Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 15, 1922, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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stewssb ' V -":fm7v -""" tT
i . i mat
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000,000 Issue Awarded te
fei'brexel c Cqi. and lt' "
BMtV'.iU1,- .1... . ......
city bend iksue for
Htbttlj bids; tvereeanM at neon today
&'wiwarled atporte a banking syndi-
HUM";" i"- :.ii,i . " w """ "" "
i- iVDrtxd ft. Ce., Brown Brethers ft
CeV! lh uuarnnty xrast, company, et
YnrV. mm tne union' Tract uem-
If' Mtbr, of Pittsburgh, made up the sue
hnful synuicate.
WoWaeie 'thra offering anremlum,' the
r ertdfcaj. bid nt par waa-Uie only eiley
itf. TsWenOugh te absorb the whole issue,
,fihlc is te 'bemused for general Ira-
.'TOO Dones penr .y, per qeuc interest
w tfid'afe redeemable In, thirty years, with
tie 'dty rCservlhg'the right of redemp
& ttenat the end of twenty years or at
W H'.'. inriKf. nor I rid thnrenftrr.
If, "i't lie Inst . nrevien'fl lesne of city
'" tends. October 28. 1021, the securities
bore' UK per cent interest and com-
i sue. at that time being awarded te a
Vindicate for 103.300. A National City
The ether, bids received were :
.Wille.Miihlfl Tlnnlri TraYmlt Cemnnnv
,' linking fund, $120,000 at prir; ltechtcr
,' n.iul Veflnnal TtanV. RIIHlnm af
101.5: Charles D. Barney & Ce.,
1100,000 at par; Frank It. Whitley,
f MOO.OOO at 100.00; Penn Mntual Life
", iBiuranea uempany i.inaj.uuu be iuu.
."' 10ft. 'fllrr.l pafnte. SHOO.OOO at rmr;
" Theraaa Elwyn, $300,000 at par; Com Cem
'.; nerclal Trust Company, $250,000 at
par; 'Land Title and Trust company,
180,000 at 101 ; Merley, Weed ft Ve.,
1100,000 at' 100.02; Charles Fearen ft
Ck.,f 100,000 at 100.007.
jhe Little Old Gray Man's Secret
Jack and Jantt want the Urdu' te
iutO in their ttoeryardt. A liitte
eli.ffray man brings 'them a tprinj'
tints turprisc, tchieh prove te- he a
toy village made of bird .houses.
The Village In the Air
JACK and Janet looked with delight
at the tiny bird houses made by. the
little old gray man. They looked just
as pretty and cesy as real houses.
. "Whpre shall we put them?" cried
Jick, glancing around the ynrd.
"On the front lawn." suggested
Jinet. "There the birds will have nice
grans en which te walk."
"tfnl TT I lTt mL.. 15 t. n..
Iiji. ., .. .:..""' jliihc weuiii dc line
'(the birds didn't have bad neighbors,"
ij inutiica me Blrunouse Hermit. "Hut
sometimes unwelcome cullers come.
There is one new."
Jack and Janet looked up quickly
The Jlirdbeuse Hermit was pointing te
a sunny f-pet en Iho perch. There lny
Temmy Cat, gazing at them with curi curi
eus eyes.
''Temmy Cat would like us te put the
bird beuses en the Inwn," said the Bird
house Hermit. "Then he would have
jasy bunting whenever lm wanted a bird
for lunch. Bu- we nre going te put thcte
bird beuses out of Temmy Cat's reach."
The Bird Heuse Hermit get an ax
nd a saw from bin little old gray
wagon, and led .Turk and Janet Inte
the weeds. He searched until he found
a tnll. Htralght young Kipling. He rut
thU down and trimmed elf the brnnchi"
all except live limbs that forked elT
from the trunk, a way nt the top. Knch
of thewi live litnbij curved outward unil
then upward.
Atthutipef one.et the limbs the little
Jld Kray man set up a tiny bungalow,
Bracing it se It would a-tand firmly no
njattfr hew much tin pole' might be
fliakcn by the wind. At the tip of a
ecend limb the little old gray man put
a cottage. At the tip of a third he put n
tere: at th tip of n fourth he plnccil
the lire engine station, and at the very
top of the tallest limb he placed ,the
''Ilurrnh!" cried Jnuet in delicht.
"That makps n village in the air."
"He! He! He!" laughed the Bird
Heuse Hermit. "And tomorrow the vil
laRe will l.p filled with happy birds
telly singing."
