? iwlm and dive. She and Deur have Have you lind time te go te the Acnd n fine outdoor peel In their Beverly 1 emy of the Fine Art1 te sec their exhlbl IHUe home. Gleria Swnnnn won't' tien? It ii very geed this year. I am tell her age. but I understand it is just always reamini; around academies and peat twenty-six. I.leyd Hughes pic- plarM ivherp there are works of nrt. ture are being- released all the time. I I think it 1 very interesting. Hlf latent npprarnnee N in "Hail the "I saw Kodelph Valentine's picture Weman." Thnt is lit real name and in teniuht'H tinner. What play jvan It he Is married te charming Glerin Hepe. Se you "can understand uhy any 1 female could greatly admire him and why there might be endless comment about him but Rudy never!" Well, there are probably lets of girls who fcsl the same way about it. Ruth Reland herself was the wife in "The Neglected Wife" serial. I think you've mixed up your memories somehow. De you tak"j the 8:12 from Rlverteu? That's the one I used te take. 1 Sounds te me as if you might I make n geed Mery out of v little idea If wm've evolved dents and complications and Jlnrniy- K3" be able te your sketch eneush incident action. Hen t forget tne action. Ann. a story, te be a goe.I Mery, must con- tain an cement of cenflict: there nnt be obstacles te overcome or unfriendly , l-eupie ur uiujujjiiuh 01 uU1B nuui w uv , surmounted. Otherwise ou won't get the kind of dramatic action and inter est movie directors want. Fer Agnes Ayres, address Scenario Editor, Laky Studies, Hollywood. I'm glad we din agree en eight-tenths (why net say four-fifths?) of my statements. "It shows you think for yourself. And don't ever let me nrjue you around te my way of thinking beeause I'm usually wrong, as a unanimous te e my leaders would probably indicate. Samuel S. K. writes "I have been a constant reader of your 'Letter Bex' , for some time, but have never appealed te you for information or advice. I 1 am, however, taking tlic liberty te le se new and I feel sure you will help me , as much as nesslble. ! "1 am u young man almost nineteen years of ane. passable in leeks and ; either en the legitimate stage or en the ' 'd screen. Yeu undoubtedly have many , ;' seuni men aDneilinc te von for thJ f iZ?I.Z.X h5.t0,eS.rr0rJ I very, very ambitious te become an actor, same information. Iiew te start, se I don't think you will object te .adding another te the list. Mil de net base my ambition en day dreams. I realize the hardships and pit falls necessary for success, but I urn sure that if given a chance I will mu ceee. 1 nave participated in many amateur plays and dialogues during the past five years and I hae been very successful In all. I seem te have an uncanny memory for parts nnd hnve mAmnvlvnl ftlllM r1ln.-nt.13' nn,j ili!ln .. uiwvi i.ji..a jjai,. , Willi- Tinnrlnv them reltAnrciwl T ri n fiirntuli.. references as te my ability if necessary, ami anetner tning, i am net suscepti ble te 'stage fright. "Would you advise me te ente,r a dramatic school? If se. where can I find one. and what will the prehable tuition be? I feel sure jeu will advise me as te what is best and if it is pos sible, I would be greatly pleased te have you interview me personally. In In ceosed you will find n self -addressed envelope. If you wish te nnswer me personally, please de se, othcruise I hall leek for my nnswtr in jour 'Merle Fan's Letter Bex.' Serry, but I've had te make it a rule net te answer any questions person ally or by mail. But. if you are, as you eay, a constant reader of this col umn, you must have seen your question eked by half a dozen ethers and nu--'wered. I don't advise a dramatic ffiviejhoel, Bn(I m0Bt decidedly net for m- X a tJen Dlctures. Your verv best hrM-in. !$WVainf would be in one of the local stock ft''':F .Mmnanles and I strenslv advlsp inn m I'i'tr I6 te their managers until they $$; threw you out by the scruff of the neck. M 9m la" rcany went ue tiuit it jeu re l.l.- UVIIIC 11111 BUHCLU 111 111111 HLIILlIllf. t$t.t ,TWe first thing jeu'll get will preb- I I, ,. -I.-. T A ..!.. l iw w". ,v w u u I'm, pure 01 inc vcif' At.-.. 1... :..,,, .,.,. i. , ...... . .. .. w -...ii .'.SI mT V." "."".: S'?iv IS "ut ',"" " ,,K ll a"" nxck l0 1C rSV l.u "."elTrm.,n.,0BUCC,Je?.' '"cn' ,m .'SSJS-.K. TBer" "l. V: .S E7-.'?Vj etnrloek about for a chance nt a small MTrrt w,'n ' reat' company. And then :0(H a up te you wuat you make of your ISik' All Amateur" write "Really, I ik jeu re awfully geed uatured. i.pj don't you have it great many tIUBuS WL (Mil rAiriiM' jvv J till lae; aim goeu kiekiiij or miuuie-ugeci i A Bte'l..l..S T . .. ..... !. nMlvr7 I lllinflk'Mtj jut, aiv 111.- I pscauae your answers sound jeunn t'ttM of fun. I'k'iise tell mu ull sir. : ,'tMerestlng te write fur wMaiaete;wrtt, tW.Iec;i FAS SCRAPBOOK M. EELY taken from? The thing I admire most about him it his ph.VKique. "Is Mente Hlue married (it s itt nut of curiosity.) Den t you think he nets better in Western pictures than in Eastern ones? . "I nm net out of the usual run of girls. Sometimes I get the most violent crushes en movie actors and after it is nil ever. I think. 'Gee! What a feel I am te be crazy about a picture' be cause it is very rarely that one ever meets an actor, nave you ever n nn; "f tlipm? . .. , . . "De 011 ever receive callers? I tin " weu'il be a . ny interesting pers ,0 converse with. meets an actor. Have you ever met nk person (S t.H whnt x rall n verv nirc Iptt .Naturally. I would call it that. yPf. 1v0 mct .nnilnHh of the ncters ,, ncterinps amIi frnnkly, I've get ,ery fp. t)rjn, 0t of thcm yve sse them en the screen and been just as crsry as you about them and then, ufter meeting them and getting te kne them, it all gees floecy, nnd I find them just erdinnry people with the general fault of tee geed opinions of them selves nnd tee narrow outlooks unen life. But jeu mustn't call yourself 1 feel for getting crushes en them. If the crushes aren't tee bcrieus they keep our enthusiasms olive and stir up our imaginations and generally give an air of added interest te this drab old world ,ntl ver-v well worth while. It reelly "t !'. t(, , te. 1mnt,luC.al15' M- ," " the foelih little things (,?( nn1 ,hl,nk '"" K "JJ" '"" hr'I UffT"!ll,n1 'viifl . .A JJl ML J' ,,rnRw,0JA 'J1' ? ,w?" ,'a," from. "Beyond the Rerks, he picture Gleria itv liar juJi .wiiiun.mi )iti Hwansen from L iner Glvn story. About Mente Blue ; I m falrlv certain I hat h. is, t merried, but I haven t bn able te get definite information I ,ilse l"m in most of ,ne 'hlngs he has ne. but I think his playing of Danton Is nbeut the best. As te your writing for lipWHnaners. nn eeuldn't de it when and where you please. I'm one of the' few who is allowed that privilege, and i ihat s why I find it Impedsible te re- I ive callers, because I'm always at ie theatres or tue movies e.