Jariet netlred tlmt the ilenrs of Hie
Dujlillngs en the pole were very sninll.
J an, birds get in there?" she -uxked.
J he kind of bird's we want t get in
"' laughed, the Bird Heuse Hermit.
i in- uoers iieu narrow sms running
Up and down and sidewise from them.
what are these ll'ts for?" asked
"He! He! He! Thene silts are a bit
lit cleverness en my pari." lauejicd the
little old gray man. "When Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wren bring htraws and slicks te
hullil their nestH Inside the lieusc, they
can get them through lbee silts witli
"ut uny trouble. Othcrwixe the straws
JiJ sticks would catch against the hides
of the deer."
The little old gray man dug a hole and
Placed the bottom of the pole in this.
Jack nn,i jm,t 1Pjtl ll(, I)ellJ Htt,,y
wn Ip lm packed the earth around it,
making It stand solid.
Anether house, with larger doers, was
Placed at the end of a taller pole. "This
ll fn,r t,M I'urpi" Martins,'1 expluincil
fJi le l,,1 Blay ""u,
Other Uny Iieiihcb be hung from the
Branches of trees about the dour ynrd.
llicsc nre for the Blue Birds ami such
jengMcts uk want te dwell near you,"
Lust of nil, tint little uli gray man
weuKht out of his wagon it neat sign
)hlcli he fattened te the pole that held
the Wren village. ThU sign tald:
.Uncommon Sense
,, By JOHht BLAKE, ,,
The Man Who Wears Out
IT 18 tbVgrJhditen tKnt'wtara" down
' the steel, net the steel the grind
en., ,xnft Knives in tne plana in
luoethjng the "plank lese but little of
iu;ir enge compared te tne impression
tney make upon the plhnk.
'. There Is always wear In llfo'ahd.Ma llfe'ahd.Ma
bpr, but the tools .that arc setectsd for
their purpefeWcar far less than these
which are-picked up and cinplejed:h-p-hnjard;
r .. ' , ' .
' Yeu will rtften rend In obituary no
tiees of men who have'wern themselves
out by hard work. ft","
In nine cases, out of ten it whs riot
hard work, but Inability te de the. sort
of work they attempted which ..were
thenv out. '
The man who is suited te his job en
joys It, and enjoyment of work" is. an
oxeellvnt lubricant. ' ...
- i,
THIS man who doesn't understand his
, Jeb, and who ia afraid that he'ean-not-de
It well, Is the. man who con
tinually 'worries, nnd who rapidly
wears down. kThe work Is harder' than
the man. "' ; - '
If you want te live long fas most
people de) take for your life-work
something you llke te da and then
learn hew te de It. .
. w
HB competent man doesn't need te
isn't going te bent him. He does net
hesitate te. begin it becaure of hU fear
that he will begin it In the wrong way
and flounder aimlessly through the day.
lie tackles it with confidence, be
cause he has mastered his trade. And
the day,, Instead of being beset with
difficulties and exasperatiens, is merely
pleasant progress toward further de.
velepment.,. ,
" Nothing is se 'enjoyable as doing cf
fectlve work which veu knew hew te
de, and te de well.
VTOtillNO fs mere satisfactory than
IN the' evening's mt 'after a geed 'Jeb
has been well done. If you hate ever
seen a competent' workman .alt back
and leek at it completed talk,- you knew
hew 'little, the doing of It has taken
nil nf him " ' t ''
The discontented, the. everstralnlna.'
thp nervous wrecks are men who dp net
Knew new te ae tnings, yet try te ue
them just the same. Don't be one of
them. .Don't spend your whole life in
navalllng efforts te de what ether
men de easily,
The friction, the unnecessary work,
net the actual work, will wear you out,
and leave veu exliAiistnl ' nnd sneht.
and' dependent upon ethers for support
at n time of life when your brain and
your usefulness te mankind should be
at their height, , .,.u
t ceyyrteht ins,
factions Unite -en cbmpremlsa Can
didate for Scheel ear'd
Mamnioitten, Nv.-J.,vFcb'.:15. The
ftche61 Behrd election here last night
resulted In the acceptance of compro
mise candidates. These' elected were
Herbert ' Doughty. .1 . former member,
nnd Chariet M. Phillips nnd Matthew
(Vipphele, new 'membera;
Italian residents of the town, who
outnumber the Americans, but hate
fewer qualified voters, had planned an
all-Itallnn ticket, te. which these of
ether nationalities were going te op
pose an all American ticket, At the
last rtement, however,, the .two rival
fsMletis "deldeil en the comeromlie
Mate, which w.as elected without oppe-
. The voter aim nutherl-ad the appre
prlatlen of $80,000 te be raised by tax
ation, ri" the township's share or the
expen of the ictioel. The remaining
Mftn of the entire cost of conducting the
nchoelf Will he defrayed by the State.