- playing iihruii thr studies in New Yerk. Prettv soft. that. Rut. when c man reaches my age they have te be lenient with him or retire him en a pension or some thing, se jour guesH about my youth Is t. rtrtf all WTOug. I in mere tunri tatneny; J m grandfather. And. as te telling you about mjself. theie's nothing te tell. McCORMACK SINGS TO AN ENORMOUS AUDIENCE Irish Tener Scores His Usual Phila delphia Success A crowd that filled every seat in the Metropolitan Operu Heuse and over flowed te the extent of some 000 per sons that found places en the stage lis tened raptlj te the pellucid voice of Jehn McCermuck through sixteen or eighteen numbers last night. Ouite nntnrallv. It wns the second section of Mr. Mcf'ermaek's recital, ' which wns, at. usual, devoted te Irish folk songs, that drew from his appre ciative, net te say almost idolatrous,' audience the greatest measure of en thusiasm. After the tenor had washed his r's In the pebbles underneath such limpid measutes us "Nerah O'S'cnle." "If I Had n-Knew." "The Short Cut te the ltescs" and "Kathleen Mavour Maveur neen" there wns nil uproarious clamor that was whetted rather thun appeased In the encores "Mether Miiehree" and "In Dublin's Fair City." Of nil the . IIUIIIUVtB 11. HUMIWH IU numbers the reaction te "Kathleen Ma- - V(mrfn W0( nrmps w ,,,,.,. am, ''cl'M. tlieuuli Mr. Mc McCormack sans It bv reduet and only after demur, because, properly sneaking. It is net nu I indigenous song. H had agreed te sing It if demanded, and Inst evening's per fermance was the first he has ghen it in Philadelphia for six years. The first section wes comne-ed of two selections from Haendel, "Where'er Yeu Wulk," from "S-mcle." mid the peiiuliir I.nrge. This was followed bj a suite of lour from tlie itussians, Him- I Pftj iiuipunm, r.nvi I'l'utll uim ihiiru- g mniillieir, une concluding sertien con sisted of four ballads, the Inst of them, "Te Ireland," sung with immense vigor. Several times during the concert Mr, MrCerinack's velcu showed traces of the cold freei which he is recovering. P vte;in interludes of two numbers vsmaMynl bv the skillful Donald 'Mulls.. Hrhlintlnr,, ifiku. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, CHRISTIE IS MAKING A TRAVESTY ON FILMS OF NORTH , X L CHRISTIE is in the deep snows " of Truckce, Calif., making n Northwest Mounted Police story en titled "Celd Feet." Christie Is at Truckce with many va rieties of fur coats, high beets and nrrtlcs, nnd has a company of twtn'.y actors and staff members, deg tennis, nr.d chorus of trained human wolves tln-ru for ten days' work. Viera Daniel plays the fenture role, that of n young lady from the East who, after deep perusal of modern rtetlen, be lieves t!kcc things Implicitly: i. c. (1) that all Northwest Mounted Police nrc six feet tall and handsomer than Wellir. Reid: (2) that Canada Is ever-run with malemttte deg teams tracking down and dragging wronged ladles out of snow drifts, and (3) that a large percentage of the dirty villains of the West nre Indian guides. With this as n basis, some strange nnd wonderful things will happen te the fiction-fed young lady. An indication of the humorous turn of Christie's snow sterv is In the various roles, which nre : The Romantic Yeung Thing. The Wronged Lady, The Dlrtv Half-Breed, The Superintendent (ntse a villain). The Pride of the Mounted. The Trained Wolves. The Old Brown Bear, An Old Trapper. ChrNtle is the first producer te utilize the locale and subject-matter for n comedy 111m, and he is suspected of poking n little geed-natured fun nt some of our time-honored melodramas of the "rugged North, where men are men," etc.. you knew the rest if you read books and sec moving pictures. JEWIStf CENTER PLANNED Community Heuio te Be Built Jn West Philadelphia West Philadelphia is te hac a com munity building te house Its growing Jewish communal activities, according te an announcement by Jeseph Press, president of Beth El Congregation, Fifty-eighth and Walnut streets. The proposed building will be erected by Edward L. Rethchtld in memory of his late wives, Esther de Cusveres and Careline dc Casscres Rnthchild, nnd I in memory of his son, Llppmun, who' died in Europe. , The building will front en Fifty eighth street, north of the synagogue. It is hoped that the bulldiui; will be 1 ready for occupancy by npxt October. U. S. DOCTOR DIES IN POLAND Jehn B. Veor Is Martyr te Relief Werk Among Refugees Warsaw, Feb. 13. Dr. Jehn B. Veor. assistant ilirccter of the Ameri can 'Red Cress Commission in Polend. died yesterday of typhus contracted during an inspection of refugee camps at Barannw. He wns thirty years of age. His parents live in Louisville, Ky. The funeral will be held tomor row. Dr. Veor is the first me.nber of the American Red Cress Commission te die in Poland. Dr. Jehn P. Caffey. of Salt Lake City. Utah, also a Red Cress in spector, is suffering from typhus, but is reported te be recovering. WML- lfZ. f H. tm mffikiiMhj mmm vsm. wn i Pi?CLjmmmih .ij CswK. W 1 "" i V Ifeu're missing one of the geed things in Life if you a tld-bid rare beyond compare Sold wherever Philadelphia Ice Cream 10 Is served it J teik&fk GALU-CURCI STARS IN VERDI'S OPERA, "TRAVIATA" Well Supported by Qlgtl and De Luea In 'an Excellent Production, TUG CAST Vlnltttn 1 Fler IXnelee mellln Clal'l-Curcl Minnie usenir .Ornri Antheny 1 , Ittnlnmlnn Olcll III Oorule aermunt OIubcpp i) Lucn Onstene . .... Ansrle ltadn Jlarone Dounhel Mllle IMie Mrqul D'Abtsmy Afarte I.aurentl br. Orrnvll leul D'Angtle , Conductor Unbrtn Moranzenl. Fer the second time this season aime. Ame'lta GntU-Curcl appeared with the Metropolitan Opcrn Company In this city, this time In n'well-bnlanced and generally excellent performance of Verdi's "La Travlatn. The role of Vielctla Is rather well adapted te the stage presence and the voice of the great coloratura and, though emotional acting Is net her forte, she mct the drnmntlc demands of the role very well. As usual Mine. Galll-Curcl showed her wonderful vocal " control and ex treme high register. She sang with all the emotional effect thnt the part re quires, but was net always strictly In pitch. The best known of the sopreho arlns of the opera, were the favorites. "Ah, fers 0 lui," "Sempra libera," "Pura slccome tin Angele" and the closing "Addle, del passate." All of which were received with much ap plause. The role of Giorgie Gcrment proved te be one of the best that Mr. De Lucn has ever taken In this cltv. He was in splendid elcc and acted as well as he sang. In n number of ways his was perhaps the most convincing part of the performance and he received many re mils after his splendid rendition of "Dl Prevcnza 11 mar" nt tha close of the second act. Mr. Glgll sang with ex cellent voice his principal numbers, tintnlilt. ii itfTn'HvA nrln nt llin tin ' ginning nf the second 'act, "Dc' mlel bcllcntl." nnd showed mere dramatic fercu than he had yet exhibited In the sccne In the ballroom in the third net. He also appeared te advantage in the ducts both with Vlelcttn and Giorgie, but especially In the "Parigl e cara" which closes th6 opera. The miner parts were well taken, as they always are, by the excellent singers of the company, who fall but little short of real stardom. The stage William H. Wanamaker FEBRUARY SALE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut Street Wait for It! Half