Full, of nutrition
satisfying;. '""
At all our Meat. Markets
Cosy Apartment!
neiigs ut Dawn ami Seng at Twilight.
'Hint la just like signs I have seen
J city ' npuitmciifsV' said Jack, "lint
win city npurtment signs ay: 'Se Chil
dren Wanted'."
"Ue! He! He" laughed the little old
ray man. "We will lix tlmt." With
crayon pencils be neatly lidded eight
words te tlin sign. Jack and Junct
laughed when they saw the. words.
OVhnt de you think the eight wbrils
WW In tomorrow's clmiiier .!uek nud
Janet IlinJ, mystery in llliiitewn.)
f) a...,..i -. ,i
treet Accident Kills Rudelph Deck
if -.'"'Mill Beck, lifty-nlne years old,
"After that" said the man, .
"i?& net the nude's fault"
Blame for-injury depends en
hew much chance the victim
had te make himself safe.
"The first time a mule' kicks
me," said a wise man, "it's the
mule's fault. If it happens again,
it's my fault."
A geed many people are stay
ing within kicking distance of
tea or coffee, who have had a
chance te knew better.-
They have learned that tea
or coffee at night keeps them
awake. They knew it whips up
the nerves. They knew what
medical opinion has se often said
about the effect of the drug cle
ment in tea and coffee upon the
nervous system and hew indi
gestion, headaches, high bleed
pressure and various ills' se often
fellow the use of tea or coffee.
Knewing this, they fail te keep
out of the way. Where does the
blame belong, then,., when the
final break-down comes?
There's safety in Pestum, and
charm, tee. Pestum has a full,
rich flavor much like that of the
better grades of coffee, and it is
free from any harmful element
Whether or net you've had
your warning from tea or coffee,
why net step ever en the safe
side? Why net de what se many
ethers have done try Pestum
for ten days, leam hew delight
ful and satisfying it is and
learn hew much improvement
there can be for you?
Yeu can get Pestum wherever
geed feed and drink are sold
or served, and it only takes a
word from you te your grocer
or restaurant waiter, te make
this move te the safe side, at
Pestum comes in two ferms: Instant Peeram (in tins) made instantly
in the cup by the addition of boiling; water. Pestum Ceraal (in
packages of larger bulk, for these who prefer te make the driak while
the meal ia being prepared) made by boiling for 2Q minutes.
Pestum for Health
"There's a Reason"
Made by Pestum Cereal Company, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan
What We Have Dene for
Our 25,000 Clients
THE POLICY of the Central Trust & Savings Company is
te give practical co-operation te its customers,- and here
are some of the definite evidences of the institution's help
fulness :
It has financed the building of many homes. ;
It has financed the business of manufacturers merchants,
individuals. a
It has co-operated with commercial institutions net ' only by
giving financial aid but also counsel based upon years' of
practical experience.
t It has co-operated with an army of savers by paying interest en
their accounts and taking interest in them, and by issuing
trust certificates paying 4 per cent.
It has provided unexcelled facilities for checking accounts.
It has served as executer and trustee under will, trustee under
individual trusts, attorney, manager of tperty in fact, in
all trust capacities. .
All of these services and many mere-in fact, all banking
and trust services it offers you with the assurance of
friendly, efficient helpfulness.
Market and Fourth Streets
18 .
W. W. H. H. Knell
In Our New Stere 1935 Market St.
Makers February Sale Orer-Med Suites .
Kn.tl's upholstering steads the teet of Umi. Oaly the best ef everything
la the ssahtag ef Knell's Furniture. Our new mee'ele are meet attreetive ane
cetaiertable. la fabrics from the best loams In the country, at eritee below
eayef the stereo. Our Spring Cushlem work Is raaeVte fit eech piece? eeaee
coverta ea both tlae plenty of beet seriate la oath cushion. Thty, start at,
u, lea, tn, (174. eie, $u, taie; te, tsar, a4, $M, 3ie, ,
MS, (MS, $420 te UOOJOOi
LIVING ROOM TABLES, new stylet, shapes ea4 elses, at BARGAIN
Careful, Preaipt Moter Car Dellrery WHhla Bewenabl'e Distance
By Sealed Bid, doting March 4th, 10 A. M. (C. T.)