Price Sale of every Overcoat in Stock starts ' Friday morning. Watch for details in tomorrow afternoon's newspapers. The Diary of Sally Sunshine Stenographer February 8 Peggy and I had luncheon together. (Wed.) She had never before tasted a Choco Checo Chece Pic and was se delighted that when we get back te i the office 'she t yped this poem : "There are three uierds, the sweetest words. In all of human speech Mere sweet than all the songs of birds And pages poets preach. Three words that cheer the saddest days, 7 eve j?eu?' wrong, fcy hick! It another, sweeter phrase, 'Here's a Choce'Pic' " Tsn't Peggy clever? February 9 Aunt Ethel's (Thurs.) Iike3 Choce-Pics. evening and then coaxed for mere. Finally his mother said, "Ne ! I've told you a dozen times that you can't have any mere Choce-Pics. Why d6 I have te keep telling you that?" And the kid answered impatiently "That's what I'd like te knew." February 10 The girls met te discuss plans for (Fri.) Mary's Surprise Party. Everybody had some suggestions te make, but all agreed en Choce-Pics. February 1 1 The boss was grouchy as a bear this (Sat) morning, se we sent Jimmy out for a Chece-Pic, and when the boss wasn't looking Jimmy slipped it en nis desK. five mmute3 later "Chief Cleudyface" looked as if a $5000 order had blown nis naven i tasieu a cHOCOPlc MEANING tf . ;MS$rt JfrJIILApELPHIA m I settings were beautiful' and appre 1 iirlati- nnd Hesltra Onlll and Giuseppe Vonfigue scored n rent tnumpn ey ""-" fine dancing In the ballet. 'Roberte Moranzenl conducted well nnd was rc eclved with applause whenever he made his nppenrance at the beginning of the various acts. , My Wife Serve . . PUDDINE Dees Yours? Shell enlr have te serve It one te prove' te herself and the whele family what wonderful desttrt It Is. Eight Flaver ' Recipe folder en Request. At All. Grocers, 10c, 18c Trait Puddlne Ce., Baltimore. Md. tllllWEllWIIWiltlllMMIWII IBM KJfflIKBH You'll tatte the dUterenet! lb At all our Stores MB youngster certainly two this He ate way. FEBRUABY 15;, 1922 . . X-; k ' Sm m km'" kwU - km ' iBiifl I ,1 WMiil WtmtlM mWkmmWMr'i tkmmmmmMmammMmmmWmWmmmmmmWsW0RmmmWtWiXUr 'H mrn -mmmmmm&&mmmWlmmmmLxU Tjl im. J3BSSLzLmfSXml mWFskmmmWRRS$SmV23mWk iBxAvWVAW XhJZmWmrw imWmMkWnWmWmwiiCwi Vfjil rfsfl III upw MlmMvftjgSgmmeSiBffl ' .lfm 'AV lJC9kmmSMiimmWmMmmmmmmmL-j,mtmmmWm VmmmwLmX T.'l l LjMtmmmmMMmmmm -mmmmmmmmmm- , flKnVAMllff iHmmmmWkmmmW HHB Bl IfJll Iff fllea S rf W msjmT i - Save the wrappers. They are geed for valuable premiums PHOTOPLAYS fanuif, 1 early showing APOLLO B2D t THOMPSON ST3. KATINF.R UAIL.T AMRTAR CAST In "THE VOICE IN THE DARK" A Df Aril A CHESTNUT ttal. HTH I.ALlr 10 . M M't. p. M. ETHEL CLAYTON In "HKB OWN MONEY" A OTflU FRANKLIN A OlRAnD AVB. tS 1 JI MATINEE DAII.T JAMES OUtT.Il CVRWOOn'H "The Flower of the North" BALTIMORE rr!?7?,.r JACK HOLT In "THE CALL OF THE NORTH" Dl I !I7KlDr Ilreid A SmqufSan'U nL.JLDllU Continuous 2 until U WILLIAM S. HART In "WHITE OAK" BROADWAY Bret.?i?!fSrp!jS. RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "THE CONQl'KRING POWER" CAPITOL 722 MARKET ST 10 A. M, te 1115 P. M. WALLACE REID In "RENT FREE" -r IIM1A1 Gtn- MapUwoed A. tJL.V-lMrtl- ysn. t gpi e p. u. JOHN BARRYMORE In "THE LOTfS EATER" fairmeunt "sajrwzs SPECIAL CAST In "Gct.Rich-Quick Wallingford" JZTU QT THEATRE Brlew Seruc 3D 1 ri O I . MATINEE DAILY, CHARLES RAY In "THE MIDNIGHT RELL" GREAT NORTHERN Wp' NORMA TALMADGE ' In "THE WONDERFCL THING" IMPPRIAI ??T" WALNUT 8TS. llTlt ' mii -.'1101 F.vrt. 70 PAULINE STARKE In "SALVATION