Our Depositors Share Our Profits
Why net patronize a bank that earns money for
you as well as for its shareholders? A depositor
in this bank shares in the profits of its banking
Moreover, it is a Real Bank of The People
backed and controlled by the Working People of
Philadelphia Indorsed by 90 of the Trade Union
Become a Depositor.
Come in )oek us ever ask us questions.
927929 Cheetaut Street
Jean C O'Callataaa, Preiideal SteVer C Saeek, Vice PretMeat
Bee, B. lewaua, Ait Treunrer Grebes C. Weelware, Secretory
I fa "3 CI
Sealed proposals will be recWved by the' Surplus Property Control ;y ."?
Officer, Cendler Warehouse, Atlanta,. G., until 10 p'cleck A.. M. Ife,, ;
(Central Time) March 4th, 1922, for the cemmedlties offered in thU J. ;').;
r :w .- navartiaemeni. mi wnicn tnw w?,w.5
171,604 Waist Belts
2,403 Maekiaaw Ceati
8,925 Oiltlda Cuts
572,214 Winter Drawers
35,275 Heavy Leather Gloves
72,945 C. F. Gloves
74,010 Jersey Gloves
339,160 Canvas Leggings
75,728 Cotten Skirts
83,557 Weel Treasers
1,478 White Treasers
184,500 Barrack Bags
981 Clethiag Rolls
11,880 Safety Razors
and place they will be opened ,
in the, presence or attending
bidders. '
Among the merchandJMi
items te be told are the,
follewing: ' H
11,723 Teats
2,733 AluB. CebsBs ..
26,363 Rubber Certs
52,416 Bee Sheets , '
2,401,985 CbIIm Towels
539,475 YU. Ckessecleth
16,509 Y.i. CbHm CletB
1,623 Yea. Deaia
377,343 Yds. Sy4 oz. Drill-
280,830 Yds. 9 oz. Drilliag
174,680 Yds. 2 oz. Drill
23,549 Yds.
10,415 Yds.
16 13 or.
20 ex. Meltem.
4,850 Yds. 32 tu Meltea
All the goods offered in this
sale are NEW. Full and complete
information as te description,
hew packed, minimum bid and
terms of sale sent en request.
Candler WaroheiM, Atlanta, Ga.
TliimrMBiiamSfMlWfft EBBb. 1 aBKl70HBMaUlra(BWBBniSwW
mmmKxw WBm
IJUiwyiW'iWPyeB t JUKyUiiiaTBBirjtii'iwSBTJfmi
All this week the Inde
' pendent Grocer near yeuf
home ia featuring Ivins
Spiced Wafers, Just ask
the grocer te send some
home with your next order.
Or better yet -step in an4
buy some tedey.
'A-fter or Geed Biscuit its
PMladmlphia since 1849
KM,s'y& V ' lBBBre1B&'W.aV
t '
When downtown step at
one of the permanent
IVINS demonetretlens la
Gitnbe! Bres.
Pure Feed Stere
N. 8nelIenburg; & Ce.
Economy Basement
Strawbridge ft Clothier
Basement Stere
Henscem Brethara
1232 Market !
And learn hew pure ana
tasty Iv'ins Cec&e-CaaWS)
nd Crsxkere are.
A Flaver
that comes 9830 miles as the crew flies
FROM far off India and tropi
cal Java come the rare
spices that se temptingly flavor.
Once you have tasted this un
usual cookie you can fairly picture'
in your mind's eye the tropical
plantations where these savory
spices are grown you can see
hundreds of natives leading the
huge steamships that carry these
spices ever 9830 miles te Phila
delphia wharves.
And if you could come te our
bakery some day this week you
would actually see these spices
weighed and blended then
carefully mixed with a batter
prepared according te an old
recipe that has been handed
down from generation te gener
ation. There's something unusual
They have a different flavor a
distinctive taste.
Nobody has ever been able te duplicate this
old-time recipe that only Ivins possess. And
we frankly believe, that nobody ever will.
" ill
I..J . ;t. '. .Lri&uVWfi'S5
'."-, ;
"i-Jl.JV .... jJL.i '1'J
j .