NELL" IfARITON S'KI'TNUT Abev. HROAD PwrL.lWi niv 11 SO A M. t; 11 -Se p.v CECIL II. DE MILLB PROnrCTION SATURDAY NIGHT" I IRFRTY unuAu -'OI.UMBlA AV. UIDCIM i mativ:k daily A.I.LT,H CART In "SHAME" mRflui jf , - .IV Mlfa iW mZEvxsQ5isk I "na aMMB iyj ww r w w TZ JM.j aaa " ii-. i i iiiiii II f Read the Classified . Advertisements J A x ES321 riiia . W , WfTT - i Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and Spearmint are certainly three delightful flavors te cheese from a t imiflipvis h w .i-- Ana hhilei 9 sugar-coated peppermint gum, is a great treat for your sweet teeth, r All from the Wrielev factories where perfection PHOTOPLAYS 1 Jill 'm,mmmWmmmmmlSmmmmmSSEmmW I Wt 27U 'mm The following theatres obtain their pictures of the finest preducticiis. Ask 1.1 juu, iwbumj UU1U11U115 (Jikiutca tuiuufiii nic pany of America. . DRFPMT Woodland Ate. st 2d St. V-rVltJ 1 MTtVPK DULY ANITA STEWART .In "HARRIET AND THE PIPER" OVERBROOK c3DA,NririfenD WILLIAM FOX PnODU'TION "OVER THE HILL" PAl APP 2I4 MARKVrr 8TREET r .ANC' 10 A. M 10 11:15 P. M. ALL-STAR CAST In FANNY IIl'RST'8 . "Just Around the Cerner" RPHFMT MARKET ST. Belew 17TII rVCVJCl"N 1 11 A. M. te 11 P, M MARY MILES MINTER In "TILUE" RIAI Tf GERMANTOWN AVENUE rVIAU.! J ,y T"MKHOCKKN ST. SPECIAL CAST In "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" SHERWOOD '.VJvirA. AGNES AYRES In "THE LANE THAT HAD Np TCRNINO" STANI PV MARKET AT 10TH MAE MURRAY In "PEACOCK ALLEY" STANTON MSA0R.KEJ ,tfS. ,!.? "THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE" 333 MARKET,8! TftWSf BERT LYTELL In "THE IDLE Rial" VICTORIA "AKT 8T. ab. BTH vivivyriA e a. ,w. e ii:ibp. m. "Ten NlghU in Barroom" GRANT i023 QIRard avenue CHARLES (BUCK) JONES In ''I1AR NOTHINfl" Prof. C. Walter Wallace the noted blind erxanlat. will pnldr ,iCi dar t IU erinn dnrlnr the aqiXlni , ,iiv picture I AT OTHER THEATRES. AMRASSAnOR Ulmer a, at Attn rtmDVSCiv.JIrenln"' 1,!,0 tu 11.20 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS N't W'h D. W. Orimin'a 'Way Down Kn.t' fiiminnlnwn 8a,'.,' Urmnlewn Af vacrnianiewn matinek daii.t DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS I in "THK TIIIir.K 1 DHKKTI'.max .ijw - i r-n uie new , rules. .si 'ti PHOTOriiAYS through the for the theatre wveittcjr vuill- 33 lhe NIXON.NIRDLINltK THEATBES nCI MnWT D ABOVE MARKtT DI1L.1V1VJ1N 1 i ;nn ami 3 en; e 80 te II CHARLES RAY In "NINETEEN AND PHYLLIS" (THAR COTH CSOAR AVBNDJ LtUrtR i .an and Si 7 anil ti P. V. Pauline Starkr, Rii Dtew ft Tnlly SlanbiU "SILENT YEARS" COLISEUM Market bet. BOth and eOU ! and 3:7 and 0 P. WILLIAM FAIRBANKS In "HELL'S BORDER" jumbo srhN T. m. .llDAUn aVB. .lunr pi rranltferd ' NEAL HART In "TANGLED TRAILS" T PAHPR 18T LANCASTER AV '1 LtAUCK 2:.10 te 4:30i 7 te it P. J JACK HOLT In "TOE CALL OF THE NORTH" InrilQT MI ASH LOCI'ST HIKT J UUUUOl jit. 1.30. 300. Evan fianteH ' nuuuLrn i in v In "THE CONOCERINO POWER" NIXON "D AND UMKT.m NEAL HART In "RANOELAND" , , ,r i ... i nm " D lOI I 62D AND BANOOM STS. RIVULl l-30and8:teUP. AI.ISTAR CAST In HOLMAN DAY'S "The Rider of the King Leg" AQTU QT Thaatra Opp. "I." TermlsH 07 1 ri 3 1 , ".jn, 7 nni n p. it. AGNES AYRES In "TOE LANE THAT nAD NO TCRNIXO; STRAND a4rn"nr8no.8e"t,onnp.n2 ALL-STAR CAST In "A MAN'S HOME" MEMBERS OF M, P. T. O. aT JEFFERSON S8AhATi.gKu,SAiLT MARION DAVIES In "THE BRIDE'S 1'LAV J DADf RIDQB AVE. A DAUPHIN rAKK Mat? -"in. K. H.4 'a II NORMA TALMADUc. J-HflTWUlrs"V r J-m TNU m I . - --...-. .n..... Hlftllfl" In eTtSBr ll IIBrBC . llie.a -A ' 7vi.r ViLJ-iJ:. TLSTi4 il esA&a. !fcS